MTL - House Witch-Chapter 559 558. Humiliation and punishment

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   Chapter 559 558. Humiliation and punishment

  The wind was blowing, the rain was falling, and suddenly there was a loud noise, and someone was seriously injured.

  Among the shattered mountains, the eight-winged pure white angel was covered in scars at this time, and the golden blood of the gods spilled on the ground, making the wreckage of this dead world that had been reduced to ruins come alive again.

   Sophilia's current situation is a bit bad. Even though she is facing the fate of the Son of the Sun at this time, and her full attributes have been strengthened by twelve times, she still cannot block the blow of the young lady just now without injury.

   "Four ribs are broken, the skull is broken, all internal organs are damaged, and four wings are fractured"

   Angel Chunbai subconsciously scanned her physical condition, and she couldn't help but feel a little grateful when she saw such a miserable state.

  Thanks to the fact that she had just realized that something was wrong and she also turned on her decisiveness. If it weren't for the enhancement of the Son of the Sun, it would be absolutely difficult for her in a normal state to take the blow just now, and she would be instantly killed.

   This was the case when she first dueled with the eldest lady. At that time, she directly took a punch from the eldest lady because she underestimated the enemy, and then she was directly crushed.

   This time she finally did not repeat the same mistakes.

   It's just that even though he escaped being killed by a single move this time, the pure white angel at this time still couldn't get out of danger.

  The serious injury on her body is not a big problem. Her resilience in the Son of the Sun state has also been strengthened by twelve times, which is very terrifying. As long as she is not killed in seconds, she can recover to full state again in a few breaths.

   But only if she has that time to recover.

  Sofelia soon felt a sharp pain coming from her head, as if some monster was grabbing her head and pinching it hard.

   No, it’s not like it’s just a reality. The dragon claw that was holding her face down so violently that it broke several mountains in a row is still pressing on her face.

   This dragon claw is obviously the hand of the eldest lady.

  Through the fingers of the open dragon claws, the pure white angel could vaguely see the madly laughing face of the half-dragon transformed eldest lady.

Although it's not appropriate for her to say this under the circumstances, Sophilia has to admit that the beauty of her young lady is really amazing. After turning into a half-dragon, it will definitely become hideous and ugly.

   But the young lady's appearance obviously cannot be measured by common sense. Her beauty has long surpassed the limitation of species, and it is the absolute beauty of the rule level.

The fine dragon scales on the face, the ferocious dragon horns on the forehead, and the sharp dragon teeth exposed in the manic laughter, and other dragon-like features did not detract from the young lady's appearance at all, but added extrahuman attributes to her. Charm.

  If there is a giant dragon here at this time, if you take a look at the current eldest lady, you will directly regard her as the love dragon in your dreams.

  Even if Sophilia is a Conservative Party who doesn't like other mothers-in-law, she still feels that if she is such a young lady, she can do it.

  Well, although the lady who is usually lazy and lazy is very beautiful, but the lady who is so wild and unruly now is also beautiful.

   Angel Chunbai thought so in her heart, her pair of golden eyes were about to turn into the shape of a heart.

But the sharp pain from her head that increased synchronously due to the stronger and stronger grip, the sharp threat of the dragon claws that were about to pierce her skull and stab the sharp claws into her brain, after all, still made her eyes widen. clear.

   "Damn it, you can't look directly at the young lady's face."

   Sophilia, who had regained her clarity due to the severe pain, felt ruthless, her body surged with divine power, and then her eyes exploded directly, and two golden blood streams flowed down from the hollow eye sockets, forming two bloodstains.

  She blew her eyes out

   But this is still not good enough.

  Sofelia then skillfully turned her mental power into a knife, cutting off the memory of the young lady's face she saw just now, and she was temporarily freed from the magical charm of that god's face.

  The body that was already seriously injured was even more seriously injured now.

  However, now is not the time to breathe a sigh of relief. She is not out of danger yet. If she doesn't fight back to get out of trouble, her head will be crushed by the eldest lady's dragon claws like a tomato in the next second.

   Angel Pure White acted decisively.

  Although she lost her eyes, she also lost her vision before the eyes healed and grew back, but the problem was not too big, and the mental power detection was better than the eyes most of the time.

  Sophieria's mental power was swept away, and the surrounding situation was directly revealed in her mind.

   It's just that the face of the eldest lady in the picture in my mind is indeed blurred, and there is no face at all.

   Angel Pure White didn't dare to scan the young lady's face with mental power at this moment. Who knows if that weird face of God will be charmed by her even after scanning with mental power.

  Although the face cannot be seen, it is enough to be able to see the young lady's movements clearly.

Sophilia could see that the eldest lady's condition was actually not very good at this time, her body was also bleeding violently, and her body was now full of cracks, and blood gushed out from those cracks, just these As soon as the blood came out, it was evaporated into a blood-colored mist by the violent magic power on the young lady's body, and this blood mist also made the already scarlet magic power around the young lady even more ominous.

  Well, Missy's injury is even worse than her own. It seems that her unknown explosive move just now was not without price.

   Thanks to these injuries, the current Sophilia was not crushed and her head was crushed with a sharp claw.

  But the injuries on the Missy's body are also healing crazily at an observable speed. A powerful force of life bursts out from the cracks in her body, quickly repairing those injuries.

  This is also the reason why Sophilia felt that the power of the dragon claw holding her head was getting stronger and stronger.

  Even though her hands were weak due to the injury, Sophilia could still feel a strong magic power gathering towards the position of the young lady's mouth.

   "Damn it, it's the dragon's breath."

   Angel Pure White cursed in his heart.

   "Law. Celestial Power."

  She chanted spiritual words quickly in the way of high-speed divine words.

  At this time, as a child of the sun, in addition to being blessed by the power of the sun, she will have additional bonuses when she releases magic related to celestial bodies.

   And what she is releasing now is a relatively powerful move among the family-inspired magic that the Lord of Radiance has taught her over the years.

  Divine Art: Power of Celestial Body, this is an advanced divine art equivalent to the curse of the Witch's Ten Rings. Therefore, Sophilia can't cast it instantaneously for the time being, so she needs to chant spiritual words.

It's not that the pure white angel's talent is not good enough, it's simply because this Witch's Night is a dream after all. The practice in the dream is thankless, often half the result with twice the result, and the efficiency is extremely low. She practiced in the dream for five hundred years, but The actual effect is not as good as the fifty years in reality.

Teacher Yufei Liya is only more than two hundred years old, and she is the peak of the peak witches. Her actual combat power is comparable to that of a sage. Almost able to hit the pinnacle position, anyway, it will not be worse than the strength in this dream now, it will only be stronger.

  However, although the chanting spirit is sharp and not as fast as instant casting, the effect of the spell released in this way will indeed be stronger.

At that moment, as soon as she finished speaking, the pure white angel seemed to have turned into a star similar to the sun. Around her, there was a powerful celestial force field, and she could freely manipulate this celestial force field to transform into a star. Gravity attracts the enemy, or turns into repulsion to repel the enemy.


  Sofelia thought, and immediately the celestial force field around her body turned into a powerful repulsive force to repel everything around her.

First, the dragon claw that had been pinching her head was pushed away by this repulsive force, and then the force continued unabated, and directly hit the young lady's body, causing her to lose balance, and then pushed her away all the way. The dragon's breath that was about to be spit out after accumulating power was directly blocked by this repulsive force, and almost exploded directly.

In fact, it’s not just the eldest lady, everything around Pure White Angel was pushed away by this powerful repulsion, the broken mountains under her were pressed down, the sea water around the mountains receded, and even the dark clouds in the sky were pushed away. Was rushed over.

  The mechanical witches and angels who were still playing nearby while watching the show turned pale with fright, and began to flee quickly, so as not to be directly and indiscriminately crushed to death by this powerful repulsive force.

  In an instant, everything within hundreds of miles around Sophilia turned into nothingness. She spread her wings and suspended in her original position, and the original ground under her feet had turned into a large spherical pit with a diameter of hundreds of miles. (It seems that a radius of 100 miles is bigger than Shanghai in reality.)

  The destructive power of the curse-level spell is undoubtedly revealed at this moment. This is just a hasty cast of the pure white angel. If she uses all her strength, this violent celestial power is enough to directly tear up a world.

Finally, the pure white angel finally had a moment to breathe, even though it was a bit exhausted because she had just released the forbidden spell, she was slightly panting at this time, but above her head, the sun's rays were always shining on her body, this Let her breath calm down quickly, and the wound on her body heal quickly.

   Soon, she regained her majestic and gorgeous appearance like the king of angels at the beginning.

  However, before she kicked a few more breaths, even before the repulsion of the force of the body had completely erupted, there was a loud and clear dragon roar not far away.

   That was the growl of Dragon Language.

  As soon as she heard the voice of the dragon language, Sophilia immediately became serious, and she began to withdraw the power of the surrounding celestial bodies, compressing all the power into a repulsive shield surrounding her.

  The power enough to destroy a country with one blow is compressed into a small shield. There is absolutely no doubt about the strength of this defense.

   It's just that, even so, Sophilia still doesn't feel safe in her heart. The feeling of panic that emerges from the bottom of her heart is a warning given to her by fate.

Pure white angels naturally dare not be careless. Although the eldest lady has always used combat techniques and martial arts to fight against the enemy in the past, and rarely showed magic, it is definitely not because the eldest lady does not understand magic. Just to cast powerful shelling spells.

  But now the eldest lady does not lack magic power, even if what she possesses is only the inferior magic power of human life, not the original magic power of a witch, but Sophilia is still facing a big enemy.

   After all, it is the spellcasting of the witch of the forest, and it is a serious full-body magic chanted in dragon language, who knows how strong it will be.

  However, Sophilia was vigilant for a long time, but the expected attack still did not come. The pure white angel scattered her mental power to explore the surroundings with some doubts, but everything around her was normal, as if nothing had changed.

  But the ominous premonition in her heart became more and more intense. The warning of fate made her tremble all over her body, and her heart flustered, as if the sky might collapse in the next second.

   Wait, the sky is falling.

  The high inspiration of the prophecy witch made Sophilia stunned for a moment, and then her body trembled, her complexion changed drastically, and she looked terrified.

   "Impossible, but"

  Although she couldn't believe it, she still started to act immediately out of trust in her inspiration.

   "The Devil's Eye of Destiny."

  She closes her eyes, then opens them again.

  Dorothy has always thought that her roommate's eyes are very beautiful, and they must be very unusual. In fact, this is also the case. Even if they are downgraded due to incomplete blood, they are still top-level magic eyes that belong to the gold level.

  If Sophilia hadn't been forcibly abolished by the mother of the angel's blood and power at birth, the level of these magic eyes might have been the highest level of emerald.

  How terrifying the jade-level magic eyes are, can be described in three words.

  God's eye.

  Those are not the eyes that mortals can have, they are the powers that belong to the omniscient and omnipotent gods.

  Although it does not mean that you will be omniscient and omnipotent with the eyes of gods, the eyes of gods can allow you to control a part of the power that should only belong to "gods" in advance.

  There is only one pair of emerald-level magic eyes known in the entire western universe, and the owner of those eyes is Lord Demon King, one of the three kings.

  In the legend, the magic eyes of Lord Demon King are called the eyes of omniscience. Those eyes can see through time and space, and penetrate all the mysteries of the world.

   And Sophilia's Magic Eye of Destiny should have similar powers. She should be able to directly observe and control the fate of all things in the world.

   It's a pity that these eyes have been downgraded now.

   But even so, the power of the Demon Eye of Destiny is still terrifying, and she can still observe and control the fate of all things whose personality is not too much beyond her.

  At this moment, in the pure white angel's golden eyes, the irises that looked like pure gold swirled like a pair of ouroboros connected end to end.

  The world also changed in her eyes.

  Sofelia was not very willing to open her eyes casually before. After all, her strength is not enough to control the power of these magic eyes. If she often opens her eyes, it is easy to see things that should not be seen.

  In this world, looking at things indiscriminately is very dangerous. Even if you don’t mean to offend some existences, you may suffer serious injuries or even die directly just by glancing at their real bodies.

  Especially in this night of witches full of the power of the God King, if you accidentally see the God King, you will be blinded easily.

  But now, Pure White Angel doesn't care too much.

   It's just that, as soon as she opened her eyes, she was stunned, and then her body couldn't help shaking.

   Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that she was unlucky enough to see something she shouldn’t have seen and got hurt by mistake, so she trembled, she just.

   Forget it, maybe it’s better to see those great existences that cannot be seen? It's good to be blind.

  Sofelia really wants to blew her own eyes now, and change to a pair of eyes that didn't see the scene in front of her.

   Well, she saw a tongue, a tongue licking the screen.

   "Miss, what are you doing? We are fighting, are you humiliating me?"

  The Pure White Witch was trembling and cold, and she asked in a trembling voice.

   In response to this, the otaku witch who was holding a photo in her hand and licking the beautiful woman in the photo was also shaking her body.

  The sensible pupil of her right eye, burning with the fire of the sun, was also full of helplessness and bewilderment, it seemed that all this was a bit beyond her expectation.

  Then the fire of the sun exploded, and Dorothy withdrew directly from the blackened state.

   "Ahem, Sophilia, listen to my sophistry, no, listen to my explanation, that's instinct, not my intention."

  The same embarrassing and unrestrained house witch forced a straight face, and then tried to explain to her roommate in the real two-dimensional fragment compressed by the "witch's two-way foil" in her hand.

  The house witch is sophistrying

   Well, you Xibao, you are so useless with only this talent, let me take a bite too



  (end of this chapter)

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