MTL - House Witch-Chapter 558 557. The liberation of animal nature

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   Chapter 558 557. Liberation of animal nature

  Dorothy is in a slightly better state at this time.

First of all, I want to emphasize that as a peace-loving family man and a civil witch who doesn't like fighting, she is definitely not violent. She is really just a harmless house witch, but at this moment she is a little bit Involuntary.

  Everyone has animal nature. This is the instinct of creatures. As long as it is a living thing, it is inevitable. However, the rationality of intelligent creatures can often suppress their own animal nature and make themselves civilized. This is also the biggest difference between intelligent creatures and beasts.

However, just like pets kept in cages are always more irritable than free-range pets, when the beast in the heart has been bound by the cage of rationality, and the animal nature cannot be released for a long time, it will gradually become more violent. The backlog builds up, grows ever more exuberant, more and more tyrannical.

  In this case, once the cage of reason and reason is opened and the beast in the heart is released from the cage, the situation will often become very dangerous.

  Well, for example, the anger of an honest person who has always been gentle and harmless on weekdays is often particularly chilling.

  The more rational people are on weekdays, the easier it is to go to extremes once they lose control. That's because real people don't talk too much.

  So, as a harmless house witch, Dorothy's beast is a little bit stronger, which is completely reasonable.

   Not to mention, Dorothy is still a dragon witch. The animal nature of the dragon witch who uses the giant dragon as the evolution template is already many times stronger than that of ordinary witches. The higher the talent, the stronger the animal nature of the dragon witch.

   Among the normal dragon witches, no one is as gentle as her.

  Impulsive, violent, greedy, astringent, domineering, arrogant, etc. are the normal characters that a dragon witch should have, and they are all influenced by dragon instinct.

   This is also a wear and tear.

  Although as witches become stronger and stronger, the influence of this evolutionary template instinct on them will gradually weaken. After becoming a great witch, they will basically be immune to this influence.

However, a rational personality trait is often formed in adolescence, and it is difficult to change after it is formed. Therefore, except for a very few geniuses who are talented and evil and become great witches early, most dragon witches will inevitably be influenced by dragons. sexual influence.

  Even if they arrive at the Great Witch Realm and can be immune to the influence of this dragon nature, it will be a bit late, the wear and tear has been completed, and their personalities have already been finalized.

  The world has always been like this. Equivalent exchange is the eternal truth. Dragon witches who have obtained the power of the dragon will also be worn out by the dragon nature.

   Power comes at a price, which is fair.

  But Dorothy kicked the balance of the exchange of equal value, she took all the benefits, but did not pay any price.

   After all, teenagers have not formed their personalities, so they are easily affected by dragon nature permanently, but the house witch is a time traveler, and she has a sound three views and rationality since she was born. She can consciously avoid this invisible wear and tear.

   Not to mention that Dad Adam taught Dorothy the "Heart Vow" to prevent wear and tear early on.

The dragon nature in Dorothy has always been very strong. After all, her talent is really good. Although she only inherited the talent of a dragon witch, Ouhuang directly won the most core talent "Dragon's Breath" , is to directly take away the most precious card in the card pool.

Of course, she should have paid a higher price than others. The innate dragon nature in her body is several times stronger than other dragon witches. This dragon nature is enough to wear her into the shape of a dragon, making her gradually Grow into a humanoid dragon in a witch's skin.

Well, everything should have been like this, but unfortunately, when the dragon-like creature was about to attack Dorothy's soul, it was melted under the sun-like witch before it could act. In the sunlight that overflows from the soul.

  Of course, as long as a person is still alive, it is impossible to get rid of the instinct of eating and drinking. Therefore, as the integration of these basic survival needs, animal nature is also indestructible. No matter how many times it is knocked down, it will come back.

Although the shining soul like the sun hanging in Dorothy's consciousness space is indeed too radiant, the shadow transformed by the tenacious dragon nature has never given up, and it has been repeating the endless charge, purification, rebirth, and charge again. cycle.

   And this also brought a lot of trouble to the house witch.

   But don’t get me wrong, she’s not afraid that this dragon nature will affect her, in fact, it’s just the opposite.

  After all, the so-called human nature is actually a balance between animal nature and rationality, both of which are present, but rationality slightly suppresses animal nature, and only such an existence can be called a human being.

   Once the animal nature is lost and only rationality remains, then people will sublimate towards the direction of the so-called "God".

  After all, you don’t want to eat, make money, or be abusive. Isn’t this becoming a fairy or a god? Although this kind of fairy **** certainly does not refer to the omniscient and omnipotent true **** that the witches pursue, but refers to the cold stone statues enshrined in temples and churches.

  Dorothy doesn't want to be that kind of stone **** Buddha, she still needs animal nature very much.

Every time the dragon nature in her body rushes towards her soul like a moth to a flame, and then kills herself, the house witch will enter a period of "divine Buddha state", which is different from the "sage time" without desire. The so-called "divine Buddha state" is even more boring.

  She wants to eat, wants to enjoy the food, but has no appetite.

   Even if she just wanted to sleep well, she would suffer from severe insomnia, and her body would say that she was sleeping ass, and get up quickly, and at most it was just a sudden death.

   Lose humanity, lose a lot; lose animality, lose everything.

  The animal nature is gone, the most direct manifestation is that you don’t want to live, and all the self-defense mechanisms that were originally evolved to maintain survival have all gone on strike.

  Although the witch can’t die without eating, drinking, or shivering, the feeling of being unable to stand up when the desire comes is very aggrieved.

  So, in order to make her poor dragon "suicide" so easily, Dorothy began to "raise" it very hard.

Well, it's really hard. After all, the best way to cultivate the beast in your heart is to feed it with all kinds of desires that you can't ask for. The accumulated dissatisfaction will make the beast in your heart grow bigger and bigger, and finally break through the cage of reason. Turn people into reckless beasts.

So, during those days, the house witch cooked a table of delicacies every day, but she didn't eat a bite; she looked in the mirror every day, looked at her godly face in the mirror, but never rewarded herself; Internet duels, and then being brutally murdered every day; she can easily obtain the glory of the world, but she does not disclose the vest; she is equipped with the talent of an armed witch, but I just want to be a civil witch

  Well, it’s true that the fancy is gone.

   Well, in fact, apart from not being able to eat delicious food and not being able to reward yourself, which is really hard work, the rest is just like that. Dorothy is completely acting in her true colors, and her own personality seems to be very suitable for cultivating beastliness.

  Anyway, up to now, the dragon nature that would belch as soon as the sun shines has changed from a small shadow to a bottomless abyss that is constantly wriggling.

  This is no longer the category of animal nature, but the sublimation of animal nature, a kind of magic.

   If you stare carefully at this abyss, you can still vaguely see a huge and hideous pitch-black dragon snake.

  That's what Jormungandr looks like.

  Although this is still useless.

   This thing also looks scary. In fact, even the sunlight that protects Dorothy's soul can't be pierced, let alone the more hardened heart oath in the sun core.

   Anyway, this dragon nature is very harmless to her.

However, although it is still a bit embarrassing, the dragon nature turned into an abyss is not so easy to die suddenly. Although it is not wise, it still often tries to pollute the "sun", but at least it does not burp when exposed to the sun like in the past Fart, it will just be seriously injured and then hibernate for a while, and it will come back again when Dorothy feeds it a little stronger.

  The house witch often feels that the beast in her heart is not a dragon at all, but a cat.

   After all, this is really like a cat. No matter how you feed it, it looks down on you, but you still can’t do without it, and have been voluntarily supporting it.

  What kind of cat master is this.

   But cats are cats, and Dorothy will indeed pet this "cat master" from time to time. After all, it is meaningless to raise him so big if he doesn't.

  Whenever the nerd witch has a bad appetite, she can rub her "cat" and her appetite will immediately increase.

   Tired of seeing beauties, are you about to lose sight of the world of mortals? Then lick the "cat" and directly sow against Diaochan.

  Well, out-of-control animal nature will turn people into beasts and demons, but fully controllable animal nature is the best booster.

   It is the same now.

  As a family hero, Dorothy is unwilling to confront her family with swords, but now she has to do so in order to save her family.

   She appointed today to give Sophilia a good beating.

If possible, Dorothy actually would like to summon the Fairy King, and let this incarnation of the fighting spirit fight. After all, the Fairy King is never soft, even if the opponent is the "blessed teacher" Mia or her own mother Euphylia. She can also serve with an iron fist, unlike her main body who may be soft-hearted and unable to do anything.

  But who knows that in this witch's night, she doesn't have the talent of multiple thinking and can't summon the avatar of martial arts. In desperation, the house witch thought of the "My Neighbor Totoro" booster.

   Taking a breath of this chinchilla's animal nature, she should be able to be ruthless after thinking about it.

  The reason why the Fairy King is so ruthless and powerful is that part of his personality is mixed with animal power.

  Then the avatar can suck, and the body can naturally **** too.

  Well, My Neighbor Totoro is here, let me **** and take a sip.

  With this in mind, in Dorothy's sea of ​​consciousness, in the high hanging sun, the shining witch's soul stretched out its hand towards the abyss below, and grabbed it.

Immediately, the black dragon snake wandering in the abyss was weak, pitiful and helpless, and was captured. As the embodiment of animal nature, the dragon snake can suffer such grievances, of course it can't, and it doesn't know what it means to be brave. The dragon snake directly tried to wrap its huge body around the sun in reverse, and then polluted her.

  Although this trick Dragon Snake has used many times in the past, it just never worked.

   But this time, the magic worked.

   Well, in fact, it’s not that the power of the beast-like dragon and snake has greatly increased. It’s simply that the sun is cooperating with its pollution and actively absorbing the power of the beast.

  But there is no wisdom at all, only the instinct of the beast dragon snake will naturally not know or pay attention to these things, it only knows that its wave has stabilized, and can finally pollute the sun, and immediately began to agitate all the power.

  Thus, under such two-way "cooperation", the original red sun turned into a pitch-black sun, and the original holy sunlight became cold and dark, like the eyes of the abyss, full of cruelty and ominousness.

  In the solar core of the sun, the witch's soul still shines, but there is a thoughtful smile on her face.

   "Is this the feeling of turning into a beast? The unexpected feeling is okay."

  With this thought in mind, she took the initiative to hand over control of part of her body to the animal instinct that was particularly excited because she finally broke through the cage.

   "It's hard to give you a time to relax, let's have a good time, there are not many opportunities like this."

   She chuckled so lightly.

  So, the otaku witch is already too high.

   "Hahaha, the fire of the abyss will end everything, and the cage of fate will eventually be cut off by me."

  Originally, the runaway magic power outside the body surface was just a trace of scarlet, but at this moment, that ray of scarlet spread rapidly, and all of Dorothy's magic power turned into an ominous red storm.

   And in the center of the storm, Dorothy, who carried Fang Tian's painted halberd on her shoulder and held a dragon horn sword, raised her head and laughed wildly.

On the left half of her face, the port of the broken dragon horn was continuously connected by violent scarlet magic power, forming an illusory magic horn, and under the dragon horn, in the left eye At this moment, rationality has dissipated, and what shines in those dragon eyes with black background and golden pupils is the cold murderous intent and cruelty like a beast.

  She can no longer be regarded as a human being, she is completely a humanoid dragon in human skin.

   At this time, the magic dragon laughed happily, showing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

  Well, the only thing that can be a little bit human is the right eye, and the fire of the sun burns on this eye.

  Dorothy's reason was seeing the play through this eye.

  In the next instant, the body already dominated by dragon nature rushed out.

   It's time to have a good time.

   "Dragon Demon."

"So fast."

  Sofelia's pupils shrank suddenly, and she realized that something was wrong. What kind of skill did the lady across the street use, and why did she become so crazy all of a sudden.

  But it was too late to think at this time, while the eldest lady was just charging violently, she had already opened up her side.

   "Sun, crown me."

  She held up the holy fire sword in her hand, pointing at the sun in the sky, so the dazzling sun shone on her body, turning the angel halo on her head into a bright crown.

  Fate. Son of the Sun: As a heir of the sun, your power will be strengthened according to the state of the sun, the weakest in the morning and evening, and the strongest at noon.

   And it happened to be noon at this time, and she could enjoy the highest bonus, which was a full twelve-fold increase.

However, before Pure White Angel was familiar with the soaring power in her body, a ferocious dragon claw covered her face, and then a huge force erupted, and she was directly engulfed by this force, and then turned into a meteor and fell to the ground , directly broke several mountains, and set off a cloud of smoke and dust.

   After a while, there was a sound like a dragon's roar coming from the place where Dorothy disappeared just now.

   ".Twenty times super solution."

  The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

   Dizziness, Calvin, did I really have a second infection, no? It's so unlucky, I hope it's my illusion. There are still 500 monthly tickets left, although I think there is no chance, but just in case, I'm sorry.



  (end of this chapter)