MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 34 Reality (5)

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Cheng Zhichu finally handed over his first girlfriend in life.

After Gu Zhen said good night, Cheng Zhichu was lying in bed and overturning. He was so excited that he couldn’t sleep at all. He had a good sleep quality and he was insomnia. He was thinking about what he had just done.

After considering it for a long time, he finally came to the conclusion that he was too passive in the relationship between the two people, and even the confession was made by Gu Zhen.

Although it would be impossible for him to confess to her if it was not Gu Zhenxian’s confession, since they confirmed the relationship, it would be different from now on... Can’t let Gu Zhen spoil him again, it should be from his boyfriend. It’s true that you are really good at it! !

Thinking about the middle of the night, Cheng Zhichu has already conceived the things that the two people will do together in the future, but the most important thing in the future is to quickly give Gu Zhen a birthday present. He still has no face and really thinks that he is the best. gift.

However, before this, Cheng Zhichu did not have any deep friendship with any girl. The small gift that was sent out before was also a doll-like thing. It was not suitable for Gu Zhen, but he did not have a clue what to send, and there was no familiar girl. ask.

As for the younger sister Cheng Lingling, this little girl started to go to high school, and Gu Zhen’s age is a little different. The aesthetics are definitely different, and they are not considered.

Cheng Zhichu finally decided to ask his buddy, he has a friend named Li Dong, this guy and his girlfriend have been hobbies for a few years, the feelings have been glued like paint, asking him is right, it is not good, you can also ask his girlfriend through him.

But now the sky is bright, Li Dong is definitely sleeping, Cheng Zhichu did not ask on the mobile phone, ready to come out directly tomorrow, they have not seen for a while, gather together, by the way, can ask Li Dong is How to keep a relationship with his girlfriend.

Although he did not dare to look forward to Gu Zhen, but from tomorrow, he will become a good boyfriend.


"Hey - cough and cough..."

When I heard that Cheng Zhichu had a girlfriend, Li Dong, who was drinking beer, almost squirted the wine, and it took a long time to hold back, but it was not smashed.

"Do you have a girlfriend? Are you sure that you are not a boyfriend? In fact, I always think that you are very suitable for being loved by men."

"Roll." Cheng Zhichu turned a blind eye. If he didn't ask for help, he would have given Li Dong a moment. "Let's talk nonsense, I am already a girlfriend, and it is a business to find you." ”

"Cough... I am joking." Li Dong coughed for a long time, calmed down, and said with a smile, "Congratulations, buddy, this is a good thing! Brother, I am really happy for you! What do you want to ask, even if you ask, feelings I am right about the matter."

So Cheng Zhichu spoke a little bit about the previous things. The main description is Gu Zhen’s personality and looks: “ such a girl, what do I send her?”


Li Dong heard a bit stunned: "You kid... This is a big hit, so the goddess will be willing to associate with you? Don't lie to me!"

"Cheat you, I am your grandson." Cheng Zhichu snorted.

"I am going, okay, I can't see you, it's not easy."

Seeing his face full of seriousness, Li Dong smiled narrowly and screamed at him with his elbows: "But why don't you give the buddy a photo? Why, fear me to grab people? Don't worry, I just like it. My wife, even if your girlfriend is a fairy, I will not be tempted."

"After the photo, I will say it later."

Cheng Zhichu waved his hand and didn't bother to say that he didn't really take photos: "What should I give her?"

"Listen to your description, she is a mature and temperamental elegant beauty? Well... I think it is the most stable lipstick, and she doesn't necessarily like it." Li Dong said, "As for what brand and color number, I Help me ask my wife."

He sent a few messages to his girlfriend. When she waited for her reply, he suddenly thought of a question and asked, "Hey, which school is your girlfriend? Are you a school?"

"Well... anyway, not a school."

The admission notice has come down. Cheng Zhichu successfully took his first wish, Da Gu, Gu said that she is not big, but it is very strange that she never mentioned which school she attended.

Li Dong looked at him suspiciously and always felt that Cheng Zhichu seemed to have a dim sum. He became suspicious and asked Cheng Zhichu some questions. The latter all answered vaguely. It seems that it is not clear what is going on.

"...No," Li Dong couldn't help himself. "Cheng Zi, I don't mean anything else, but you shouldn't be cheated? Why doesn't she tell you anything?"

"I don't know why she didn't tell me, maybe she did hide something, but she won't lie to me, she never looked for money, or asked me to do something for her."

"Hey, my silly brother." Li Dong hates iron and is not a steel tunnel. "You are too naive. She may be fishing for a long line!"

"...She is not a liar."

Cheng Zhichu licked his lips. His girlfriend is so suspected that he is certainly not happy, but he also knows that Li Dong is good for him, so he did not get angry, but tried to explain clearly with Li Dong.

"I didn't mention it. I first met her at my school. At that time, just after the college entrance examination, she cosed into Melissa, went to help her friend to shoot, and I made low blood sugar, almost fainted, yes. She helped me when she passed by. Which scammer would wear it like this, and would do good deeds?"

"... Wait, Melissa's cos, or just after the college entrance exam?" Li Dong opened his mouth, "Cheng Zi, I remember you are on the big d right?"

"Yes." Cheng Zhichu should answer.

Li Dong’s tone is a bit wrong: “...Do your girlfriend call Gu Zhen?”

"How do you know -"

Cheng Zhichu showed a surprised expression, and the voice was still falling, but he saw Li Dong fading, and stood up, almost knocking over the beer on the table.

"Cheng Zi, you are cheated!!"

Li Dong supported Cheng Zhichu’s shoulder and said with an especially anxious tone: “That’s the mother who is Guzhen, that’s Gu’s! You’re next to the president of the Student Union of the University of Finance, he’s a man!” Fuck, so with you Say you don't understand."

Seeing the look of Cheng Zhichu, Li Dong was irritated to catch the hair, opened the page of a big official website with a mobile phone, and searched the School of Finance. The first photo came out is a photo of the hospital leadership and outstanding students.

"Do you see if he is?" Li Dong pointed to the young student standing next to the leader and said, "He is Guzhen."

Cheng Zhichu only glanced at the body, and the body froze. The brain slammed and a blood rushed into it.

Gu Zhen in the photo is dressed in a black formal suit, looks handsome, too handsome eyebrows are more calm, face slightly smiling, looking at the camera, it is elegant and calm.

But it can't be wrong...

He remembered his girlfriend's looks palely. At that time, although she had makeup, she could still see that her looks were almost exactly the same as this Guzheng – this face, whether it is a man or a woman, is extremely beautiful and will not give Any sense of disobedience.

He can't convince himself, maybe his girlfriend is related to this Guzhen, he is a twin brother... Whose brothers and sisters will call the same name?

What's more, there are still various violations before, and now it can be said - why Gu really doesn't talk about his own school, why is it rarely vocal, and never makes a selfie...

It’s all because Gu is a man, and he still wants to hide from him.

"Merissa of Guzhen cos was spread all over the forum of a big and big d... my girlfriend is also a big, so I heard about him."

Li Dong gave him a look at the forum two months ago, there are a lot of related content, which has released the Guzhen women's photo, everyone has joked that President Gu became a goddess.

Cheng Zhichu didn't think that Gu Zhen might be a big one. He also searched Gu Zhen's name in a big forum, but because Gu Zhen is very famous in the school, when everyone mentions him, he will not call him his real name. Instead, he called him Chairman Gu, Gu Shaoye, so he did not find anything when he searched.

In fact, there are so many things that are not right, but he is totally fascinated. There is no doubt at all. Now think about it, he is a complete stupid. Forced...

But why does Gu really not clarify to him, why should he lie to him and confess with him? Is teasing him, watching him behave like a fool, will Gu really feel very fun?

Cheng Zhichu’s face was bloodless, his chest was fluctuating, his body was shaking, his eyes were red, and it seemed that he would cry out in the next second.

"number of days……"

Li Dong looked at him like this, and his heart was also uncomfortable. In particular, he thought that he had just teased him about his relationship with his boyfriend. He even wanted to take a mouthful of himself. He said that he was not good. He had to say this, and the result was not good. The spirit, actually his mother became real!

He didn't know why Gu Zhen had to swindle Cheng Zhichu, but when he saw his friend so sad, the anger in his heart suddenly picked up, and he didn't even think about it. He directly copied Cheng Zhichu's mobile phone to unlock the lock.

"What are you doing?" Cheng Zhichu's voice was a little choked, and he looked at him with red eyes.

"Do you have a mobile phone number?" Li Dong said with a cold face. "I call him and ask him what he means. Is it a disease, dare to bully my brother? I think he is tidy." ""

"You don't..."

Cheng Zhichu didn't want Li Dong to come in and reach out to win the phone, but Li Dong hid.

"Chengzi, don't stop me. Now that you know the truth, you must ask Gu Zhen clearly. As for you or me, I am the same. Anyway, he is not a woman." Li Dong looked at him seriously. Do you still want to drag it?"

"..." Cheng Zhichu was speechless for a while.

"You can rest assured that I won't swear when I come up." Because he wants to swear.

Li Dongqiang angered, so assured, Cheng Zhichu slowly let go of his hand, silently watching him open the address book, Gu Guzhen dialed.

The phone was just picked up when it was just dialed, and it sounded like a pleasant and gentle voice: "Cheng Cheng?"

Still process? Cheng Your uncle, this is your father!

Li Dong took a sip in his heart and felt strange at the same time, because he heard it, this is clearly the voice of a man, but it may be because Cheng Zi thought that Gu Zhen is a woman at the beginning, the inherent image is too strong, so I don’t think much. At most, the voice of "her" is considered to be masculine.

"You are Gu Zhen?" Li Dong asked very badly.

"I am Gu Zhen, may I ask you?" Gu Zhen’s attitude was obviously cold, and he looked polite and unfamiliar. “And why is this mobile phone in your hand?”

"I am his friend, I will ask you, Gu Zhen, do you pretend that the woman lied to him, and even let him associate with you?"


The person at the end of the phone was silent, and there was no more voice for a long time.

"You really did this?!"

Seeing that he is almost the default, Li Dong immediately screamed: "You grandson, you are not disgusting, pretending to lie to a man? Psychic metamorphosis goes to the hospital, don't let his mother provoke my buddy!"

"...The process is by your side?" Gu Zhen ignored his embarrassment, just said, "Please give him the phone."

"Get out of the way!" Li Dong yelled at him.

"Give him the phone." Gu Zhen’s voice suddenly became cold. "I said, give it to him."

Li Dong was inexplicably cold, subconsciously handed the phone back to Cheng Zhichu, and then realized that he was just scared, and suddenly he secretly stunned himself.

Cheng Zhichu took the phone and held his lips tightly, silent.

He was wronged and sad, and felt like a fool. He didn't want to let Gu Zhen hear that he was crying now, but his breathing was a little short, or Gu Zhen heard the same.

"Cheng Cheng... Are you crying?" Gu Zhen’s voice is very light. "I'm sorry, it's my fault, don't cry."

"...Why are you swindling me?" Cheng Zhichu blinked and tried to stay calm. He didn't want to make himself too ugly, but the voice was still a little bit stunned. "Cheat me is fun? Are you gambling with someone who said that this fool is not only Silly eyes, I will love you -"

"Cheng Cheng!"

Gu Zhen interrupted his words, with a bit of low pleading in his tone.

"Sorry, it’s wrong for me to lie to you, but my love for you is true. If you doubt me, I will be very sad."

"At the beginning, I didn't explain my gender to you because I felt a little shame. Since we just met, I don't think there is any need for explanation."

"After chatting a few words, I found that you are very cute. At that time, I had a hunch. I might like you later. So after I got to your contact information, when I first chatted with you, I would hide it." Asked how you look at homosexuality."

"You said that you are not discriminating, but you can't like men. If you have the same **** and pursue you, you may be alienated from each other."

Gu Zhen’s words are full of bitterness.

"So I really can't open my mouth."

"I pretend that I am a woman, I will try my best to show you my best side. I know that you will find me a man sooner or later, so I want you to like me soon, maybe you will not be reluctant. I am."

"Even so, you are not very tempted to me now. If I tell you, I am actually a man..."

"Cheng Cheng, you said, is it that you will not like me in this life?"

"……I do not know."

After a long silence, Cheng Zhichu replied: "But now I can be sure that I can't like you anymore. Gu Zhen. Compared to you being a man, I can't accept that you lied to me, you have lied to me. For more than two months, if someone else told me, you will definitely continue to lie to me."


"Don't tell me, I am also stupid. I haven't seen it for so long." Cheng Zhichu lowered his eyes and his voice snarled. "Let's never know, let's just do it."

After he finished hang up the phone, he couldn't pick up the phone because of Gu Zhen. Later, he even took the handle and Li Dong sat in his seat.

"Drink the bar."

In the face of a friend who had just suffered a blow, Li Dong didn’t know what to say. He pushed a bottle of beer directly: “Drunk, make a drunkenness, wake up and go, you will never go back in your life. I don’t care about this person."

Cheng Zhichu took a beer and poured a half a cup, drank a small mouth, lowered his head, and said the red tip of his nose.

"taste not good."


In the evening, Li Dong took Cheng Zhichu's arm and sent people to the community all the way.

In fact, Cheng Zhichu didn't drink much. He didn't like to drink. He drank that little bite, but because he didn't sleep the night before, he fell asleep on the table in a short while. It was quite good and very quiet. No noisy or noisy.

Li Dong added a few bottles of beer. He was going to accompany him to have a good drink. I thought it was over before I started. It was a bit dumbfounded, but the good beer could not be wasted. I had to take six or seven bottles of beer by myself. All slowly drank.

……Drank too much.

Although Li Dong is not drunk, but he is a bit too up, but he has finished drinking, this little brother still did not wake up, but also had to send Cheng Zhichu back, and the footsteps fluttered to the community.

The wind in the evening was a bit cold, and Li Dongqing woke up a lot, counting the building of Cheng Zhichu’s home. When he got downstairs, he was about to let out a sigh of relief, but suddenly he reached a figure on the side of the road, and he immediately screamed, and the wine completely woke up.

He looked at Gu Zhen who came to them with a stunned look and said, "You... how come you? How did you know the address of Cheng Zijia?"

By the way, he remembers that Gu is not a local. It is a summer vacation. I should have gone home early, but now I have appeared here... I have calculated the time, I am afraid I just arrived here after I finished the call.

"He is drinking?"

Gu Zhen swept Li Dong, his eyes were very light, but he let Li Dong back a cool back.

Seeing Gu Zhen, he is quite hot, but now it is like a deflated ball. Gu Zhen is always inexplicable.

"Don't drink... He is tired." Li Dong muttered dissatisfiedly. "He was so excited that he didn't sleep for a night. Ask me to discuss what gift you should give, and you will find that you are a man."

"Give him to me." Gu really looked at him a little, and said quickly.

"What do you want?" Li Dongyu rounded his eyes and took a step back with vigilance. "I warn you, don't come over, you will call someone when you come over..."


At this time, Cheng Zhichu, who was framed by Li Dong, gave a faint sigh. Hey, he opened his eyes in confusion.

He didn't wake up at all, and he saw Gu Zhen in front of him. He didn't know what it was. He whispered something that was ambiguous. He took the initiative and rushed to the past. Oh.


Gu Zhen’s action was very careful to hold people, and the original cold look changed instantly. Watching Cheng Zhichu’s gaze was so gentle that he could kill people.

...this is true!

Li Dong noticed his eyes and immediately slammed his heart. After all, he talked about love, and he could see that Gu Zhen really liked Cheng Zhichu.

He doesn't understand, puts a good girl and doesn't like it, why should he like a man... rely on it, let's do it, even if the sexual orientation is natural, you can really care about who you don't have, why do you have to worry about a straight man? ?

It is because the sexual orientation can't be changed, he has no play, and Cheng Zi doesn't like men. How can this be reversed?


Gu Zhen bowed his head and screamed in the ear of Cheng Zhichu. Cheng Zhichu had to wake up and quiet for a while. Then he moved and gradually opened his eyes. After his eyes had a focal length, he suddenly became right. Gu Zhen's beautiful eyes.


"and then?"

Cheng Lingling curiously asked: "What did you say to Gu Zhen?"

"...Nothing was said, I sent him directly to the hospital." Cheng Zhichu laughed.

"?" Cheng Lingling is very wrong.

"I was not completely awake at the time, I was shocked. I smashed his face and didn't know where it happened. He fainted at once, and Li Dong and I took him to the hospital. I have been tossing until midnight."

"Ah..." The girl suddenly realized. "I remembered that your mobile phone was shut down for no reason, and it was not until late, but when the parents got a big meal?"

"That is that time." Cheng Zhichu thought about it and added, "You don't want to talk to your parents."

"Of course not, I still know." The girl spit out her tongue, her eyes turned and said again. "But I always feel a little pity. In fact, others are pretty good..."

Cheng Zhichu squinted at her: "Would you like to introduce you?"

"No, I can't afford it, or you come..." The girl shook her head.

"Oh, don't say this, you are not going to take pictures?" Cheng Zhichu spread his hands, "Come on."

"Good." Cheng Lingling responded cheerfully.


Cheng Zhichu certainly does not say what happened later.

In the quiet corridor of the hospital late at night, Li Dong took the list to pay the fee. Cheng Zhichu helped Gu Zhen to sit in the chair, but suddenly he was gently pressed against his shoulder. When he looked up, he saw Gu Zhen looking at him in an unhurried manner. .

Under the dim light, only his beggars are exceptionally bright.

At the beginning of Cheng Zhichu, he bowed his head and kissed his hair lightly and lightly, whispering.

"Cheng Cheng, I am sorry, but I will not give up on you."

"We won't end."


Li Dong, who came back from the payment, found that there was another scar on Gu Zhen’s face.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 34

I didn't want to write a diary at the beginning of my knowledge, so I planned to find out the diary before he entered the game.

But I found that I didn't have a diary at that time.

Because I didn't know me at the beginning, so I don't want to write a diary...

The author has something to say: I had such a dream this morning. I dreamed that a female ghost had climbed into my house, but I was scared to sneak out. I ran out of the air-conditioning pipe, but I didn’t know what she had suffered. I was scared to pull on the air conditioner outside my home, and even pulled out a brown waterfall (...), which led to my family becoming famous in the whole community. Everyone in the community knew that my family had flowed out of a waterfall.

Thanks to Ling Ling demon's grenade, and 1279 has been a waste lao, star zero tears, 肆皓 Mu, 昀, Wang Du, shiro, today also want to eat cookies and fire original mine! ! =3=2k novel reading network