MTL - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship-Chapter 34

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This vigorous annual drama ended with an apology letter from Xu Ning and Shen Yu, but the discussion on the Internet did not stop.

At the beginning, people’s crusade against Yu Qinghuan was so loud that now it is as quiet as a chicken.

After all, this is already a real cyber violence.

This time it was a coincidence, just as Xu Ning and Shen Yu had a car accident and started to bite the dog, which allowed netizens to see the truth. But if there is no such car accident, does Yu Qinghuan have to live in the negative news of robbing brokers for a lifetime?

At this time, some reporters took photos of Yu Qinghuan’s discharge, which suddenly caused an uproar.

It is clearly the most innocent person in this matter, but it has been such a fly. Calm down and think about it, Yu Qinghuan is just a college student who is only out of school, and how can such a young person with good academic performance make such a thing?

For a time, there was a lot more discussion about cyber violence.

"Suddenly I feel that I am actually one of the keyboard men, I can't manage others, but from now on, when I encounter such a thing, I will definitely figure out the truth and speak again."

"I always thought that I was the most right-minded person. When I saw something unfair, I would go up, but I found out now that I am just a network sprayer and reflect on myself."

"I have been very uncomfortable these days. I don't know how many people I have made wrong. I especially regret it. I apologize to the people I used to be."


When netizens have reflected on themselves, Yu Qinghuan’s alma mater, Huada, has several professions that have begun to prepare for cyber violence as a thesis.

As a top 100 college in China, Huada is wise and heavy. Although it does not speak, it silently supports the children it once taught in this way.

As the star of this farce, Zhao Qingyuan was the only star who spoke for Yu Qinghuan. He was praised by netizens and even sent him the title of "China's good buddy". Weibo fans soared two million.

If it is in the past, Zhao Qingyuan will be ecstatic, and then go to Weibo to sneak. But this time, he just put down his mobile phone with a sneer, not only did not say anything, but decided to brush less microblogging later.

Apologizing for the swearing of a person with a mouth, such a light apology and praise, he does not accept.

"Dad, things are over." In the office, Huo Wei was calling his dad. "Don't say that I am not obedient. This time, I didn't care about it. Not only that, but also let the people below." Don't worry, how about it, fit your heart."

Suddenly, doubtful words: "Dad, do you have any opinion on Yu Qinghuan?"

It stands to reason that Yu Qinghuan is a good friend of their family. He has such a thing, shouldn’t the Huo family help the first time? But his father not only refused to let him intervene, but sat down and watched the excitement.

Even if this person is his own father, Huo Wei thinks that he is doing something a little wrong.

"Small two," Huofu did not answer and asked, "Do you think that you directly intervene in Yu Qinghuan?"

Huo Wei did not want to return, "Of course it is good!"

"What are the benefits?" Huo Fu coldly said: "You can help him once, can help him twice, but can always stare at the network, and then help him for a lifetime? He is a circle of people, this kind of thing Certainly more than once and twice, if he can't learn to handle it himself, what should he do in the future?"

Huo Wei stunned and asked: "Dad, are you training him? What do you think he is dealing with?"

Huo father sighed. "Because he was still suffocating, but he still didn't stabilize. It was the fault of Shen Yu and his agent, but Shen Hao was a second-line artist. And Yu Qinghuan, a newcomer. The little newcomer in the circle dared to confront him directly on Weibo. I really thought that netizens would think that what he said was sincere and then moved by him?"

"Zhao Qingyuan has capital and willfulness, but he does not."

Stopped and concluded, "I still need to practice. I originally wanted to use this to make him frustrated, let him know that there are potential rules in each circle, and then come forward to solve it. I did not expect him to I’m lucky, I’ve run into a car accident. Forget it, take your time.”

The three sons of the family have left their hands, and there is still energy to manage the children of other people! Huo slick said: "You really think of Yu Qinghuan as a half son."

"Small two," said Huo's father, who said: "Without Yu Qinghuan, there is no change in the three children. He has no parents. I have raised all three sons with your mother, and I don't mind raising one more. For my own children, I never love, what makes me love, is always someone else's child."

"Okay." Huo Shuo shrugged and learned Huo Fu's tone: "I don't mind multiple brothers."

"This year's Spring Festival let him come to the house, a person who is alone and called the New Year."

"Got it."

Yu Qinghuan did not know the things that happened behind him. After he was discharged from the hospital, he went to the sales office along the river bay with Yu Xin and bought a house of one hundred and twenty-five flats and thirty-first floors in the community. After paying the full amount, I finally got my own little family.

The decoration thing, Yu Qinghuan only finalized the style he wanted, and he lost everything to Xin. He went to the big theater every day and became friends with many actors.

He just came to study, not to grab someone else's job, and the actors of the Grand Theatre certainly welcomed him. At the time of chatting, he taught him a lot of useful performance skills.

This is an opportunity that he never had in his life. Yu Qing’s joy is divided into seconds. It is like a sponge, and it absorbs all the knowledge desperately.

At the end of the day, even Wang Zhensheng had to admit that his progress was fast enough.

"You said that you are always doing this here every day?" Yu Xin hated the iron and looked at his artist, not good.

Because of the insulting, Yu Qinghuan’s popularity has been greatly improved. Normal people should not hurry up and take advantage of the heat. How many more advertisements and scripts are there? How to do this is not the usual way! I have to come to the big theater to learn and accumulate. When he has accumulated enough, I am afraid that the popularity is gone!

Yu Xin’s screaming past script, angered: “This is the few scripts I have collected. You will show me immediately, then choose one! “Life and Death” will catch the summer file, “How to love You must start at least seven or eight months. In the middle half of the year, you have to give me at least one show."

"Know it." Yu Qinghuan took over the script he had handed over and began to look through one by one.

Yu Xin saw that he really looked in, pinched his fat belly, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s too bad to have a koi physique, but I don’t know the cherished artist.

The script that Yu Xin gave him was good. There was even a big fire movie he had played in his life, but he played the number three at the time, and now the director actually asked him to try the man number two.

The road that I have traveled in my life, and once again without a surprise, then his life is not meaningful. Yu Qinghuan unfortunately put this script aside and smoothly opened the last script.

Unexpectedly, he was deeply attracted to this.

The film, called "Orange", is about a little girl being raped, how her brother found the murderer, sent him to jail, and helped his sister out of the shadows.

The rhythm is compact and the plot is exciting. If you take a good shot, it is definitely a good step.

Yu Qinghuan glanced at the writer and director and found out that he was the same person. But the strange thing is that such a talented person has never heard of him in his life.

"Brother, help me contact Zhao Rui." Yu Qinghuan pointed to the name on the script. "I received this movie."

"Who is Zhao Rui?" Yu Xin stunned, and then looked at his fingers, and looked at it for a long time, and he was not impressed by the director named Zhao Rui!

"I really saw the ghost." Yu Xin muttered a sentence, reached over and turned over "Orange", and carefully looked at other scripts. After a while, just before the head shot, "I remembered! I have clearly This script is going out! How come again?"

"Probably fate?" Yu Qinghuan said with a smile, said: "I see this movie is good, just pick this up."

"Yu Ge!" Yu Xin was too anxious. "The movie on this subject is too heavy. No one wants to watch it! You go online to find films of the same category. There are not a few billions. Can you The review is not necessarily!"

"It doesn't matter," Yu Qinghuan said faintly: "This movie is very good in both plot and rhythm. I like it very much. Anyway, I am a little newcomer now, even if the box office is on the street, no one will say anything."

"Yes." Yu Xin nodded, a little famous star, basically will not shoot such a film that is not sure, Yu Qinghuan is more appropriate.

After Yu Xinyi finished speaking, he reacted and was taken back by Yu Qinghuan. But watching him like the script so much, he could only sigh and appoint.

Forget it, let him wave freely when there is no coffee. With the coffee, he can't stand up.

Yu Xin went to contact Zhao Rui, and Yu Qinghuan, seeing the last rehearsal on the stage, stood up and walked out of the Grand Theatre, put on a mask and was preparing to go home, and suddenly saw the South Gate of Huada.

Huo Qu once told him where he worked, just in the science and technology building near the South Gate of Huada. Yu Qinghuan thought about it and turned his foot to go straight to the science and technology building.

It is also a coincidence that Yu Qinghuan just walked to the booth of the Science and Technology Building and saw that Huo Qu was bidding farewell to several colleagues.

"Professor Huo, you go slowly."

"Professor Huo, see you tomorrow."

"Professor Huo, your mobile phone has forgotten it, give it!"


This one of the prestigious people, in the face of Huo Qu, had a full respect on his face.

Huo Qu’s face was serious and he nodded to these people. He was about to sit on his own car in a short stature, but the corner of his eye suddenly stunned Yu Qinghuan not far away.

Suddenly the eyes lit up and ran quickly.

Other professors: "..."

It must be the way they opened their eyes today! How serious and cold Professor Huo suddenly becomes like this! Is there any unknown substance in the young man? I don't know if I can study it...

Huo Qu did not know what his colleagues thought in his heart. He was entangled in Yu Qinghuan’s excitement and asked: "Qing Huan, how are you here? Are you coming to me?"

"Yeah." Yu Qing laughed: "Come to pick you up from work."

"Then I will go with you!" Huo Qu immediately took a sentence, ran to talk to the driver a few words, as if he was afraid that Yu Qinghuan had gone, and quickly returned to him.

Yu Qinghuan laughed, and he just had to lift his foot and his wrist was pulled by Huo Qu.

He was puzzled, "What happened?"

"This is... for you." Huo Quan had some shy lips, pulled out a pair of gloves from the bag, and clumsily went to Yu Qinghuan's hand and explained, "You are cold..."

Yu Qinghuan bowed his head and watched him put on his gloves a little bit, and his heart suddenly became complicated.

When he first saw Huo Qu, he would not cross the road. He would rather stand upright in the middle of the road and refuse to ask for help. Now, Huo Qu even knows to care for people.

"Qing Huan, warm?" Huo Qu carefully asked, paused, somehow, and deliberately whispered, "I deliberately pick it for you, should it be very warm?"

"Yeah." Yu Qing Huan moved the tightly wrapped hands and looked up and said to Huo Qu, "It is very warm."

"That, that's good." Huo Qu's ear was reddish, revealing a small dimple on his left face.

Read The Duke's Passion