MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 91 Extra · □□ (top)

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[Congratulations on the "Infinite Escape" game. 】

Cheng Zhichu’s mind echoed the system’s prompt tone. When he heard this sentence, he groaned, as if in a dream, it took a few seconds to understand the meaning of the sentence, and suddenly excited eyes All red, could not help but rushed forward to hug Bai Yi.

"Knowing the beginning."

Bai Yi also immediately hugged him tightly, kissed his hair top, his voice was soft and gentle, his glory was shining, his face was no longer calm and calm, and he whispered the name of the person in his arms. .

The two men embraced each other for a long time, and after the four eyes were opposite, Bai Yi gradually lowered his head and seemed to kiss Cheng Zhichu. Standing on the side of Bai Xixing knew that he should not stay here, he was about to quit quietly, but at this time, Bai Yi’s face suddenly turned pale, closed his eyes and fell on Cheng Zhichu’s body.


The joy of Bai Xixing’s heart disappeared without a trace, and he rushed to the past anxiously. Together with Cheng Zhichu, he helped Bai Yi to the bed, only to find that Bai Yi was in a coma.

"System, what is going on?!"

Cheng Zhichu was so afraid that he even forgot to use consciousness and system communication. He shouted out loudly. He sat down beside Bai Yi and held his hand tightly. He was about to cry: "You are not saying that there will be no accident, why is Bai Yihui? Become like this!?"

[No, how come, this is impossible! 】The system sounds too anxious to sound. [Mingmingly, the integration was very smooth, how... what, what do you say? 】

It suddenly turned around and seemed to be talking to other people. After a while, it said to Cheng Zhichu: "We know the reason. According to the detection, there are some problems in the soul fragments. They are polluted by Mr. Mu. ! 】

"Mr. Mu?" Cheng Zhichu was shocked. A raging anger and resentment followed. He stood up and asked with anger. "Isn't he becoming a monster trapped in a copy? Why? Can he also pollute the soul of Bai Yi?"

[Because those few soul fragments were in the copy of Mr. Mu’s. 】

The system explained to him: [Two years ago, Mr. Bai Yi and Mr. Mu met in the copy. The battle between them caused the copy to collapse. The soul of Bai Yi was broken, and Mr. Mu became a monster. You I know all. 】

[Every soul of Bai Yi has formed a copy of the world, and Mr. Mu’s soul is in a broken copy, like a black hole, absorbing and distorting several copies of the world. 】

[These worlds were created by the pieces of Bai Yi's soul. They were co-located in the same space with Mr. Mu, and were absorbed and polluted by Mr. Mu, which also caused Bai Yi's soul fragments to be affected. 】

"How can we eliminate Mr. Mu’s pollution now and let Bai Yi wake up?" Cheng Zhichu asked anxiously.

[This requires your strength, you have to enter this distorted world, kill Mr. Mu, and save the projection of Bai Yi's soul. 】

“Soul projection?” Cheng Zhichu said, “What does this mean?”

[After the white soul fragments are merged, the resulting copy should have disappeared, but due to the distortion brought by Mr. Mu, these worlds have not disappeared, but left a residual projection, which will affect white. Easy soul. 】

[In short, you have to enter the world, and then kiss the projections of several soul fragments, and finally kill Mr. Mu. 】

[This time I will raise your privilege to the highest level and help you quickly rescue the projection of Bai Yi. 】

[As for the method of killing Mr. Mu is also very simple, directly throwing your money, throwing the devil face ten times in a row, and letting this twisted world collapse - the power of the world has almost been absorbed by Mr. Mu. There is no real life, it is also a group of projections. 】

The system said a lot in one breath, and finally screamed and said: [Although you have cleared the customs, but now you have to enter the copy, you should not deny it? 】

"How is it possible, I will go now."

In order to let Bai Yisu wake up and get rid of Mr. Mu’s pollution, Cheng Zhichu naturally cannot refuse: “You send me in.”

"School brother, where are you going now?" Bai Xixing could not hear the voice of the system. He heard the words and looked up at Cheng Zhichu.

"I already know the reason why Bai Yi is coma." Cheng Zhichu said with a grin, "It is because of Mr. Mu... Now I am going to solve this problem, the senior, you can rest assured, I will make Bai Yi wake up."

Bai Xixing glanced at Bai Yi lying in bed, solemnly nodded, patted Cheng Zhichu’s shoulder and said: "Then please, you are careful."

"Good." Cheng Zhichu seriously responded.

[Then I will start transmitting to you now. 】

The system prompts Cheng Zhichu, and then the familiar feeling of being transmitted into the copy appears again, and the surrounding scene disappears and becomes dark.

[Entering a copy. 】

[Copy name: □ □. 】

【grade:? 】

[Difficulty:? 】

[Number of people: 1 person. 】

[This is a broken copy. There is no safe time. You may encounter dangerous situations at any time after entering the copy, so I will introduce you to the information background now. 】

The system said: [You may have guessed this name. The copies generated by these soul fragments are fairy tale backgrounds. 】

[The story lines we have detected are the three fairy tales of "Little Mermaid", "Snow White" and "Sleeping Beauty". After entering the copy, you may get a new identity, and the things you encounter will probably follow fairy tales. But this is a horrible world, so the original story will be strongly distorted, and you will encounter a variety of monsters. 】

[After entering the copy, you may see various grotesque and distorted scenes. Space and time may break and confuse at any time. This is because the world has been destroyed and polluted by Mr. Mu. 】

[I will do my best to protect your safety, but you must be more careful. I have put a few bottles of the most advanced lucky potion in your backpack. You drink it first, you are always so unlucky, but don't Going in and going to die...]

The tone of the system is very sincere, and it is completely considered for Cheng Zhichu. But it is because it is too sincere, but it makes Cheng Zhichu even more depressed. He took two bottles of lucky potion and took out the coins for their good luck.

[To enter the copy. 】

As the voice of the system fell, the darkness around Cheng Zhichu gradually faded, and there was a layer of **** light around it. The air became damp and salty, like the smell of sea water, and it was mixed with a touch of blood.

His feet swayed abruptly, and Cheng Zhichu bent down and hurriedly stabilized his figure. With the blood on the top, he saw a wet deck under his feet, and there was noisy laughter around him. The sound of the waves rolling.

[You are on a boat now... well, is this the story of the "Little Mermaid"? 】

The system said so, Cheng Zhichu held the railing around him and looked up at the distance. Sure enough, he was standing on the bow of a big ship. Above the night sky, there was no starlight, and a layer of blood reflected the dark blue sea. Dark and deep, vast and endless, can not help but feel terrible.

Behind him, there was a laughter and laughter. The whole ship was arranged to be extravagant and extravagant. The aristocrats who attended the meeting were laughing and laughing on the deck, and the messenger shuttled back and forth. The windows of the cabin showed brilliant light, and the scent of the feast was faint.

But when I saw these nobles, Cheng Zhichu was immediately shocked and even leaned against the bow.

The aristocrats look very abnormal, and some skin rots, such as a walking dead, some with animal tails and horns, or even a half-human type, no legs under the skirt or dress, replaced by snake tails or Insect foot.

Some of them sensed the eyes of Cheng Zhichu, then turned their heads, raised their glasses and smiled at him, and gave a courtesy, respectful and friendly, so that he was relieved, calmed down, no longer worried about himself. Was eaten immediately.

[Your identity should be their prince, and your birthday party is being held on board. 】 The system said.

Is he a prince? Then he should not become a monster anymore?

Cheng Zhichu was a bit unacceptable. He quickly looked down at his body and touched his face and head. Fortunately, he didn't seem to have any abnormalities, or the original appearance. This is normal. After all, some of the nobles are normal. Human form.

According to the original development of the story, there will be storms overturning the ship in a moment. He sinks into the sea and will be saved by the mermaid princess... But if the mermaid is the soul projection of Bai Yi, it should be the mermaid prince.

Thinking of this, Cheng Zhichu quickly drank a bottle of medicine that can breathe in the water to prevent any unexpected situation.

He looked at the sparkling sea and noticed that the sea was very calm now, and he looked up into the night sky subconsciously, but he was shocked.

He had noticed that the moonlight was **** before, knowing that the sky is definitely not normal, but at most it is thought to be caused by **** months.

But now, above the night sky, there are more than a dozen horrible blood red eyes, hanging like a moon, emitting bright blood, and the cocoon turns back and forth, if you are watching the scene below.

Moreover, Cheng Zhichu also found that something huge stood on the ground and went straight to the sky. At first he thought it was a mountain, but after watching it for a few seconds, he suddenly found that those things seemed to be slowly moving, and they were living creatures.

This horrible scene made his scalp numb, but the monster aristocrats behind him were used to it, even when they clink glasses, they also lifted the glass to the night sky and said loudly: "Like our God, praise the American king, praise the prince!"

[The monster you see in the night sky is the embodiment of Mr. Mu. 】

The explanation given by the system is extremely horrifying: [and this is only a small part of him... The whole sky is his body, and the things that connect the ground and the sky are his esophagus, absorbing the vitality on the ground day and night. And the pollution of the world, so that these residents have become such a strange look. 】

But Mr. Mu is still called a god...

Cheng Zhichu looked up at the **** red eyes and the moon. When the eyeball's line of sight swept over his body, he felt cold, like a splash of ice water, and quickly lowered his head and did not dare to look at those eyes again.

No wonder the system wants him to directly throw the coin to make the copy collapse. How can Mr. Mu be killed directly... Fortunately, the world is not real. All the creatures have only projections...

Just as he had a lingering fear, the whole ship suddenly violently bumped and let him slip.

The other people on the boat have long been used to the bumps of the hull, still talking and laughing, as if nothing happened, and the food placed on the small table was not dropped to the ground. Cheng Zhichu clearly saw the table legs go. Keeping balance in a few steps, it is not a real table, it is also a monster.

However, the bumps did not stop there, but they became more and more fierce.

At this time, the people on the boat finally realized that the situation seemed to be not quite right. They fell to the ground and began to scream. The food on the table was on the floor, the cups were messy, and the lights in the cabin were also affected. The deck was shaken vigorously and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Is it because the shipwreck is about to happen? But the storm hasn't come yet...

Cheng Zhichu also fell to the ground and struggled with the railing. At this time, the calm sea suddenly burst into a bubble and the waves. A loud bang, a lot of sea water was picked up and photographed on the surface of the ship. A large, smooth black tentacle suddenly protruded from the bottom, and the vessel was rolled up tightly.

"It’s a sea monster! It’s a sea monster attacking a ship!”

The people on the boat were so horrified that they screamed and cried, and they fled in the air. They wanted to hide in the cabin, but the sea monsters did not give them the chance to escape. Several black tentacles slammed down and sturdy. The cabin was smashed.

Because of this attack, the hull violently vibrated, and some people were immediately thrown into the sea, immersed in the turbulent waves brought by the sea monster.



The tentacle is still swaying wildly, and the hull is shot with a large crack. The tentacles that entangle the hull are constantly tightening, giving a "clam" sound. When the power reaches the peak, the whole ship The boat was instantly split, including Cheng Zhichu, and everyone fell into the sea.


Cheng Zhichu’s body sank in the dark, cold waters, but fortunately he had just drank medicine, and there was no feeling of suffocation and uncomfortable.

However, he is very scared now. After the tentacles destroyed the ship, they have shrunk a lot, become thin and long, and continue to flexibly slide in the sea. They searched back and forth the people who fell into the sea and rolled them all up. They drowned in the sea and then dragged into deeper darkness, slowly disappearing.

Cheng Zhichu desperately avoided the tentacles, perhaps because of the luck bonus, those tentacles slid past him, but did not catch him, but he felt that he could not hold for a long time, if the mermaid did not save him, he really To be killed by the tentacle!

However, there is no shadow of mermaid in the sea. Cheng Zhichu desperately wants to free the hunting range of the sea monsters, but the range that these tentacles can extend is too wide. He simply can't escape, but he is still caught in the ankle. The stock force violently dragged him back.

He was so frightened that his heart had to stop, and the system screamed "wow", but he quickly calmed down and appeased him: "It doesn't matter, don't be afraid, I will give you permission, if anything is wrong." You can escape at any time and never let you out of danger! 】

Don't give me a flag! Cheng Zhichu was shocked and his face was white. Did you say that "it would never happen"? Can't escape now by teleporting!

[No, wait a minute, you pay attention, this sea monster seems to have no intention of killing you. 】

Cheng Zhichu heard the words from the panic and recovered a little. Some of them suddenly found that the sea monster did not seem to want to kill him. He did not drag him into the depths of the sea. Instead, he dragged him out of the sea with his tentacles. I want him to breathe.

No, wait, this tentacle should not have anything to do with mermaid...

Cheng Zhichu suddenly had a bad premonition. He was dragged by the tentacle and swam in the water for a long time. Under the red light, he blurted the black reef with a shadow like a human upper body.

The speed of the sea monster swimming gradually slowed down, stopped at the edge of the reef, stretched the tentacles, and gently placed Cheng Zhichu on the reef, and let him see the figure.

Under the moonlight, the man sitting on the reef is now facing him, the long white hair falling down, the pale shoulders with a little bit of water, the muscles are very beautiful, you can see that this is a young male back. .

When I heard that Cheng Zhichu had come, the man’s ear hidden under the silver hair moved, his ears showed a fin shape, and he turned his head slowly, revealing most of his face. The facial features were beautiful and flirtatized, and his lips were stained with bright red blood. The beads, the silver erect flow, glazed, and looked at Cheng Zhichu behind him.

Seeing that he was coming, the handsome man showed a faint smile, stretched out one of his hands, and a thin shackle between his fingers, said to Cheng Zhichu with a smile: "Hey, come over."

This is the mermaid?

Seeing his obvious inhuman characteristics, Cheng Zhichu was awkward and not too afraid. He slowly walked over and looked down on the man's lower half. He looked for the fishtail of the mermaid, but slammed it. Shrinking, the footsteps also froze.

Because the man does not have any fishtails, his lower body is a tentacle that hangs down into the sea.

The sea water whipped up the sound of the tumbling water, and suddenly a head was drilled on the sea. It was a handsome blond boy. The teenager swam to the reef, his arms supported the stones, and the upper body squatted on the reef and licked his wet short hair. The golden vertical瞳 slightly bent, revealing pointed tiger teeth, said with a smile.

"Brother, how, I managed to bring back the knowledge."

After all, a few tentacles stretched out from the sea, and smugly stunned, as if they were talking to the boy, and then quietly stretched out and touched the body of Cheng Zhichu.

"Good job."

The handsome man smiled slightly and looked at Cheng Zhichu, who was unable to move in the same place. The voice asked softly: "How come you are?"

[ very obvious. 】

After a brief silence, the system said something stiff.

[This story should be renamed "The Tentacle Mermaid"...]

The author has something to say: You are not a human being.

Thanks to the grenades of Taichu and Shiro, the world is full of flowers and a landmine x2, and a small biscuit, star tears, lili?qiq Yan, Panyan North, 舜曦, 夕烧, 榛子心心, Lucy Hartfili, cold, simmering, drinking coffee, swearing, and a big dog mine! =3=2k novel reading network

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