MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 33 Reality (4)

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Cheng Zhichu hangs up his phone in black and returns the phone to Cheng Lingling.

The girl is holding a mobile phone, and she is a little afraid of it. She doesn't dare to speak.

In her impression, my brother has a very good temper, rarely gets angry, and always talks with people with a smile. What is the man who is called Guzhen really doing, so that his brother can show such expression?

Although there have been several exchanges with Gu Zhen, Cheng Lingling is not familiar with Gu Zhen, and he is not very clear about what happened. Sometimes, if he wants to ask a few more words, he will be politely rejected by Gu Zhen.

Until now, she only knows that Gu Zhen is the senior school student next door to the school. The two have been in contact with each other, but Gu Zhen made a mistake and annoyed his brother. It has been more than a year, and the two are still not reconciled.

These are all Guzhen said. As for his brother, he never mentioned a word about Gu Zhen, as if he had no intersection with this person.

Cheng Lingling himself searched the name of Gu Zhen on the Internet, and he was shocked. It turned out that Gu Zhen is not only the top figure of the top school, but also looks good and has outstanding ability. The family seems to have a deep background. The school forum mentioned Gu Zhenshi, he called him "Gu Shaoye", although it is a nickname, but it can also be seen that Gu Zhen is indeed a family.

So every time I talk to Gu Zhen, although he is always handsome, Cheng Lingling has always been very upset. Every time she refuses to hand over the phone to her brother, she will feel pressure. This time she can’t stand it, so she has to let her brother Answer the call.

She didn't know why her brother would associate with Gu Zhen, but she couldn't understand why he had to take care of Gu Zhen. It was clear that Gu Zhen was so passionate about his brother. She was worried that if Gu Zhen was anxious, his brother would not be directly directed by him. Do it.


The girl stunned for a while and finally asked: "What the **** is going on? I haven't heard you mention it, how can you interact with a man?"

"I didn't associate with him."

Cheng Zhichu said a stiff tone and felt that his attitude was not very good. He was afraid of scaring his sister, so he slowed down for a while, and the emotions slowly calmed down, sighed and said helplessly.

"I don't think we can talk about it. We didn't even talk about it for a day. I agreed to it the night before, but I was disconnected from him the next day, and we didn't meet each other for half a day. It was all passed. The information says, do you think this can be considered a relationship?"

"..." The girl was very surprised and didn't comment. It was just saying, "Is there still such a thing? I haven't heard you say it."

"Don't tell your parents..."

Cheng Zhichu said that he was not enough, and then immediately stressed: "First, I am heterosexual, so do you know why I hate him so much? He actually lied to me for more than two months." He was a little annoyed. "I was tricked by him and I was like an idiot."

"Does he wear a woman?" The girl stunned: "You didn't see if he was a man? Or you haven't seen each other, so he was stunned by him for two months?"

"I saw one side before that, and I was still suffering from low blood sugar. I didn't see it clearly. After that, we all contacted through information. When I saw him again, I knew he was a man."

Cheng Zhichu waved his hand in vain. Now, in retrospect, he is indeed a fool. If his friend told him that Gu is a man, he may have been kept in the dark for a long time.


At that time, Cheng Zhichu had just finished the college entrance examination. When he was idle and had nothing to do, he ran to his current school.

Not far from home, only two hours drive, is the first volunteer school of Cheng Zhichu, although it is not comparable to the top famous schools next door, but it is also a very good first-class university.

Cheng Zhichu couldn't take the test next door. It was also good to go to this university. So he came over to play, and he was quite ambitious. He planned to take a stroll along the next door, but he didn't expect him to be at the first stop. Sand, almost fainted in the middle of the road.

Because the weather is hot, the morning and evening fainting, plus no breakfast, the body is not very good, Cheng Zhi first committed low blood sugar, pale, black eyes, will faint on the road, but suddenly pulled, Hold him to the side of the seat and let him sit down and rest.

At that time, Cheng Zhichu was dizzy, and some could not see anything. He only smelled a very light aroma when he gasped, and then he felt that he was stuffed with a few pieces of sugar.

"Heatstroke, or low blood sugar? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

He saw a shadow in front of him. The voice was soft and low. At first he thought it was a man, but he glimpsed the long black hair and the white skirt, only to know that it should be a girl, but the voice is low. .

"Thank you, I am fine, it is low blood sugar..."

Cheng Zhichu said with incompetence, put the sugar into his mouth. After a while, the girl handed him a bottle of water and unscrewed the bottle cap for him.

He drank some water and finally slowed down. Although he was still blind, he had already seen things basically. He was thanking the girl, but suddenly he was embarrassed.

The girl in front of her hair is beautiful, and her long, straight black hair is on her shoulders. She has a white dress and a skirt like a blooming petal. The eyes are black and clear, pure and beautiful, but revealing the mature and elegant temperament. See him looking over, revealing a faint smile, whispered, "What's better?"

"Good, much better...thank you..."

Cheng Zhichu didn't think that the person who helped him turned out to be such a beautiful girl, and it seemed to be a little bigger than him. It was just a beautiful big sister that many boys had ever stunned. It was embarrassing to start up and talk intermittently.

“You are a student at this school?” the girl asked.

"No, I only finished the college entrance examination. I don't know if I can go... I just came to see it today." Cheng Zhichu shook his head honestly, and he was a little curious. He couldn't help but ask, "Are you not here to go to school?"

She doesn't look much bigger than him. Isn't it a student?

"Don't use my respect, I am not older than you." The girl chuckled. "I am in another school, I am a junior, but I am here to help my friends."


At this time, Cheng Zhichu noticed the clothes on the girl. This skirt is much more gorgeous than the ordinary skirt. It is also a long-sleeved high-necked skirt. The skirt is close to the ankle. The beautiful is beautiful, that is, the whole body is wrapped tightly and looks very heat……

However, this skirt made him more familiar, and suddenly remembered a game character, blurted out and debut: "Are you in COS Melissa?"

Melissa is a female character in a very popular online game. It is very popular. It was always played before Cheng Zhichu. The third year of high school stopped for a year and recently picked up again, so I quickly recognized that it seems to be Melissa. Clothes.

"Well, it's Melissa." The girl smiled. "You play this game too?"

Cheng Zhichu nodded happily: "I like it very much, you play too?"

"I don't play games, it's my friend's play, he plays photography, I want to shoot Melissa, this time I'm going to help him, not that I am the best."

"He is right," Cheng Zhichu said sincerely. "Your Melissa is really very beautiful, especially good-looking."

The Melissa in the game is a noble sorcerer, with black hair like a waterfall, thin waist and long legs, beautiful and beautiful, the girl is really suitable.

"……is it."

However, the girl's look reveals a bit of subtlety, not like a happy look.

Cheng Zhichu was a bit embarrassed and thought that he had made a mistake. At this time, the girl stood up and smiled at him: "My friend is still waiting for me, since you are fine..."

"Ah, sorry, sorry, delay your time." Cheng Zhichu was particularly embarrassed, and quickly stood up and said, "I really thank you very much!"

The action he stood up was too fierce, and he began to feel dizzy, almost falling, and the girl stepped forward and held him in his arms.

Smell the light aroma of her body, Cheng Zhichu's face was burnt red, and suddenly he was ashamed. Afterwards, he found that the girl was tall and taller than him, but this may be too Short sake...


The girl stabilized him and saw that his expression was poor, like a small animal that had made a mistake, or couldn’t help but reach out and lick his hair. He couldn’t help but say, “It’s a bit rash.”

"..." Cheng Zhi was so shy that he couldn't wait to find a place to sneak in.

The girl saw that he was shy enough to smoke quickly, and his lips were slightly upturned, but he still thoughtfully shifted the subject: "You and my friends are playing that game, is it really interesting?"

"It's interesting and interesting." Cheng Zhichu quickly ran down the steps, nodding like chicken and glutinous rice. "It's especially fun! I have been playing for more than two years except for the third year of high school."

The girl thoughtfully said: "This way, I will try it after that."

"I will definitely not regret it." Cheng Zhichu sincerely said.

"Is it better to bring me?" The girl raised her lips. "If you are not too bothered."

"How is it possible!" Cheng Zhichu was flattered. He did not expect the girl to be so friendly. He also took the initiative to add him. "Oh, my service area is called..."

"You can't remember this when you say it. It's better to add a contact, you type to tell me." The girl smiled.


In the next few days, Cheng Zhichu was always dizzy. Recalling the experience of the day, I still felt as if I was dreaming. I especially expected this beautiful big sister to play games with him.

After adding the contact information, he learned that the girl is called Gu Zhen. He originally wanted to call her "sister". This name is quite compromised. Even if the two are not in a school, they are all students. It is appropriate to call this.

However, Gu Zhen did not let him call it, saying that it was directly called her name. Although Cheng Zhichu did not understand it, but he was also good at it, and he was somewhat embarrassed. Gu Zhen actually called him "Cheng Cheng" and said that it was so cute. She likes to call him that.

Cheng Zhichu resisted the ineffectiveness and had to call him by Gu Zhen. He felt that he was being teased by this school sister, but what can he do? He was just a primary school brother. What the school sister said was what he was, and he could not be angry.

However, Gu Zhen has not registered the game. Now it is the end of the university. She is very busy. She just talks with her mobile phone and Cheng Zhichu. After more than a week, she finally has free time, she downloaded the game and played with Cheng Zhichu. .

Although Cheng Zhichu has a year of empty window, but his game talent is very high, even if the hand is born, he will soon pick up, and in the service area is also a small and famous player.

It is precisely because of this that he admits that it is very easy to bring a new person, but he soon discovered that after Gu Zhen got started, the operation seemed to be more powerful than him. Later, he bought a finished product directly and killed the Quartet in the game. Soon, it became famous, and the rankings were straightforward, and there was a tendency to catch up with him.

"How are you so powerful?"

The arena mileage was once again lost to Gu Zhen, and even the heart of crying.

He originally thought that this was a story with a goddess flying, and it was thought that it would not be long before the goddess took him to fly, and he did not even have the last dignity...!


Gu Zhen hardly made a voice, just typing: "The Cheng Cheng is also very powerful."

After more than two months of getting along, Cheng Zhichu also had some understanding of Gu Zhen's personality. If someone else said this, he might think it was ironic, but Gu Zhen said that it must be from the heart, she does not like to lie.


Cheng Zhichu was on the table and could not help but feel a little depressed.

He is a child in front of Gu Zhen, no matter what. She treats people with gentleness and ease, but acting very differently. It can be called a strong, even a bit paranoid, and it must be obtained when it is determined. When playing games with her, he can clearly feel it.

It is precisely because of this, even if he really treats him very kindly, he also has embarrassment for her, but he also knows that Gu Zhen is too good, not that he can be tempted, as long as Gu really treats him as a friend, he is already very happy. It is.

Cheng Cheng.

After a brief silence, Gu Zhen retired the game and sent him a message on his mobile phone.

Today is actually my birthday.

what? Is it your birthday? I do not know! Happy birthday! !

Cheng Zhichu saw this news, a little panic, and quickly sent a bunch of news.

But I don't blame him for not knowing Gu's birthday. Gu Zhen's personal information is blank. The photo album is also clean. Even knowing that now, he doesn't know where her family is, and at which school she goes to school. I never mentioned it to him. When she asked her, she would transfer the topic, so he didn't ask again.

Sorry, although it’s late, I still want to give you a gift, you won’t be angry?

Cheng Zhichu caught the hair, did not know what to send her, lipstick? perfume? But his sister is still young, and he doesn't know about it. He should ask who is good. Do you want to ask the person directly? But will it look like no sincerity...

of course not.

Gu Zhen continued: Sorry, I am too selfish... I am telling you that today is my birthday, in fact, I want you to send me a present.

Nothing! what do you want?

Cheng Zhichu asked, at the same time guessing what he really wanted, with her character, will definitely mention the requirements of his ability range, not too much, so when asked, he did not hesitate, anyway, Gu Zhen family has money, she bought You can see it when you are an account, and you will definitely not find anything that he wants.

I want you.

Gu Zhendao.

Cheng Cheng, I want you.


Cheng Zhichu took his mobile phone and suddenly widened his eyes and suddenly stopped.

What does it mean?

... Is it what he meant?

I like you very much. Can you promise me and associate with me?


Cheng Zhichu was really stunned for a while, and it was unbelievably repeated several times. It was really not his eyes. Gu said that she liked him and wanted to associate with him...


He suddenly fell from the bed to the ground, but he couldn't help but climb up. His face was red and the fingers were trembled. He couldn't press the button, so he had a very flustered voice.

"Gu, Gu Zhen... Have you not sent the wrong person? Are you really, really want to associate with me??"

How can it be wrong, except for you, who would I call "Cheng Cheng"?

My journey is only for you.

I have a crush on you since I first met, because your looks are my favorite type.

You are simple and cute, but you are very shy, but you work hard in front of me. Every time I chat with you, I will be very happy.

In fact, I don't like playing games at all. I think it's very boring, and it's a waste of time. I play this game just to ask for your contact information and to have a common topic with you.

"Who said, this game is more fun..."

When Cheng Zhichu saw this news, he focused on it for a moment, and then continued to look at the news with red ears.

But wasting time is just a previous idea, and now what I am most looking forward to is playing games with you.

Because during this time, you will only accompany me, it is my own journey.

But I am very greedy, I want more.

Cheng Cheng, can you give me a chance to have more of you in the future?

This, who can stand it...

Gu really confessed that the lethality was too great. After Cheng Zhichu saw it, he only felt that the heart would explode.

No, no, is it right? It’s like Gu Zhen is a man, and he is the sister of a beggar... Is this really too embarrassing? ! How can Gu Zhen say this in love! !

Cheng Zhichu never thought that Gu Zhen would have such a side, and when his brain stunned for a while, he gradually slowed down and his hands were shaking.

During this period, Gu Zhen did not send any new news. It seems that he was quietly waiting for his reply. Cheng Zhichu got up from the ground and took a few deep breaths before he barely made his mood less exciting and twitched.

Sorry, I am too unbelievable, it feels like I am dreaming...

Do you really want to associate with me? Not kidding? Really... like me?

Gu Zhen replied: I have never been so serious about anyone.

After a while, he added.

You are my first love, Cheng Cheng.

So can you promise me?

"The people who don't agree are silly. Force it... but..."

Cheng Zhichu almost didn't breathe in a breath, and after a long while, he muttered to himself with a dream.

To be honest, his heart is very uneasy, because he feels that Gu Zhen is an unpredictable existence for him. In contrast, he is ordinary and weak, how can he deserve her...

At the thought of this, he was somewhat cringe. In fact, strictly speaking, he can't be regarded as like Gu Zhen. He can only be regarded as awkward and yearning. Because he feels that Gu Zhen can't like him, he has always warned himself not to have extra thoughts and let her hate herself.

But Gu Zhen now says he likes him...

At the beginning of the journey, I was struggling, and my heart was very struggling. At this time, Gu Zhen sent another message and completely defeated Cheng Zhichu.

If you don't want to promise me, it doesn't matter.

That is why I am not good enough to match you.

"I am worried that I am not worthy of you...!!"

Cheng Zhichu saw the news and immediately anxiously sent the voice in the past.

"how come."

I did not expect that Gu Zhen also sent a voice very rarely, the voice was gentle and low, with a few smiles, said.

"You are the best in my eyes."

Oh shit……

Cheng Zhichu burst into a thick mouth in his heart, and his eyes were red when he was ashamed. He finally gave up the struggle and said: "I promise you, I promise you..."

"Thank you, Cheng Cheng."

Gu Zhen smiled and said that the temperature was soft as water, but it faintly revealed the determination to be determined.

"I will cherish you."

"I will not give you another chance to repent."


Bai Yi's Diary · Part III

Unfortunately, I have not been able to kill others in the previous copy.

When I was taken away by "he", I should have killed them first, but at that time, I only had the knowledge of the beginning, I had forgotten to kill them, and when I found the beginning, the copy was over, I lost the last. chance.

It’s a pity... If I see the man again in the future, I will definitely let him die without a whole body, especially the face, which is too unsightly, must be destroyed, how dare to appear in the clothes of Zhichu?


I don't know if I have thought about me now, I guess he will miss me.


The author has something to say: Opened Weibo, id is "The tail of Demi Rabbit", will send some paragraphs, brain holes and chats, welcome everyone to find me to play...! Just updated the paragraph related to Xie Yuanhuai and Cheng Zhichu, interested baby can go and see =3=

(The commonly used Weibo has acquaintances, so it can't be used to prevent me from being discovered by my acquaintances.)

Thanks to Ling Ling demon and Li Han's grenade, and 34849180, Island Island, you are a fish, Wang Du, Star Zero tears, 肆皓 Mu, 1279 has been a waste of liao, Wenwu, - big big Mengzi and Fengjing Hey. Mine! =3=2k novel reading network

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