MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 31 Abandoned hospital (fifteen)

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Meng Ke headed the bear, and according to its instructions, he walked uneasily in the ninth floor. The lights in the corridor were flickering. Every time she was afraid, she was afraid that when the lights were back, she would look There is a terrible monster in front, or the man just now.

The ninth floor is complicated and complicated. It is like a huge labyrinth. All the corridors and rooms are very similar, which not only loses the sense of direction, but even the concept of time is blurred. It seems that it has been gone for a long time, but it seems to be only one. moment.

"Right right."

The bear patted her hair, and the voice said softly. Compared to Meng Ke, it is now a very brisk look. As long as Xie Yuanhuai or Bai Yi appears in front of it, the rest of it will not afraid.

"Songuo, I don't doubt what you mean..." Meng Ke whispered. "But is this really true?"

"I am leading you along with Dad's breath."

The bear said: "I don't know how big the ninth floor is. I haven't been there, but I have heard that how big it is here is only between the master's thoughts."

"Master?" Meng Ke asked, "Your master?"

"Not mine, my master is a mother, I am talking about the owner of the hospital."

Now the bear is very fluent in speaking, and sometimes it can hardly speak, sometimes it can talk a lot.

"It’s just the man..." Raised Xie Yuanhuai, his ears trembled and his voice was a little smaller.

"He is the one who controls here. His power has polluted the entire hospital and produced many monsters. My birth is also related to him, so I can't resist him at all."

That person is the boss of the copy?

Meng Ke’s pupils shrink and his heart is tense.

She hasn't forgotten the feeling that the man brought her. He is so terrible that she didn't even have the courage to look straight into his eyes.

But now Bai Yi has rushed to save the beginning of the process, and he himself, how to deal with such a terrible boss! ?

I must find my sister and Xiao Xiao!

Meng could bite his lip and couldn't care if his footsteps would attract monsters. He immediately ran in the hallway, hoping to meet the other two.




If Cheng Zhichu’s consciousness is weak, the darkness in the deepest part of memory is floating and floating, experiencing the illusion of scenes and scenes, touching and separating them.

Loving, delight, pain, despair...

As if the magic box was quietly opened, flying thousands of complicated emotions, entangled and imprisoned his consciousness, until he felt the brilliance of the light, he gradually woke up from the seemingly endless illusion, and suddenly opened it. Eyes.

At the moment of opening his eyes, tears poured out from the eyes of Cheng Zhichu. Although this is not his intention, but the sad emotions continue in his heart, so that he can not stop his tears.

"...don't cry."

A pale, cold hand gently touched his eye, wiped away the warm tears, and gently took it back.

... Where is this?

Cheng Zhichu stunned for a while, suddenly stopped crying, widened his eyes, and completely awakened from that emotion.

He remembered that he and Meng Ke had entered the ninth floor inexplicably. After he rescued Meng Ke in danger, he checked his medical record, but he heard Xie Yuanhuai calling him again. He was about to pull. Meng can escape, but suddenly stunned, and then...

His gaze fell on the man in front of him. The man’s cold and deep sorrow was also looking at him. Seeing that he finally looked over, the cold expression was soft and soft, and he whispered.

"Little beginning."

...and then he fled to the hands of Xie Yuanhuai.

Cheng Zhichu’s expression was a bit stiff. Xie Yuanhuai saw his unnatural reaction, and the dawn was slightly stunned, but he quickly approached the past and touched his face silently.

When he was close, Cheng Zhichu could smell it, and the smell of ice and snow in his memory was completely different. It turned into a faint **** smell, deep and cold, and people could not help but shudder.

However, after the initial fear was eliminated, Cheng Zhichu found that he seemed to be affected by the illusion, and now he is not afraid of Xie Yuanhuai.

Although the teenager in the illusion is not him... In fact, except for the exact face, Cheng Zhichu really feels that he has nothing in common with "Xiaochu". He is fourteen years old, but he is very skinny. How could it be that kind of small? Poor.

However, because of the relationship between the ring, he and Xie Yuanhuai have had an identity relationship. Now Xie Yuanhuai thinks that he is Xiaochu and has deep feelings for him.

For him, the illusion just happened to be like watching a very real movie... But although this is not what he actually experienced, it also has a strong sense of substitution.

Now he is also infected by this emotion, even if he knows that Xie Yuanhuai has killed many people, he is afraid of not getting up.

At this time, Cheng Zhi knew that he was in a strange place—or that it was too normal—that it formed a very strong contrast with the previous dark and defeated environment.

The place where he is now is a clean and bright ward, with a few pots of green plants on the window sill, the outside sun is very good, and the sound of the leaves being blown by the wind can be heard.

Here is the ward where Xiaochu once lived...

Cheng Zhichu stunned and suddenly realized that it was exactly the same as the ward he saw in the hallucination, including the location of the cups.

"Unfortunately these are just illusions."

Xie Yuanhuai said faintly.

Even if it is realistic, here is a virtual image, the sun will not give off the warmth, the wind outside the window will not blow in, and some are just silence and death.

The real ward has already been burned, and everything has turned into dark dust. After the hospital was abandoned, it was covered with layers of spider webs. This kind of scene will only appear in memories and hallucinations.

His time is still, and the time of the outside world is continually passing away. His early childhood has gradually grown up.

Now he has finally seen Xiaochu, and if he puts Xiaochu back, the time that belongs to Xiaochu will continue to move forward.

He will become a family, even marry and have children... Maybe Xiaochu still loves him, he will choose to live alone, but he can't go out of the hospital. In the long half of his life, Xiaochu can only work alone and slowly become weak and death.

How can he bear to watch it...

If he now stays here forever, stay with him here -

Xie Yuanhuai stroked Cheng Zhichu's cheeks, and the light was getting deeper. The cold fingers slowly patted the soft skin, gradually moving between the lips, and gently slid into the fingertips.

Cheng Zhichu only felt like something was very cold, and before he could react, he was caught in the tip of his tongue by two fingers.


He screamed in a vague voice, grabbed Xie Yuanhuai's wrist with both hands, but couldn't pull out his hand, and couldn't close his mouth. He was forced to contain Xie Yuanhuai's fingers. Because of discomfort, the eyes were covered with misty water vapor.

Why use your fingers and kiss him if you have the skills...!

Cheng Zhichu was a little breathless and finally remembered slowly that he still had the ability to kiss and clear the customs.

Yes, now is the best time. He is so close to Xie Yuanhuai, and he will definitely agree with him... As soon as he arrives, they will be able to clear the customs immediately. I hope that during this period, Bai Yi will not do anything...

Kissing with the boss is a light-hearted journey for Cheng Zhichu. What kind of man is not a man? Isn’t he still less? He even kisses Bai Yi, this kind of thing does not matter to him!

At this time, Xie Yuanhuai finally took out his fingers. Cheng Zhichu gasped a few mouthfuls. He was about to ask Xie Yuanhuai, but he suddenly saw Xie Yuanhuai bowing his head and kissing his knuckles stained with water, and looked straight at him.

His look was calm and cold, but his movements were particularly sensational. This made Cheng Zhichu instantly redden his face and almost forgot what he was going to say, but at this time, he also heard the automatic reminder of the system.

[The behavior is out of control. 】

by! !

Cheng Zhichu screamed in his heart, and the body immediately did not listen to his call.

But it is not impossible... he comforted himself with anger and indignation. Anyway, if he loses control, he will be in a hurry to kiss him, so he can also kiss Xie Yuanhuai.

"...Tang Huai brother, kill me."

But the next moment, he heard his voice saying so.

Cheng Zhichu: ...

Cheng Zhichu:? ? ?

What is his mouth talking nonsense? Why don't you go to thank Yuanhuai? !

"...small early?"

Xie Yuanhuai’s eyes showed amazement.

"I like Yuanhuai brother."

No, he doesn't like it. This is just a copy of the story setting. There is nothing to do with him. Don't talk anymore!

Cheng Zhichu desperately felt that he seemed to have set up a death flag, madly wanting to stop himself, but uncontrollably took Xie Yuanhuai's hand and placed it on his neck.

Then his eyes were faintly red and his voice became sobbing.

"But I thought you were my fantasies, so I left you and left you alone in the hospital. Sorry, I am really sorry..."

"I have never been afraid of you, no matter if you are a ghost or a ghost, I like you very much."

"I can't leave you anymore, I want to stay with you, so beg you... Yuanhuai brother, kill me."

"Let us stay together forever."

"Little early..."

Xie Yuanhuai whispered his name, his eyes were deep, his fingers moved slightly.

Killing Xiaochu and letting him stay in the hospital forever is the secret desire of his heart.

Since now, Xiaochu has also opened this way...

His fingers gradually added a little force, and in the blink of an eye, they had already left marks on the neck of Cheng Zhichu.

However, after a while, he suddenly stopped his movements, took back his hand, and shook his head slightly and said.

"No. I can't kill you."

“Why?” Cheng Zhichu asked with a red eye. “Don’t you like my brother, I don’t want to let me stay with you?”

"how come."

Xie Yuanhuai held him in his arms and kissed his forehead, but the cold voice was full of gentleness.

"Because I like the beginning of the small, so I can't do it, I can't bear it."

"But I want to belong to you..."

"You already belong to me..."

Xie Yuanhuai’s eyes showed a shallow smile, and gently kissed Cheng Zhichu’s lips, whispering.

"Your heart is already mine."

His kiss was extraordinarily soft, just gently sticking to Cheng Zhichu's lips, like feathers falling on his lips. He closed his eyes and didn't seem to know that his figure was gradually fading, still embracing the person in his arms.

He finally had his little beginning.


A slight cracking sound rang, and the pale bone knife tip appeared in the air, and the gap gradually expanded and spread out.

The space constructed by the illusion collapsed in pieces, and Bai Yi’s figure appeared behind the crack. At a glance, Cheng Zhichu was hugging and kissing with Xie Yuanhuai.

His pupil suddenly shrank.

The figure was very light, and finally disappeared in the moment of the illusion of fragmentation. The bright ward phantom disappeared, revealing the real appearance around.

It was also a ward, the walls on all sides were burned to black by the fire, and a white skeleton stood in front of the window, seemingly waiting to see who was waiting.

This is the ward where Xiaochu once lived.

Xie Yuanhuai placed his body here and has been quietly waiting for his early arrival.


Seeing this skeleton, Bai Yi’s hand holding the bone knife suddenly tightened, and the bottom of the eye was surging. The light was gloomy and cold, raising his hand and waving the knife, and cutting the knife directly.

"Hey, hey..."

The **** fell to the ground and rolled to the foot of Bai Yi. He stepped on the jaw of the lower part with a blank expression, and suddenly smashed the weathered jaw and teeth.

Then he went to Cheng Zhichu's side.

Cheng Zhichu sat on the ground, his eyes were a little sluggish, and he was still crying silently, so he was suddenly stunned by Bai Yi.

Bai Yi held his hand on his shoulder, and the other hand wiped the tear marks on his face. His fingertips trembled slightly, and some could not control his strength. The soft skin quickly rubbed red.

"Knowing early... Why are you crying?"

Why do you cry for "he"?

What is the qualification of "He" for the beginning of the "He" crying?

Cheng Zhichu did not answer the question of Bai Yi, but he was crying all the time. Bai Yi was close to his lips, and the light was darker and darker, and the eyes seemed to be brewing storms.


After a long time, Cheng Zhichu finally spoke. He cried as if he was wronged, like a small animal that was only bullied, it looked soft, and the sound of crying was a bit soft.

"I... are you hugged me?"

Bai Yi lived, and the haze in his eyes instantly dispersed.

"You hug me..."

Cheng Zhichu saw him without words, and thought that he refused to agree, took a sniff, and glared at his clothes.

"You are very upset?"

Bai Yi has already seen that he is out of control, his look is clearly turned better, revealing a faint smile, but still calm, pretending that he did not see anything unusual, softly agreed.

"Well, I hug you."

He took Cheng Zhichu into his arms, touched his soft hair, and even seemed to kiss the top of the hair inadvertently.

Cheng Zhichu seemed to like his arms very much, and immediately hugged him back, shrank into his arms, and gradually stopped sobbing.

He has not let Bai Yi let him go, Bai Yi will not take the initiative to mention, so he held it for a long time, until Cheng Zhichu suddenly moved, Bai Yi thought that his loss of control is finally over, just regret, but heard He continued to say shyly.

" kiss me again, okay?"


This time Bai Yi did not say "good."

Because at the moment when Cheng Zhichu’s voice just fell, he immediately lifted Cheng Zhichu’s lower jaw and stuck the lip on the pair of lips he had long thought about.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 30

I didn't say where I wanted to kiss him. In order to better comfort him, I certainly chose to kiss the most comforting place.



I also hope that I will ask me to comfort him with my body.

I can.

The author has something to say: Today, some Kavin, I am embarrassed to update later, but fortunately I still wrote it in the end.

In addition, I have to explain, that is, I may not reply to the message in a day, or I will not return after half of the reply. This situation is definitely jj, I really want to reply to the message, if I encounter this situation again. Big baby, don't be angry, qaq

Thanks to Ling Ling demon's grenades & mines, even the black and white mines x3, the sly mines x2, and the tears of Wangdu, Li Han, Qi Mu, Xing zero, 1279 is already a waste of liao and Fengjing Hey. Mine! ! =3=2k novel reading network

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