MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 55 repair

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Chapter 55

"Well, you are back."

Su Xiaopei listened to what Yu Feize said and felt that he would hold himself tight. She couldn't help but blush. Fortunately, he couldn't see his face, but he felt that something was wrong. Is anything different? He patted his shoulder again and hesitated to say something. Suddenly there was a heavy cough in the outside yard.

Su Xiaopei shocked and blushes and pushes away Fei Fei: "Someone is here."

"Mo pan, is a friend." Yan Feize stared at her face.

Su Xiaopei was more red-faced by him, turned his gaze away, and panicked and pointed to the outside: "That, please say hello?" The friend will not be the owner?

"Well, you are sitting, I will go back."

The empty door went to say hello to the owner, and the two did not feel embarrassed.

冉非泽非, but not embarrassed, quite arrogant, once out, the backhand quickly buckled the door, against the winter road: "This yard lends me to live."

娄立冬嘻皮 smiley face: "Do not borrow."

冉非泽淡: "The ghost hand does not do, you will just buy a sword and let it be. I will change the place, someone will be willing to give me a house."

"Hey, hey." When Li Lidong immediately changed his face, he smiled and smiled. "Hey, this is what I said, I can’t help myself. It’s too much to see. This yard has sent you, or some of my yards, my brother. I have to pick and choose, and I want to live where I live. I am not listening to my brother’s troubles in the Xuanqing hospital. Now all the factions are in the residence of the brothers, I am thinking that I can help the brothers. Busy, my brother knows my heart and picks up such a good yard. If you live alone, you will live for a long time."

Yan Feize was not surprised by his informative, so he nodded unceremoniously: "Then I will stay. You help me find some sets of girls' clothes, shoes and socks, and two sets of literary clothes and hats. The shoes and socks are all in the clothes. There are some food and drink. Right, the teeth, the teeth, the bath beans and the balm, and then the soft cloth towel."

Yan Lidong's face is a bit stiff: "Big brother really doesn't treat me as an outsider." He is the first **** of the rivers and lakes, is it appropriate to get these women's homes?

Yan Fei Zezheng’s face smirked: “There are labor brothers.” Is it too much for a man’s committee to take this “heavy duty”? It was only in an extraordinary period that he did not dare to be too far away from Su Xiaopei. In case she had another accident, he could not stand it.

"That makes me look at the scorpion, but I know what to buy?" Li Lidong replaced Faige's smile.

Yan Feize continued to face the face, reported the size of the style, and confessed: "Light color is good, not to the vulgar color. Soft and good, do not want coarse cloth. The soles are thicker, and the softness of those women's homes is soft. Bottom, tie the foot. The towel cap should be longer to cover the bun."

The requirements are quite a lot. Li Lidong couldn't smile, and he changed his face: "Then I greeted my nephew and saved a lot of courtesy."

"Inconvenient, let's go back."

Li Lidong touched his chin, is it not a dress?

"She is blushing." Yan Feize seems to know what he is thinking and explain.

blush? Is it ashamed to see people or can't let him see blush? How to solve this? When Li Dongdong had to think deeply, he was rushed by Fei Zeze: "Go fast."

Go and go. Yan Lidong left a contemptuous expression to Yan Fei, and turned and left.

"and many more."

"What is it?"

"When it's convenient, take my big bag back."

Convenience? smoothly? When Li Dongdong fangs, he said that the various factions are staring at his broken house. How can it be easy? But if you can't get too much humiliation of his first thief. Hey, take it.

Yan Lidong turned and walked away.

"and many more."

"I know that I know, be careful, don't you find the whereabouts of others, I know." Li Lidong is impatient, brother, you are really a mother, this little thing to explain.

"No, you don't know, the teeth don't want bones. She doesn't like it. The teeth don't have a medicinal taste. She doesn't like it. Bathing beans should add pancreas and moisturize."

Without waiting for his words, Yan Lidong turned around and strode away. It’s too much.

Going to the gate and slamming back, bite his teeth: "Open this year, the first one to be cast, it must be my ghost hand." Not waiting for the return of the non-Zhejiang, opened the courtyard door and forced the door to close.

冉 泽 泽 慢 慢 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把 把Oh, I really don’t want to entrust him with this purchase. It’s quite awkward.

He slowly wandered back to the front of the house, and looked up and saw the door open. After the door, Su Xiaopei exposed his eyes and peeked. When he saw Xiaofei, he looked over and ran back to the chair and sat down.冉非泽笑笑, opened the door and saw that she was sitting in danger, grinning.

"I didn't peek at it, I just heard the voice of the door, thinking that I had trouble to go."

"Yeah." Yan Feize nodded. He didn't mind her peek, and there was nothing to marry her. He pulled a chair and sat opposite her: "The ground is cool and the bare feet are frozen."

Su Xiaopei shrunk his feet and his face was red. He thought that his big master had her feet before, and the temperature seemed to be wrapped around his feet. She coughed and cried, asking: "The strong man, what should we do behind?" She left for so long, and I don't know what happened here. She did not dare to ask directly about how many days it is today. I want to know when I have a chance.

"How to do it." It is really a matter of correcting her to correct her.

“Well, what should I do in the future?”

How to do? He can't think of any serious things now, and she is full of her mind. Does she not know the joy he has lost in his heart? She wouldn’t know if her sudden appearance made him unprepared? In the past, he did not take care of her. I will be more careful in the future, but can her secret be an obstacle?

"What is the girl's plan?"

"Ah?" Su Xiaopei opened his mouth and asked her about it? Although he asked about the plan, Su Xiaopei felt that he was asking if she would leave. "I, I found someone, I have to go back."

Yan Feize watched her not talking. After a while, she asked: "Who are you looking for?"

"That is, the Cheng Jiangyan who had helped me find the old man."

"He is who you are?"

He asked this question? Su Xiaopei frowned, seriously thinking about it, "I am a fellow, I have never seen it, and I am asked to come to him." What is the fate of the fate in front of him, she can not say anything.

"If you can't find him?"

Su Xiaopei's brow wrinkles tighter, and the old man said that he would find it, and before she wore it back, there were indeed clues. Cheng Jiangyan gave her a book and came to her.

"The strong man, before I left, I received a letter, which should be written by Cheng Jiangwei. The text is only known to us. He knows that I am coming from my hometown, so he wrote the words deliberately, but he did not come to see me, maybe he also I don't know what is going on, so I want to test it first. I came here because he is nearby. The people in my hometown said that I must be nearby when I am."

冉非泽 is silent. Su Xiaopei is a bit embarrassed, she said it is a mess, he understands the meaning?

"How did the girl leave the house?" he asked suddenly.

Su Xiaopei jumped. Before he said that she could tell her clearly, she thought she had hid, but she asked so quickly that she had not had time to think of the reason.

"I, I don't know. I didn't have consciousness at the time. It should have been robbed in my sleep." The old man robbed her.

“The girl knows that the girl is in danger now?”

Su Xiaopei nodded, and the old man said that she was killed, but she still does not know who the murderer is.

"Someone wants to kill the girl." In fact, things are too messy and too embarrassing, and Fei Zeze completely wants to understand what is going on, but she is definitely in danger. "The girl is best not to leave me."

"Good." Su Xiaopei also felt that staying at the side of Yu Feize was safe and practical.

"If that Cheng Jiangyan appears, I will come to him."

"This..." Is this appropriate?

"The girl doesn't know him, how can she know that he is fine."

She knows that she studied him for two months and knew the truth.

"What did he write to the girl?"

"He asked me who you are?"

冉 泽 眉 眉 眉 松 松 松 松 松 松 松 松 松 松 松 松 松 松 松 松 松"This letter is very embarrassing."

It’s quite awkward, and the light does not appear. She doesn’t know what Jiang Jiang’s ghosts are.

"I have a lot of troubles, and I need girls to help."

Su Xiaopei’s spirit was shocked, and it was actually useful for her place. It’s always been time for him to take care of her. When she can return, she is naturally happy. "What is the trouble with the strong man?"

Yan Fei Ze will injure the soldiers cast by the division, and the only person who recreates the weapons is him, so the suspected thing is said. Su Xiaopei listened with intent and thought seriously, but he couldn’t hear it. "So, the girl will join me and take care of each other."

"Good." Su Xiaopei nodded.

"Where the girl goes, I want to say hello to me."

"Okay." Of course, this is fine.

"If someone leaves a book to hand over the news, the girl must let me know."

"it is good."

"If someone wants to take the girl away, the girl will not be able to follow, let me know."

"Good." Su Xiaopei wrinkled her face, she is not a child, okay? Can you still be abducted?

"Girl." Yan Fei Ze called her again.

Su Xiaopei looked up at him. He stared at her and looked at something that Su Xiaopei could not tell.

"Can the girl be married?"

He asked this question before?

Su Xiaopei shook his head: "No."

“Can you be interested?”


冉非泽 nodded and suddenly smiled. Su Xiaopei’s face is red again. How long has she left? What happened to the strong man?

It seems that something has happened.

The author has something to say: the bath beans and pig pancreas that are said in this chapter are in the middle, and most of the formulas in the bath beans are pig pancreas as an important ingredient. Porcine pancreas has only the function of moisturizing and has no function of removing oil and scaling. Therefore, the sole purpose of adding pig pancreas is to make the bath beans clean and at the same time moisturize the skin. This is what I saw from Meng Hui. Pig pancreas and pancreas This thing grows between the two kidneys and is a kind of fat. In ancient times, together with the spice powder, it also serves as a skin care product. 2k novel reading network

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