MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 165 165

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The University of Non-Natural Engineering opened the gate early, and Ou Ying and several core members of the student union also waited at the gate early.

Ou Ying checks the time from time to time, it is 21:00 on Sunday night, and there are still 3 hours of vacation balance.

As time passed by, there was obvious anxiety on everyone's face.

Especially Wu An, he was under the greatest pressure.

21 classmates in the purchasing department lost contact. He was deeply aware of his dereliction of duty. If Qin Zhou had an accident because of his negligence in his work, he would be able to die and apologize.

Ou Ying's heart was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, but her identity could not be fully expressed. Qin Zhou was not there, she had to take charge.

In addition to the students from the student union, Cheng Yang and Ren Li were also present.

Cheng Yang knew that Lin Yi was going to Qinzhou's dormitory to eat mutton hot pot. He didn't come back overnight. Cheng Yang was still gossiping. Or just take it straight.

The next day, Lin Yi hadn't come back.

Cheng Yang thought again, how could President Qin be the president of the student union? Sure enough, he is fierce in every aspect!

At noon, Cheng Yang was wondering whether to wait for Lin Yi to go to the cafeteria to eat. In fact, he should not bother Lin Yi at this time, but Cheng Yang didn't wait for Lin Yi's text message. Usually, if Lin Yi was delayed and couldn't go to the cafeteria with him, he would tell him.

He didn't say anything this time, Cheng Yang hesitated for a long time, and sent a text message to Lin Yi to ask.

After this text message was sent out, there was no reply from Lin Yi, and Cheng Yang waited hungry.

After waiting for two hours, Cheng Yang felt bad.

His text message may disturb the two worlds of Lin Yi and Qin Zhou, but based on his understanding of Lin Yi, the good-tempered Lin Yi will not be angry, nor will he not answer him Short message. Even if Lin Yi didn't see the text message in time, two hours later, Lin Yi still hasn't replied.

Cheng Yang felt that something was wrong.

Cheng Yang made several calls to Lin Yi, but his outgoing calls were restricted.

Cheng Yang had never seen such a situation, so he immediately called to ask Ou Ying, but Ou Ying did not answer the phone.

Cheng Yang was frightened now, he didn't know a few people in the student council, and the call authority was not high, except for Lin Yi and Ou Ying, he couldn't contact anyone else to ask about the situation, no, Cheng Yang suddenly thought of Ren Li. After the 8-4 rule world came out, he had the right to contact Ren Li.

He hurriedly called Ren Li.

"Ren Lige, Ren Lige." Cheng Yang was so anxious.

Ren Li on the other end of the phone heard the anxiety in Cheng Yang's tone and asked, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Yang said, "Do you know where Lin Yi went? I can't get through to him."

Ren Li paused: "Can't get through?"

Cheng Yang: "Yes, I can't get through."

Ren Li knows more than Cheng Yang. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the campus to have a blocked phone call. Unless the owner of the number dies, the school will remove the number from the campus communication network. The situation that Cheng Yang said 'the phone can't get through' occurs.

Ren Li said: "I'll ask."

"Hey, Brother Ren Li, where are you, I'll come to you." Cheng Yang said quickly before Ren Li hung up the phone.

Ren Li said, "The Office of the Student Union."

Cheng Yang: "Okay, I'll come, I'll come! Brother Ren Li, wait..."


Cheng Yang slammed into the door and went out and ran to the student union office.

He saw Ren Li leaning against the wall, and rushed over: "Brother Ren Li, is Senior Sister Ou Ying here?"

As he was about to break into the student union office, Ren Li reached out and grabbed Cheng Yang's collar, tugging it and found that he couldn't pull it, Ren Li could only hold Cheng Yang with both hands, always cold The tone was also deformed by the movement of the hand: "Don't go, I already know what's going on."

Cheng Yang stopped immediately and looked back at Ren Li. Judging from Ren Li's expression, things were not simple, it was probably more serious than he imagined: "Brother Ren Li, you ... you Come on, I can take it!"

Ren Li then let him go: "President Lin Yihe has left the school."

Cheng Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Ren Li added: "The reason why I couldn't establish communication with Lin Yi is that Lin Yi and the president encountered wild monsters."

Cheng Yang: "Huh?"

Ren Li paid attention to Cheng Yang's expression and felt that Cheng Yang should really be able to bear it, he didn't hide: "If you don't go back to school before 0 o'clock tonight, Lin Yihe will meet with the president. Something happened."

Cheng Yang: "What do you mean?"

Ren Li said: "Death."

Cheng Yang groaned and fainted.

Cheng Yang was accustomed to being dizzy too. Ren Li couldn't drag him. For the first time, he took the initiative to ask someone to help and carry Cheng Yang to the infirmary with him. wake up.

"Brother Ren Li, what time is it." Cheng Yang grabbed the corner of Ren Li's clothes and said nervously, "Have you and the president come back?"

Ren Li endured the discomfort of being in contact with Cheng Yang: "It only took three minutes for you to faint."

Cheng Yang looked at the surroundings blankly: "Where is this going?"

Ren Li replied: "Infirmary."

"I'm not going to the infirmary." Cheng Yang shook his head frantically: "I'm going to wait for half-brother Lin at the school gate."

Ren Li looked at Cheng Yang and found that Cheng Yang's eyes were red, he paused: "Well."

Subsequently thank the person who helped.

The person who helped said kindly: "Do you need me to help take this student to the school gate?"

Ren Li said: "No need, he can go."

The way Cheng Yang shook his head just now looked sonorous and powerful.

After the good-hearted person left, Ren Li said, "Aren't you going to let go?"

"Ao." Cheng Yang took back the arm that was on Ren Li's shoulder.

The medical office is near the teaching building area, and the teaching building is not far from the school gate.

But Cheng Yang's legs were weak and he walked very slowly, Ren Li was waiting for him with three steps and three turns.

After arriving at the school gate, Cheng Yang immediately took his mobile phone and called Lin Yi over and over again.

It has always been the call limit, which means that Lin Yi is still in the monster world created by wild monsters.

"Bless and bless, be sure to bless my half-brother Lin's safe return." Cheng Yang stared at the screen of the mobile phone and said to himself: "My half-brother Lin is devoted to kindness and is a good person, Bodhisattva, you must Bless Lin Yi."

Ren Li watched from the side.

Cheng Yang's cell phone was about to run out of power, he looked at Ren Li.

Ren Li took out his mobile phone and gave it to him.

"Thank you, thank you." Cheng Yang quickly thanked him, took Ren Li's phone and continued to call Lin Yi.

Finally, the call is on.

Cheng Yang was about to call out excitedly, he pointed at the phone excitedly: "It's done, Brother Ren Li, damn, it's finally done."

"Brother Ren Li?" Lin Yi's voice came.

"It's me!" Cheng Yang said immediately, "Brother Lin, how are you?"

There was a brief pause on the other end of the phone, Lin Yi did not answer the question, but said, "We are out, and now we are on our way back to school."

"okok." Cheng Yang glanced at the time, he could still hear the sound of wind getting into the car window from the call: "How long will it be? Is it in time?!"

Lin Yi said: "It should be too late."

Because Lin Yi did not give the answer directly, but used the word 'should', Cheng Yang was still worried. : "I still have something to do, I'll hang up first."

Cheng Yang: "Oh... good."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Yang stared at the phone, he could hear something wrong in Lin Yi's tone.

Cheng Yang asked: "Brother Ren Li, why do I think it's weird?"

Ren Li reached out.

Cheng Yang stared at the hand that Ren Li stretched out in front of him: "What?"

Ren Li was impatient: "Give me the phone."

Cheng Yang embarrassed: "Oh."

It was confirmed that Lin Yi was still alive, and Cheng Yang was temporarily relieved.

He looked at the student council members at the gate of the school, Ou Ying was also answering the phone, and there was a crack in the calm face just now. What should be the important information, Ou Ying even turned around and distanced herself from everyone at the school gate.

Cheng Yang inferred to Ren Li next to him: "Sister Ou Ying should be in contact with President Qin."

"Looks like something big is about to happen."

Even Cheng Yang noticed something was wrong, and Ren Li also felt the stalemate at the scene. This atmosphere lasted for a long time, and everyone was silently waiting for Qin Zhou to return with his classmates from the purchasing department.

Ren Li brightened the screen of his mobile phone, looked down at the time, and Cheng Yang stretched his neck to watch.

Ren Li: “…”

Ren Li looked at him, Cheng Yang smirked: "It's not that the phone is out of power."

Ren Li put the phone back in his pocket, kept a distance from Cheng Yang, and then said coldly, "There's still half an hour."

In the last 30 minutes, Cheng Yang's heart twitched again. He stared at the school gate, waiting for the people outside to come back.

Ren Li looked at the time again, half the time had passed, and there were fifteen minutes left.

Fifteen minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Last five minutes!

Last three minutes!

Last minute!

While everyone was waiting with bated breath, the sound of a car engine could be heard in the distance.

Cheng Yang jumped up and pulled Ren Li excitedly: "I'm back! I'm back!"

The tense emotions on everyone's faces were broken, and they stared helplessly outside the school.

Ou Ying glanced outside the school and immediately said, "Get out of the way!"

Wang Feihang also shouted loudly: "Get out! Get out!"

The voice just fell, and when the crowd dispersed, several speeding off-road vehicles shot in from the outside almost like arrows, and the speed was so fast that you could see the white tires rising due to the high temperature. The dust rolled up from the smoke, and the sudden braking can't stop the speed of the car at the first time.

The first car that shot into the campus continued to move forward after braking, and floated more than 50 meters before it stopped, followed by the second car, the third car car, fourth car...

The sharp brakes are always in the ears, holding everyone's heart.

Finally, the last car pulled into the campus at the last second.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Cheng Yang started to run to the position of the first car. He just glanced at it and saw Qin Zhou driving the first car.

Lin Yi must be in this car.

It's just that before he ran to the off-road vehicle, Qin Zhou had already opened the door. When he got out of the car, he looked back at the co-pilot, and then strode towards the crowd at the school gate.

Lin Yi opened the passenger door and Cheng Yang stepped up.

Everyone at the school gate saw Qin Zhou and trotted in the direction of Qin Zhou.

When it was time to meet up, Ou Ying handed Qin Zhou the campus rules that Qin Zhou asked to prepare on the phone.

"Brother Zhou." Ou Ying asked, "Did you bring everyone back?"

Qin Zhou flipped the campus rules: "There are only 12 left."

Everyone looked ugly.

The campus rules were directly turned to the last page by Qin Zhou.

The 17-1 rule of the freshman appeared brightly in the eyes.


Qin Zhou: "Five minutes later, conference room 201, a major emergency meeting."