MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 177 True and false Yang Hongling (seek full order, ask for monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 177 True and False Yang Hongling

  Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, what does this mean? Not to reverse the case for the He family? How did so many people get involved?

  Han Zhenggang named a series of people. Including Zhao Guangfeng, there were thirteen people in total, and he added: "Most of these people are Pang Youshan's cronies, the hard-core type, who rush to the front when things happen."

  The remaining people are his political enemies, or people who don’t deal with them.

  Zhang Ronghua is very satisfied, but this is not enough: "This case involves a lot, with just this few people, how can you cover the sky with one hand and cooperate with Sun Jin to steal the Yanlei Pearl?"

  Han Zhenggang expressed his worries: "Above...?"

   "His Majesty is very angry!"

  Han Zhenggang understood that my lord was transferred to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, probably with a purpose. Otherwise, the court has an advantage today, even if he is transferred to the General Director of the Ministry of War, the old master will hold him back, and the Sangong can only accept it! His Majesty chose the next best thing, although he gave them a step, the real intention is probably here.

   Find out everything, feel relieved, and report the people from the other forces of the Fourth Division one by one.

   Couldn't help but ask one more question: "Is it really all right?"

  Zhang Ronghua said sternly: "When this matter is involved, you can't be careless."


  Looking at Yang Yilai.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Is there anything to add?"

  If you don’t react at this time, you don’t need to be an official, just resign and go home to retire.

  In recent years, there has been no less staring, and no less targeting. These people mentioned by Han Zhenggang have more or less made trouble. Besides them, there are a few others who have spoken out immediately.

   In this way, if people are arrested by name, half of the fourth division will be taken down. Although they will not be paralyzed, they will look ugly.

  Zhang Ronghua doesn't care, he takes advantage of the victory to pursue, isn't that how officialdom is?

   If someone else gains power, it will only be more ruthless!

  In addition to the existing department, there are people who move other departments. As long as they have connections, they will be taken down. He ordered: "Order Jinlin Xuantian Army to arrest people and hand them over to Dali Temple for interrogation by the Ministry of Punishment."

  Han Zhenggang asked: "These vacant positions?"

A total of twenty-six people, especially the position of Zhao Guangfeng, the censor of Zuoqian, the official of the fourth rank, many people stare at them, eat alone, be abandoned, and besieged, and others will not help when things happen in the future. The people in the hall have to pay back.

   Thoughts turned, thinking about the distribution of benefits, the big ones are sure to be taken by themselves, no one can find fault with this.

The appointments from the Ministry of Officials have not yet been decided, and Ding Yi just happened to take over Zhao Guangfeng's position. There are still twenty-five people left, and I will take ten for myself. Uncle Pei will give three to the remaining fifteen, and Han Zhenggang will give three. Two, Elder Zeng and Elder Wei each give two, the Crown Prince gives two, Xu Xing, Xu Shidao and Su Ming each take one.

  Pang Youshan's vacant position, no one dared to move, they are all from the third grade, there is no difference between whether you want it or not, it is reserved for the time being, and the benefits will be exchanged later.

  Think about it and make sure you haven't missed anything.

  Zhang Ronghua ordered him to handle this matter.

  Han Zhenggang was excited, he could get one of the three places, and the remaining two would be handed over to Elder Cui Ge, which was regarded as the reward for the charge, and hurriedly saluted: "Thank you, sir!"


  Wait for him to leave.

  Zhang Ronghua asked again: "Anyone recommend?"

  Yang Yi came to think for a while, and there was no one available in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. In a flash of inspiration, he thought of one person, not sure if it would work, and asked tentatively: "My lord, can Qian Ping, the dean of Guangyi Academy?"

  Guangyi Academy is a private school, not an official academy, and the dean is just an ordinary person, unlike the deans of the Three University Palaces, who are high-ranking and have students all over Daxia.

   Wanting to transfer a white body to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, from a ninth-rank official position, the operation is not so difficult.

   "Introduce it in detail."

  Yang Yi came one by one.

  Middle-aged man, sharp-tongued, wholeheartedly wants to be an official, he is a good man, the two are best friends, and they don't look down on him because of his downfall, and often drink together.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Have you thought about it? If you recommend him, I can indeed do it, but you can't reinstate the judge."

  Yang Yilai hesitated, thinking of his care for him these years, bowed and saluted: "It's all up to the adults."

"wait for news!"

  Standing up from the chair, it took a while to go to the Hall of Scholars. There is his basic board. Lu Junxiu is constantly cultivating talents. Although Li Yiming and his robbing power are not enough.

  This time, three people from Jin Yaoguang were drawn out, and another six people were drawn out, counting the people recommended by Yang Yilai, exactly ten people.

  With so many transfers, although it will affect Lu Junxiu, it is not big overall. With his ability, he can still control the situation. He went to the official department again, found Su Ming, and explained the appointments of these people one by one.

  Wait for him to leave.

  Su Ming went to see Jiang Shangcheng and explained Zhang Ronghua's arrangement.

   "Take this opportunity to pay back all the favors, and then tie everyone to his boat. It's interesting!"

  Su Ming also smiled: "Indeed."

  Jiang Shangcheng said: "The first fire is very hot, let's watch the second fire, let people prepare to talk!"

   "Your Majesty, let's do it now!"


   In a quarter of an hour.

  Zhang Ronghua led two battalions of the Jinlin Xuantian Army, and Cao Xing personally led the team. They are all confidantes. How can such a good thing be cheap to outsiders? Since Sun Jin ransacked his family and exterminated his clan, all three clans were seized, put in a prison cart, his property was confiscated, and his harvest was very rich. Just for him and Pang Youshan, the silver was four million taels. Their relatives added up, some Doing business, he got more money, nearly 8 million taels, and a total of more than 12 million taels of silver. Counting the mansion and property, he had to double it.

  No matter who ransacked the house, there was an unspoken rule that the person who ransacked the house could take some of it, and formed a tacit understanding in Daxia's officialdom.

  Sun Family Mansion.

  Cao Xing asked: "My lord, how to distribute?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Old rules."

   means one-tenth.

  Based on the calculation of 12 million taels, one-tenth is 1.2 million taels, which is a bit much, but with so many people, the two battalions of Jinlin Xuantian Army have 200 people, which is not many when broken down.

  Thinking about it, I feel less.

  Zhang Ronghua changed his words: "Keep the fraction and divide it according to the size of the official position, and take another 10,000 taels. The official will hand it over to He Feifei later, which can be regarded as making up for the grievances she has suffered over the years."

   "Subordinates understand!"

   It took a little time to divide the money. Although everyone was sullen and expressionless, there was a smile in the corner of their eyes, and they were more energetic and energetic. Even the eyes that looked at Zhang Ronghua and his own adults became hot.


  Zhang Ronghua got on his horse, rode the sacred Tianlong horse, and took the lead, leading the prisoners towards the vegetable market.

  The onlookers were startled when they saw such a big battle, and they all gave way to the road. When the prison car passed by, they became curious and followed.

   Arriving at the vegetable market, Dongcheng County Magistrate got the news, brought the chief secretary and county lieutenant, and led dozens of arresters to rush over.

  The three county magistrates bowed to each other and saluted: "I have seen you, sir!"

  Zhang Ronghua nodded, and arranged: "Block this place, pull out the cordon, and keep the people away."

   "Yes!" The county magistrate responded.

  Order the arresters to deploy defenses on the outside, and the Jinlin Xuantian Army to deploy defenses on the inside. With the strength of the latter, no one dares not to open their eyes.

  The three of them were in awe and envy, for such a young man who was a member of the third rank, took down such a person on the first day he took office!

Zhang Ronghua sat on the main seat, and the county magistrate and others stood beside Cao Xing. Before the execution, they had to tell their crimes. The thing about the sharp weapon has been explained in detail.

  The people onlookers were outraged!

  Looking at these people, eyes spitting fire, pointing at them and cursing, wishing to swallow their flesh and blood, rotten eggs, rotten vegetable leaves, etc., greeted them with all their strength, and threw them to death.

  No one charged the cordon, everyone had a sense of proportion.

  Seeing that the sky is getting late, in a little while, the sunset will be set.

  Zhang Ronghua ordered: "Execution!"

  Gripping a supervision card, he threw it out violently.

  Cao Xing shouted coldly: "Cut!"

  The executioner was ready a long time ago, holding a bowl, took a sip of wine in his mouth, and then spit it on the bright knife, holding the knife with both hands, and slashed down.

   After one batch, change to another batch.


  The three clans of Sun Jin and Pang Youshan have all been beheaded! There were human heads and corpses everywhere on the execution stage, the people applauded and the drummer praised.

  Zhang Ronghua stood up from the chair and looked at the county magistrate: "This is for you."


  Leading people away, the car stopped when passing by Changping.

He Feifei had already changed into a long dress in Tsing Yi and dressed up simply, but the scars on her face were still there. Seeing this scene with her own eyes, she wept in a low voice. The revenge of the He family was finally avenged. Tears wet her cheeks, and she cried into tears. Tears.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "The case is over, news will come out tomorrow, then the injustice will be cleared, and the mansion will be returned."

  He Feifei was grateful, as if she was going to kneel down to thank her.

  Zhang Ronghua stretched out his hand, not making her kneel down, and said seriously: "No need to do this, this is what I should do."

  Take out a ten thousand taels of silver bill and hand it over.

   "The imperial court will make up for the loss of the He family! Don't refuse, living in the capital will not work without money."

   Forced the bank note into her hand, and left with Cao Xing and others.

  He Feifei shouted: "Thank you, sir!"

  Looking at the sunset.

  Zhang Ronghua felt uncomfortable. He is not an emotional person and has a strong desire for self-control, but he was still touched when he saw this scene.

  Cao Xingdao: "She has counted, at least she met you, if not, let alone overturning the case, she will die in the hands of Pang Youshan in the end!"


  Changing the subject, Zhang Ronghua asked: "How are you doing?"

   "It has already established a firm foothold. The people brought this time are all cronies, and they are completely trustworthy. It will take some time to master Zuo Bei."

  Zhang Ronghua instructed: "Do it with heart! Rather slow down, and don't make mistakes. There is no rush for the next thing. When your qualifications are stabilized, I will find a way to transfer you to Chengtian Weiyi!"

   "Thank you, sir!"

   While speaking, he arrived at Suzaku Gate.

  The two separated, Cao Xing led people to continue patrolling, Zhang Ronghua walked towards the Imperial Study Room, and reported to Emperor Xia.

   When it comes out again.

  It was already dark.

  Out of Suzaku Gate, Ding Yi sat aimlessly on the Changping car, saw him coming, and jumped down: "Brother!"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled: "How long have you been waiting?"

   "Wait until now after the next value."

   "Say it in the car."

   "Yes." Ding Yi responded.

  The two got into the car and sat on it.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Has the appointment been made?"

   "Already down, transferred to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to serve as the Zuoqian capital censor, the fourth rank."

"What about the rest?"

   "I have also come down, and implemented them one by one according to what was discussed before."

  Ding Yi asked: "Brother, do you want to get together?"

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head: "Not now! All forces are watching, and when the opportunity is right, we will get together again."

   "Have you found the formula of Yan Leizhu?"

   "No! The housekeeper, Lao Lu, seems to have disappeared out of thin air. There is no news about it until now. Either he is hiding somewhere, or he was killed. It happened suddenly. It should be the former, and the latter is unlikely."


  Ding Yi groaned in disbelief, and suggested, "Have a drink?"

   "A lot of things are waiting to be dealt with, next time!"

  Zhang Ronghua made a point and asked Ding Bo to send him to the East Palace.

  Thinking of Fu Kun, he asked, "How did the Ministry of Industry deal with it?"

  Ding Yidao: "Punish half a year's salary, and the merits and demerits will be offset. Logically speaking, the leak of the Yanlei Pearl formula is such a big matter, it is impossible to be punished for this!"

   "Should have taken refuge in His Majesty."

Understood! Doubts are resolved.

  Ding Yidao: "Your Majesty will benefit the most?"

   "Things have already happened, and we can only maximize the benefits. There is no way to do this! If there is a choice, His Majesty will definitely not do this. What about the others?"

Ding Yi went on to say: "Mo Shouli was demoted to a commoner because of his negligence. He made people related to Siertang, etc., and handed them over to Dali Temple for interrogation by the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Almost scrapped."

  Zhang Ronghua sighed: "I hope there will be good news."

   While speaking, the Changping car stopped outside the East Palace.

   As a reminder, be careful on the road.

  Get out of the car and enter the East Palace.

  Shangwen Palace.

  The lights were on, and the swaying lights reflected the prince's figure for a long time. Jin Feng was guarding outside, and Qing'er and Shuang'er were waiting inside. It was getting late.

  Qing'er said: "Qinglin will come tonight?"

  The prince reviewed government affairs without stopping to write, without raising his head: "He is always trustworthy!"

   "It's really okay to make such a big commotion today?"

"Going with a mission, if you don't make any achievements, you can't explain to the higher authorities! Yan Leizhu has a lot to do with it. Let alone this few people, it doesn't matter how many people there are. What's satisfying is that he has dealt with the aftermath. The vacated positions are not alone. , the distribution of interests is just right, with an overall view, and a clear mind at all times, only such people can go further in the court."

  Footsteps came.

  The prince smiled slightly: "Here we come."

  Outside the hall.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Is His Highness inside?"

  Jinfeng looked at him complicatedly, no wonder the prince took it so seriously, it’s impossible not to admire him, he is very capable! Vermilion lips parted lightly: "I'm dealing with official business."

  Opening the door of the temple, he made a gesture of invitation.

  Wait for him to enter, and then close the door of the temple.

   went inside.

  Zhang Ronghua bowed and saluted: "I have seen Your Highness."

  The prince pointed to the opposite chair: "Sit!"

   "Thank you, Your Highness!"

  Shuang'er serves tea, putting a steaming cup of tea beside her.

  Prince asked: "What's the next plan?"

Zhang Ronghua said seriously: "When I saw it today, the water in the Metropolitan Procuratorate is very deep, and it is even more terrifying than imagined. Internally united, xenophobic, and complicated forces, the faction headed by Du Chengming is not too much to say that it can cover the sky with one hand, don't look at it." The minister tore apart a corner and broke the situation with Pang Youshan, so it can only be said that he barely gained a foothold in the fourth division, and if he wants to open up the situation, he has to wait for the next game."

   "Don't carry it alone when you encounter difficulties. You are not fighting alone. No matter what the situation, even if you are in court, you will support you."

   "Thank you, Your Highness!"

  The prince smiled slightly, showing a little more concern: "Just came out of the palace?"


   "The Lonely Man has prepared dinner for you, and you will go back after eating."

  Zhang Ronghua did not refuse.

  Shuang'er went out for a while and returned again. She took two maids and put the meals on the table one by one. It was relatively simple, six dishes and one soup, two snacks, and a pot of Tianqiongyu Niang.

   He ate with chopsticks, very fast.

  After eating, put down the chopsticks, took a sip from the teacup, did not drink, and then wiped off the oil from the corners of the mouth with soft paper.

  The prince said: "The palace sent a batch of spiritual fruits this morning, take some back."

   "Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward!"

   out of the hall.

  Shuang Eryu held hands tightly together, hesitated to speak, wanted to say something, but didn't say it.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Is there anything you can't say?"

   "Then I will say it!"


   "Have the twin sisters been trained?"

  The complexion remains unchanged.

  Zhang Ronghua pondered, what does the prince mean, or what does she mean? Some time ago, I clearly refused, my attitude was firm, and my status was getting heavier and heavier, and now I have the power to supervise all officials, and my power has been further improved. Things, otherwise there will be a gap, inferred, it should be she wants to ask.

   smiled and said: "It's almost there!"

  Shuang'er didn't say any more, the sad look in the corner of her eyes flashed away, empty, now it seems that she might not even be able to be a concubine.

   Arrived in the warehouse.

  Although she didn't become a concubine, it's worth her taking care of Zhang Ronghua.

  I can't wait to vacate this place, I have taken a lot of each kind of spiritual fruit, and there are still twenty pots of Tianqiongyu wine, Zhang Ronghua's complexion does not change, his heart is heavy, he is not stupid, how can he not see Shuang'er's love? But no, her identity is destined to be bad, but if she changes her background, she will be accepted.

  Out of the warehouse.

When we arrived at the front hall, we happened to meet Feng Jianxiu who had come back from patrol. He had recovered from his injuries. From his mouth, he learned that two more Jiaolong guards were missing today. Before the matter is resolved, Jiao Longwei, who is on duty, will not go back to the mansion for the time being, and will stay in the dormitory.

  Leave the East Palace

  Zhang Ronghua was puzzled, who attacked Jiaolongwei, and for what purpose? I can't figure it out, I can only see if Zheng Yi can find out a little bit.

   for a while.

  Back to the mansion and into the backyard, Uncle Shi has not rested yet, sitting on the stone bench, looking at the artificial lake, two fishes floating on the water, with their mouths occasionally opening to spit bubbles.

   walked over.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Haven't slept yet?"

  Shi Bo got up from the stone bench, arched his body, and sighed: "I'm getting old, and I can't sleep even if I want to."


   "Has the reward from the imperial court come down?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

   "The right supervisor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is the censor, from the third grade."

   "Congratulations Qinglin, one step closer to being an extremely talented minister."

  Zhang Ronghua smiled, took out an ingot of ten taels of silver and threw it over: "Reward money!"

   "Xie Qinglin!"

  Seeing Zheng Qingyu approaching, he walked over.

   "Master, Miss Hongling is here."

   There was a light in the room, reflecting her figure on the door.

  Zhang Ronghua nodded without thinking too much.

   Push open the door.

Yang Hongling was wearing a fiery red long dress, decorated with precious stones, noble, elegant, yet extravagant, I don't know if it was an illusion, but there was a strong desire to control invisibly, sitting on the chair, with the A cup of tea was cold without taking a sip. The purple cat sat on the table, holding a banana in its little paw, but did not eat it. It licked it with its tongue, and half of the banana was licked.

  Seeing the door opened, the cat's eyes lit up, stuffed the banana into Yang Hongling's hand, jumped over, landed in Zhang Ronghua's arms, arched it comfortably, found a better position, and shouted: "Meow!"

   is saying that she is a fake, not Yang Hongling.

Zhang Ronghua also saw that something was wrong. A person's appearance can be faked, but his temperament cannot deceive others. If it is really Yang Hongling, his temperament should be noble, contemptuous of everything, and not put anyone in his eyes. The pride comes from the depths of the soul, not the eyes. This kind of pretense, although the opponent tried his best to restrain himself, the aura displayed was more domineering, as if he had been in power for a long time.

If you look carefully, the exposed palm is slightly thicker. Although it is a woman's hand, it is wider than Yang Hongling's jade hand, especially the back of the hand. The back of the hand is Yangchun Baixue, with a mature charm, charming from the inside out, like being loved by a kiss, but also like being "developed", the charm revealed with age.

   There are also obvious differences in the hair strands of the two.

  The person in front of me, although it is also fiery red, wavy, slightly curled, and bright in color, is a little brighter! The most important point is that the scent coming out of her body is deliberately sprayed with larkspur, which is very heavy! There is also an extra "saucy" smell.

  Sao is not that kind of show, but the charm exuded by oneself at a certain age, which makes people unable to help but take a second look and be fascinated by it.

  Eyes are the gateway to the soul. Gem-like eyes can be faked, but they cannot deceive people.

  If it is the real Yang Hongling, her eyes are pure and fiery, but she tried her best to hide it, appearing calm on purpose, with too many loopholes, it can only be said that she doesn’t know much about Yang Hongling.

  Even if the purple cat didn't say anything, Zhang Ronghua could tell.

   I was curious, who pretended to be Yang Hongling, and what was his purpose, to kill him?

   Smiled intentionally, stroked her hair, pulled out the chair and sat down, pointed to the banana that Zimao gave her, and asked, "Why don't you eat it?"

Fake Yang Hongling thought that Zhang Ronghua didn't see it. Before coming here, he checked carefully to make sure there was nothing missing. He was full of details and confident that he had deceived anyone. Seeing him smiling, he was relaxed and didn't see through his identity. After relaxing a little, there is only one thing I don't understand, where is the strong man from Fate Academy, why didn't he see it, did he hide it?

As for Shi Bo, he took the initiative to ignore it. He checked it just now, and he has no cultivation. They, and no one else.

   Zheng Herring? Acquired realm, it can't be her!

  Purple cat? The sixth level of the Grandmaster Realm does not match the information found. According to the information, the cultivation displayed at that time was the first level of the Grand Master, but it is a true spirit, which stimulates the blood and cooperates with powerful secret techniques to raise several small realms. Exaggerated, but not the person in the dark.

Inferred, there is only one explanation, the other party's cultivation base is very high, she can't find it, if she wants to kill him, she can only follow the plan, use those two methods, the first is to kill him with poison, and the second is to kill him with lightning speed To make a move, Zhang Ronghua is only at the seventh level of the Grandmaster Realm. With his own realm, he can kill him with one move. Whether he can escape depends on his fate.

  The corners of his mouth turned up, revealing his white teeth: "The little guy is too skinny, he licked bananas like this."

   Randomly broke off the place it licked, threw it into the trash can, ate the rest, and congratulated: "Congratulations! Another step forward."

  Poured a cup with the teapot and passed the tea over.

  Zhang Ronghua glanced at the tea. The tea was normal and had not been tampered with. He took a sip and put down the teacup: "You only see the surface, but you don't see the effort behind it."

   He took the initiative to hold Zhang Ronghua's hand, patted the back of his hand twice, and then said: "Grandpa told me about the matter when he came back."

  Zhang Ronghua resisted the action of cutting off her palm with a sword energy, and continued to say: "What did the master say?"

   "Grandpa said that in this position, every move will affect the nerves of many people. If you make a wrong step, you will be doomed. With your ability, you can deal with everything."

The jade hand patted the purse at the waist, and took out a half-red and half-purple spiritual fruit, exuding a strong fragrance, and introduced: "This is the dragon's blood sacred fruit, which contains strong spiritual energy, and can also replenish blood energy. The taste is very delicious. Alright, I'll cut one for you to try."

  Holding a fruit and a fruit knife, fake Yang Hongling peeled it.

  Zhang Ronghua was very patient and waited quietly without rushing to see what kind of medicine was sold in her gourd.

   A few breaths.

The fake Yang Hongling handed over a sliced ​​dragon blood sacred fruit, which looked like a snake fruit. He held it in his hand and guessed that they were likely to be tampered with. He didn't eat it, played with it twice, put it on the table, held it One was peeled with a fruit knife, and when it was ready, he handed it over: "It's been a hard time."

  Fake Yang Hongling suggested: "Let's eat together."

  Zhang Ronghua responded: "Okay!"

  Holding this holy dragon blood fruit, the two of them looked at each other and both smiled. Seeing him put the fruit in his mouth, the fake Yang Hongling smiled even sweeter, feeling proud, waiting for you to eat it will mean death! Even if a doctor with a six-level skill close to Tao takes action, and with the help of a heaven-defying elixir, it will be a dead end.

  Sudden mutation!

  Zhang Ronghua suddenly smashed the sacred dragon blood fruit on her face.


  The fruit shattered and scattered, and the broken meat fell on the ground. My heart changed, and I fell into a sinking! Just as he was about to kill Zhang Ronghua, without giving the strong man in the dark a chance to attack, a powerful big hand grabbed her neck roughly and lifted her up from the chair.

  A domineering true essence also came along with it, entered the body, within a breath, he crippled himself, smashed to the ground, as if he had been severely injured, his heart felt sweet, and he spit out a blood arrow.

   His complexion was pale, and Yang Hongling couldn't believe it: "You, how did you find out?"

  Thinking of the Xuanhuang Zhenyuan entering the body, he finally reacted.

   "You are not in the realm of a master! You are in the realm of heaven and man."

   Without waiting for him to speak, he vetoed this guess. If it was only in the realm of heaven and man, it would be impossible to hurt her, let alone subdue him in an instant. His expression changed drastically: "Ascension to heaven!"

  Zhang Ronghua stopped pretending, and said with a cold face, "Let me see who you are!"

With a wave of his hand, a streak of black and yellow true essence rushed out and landed on her face, breaking the art of transformation, revealing a mature and glamorous face, the color of her hair has not changed, it is still fiery red, it seems to be dyed .

do not know!

  Thinking of Xuan Jin, Cui Yanyu said before his death that it was a woman who bought the murderer, could it be her?

   "Did you let the six reincarnations kill me?"

   "Impossible! How would she know?"

   "No matter how good the disguise is, you can't hide it from a soul master!"

   "Damn it! Thanks to their claims to the outside world, they strictly guarded the employer's information, and they actually explained everything."

  Zhang Ronghua asked again: "On the night of my cousin's wedding, the prince was assassinated. Was it also you who did it?"


   "Why did you kill me?"

  Shen Bining's eyes burst into flames, his expression was replaced by ferocity, and he gritted his silver teeth: "Damn you!"

   "???" Zhang Ronghua was puzzled.

  Looking at the purple cat next to her, Shen Bining became even more murderous: "It deserves to die too!"

  Purple Cat is also confused, how come it is all about the cat, is it because of bananas?


  Shen Bining: "Time Treasure Hunter!"

  Zhang Ronghua is still puzzled, its matter has been resolved long ago, and it is done very cleanly, including the time-space beads, no one except Yang Hongling knows about it, so how did she know about it?

   Seemingly knowing her ending, Shen Bining told what happened without vomit.

This matter has to be rewinded to the night when the purple cat turned into a black cat. After chasing time and hunting the treasure mouse, I went to Liu Jinhan, a young man named Ning Jinchou, the young master of the Ning family, who was discussing with the oiran there that night. Life, talk about ideals and ambitions, there is a soul refining pearl on his body, the time treasure hunter escaped along the breath of the treasure, and ate him, the oiran, and the soul refining pearl in one gulp, some people took the opportunity to escape, most of them He died there, and as the battle escalated, the place became ruins, and no one survived, but the news of the black cat still spread.

The Ning family desperately investigated, followed this clue, and followed the news of the black cat. After such a long time, they still had no clue. It was only recently that the housekeeper Shen Quan found out and told her that people can change their appearance, and so can cats. I think it is possible, but Zhang Ronghua's status is too high now, and if he makes a move in the open, even if the Ning family is powerful, he is not an opponent, and he will be removed by the court, so he can only do this.

   Finish listening.

  Zhang Ronghua felt it was wrong. With her cultivation base, being a patriarch would be enough, but there are too many loopholes in the story. How can she raise a cat by herself, and her cultivation base can change her appearance to kill her? It's too child's play, besides, Time Treasure Mouse's Taoism at that time was the tenth level of the Grandmaster Realm, and it almost broke through to the Grand Master, and the purple cat showed that it was only the sixth level of the Grandmaster Realm.

  The problem occurred on the butler Shen's whole body. It can be deduced that he should have betrayed the Ning family, forcibly connected two irrelevant clues, and used the Ning family to get rid of himself and complete the task assigned by the master behind him.

   "Fortunately, you are still the head of the Ning family, and you don't know if you were sold!"

  Shen Bining retorted angrily: "Impossible! I brought Shen Quan from her natal family. Over the years, she has been loyal to me and has never done anything sorry."

  Zhang Ronghua asked again: "After the death of the previous head of the Shen family, did he show love to you?"

The previous head of the family was Shen Bining's husband. He died tragically at the hands of the big demon when he went out once. When the news came back, there was internal turmoil in the Shen family. The second and third rooms wanted to **** the head of the house. In the future, get rid of them and completely control the whole world, but she is not good at business. Shen Quan has rich experience in this field, and his methods are sophisticated. With him taking care of it, the business under his banner not only did not slump, but flourished day by day, earning more money.

Two years later, on her birthday, she used the power of wine to fully express the lovesickness in her heart. She fell in love with her when she was not out of the cabinet. Knowing that she was not qualified with her own status, she hid this love in her heart and followed her. .

After arriving at the Ning family, she gave silently, without complaint or regret, hid her love, and no longer had any illusions. Until her husband died, the love buried in her heart burst out like well water, as if she saw hope, I didn't dare to confess until the time was right, but I didn't expect to be ruthlessly rejected.

  Think here.

  Shen Bining couldn't believe it, her beautiful eyes widened: "Hate because of love?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "A person has paid so much and still sees hope, but is destroyed in the end. How deep the injury is, the revenge is as strong as it is."

   "You think I will believe it?"

"It doesn't matter! But you are stupid. You don't know Yang Hongling at all, and you can't even imitate her demeanor, so you dare to pretend to be her? Also, whether you succeed or not, the Ning family will be wiped out. Don't ask?"

  Shen Bining sneered: "You can think of it, but I can't think of it?"

  Zhang Ronghua guessed it: "I can't escape!"

   "How do you know if you don't try?"

His face was ferocious, full of madness, he did not conceal the hatred in his eyes, and gritted his silver teeth: "Jin Chou died because of you, but your official position is too high, so you should be favored! Emperor Xia actually sent someone to protect your family, which made me feel helpless. If you do anything, you won't be able to let you experience the feeling of losing your loved ones, you can only destroy those properties and leave you with nothing!"

   As soon as the subject changed, the majestic anger almost came out from the body, which has already affected the surrounding environment.

   "You hid it so deeply, you hid it from everyone, you weren't sure just now, but now you're fully sure, it's definitely it!"

  Zhang Ronghua was indifferent, as if a voice from Jiuyou sounded: "Move my property?"

   "The purple cat made me lose Jinchou, and let you experience it."

   "I'll deal with you later!"


   Slapped her palm, and a palm fell and knocked her out.

  Zhang Ronghua ordered: "Look at her!"

   "Meow!" The purple cat responded.

  Open the door and go out, Zheng Qingyu hastily greeted her.

   "Looking good at home."


  By the artificial lake, Shi Bo's figure has disappeared, and the room is lit with lights.

  Zhang Ronghua didn't think too much, he stepped a little, leaving an afterimage, and rushed outside.

He has seven properties on the bright side of the capital, in three places, Suzaku Avenue, Qilin Avenue, and Fugui Avenue. Suzaku Avenue has the most industries and the highest value, Qilin Avenue has only one inn, and Fugui Avenue has the lowest value, a rice shop. Even if Shen Bining takes revenge, he will send most of his forces here. As long as the industry here is destroyed, it will cause great losses!

   No matter how strong he is, Zhang Ronghua is only one person, Guangming has not yet grown up, and it is not suitable to be displayed in the public. Right now, he can only go to Suzaku Avenue to solve the problems here, and then go to the other two sides.

  Platinum Institute.

   On the third floor, an elegant room near the window.

Lu Zhantang and a group of cronies took their seats according to their positions. Today, his subordinate Tao Yifei treats guests. After his wife gave birth to two daughters, this time his wife has given birth to a big fat boy. It's a signature dish, cooked with monster meat, plus Qinghua wine, it's not cheap for a table, at least two thousand taels or more.

Colleagues joked: "Brother Tao, my sister-in-law just gave birth today, so she invited us to eat demon meat. Even if I have the face of an adult, this table of food only costs about one thousand taels. When the child is full moon, the standard is not lower than this. You Can you afford it?"

Tao Yifei said seriously: "It's not a day or two to think about my son, today I finally got my wish! Besides, if you invite adults to drink, ordinary places can't afford it, let alone this little money, no matter how much it is, you won't frown .”

   "What if sister-in-law gave you another one?"

   "Continue to arrange!"

  Everyone was amused.

  The sound of hurried footsteps sounded, and the people present were of extraordinary cultivation. Listening to the movement, many people came, all of them were warriors, with killing intent, their complexions changed, and they all looked at the lord.

  Lu Zhantang stood up abruptly, the corners of his mouth curled up, and his face was joking: "You guys are lucky! If you come to eat again in the future, even if you don't have the face of the official, Qinglin will still take the money."

  With a change in temperament, a terrifying murderous aura erupted.

   "Keep alive!"

   "Yes!" Everyone responded.

  Opened the window like lightning and jumped down. A fierce battle rang out, and with the cultivation of the group of people in the Dragon Palace, they completely crushed their opponents.

  Go to the window.

  Lu Zhantang didn't make a move. According to the induction, there is no strong person nearby. Just because of the men in black below, although they have a large number of people, they are good outsiders, but in front of them, they are like paper.

  The light of the knife flickered, and the men in black were chopped down one after another and fell to the ground.

   Wait until the fighting stops.

   With a leap, Lu Zhantang jumped down from the third floor. Under the protection of the guards, Lao Geng hurried up, and after saluting, he asked, "Master Lu?"

   "Someone wants to beat the owner of Qinglin Industry..."

  Before the last word "meaning" was uttered, a figure rushed over from the darkness, and it was Zhang Ronghua who came.

  Looking at the scene in front of him, the Platinum Academy did not suffer any losses and was relieved to be taken down by his people. Lu Zhantang asked, "Who did it?"

   "Divide them into two groups, one group goes to Qilin Avenue, and the other group goes to Fugui Avenue."

  Lu Zhantang asked in a deep voice: "Do you know about other industries?"


   "Rush over there immediately and stop them."


Divide into two groups, run the body to the extreme, for everyone, this is an opportunity, a chance to make friends with Zhang Ronghua, do things well, what happens in the future, with this level of incense, plus the face of an adult, he will not He would just sit back and watch, and one by one showed his skills, wishing to fly over immediately.

  Zhang Ronghua said coldly: "Abolish them!"

  The guard stepped forward and abolished the dantians of the men in black.

   "Look good!"

  Looking at Lu Zhantang, Zhang Ronghua said again: "Talk while walking!"


  Exercising body skills, rushed towards Ning's house.

   On the road.

  Zhang Ronghua briefly explained the matter, concealed his cultivation, and replaced him with a strong man from the Fate School of Yang Hongling to protect himself, confirm the speculation of the outside world, and take action at the critical moment to kill Shen Bining.

  Even if someone asks, Yang Hongling will say yes!

  The people who knew about Black Cat and Purple Cat are already dead, and they didn’t hide it. Even if he didn’t say anything, the news would still spread from the Ning family. Why don't you take the initiative to say it, a normal person knows that from the sixth level of the grand master to the first level of the grand master, even if the blood is noble, it is not easy to improve even if you use the secret method. Only a fool like Shen Bining, who believes in Shen Quan too much, is still angry Lost reason, will do such a stupid thing.

   Finish listening.

  Lu Zhantang has no doubts. If the realm is so easy to improve, why do you still practice hard? Isn't it good to find profound secrets? When you encounter danger, you can use the secret method to easily deal with the enemy, which is more fragrant than practicing.

   Thinking the same way, she was deceived by Shen Quan, love turned into hatred, this kind of thing has been seen too many times, there are more ruthless than this, even killing the other party's whole family together!

   "Have a clue?"

  Zhang Ronghua's gaze was very cold: "Destroy the Ning family first!"


The two of them arrived at Qinglongfang and stopped outside the No. 201 compound. They entered three times and exited three times. The location was good. The value was at least ten million taels, which seemed quite a lot. When converted into a thousand-year-old soul-like elixir, it was only sixty. Although it is necessary to purchase a certificate, with the power of the Ning family, it is not difficult to get it.

The guard headed by    stepped forward and asked coldly: "This is Ning Mansion, what are you doing?"

   Other guards also surrounded him.


  Lu Zhantang made a strike, and killed them with a palm like lightning. He was afraid that there would be strong people hiding in the mansion, and they would fight and attack later, so he reminded: "Be careful!"

   Kicked open the courtyard door and rushed in quickly.

   Stepping on the body, the speed is fast, leaving a series of afterimages, no matter who they are, they are all knocked down, crippling their ability to move.

  Zhang Ronghua did not upstage him, and watched quietly.

   It took a little time to take down the Ning Mansion.

  Lu Zhantang was puzzled, and expressed his doubts: "Where are the people from the Ning family?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "The previous head of the family was Shen Bining's husband. After his death, the second and third bedrooms seized power and were all killed by her."

   "The heart of a snake and a scorpion!" Lu Zhantang asked again.

"what to do?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "I'll leave this to you, I'll go and have a look at those two properties."

  Lu Zhantang has no objection: "Okay! See you at Platinum Academy."

  Leave Ning Mansion.

Zhang Ronghua didn't hide his cultivation anymore, and rushed to the Qilin Avenue with all his strength. When he got here, he took a look from a distance. Although he suffered some losses, the problem was not serious. Fortunately, Tao Yifei and others arrived in time to resolve the crisis. All the men in black who came here were taken down, none of them escaped, they changed direction, and rushed towards the Avenue of Fugui. When they arrived here, it was the same. The loss was not too big, and within the range of tolerance, they did not show up. This place is not far from the mansion. Go see your parents first, or you won't feel at ease.

   When he appeared again, he was already outside the bedroom, knocked on the door, and asked, "Dad, are you asleep?"

   Zhang Qin's voice came from the room: "I just slept not long ago."

  The light turns on.

   Zhang Qin wore a mink coat, opened the door, and yawned: "What happened?"

   "I'm relieved that you are all right."

  Zhang Ronghua quickly explained the matter.

  Zhang Qin said: "The breakthrough is still on Shen Bining's body, pry her mouth open, and ask where Shen Quan is, and everything will be clear."


   "Father has already heard about the affairs of the court. As your official position gets higher and higher, some political opponents are desperate, and such things will happen again! Don't worry, the people sent by His Majesty are not just for nothing."

Zhang Ronghua shook his head. Although Xiahuang's people are reliable, they are far less handy than his own people. No matter what the situation is, they will not betray. He said seriously: "I have cultivated some people in secret. Come some."

  Zhang Qin smiled, and patted him on the shoulder: "What a boy! I have learned all my father's skills."

"go to bed early."


  Zhang Ronghua nodded, left the mansion, and rushed towards Zhuquefang. The strong men hiding in the dark did not hide from his induction. Seeing their extraordinary cultivation, he nodded in satisfaction.

   Come back here.

  Zheng Qingyu rushed to greet her, and asked with concern: "Master, how is it?"

   "A little loss, but not a lot!"

  Zhang Ronghua ordered: "Stay outside."

  Push open the door and walk in.

  In the room.

  The purple cat was being tortured, and it had grown to a size of ten feet. A pair of paws were beckoning at Shen Bining's body. She was distorted in pain, wrinkled into twists, and she couldn't help but not to snort.

   With a wave of both hands, Zhang Ronghua cast a barrier.

  The light of the true spirit flickered, and the purple cat changed into its original appearance again, jumped over, fell into its arms, and asked, "Are you all right?"

  Zhang Ronghua responded, walked over, and stepped on her chest: "Where is Shen Quan?"

  Every time I move, it hurts like a knife.

  But Shen Bining was proud, and smiled happily: "Is this feeling uncomfortable?"


  Zhang Ronghua stomped on her left leg roughly, crushing her left knee into a pulp. It hurt so much! Shen Bining still endured it, but her body stood up a few times uncontrollably, like crazy: "Come again! Something will kill me."

   "All your calculations are in vain."

   "Impossible!" Shen Bining's eyes widened, and she immediately retorted.

   "You are lying to me! You want to ask Shen Quan about their whereabouts."

   "Mentally retarded!" Zhang Ronghua showed disdain.

  Began to ask questions, as ruthless as possible.

  The woman who was lost by hatred had a firm willpower that exploded. Most men would not be able to bear it, but she carried it all down without screaming.

   Seeing that he still had some breath left, Zhang Ronghua stopped.

  Although Shen Bining was unable to speak, her whole body was numb with pain, but her eyes were provocative, as if saying, don't stop, if you have the ability to continue!

   A sword qi slashed down, killing her.

   With a wave of his right hand, the phoenix divine fire was knocked down and the corpse was incinerated.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "How did you find out?"

  Purple Cat said: "Smell!"

  Thinking of its father's blood, although it has not been activated, its sense of smell is inherently strong, far surpassing that of ordinary cats.

   "Go to practice! I have to go out for a while."

   "Yeah." The purple cat responded and ran towards his room.

   Tell Zheng Qingyu to take care of her home and rush to the Platinum Court.

  Here we go.

  In addition to Lu Zhantang, Chen Youcai, Zheng Fugui and Ding Yi all arrived, plus a group of people from Zhenlongdian and a battalion of officers and soldiers of the Fifth Division of City Defense.

  See him come in.

  Zheng Fugui hurriedly asked: "Cousin, is uncle okay?"

   "Everything is fine." Zhang Ronghua said.

   "Have you sent someone to search the city?"

  Chen Youcai took the words: "Xu Xing has been notified to lead his troops to search the city! Chang'an and Lao Lu have also sent their men. If they are still in the city, they cannot hide it from us."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Thank you."

  Chen Youcai smiled slightly: "Why do you talk about hard work?"

  Look at the landing hall.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Tell them later that when you come to the Platinum Court to drink in the future, it will be calculated according to the cost."

   "If these guys knew about it, they would probably be insane."

Lu Zhantang said again: "He has been imprisoned in the prison of the Criminal Ministry, and ordered to be tortured and interrogated! The Ning Mansion has also seized it. Judging from the scene, some valuables have not been transferred in time, especially gold and silver. They are almost all there. Add them together. Counting the mansion, the total price is more than 20 million taels, I have discussed with Pingbo, and I will clean up these things tomorrow and hand them over to you."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "The mansion will keep it. This batch of money is one million taels each of you. Don't forget Xu Xing's share. The rest of the money will be handed over to Ding Yi to purchase the elixir."


   interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

  Zhang Ronghua had a tough attitude: "Don't refuse."

  Even if they are friends, no matter how good the relationship is, if you put in so much effort and come here at the first time, it is not measurable by a little money.

  Lu Zhantang said: "OK!"

  Ding Yi and Zheng Fugui didn't want it, so they had no choice but to accept Zhang Ronghua's eyes.

   Half an hour later.

Xu Xing brought people over, entered the lobby, and shook his head: "I searched the capital and didn't even see a ghost, so I should leave. If there are so many people, even if they hide in the secret room, it is impossible to hide them." us."

  Zhang Ronghua cupped his hands: "Thank you everyone, it's already late today, tomorrow I will be the host, and the director of the Jiaofang will not return if he is not drunk."

   Everyone should go down.

   Send them away.

  Zhang Ronghua confessed a few words, left Platinum Academy, did not return home, and rushed towards the Fate Academy.

  What happened tonight was a wake-up call, or rather a wake-up call.

I am not afraid that others will use unscrupulous means to deal with me, but I am afraid of targeting the industry. This time I was lucky. Tao Yifei, Lu Zhantang's subordinate, was here to treat guests. He happened to be here, and the crisis was resolved in advance. If someone does this next time, the loss will be huge. will be very serious.

The examples of Princess Changxi and the sixth prince are the first, spreading rumors that the prince is a daughter, assassinating, attacking the property, etc., each time becoming more and more ruthless. No way out, there is nothing you dare not do!

In the past this time, asking Yang Hongling to send people to station in the properties under his banner was not for nothing. In addition to providing food and housing, he also provided a certain amount of training resources every month. Not a single word, but other people in Fate Academy will inevitably chew their tongues behind their backs to block their mouths.

  Here we go.

  Duan Jiu's eyes lit up, and he hastily greeted him: "Brother, why are you here?"

  Looking at him, a subtle righteousness appeared in his body.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Have you understood?"

   "Yes." Duan Jiu replied heavily.

   "The manuscript you gave is very strong, comprehend it, and add the previous accumulation to comprehend it."

   "Congratulations! You can enter the inner courtyard for further study."

  Duan Jiu shook his head: "I want to join the holy hall of the elder sister. Firstly, there is no shortage of cultivation resources there, and secondly, it can improve actual combat experience and grow faster."


  Duan Jiu rubbed the back of his head, and said again: "Elder Sister hasn't gone out for a day."

  Enter the academy and walk towards the forbidden area.

   There was no need to report, and he went directly into the yard.

  On the edge of Linghu Lake.

  Yang Hongling is wearing a set of Lingbao long skirt, which can be changed freely, so as to avoid being blown up when she uses superhuman powers. She is practicing this supernatural power, and Xiaosi lies on the ground to take a nap.

   Hearing footsteps, he opened his eyes, saw him coming, and asked curiously, "Why are you here now?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "There is something."

  Holding his hands behind his back, he watched patiently.

  Yang Hongling worked very hard and was very serious. During this period of practice, he has already cultivated it to the first level of the first glimpse of the door, and in a few days he will be able to break through to the second level with a little success.

Based on three heads and six arms, he used the Big Five Elements Breaking Heaven Sword Formation. He was not as perverted as Zhang Ronghua. He held a sword formation with one hand, and controlled two sword formations with six arms, one for attack and one for defense, and then attack together, or Defend together, change back and forth, and improve your own strength.

   In a quarter of an hour.

  The shadows of swords all over the sky disappeared, twisted with jade hands, put away the supernatural powers, took out the handkerchief, wiped off the sweat from his forehead, walked over, and asked with a smile: "What happened?"

  Zhang Ronghua joked: "Can't you come if you have nothing to do?"

  Yang Hongling shrugged her fragrant shoulders and curled her lips: "If you come here before dinner, it's just a visit! But it's almost early morning, and I can't think of anything else except something to do."


  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand and tapped her on the forehead, and said angrily, "You are the only one who is smart."

  Pretending to be her, Shen Bining poisoned herself, and told about the seven industries.

  Yang Hongling was furious, and her jewel-like eyes stared: "Where is the man?"

"already dead!"

   "Hmph! Lucky her."

Zhang Ronghua said: "Drop some people from the academy, divide them into three waves, one wave of four people, and the other two waves of two people each. They will be stationed there. They will rotate every once in a while. They don't need to do anything. If someone sabotages them, just get rid of them." Yes. Food and lodging are included, and cultivation resources are provided."

   "Okay!" Yang Hongling agreed without thinking.

  He has considered all aspects.

   "A great Confucianist will be arranged on the side of Suzaku Avenue, and then accompanied by three disciples, and the other two properties will be selected from the holy hall."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "You look at the arrangement."

   Finish talking about business.

  Yang Hongling turned around and saw Xiaosi, who had no eyesight at all, still stuck there, glaring fiercely, as if saying, quickly find an excuse to leave!

  Xiao Si couldn't afford to offend her, so she slandered her, stood up from the ground, and yawned deliberately: "I'm sleepy, you guys talk."

   ran away without a trace.

  Yang Hongling was happy in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. She brushed her hair out of habit: "The first fire burned well, and achieved the intended effect. The Metropolitan Procuratorate has gained a firm foothold."

  Zhang Ronghua didn't hide it: "To be honest, I'm not happy at all."

   "What about the formula of the Flame Thunder Pearl?"

   "If it is acquired by the Shang Dynasty, many soldiers will die innocently in the front-line war!"

  "Everything in the world is for profit. People are different. They can't keep their heart in the face of temptation. It didn't happen this time, and it will happen in the future."

  Zhang Ronghua's eyes were very cold: "Some people die a hundred times is not enough!"

   "Didn't the people involved in this case ransack their homes and exterminate their families?"

   "Bai Yichang is very likely to be involved."

   "Whose person is he?"

   "Du Chengming!"

  Yang Hongling's willow eyebrows were tightly locked together, and her delicate face was full of solemnity: "If it is true, the consequences will be very serious!"

Zhang Ronghua said: "From the preparation of materials to the final sale, there are many links involved. They can't do it alone! But they are very strict. Today, the Royal Study Room, His Majesty ordered people to investigate, and got news that the two sons are in the They disappeared several years ago, and it is very likely that they were arrested and threatened. Assuming that Bai Yichang (Du Chengming) is behind the scenes, everything now can be explained."

   "If this is the case, His Majesty should order someone to investigate secretly."

  Zhang Ronghua didn't answer the call. Regardless of whether Emperor Xia checked or not, he would not give up on his side. When he went back later, he asked Zheng Qingyu to send a letter to Zheng Yi, and asked Guangming to investigate the matter with all his strength.

  Knows that his heart is heavy.

  Yang Hongling took the initiative to stretch out her jade hand, held Zhang Ronghua's hand, and smiled sweetly: "It's over!"

  Four eyes face each other.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled and relaxed a little: "Yes!"

  Yang Hongling withdrew his hand and cast a pair of blank eyes: "You are so impolite, you still shook my hand, how about it? Is it soft? Don't try again."

  Zhang Ronghua responded with actions, jokingly said: "Try it."

   "You are so beautiful!"

   Yang Hongling felt guilty, turned around, walked towards the backyard, and waved: "It's getting late, go back and rest early."

   Into the backyard.

  Unable to hold back any longer, Xiafei ran towards the boudoir with her cheeks like sunset glow.

  Out of the Fate Academy.

  Zhang Ronghua walked back and stopped halfway. Zheng Yi, wearing a night clothes and covering his face, greeted him from the darkness: "Master, we have a clue!"

   "Talk inside!"

   Entered the alley.

Zheng Yi quickly said: "Just now, Tian Qingqing sent a secret letter from Shangping County, and found a group of people acting suspiciously, as if they were fleeing, secretly checked, suspected to be fleeing from the capital, stayed for a while, and left in a hurry Go, out of caution, send people to follow, according to the time calculation, it has been a while! The subordinates received the letter, thought of the Ning family, guessed that this group of people might be Shen Bining's relatives, did not dare to delay, and rushed over immediately, Also send Xuanming to support, in case the situation changes suddenly!"

  When he was killed by poison, Zheng Qingyu would definitely pass the news to Zheng Yi as soon as possible and order him to investigate.

  There is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

No wonder Xu Xing and the others turned the capital upside down, but they still couldn't find them. They captured the Ning family, and there were gold, silver and other valuables. It seemed that they had just left not long ago. It can be deduced that Shen Bining should have made this decision hastily in the afternoon. She His family members did not escape, all of this should have something to do with Shen Quan.

   Still very pleasantly surprised, Guangming was established not long ago, even if it was a coincidence, it was built on a certain strength, it can be seen that Xuan Ming's 100 million taels of silver and the money he gave were not wasted.

  Although there are few inner and core members, the peripheral forces have formed combat effectiveness.

   "Good job!" Zhang Ronghua said.

   "You go back first, and this deity will rush over."

   "Yes!" Zheng Yi replied respectfully.

   turned into a black smoke and disappeared into the night.

  Zhang Ronghua took off the clothes on his body, took out the night clothes and put them on, blindfolded, and covered his whole body with the power of the soul, no longer kept it, just touched his feet, and he had already left.

  Out of the capital.

   Arrived at a place where there was no one, the soul power rushed out and evolved into a black auspicious cloud. He jumped and landed on it, controlling the black cloud to soar into the sky and rush towards Shangping County.

  Shangping County is the hometown of the Taifu. When he was working in the East Palace, he was ordered by the prince and his cousin escorted Ji Xueyan home to worship the ancestors. It is not too far from the capital, about three hundred miles away.


  The tall and dense jungle is full of thorns, the road is steep, and some vines have sharp barbs. If you accidentally touch them, you can cut your clothes and hurt your flesh and blood.

  Especially at night, the visibility is very low, and if you don’t pay attention, you will get on the road.

  Even if you dodge it, you will occasionally fall, either breaking your leg or breaking your arm. More dangerous than this are monsters, and night is when they are active.

  A group of people shuttled through the darkness, walked for a while, and then stopped.

A young woman named Ning Shanshan slipped on her foot and stepped on a rotten piece of wood. She fell to the ground and broke her knee. Come up, playing with your temper: "Miss Ben is not leaving!"

   There are ten people in total, one housekeeper, six guards, and three young ladies, all of whom are Ning Jinchou's older sisters, who have not left the cabinet yet.

  Shen Quan stepped forward and asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure you don't want to leave?"

  The two younger sisters helped the eldest sister up.

  Ning Shanshan did not recognize the status quo clearly, let alone noticed that her words were wrong, so she went her own way: "Don't go!"


"It's all my mother's fault! Jinchou is dead, and a person cannot be resurrected after death. He will not enjoy the glory and wealth, but wants revenge. Zhang Ronghua is His Majesty's confidant, and the holy family is strong. Jane is in the emperor's heart. If he is an enemy, it is better to be an enemy of him. No matter how powerful the family is, isn’t it a self-defeating end?”

Shen Quan squinted his eyes and glanced left and right. In the wilderness, there is no human habitation, and the location is remote. It is the place where the bones are buried. He no longer hides his ugly face. With a gloomy face, he smiled evilly, creepy, everyone listened Subconsciously shivering, he felt his body froze, and instinctively took a step back. Six guards quietly surrounded him, pressing their palms on the handle of the knife, on high alert.

  Ning Shanshan suppressed her fear: "You, you..."

  Too nervous and scared, I couldn't even say a complete sentence.

  Shen Quan grinned grinningly, showing his fangs completely: "I wanted you to live a little longer, and then kill you after you leave here. Since you are in a hurry to find death, I will send you on your way!"

  A guard shouted: "Shen Quan, you want to kill the master?"

   "Are they worthy too?" Shen Quan shook his head like crazy.

   Feeling wrong again, pointing at Ning Qianqian, if you look carefully, she and Shen Bining have an eight-point resemblance, as if carved out of the same mold: "Except for Qianqian, everyone else must die!"

  Ning Qianqian forced herself to calm down: "Two years ago, because your mother refused, you were going to kill me?"

  Shen Quan paused, staring at her with killing intent and tyrannical eyes, and asked, "Did that **** Shen Bining tell you?"

   "No!" Ning Qianqian shook her head.

"I happened to go to find my mother that night, and I overheard your conversation. Since then, I found that every time you look at me, the eyes are different. Although you hide it well, it has changed. There is no elder Looking at the care and kindness of the younger generation, it is full of love, and I wish I could take it for myself! But you dare not, because you are afraid of being hunted down."

Snapped! Snapped!

  Shen Quan applauded and praised: "As expected of the smartest person in the Ning family!"

   Ask back.

   "Why didn't you tell your mother about that bitch?"

  Ning Qianqian laughed at herself: "I have been with her for so many years, for decades, she is loyal and capable, even if I say it, as long as you don't do anything for a day, mother will believe it?"

   "What about this time?"

   "Jinchou's death has already made my mother lose her mind. Even the Ning family can give up and risk everything for revenge! What else can I listen to? Even if I say it, it's just a slap in the face, so it's better not to say it!"

  Shen Quan asked again: "What backhand is hiding?"

Ning Qianqian shook her head and gritted her silver teeth: "The time is too short and the situation is changing too fast. Even if you want to prepare, it's too late. When you left Ning's house, you were thinking, as long as you are willing to let the elder sister and the second Sister, I, I will marry you!"

   "It's late!" Shen Quan sneered.

The long hair fluttered, the clothes shook, and the terrifying aura erupted, forming a huge oppressive force. He overbearingly suppressed him, licked his lips evilly, and said all the words that he had kept in his heart for these years: "Shen Bining, this **** is three years old. When she was married, she began to serve her, and when she married into the Ning family, for decades, she had no complaints or regrets, and gave silently. When your father died, he still kept this thought in his heart and did not say it! It didn't take long In an accident, it was discovered that she committed herself to a high official and stayed with her for seven days in a row in order to bring the Ning family to a higher level! Tell me, I didn't expect the rejection to be so harsh! He didn't give me a chance, and even lied to me, saying that I would never be emotional again in this life, and I would never fall in love with someone!"

   The more he talked, the crazier he became, and his aura became more terrifying.

"She did it, and she really didn't like anyone else, but every day she was either sleeping with her or on the way to sleep. What's the difference from those women in the fence? At that time, she was swearing, giving everything, crazy revenge, let her try Taste of despair."

   asked sharply.

   "Is Shen Bining cheap?"

Ning Shanshan and the second younger sister were already frightened and hid behind the third younger sister. Ning Qianqian was also panicked, but she couldn't be confused at the moment: "Mother has no other choice. After getting rid of the second and third bedrooms, the strength of the Ning family will be greatly reduced. To stabilize the situation, everything we do is to make the Ning family better."

   "Fart!" Shen Quan scolded.

   "There are many ways to grow a family, but I chose the dirtiest one, which makes people look down upon me!"

  Ning Qianqian was silent, and asked again after a while: "The purple cat is not that black cat at all, you want to use Zhang Ronghua's hand to get rid of the Ning family!"

  Although he was asking, his words were full of affirmation.

   "Without strong external interference? How can the Ning family be cornered?" Shen Quan was proud.

"Don't look at him as young, but the forces behind him are intricate. The prince, Pei Caihua, and the Fate Academy are standing there, and the power they hold is also terrifying. The fifth division of the city defense, the real dragon order, etc. have his people, such a powerful force, Not to mention the Ning family, no matter how powerful the family is, once they attack, they will be uprooted regardless of whether they succeed or fail in poisoning!"

   "What a ruthless scheme!" Ning Qianqian asked again.

   "What is the real purpose of capturing Jiaolongwei?"

  Shen Quan sarcastically saw through her purpose: "Delaying time is useless! No one can save you, even if you escape from Shengtian, the forces behind Zhang Ronghua will not let it go."

   His eyes fell on the six guards.

   "A group of trash also cooperate with me?"

   Overwhelming momentum, simple and rude, bombarding the past with a huge explosive sound.

  Both sides are not a class.

  In an instant, the six guards exploded, turning into a rain of blood.

  Shen Quan's cold eyes were full of joy. After waiting for a long time for this day, he finally waited, and said again: "You are left!"

  Ning Qianqian opened her arms to protect the two sisters, and summoned up her courage to say, "Let them go, and I'll marry you!"

   "Fall into this field, and still have the capital to negotiate with me?"


  Shen Quan roared: "Come here!"

Roughly grasping with two palms, there was a supreme suction force, Ning Shanshan and the two couldn't resist it at all, they were sucked over in an instant, their necks were grabbed, and they were lifted from the ground, the feeling of suffocation came, and the intense Struggling, kicking back and forth with both legs, the jade hand stretched out, trying to break his hand and escape to ascend to heaven.

  Ning Qianqian was in a hurry, and rushed up desperately: "Please, don't kill them!"

  Shen Quan ridiculed: "It's too late!"

Just as he was about to pinch the necks of the two of them with force, there was a sudden change, an earthquake shook the mountain, and there was a huge sound from the ground a dozen steps away, like a spider web, spreading towards the surroundings, and the strong demonic aura soared to the sky However, as soon as it appeared, it enveloped the surroundings.

  Shen Quan's pupils shrank: "Big monster!"

   17400 words burst!

   Xiao Bazhuo tried his best and wrote for 23 hours.

   Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, please, brothers and sisters, rush duck.

   Ask for further reading and support, poor, poor, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)