MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 32 Abandoned hospital (end)

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Meng Ke took the bear and walked all the way through the huge ninth floor. On the way, she met the nurses before, they killed the head nurse, wandering aimlessly in this illusory space, and Meng Ke carefully hid.

I don't know how long it took, she suddenly saw a fragmented space, as if it had been smashed and cut into a mirror, scattered with pieces of land, revealing a dark hole.

"That is the export." said the bear.

Seeing this exit, Meng recalled the vibrations and cracks that he had heard before. That should be the sound of the ninth floor being broken. It is easy to do without accident.

How did Bai Yi find it here... She thought about it, but she could not guess the means of Bai Yi.

He is really not simple... and the feeling he gave her just now was really terrifying, and she immediately thought she saw Xie Yuanhuai.

Meng Kexin squatted and ran out of the illusory ninth floor. The ninth floor is bright, but the outside is dark, like two worlds.

She turned the flashlight on, checked the surrounding environment, and found that it was a stairwell, behind which was the underground passage that passed before, that is, she and Cheng Zhichu entered the ninth floor.

"The smell of blood."

The bear sucked his nose and smelled the smell in the air: "It's so fresh, it's not a corpse, it's the blood of a living person."

That must be the heart or Xiao Xiao!

Meng Ke was nervous, his hands and feet were numb, and he was afraid of what happened to Ji Yunxiao and Meng Xin: "Can you identify the direction and take me to find them?"

The bear jumped from the top of her head, licking the small tail, dripping and trotting in front to lead the way, Meng Xin stepped behind, and her heart was anxious.

As they went to the third floor, they gradually came into a noisy voice, and then suddenly burst into the screams of screams and horror, and echoed in the empty floor, and there were several gunshots.

It is the heart!

Meng Ke's face changed dramatically. He took out his weapon and rushed up. He turned to the corner and saw his sister Meng Xin and Ji Yunxiao, as well as many bodies that fell to the ground.

Meng Xin's arm was stained with blood. She seemed to be not hurt. Although she had already taken the medicine, she still oozes blood and her face is pale.

Ji Yunxiao kept her behind her, with the cross. 弩 aligning the head of the corpse, one arrow burst, very precise, but the number of corpses around is very large, even if they knock down a lot, the new living corpse is continuously I got up and surrounded the two.


At this time, Meng Xin feels a sense, and at first glance, he sees his sister, suddenly reveals the color of surprise, and cries and laughs and said: "You are still alive, I know that you are still alive... oh..."

Seeing that they are still alive, Meng Ke also has a happy heart, but now the situation is critical, can not allow her to think more, directly out of the weapon will rush into the corpse.

But at this time, the bear cried, and the living corpses heard its voice. They looked back and saw the petite demon, and suddenly they were scared and screamed. The living people who have been chasing for a long time have fled.


The bear happily catches up with one of them, and smashes the head of a corpse with one foot, and pulls out the ribs that stick to the broken meat.

But before it was sent to the mouth, the bone suddenly turned into powder, scattered in the air and disappeared. It stared at his empty forepaws, a little confused, and looked up at other bodies, but found They all have no traces.

[Congratulations to kill the boss, complete all the main line tasks, through the copy of the "disused hospital." 】

[Customs clearance: experience value x2000, survival point x1500. 】

[You can complete this copy after you leave the hospital. 】

At the same time, Ji Yunxiao heard the automatic prompts from their own systems, informing them that they had completed the copy.

The still weak Meng Xin blinked and was unbelievable: "This, is this finished?"

Obviously she didn't feel where she was. Now I just know that the boss may be Xie Yuanhuai. Even his clothes are not touched. How can he kill him?

"Is it white?" Meng Ke stunned, and suddenly reacted, showing a happy look.

It was Bai Yi who completed the task. He killed Xie Yuanhuai and rescued Cheng Zhichu! ... Of course, it may be Cheng Zhichu himself. His silver coin is very powerful, and there is also the possibility of killing the boss.

All in all, now they are alive and pass this copy, you can leave it!

"White easy?"

My sister Meng Xin sighed, the expression on her face was a bit complicated.

When she remembered that her sister and Cheng Zhichu didn't see it, Bai Yi's look instantly gloomy. She didn't look at her and Xiao Xiao, and left them. They didn't go back, as if they didn't matter at all. .

They want to catch up with Bai Yi, but I don’t know what happened. It’s just a blink of an eye. Bai Yi disappeared. If she disappeared, she and Xiao Xiao still worried about what happened to Bai Yi, but now I’m watching. Come, it should be just that Bai Yi feels that they are in the way.

Thinking of this, she was a little uncomfortable in her heart, but since the boss died, it proved that Bai Yi is indeed strong, and she is not qualified to care about anything.

What's more, she and Xiao Xiao just had two people... Although they were in danger, Xiao Xiao has been protecting her all the time. Hey, she never dreamed that she could be protected by her own beans. It’s all in my life. She really didn't have the wrong person...

Finally, through the copy, the three people were a little excited, and the two sisters were together, comforting each other and telling each other about what they had just encountered.

"So, Bai Yi is going to save the beginning of the process?"

After Meng Xin listened to her sister, she said with some worries: "I don't know if they have anything. Let's go find them?"

"Yeah." Meng Ke nodded and bent down to the bear and said, "Songuo, can you take us to find them?"

"Don't forget my chicken legs."

The bear cried, just didn't eat the bones to make it a bit regrettable, but after going out there are many fried chicken legs to eat, it is also a good thing to eat, it also has to keep a big belly to enjoy a big meal.

"Of course, don't forget!"


Bai Yi hugged Cheng Zhichu's waist, bowed his head, and gently kissed his soft lips. Cheng Zhichu, who was hugged by him, glared at his clothes. He looked up very slyly, his eyes closed, his eyelashes trembled. Let him kiss, let Bai Yi's heart be turned, soft into a pool of spring water.

If he can, he really wants to kiss, but he can't. Now he is ignorant of the early control of Zhichu, so he knows that he wants him to kiss him. He will kiss him and he will lie to himself and think he wants to kiss. It's the lips.

But this is at best a sticker, if he really kisses it down... I will definitely be scared by him at first.

Thinking so, Bai Yi kissed Cheng Zhichu's movements extremely softly, but simply rubbed the other's lips with his own lips.

The temptation to know him at the beginning is too great, as if it is magnet-likely attracted to him, but it is just breathing and entanglement, so that he is addicted to it, and he is reluctant to let go.

After a while, Bai Yi finally looked up and left the lips of Cheng Zhichu. His eyes softly looked down at the person in his arms, but he immediately regretted seeing Cheng Zhichu's red cheeks. Why didn't he kiss him for a while, then he lowered his voice and asked softly and eloquently: "Return Do you want it?"


Cheng Zhichu's ears were red, biting his lower lip, and nodded silently.

Bai Yi was happy, and he was about to bow down again, but he saw that Cheng Zhichu’s original shy look suddenly changed, his body became stiff, and he stepped back to break his arms. He said, “Don’t...white Easy, stop!"

Is out of control already over?

Bai Yixin was quite sorry. On the surface, he still pretended not to know that Cheng Zhichu was out of control. The tone rose slightly and he asked: "What?"

His eyes were exceptionally clear, and he was so watched. Cheng Zhichu immediately blushes and licks his mouth and can't speak. He even has a suicidal heart. How can he kiss Bai Yi?

For Bai Yi, he did not have any doubts. After all, he couldn’t think of Bai Yi’s thoughts on him, not to mention that he took the initiative to ask Bai Yi to hold him.

However, when he made such a ridiculous request, he thought that Bai Yi could see that he was out of control. Maybe Bai Yi trusted him too much. He was too good for him. He did not refuse him at all. He said what Bai Yi would do. ......

I even kissed... Why is Bai Yi so upright, I didn’t even think of a place to be kissed, so I let him smudge it...

Cheng Zhichu almost fell into tears, and felt that he was simply a beast. He even made a poisonous hand to his friends and did such a devastating thing.

At this time, Bai Yi said so.

"Is it not good for me?" The handsome man showed a sense of loss. He looked a little pitiful and said softly. "Sorry, this is my first time kissing people. If you are not happy, I am very Sorry."

... still, still kissing for the first time...

Did he actually take away the first kiss of Bai Yi? !

Cheng Zhichu’s eyes were black, and he almost had to go back with his breath. His footsteps slammed and he couldn’t stand it, or Bai Yi held him up and didn’t fall to the ground.

"Not that you are not good, yes...I just lost control, so I want you to do that..."

His face was pale and his speech was upside down.

"But I am still sorry for you, I am a jerk... You must be very uncomfortable in your heart now, you can slap me out, how can I play, the better!"

He couldn’t get it, he pulled his head, and his eyes were tearful. He was really crying. Bai Yi looked at himself and bullied him too much. He also felt distressed. He quickly touched his hair and gave him a smooth hair. With.

"It doesn't matter, I know that at the beginning, I am not angry. You don't have to be so sad."

"But I really... no, you have to hit me! Otherwise I will be jealous forever!!"

How can it be so serious...

Bai Yi was a little laughter, both happy and helpless. What made him happy was that he knew him very much at the beginning. He knew that he was doing something wrong with his mind, but he didn’t have a little bit of movement... forget it, it’s good without rejection. He can't be too greedy.

He warmly comforted Cheng Zhichu for a while, so that Cheng Zhichu couldn't help but be moved, and he was not so embarrassed and embarrassed.

In the face of Bai Yi's gentle gaze, plus the kiss just now, he suddenly blushes, unconsciously thinking, if Bai Yi is a woman, or he is a woman, I am afraid that Bai Yi has been moved, but unfortunately they are Not...

……Ok? Why does he feel pity...?

"Cheng Zhichu, Bai Yi!"

At this time, Cheng Zhichu suddenly heard someone calling them. He turned his head and looked at it. The little bear appeared and saw him. Its black bean-like eyes suddenly shone and threw himself into his arms. Followed by Ji Yunxiao three people, the person who called their name is Meng Ke.

"Great, you are all right!"

Meng Ke is very happy, Meng Xin and Ji Yunxiao also showed a smile.

Seeing that all three of them are safe, Cheng Zhichu is of course very happy. He immediately forgot the regrets of the previous one. Only Bai Yi converges on the smile, and stunned the three of them and looked faint.

"Who are you killing the boss? Too great, I feel terrible when I stand in front of him, but you can kill him..."

Meng Ke said excitedly. Several people discussed it for a long time. It was learned that Cheng Zhichu had done it. Both sisters showed their admiring gaze, and praised him for a good connection, which made Cheng Zhichu very embarrassed.

Where did they know that he killed Xie Yuanhuai, he was... pro...

"This time I would like to thank Songguo, it really helped us a lot."

Meng Ke smiled and said to Cheng Zhichu: "Give me your forum id. After we go out, we add a friend. It is best to give me the mobile phone number. I promised to buy a lot of fried chicken legs for pine nuts."

“My id is ‘freshly squeezed orange juice’.” Cheng Zhichu blinked and said, “But it’s not necessary to fry chicken legs. Should we not be in the same city?”

"That doesn't matter, we can invest in a fried chicken shop in your home." Meng Xin said with a smile. "It is not a problem anyway, as long as you have money."

Did they still be Bai Fumei? ?

Hearing the light tone, Cheng Zhichu stunned and suddenly felt that compared to them, he was all emitting a sense of poverty.

"My id is ‘dream cocoa’, my sister is ‘dream heart’, and dream is a dream of dreaming.”

Meng could think about it and look at Bai Yi: "White Yi, what is your id? Add a friend?"

Bai Yi smiled: "I am in death mode, I can't use mobile phones and forums."

"Death mode?"

Both sisters and Ji Yunxiao were surprised. Cheng Zhichu couldn't help but look at Bai Yi.

He knows that Bai Yi can use the forum, not only can use it, but also seems to use it very often, always returning his message in seconds, but since Bai Yi said this, he does not want to exchange contact information, even if he does not know why, he Of course, there will be no more mouths.

But in retrospect, for people other than him, Bai Yi seems to be a little cold...

Cheng Zhichu touched the jaw and thought about it. Bai Yi did not really talk to others. It made him feel a bit strange, but he was more happy. After all, it was special treatment. Who can not like it.

The Mengke sisters were surprised for a while and wanted to ask more details. However, Bai Yi’s eyes had shifted to one side. It seemed that he did not want to talk more, and he had to hold back without asking.

They feel a bit strange, because Bai Yi and Cheng Zhichu are obviously aware. If Bai Yi is a death mode, it means that they can't add friends to know the beginning of the journey, and they can't contact them. How do they get into the same copy?

Maybe there is any special way?

This thought flashed in their hearts, and did not think much. After all, there are many strange things in the mall. It is not surprising if there is such a function.

"My id is chameleon." Ji Yunxiao is somewhat embarrassed. "It is English, meaning ‘chameleon’.”

"Would you like to add friends with us?"

The eyes of the two sisters were bright. I didn't expect Ji Yunxiao to be willing to say id. I didn't even think that I could add my idol's contact information one day, although it was just a game forum.

They remembered that they had asked for contact information at the beginning, but they were stopped by Da Gao. Because of this, they hated the cold big bodyguard at first, but now he is no longer there. Their hearts are in utter disappointment.

As for why Ji Yunxiao chose this id, they all guessed it - Ji Yunxiao likes all kinds of animals, but it is very interesting that his favorite animals are not common cats and dogs, but chameleons, and many kinds. Reptiles.

... Although they think that Xiao Xiao's temperament is more suitable with cute cats and dogs, but since it is his preference, they naturally have to respect.

In addition to Bai Yi, everyone exchanged ids. When they are ready to return to reality, they add friends. As for who wrote the copy of the Raiders, they decided to go back to reality and discuss them. Now they all want to go back and take a break.

"If there is still a chance, let's make a copy together."

Meng Ke blinked and said to the bear: "I will not forget your chicken legs!"

"Hey~" The bear responded briskly.

"Let's go."

Seeing that Ji Yunxiao and the two sisters were out of the hospital, Cheng Zhichu also turned his head and Bai Yi said one.

"Yeah." Bai Yi slightly decapitated, looked at him, and his lips twitched slightly, revealing a hint of a smile, deliberately said, "Yes, knowing the beginning, you just don't have to worry about what you just did." ......"


He didn't say it was okay, and when he mentioned it, Cheng Zhichu started to smoke on his head again, blushing to no, and he said that he could not speak.

Bai Yi was afraid to tease him too much. He immediately appeased him a few words. He advised him not to care. He finally said, "Go back, don't forget to contact me, see the next copy."

"……it is good."

Cheng Zhichu didn't dare to look at him. He lowered his head and replied in a low voice. He finally walked out of the hospital and returned to reality.

The consciousness fell a bit, Cheng Zhichu was a little dizzy, and once he blinked, he found that he had returned to his bedroom. The house was brightly lit and the layout was simple and warm, which made him feel very relieved immediately.


The bear climbed out of his jacket pocket and looked around curiously. It seemed to be very satisfying. He wanted to reach the bed of Cheng Zhichu, but he was caught by him.

"No, pinecone, you have to take a bath before you can go to bed." He clicked on the little bear's nose, and the bear shook his ear, nodded, and snorted.

"But my clothes are so dirty..."

He looked down at his dirty clothes and suddenly changed his face when he saw the handsome face of Ji Yunxiao on the t-shirt.

Worse, he remembered. Before he entered the copy, he was taking pictures of his sister. Now the younger sister went out to call. If she came back and saw that her baby should be so dirty, she would kill him! !

[This is not a big problem. There is a "clothing cleaning service" in the mall. You can wash 20 pieces of clothes in 10 living points, and you don't need to take off, immediately make the clothes clean. You can buy them. 】

Actually there is such a service?

Cheng Zhichu was surprised, but of course he chose to buy the service and cleaned up the t-shirt immediately, but the price of washing one and twenty pieces was the same, and he spent ten of his survival points.

[Of course, there are services in the mall, otherwise people in the death mode have to keep changing clothes, they can't come out. 】

This is...

Cheng Zhichu thought of Bai Yi, quite agree with the nod. Bai Yi is always clean, and when he was hugged by Bai Yi, he smelled a very good smell...

Rely, no, he wants to do this, can't think again...

Cheng Zhichu's ear was red and swayed, and the Ji Yunxiao doll in the backpack was taken out and pretended to be nothing.

Just when he was just sitting down, his sister Cheng Lingling came back with his mobile phone, with a strange look on his face, handing his mobile phone to Cheng Zhichu, and said with a sigh: " pick up the phone, yes Looking for you."

"Looking for me?"

Cheng Zhichu took over her mobile phone. It was a bit strange. Since he was looking for him, why didn't he directly hit his mobile phone, but instead asked him?

He glanced at the caller ID on the phone screen and the comment was very strange, called "he-knows-who".

Who is this person... knowing the spirit and knowing him?

The more he was confused, the phone was held to his ear and said, "Hello?"


The person at the end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then a young man with a low magneticity came.

"... Cheng Cheng, I haven't contacted for a long time, are you okay?"

Cheng Zhichu changed his face and immediately hang up the phone, but the ringing tone continued to sound, how many times he hangs up, how many times the other party will call back.

Cheng Lingling is also a little helpless, muttering and said: "Brother, you will pick it up, talk to him well... Since you pulled him into the blacklist, he has called me several times, if you don't pick up He has to call me later."

Cheng Zhichu’s face became even more ugly, and when the phone rang again, he finally picked it up and spoke coldly.

"Gu Zhen, what else do you want to do? Don't call the spirits again, don't come to me, I won't see you again."

"I am sorry, call the phone to your sister. This is my helplessness. Now you are finally willing to pick up my phone. I will not call her again in the future."

At the other end of the phone, a young man named "Guzhen" asked: "Cheng Cheng, you are still angry with me, want to break up with me?"

"It’s not ‘thinking’, we have no relationship for a long time.” Cheng Zhichu said coldly, “Not to mention that we have not communicated with each other. Do you think that can be considered as a relationship?”

"Sorry, I was wrong when I lied to you."

Gu Zhen’s voice was very low and soft, but he suddenly turned his voice and his tone increased, revealing the toughness that could not be refused.

"But Cheng, I like you, I really like you."

"So I won't give up on you."

"It won't break up with you."


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 32

I didn't deceive the beginning, this is indeed my first kiss.

I certainly won't kiss people other than him.

But even if I haven't tried it, I think that my kiss skills are good, I will let Zhichu like to kiss me.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Ling Ling demon's grenade x2 & mine, 昀 and you are a grenade, scorpion mine x2, and Wang Du, ice on the ice, 1279 has been a waste lao, star zero tears, pretend Cats and Li Han's mines! ! =3=2k novel reading network

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