MTL - House Witch-Chapter 560 559. Two Days Turn the Sky

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  Chapter 560 559. Turning Two Days

   One thing to say, Dorothy is a little numb now.

   "Damn, so the pervert is actually me?"

  The house witch was shocked by this.

  Although she has always been Huang Tian's superior, and she is incompatible with gambling and drugs, but in the past, she just thought about it in her mind, then read some books, looked in the mirror, and then rewarded herself.

  It is absolutely impossible for her to find a real person. The three-dimensional real person has too many problems, and it is troublesome. She has always stayed away from her, and she is easily shy when facing a real person.

It's a bit embarrassing to say it, but her courage is really limited to pointing at the paper man wives on the screen and shouting a few words. If you let her really flirt with strange beauties for the purpose of flirting, When the time comes, she will not be able to say anything if she is not blushing and heartbeating.

  Well, that is the so-called evil heart, no courage.

   It’s just that most of the shame of people comes from the constraints of morality and humanity, while the instinctive animal nature has no such thing as shame, and it does whatever it wants.

  So, Dorothy didn't have the guts, but she did have the dragon instinct, and it was huge.

   After all, Long Ben knows everything.

  The house witch's consciousness didn't even have time to stop her body from licking just now. After all, she herself didn't expect that she would be beating life and death one second, and then directly enter the estrus period the next second.

  This is all about what, my instinct, you are very wrong.

Of course, it may also be because Sophilia was suddenly reduced from a three-dimensional dimension to a two-dimensional one. As we all know, the two-dimensional wife has a special attack effect on the xp of the dead house, so her instinct suddenly changed from the original killing The mode switched to estrous mode.

   All in all, it’s pretty **** good.

   What's even worse is that she just licked it, but why was she caught by the real master? How can she live like this, this wave is directly dead.

Fortunately, the entire battlefield has just been compressed by her "two-way foil" into two-dimensional fragments like dynamic photos in her hands, and not everyone can have top-level magic eyes that can see through dimensions like her roommate Yes, so this wave is not really a public execution.

   But even so, Dorothy is extremely embarrassed when facing Sophilia's cold eyes as if looking at garbage. If she can, she really wants to travel again immediately and live in another world.

   "Well, I actually saw it."

  The clown mask on Dorothy's face raised a tentacle to show her presence.

   "Shut up, you bastard. No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

  Facing the senior Leziren who came to laugh at her at the first time, the house witch roared in her heart and turned back.

"Miss, if you are really uncomfortable, you can tell me openly that the demand for dragon witches is indeed relatively strong, but if you become a wretched pervert, it will be a bit embarrassing, teacher." face."

  Among the two-dimensional fragments in her hand, Sophilia also suppressed her previous shame and anger, and then said so with hatred.

  Although Angel Pure White said such words in a serious manner, but if you look closely, her red ears betrayed her.

   Obviously, she was not as calm as she appeared on the surface.

  Dorothy: "."

   Ah, here, did you focus on the wrong point, so what you care about is that I am embarrassing my mother like this? And Sophilia, what do you mean by that, can I lick a real person directly after I tell you directly?

  The house witch was also a little speechless for a while.

"Well, in fact, just now I just let the animal nature control my body. You know, the animal instinct represents the most primitive human desire. Just now it was just pure **** and the biological desire to reproduce. You also know that this kind of biological instinct is not acceptable. Even if I really don't have that kind of thought for you, I just treat you as a roommate and family member, but after all, you are a bit too beautiful, and it is easy to arouse people's most primitive desires."

  She explained solemnly, trying to salvage her own image in Sophilia's heart.

  Although she didn't know if she really had any image in this roommate's heart, the White Witch had always disliked her in the past.

   "You don't need to explain, miss, I don't care about these, and there is no shame in frankly admitting my desire."

  However, the pure white angel in the two-dimensional fragment did not listen to her explanation.

In fact, Sophilia has already noticed that the state of the young lady just now is not right. After all, the young lady is not so violent and crazy on weekdays. The young lady just made her feel not like a person at all, but like a person. Like a beast manipulated by instinct.

   But that's not the point.

  The point is that people's reason can deceive people, but their instincts can't.

   Doesn't this mean that the eldest lady really had unreasonable thoughts about her?

   Tsk, it was obvious that the teacher offered a marriage before, but the eldest lady refused. At that time, Sophilia was actually a little angry.

  Although at that time she didn't have any feelings for the eldest lady, and even hated it, but human nature is sometimes such a double standard.

  I can hate you, but how can you hate me so much? Am I that unattractive?

  Of course, Sophilia didn't show such little emotions at the time, after all, she wasn't the kind of person who likes to mess around.

  But now, when she finds out that she is not unattractive in the eyes of the eldest lady, Angel Chunbai suddenly has a sense of elation that she has won back.

  As for the fact that she was licked by the eldest lady just now, Sophilia actually didn't care that much.

  Although she actually doesn't have the feeling of a partner for the eldest lady now, but if she really needs a partner in the future, then that person can only be the eldest lady.

   And does she need a partner?

   Actually, it is not that necessary, but just like the reason why the teacher gave birth to the young lady back then, she will definitely need an heir in the future, and she is not capable of giving birth to an heir by herself.


  Anyway, sooner or later, there will be such a day with the young lady, and that kind of thing will be done sooner or later, so why bother.

As a prophecy witch who controls the power of destiny, although Sophilia is not so frank and a little arrogant in daily life, when it comes to some important matters related to destiny choices, she often has a long-term view and can skip the process directly. The results, therefore, are frankly astonishing.

  When the two of them had a secret date to watch "Romeo and Juliet", she had already thought about it, so she would not become the tragic Romeo, and her fate should be in her own hands.

  Besides, she was raised by a teacher after all, and her views on marriage follow her teacher's.

  Love? That thing is worthless.

   Mate? That's just a tool for giving birth to a baby.

   It doesn't matter whether you like it or not, whether you feel it or not, whether it suits you or not, and whether you are loyal or not is more important.

  Therefore, even though it was the first time he experienced such a thing, the instinctive shame was inevitable, but Pure White Angel was still very frank.

  In addition, the many years of speech experience of the student council president has long allowed her to say things that would be embarrassing for ordinary people.

"Okay, miss, stop talking nonsense, just like what we agreed before, as long as you can win me, then I will be yours, and you can vent your instincts to me as much as you want, you don't need to be so wretched sneaky."

"Even if I win, it doesn't matter, even if you are a estrus, silver, beast that is so perverted that you can secretly lick pictures of your family, the desire in your head may be stronger than that of the most despicable goblin , I will not despise you, who made you my only eldest lady, I will take the responsibility to satisfy you and help you control that animal desire, Lucy Fairy is very good at training beasts, I will use her experience Correct you into a qualified teacher's heir."

  Sofelia's eyes were still indifferent as if looking at garbage, and then she spoke so viciously.

"Come on, miss, your special forbidden spell is indeed beyond people's expectations, and I can't find a way to break it for the time being, but I won't sit still. In the future, it will be you who use me as a way to vent your anger. The props of animal desire, or the collar that restrains animal nature that I will put on for you, depends on your next performance."

  Among the two-dimensional fragments, Sophilia raised the holy fire sword in her hand, and then began the final chant.

  Although she can see through the dimension with the power of the magic eye of fate and communicate with the eldest lady outside that dimension, but she is in the second dimension and she doesn't know how to return to the third dimension.

  If the person outside is not the eldest lady, but someone else, she may still try to use the magic eye of fate to control the other party's fate, but unfortunately, her strongest ability is directly ineffective against the eldest lady who is the insulator of fate.

  Fate is respected, time and space are king.

  Obviously the power of destiny she possesses is far superior to the power of space and time of the eldest lady, but this battle is really aggrieved.

  So, I can only fight recklessly.

   It doesn't matter if you can't do without the dimension, just use an attack that is powerful enough to cross the dimension.

   "Sun, fall, and burn everything with your holy fire."

   Sophilia sang like this.

   This is her last hole card.

  When the Lord of Radiance came to the Witch World in the past, he swallowed the sun of this world, but the Sun Core that condensed the power of the entire sun was finally presented to his daughter by this powerful King of Angels as a gift.

   Sophilia inherited the blood of the Lord of Radiance. She is the daughter of the Sun God, so she naturally has the ability to control the power of the sun.

  The sun and the moon are the absolute core celestial bodies of a world, and they all have enough energy to destroy the world.

  When the sun falls to the earth, everything will be reduced to ashes in the hot flames and sunlight.

   That is powerful enough to rival the eleven-ring forbidden curse. The power of the falling sun.

  No, it should be said that the forbidden curse Lieyang Fall is the imitation and restoration of the natural sun explosion.

  Although Pure White Angel doesn’t know the principle of Missy’s forbidden spell for compressing space, all spaces have a force limit. When the force of this space reaches the limit, the space itself will definitely be broken.

   Sophilia is not absolutely sure that she can survive the turbulent flow of time and space after the space is broken, but it doesn't matter, the big deal is fine.

Moreover, the power of detonating the sun's core will definitely not just destroy the space that traps her. If the eldest lady does not continue to take action to block the rampant sun fire, then the wreckage of the outside world of witches, and The underworld world waiting to be reborn in the wreckage may not be able to escape.

  Of course, with Missy's ability to control time and space, if she wanted to run, she would definitely be able to run away. The speed of the sun fire cannot catch up with a witch who controls the power of time and space.

  But Miss, can she abandon the Witch World and run alone?

   Obviously not.

  Sofelia knew the character of her young lady, so if she hadn't been forced to do so, she didn't want to use this trick.

   But, now, she has no choice.

   "Come on the road with me, miss."

   Then, the next moment, the blinding light eclipsed everything, and the explosion of the wildly expanding fury of fire silenced everything.

  The core of the sun exploded.

   "Fuck, you are talking about tigers and wolfs."

  Outside of the two-dimensional fragments, Dorothy just wanted to complain about Sophilia's shamelessness, how could she speak such tiger-wolf words.

  She herself couldn't say such words that make people blush and heartbeat even if she is wearing the vest of the fairy king.

   But what is yours and mine, and a prop to vent animal desires, you are objectifying women, and you will be punched

   "Send, wait, what the **** do you want to do?"

  Dorothy was ready to punch a set of punches just now, but when she glanced at her and saw that her roommate really took out a big baby, she was really anxious.

   Don’t be so shameless, it’s too much to overturn the table if you can’t beat it.

The house witch really wanted to persuade her roommate to calm down, but it was a pity that Sophilia gave her the opportunity and time to talk about it. Seeing that the dazzling light and scorching fire were about to break through the two-dimensional fragments and sweep across her It's three-dimensional.

  Dorothy didn't care too much, the dragon wings fluttered behind her, and the whole person began to teleport rapidly with the "photo" in her hand that was getting brighter and brighter.

  She wants to try to see if she can take this bomb away from the witch world before the two-dimensional fragments can't hold on.

  Although the underworld is guarded by Denisa, in theory, Denisa, who has always preserved her strength, should have a way to block this blow.

  But Dorothy didn't dare to gamble. After all, even if Denisa synchronized the memory of the Lord God King, she is not the body of a witch, but a mortal, without such omnipotent power as the original magic power.

   This seems to be about to win, and the otaku witch will never allow the victory that is about to be handed down to be ruined by Zhongdao.

  She has to weaken the power of this "bomb" for Denisa as much as possible. If she carries more on her side, the pressure on Denisa's side will be less.

With such a simple idea in mind, Dorothy quickly flew towards the sky. It was no longer a normal flight, but a continuous teleportation, at a very fast speed. In the blink of an eye, she had already reached the edge of the world bubble. It was almost out of the scope of the Witch World.

  However, the poor defense of the two-dimensional fragments is really vulnerable under the impact of this solar explosion.

   "Well, it's a pity that this dimensionality reduction attack is not perfect. The attack of the second dimension shouldn't be able to affect the third dimension."

   Dorothy cursed inwardly.

   But she had no choice but to hug the photo directly into her arms, curling up into a ball.

   It's not that she really wants to die heroically. If possible, she also wants to find a hard "explosion-proof barrel" to put this thing in.

   But who made her dragon costume, which was modeled on the body of an earth dragon, the hardest thing in the world.

   This wave of explosion-proof barrels was actually myself.

   "My mission is really completed now."

  The house witch thought so in her heart, then closed her eyes and prepared to die.

  She hopes that she can have a whole body later, forget it, if she can't be gasified directly, if she can leave some ashes, it will be considered a victory.

   Afterwards, endless lights flickered.

  The overly dazzling sunlight directly pierced the dark clouds covering the wreckage of the doomsday, causing Denisa in the Hades world under the wreckage to raise her head with a stern expression.

  Although she was annoyed by that silly sister's impulsiveness and distrust of her own strength, she waved her hand and placed a curse-level defensive shield in an instant, wrapping the world of the underworld, ready to face the self-destructive impact that tried to kill her.

  However, to the surprise of the shepherdess, the expected big explosion did not appear.

  The only abnormality is probably that two suns appeared above the wreckage of the Witch World.

  One round is the incarnation of the Lord of Radiance who has never made a move, while another round of the newborn sun is faintly curled up with a young girl.

  The girl opened her eyes slightly, a little confused, then suddenly hit her head and stuck out her tongue.

   "Hey, I almost forgot that Grandpa is also a sun god."

  So far, the second act of Witch Night came to an end.

  The Sun Witch is shining.

   Witch Night is almost finished, I'm really tired, good night everyone



  (end of this chapter)

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