MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 90 Ending (below)

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I noticed that the ghost came out of the room and his eyes fell on him. Cheng Zhichu jumped in his heart and could not help but avoid the young man’s sight, but he had to look directly at Qin Ji’s face and look at the other person’s smile and pick up his hair. If there is nothing to drop a kiss on his face.

" are advanced."

Cheng Zhichu’s face was stained with red, and some of his guilty eyes glanced at the other door. He was worried that he would be seen by others, and he quickly rushed Qin Jixian into his house.

The ghosts followed behind them and seemed to want to go in. Cheng Zhichu didn’t want him to come over, and facing the two pieces made him a little uncomfortable, but the ghost’s face and the faint gaze of the young Bai Yi made him If I can’t say what I refused, I have to acquiesce in the ghosts coming in together.

When he first entered the house, he had not had time to talk. He was hugged by Qin Ji from behind, his waist was tightly swayed, and a warm touch was heard in his ear. Qin Ji was kissing his ear.

"You don't..."

Cheng Zhichu’s ear roots were also red, pushing Qin Ji’s arm to his arm, but Qin Ji’s strength was so great that he couldn’t push it.

Ghosts watched them so intimate, the beautiful eyes were a little bleak, but very quickly, he also came to Cheng Zhichu's face, his fingers twitched slightly to the face of Cheng Zhichu, and asked.

"...can you kiss you?"

Being caught in the middle by two people is not allowed to go forward and backward. Cheng Zhi’s face is red and red. He can’t speak, he can only close his eyes nervously, feeling a warm breath, and his forehead is very lightly kissed.

The expression on the face of the teenager was also very nervous and shy. Qin Ji looked in his eyes and shrugged his shoulders. He stepped back to the bed and sat down. He held his jaw and watched the teenager carefully contact Cheng Zhichu. He smiled and said: "You You can be bolder."

"Qin Ji...!"

Cheng Zhichu suddenly became angry and stunned, and glanced at him with a glance. The ghost also stepped back as frightened, because it had always been the appearance of Zhou Luochen, which made him very reluctant to see his face, not to mention Qin Ji is still laughing at him. It made him feel helpless.

"Sure enough, my kiss skills are better?"

As if I didn't notice the emotion of Cheng Zhichu, the handsome man chuckled and stared at him: "In the beginning, you said, who of us is more comfortable with you? Who do you prefer?"

Cheng Zhichu stared at the man with his eyes open, as if he could not believe that he would ask such a question, shame to even start sweating, and he heard the man continue to say.

"Well, this is a question that doesn't make sense. After all, we are all the same person."

Qin Ji smiled and said: "Although I don't understand why I am only part of ‘Bai Yi’, I know that I am more suitable for you than him, but... it doesn't matter, it is not bad.”

His smiling eyes fell on Cheng Zhichu.

"No matter who you like, I can see that you like me."


Cheng Zhichu didn't make a sound. He looked at his eyes a bit complicated. In fact, he didn't like Qin Ji very much before, because Qin Ji was the first boss he met, and the shadow he brought to him was very heavy, and it was in the slaughterhouse at that time. The corpses all over the place also made him afraid and disgusted with Qin Ji. He only thought that this man was a perverted murderer.

But now Qin Ji looks at him with a very gentle look, without covering his emotions, and from the identity of the copy boss, Qin Ji is also very graceful in front of his family, gentle and elegant, it is really difficult to let People are abhorrent.

"Now is the time I should go back."

Qin Ji raised his lips and sat on the bed and opened his arms. His eyes were a little ridiculous. He smiled at Cheng Zhichu: "Hey, knowing the beginning, sit on my leg and kiss me."

Cheng Zhichu: "..."

It is he who is wrong, this guy is really a complete bastard!

"Don't you kiss?" Qin Jiyang raised his eyebrows. "So I am leaving?"

" don't move."

Cheng Zhichu slowly spit out a sigh of relief, a little bit grievous, slowly approaching the past, holding Qin Ji’s shoulders, leaning over to kiss his lips, but Qin Ji took the lead and pressed him down, forcing him to Sitting on his lap, then holding his cheeks, kissed his lips deeply.

Qin Ji’s kiss is still hot and aggressive, entangled his lips and tongue, plundering his breath and sight, making him breathless.

But soon, Qin Ji's body began to become a light spot, absorbed by the illustrations a little bit.

He stepped back a little, with a touch of love, caressing Cheng Zhichu's cheek and said with a smile.

“After the soul is merged, you have to prefer ‘white easy’.”

"This way, as part of him, I will also get more love from you."

Finally his body was completely turned into a faint glow, scattered in the air.

The page flipped and stayed on the page belonging to Qin Ji. Just as he had just been included in the illustrations, he did the same mouth shape for Cheng Zhichu.

"I love you."


Cheng Zhichu's mood at the moment was completely different from that at that time. At that time, his heart was only flustered and horrified, but now he felt a faint heartache.

The house was in a state of silence.

The ghost stood quietly, watching Cheng Zhichu's sly look, then walked over and sat down beside him, gently stroking Cheng Zhichu's hair.

"Don't be sad," the ghost whispered.

"Thank you……"

Cheng Zhichu smiled at him. He wanted to say that he was not sad, but his heart did not have the ambiguity, and he could not speak this sentence.

"I don't know what they think, but... I am very happy to be able to reintegrate the soul together."

The juvenile-looking ghost lowered his eyes and said, "No matter how good, I don't want to continue to exist with Zhou Luochen's appearance. At that time, I didn't even dare to meet you. I am afraid that you will treat me as him and hate me... ..."

"I won't, how can I hate you?"

Cheng Zhichu hugged him, his voice softly calmed him: "I know that you are Bai Yi, no matter what you look like, you are Bai Yi."

"..." The ghost clung back to his body, and the voice whimpered, "You... can you name my name again?"

"White is easy."

"White is easy."

"You are not anyone, you are always white..."

Cheng Zhichu said it over and over again.

"Thank you, I know... I am really happy..."

The teenager raised some red eyes and smiled at him. He approached the past and kissed Cheng Zhichu's lips.

"I will always like you from now on."

There was a silvery white glow in the house, and the ghost's body broke into light spots and poured into the illustrations.

At that time, the ghost was in the illustration, the name was marked with a question mark, and his explanation was "You better forget him", but the content on this page has changed.

[ID: 039]

[Name: Bai Yi]

[Source: Horror Variety]

[Level of difficulty:? 】

[Note: He hopes to be remembered by you. 】

At that time, the ghost who turned his back to Cheng Zhichu also turned around, retaining the appearance of Bai Yi’s youth, and showed him a gentle smile.

"Of course I will not forget you..."

Cheng Zhichu whispered softly, his fingers crossed the text on the page.

"what about me?"

A pale, slender hand pressed on the back of Cheng Zhichu's hand and grabbed his finger.

Cheng Zhichu’s line of sight looked upwards, and it was Xie Yuanhuai’s Zhang Junmei’s cold face.

He remembered that he had forgotten to close the door when he entered the house. His mind was concentrated on the illustrations. He did not notice when Xie Yuanhuai came in, nor did he know what he had seen.

Xie Yuanhuai looked at his eyes seriously and asked: "After the soul is merged, will you always remember my appearance?"

After being stunned by his quiet and deep sigh, Cheng Zhichu replied for a few seconds before he replied: "Of course I will not forget you..."

"Let's take a photo."

Xie Yuanhuai took the process of knowing the phone on the bed at the beginning, and sat next to Cheng Zhichu, opened the self-timer mode, and accommodated the two figures in the lens.

Before pressing the capture button, he said to Cheng Zhichu: "Promise me, don't lose the photo, look at it when you have time, can you?"

"I promise."

Cheng Zhichu felt a little bit sour in his heart and nodded hard.

Xie Yuanhuai showed a light smile, and the light of the light was softened. He looked at Cheng Zhichu gently and watered his shoulder and pressed the shooting button.

After the photo was taken, he glanced at the effect and was satisfied. He threw the mobile phone on the bed, clasped Cheng Zhichu's back of the head, and put his lips on Cheng Zhichu's lips, kissing him deeply.

Until his body began to change, Xie Yuanhuai finally dropped the last kiss on Cheng Zhichu's forehead and said softly.

"You will always be my only beloved one."

"do not forget me."

"I hope you can have a good time, my little beginning."

As his voice fell, his body collapsed into a light spot, which was also incorporated into the book, and the page flipped again, showing his figure.

At this time, the screen of the mobile phone has not yet disappeared. The photos still show their photos. Cheng Zhichu looked at it for a while until the screen turned black, and some of them lost their eyes.

In fact, he should also take photos with Su Ling, why he couldn’t think of it before...

[It doesn't matter, you don't have to be sad, I have given you a video, as long as you want, you can come and see it at any time. 】

The system said: [especially the scene where you kissed them, I shot you at eight angles at the same time, and you will be given it if you need it! 】

Cheng Zhichu: can leave me some photos of them.

[Don't, I am not easy to shoot for you, you have to look at it, I will keep it for you. 】

Really don't need to...!

Cheng Zhichu, who was already in the low position, was distracted by the system, trying to get the system to delete those extra things.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the corridor. After a moment, the door that was not closed was pushed open. Joshua stepped forward and pulled the groom's bow tie and came in.

"Damn, let me go!"

The groom was broken and he was broken. He had not felt suffocated for a long time, and he was extremely uncomfortable. He could only passively follow Joshua.

"Do you think I will let you escape?"

After entering the room of Cheng Zhichu, Joshua released the groom and patted his own hand. The smile was a bit cold: "You must go back to the book and do the soul fusion."

"You are not the right person, why is it so active?"

The groom sorted out his collar and his face sank and said: "You are willing to die is your choice, but I don't want to, let me go to fulfill others?"

"Dead? Who said we will die?"

Joshua raised an eyebrow: "Are you thinking that after the integration, we will be completely obliterated and will cease to exist?"

The groom glanced: "Is it not?"

"of course not."

The blonde youth hooked his lips.

"As a soul fragment, we become different people. We are already independent. Even if we are a soul fusion, all our memories and experiences will be preserved. Different personalities will also have an impact on the body."

"Otherwise, why do you think it would be called 'integration'? It is because this is not obliteration, but to make all the pieces really reintegrate."

"And as the subject of the soul, Bai Yi has to bear a lot of risks. If he can't support it, then he must transfer this risk to other pieces... so it is not necessarily who will become the leader later."

how come?

Cheng Zhichu heard a change in his face, but the system said in a timely manner: [You are relieved, we will not let this happen, and we will guarantee that Bai Yi will return it to you. You need to let the soul fragments agree to the fusion. Just fine. 】

When it spoke, Joshua also blinked at Cheng Zhichu, suggesting that he was relieved, but this was just the words of the groom.

Sure enough, the groom showed a hesitant color. At this time Joshua added: "Your wish is to marry the first time, and after the soul is merged, you can hold a real wedding in the future. You will love you very much at the beginning... ”

"I want to integrate soul."

The bridegroom suddenly changed his attitude and walked quickly to Cheng Zhichu. When Cheng Zhichu did not respond, he kissed his lips slyly.

"Don't forget your vow to me, knowing that you must marry me."

As the groom was also integrated into the illustrations, Joshua smiled softly and said with some pleasure: "Sure enough, because I have lost too much? He can really lie."

He also said to Cheng Zhichu: "Don't worry, I am just lying to him. I know myself very well. My body is not going to make the soul fusion."

Looking at the blond youth who smiled and smiled, Cheng Zhichu was hesitant and asked the same doubts as the bridegroom: "If this is the case, then why are you so active? It seems that it is not good for you..."

"I don't think so." Joshua smiled and walked up, stroking his face. "You like the body, which means you will like me after you merge with him, don't you?"

Seeing that Cheng Zhichu still had incomprehensible and worried, he paused, condensed his smile and explained it earnestly.

"I just want to be with you. It doesn't matter what form it is."

"I am sorry for the act of killing you in the copy. This is because I didn't think that my soul has the possibility of reintegration. If you let me out of the copy, I will never see it again." Come to you, I am so easy to meet you again, how can I watch you leave me?"

"So the only way I want to leave you by any means is to kill you and leave your soul."

"I am too selfish, sorry, knowing the beginning, so now I really want to do something for you, even if it is only a trivial matter."

His beautiful eyebrows revealed the color of loss, hugged Cheng Zhichu, and kissed his hair.

"But I think that after the soul is merged, all my memories should be preserved, so it can be considered that I am staying with you, it is enough."

Cheng Zhichu’s eyes were stunned and unconsciously shouted his name: “Joshua...”

"The last time, don't call me that, know the beginning."

Joshua pressed his lips with his index finger: "Think about it, what should you call me?"

After a moment of silence, Cheng Zhichu reopened and shouted softly.

"...bai Yi."

"Good boy."

The blonde youth kissed him with a smile and put his hand on Cheng Zhichu's eyes.

"Close your eyes, don't look like I'm gone, it's not very good looking."

"I will stay with you all the time."

Hearing what he said, I don’t know why. Cheng Zhichu had an impulse to cry, but he kept his eyes closed until the touch that covered his eyes disappeared. He opened his eyes and could not see it in the house. Go to Joshua.


The pages of the black album are turning faster and faster, and they are faintly shining, and they are becoming more and more dazzling.

[It is the power of the illustrations is strengthening, and began to absorb the souls of other copies! 】

The sound of the system became very exciting: [The speed is very fast, faster than I expected. If you find the "cold fall", let him return to the illustration, you can be more -]

【Oh? What can I do? 】

While the system was talking, Cheng Zhichu’s mind showed another voice at the same time. It was the “cold twig whiteness” appeared, and then the system kept screaming: [Don’t come over, don’t come over! ! 】

"Hot branches fall white" seems to be teased by it, said: [Reassured, this time I don't plan to treat you. Knowing that, before going to the dressing mirror, I have something to tell you. 】

"What do you want to say?"

Cheng Zhichu stood in front of the mirror and looked at the shadow reflected in the mirror.

At this time, the mirror suddenly appeared in a circle, replaced by a young man's figure, the appearance is the same as Bai Yi, but at this moment will appear here, it can only be "cold branches and white."

"Unfortunately, I don't have an entity in the real world, I can only appear in front of you in this appearance."

The man stared at Cheng Zhichu's complex face and smiled and said: "What's wrong, you are not always looking for me, why is this expression?"

" did you come out?"

Cheng Zhichu couldn’t think that the "cold branches and whites" would actually show up. He thought that "cold branches and whites" would be hidden. Occasionally, God did not know how to sneak up on him. This is more like "cold branches and whites". style.

"Actually, I have been there all the time, and I have been watching you." The man smiled. "Now they are all back to the illustrations. The next one should be me, right?"

"Would you like to go back to the illustrations?" Cheng Zhichu asked in a wrong way.

"I don't want to go back, and I don't want to integrate souls." The man opened his hand and replied with sincerity. "This state is very free, so why should I be re-contained into the body and become part of others?" ?"

However, before the beginning of the process, he turned his head and said: "Although I think so, I can't do it because I don't want to be hated by you."

"If any one of them refuses to integrate, I can refuse it, but no... they all voluntarily return to the illustrations. If only one is left, you will very much hate me."

"I can't accept it because you are imprisoned and merged."

Having said that, his smile reveals a bit of bitterness: "At the beginning, you caught my most deadly weakness and made me have to compromise with you."

"Not just me, they are the same. It is because of loving you that we will agree to the soul."

"So now, you can kiss me now."

The man waved at the camera in front of Cheng Zhichu, indicating that he was close to the mirror. The lips were attached to the same position through the cold mirror, and the man’s body was quickly disintegrated, and the light passed through the mirror. It was absorbed into the illustrations along with other light spots that flooded in from the outside world.

"You didn't hate me?"

At the last moment before the disappearance, the man still smiled carelessly, but his question was so cautious.

"No..." Cheng Zhichu put his palm on the mirror and overlapped with the man's hand. "I can't hate you because you are Bai Yi."

"It is enough to have you."

The man smiled and sighed softly: "Unfortunately, the requirements for recycling the pieces are too loose, just kiss once, if you can kiss me a hundred times..."

The mirrored cockroach finally disappeared, and the inside was restored to the way of Cheng Zhichu.


The black book suddenly floated in midair, and there were countless bright spots scattered in the air, just like the stars in the sky were all gathered here, frantically pouring into the pages of the book, and the black silhouette moments were dyed with vivid colors. , the appearance of different figures.

When the last spot was also incorporated into the book, the illustration flew out, and the shape of the book was faded, turning into a pure and clear dazzling stream, passing through the wall and throwing into the room where Bai Yi was.

Cheng Zhichu immediately chased him up, feeling very nervous and excited, just about to knock on the door, but the door was opened from the inside, Bai Xixing showed his face full of ecstasy, said to him: "Just... just had a light - ”

"That is Bai Yi to carry out the soul fusion!"

Cheng Zhichu hurriedly replied to him, and Bai Xixing entered the room, and saw that Bai Yi closed his eyes, and his whole body was bathed in this gorgeous light, which was merged with the light.

After a while, the light gradually dimmed and everything returned to its original appearance.

Bai Yi slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, Cheng Zhichu’s breathing was stagnant, and both eyes looked at Bai Yi without hesitation.

Bai Yi opened his eyes and reflected the reflection of the person in front of him. The lips swayed with a gentle smile and said softly.

"Knowing the beginning."

"I finally came back to you."


[Congratulations on the "Infinite Escape" game. 】


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 90

It is a new world.

The author has something to say: The text is over here, thanks to the big babies here! ! For the time being, there seems to be nothing to sum up. In short, I will continue to update it tomorrow! ! There should still be more outside...! ! (probably

Thanks to the bathing Li Xiaomi's id, and the tears of the stars, the sound of the fire, 1279 is already a waste, 舜曦, Susu, Marianne Panda, 壹佰 and this non-white mine! =3=2k novel reading network