MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 54 repair

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Chapter 54

This title of the strong man is no more common.冉非泽 has traveled all over the country, and I don’t know how many girls and women have been called strong men, but they have never been like this, so that his heart is soft.

"Come out." Someone screamed, and everyone surrounded them, trying to force Su Xiaopei out of the bush.

This scene suddenly annoyed the soft heart of 冉非泽.

Su Xiaopei disappeared from the blood house, and now the clothes are not present in this village. He has not settled with these people, but they are loud.

"The hidden place is the one of my confidantes who asked me, and I want to ask, why is the girl suffering, life and death is not clear, but now it is here? Clothes are not complete, describe it..."

Su Xiaopei heard the words of Fei Ze, and quickly bowed his head and hid himself behind him.

She is not well-dressed, and she appears in front of a pile of people in the modern world. It is now in front of a pile of ancient men. To describe the embarrassment, Su Xiaopei knows the intention of 冉非泽, she did not think how to explain her appearance in the air, but she slept well, maybe the time difference is there, but it is really not awkward, so in order to cooperate with him, Does she have to be weak?

"A nonsense."

Without Su Xiaopei, the Xuanqing faction in the crowd has already shouted: "My Xuanqing School is a famous decent, and it is impossible to do this sneaky evil."

"Zhong Lin." Jiang Weiying, the head of the door, stopped Jiang Zhonglin's words and prevented him from going down.

It is impossible for him to be a prisoner, but there are too many strange things in the rivers and lakes recently. There are many people in the courtyard. Although the women in the trees can’t see the face, they are faintly visible. The feet, like this dress, can't be the spies who have just sneaked into other hospitals. I don't know what the matter is. If it is too full and too full, I am afraid that it will be used again.

"The matter is embarrassing, the non-Ze brothers know that my Xuanqing faction is a faction. Zhonglin does not have to explain more. At the moment, it is time to settle down the girl. Things should be slowly verified." Jiang Weiying said this to Jiang Zhonglin, but It’s also for everyone to listen to, but it’s an attitude towards you. He said again: "Non Zemo is an important friend of yours. It is naturally a guest of my Xuan Qing faction. I am going to find a robes for the children. I will arrange two rooms."

Cao Hedong frowned, and he was somewhat dissatisfied with Jiang Weiying's show, but the eyes of the public, the Xuan Qing faction is this situation. Although he is anxious to take his life, he can only slap his temper. Waiting for the quirky woman to stabilize, trapped in this courtyard and slowly review, not afraid of what kind of tricks to play.

Yan Fei Ze listened to Jiang Weiying's words, did not speak and did not move, still in front of Su Xiaopei. Jiang Weiying waved his hand and let everyone retreat.

After a while, Ji Jiawen led the 24-year-old Jiang Xinyue and sent a women's robes.冉非泽探手接了, backhand handed behind. Su Xiaopei shrinks his body and learns to wear it.

"This is a strange thing, there are many doubts. Someone will be a ghost from the middle. Non-ze, you and the girl will live in Zhuangzi, and everyone will have a care." Jiang Weiying said the scene, thinking of people staying, and Take care of everyone's face.

Cao Hedong was anxious and couldn't help but say: "Where did the girl come from, who was shackled by others, how did she escape, and the girl said that it was just happening, that the ghost-who is still in the village, I wait Quickly check quickly, find him out." In his opinion, whoever said this thing is not good. How is it so clever, when his interrogation of 冉非泽, his accomplices came out, and the appearance of being bullied, diverted everyone’s attention. Although there are many people in this Zhuangzi, everyone is very vigilant. How can they be imprisoned without a big living?

Su Xiaopei was afraid of Cao Hedong’s words. The way she appeared was that she couldn’t explain it. She couldn’t think of any reasonable rhetoric. She did not dare to speak, but only sneaked away the clothes of the non-zezer.

"So, thank you Jiang Jiangmen." Yan Feize politely responded to Jiang Weiying's words, but his hands rushed behind Su Xiaopei.

Su Xiaopei was incomprehensible and waited to see him act.

"Cao Zhangmen said that it is also very, this suspect is heavy, it is indeed a good look." 冉 泽 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一Who lives?"

Everyone subconsciously turned his head in the direction of his fingers, but Fei Fei was suddenly stunned. Su Xiaopei understood his meaning and hurriedly jumped up and hugged his neck. Just leaping on the hug, Yan Fei Ze has set off and jumped a few feet, actually jumped outside the court.

Everyone did not expect that this person was talking about saying that he was going to flee. There was no sign, and suddenly, under the spur of the moment, everyone had been escaping more than ten feet. Two people shouted and chased him away. Xiao Qi also smashed the past and sipped it so that he could not run. Zhai Feize was a slap in the hand, and the hanging sword swept with a strong sound of breaking the air. The three men subconsciously shunned and avoided. Xiao Qi explored the hand and caught the hanging sword. By this, it was to block the person behind him. When he looked up again, he was already out of shape.

Su Xiaopei was on the back of the 冉 泽 泽, only to hear the sound of the wind whistling in his ear. Only then did she jump on the back of the 冉 泽 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Can be suspended too high, she is really afraid that she will fall, but fortunately, Fei Zeze quickly held her leg and held her steady. Su Xiaopei saw that everyone was left behind and couldn't see it again. This was a relief.

"Strong man." She called him.

"Girl." He should have.

He ran very fast, jumped high, and she was a little dizzy.

"Do they catch up?"

"Mo pan." Yan Feize held her hands, feeling her head leaning against her neck, breathing and spitting in his ear when talking, can not help but heart beat like a drum, my heart is sour and sweet. He turned out to miss her like this.

"Well, don't panic." When he was there, she didn't panic, but she was afraid of falling. Is this a faint? She subconsciously hugged him.

Her soft body was against him, and her thin arms wrapped around his neck. In the heart of Fei Ze, he jumped on the tip of a big tree, and then he jumped to the tip of another tree. Then he jumped to a roof.

Su Xiaopei was turned upside down, and did not dare to look back slightly, but did not seem to hear someone catch up, but why did the escape run not on the ground, not running straight, jumping and jumping, he is not tired? Willn't she go upside down? She tightened her arms and closed her eyes and buried her head in his neck.

Her face was close to the skin around his neck. He felt her warmth and sneaked his lips. He couldn't help but jump a few laps outside the town, which brought Su Xiaopei to a house.

No one needed to open the door, he jumped directly into the yard. Su Xiaopei on the back breathed a sigh of relief and sighed: "It’s finally landed." Hefei Ze heard and laughed.

He carried her to the front of the house in the courtyard and said to her sideways: "Knocking on the door." His hand was not available.

Su Xiaopei promised, and the obedient hand was waiting to be knocked. Suddenly he thought it was wrong. He whispered to him: "Do I have to come down first?" Here, the place where the men and women are unclear, he is seen by her. Suitable? Just fleeing just now, now that peace is fine, and then relying on his back to see people rude, right?

"You don't have shoes." The non-Ze Li course was authentic, and he shook her foot in the room. "Icy."

His big palm was warm, this grip, a warm current rushed straight from the bottom of the footboard to Su Xiaopei's heart, her face was red, subconsciously shrinking, and quickly knocked on the door.

No one in the house should, Su Xiaopei knocked again and decided that no one.冉 泽 点 nodded, the foot gently slammed, the door opened. He carried Su Xiaopei back and placed it in a chair.

Su Xiaopei opened his mouth in surprise, he actually hollowed out the door?

“Where is this?” she asked.

Yan Fei Zezheng arranged the hem of her robes for her. Although she didn't know what the robes of the casual suits were, I was very careful. He listened to her question and looked up at her. Su Xiaopei looked at his eyes and suddenly reacted and quickly changed his mouth: "I mean, where is this?"

Yan Fei smiled, smiled to reveal a row of neat white teeth, smiled at the corners of his eyes, with a thin smile, as remembered in her mind.

Su Xiaopei looked at his eyes and suddenly found out that she missed him so much.

The two eyes are on the eyes and look at each other for a long time. Yan Fei did not smile, his eyes burned, which made Su Xiaopei’s heart beat very fast. She suddenly coughed twice and avoided her gaze by the action of the hoe. Then she heard the singer: "How can I learn this for a long time, but I can't change my speech? It's just like this. If someone wants to pretend to be you, you can't do it."

Su Xiaopei was stunned and red, and her speech has been very good. It just returned to modern times and changed back.

The two men were relatively quiet. Su Xiaopei always felt that it was different from the past, but she couldn’t say it. She had the heart to break the silence. She opened her mouth and found that she was in the same voice with her: "How can you be there?"

After saying this, both people laughed. So stupid, Su Xiaopei could not help but think.

"There are some murders on the rivers and lakes, which are related to the weapons cast by my teacher. They asked me to ask questions."

"Oh, this way." Su Xiaopei listened, nodded, thinking about how to explain his own appearance, I couldn't think of any good excuse, so the old tune was replayed: "I don't know how to get there, open my eyes, just there. It is."

"Isn't you remembering the previous things?"

Su Xiaopei opened his mouth, and this lie did not say anything, and it was not convincing. Nothing to remember, how can I remember him?

She is very embarrassed, she does not know what to say.

"Is it the same as when you appeared in the tree?"

She nodded, this is the truth.

He was silent, Su Xiaopei was tight, she was not a monster, she did not want him to look at her with a different look.

"I..." she wanted to explain, but her mind was empty.

He kept staring at her, and suddenly reached out and licked her broken hair on her cheek. She knows, her hair is longer?

"Are you safe?" he asked.

Su Xiaopei nodded and felt that his eyes were hot. Her inexplicable disappearance, inexplicable appearance, eccentric dress, nonsense, for others, early to avoid her like a snake, but he cares, she is well.

"The strong man." She couldn't help but hold his hand: "I am not a monster, I just have some unclear experience."

冉非泽 nodded and asked: "There is blood in the room, can you be injured?"

Su Xiaopei shook his head and his eyes were sour.

"It’s good if you haven’t been injured," he said again.

"Strong man." Su Xiaopei was very moved.

He held her hand in the palm of his hand: "If you think you can say it, tell me." Su Xiaopei nodded hard.

"That blames me. If I don't leave you away, maybe you won't suffer that. Have you ever suffered?"

Su Xiaopei shook his head and his eyes were wet. I couldn't help but lean on my body and almost hugged him. I thought that this move was too inappropriate in the world, and I couldn't move it. But as he hesitated, she found herself in his arms and holding his shoulder. She blinked, she actually act so fast?

"If you don't suffer, it's good to come back." His palms caressed her back, and the voice was in her ear.

Su Xiaopei buried his head on his shoulder and secretly borrowed his clothes to wipe away the tears of his eyes. Anyway, hugs are hugged, and it’s okay to hold it for a while. He doesn’t seem to mind. She patted his shoulder awkwardly: "The strong man, I am back."

The author has something to say: I am sorry to have kept you waiting.

Because of the relationship between the retouching and the re-combing of the plot line, this article can't be restored now. It takes about two or three days to get a new chapter. In order not to affect the display of the favorites, the new chapter will be updated on the same day. Come up, non-pseudo, please bear with me.

The previous revision is mainly to adjust the male and female opponent's opponents and adjust some foreshadowing and clues. It will add some drama points. After I reread it, I feel that the turning point is hard, and the emotional development process is not natural enough and sufficient to make adjustments and supplements. In addition, some characters will advance in advance, and the number of plays will increase. If you are interested, you can reread the chapters marked (repaired). Some chapters have changed a bit more, some may just adjust the statement, but I have marked the wording after repairing it, which is troublesome for everyone, sorry. It doesn't matter if you don't look at the previous article, because the main line and the big frame story are the same, my outline has not changed, but the details of the plot are adjusted. If it affects the later text, I will point it out in the author's words.

During this period, the state was very poor, the home decoration, as well as the old manuscript, and also took the opportunity to learn some reference books. I hope that this article can be written after this adjustment. Thank you for your tolerance and waiting. I will work hard to cheer. 2k novel reading network

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