MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 56 repair

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Chapter 56

Su Xiaopei thought that there was still a lot to say about Yu Feize. As a result, he did not say it, just laughed.

Where is it funny?

Isn't he a bunch of troubles? It seems that it is not very good to listen to the rivers and lakes that he said. This is the purpose of helping the head of this party. The target is directed at him. Is he not in a hurry?

"The strong man, what can be the clues in those things?"

When I was thinking about it, things were just like what he said, but there is still the same.

"Can the girl know the gossip graphics?"


"There is a figure in the crime, similar to the curved line in the middle of the gossip. I think it is similar to the text written by the girl."

Su Xiaopei stayed for a while, pulled the hand of Yan Feize, and made a stroke in his palm: "Is it like this?"

"Yes." Looking down at the small hand and big hand, it is really comfortable. If there is nothing wrong with the murder case, he and she can still tell other words, but obviously the girl is more interested in the puzzle.

"s?" Su Xiaopei has a bad feeling in his heart. Cheng Jiangxi's English name is steven. s, will it be him? In her mind, she quickly flashed the documents or notes signed by Cheng Jiangjun that she had checked. He signed many Chinese names, and the fonts were correct. He did not like the rhythm of dragons and phoenixes. But s, it is too coincidental.

"Girl?" 冉非泽 squeezed her hand to call back her attention.

"It's okay, it's just that I have to think about it, I think about it again." Su Xiaopei took his hand back, waved, and then buried his hair.

Yan Fei Ze was suddenly left out. Really unwilling, my heart can not help but swear. After waiting for a while, Su Xiaopei ignored him, and Fei Zeze touched his nose and went out. I turned around in the yard and checked the condition of several rooms. There were beds and tables, and the basic living facilities were all right. The well was in the corner of the court. It was also convenient. The kitchen and the latrine were also neat and tidy. I saw it in a circle. Some thought badly, would you like to lie to her that other houses are locked up? Can he sleep without a house? Like in the town of Stone, they are in a room, can say a lot of words, and she is closer.

Just thinking, I heard her call. He went back to the room and saw her sitting on the chair, shaking her legs and covering her head. Well, it looked so cute.

"A strong man, a friend who talks to you, is the owner of the house?"


"Do he borrow this room to live for us?"


"I don't know if he has a pen and paper that will make me make it?"

"This ah..." 冉非泽 really did not expect that she was the same concern for the pen and paper? Only after turning around, I really didn't find a four treasures of the study. "When he is back, I will let him get it."

"Good." Su Xiaopei is also welcome.

So when the first **** of the rivers and lakes smashed the winter son with a bag of clothes and a pack of toiletries and a pack of food to return, they saw another brazen realm.

"Hey brothers, I forgot to tell you before, I still need to have a pen and ink."

Yan Lidong's cheeks were pumped, but I didn't expect a female voice to add to the back of the house: "The pen is thin." She is not very likely to use a pen, and the thick pen is too big.

Yan Lidong’s face can’t be hanged. The man’s is so good, and the woman’s? Who are these pairs?

"Yes." Several bags of bags smashed together, "eat the meal and move again." Although these things he let the younger brothers start to work, but he is very tired to do things and run errands personally, they entertain him for dinner. It should be.

冉 泽 摸 摸 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔 隔

"I..." stands in the winter, you have to divide it a bit more, and then I will turn over your face with a bit more. As a result, Fei Ze smiled and said: "Thank you." Then he took the bag and went into the house to change with Su Xiaopei.

Yan Lidong stood in Baotou for a while. If he had some bones, he would have to turn around and leave, but he was curious. He really wanted to see the ruthless man who made him a non-wife and a girl. What it is like, he listened to a lot of rumors, saying that he was dressed in a weird short-haired aunt, but he always missed it and didn't see it. If a person is separated by a door, it will not be seen.

Comparing the two, the winter is the end of the winter, I feel that this thing is full of enthusiasm, but the curiosity is not always satisfied. He felt that he was really broad-minded and wanted to open, so he whistled and took food to the kitchen for dinner. In the kitchen, I looked at the door of the house from time to time, watching him come out, standing at the door, waiting for someone to call in the room, he went in again, and then came out again, and then went in again.

Yan Lidong scratched his chin, hehe, he thought that it was not Zedo's triumphantness. He didn't have a proper match with the girl's family. Even people had to take shelter when changing clothes. It seems that the eight characters are still missing. When Li Dongdong thought about this, the whistle blew more loudly. When he screamed at him, he stood up and sneered at him, throwing a sly look at him, and he was laughing at him, throwing a sweet look back. Yan Lidong can't laugh out, and disgusted and immediately retracted into the kitchen. This shameless face, he is not an opponent.

Three people for dinner were eaten on the stone table in the courtyard.

Su Xiaopei wore a scribes dress, a literary hat, and a hat that was too big to cover her horns. Yan Lidong sneaked a sneak look, this small face is small, the graceful facial features, is indeed a girl, but he is holding her posture, how can she imagine that she will wear women's clothing? This scribe is quite suitable.

"Oh..." Just wanted to laugh at two sentences, then he was smashed. When Li Li was in the winter, he changed his mouth and was picked up by himself: "Girl."

Su Xiaopei nodded, hugged his fist and returned to the ceremony, and then whispered to Xiaofei: "What is missing?"

Yan Feize shook his head and said that he did not know.

娄立冬嘻嘻笑, learning Su Xiaopei's look and hold the fist: "Can the food taste?"

"Fortunately." One of the precautions after crossing is not to care about the taste of the food. Compared with modern food, the taste is really not good.

Actually said okay? It’s a bit ugly. Li Lidong also clenched his fist: "The hospitality is not good enough."

He is so polite, making Su Xiaopei very embarrassed, this time should also return to the ceremony? She had to learn and hold a fist: "Where is it, the gentleman is polite."

Li Lidong looked at her and thought about it again, and continued to hold the fist: "You're welcome."

When is this going to be a gift? Su Xiaopei was helpless and continued to return to a boxing fist. This person is a friend of the strong man, and borrowed a house to live with them. It is so polite, she really does not adapt. She has a lot of experience in life, and she has not done so many gifts.

It’s so interesting to laugh at the winter, if she has been teasing her, will she keep holding her fists? I was planning to continue, but I was able to grasp Su Xiaopei’s fist and bring her hand to the table. "The girl doesn't know, and the son is so naughty and lively, and it is loved by people in the rivers and lakes."

This adjective used, Su Xiaopei slightly expanded his imagination. Yan Lidong received the warning from Yan Feize, and did not dare to make trouble again. Haha smiled and said: "Yes, yes, I have won the deep love of the people of the rivers and lakes. My brother is also very affectionate to me."

Su Xiaopei looked at Yan Feize and saw the meaning from the eyes of Yan Feize. He had previously been teased. She coughed and coughed, and she said: "There is no price, and the son of the son must be cherished."

When the winter is stiff, what is the meaning of this?

"It’s too annoying to be too lively." Yan Feize didn’t seem to see his face, and he said to Su Xiaopei.

Su Xiaopei answered the words: "This is not a worry, the number of years is bigger, and it will be sensible."

娄立冬面皮抽抽, what are these two people? Don't be too good when you laugh at others. Li Lidong is not lively, and he is very sensible in eating. However, Ruan Zeze asked the situation outside the question, what is the status of each sect, and who is staring at his house. Li Lidong originally did not mention these ones, but when he saw that Su Xiaopei had no intention of avoiding suspicion, he simply discussed with him.

"The seven killing people also arrived. Although the old man of his family died in Jiu Ling, but the people of Jiu Ling Road have been proved that he has not been to the Seven Kills, this is the same as the situation of the Shijiao **** shop. Killing people are You can prove that you are not there, but you can create those weapons without proof. You are not hiding, you want to deal with it."

冉非泽 nodded: "I think so."

"how is it?"

"This is unclear. If you want to prove that there are weapons to prove it, you can take it out. If you want to prove that there is nothing to do, can you do it? Can I not take it or not, and who will prove it?"

"This is true, so what do you do?"

"Because I can't prove it, then they should prove it to me." The old **** of Fei Ze is here: "Whoever doubts who proves, otherwise he will fart."

When he stood up for a winter, he saw Su Xiaopei nodded to the side.

"Those people can't care about what they are, they just need to find the murderer and avenge their hatred."

Su Xiaopei couldn't help but interrupt the words: "Whether it is a murder case, why not report it to the official?"

Yan Lidong and Yan Fei Ze both looked at her and ignored her and continued to talk about them. Su Xiaopei licked his mouth and licked this group of underworld.

"How long are you going to hide?" This is what Li Lidong asked.

"I didn't hide, just rest and rest." He was very sad and happy, and his mood was ups and downs. He really had to stay with his girl for a few days to cultivate and cultivate their feelings.

"How long do you plan to rest? What should I do afterwards?"

"I will do it afterwards. I will open the stove after I go back."

Lili winter eyes lit up: "Open the furnace?" Then he reacted, oh, it's too embarrassing. Once opened, it means that someone can buy a peerless weapon. Before he finishes, most people are protecting him. The Baidao underworld big faction, those who want weapons, no matter what the murder case is not murder, whoever missed the caster work, who is the enemy. For example, he himself, opened the furnace, the ghost hand cast into hope, who wants to find trouble with Ze Zeze so that he can not work faster, he must stop the person.

"We can also talk to them reasonably, and then it is difficult to find out." This is Su Xiaopei's view.

"Let's make sense?" Yan Lidong laughed: "The reason can be said, but if you can't be convinced, people are more willing to talk to you about swords."

Su Xiaopei frowned: "It is good to find a strong sword for the sword. I will talk to them about it."

"What do you want to say about the girl? It is better to talk to me first." Li Lidong couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, we can discuss the discussion. Those murders are happening in the big door, the relationship in the faction is certainly not simple. Who is the report? What is the relationship with the deceased? There may be grievances, conflicts of interest. The deceased Who is the most beneficiary of the death? I listen to what you said, everyone is holding on to the weapons, this is a typical psychological suggestion. That is, when someone always emphasizes one thing, the other person’s The degree of attention is in that thing, and the others are negligent. Emphasis is that a certain weapon is killed. So sure, the witness is very familiar with this weapon. Listening to the sound can be heard. It seems that it can be seen. Clear, look carefully? The memory of a person is very subtle, even a slight hint of it will affect the authenticity of the memory."

Yan Lidong listened a bit silly, Su Xiaopei said: "I mean, the things you write down may not be exactly the same as the facts. In fact, some people have proved this kind of thing, using hints to convince someone that they have experienced some of them. I haven’t experienced anything, and some people even imagined that they’ve come to memory from the hints, and the things that have happened to the touches that they have seen, he feels that they have actually experienced it, but they don’t. The ratio is as high as 25%. I mean, there are Twenty-five percent of the people may be able to imagine the facts that they have nothing to do after being hinted."

Li Lidong does not believe: "No one will believe."

"I naturally have a way to let them believe, and there is another thing that is implanted in memory. It is said that 50% of people believe that they were attacked by fierce animals when they were children, but they didn't. They just received hints and believed that It happened really."

"Does the girl say that the witnesses of these murders don't know what happened?"

"No, I just said that if there is no real evidence, just rely on their words, how to prove what happened. The sound can be imitated, the appearance can be pretend, the memory can be forged, the empty mouth can be white, can not be planted dirty. Then, report the case Has everyone checked it? Has the other beneficiaries checked? The reason is that because some people have emphasized the weapon, they only talk about the suspicion of the weapon, but ignore the simplest motive. I mean, ignore the reason why The reason for the matter."

Yan Lidong looked at Yan Feize, he was smiling and holding his chin and looking at Su Xiaopei who was serious about speaking. Yan Lidong suddenly understood the so-called reasoning, and he said: "I just can't think of the reason, so everyone can't move and look around. Otherwise, the sword has been waiting for it."

"So there is still reason to talk about it." Su Xiaopei frowned, and some people wanted to kill her, and some people had a murder case. Did she come to this place to find someone, or do something else? Did he really figure out the old man?

"Yeah." This is a non-Zhehe affiliation and encouragement: "I am with them swords and feet, the girl tells them reason."

娄立冬撇眉头, so really? Can his ghost hand be released in the year of his life?

The author has something to say: The experiment on memory in this chapter comes from a book. Psychologist Loftus made a "shopping in the mall" experiment. When the subject was told by his brother that he was 5 years old, he had lost his mind at the shopping center. After repeating the matter, he added details and emotional descriptions. Three days later, I even remembered his conversation with his mother. In the experiment, 25% of the participants suddenly remembered that they had been in the mall, and later knew that it was purely fictional, they were quite surprised and even shocked. The other is that the experiment was called Porter, and he asked nearly 50% of the participants to believe that they had been attacked by ferocious animals when they were children. Loftus’s point of view is that “reality and imagination are only one line apart” and memory is unreliable. 2k novel reading network

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