MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 176 Fu Kun's allegiance (ask for full order, ask for monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 176 Fu Kun's Allegiance (seeking full subscription, monthly ticket)

  A simple sentence is more terrifying than any weapon, and Fu Kun's soul will be scared away. With his political wisdom, how can he fail to understand the meaning of His Majesty's words.

  He belonged to Zhang Gelao, the former Gelao. A few years ago, Zhanggelao retired, and finally helped him to the position of Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

  Without the backer, I am the backer.

The forces of all parties are drawn together, indifferent, stick to their duties, do their jobs well, they are still young, and with the forces they have cultivated, they have gathered the forces of Mr. Zhang Ge, which has vaguely become the climate, and they are divided into the young and strong faction by others, becoming the leader One of the characters!

   Unexpectedly, after hiding for several years, I have been avoiding this problem. I just want to do something practical, and then look for opportunities to go further, enter the Tianji Pavilion, stand at the peak of the Great Xia Dynasty, and become one of the few people with the most authority in the world.

  Today, he is forced to make a choice. Regardless of how many years have passed, His Majesty has never offered an olive branch, but he understands that the six Shangshu are the most important, and it is impossible to let them go and keep secretly looking for opportunities.

  Before coming here, I prepared for the worst. I didn't expect the development of the matter to be more serious than I thought.

  Yan Leizhu's matter can be big or small, freshman to the end, demoted to the common people, no one can find fault, and dare not object! Because on the battlefield in Wangtian County, the power has been tested.

  Small, lift it up heavily, put it down gently, and the heat is in His Majesty's hands.

   Right now, there are only two paths, the first is to seek refuge with His Majesty, this time things are safe and sound, the second is to dismiss from office and go home for the elderly, once you choose this path, those political enemies will not let you go! I will definitely find ways to get revenge and not make him feel comfortable.

  A man without power is not even as good as a dog.

I thought of what I said when I visited Mr. Zhang Ge a few days ago and warned myself that in this position, no matter whether you want to or not, you have already been involved in the struggle above. Fang Tou was afraid to move, he had to rely on His Majesty, otherwise if he made a mistake, he would be slapped to the end in an instant.

He once asked if there is a third way, Zhang Ge said yes, enter the Tianji Pavilion, as long as you enter the Tianji Pavilion, your power will reach its peak, you can attack and retreat, no matter what happens, you can calmly deal with it .

Thanks to Zhang Ronghua's contributions, his qualifications are full, he is very good-looking, and the last point has been completed, and he is ready to enter the Tianji Pavilion. As long as he steps down, he can make a clear-cut official impact. Unexpectedly, it happened It's over!

  He hated Sun Jin and Mo Shouli to death in his heart, wishing to cut the former into pieces, and then drag his family to the vegetable market to behead them all! No, Zhang Ronghua has already brought someone to ransack the house, and he will be dragged to the vegetable market to behead later, good job! The latter, as a manufacturing secretary, actually couldn't even look down on his own subordinates, causing heavy losses, **** it!

  Hate turns to hate, let's get over this hurdle first.

  My heart is bitter, everything is ready, everything is ready, but unexpectedly I collapse on the way to the Tianji Pavilion, this is fate!

   Considering your words, raised your head: "I know I was wrong, please give me another chance! I promise, this matter will never happen again in the future."

  Smart people don't need to talk too much.

  Xia Huang's face softened a little, but he was still angry, with a scowling look. The formula of Yanlei Pearl was leaked, really angry! But things have already happened. As a human emperor, you can't just look at one aspect, but also look at other aspects. He said in a deep voice: "Half a year's salary will be fined, and the merits and demerits will be offset!"

  Fu Kun is bitter, this matter is passed, but the price is very high! Lost the opportunity to attack the Tianji Pavilion, and was forced to be loyal to His Majesty. What is the situation in the court, it is clear. Today, the Sangong came forward and explained everything. Even the old master who only asked about world affairs also came forward. At this time, he was involved in the actual situation It is unwise, but there is no good way, so I bowed to thank you: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  Emperor Xia said again: "I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!"

   "I understand!"

   "Raise Xianyi."

  Xianyi is Fu Kun's epigraph.

  Wei Shang went down from the imperial platform and helped him up from the ground.

  After getting up.

  Fu Kun said: "The minister resigns!"

  Emperor Xia nodded and walked out of the imperial study room. Fu Kun's face immediately became tense, his eyes flickered coldly, hiding the monstrous anger, and he walked towards the Ministry of Industry coldly.

   Royal Study Room.

  Wei Shang congratulated: "Congratulations, Your Majesty! You have gained another virtuous minister."

  Xia Huang's face softened a bit, but he was still cold: "This is something that can't be helped! If there is a choice, I would rather not do this, and also ensure that the Yan Leizhu is safe."

  Ask again.

   "Did Sun Jin's housekeeper, Old Lu, find out?"

  Wei Shang was puzzled: "It's strange to say! This person seems to have disappeared out of thin air. The old slave ordered people to investigate immediately. It seems that all traces of him have been erased since he left the Sun's residence."

   "Someone shot? Or is it hidden somewhere?"

   "The people below have tried their best to search for it, and people have been arranged at the city gate. If he dares to leave, he can't hide it from us! The old slave suspects that the secret work of the Shang Dynasty may have taken action."

   "Try and see if you can use this as bait to catch people from the Shang Dynasty!"

   "Yes!" Wei Shang replied respectfully.


   For such a good thing as ransacking the family and exterminating the clan, of course it has to be done by one's own people.

  Leaving the Imperial Study Room, after arriving at the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Pang Youshan and Sun Jin had been taken away by the Imperial Guards and imprisoned in Hell Prison.

The entire Si Division was panicked. Although they didn't know all the news, they had heard a little bit. Even if they hadn't heard of it, the Emperor's Guards were dispatched. His Majesty's personal guards, the most powerful department of the Great Xia Dynasty, surpassed the four major departments. , Every word and deed represents everything, it can be seen that this matter has pierced the sky.

  Everyone is worried that they will be the next one to be unlucky, especially those who are close to Pang Youshan, who are living like years, for fear that Zhang Ronghua's knife will cut him off in the next second.

   Office hall.

Zhang Ronghua sat on the main seat, and was not in a hurry to start. Before raiding the house, he took advantage of this wave of east wind to clean up the fourth division, and burned the first fire to the highest level to maximize the benefits. He asked in a deep voice: "During the interrogation just now, , is Zhao Guangfeng also involved?"

   This person is Pang Youshan's confidant. They went to Piandian to meet Yang Yilai, and they were the first to inform him, so they had to get rid of him.

Han Zhenggang understands, and is also a ruthless person. Regardless of the fact that he has been in the Metropolitan Procuratorate for so many years, he also has political enemies. Dissatisfaction, such a big disturbance, and the involvement of Yan Leizhu, who dares to say a word?

As long as you dare to stand up and put a big hat on, no matter who he is, even if it is Du Chengming, if he is interrogated first, he will be considered innocent. He will be locked up for a few years and released after a few years. The Metropolitan Procuratorate has long since lost him. Location, stay home!

   "It's not just him, there are others."

   2000 words! Octopus' fault.

   I was so tired during this time, I slept from yesterday until 9:30 this morning.

   It will explode tomorrow! It must explode!

   Looking for further reading, asking for a monthly ticket, asking for support, poor, poor, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion