MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 92 Fan Wai·Blood Fairy Tales (2)

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Under the moonlight of the blood, the salty sea breeze blew over, rolling the sea, photographing it on the dark reef, scouring the blood accumulated on the reef, and spreading the strong **** smell.

Behind the silver-haired man, there are a lot of deformed cheekbones. Most of these cheekbones are old and broken, but a few are very fresh, sticking with bright red flesh and blood, soaking in the sea, fainting a faint blush.

This **** and horrible scene, coupled with the smooth black tentacle under the silver-haired man's body, even if his smile is gentle and watery, but also let Cheng Zhichu be shocked and screaming, cold and sweat, involuntarily step back.

"Don't be afraid, knowing the beginning, come over."

Seeing that he was receding, the man smiled and was not angry, but several tentacles suddenly slipped silently, rolled up the wrist of Cheng Zhichu, and others pushed behind him, forcing him to lean over to the man.

Cheng Zhichu was quickly pulled by the tentacle, and his footsteps were suddenly stumbled by a tentacle on the reef. The man took the opportunity to pick him up and hugged him in his arms. A large piece of cold and pale skin was stuck in Cheng Zhichu. On the body, let him immediately chill.

The blonde teenagers looked at them on the shore and suddenly smiled and said: "This brother can finally realize his wish... When are you going to hold a wedding?"

When he spoke, the tentacle behind him swayed back and forth, as if he was shaking his tail, stirring up the sea of ​​water and rushing upwards. The body was soaring and floating in the water, which was particularly shocking.

"If you can, naturally, the sooner the better." The man touched the cheek of Cheng Zhichu, and said with a smile, "But I am willing to respect your thoughts. If you can't adapt to it for the time being, I can give you some." Buffer time."

Cheng Zhichu stunned for a moment, not knowing what the silver hair man said about the wedding.

Is he talking about the wedding of both of them? But according to the plot, he should marry the neighboring princess, not the mermaid... If this man can still be considered a "mermaid"...

I noticed that his expression was a little confused. The man gently pinched his cheek and smiled and asked, "Why, have you forgotten that you have promised me?"

Cheng Zhichu heard the words and suddenly jumped. Of course, he could not know what promises he had, and he did not dare to ask questions, fearing that he would anger the mermaid.

Fortunately, the young man naturally explained to him: "The beginning of the knowledge is human, when he was still young, he must have forgotten what he said."

He said that he smiled and revealed a cute little tiger tooth.

"I will tell you, then you promised my brother. When you are an adult, you will marry him. We will bring you back to the sea. You will spend the rest of your life with my brother."

"At that time my brother planted a thought in your mind and will urge you to come to the sea on adulthood. My brother and I will come to pick you up."

The silver-haired man touched the hair of Cheng Zhichu's wet hair, and said, "The wedding is not urgent, you can discuss it slowly. Let us take you back first."

He said that he raised his hand and scratched his wrist with a sharp nail. He handed the **** wound to Cheng Zhichu’s lips and stared at him. "Come, drink some of my blood. After a while, you can be in the water." Free breathing and activity."

Cheng Zhichu looked at the dark and deep sea, and didn't want to go deep into the sea with the two brothers. Just thinking about it, he felt a suffocation and quickly asked the system in consciousness.

Is the mermaid brother the projection I want to kiss?

[Yes, he is...]

After receiving a positive answer from the system, Cheng Zhichu no longer hesitated. Under the gaze of the silver-haired man, he directly took his face and kissed his lips actively.

The man slammed for a moment, and the hands that embraced Cheng Zhi’s lower back suddenly tightened. He began to kiss him deeply, and the tentacle swayed on the ground with some swaying. After a while, he couldn’t help but explore the past with Cheng Zhichu’s body. A layer of drenched clothes wrapped around his body.

Cheng Zhichu’s kiss instantly ignited the man’s desires and hopes and strong possessiveness, which made him unable to control himself, following the instinct of the monster, biting his lips and covering his body with the tentacles. It is.

"Brother, wait a minute, don't be here..."

The teenager was a little blushing. He quickly used his tentacles to point his brother's shoulders and awakened him from his desires. He said, "You clearly said that you want to give the perfect experience to the beginning of the knowledge. Is it obviously inappropriate here?"

"……you are right."

The man was silent for a few seconds, and the tentacles wrapped around Cheng Zhichu slowly receded. The dark silver eyelids recovered a little silence, let go of Cheng Zhichu, who was kissed with red face, kissed his forehead, and his voice was slightly hoarse. Say.

"Sorry, at first, I really waited too long. I just couldn’t control myself. I hope you don’t mind."


Cheng Zhichu shook his head and shook his head, indicating that he did not care, relying on the man's shoulders, waiting for his ability to take effect.

But he waited for a while, but he did not see any signs of disappearing. He panicked and asked the system: How did my ability still not work? Has it been delayed for so long?

[...I haven’t finished talking about it, you are too anxious. 】

The system coughed and said: [He is a soul projection, but I told you that there is more than one projection in this world, and that his brother is also a projection, you have to kiss your brother. 】

[And there is one difference between this and other copies. After the kiss, the projection will not disappear, but until you pass all the projections, the ability will take effect. 】

... even the younger brother is going to kiss?

Cheng Zhichu heard the subconsciously looking at the blond boy, and the beautiful young boy was clear and clear, and he was opposite to him, showing a pure smile, like a puppy.

The teenager said very happily: "After going back, you can have a wedding, and then you will give your brother a baby at the beginning... I am looking forward to it. Our family has been without new life for hundreds of years..."

"..." Cheng Zhichu was thinking about kissing the boy. However, when he heard the boy's words, he suddenly stunned and asked in a wrong way, "...children?"

"Yes, have children."

The teenager nodded seriously and saw what his brother did not want to stop. He continued.

"Our mermaid family can't be pregnant, but we can let any race breed for us, not limited to gender, so you can also have children, your brother will inject mermaid eggs, you can hatch a lot of cute after a long time. The mermaid egg."

He smiled and bent, but at this moment in the eyes of Cheng Zhichu, he became more terrible than the devil.

The man also hugged Cheng Zhichu from behind and put his hand on Cheng Zhichu's lower abdomen. He smiled and said: "I am also looking forward to it. At the beginning, our children will be the most lovely and beautiful, and the future will be the strongest. big……"

No, roll! ! He is not an old hen, he is a man, why should he give eggs to the monster? ! Even if this man is the projection of Bai Yi... that is absolutely impossible!

Cheng Zhichu was so scared that he reached out and tried to grab the boy's hand and quickly kissed him to complete the task. At this time, the man suddenly licked his jaw and fed his blood to Cheng Zhichu and forced him. Swallowed.

"Hey, you sleep for a while, we will take you back."

Bloody smell spread in his mouth. Cheng Zhichu was horrified to find that he felt a strong sense of drowsiness, becoming more and more powerless, and even his eyes could not be opened. He fell softly in the arms of the mermaid and fell asleep.


[Hey, wake up, you wake up! 】

Cheng Zhichu’s ear echoed the fuzzy voice of the system. He slowly opened his eyes and slowly responded for two seconds. Suddenly remembered the situation just now, he stood up in a cold sweat and shouted in horror: “I don’t want to Have children!!"


What can respond to him is not the voice of others, but his own echo, which is constantly echoing in this empty place.

Cheng Zhichu stunned and found that the environment he was in was suddenly changed. The surrounding scene was very strange. He seemed to be in an ice crystal cave, with uneven edges and corners, showing a bright and transparent crystal color, very beautiful. It is also weird.

What is this place? Cheng Zhichu asked the system with a panic: Is the mermaid bringing me here?

[No, this is not a palace for mermaid, but your consciousness has drifted into a very strange place. Here, your body is still in the mermaid. 】

Then I should not be eaten by them? ! Cheng Zhichu was shocked.

[No, the state you presented in the mermaid is just asleep, not yet awake. 】

System Road: [I told you before, everything in this world is distorted, even including time and space, all chaotic and disorderly, and weird things can happen at any time. 】

[According to my detection, your time has not caused confusion, but your consciousness has been transferred to space, which is here. 】

Then you will send me a teleport back. Cheng Zhichu was cold and sweaty because he was really worried about what the horrible mermaid would do to his body...

[I don't think it is necessary to teleport for the time being. This should be the second story you have opened. It is better to explore it here now. 】 The system said, [At least you have to determine the number of projections before going back, otherwise it is not white. 】

Then I try...

Cheng Zhichu stunned and agreed to the system. In fact, it was mainly because the impact of the mermaid egg on him was too great. He had not slowed down. He really didn’t want to face the horrified brother...

But where is this?

He looked at the surrounding environment. It was full of sparkling crystals, filled with diamond-like crystals. The space was very wide, but lifeless. He could even hear his breathing when he died.

Because of the systematic companionship, Cheng Zhichu was not afraid, but began to walk around and guessed where it was.

He suspects that this may be the story of "Snow White", where the seven dwarfs mined the mine, and he became a dwarf-like character.

But there are seven dwarfs in the story. Now there is no one around him. Is it because the story has changed, only he has taken Snow White alone?

Cheng Zhichu was guessing wildly, but suddenly heard a faint voice, carefully walked over and found that there was a gap in the front crystal, covered with a transparent glass, and the other side of the glass reflected some different scenes. .


A large cluster of blood splatters sprayed onto the glass. It was sprayed from the other side and did not fall on the crystal. What is even more strange is that the glass quickly absorbed the blood and became clean and bright again.

Cheng Zhichu didn't know what was going on. After hiding in the crystal, he looked at the glass with a horrible look, but he found that the other side of the glass was a magnificent palace. There were many dried corpses on the ground of the palace. The blood, wrapped in bones, seems to die because of the blood.

"Magic mirror, magic mirror..."

Among the many bodies, a beautiful young woman crawled on the ground with her limbs and crawled over the glass. She was covered in blood, her face was desperate, and she cried herself out of the glass. Hand.

"Magic mirror, please save us, save our country, and kill ‘white snow’ – ah ah ——”

A long, white hand licked the woman's hair and lifted her whole person, then licked her neck.

Then a beautiful teenager wearing a black knight costume appeared in front of the glass. His hair was as dark as the dark night, and the white skin seemed to be new snow, his lips were red, and if he smeared with blood, he was extremely enchanting.

He stared at the woman's neck, **** eyes swept over her tearful face, slightly raised her lips, revealing a gloomy fangs, said with a chuckle.

"After the mother, this is the mirror that makes you look like a treasure? But it seems that it has nothing special except for its appearance. Why doesn't the mirror of the mirror not listen to your instructions, from the mirror? Come out to save you and your country?"

"You are a beast... you are not allowed to call me ‘female queen’!”

Because of the difficulty in breathing, the woman's face became distorted, and she grasped the juvenile's wrist and tried to break away. However, she could not match the strength of the boy, and her eyes gradually became sloppy.

She used up her last strength, her eyes showing endless resentment, whispering cursing.

"I curse you, ‘white snow,’ you can’t die... you can’t die!”

"What are you talking about, mother."

After the woman broke her breath, the teenager threw her body on the ground and took out her handkerchief and wiped her hand. She carefully touched each finger, and her face was filled with smiles, but the light was cold and cold.

"You know, obviously, I have already died."

"Even when you personally told the hunter to kill me and dig my heart."

"Just because this mirror predicts that I will destroy this country."

"...but, now it seems that it is not bad, and this prediction is indeed true."

His hand was slightly loose, and the white handkerchief fell to the ground with a light flutter, and it was instantly contaminated with blood.

"An, Kay, come in."

The teenager lazily supported his side face and sat on the throne. He watched the palace door open and walked into the two dark knights who looked exactly the same. He respectfully bowed to him and said: " Excellency, please tell me."

"You go to my mother and go through the last journey." The teenager hooked his lips and said casually, "Take her to the 'Ninmium City' and let their people make her **** animals into the arena. Let her spend more time with the slaves."

The Gemini Knight heard his instructions, the handsome face did not change in the slightest look, still cold and frosty, and took a ritual, it is necessary to take the woman's body.

"No, wait a minute."

At this time, the teenager raised his hand slightly, indicating that they stopped, and their eyes suddenly looked toward Cheng Zhichu. They were just looking at each other through a layer of glass, and Cheng Zhichu was shocked.

The boy slowly walked down the steps and let the Gemini Knights go to the glass. He smiled and said: "The mirror is the favorite treasure of the mother. Now she is dead, and the mirror is also used as a mother to accompany her..."

His fingers slid gently over the surface of the glass. At a certain moment, his look suddenly darkened and he whispered: "Crush it, and the fallen pieces are sewn into the mother's body, so that it can always be Accompany her."

"Follow your wishes."

The two dark knights pulled out their epee, the tip of the sword pointed at the glass, and saw here, how could Cheng Zhichu still not understand that the place where he stayed was inside the mirror, and his current identity is the mirror of the mirror, and his face A change, said to the system: send me away! !

【it is good! 】


The epee hit the mirror and instantly smashed the mirror. At the beginning of the process, it was being transferred by the system. As a mirror, he was closely related to the mirror, the mirror was smashed, and even he was affected. As soon as the ground shook, it was uncontrollably sucked by the gap of the mirror rupture. The whole person fell out of the mirror and slammed straight toward a knight.

The Dark Knight held the epee and found a figure suddenly appeared in the mirror. The cold face did not change. He swung the epee and passed it. When the sword tip touched the figure, the middle of his hand flashed white. It disappeared without a block of the epee, and the man fell into his arms.

Rao has experienced many wars, but the knight has never seen this situation. He has widened his eyes and revealed a trace of ecstasy. He found that the other person’s body is soft and light, warm and slender, and as fragile as if he used one. The hand can be easily broken.

At this moment, he unconsciously closed his arm and held the person in his arms tighter. The next moment he reacted to how ridiculous his behavior was. He quickly pushed people away from his arms and let him sit on the ground. .

Cheng Zhichu fell to the ground, and his mind was a little bit worried. I don’t know why the transmission suddenly failed. I heard the system sound tremble and said: [Well, the space was distorted, I sent the wrong object, accidentally put the sword Passed away...]

[But you can rest assured that I will not let you die, even if you are unloaded by the snow, I have a way to keep you from dying! 】

Don't say it, it's better to die directly! !

Cheng Zhichu huddled into a small group on the ground, and suddenly a pair of slender legs appeared in front of his eyes, and then his jaw was gently lifted up, and the very beautiful face of the boy was reflected in the line of sight. .

"Oh? Are you the mirroring spirit in the mirror?"

Although the teenager is laughing, his eyes are full of no smiles, and the light shining through the **** eyes is extremely embarrassing.

"That is when you predicted that I would destroy this country and make my mother take me -"

His voice suddenly stopped, and his face looked like a stunned look.

Because the mirror spirit suddenly caught his neck, and kissed his lips all at once.

The author has something to say: In the afternoon, I wanted to reply to the message and found that it was still not good. I can see if I can reply now...!

Thanks to the shower of Li Xiaomi's grenade, Pipps's Zhun's mine x3, 1279 is already a depleted mine x2, and the star zero tears, 36691233, flaming fire, cloud, cat, 壹佰 and Land mines! =3=2k novel reading network

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