MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 164 164

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"Did you find the main thread?" Qin Zhou suddenly changed the subject and asked.

Lin Yi quickly put away his emotions and nodded: "Well."

He told Qin Zhou the main line he had found, probably because he wanted to talk to Qin Zhou more, he knew Qin Zhou's next move, but he asked: "Senior, what should I do now? How to do?"

Qin Zhou said that his fear was not a lie. He didn't even notice Lin Yi's careful thoughts, he took a deep breath and said, "Find it out."

Lin Yi asked again, "Have you figured out how to find it, senior?"

Qin Zhou 'um'.

Lin wondered, "What is it?"

Qin Zhou said: "There are books on the shelf."

Lin Yi understood, but he still asked, wanting to use this clumsy method to decorate Taiping: "Senior, what happened to the book?"

Qin Zhou pulled the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand to hold Lin Yi's neck, and took the person to his side. He found Lin Yi's emotions and comforted softly, "Don't be afraid."

The two of them were talking on the balcony side, and the people involved in the living room looked at them from time to time because they were afraid, but they didn't dare to look more, so they could only wait for Lin Yi and Qin Zhou tormented After speaking quietly.

I don't know how long it took, the sliding door of the balcony was pushed open, and everyone's eyes immediately turned to them.

They actually have a lot of things they want to ask Qin Zhou, such as what is the matter with monsters among them, but in fact, as long as people with normal intelligence can understand the meaning of Qin Zhou's words, they really want to They didn't know what to ask.

Qin Zhou walked to the fallen bookshelf and picked up a book.

Lin Yi saw the book Qin Zhou picked up, the famous book "One Hundred Years of Solitude".

Qin Zhou flipped the page and turned to page 152. Lin Yi went to find a pen for Qin Zhou.

Qin Zhou opened the cap and drew a circle around the first sentence of the first paragraph of 152.

'During his nearly twenty years in the field, Colonel Aureliano Buendía has returned home many times, but because he is always in a state of emergency, he is always surrounded by military attachés Beside him, there was always a halo of legend surrounding him—a light that even Sulla couldn't turn a blind eye to—and eventually he became a stranger. '1

After finishing the drawing, Qin Zhou handed the book to Huahua, who was closest to him, and said, "Read the circled part and repeat it to me after reading it."

Hua Hua didn't understand: "What?"

"Literally." Qin Zhou walked to the balcony and closed the sliding door again.

Lin Yi glanced at Qin Zhou's back on the balcony, and explained to everyone with a good temper, "I'm looking for a monster."

Everyone didn't understand, Lin Yi looked at them and said, "This sentence will make the monster reveal its secrets."

Since Lin Yi said so, it is not easy for everyone to ask how to reveal the secret, and to continue to ask is to find an opportunity to patch the monster. Hua Hua looked down at the book.

Lin Yi gently reminded: "Try to read silently."

"Okay." After Huahua had spent one time, Lin Yi took the initiative to take the book away, not giving Huahua a chance to read it a second time.

Huahua opened her mouth to say something, Lin Yi said: "After reading the book, try not to speak."

Flower: "…"

Huahua couldn't, then pushed open the sliding door of the balcony and closed the mountain.

Qin Zhou said: "It's time to start."

Hua Hua recalled what she had just watched: "In nearly twenty years of battlefield career..."

"Enough." Qin Zhou said.

Huahua withdrew, and the second Ah Shan came to the balcony to repeat to Qin Zhou: "In nearly twenty years of battlefield career, Aureli... Noah, oh no, Aurelia No Bu... Bu..."

"Alright." Qin Zhou said.

The rest of the participants came to Qin Zhou to retell them in turn.

“During nearly twenty years on the battlefield, O’Reilly? Oria…”


"During nearly twenty years on the field, Aureliano Buyardi..."


“During his nearly twenty years in the field, Colonel Aureliano Buendía has returned home many times, but always in a state of emergency, always surrounded by military entourage Next to it, there is always a legendary halo surrounding it, um... I don't remember it later."


Qin Zhou looked up at this man.

Except for him and Lin Yi, the other twenty-two participants quickly completed this retelling, and then waited in the living room for Qin Zhou to announce the answer.

Qin Zhou walked into the living room from the balcony, walked straight to Xixi, "I want to review."

Xi Xi's expression became ugly: "What... what?"

Everyone saw that the situation was wrong, and immediately stayed away from Xixi.

Xi Xi reluctantly said with a sullen expression: "You don't think I'm a monster, do you? What are you kidding?"

Everyone stared at Xixi, then looked at Qin Zhou.

They couldn't tell anything from Xixi's expression, although Xixi's expression seemed a little grim now, but they felt it was reasonable.

They can only go to Qin Zhou and wait for Qin Zhou to explain the reason why Xixi is a monster.

Lin Yi didn't know the retelling of the twenty-two people involved, and followed everyone to look at Qin Zhou.

Qin Zhou said: "Normal people can't memorize a whole paragraph of text in a short period of time. At most, they can write down the general content. It is difficult to repeat the original word-for-word."

Xixi defended: "I didn't remember a whole paragraph! I don't remember the rest of it, don't throw dirty water on me!"

"You didn't remember." Qin Zhou didn't plan to spend any more time with her. They had been in this newly established rule world for a long time, and any delay would only be detrimental to them.

"Chinese people are not sensitive to foreigners' names, so they can remember the full name after reading it once. I don't remember. Your level is not low, you saw the people in front come out soon, you guessed based on the time that they didn't repeat the whole paragraph, you imitated them and only repeated half of the content, but you are just a monster after all, you don't know normal people What normal behavior is supposed to be like."

Perhaps because of Lin Yi's confession, Qin Zhou poured his anger on Xixi and sarcastically said, "Monsters can only be monsters."

After listening to Qin Zhou's words, everyone recalled their retelling to Qin Zhou.

What Qin Zhou said was true, they really couldn't repeat the text word for word, and there would be mistakes in many unexpected places.

'In nearly 20 years on the field' is the simplest sentence in the whole paragraph, but they all go wrong.

For example, say 'sandfield' as 'battlefield'.

Say 'in life' as 'in life'.

Their usual oral fetishes will directly affect the retelling, but oral fetishes are just a habit of speaking, not a memory. Monsters can’t spy on them, and they can’t use human memory to pass this identity test.

"You still don't admit it?" Qin Zhou looked at Xixi coldly: "Did you not tell you the rules of replay when the 0-1 monster tamed you?"

The words '0-1 monster' stimulated Xixi, she sank deep into the sofa and looked at Qin Zhou with a gloomy expression.

Lin Yi took a few steps closer to Qin Zhou, Qin Zhou was too aggressive, he was afraid that this 17-1 monster would be stimulated and suddenly erupt.

According to the past experience of the rule world, monsters can kill the involved before they open their mouths to replay.

After approaching Qinzhou, Lin Yi stopped.

Xi Xi didn't take any further action, she seemed to be hit by Qin Zhou's words.

That's true, the 17-1 monster suffered two defeats in a short period of time.

Qin Zhou said: "Your name is Tang Fei, you have a sister, and the two brothers have a mother who has a strong desire to control..."

He still believed in Lin Yi very much. Lin Yi told him the main line, and he had no doubts.

After the replay is finished, the knocking of 'dong dong dong' stopped, and the living room became quiet.

Qin Zhou stared at the gloomy face and said: "What you are doing now is the same as monitoring your mother, and the group of scumbags in Xiu Shen Academy. Oh yes, you know that you have become Who is most disappointed with this look?"

This sentence made Xixi raise her head suddenly.

Qin Zhou said, "Your sister."

Xixi trembled, she glared at Qin Zhou, Qin Zhou was not afraid at all, he said cruelly: "Knowing that my brother will turn into a monster and attack innocent people, your sister will definitely regret protecting you. Well, or take you as a disgrace?"

Qin Zhou was different from the previous review, he was mixed with too many personal emotions.

"Senior..." Lin Yi said worriedly.

They don't know to what extent the 0-1 monster has tamed the 17-1 monster. Lin Yi is really worried that Qin Zhou will stimulate the 17-1 monster and make the 17-1 monster Stop following the rules.

"If..." Qin Zhou said, "If you don't want your sister to be completely disappointed with you, you know what to do."

Everyone dared not speak, they all sensed Qin Zhou's anger, the anger from Qin Zhou almost surpassed the monster's anger.

Qin Zhou and Xixi confronted each other.

After a long time, Xixi's figure changed in other ways, a black mist poured out of her body, and she slowly turned into a boy, but the black mist covered her its face, so that its face cannot be clearly presented.

It just sat silently.

"What's that!"

Flower pointed to something behind it.

As everyone looked at it, a spot of light first appeared behind it, and this spot of light gradually became larger after it was discovered, as if it absorbed all the light sources here.

Lin Yi is more familiar with this white light than everyone else.

"It's an exit."

The replay was successful, the 17-1 monster opened the exit and released the surviving prey.

The white light skyrocketed, drowning them in an instant.

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and when the white light poured in, he boldly held Qin Zhou's hand.

He clearly felt Qin Zhou's figure paused, but fortunately, Qin Zhou did not break away from him, but instead held him back and held him tightly.

After the white light, they returned to the passage of the secret room.

But there are more than twenty of them here.

According to the room escape program, there are more than one episodes of "Slim Body Academy" every day, because the time is fixed, which means that the 17-1 monster does not eat one group of people and then start the next one , it attracts prey according to time and then opens the world, which means that multiple '17-1 rule worlds' can exist in this secret room at the same time.

Lin Yi saw the students in the purchasing department in the distance.

Qin Zhou's words really stimulated the 17-1 monster.

It thought of her sister, and she said, "Don't be afraid, Xiaofei, my sister will definitely find a way to take you away, and my sister will always protect you."

I still can't let my sister down.

Only my sister hurts it in this world.

Then let the people who are still struggling in the other world be released.

Sister, Xiaofei is wrong.

Don't want Xiaofei.

Read The Duke's Passion