MTL - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship-Chapter 33

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The stars in the entertainment circle rarely have such a bright and torn. Even if they don't want to see each other to a certain extent, when they are in front of the public, they are also a good brother and a good girlfriend. Indulging in this matter has created a precedent in the circle.

The crowds rushed to his microblog to eat melons, resulting in one night, Shen Wei's Weibo fans rose by two million.

I forgot about my surname, and I’m more vocal about Xu Ning.

In addition to Zhao Qingyuan's filming, he accidentally watched this drama, and his nose was suffocating. However, he has always been a man who is angry with himself, but who is sending out. So he took advantage of the agent and just got on the microblog and Shen Wei.

Zhao Qingyuan v: @沈冀point face! Want to step on Qinghuan? Do your spring and autumn dreams!

As soon as he posted this Weibo, he suddenly mixed the water.

"Where! How did Da Yuange also end? I suddenly felt that the anecdote between him and Yu Qinghuan was not fake..."

"Zhao Qingyuan is not a good commodity! The gold master behind Yu Qinghuan will not be him."

"Oh, isn't it that there is no one behind the bully? What is Yu Qinghuan really green tea? If you dare not come out, let the gold come."


Zhao Qingyuan, who looked at these vicious comments, was even more flamboyant. He wanted to send a Weibo to support Yu Qinghuan, and this time, he really took the sleeves off the truss.

Zhao Qingyuan v: What happened to me? You have the ability to bully me! Also, Qing Huan is my good buddy, what am I doing to help him? Who told you that you didn't have the skills to be my good friend! [二哈]

"Wait... How do I feel... Da Yuan brother seems to be sharp, is this my illusion?"

"You are not alone upstairs! Who did Da Yuange's poison tongue learn?"

"One or two are so shameless! What's wrong with your family? I don't believe in entertainment, you can cover the sky!"

"Support my big brother, what?" Da Yuan Ge, you say who you are! I am the first!"

"The fans of Zhao Qingyuan and Yu Qinghuan have a face, I will wait to see you being beaten!"


Shen Yan did not expect that this thing would pull out Zhao Qingyuan, while he was sweating and put his mobile phone, while he was secretly jealous of him.

What happened to a good friend? Who is not a good friend in the entertainment industry! But for friends, regardless of the image, like a shrew, directly tearing, is it a neuropathy? ! Even if he was hacked, he did not see him so excited!

Shen Yan dared to step on Yu Qinghuan, but he gave him a hundred more courage, and he did not dare to provoke Zhao Qingyuan. I could only swallow this breath silently, and even the tragic Weibo that I wanted to send was put into the manuscript box.

"Don't worry about Zhao Qingyuan, he is a crazy dog." Xu Ning frowned, swearing, "Don't mess with him for a moment, you should start from now, don't send anything, look at Zhao Qingyuan. The aggressive appearance, netizens will definitely be more sympathetic to you."

"I know." Shen Yu hated back.

“Pick up the emotions,” Xu Ning reached out and helped him to carry the suitcase over him. “You have a little powder on your face. When I send you to the crew, I must pretend to be strong and laugh.”

Shen Wei just picked up a new TV series, and today is just the day to enter the group.

"Good." Wen Yan, Shen Hao nodded, made up his mind to sell it to the end.

Sure enough, as Xu Ning said, Zhao Qingyuan’s appearance not only did not help Yu Qinghuan to recover the disadvantages, but also sent a lot of passers-by’s feelings to Shen Yu.

"Zhao Qingyuan and Yu Qinghuan are disgusting. It is simply a tumor in the entertainment circle! The atmosphere in the circle is badly damaged by these two people!"

"Oh, Yu Qinghuan, this is how long it has been with him to sleep, so that Zhao Qingyuan can listen to him and he can’t accept it."

"What about selling ass, it’s not a 18-star star!"


Yu Qinghuan wants to be equal to the results of the Xin investigation, but sees that Zhao Qingyuan has been turned into a Weibo client that has not been used for a long time because of his own appearance.

Yu Qinghuan v: Everyone is tired, give you a cup of tea, listen to me while drinking. First of all, regarding the matter of sinking into a broker, both Xin and I did not know until after the process. Secondly, regarding my gold lord, I am a lazy person. I usually don't even send Weibo. If there is a gold lord, I think I will only eat at home and die, and I won't work hard outside. In the end, Qing Yuan is my good friend. A person who can take a knife for his friends regardless of his identity should not be so dirty. You think so. ”

When this Weibo came out, the two parties who had been so arguing that they had been so angry that they were really surprised were suspended.

"I don't know why, it seems that suddenly Yu Qinghuan can't get up..."

"I also.... I always feel that Yu Qinghuan is a very rational, calm and intelligent person. I must have broken..."

"... suddenly envious of the friendship between Yu Qinghuan and Zhao Qingyuan..."

Of course, people who are sensible have become more excited.

"Hey! I dare to come out and send Weibo! It really is a shameless innocence!"

"Hehehehe, I finally know, you will act like this, how have you not sealed the emperor?"

"It really is a play, and it’s better than singing!"


Yu Qinghuan’s reply pushed the annual drama to the climax. Zhao Qingyuan brushed his microblog and immediately called him: “Are you stupid? I’ll be fine, you appear. What are you doing?"

"It’s stupid to see that you’re noisy, and you’re not willing to admit defeat.”

Zhao Qingyuan: "..."

Taking a deep breath, meditation in my heart three times without thinking about the patient, Zhao Qingyuan sighed, "Yu Qinghuan, you are so poisonous, no wonder no women, boyfriend!"

"Oh," Yu Qinghuan said faintly: "You are not poisonous and have no girlfriend."

Zhao Qingyuan: "..."

He was silent for a long while and roared: "I am going to die!!" Then I hung up!

Yu Qinghuan touched the ear that was almost shocked by him, put down his mobile phone, and climbed back to the bed silently.

Huo Qu was taken away by Huo Wei in the morning, saying that his laboratory had a problem and he had to solve it himself. Yu Xin is also busy with things outside. He is bored alone, and he doesn't like to watch mobile phones. He simply closes his eyes and plans to sleep back.

Yu Qinghuan had just had a fever, and his body was still weak. He slept until the evening, and the nurse came over to give him a temperature, and he called him up.

Fortunately, the temperature did not rise again, Yu Qinghuan relieved, sent away the nurse, was preparing to pick up hot water, the ward door was pushed open, scared him almost fell into the cup in his hand.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Yu Qinghuan looked up helplessly, looking at Yu Xin, asked.

"Qing Huan 呐 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" Yu Xin excited face flushed, the tail sounds quickly tremble into a wavy line, stirred up the goose bumps of Yu Qinghuan.

"Brother, can you be normal? What happened?"

“Look at Weibo!” Yu Xin took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Yu Qinghuan’s eyes. His hands shook. “Xu Ning accepted an interview with the reporter! The old bottom of Shen Yan was exposed!”

"Ha?" Yu Qinghuan took the phone unbelievably, and after quickly browsing the news, he was silent.

At noon today, Xu Ning had a car accident on the highway at the speed of sending Shen Yu to the crew. The sinking face was ruined, and Xu Ning paid the price of two legs.

After learning that he was a waste man lying in bed, Xu Ning was crazy, and he blamed everything on Shen. He felt that if he did not become a serious agent, he would not follow him to the crew, and naturally he would not have a car accident.

Xu Ning and more want to hate more, after the reporters poured into the hospital, all the things in the brain will be said.

From Shen Yu find him to ask to change to his own hands, to Shen Hao has long been dissatisfied with Xin, and then to Shen Yu how to give Yu Qinghuan dirty water, all have not let go! Even, I took out a recording of my phone conversation with Shen Yu.

Xu Ning has many eyes and strong desire for control. In addition, he has done a lot of things in his usual absence. He always gives himself a way to go, just in case.

Such a hard evidence is in front of you. In this case, Shen Yan is a hundred mouths and can't argue.

What's more, the current Shen Shen still cares about this. When he learned that his face had been destroyed and the best cosmetic technology could not be repaired, the whole person collapsed!

If it wasn't at the moment of the car accident, Xu Ning desperately hit the steering wheel to the left, pushing the danger all over him, how could his face be destroyed!

The anger of Shen Yu, after seeing Xu Ning’s interview, rose to the top.

Regardless of the injured face, he also accepted the interview. The indignation said that whether it was a broker or a black sorrow, Xu Ning gave him the idea.

For a time, the two people were embarrassed. It really should be the sentence, the dog bites the dog, a mouth hair.

The people who eat melons are still in the air, and after seeing the interviews of these two people, they were suddenly scared by this shocking reversal.

what? What happened to the brokers Yu Qinghuan and Yu Xin actually did not know?

In fact, Xu Ning and Shen Wei are planning from beginning to end. Even used them?

Are these two people fooling them?

A few days ago, a message of Yu Qinghuan was still there. The faces of the people who eat melons were swollen. First, they went to Yu Qinghuan and Zhao Qingyuan’s microblog to sincerely apologize. Then, they angered Xu Ning. And sinking and spraying.

How can there be such a shameless person!

Obviously, I did something unsatisfactory, but let the victims back the pot. If it wasn't for this car accident, maybe they really told them to succeed!

The fans who were addicted were also shocked. They never imagined that their idols were such a thing. They not only called for powder removal, but also turned to the side of the people who were eating melons.

It’s so busy on the Internet that it’s just like the New Year. Even because of this incident, Weibo reached its highest peak in history.

Yu Qinghuan silently put down his mobile phone and couldn’t tell what it was like, feeling refreshed and sighing.

In the last life, Yu Xin died to protect the face of Shen Yan, but he was treated like that. In this life, because there is no such fool in Yu Xin, Shen Yan’s face is completely ruined, and he will not be able to stay in the circle anymore.

This is probably the cause of the previous life, this fruit.

"I am pointing at this joke this year," Yu Xin laughed at his teeth, and even a fat flesh trembled with joy. "It’s really a man’s own income. How do you say that it’s so smart? at this time……"

The next half of the sentence has not been said, suddenly stuck in the shell.

Yu Qinghuan felt strange, "What's wrong?"

"Qing Huan," Yu Xin suddenly feared for a while. "You said, if I am still a sinking agent, is the person who amputated today is me?"

Yu Qinghuan coveted and sighed softly. "Don't think so much."

"Mom!" Yu Xin took a picture of his chest, and he had a look of heart. "Fortunately, I have escaped this robbery!" After a pause, I still felt a bit uncomfortable. "No, I have to go to the temple to worship." Worship, go and go."

Yu Qinghuan was made to laugh and cry. "Well, you really want to go with me."

Yu Xin nodded, just wanted to say good, but like suddenly remembered something, suddenly widened his eyes.

With a sigh, swallowing a slobber, Yu Xin went straight to his front in the confusing eyes of Yu Qinghuan, bowing respectfully to him.

Yu Qinghuan: "...What are you doing?"

Yu Xin Shen mysteriously snorted at him, whispered: "Don't make a noise, I will pay homage!"

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

When Yu Xin finally finished three battles, Yu Qinghuan was helpless: "Brother, this is down."

"Don't call my brother!" Yu Xin corrected him seriously. "I will call you brother later!"

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

Suddenly I want to change my agent...

The author has something to say:

This is actually a predecessor, the story of this fruit~ no matter who, um...

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