MTL - House Witch-Chapter 561 560. Casting the Sun and Waking Up

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  Chapter 561 560. Casting the sun and waking up

   Am I stuck?

   Regarding this point, Dorothy herself was also a little surprised, and was very confused.

  She had just died in the line of duty for the best, mentally prepared for the heroic sacrifice, and was touched by her little self in her heart, thinking that this way of dying is very handsome and has a sense of accomplishment.

   It turned out that she didn't die now, which was a little embarrassing. She felt that her previous feelings were wasted.

But in fact, she didn't understand what happened, she only knew that the endless sun's fire swarmed out of the two-dimensional fragments in her arms with light and heat, and it should have burned her clean at once of.

But the fact is that these sun's fires did not hurt her. Not only did the house witch not feel the pain of burning her body as expected, but she even felt quite comfortable, as if she was sunbathing, her whole body was warm. , as if a warm current was flowing through her whole body.

And when she opened the eyes that were closed before waiting to die in doubt, and looked at her situation curiously, she found that the warm current in her body was not her illusion, because the seemingly endless sun The fire is really pouring into her body.

  When the tyrannical and ruthless fire of the sun that burned everything met her at this time, it was as if a swallow returned to its nest, or a wanderer who had been away from home for many years saw his mother. It was an enthusiastic response.

   Originally looking irritable and wanting to go out and kill people, they changed their faces in an instant, and rushed up one by one to wrap up Dorothy, wanting to cling to her, and then went in clinging to her.

  The warm current that she felt wandering in her body before was the fire of the sun directly integrated into her body.

   "No way, what do you think my body is, so you can enter it if you want?"

  Dorothy was taken aback by this situation, and subconsciously wanted to stop it.

Although I don't know why these sun fires didn't hurt her, but they can still fuse with her. This is a good thing at first glance, but when you think about it, there are too many sun fires. If you want to stick to her As soon as it enters the body, who can resist it.

   After all, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for a person to fit a sun in his body, okay?

  She'll be blasted and broken.

   It's just that what makes the house witch a little helpless is that her reason wants to stop it, but her body has its own thoughts, and it is called the sun fire of these wanderers returning home.

   This is also upright.

  Dorothy frowned and began to self-examine herself, trying to find out what caused this situation, but soon, her brows relaxed again.

  The reason for her "body integrity" is the divinity of the sun **** in the divine blood in her body.

  Before, the otaku witch made a "great wish", and then inexplicably obtained the divinity of the sun god.

  At first, this divinity was still very weak, but as she really began to gradually fulfill her ambition to hunt and kill the disaster beasts recorded by the investigation corps one by one, the weak divinity soon began to grow.

  It was as if every disaster beast she hunted turned into firewood that fueled the growth of the sun's divinity.

  At first, the divinity was just a small flame, but later it really took on the attitude of the sun.

   Not long ago, Dorothy severely injured Leviathan, the king of disaster beasts, with a single shot of the final soul suppressing gun, and sent the world consciousness into the underworld.

  She once felt that this ray of divinity had undergone a transformation.

   Having completed the entire salvation plan, she has naturally fulfilled the "great wish" she once made, and has become the sun that illuminates the hopeless doomsday.

  From that moment on, Dorothy has become the new sun **** of the witch world.

   However, the power of this primitive natural **** is mainly composed of two aspects, one is divinity, and the other is divine power.

  Sufficient divinity will condense the priesthood, which represents the position and power of the god.

  But to truly exercise this priesthood power, it requires divine power.

   After all, just like driving a car needs to burn oil, and a witch needs to consume magic power to cast spells, the operation of gods and theocracy also needs to consume divine power.

  The source of divine power mainly comes from two aspects.

  One is the "salary" of the priesthood. Naturally, the gods are all wage earners under the hands of the world, so they are naturally paid.

  According to the level of the god's priesthood, each **** can get a part of the world's power "dividend" as "salary".

  The two are the so-called "power of faith". The gods can gain power from the beliefs of the believers, and then convert these beliefs into their own divine power. The more believers, the more devout the gods, the stronger the divine power.

Well, it’s very similar to the angels. In fact, the angel family is also a kind of natural gods, but the heaven world is naturally a high-level world, and the angels are also better than those primitive compatriots in different worlds who have not yet been able to leave their mother world. They are too powerful.

   Now, Dorothy has the priesthood, and as for the divine power, she does not lack it.

After all, before the dragon magic costume, she was actually purified using angels as a template in the first act. She used the blood of heroes to evolve an angel ring and a pair of angel wings early on, and more than five hundred angels taught by Mechanics Faith in her great mentor has accumulated a lot in the past year.

Dorothy has never used these powers of faith before, after all, she has never been very proficient in using power of faith, and playing power of faith in front of professionals like Sophilia, she is not playing in front of Guan Gong Dao, are you looking for death?

Although in fact, her good sister God King Denisa is the real number one expert on the use of the power of faith, but time is running out in Witch Night, and Dorothy really can't afford to let her special magic not study, instead Temporarily go to learn the use of the unskilled power of faith.

   Now, these accumulated beliefs seem to have finally come into play.

   It's just that, before she becomes a real sun god, there is still a very important thing missing, which is the sun itself.

  The sun **** and the sun are actually two things and cannot be completely confused.

  The sun is a natural sun god, but the sun **** is not necessarily the sun.

  The two celestial bodies, the sun and the moon, are the eyes of the world, and they have existed since the birth of the world. The sun **** and the moon **** are actually two spirit bodies that are naturally generated after the world consciousness enlightens the sun and the moon.

  You can think of them as the souls of the sun and moon, and only souls.

   As souls, the sun and moon gods only have the right to control the body, while the ownership of the sun and moon actually belongs to the world itself.

   Well, it’s as if the boss bought a car, but he is too lazy to drive it himself, so he finds a driver for the car.

  The car key that symbolizes the right to drive is the priesthood of the sun god, and the oil burned for the car is the power of the sun god. The driver relies on this car for food, but the ownership of the car does not belong to him, he only has the right to drive.

  So, the only problem now is that the sun in Witch World is long gone and eaten by the Lord of Radiance, so what does Dorothy, the new driver, drive?

   This is very embarrassing. She now has the car keys and enough fuel, but she just doesn't drive.

Of course, this is not a big problem that cannot be solved. After all, the Sun God is not really just a driver. Naturally, he also has a good understanding of the structure of the sun. In theory, he also has the power to create the sun.

  He is not only a driver, but also a car builder who is proficient in car repair techniques and can rub cars with bare hands.

  It doesn’t matter if the car is gone, just give it some time to build another one.

  The sun itself is actually more like the exclusive artifact of the sun god, and the sun **** is the kind of prop **** who relies entirely on the artifact.

  In fact, not only the sun god, but most of the primitive nature gods are prop players.

  However, Dorothy did not intend to really build a sun by herself. After all, that thing can be built in a short time, and the project time should be at least a thousand years, or ten thousand years.

And her power as the sun **** is only useful in this night of the witch. , she immediately woke up from the dream.

Besides, if you master the car-making technology, you must also have car-making materials. She has the technology here, but the materials have to be provided by the mother of the world, and now the witch world is still in the revival of the reading article, and it really doesn't have the ability to give her enough. s material.

   But now, ready-made materials are delivered to your door.

The sun core detonated by Sophilia was originally the sun of the witch world, and it perfectly matched the car key in Dorothy's hand, so the tyrannical sun fire would naturally have nothing to do with her true master Hurt, but still very close, that's why I can't wait to "go home".

  These overflowing sun fires are taking Dorothy, the newly promoted sun god, as the core, trying to reshape the body and send the new master to the throne that should belong to her.

   After gradually understanding all this, Dorothy also heaved a sigh of relief.

  Good news, she probably really doesn't have to die.

The bad news is that these sun flames gathered around her master instinctively, but these flames without intelligence obviously don't know how to recombine into a new sun, if she really allows these flames to continue to cling to her After posting it, she will really be blown away by these "passionate" sun fires.

But the problem is not big, these flames are still very obedient, as long as Dorothy directs these sun fires to recast the sun according to the sun design plan that comes with the sun **** priesthood, then when the sun is reborn, she will naturally be out of danger, and even It can be a blessing in disguise and completely become the new sun god.

  Well, this wave of truth is returning to the old job of the civil witch, and directly took on the big job of building the sun.

  Dorothy began to use the power of the sun **** to direct the fire of the sun who still passionately wanted to stick to her to surround her, and stop drilling into her body.

Fortunately, these sun fires are quite obedient. Countless scattered sun fires are floating around her like this. At first glance, there is indeed a rudimentary form of a sun, but it is a pity that the sun is not formed by simple accumulation of flames. big fireball.

Now this is just a pile of bricks piled together to make it look like a house, which is obviously not a qualified building. Next, Dorothy will use these sun fires as bricks to build a brand new sun. .

  As a professional civil engineering witch, this is naturally not a problem for Dorothy. She even dislikes the design of the original sun that comes with the Sun God clergy.

   Anyway, this is going to be recast, she is going to get a big one, just change it, and the bicycle will become a supercar.

   It's just that Dorothy stopped her mind that was flying wild with inspiration, and she stood up straight again from the original curled up position, and then looked at the place where the original two-dimensional fragments were in her arms.

  The eruption of the solar fires is over, and there is nothing left in that dimensional shard but these endless solar fires around her.

   Obviously, those things that were originally sealed by her are now completely destroyed.

   This naturally also includes the Mechanical Witch and Angel Legion who were fighting, as well as Sophilia.

  It doesn’t matter to the mechanical witches, anyway, they don’t have real bodies to enter the arena, but they just fight with their mechanical bodies. The moment their mechanical bodies die, their souls will be directly sent back to Hades through the link magic net.

Although the power of the sun's fire is enough to burn the soul, but although this thing is powerful, its speed is not fast. The consciousness transmission of mechanical witches is comparable to teleportation. They have enough time to escape, unless they die and stay in place Look at the real nuclear explosion, otherwise they should be able to escape, and the loss is nothing more than the mass-produced mechanical bodies.

  But Sophilia and her angel legion obviously didn't have such a good life.

  Even pure white angels have the power of the sun god, but she is not the sun **** of the witch world, and she cannot be completely immune to damage like Dorothy.

  Of course, the same sun **** must have a high resistance to the fire of the sun, and it may not be able to kill her.

  However, the space turbulence when the two-dimensional debris is destroyed is also not easy to handle.

   Sophilia's life is in danger. Even if she is really lucky and survives, all her subordinates will be wiped out, and she will not be able to make any tricks with only a polished commander left.

  The second act of Witch Night has come to an end, and the witches have won a big victory.

  Then the question is, how long can she stay here before she "goes offline". Is this enough time for him to reshape the sun?

  Dorothy was a little uncertain.

  But after thinking about it for a while, she soon had an idea.

  She doesn't have much time on her own, but she can find someone to call her instead. After all, from the experience of being soaked in the water of life by Denisa for 500 years, her body is still there after she goes offline.

   And as long as the body is alive, the instinct is still there.


  Well, I have to work hard next, my instinct.

  Dorothy thought happily.

  As long as she gets the design of the sun, let instinct arrange the rest according to the design.

   And just as she was praising her wit, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

   That's Denisa.

   "Dorothy, are you all right?"

  The figure of the shepherdess was somewhat illusory, as if it was a projection again. As soon as the projection appeared, she anxiously pulled Dorothy to look around, making sure that she was fine, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

   Seeing that her sister was fine, Denisa suddenly changed her face, and she reprimanded this foolish sister with some annoyance.

   "Is that why you don't trust me that much? Could it be that I still can't bear the impact of that little sun's fire? Does this require you to be a hero?"

  Dinisha pulled her sister's cheek vigorously, and reprimanded her face like this.

   In this regard, Dorothy wanted to refute a few words.

   It's not that she doesn't trust this good sister, but who made you fish all the time, who knows if you will fish again.

  However, before the house witch could fight back like this, she was suddenly grabbed by Denisa and hugged tightly in her arms.

   "It's great, Dorothy, you're still here. I almost lost you. It scared the **** out of me."

  Dorothy heard the words of my good sister, and the voice of the shepherdess even had a hint of crying, which immediately made the witch's scalp tingle.

   Damn, did she make the Lord God King cry in anger, so that cold-blooded Lord God King who doesn't understand people will still cry?

   "Well, anyway, this is just a dream, and I won't really die, right? We will meet again in the future."

  The house witch tried to comfort this good sister who seemed to be really anxious. She patted her back lightly and said so.

   "It is indeed a dream for you and the main body, but this is reality for me."

  Miss Shepherdess was a little unhappy, she retorted so seriously.

"I'm just the dream incarnation of the main body, and this dream is my reality, Dorothy, I don't have the lofty ambitions of you and the main body. I've always been just the village girl who was saved by you. My greatest wish In fact, I just want to witness the end of this dream with you."

  She let go of the younger sister in her arms, and then pressed her forehead against her younger sister's forehead. The tip of their noses touched, and their eyes met, Denisa said.

  Dorothy: "."

  The house witch fell silent.

   "Sorry. Sister, I made a slip of the tongue."

   After a long time, she apologized with guilt.

   "It doesn't matter, as long as you can always be well, I can forgive you for anything."

  The shepherdess smiled again, she reached out to scratch her sister's nose dotingly, and said so.

   "But it looks like you won't be able to go back for a while."

  Dinisha looked at the burning sun flames around her, and felt a little helpless.

   "I'll be back as soon as possible."

  Dorothy promises so.

   "Well, I will come to see you every day."

  Dinisa replied.

So, time flies, and there is a wandering world in the chaotic and disorderly western universe, and on the periphery of this wandering world, a terrifying sun is always escorting around it. The scale of that sun is getting smaller and smaller, but its power is getting stronger fear.

   In this way, countless years have passed.

   After a trance, Dorothy opened her eyes again.

  She first looked around subconsciously, then her body trembled, and she froze for a moment.

   "Wait, isn't this the Witch's House? I'm just waking up? What about the third act?"

  The house witch was a little confused, wondering if she was really dreaming.

  But beside her, the familiar pure white figure broke her fantasy.

   "Are you awake, Missy, did your third act end so quickly?"

   Sophilia, who seemed to have just woken up, also frowned and asked in surprise.

  Dorothy: "."

  The house witch is in a daze

   I didn’t find the breaking point for a while, so I didn’t bother to break it, lest you call me short again, this time it’s really not short, 5200 words



  (end of this chapter)

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