MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 166 166

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Meeting Room 201.

While waiting for the arrival of the people, the expressions on everyone's faces were solemn.

Ou Ying glanced in the direction of Wang Feihang, and then looked at the patrol members behind Wang Feihang, she did not see Lin Yi.

There were several meetings before that Qin Zhou did not let Lin Yi attend, but it was a resumption meeting, and the narrative from Lin Yi's perspective could be done by Qin Zhou. But today is a major emergency meeting, Qin Zhou had never held such a high-level meeting when he was in office.

In the past, the school held a major emergency meeting to announce the death of the student council president. Now Qin Zhou has held it, but he is still alive.

Is there any major emergency that can be compared with the sacrifice of the student council president, Ou Ying can think of the 0-1 rule.


Lin Yi is also a 'well-known figure' in the student union. Now that Lin Yi is gone, most people will naturally think that something happened to Lin Yi.

After all, Lin Yi was the first person to kill monsters with the death rules 6 rules, 8-4 rules, especially in the 2-6 rules, it can be said that the students will be a big change without him.

In addition to these three rules, he also entered the 16-8 rule and the 4-4 rule, from which he explored the main line of the rule world, so that the student union can complete the campus rules, so that more students can be exempted from Thrown out, involved.

This time, Lin Yi followed Qin Zhou to leave the school to find 21 students in the purchasing department. Everyone heard some rumors. They also heard some gossip about Lin Yi and Qin Zhou. It is reasonable for Qin Zhou to hold a major emergency meeting for him.

But compared to Qin Zhou holding a major emergency meeting for Lin Yi, what they cared about was the incident of Lin Yi itself.

Lin Yi is good-natured and popular. Everyone is reluctant to hear bad news, especially the members of the patrol team, although they are used to the fact that their companions will leave at any time.

Hearing the voice behind her, Ou Ying walked up to Qin Zhou and whispered, "Brother Zhou, is Lin Yi feeling unwell? Can you let him persevere and participate in this..."

Qin Zhou squeezed the campus rules tightly, pressed a deep mark on the paper, and was silent for a while before punting: "He is not suitable."

Lin Yi is indeed not suitable to participate in this emergency meeting. First, Qin Zhou can imagine that Lin Yi is in a quandary when he attends this meeting. Second, Lin Yi's identity is a mystery, which is also literally Not suitable.

Ou Ying was stunned for a moment, but didn't understand for a while: "What?"

Qin Zhou opened his mouth, but he didn't say the "principle of avoidance". He skipped the topic and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall of the conference room. The five-minute assembly time was up.


"I'll make sure." Ou Ying said.

Although the first-level major emergency meeting does not require every member of the student union to attend, it is also open to all departments of the student union, and even departments such as the logistics department have to attend this meeting, just because of the responsibilities of the department , the people attending the meeting are department ministers and deputy ministers only.

In the next two minutes, each department reported to Ou Ying the presence of personnel.

Ou Ying finished the inventory, looked at Qin Zhou, and said solemnly: "President, all members are here."

Afterwards, Qin Zhou looked up at the crowd of people in Wuyangyang.

With Qin Zhou's gaze, the conference room became quiet. Anyone who can participate in a major emergency meeting at the first level understands the importance of this meeting. got nervous.

Qin Zhou let out a sigh and said solemnly: "The 0-1 hypothesis was proposed by Senior Lu, and the content is that the entire non-natural engineering university is regarded as a rule world, and the non-natural engineering university is named' 0-1 rules the world', the power that chooses you and me to come to school is named '0-1 monster'."

"Now I declare that the 0-1 hypothesis holds."


"Brother Lin, why didn't you attend this meeting?"

In the cafeteria, Cheng Yang can't open a pot and lift it.

It's not that he didn't wink, he really couldn't understand why Lin Yi was excluded from this all-hands meeting, and Lin Yi didn't look like he was seriously injured and absent for some reason.

Lin Yi peeled the tea eggs in his hand, Cheng Yang called him: "Brother Lin?"

"Ah?" Lin Yi responded, "Call me?"

Cheng Yang stared at Lin Yi for a while, and saw the loneliness on Lin Yi's face, "Did you quarrel with... President Qin?"

In fact, Cheng Yang thought this reason was very funny, how could Qin Zhou not let Lin Yi participate in this meeting because he quarreled with Lin Yi.

But what happened, Cheng Yang couldn't guess what happened. And according to common sense, Lin Yi chased Qin Zhou out of the campus, and the two of them experienced the thrill of life and death, and only returned to the school at the last minute. This kind of experience can directly push the relationship of the young couple to a climax. in argument?

Lin Yi continued to peel eggs, he shook his head: "No."

"I am..." Lin Yi thought for a while, but did not expect a rhetoric to convince Cheng Yang that he could not convince himself, and finally said dully: "I don't want to participate."

Before Cheng Yang asked the reason, he first said: "There is no reason, I just don't want to go, I'm a little tired."

Cheng Yang: "Ow."

Sure enough, even Cheng Yang couldn't convince him, Lin Yi said frustratedly, "Don't believe it."

"..." Cheng Yang said, "I didn't say I didn't believe it?"

Lin Yi resented: "I can see the expression."

Cheng Yang: "...Sorry."

Knowing that there must be a problem between Lin Yi and Qin Zhou, Cheng Yang wanted to ask clearly and also wanted to help Lin Yi find a solution, but seeing Lin Yi unwilling to say more, Cheng Yang Yang didn't dare to ask any more questions, he was afraid that he would make Lin Yi cry.

"Your tea eggs are cold, brother, please eat something hot." Cheng Yang said.

Afraid of Lin Yi's rejection, Cheng Yang quickly got up and took the campus card to brush tea eggs for Lin Yi.

Lin Yi didn't have time to stop it, and he wasn't in the mood to stop it, so he just continued to push the egg in his hand.

"You know, a major emergency meeting is being held tonight."

"Fuck!? Something happened to the president? I heard that the president seems to have left school."

"Bah, bah, what nonsense. The president is fine."

"Then why is a major emergency meeting of the first level suddenly held, this is the highest level meeting?"

"I guess it has something to do with the president's departure from school. I heard that a meeting was held one second after the president returned to school."

The two student union members who finished their duty came to the cafeteria to eat, because Lin Yi lowered his head and did not recognize Lin Yi. At this time, there was no one in the cafeteria, so he walked past Lin Yi talking to himself.

Lin Yi raised his head and looked at the two.

"Did you find a way to leave school?" One of them was pleasantly surprised.

"I don't think so, I heard that the president's expression is ugly when he comes back this time." Another person shook his head and said, "Leaving the school, it's not so easy, for us, it's good to live an extra day. already."

"What's the reason for that?" The man was puzzled: "Did something happen to someone at the top? But when Luo Yige left, there was no top-level meeting."

"Can you say something nice with your mouth?" The person who answered said: "It should be because of the negligence of the head of the procurement department and the head of the logistics department. I heard that because of this negligence, 21 procurement departments The classmates are only half back."

The logistics department has always been the department with the least casualties, and this number is shocking enough.

Lin Yi kept looking at them, originally wanting to comfort himself, and some student council members were not able to attend this meeting, and he was not an exception. But gradually I was attracted by their conversation.

I don't even know when Cheng Yang will come back after brushing the tea eggs.

After the two bought food, they found a place to sit down.

"It turns out to be like this, no wonder the president wants to hold a meeting, half of the 21 people are left, what danger do they encounter!"

"I don't know exactly, I only know that they seem to have lost contact near Jinma Street."

"Golden Horse Street? Isn't that the bar street? The school prohibits alcohol, so why do the students in the purchasing department go to the bar street?"

The first time I contacted a classmate in the purchasing department was Brother Song, who asked them to bring an mp4, saying that they forgot when they filled out the demand form."

Lin Yi was stunned.

Cheng Yang was taken aback by Lin Yi's reaction: "What... what's wrong?"

Lin Yi muttered: "mp4, mp4."

He remembered that when he went to Chen Song to get his mp4 back, Chen Song's phone was still on.

He closed his eyes and tried his best to recall the phone screen placed on the phone cabinet, which had the caller ID on it.


He remembered, it was Qin Zhou.

Chen Song is talking to Qin Zhou.

Lin Yi's reasoning ability is not bad, he can almost infer the whole situation from the few words here.

When entering the 8-4 rule world, his mp4 and mobile phone fell out of his pocket, so the mobile phone and his mp4 were sent to Chen Song for repair.

During the maintenance process, how could Chen Song not turn on his mp4, he must have heard the audio he recorded in the mp4.

Sounds like that really make people misunderstand that there is something wrong with the mp4.

But there are not many people who use mp4 now. Chen Song has mobile phone stock but no mp4 stock. Qin Zhou bought him a new mobile phone, how could he ignore a 'broken' mp4.

So the purchase list of the students in the purchasing department added the task of purchasing mp4.

Lin Yi was suddenly out of breath.

Although it is still debatable whether the students in the Purchasing Department crossed Jinma Street to Xinhua Street because of him, even though he repeatedly told himself not to think about this, the guilt that rose in Lin Yi’s heart made him He couldn't avoid the question.

Therefore, this question involves more problems one after another. His name is Lin Yi, and he himself cannot deny that he has nothing to do with the 0-1 monster.

This is a non-natural engineering university, and everyone in it is the target of persecution by the 0-1 monster...

There are Qin Zhou and Ou Ying, Cheng Yang and Ren Li, Wang Feihang and Luo Yi, counselors and teachers of various subjects.

There are Yuan Yuan and Lin Zhen.

He looked around, as well as the two people talking, as well as the staff in the cafeteria.

All teachers and students are victims.

Cheng Yang was anxious: "Brother Lin, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Yi looked at the tea eggs that Cheng Yang had peeled for him in his hand, and then he rubbed his face violently: "I'm sorry."

Cheng Yang was at a loss: "I'm sorry?"

Lin Yi couldn't speak, he could only say with great difficulty: "I don't deserve to eat tea eggs."

Cheng Yang: "Ah? What are you talking about, a tea egg is only a few dollars." Seeing that Lin Yi was in a wrong mood, Cheng Yang reassured: "Aren't you thinking about crab pancakes? During the winter vacation, we apply for leaving the school, and I will invite you to eat, one hundred and one thousand, and the brothers have money."

"I...I'll go to Jingjing." Lin Yi hurriedly dropped these words and fled.

Cheng Yang didn't expect Lin Yi to run away suddenly, and when he reacted to chase, Lin Yi had disappeared.

Cheng Yang could only shout at the vast night: "Lin Yixiong, I'll be waiting for you in the bedroom, ah."

Lin Yi heard Cheng Yang's voice, and he ran faster.

He didn't even know how long he ran, let alone how far he ran. When he regained his senses, he realized that he was outside Qin Zhou's bedroom.

He stood at the door of the bedroom, because he and Qin Zhou left in a hurry, the door of the bedroom was not closed.

Lin Yi reached out and closed the door for Qin Zhou, then turned to leave.

After taking two steps, he turned around again and opened the door.

In this emergency meeting, Lin Yi knew exactly what Qin Zhou was going to announce.

He can't stop Qin Zhou, this is Qin Zhou's responsibility, although he has a strong feeling that after this meeting, he may become the target of public criticism, but he deserves it, who calls him and 0- 1 is it related?

He didn't say it before, it was his selfishness, shouldn't these persecuted people be allowed to join forces to denounce him?

The things in the bedroom have not been cleaned up, and the rest of their meals are still on the table.

Lin Yi stared at the table and looked at the two beds in the dormitory. Qin Zhou said before that one was for him.

Lin Yi didn't dare to sit on Qin Zhou's bed, he sat on the bed that Qin Zhou said he gave him.

Sitting for a while, the vibration of the phone interrupted his thoughts.

It was Cheng Yang who called, and Lin Yi hurried to pick it up. His emotional out-of-control just now should scare Cheng Yang, so he had to tell Cheng Yang quickly to avoid Cheng Yang worrying.

Cheng Yang asked where he was.

Lin Yi told the truth, he said I was in the senior dormitory.

Cheng Yang said, "Brother Lin, you never lie, right?"

Lin Yi choked.

Cheng Yang added: "Then you stay in the president's dormitory, it suddenly rains and thunders outside, call me if you want to come back, and I'll bring you an umbrella. "

Lin Yi whispered "Hmmm".

It was raining and thundering, Lin Yi didn't know if it was a 0-1 monster, after all, this school was its world, and manipulating the weather couldn't be easier for it.

The 0-1 monster seemed to be mocking him.

No, Lin Yi suddenly thought of the TV series he had watched. The heroine in the TV plot is a little dragon girl. Her mood will affect the whole world. If she is in a low mood, it will be thunder and rain .

Lin Yi thought of himself, and thought to himself, not so hypocritical.

Is it because he is in a low mood now, so there is also thunder and rain here?

If so, he may really be closely related to the 0-1 monster.

In disbelief, Lin Yi walked to the window, opened the window and watched the pouring rain outside.

He tried to pack up his mood, trying to test whether the weather on campus really changed with his mood.

It's just that my mood is extremely low, and it's a bit difficult to cheer up and be happy.

Lin Yi sang, and after singing the whole song, she didn't feel any better.

He thought about whether he wanted to sleep or not. When he fell asleep, he would not have such a low mood. When he woke up, he would ask Cheng Yang what the weather was like when it rained and turned sunny. .

Thinking so, Lin Yi took off his shoes and prepared to wash his feet and go to bed.

Walking to the faucet, and thinking about water restrictions, he propped up the windowsill and stretched one foot out.

It rains, naturally.

He was washing and washing, thinking that he was funny, but he couldn't laugh.

After washing, he wiped his feet and returned to the bed, lying down obediently with his eyes closed.

Turn over,

Damn it, Lin Yi said a dirty word in his heart.

It was difficult to fall asleep in the first place, and now I am depressed and even more unable to sleep.

He had no choice but to take out the mp4 in his pocket and put the earphones in his ears.

He turned his voice up to the max.

Inferior mp4, inferior headphones, after covering his hearing, also let the audio sound faintly in the bedroom.

When Qin Zhou returned to the bedroom, he heard the voice from Lin Yi's earphones.

I saw Lin Yi curled up on the single bed again.

He went to the window, smoked a cigarette, and closed the window.

Then stood in front of Lin Yi, staring at Lin Yi.

Seeing Lin Yi's eyelids trembling slightly, it means that Lin Yi is not asleep.

Qin Zhou took off the earphone in Lin Yi's ear, this action did not 'wake up' Lin Yi.

He lay down and turned Lin Yi's body toward him.

"Little genius." Qin Zhou said a lot at the meeting, his voice hoarse, "You are shaking."

For a long time, Lin Yi squeezed out an "um" from his throat, but still did not open his eyes.

Qin Zhou said: "The sound is too loud, it is not good for the ears."

Hearing this, Lin Yi closed his eyes and groped for the mp4, ready to turn down the volume.

However, Qin Zhou took off the earphone in his other ear, the 'click' sound disappeared, and there was only the sound of himself and Qin Zhou's breathing.

Lin Yi heard Qin Zhou whisper, "I heard it."

Lin Yi curled himself up harder, his body shaking a little more than just now.

Qin Zhou said, "Is it cold?"

After finishing speaking, prepare to cover Lin Yi with a quilt.

Lin Yi grabbed his clothes and still closed his eyes: "I'm not cold, I'm afraid."

"Qin Zhou."

Lin Yi called Qin Zhou's name for the first time: "The meeting is over, have the students discussed how to deal with me? Will you kill me? Or will you lock me up, what about the others? Do you all know how weird I am? Senior Sister Ou Ying, Team Wang, and Brother Ren Li hate me so much?"

"Open your eyes." Qin Zhou said.

Lin Yi still closed his eyes, expressing his disobedience with silence.

"Open your eyes and look at me." Qin Zhou said, "I'll give you the answer."

Lin Yi squeezed Qin Zhou's shirt tightly, he struggled hesitantly and opened his eyes.

Qin Zhou was soaked in the rain, his body was wet, his hair was soaked, and the moment he opened his eyes to see him clearly, Qin Zhou kissed his forehead and said hoarsely: "The meeting only announced The 0-1 assumption holds."

"I won't kill you and I won't lock you up. If it was Ou Ying and Wang Feihang, they wouldn't treat you like that. Do you know why? Because we have eyes and can see your goodness. "

Lin Yi was stunned, and it took a long time to find his voice: "What if it is, even if it is not... I have something to do with 0-1, whether I am a human or a monster, myself I don't know, I'm still looking... looking for the answer, I haven't found it yet."

Qin Zhou said: "I'll accompany you to find it."

This time, Lin Yi was completely stunned.

After a long time, Lin Yi hugged Qin Zhou violently and hugged him tightly: "Senior, I like you."

"If the answer you find is the worst possible outcome, I promise you, I will not make it difficult for you! Definitely not, please believe me."

Read The Duke's Passion