MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 178 Ascension to the sky and perfection (ask for a full order, ask for a monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 178 Ascension to Heaven and Consummation (seek full order, ask for monthly pass)


  Suddenly, they pinched the necks of Ning Shanshan and the two of them, and threw their bodies on the ground casually.

  Looking a dozen steps ahead, Shen Quan grinned grinningly, like a demon from the abyss, making people frightened, the terrifying aura erupted in an all-round way, covering the whole world, forming a unique aura, like a master.

He patted the sumeru bag on his waist with his palm, and took out a Lingbao Xuanlong Nirvana Knife, which contained a strong sense of death. As soon as it appeared, the blade shook, and there was a loud moan, as if it had come to life. As the true essence poured in, the erupting prestige became stronger, suppressing the demonic aura emanating from the big monster.

  Except for Shen Bi Ning who is ahead of him, the rest of the Ning family are not enough to see him, and he deserves to be the second strongest.

  Looking at the Xuanlong Nirvana Knife in his hand, it is black in color, with a half-curved handle like a dragon's head. He paid too much for this spiritual treasure!

   Didn't act in a hurry, the qi machine locked the monster below, the energy was concentrated, and it could burst into a powerful blow at any time.

   "Eldest sister, second sister...!"

Ning Qianqian rushed over, hugged their corpses, her face showed despair, tears flowed out uncontrollably, wet the clothes on her chest, she didn't dare to show any hatred, for fear that she would be the next one, but her sleeves The jade hands below were tightly held together, and the nails just penetrated into the flesh, showing the anger hidden in the heart.

A giant centipede more than ten feet in size, black in color, with many tentacles, turned out from the ground, with big eyes, as big as eggs, and very cold, lifeless, like an iceberg, with a strong demonic aura , looking ferociously.

   Eyes facing each other!

  The air is chilling and solemn, and an invisible murderous aura permeates the surroundings.

  The two sides confront each other, and the war is about to break out.

Shen Quan licked his lips, shook the blade, the black dragon Nirvana shook violently, his momentum surged, doubled, the magic light enveloped him, he looked like a **** and demon, and he shouted domineeringly: "Beast, get out of here quickly!" !"

The giant centipede was called the Chi-eyed Lord, and he was unmoved, let alone leaving, his cold eyes fell on Ning Qianqian, and he did not hide the heat in his eyes: "Hand her over and let you live. "

  Shen Quan frowned, glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, his thoughts turned so quickly that it could make a big monster think about it, there must be a secret hidden, but after so many years in the Ning family, he didn't find it: "Give me a reason!"

The Chi-eyed Venerable is also afraid of his strength, especially the Xuanlong Nirvana Knife in his hand, which exudes too much death aura and poses a fatal threat, but she is too important. If she can be obtained, go further, or even break through to a higher level. At a high level, after thinking about it, he said coldly: "The Nether Sky Yin Physique!"

   "???" Shen Quan frowned, and a series of question marks appeared on his head, which he had never heard of.

  Akame Shangzun explained: "This kind of physique is useless to humans, but it is a great tonic for us monsters. With her help, cultivation will be faster!"

  Shen Quan understood that this was treating his woman as a thing of cultivation.

   Decades ago.

  It was a pain for Shen Bining to marry into the Ning family. She was not strong enough at the time, so she had to endure it!

  Shouldn't it be for so many years to practice hard, make elixir and elixirs, and improve strength, just for the sake of kissing Fangze one day?

  Shen Bining is a slut, broken shoes! He looked down on her, Ning Qianqian is so nice, she looks very similar to her, young and beautiful, soft-tempered, Shou Gongsha is still there.

   Not to mention that there is only one big monster, even if there is another one, it is impossible to **** her away!

   "I gave you a face, right?"


The afterimage flashed, and with a huge whistling sound, lightning rushed up, and the Great Desolate Sword Art was cast, and the Xuanlong Nirvana Knife bloomed, slashing out a supreme knife aura, like a broken bamboo, destroying everything, slashing fiercely past.

  The saber qi has not yet arrived, but the terrifying coercion, like a mountain range, contains supreme oppressive power, and it is brutally suppressed.

  The red-eyed Shangzun looked like he was facing an enemy, his pores were open, and he instinctively felt the danger. He had already overestimated it, but he was stronger than he thought.

  For the sake of the Nether Sky Yin Body, no matter what, it cannot retreat.

  Innate supernatural power——Soul Devouring Divine Light, egg-sized eyes, releases two black magic lights, which are specially aimed at the soul. Once it hits a point, it will be severely injured in an instant, becoming an idiot, as fast as a thunderbolt, shooting in a tricky way.


   Xuanlong Nirvana slashed down, and with unparalleled strength, enveloped the two magic lights that shot over, and they clashed fiercely in the air.

  Destructive air waves came from the place where the two met, and swept towards the surroundings. Wherever they passed, trees and ground were destroyed and turned into ruins.

  Seeing that it was about to fall on Ning Qianqian's body, Shen Quan shot to protect her and escaped the catastrophe.

  The red-eyed **** is fierce: "How dare you be distracted when you fight with this god?"

  Frantically mobilized the Yao Yuan, poured it into the Soul Eater Divine Light, enhanced its power, and wanted to get rid of him.

  Shen Quan continued to fight without fear.

   for a while.

  Finding out its strength, he laughed wildly: "It's time for the beast to end!"

   No longer keep it, mobilize all the true energy, pour it into the Xuanlong Nirvana Knife, and perform the strongest knife of the Great Desolation and Heaven Breaking Sword Technique-the ninth style of knife cutting the universe.

Endless light condensed, bloomed from the blade crazily, and burst out a blade that covered the sky and the sun. In front of it, the sky and the earth were eclipsed. crying.

  The complexion of the red-eyed master changed drastically, and his soul was scared away. It didn't expect that Shen Quan was so strong! It was too late to retreat at this time, even if he hid underground, he couldn't dodge the knife, otherwise, his death would only be worse.

  Frantically mobilized the demonic energy, blessed the soul-devouring divine light on the giant mouth, cooperated with the strength of the body, opened the **** mouth, a strong stench came out, and bit down fiercely.

   Chi Chi....

   Zhe Tian slashed at its devil's mouth, and the two stalemate, colliding crazily, trying to break the opponent's martial arts (supernatural powers), and then behead him.

  As the time delays, a few minutes pass in the blink of an eye.

  Shen Quan had the upper hand and roared, "Death!"

   Xuanlong Nirvana knife slashed down, broke the soul-eating light, and landed on the red-eyed venerable, splitting it in half under its desperate and fearful eyes.

   With a wave of his sleeve, he put its corpse into the pouch.

  Turning around, looking at Ning Qianqian who was already frightened, she licked her lips wickedly, and walked over fieryly.

  The latter didn't react until he got close, his beautiful eyes were filled with fear, and he subconsciously screamed: "Ah!"

   Hastily backed away.

  Shen Quan grabbed her quickly, grabbed her clothes, and roughly dragged her over: "Where do you want to go?"

  Ning Qianqian lowered her head, not daring to look into his eyes, nor did she dare to mention revenge.

   Wave and clap.

   A palm force fell, destroying the bodies of Ning Shanshan and the two of them, and was about to leave.

His complexion changed, he looked up at the sky, and above the nine heavens, there was a huge bird, not like an eagle or a bird, with a dark body, exuding the breath of a big monster, swooping down, rushing towards this side, with a huge whistling sound Resounded between heaven and earth.

  Shen Quan reacted quickly, hurriedly took out the Xuanlong Nirvana Knife, and waited for it, then threw Ning Qianqian on the ground, ready for the worst.

  In an instant, the opponent appeared in front of him, stopped in the air, ten feet away from the ground, without falling.

   under close range.

   Only then did he see clearly that a man in black was sitting on the back of the bird, with his face covered and only two eyes exposed, it was Zhang Ronghua who had rushed to Shangping County to meet Xuanming.

  Here we go.

  Sitting on its back and rushing towards this side, there was this scene.

Shen Quan fell into the abyss with one heart. The man in black in front of him was obviously ordinary and did not exude any aura, but the other party could use the big monster as a mount. If he thought about it with his toes, he could guess that his cultivation was as high as the sky. Only on top of it can it be possible to tame ferocious monsters as pets.

   Without strength, you will be eaten in an instant.

  If there is only this big monster, confident that he can resist one or two, even if he loses, he can retreat.

   But now escaping has become a luxury.

  Bearing back his fear, he lowered his posture and said respectfully, "Senior, what do you mean by this?"

  Looking at the surroundings with cold eyes, it was a mess, with a strong demonic aura remaining. It seemed that there had just been a big battle.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "You are Shen Quan?"

  If it wasn't for his good concentration, Shen Quan almost fell to the ground, and it came towards him. Could it be that he was a strong man in the court? Did Shen Bining succeed? Even so, how did the court people find this place?

   His complexion remained unchanged, he shook his head and denied: "No! The junior's name is Li Yi, and this is my granddaughter Li Xue."

  Ning Qianqian raised her head subconsciously, about to expose the lie, as if she had sensed it, Shen Quan turned around, with a solemn threat in his eyes, a silent warning, if you dare to speak out, I will kill you immediately!

   Thinking of his ruthlessness just now, Ning Qianqian was scared.

  Shen Quan put on a kind smile: "Hurry up and meet senior."

  Ning Qianqian didn't dare to refute, and held back her panic to salute: "See you, senior."

  Zhang Ronghua seemed to be looking at a clown, and ordered casually: "Catch the living."

   "Yes!" Xuan Ming replied respectfully.

  Seeing the owner jumping down, the body of the monster changed, and in the next second, he became a young man, and disappeared in a flash of the hurricane.

  Shen Quan was shocked, and hurriedly called out: "Senior, what do you mean?"

   Not daring to be careless, he mobilized his true energy again and poured it into the Xuanlong Nirvana Knife, and performed the ninth style of knife cutting the universe, and shot with all his strength.

   Xuan Ming mocked: "Too weak!"

The first form of the Nine Tribulations Overcoming the Sea Sword Art is performed with nine overlapping swords, using fingers as swords, the majestic sword will bloom, and the dazzling sword light will illuminate the world. The first move is increased by nine times, and countless sword shadows are overlapping At the same time, with the falling of the finger sword, the Great Desolation Breaking Heaven Saber Technique was brutally broken, and then the Xuanlong Nirvana Saber was sent flying, landing on Shen Quan's chest.

   Deliberately controlled the power, severely injured him, but did not kill him.


  If you are severely injured, you will spit out a **** arrow and fall to the ground.

   Before Shen Quan could react, Xuan Ming came up to him, kicked him violently, kicked his teeth away, grabbed the clothes on his chest, and stopped beside his master with one step.

   Throw him on the ground.

  Zhang Ronghua put his hands behind his back and said in a cold voice, "Still making excuses?"

  Shen Quan admitted it, and dared not deny it: "Who are you?"


   As soon as the voice fell, he was kicked out, and before he landed on the ground, he was sucked in again.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Have you recognized the reality?"

  Ask again.

   "Who instructed you to instigate Shen Bining to target Zhang Ronghua?"

Shen Quan was hesitant to say it, but Zhang Ronghua didn't give him a chance, he never showed mercy to the enemy, waved his hand, Xuan Ming smiled ferociously, stepped forward evilly, met his frightened eyes, the palm of his hand shone with magic light, and transformed into The sharp claws grabbed his thigh roughly, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood.


   Pain into the bone marrow, struggling violently.

Xuan Ming stepped on his chest, pressed Shen Quan to the ground, clawed one claw after another, tearing off the flesh and blood, seeing that a calf was about to be destroyed, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and begged for mercy: "Stop it! I said. "

  Retract your palm.

  Using Yaoyuan to clean up the blood on the claws, Xuanming sneered: "I thought your bones were so hard, that's all."

  Shen Quandao: "Shang Zheng!"

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Who is this person?"

   "I don't know! Every time we meet, he wears a purple-gold mask to cover his face and wears a black robe."

   "What is the purpose?"

"There is an enmity with Zhang Ronghua, but he is powerful now, the right supervisor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the censor, from the third-rank official, the holy family is grand, and the power behind him is powerful. It is obvious that he can't do anything, so he wants to use the hands of the Shen family to get rid of him. .”

   "What's in it for you?"

   "Lingbao Xuanlong Nirvana Knife!"

Zhang Ronghua stretched out his palm, grabbed it from the air, took out the sumeru bag on his waist, and checked it again. Inside was a spirit treasure, the corpse of a big demon, a stack of bank notes, and some elixir and pills. Medicine, it seems that most of the wealth of the Ning family is here, Shen Bining was sold, and the wealth was given to him, which is extremely stupid.

   "Where is the purple-gold masked man?"

   "Red River Forest."

  Zhang Ronghua asked again: "Is there anything else to explain?"


  Ning Qianqian suppressed her fear and crawled over from the ground, pointing angrily with hatred and said, "He's lying!"

  Shen Quan held his palm firmly, intending to reprimand but dare not, for fear of being tortured.

  Zhang Ronghua became interested: "Tell me!"

   "He arrested Jiaolongwei, more than one of them, and seemed to be asking something, but they were very stubborn, and they didn't say a word until they died."


  Zhang Ronghua's complexion darkened, terrifying evil spirit came out through his body, the surrounding temperature dropped to freezing point, even Xuan Ming shuddered, couldn't help but take a step back, knowing that the master was angry!

   looked at him.

   "Are you saying it yourself, or do you want the deity to help you?"

  Shen Quan wished he could slap her to death with one palm, and dared not hide or hide her anymore. He talked about everything and explained the whole thing.

The man in the Zijin mask found him, bought him with the Xuanlong Nirvana Knife, and laid out the whole plan, using the Ning family and Shen Bining as pawns, and then asked him to capture Jiaolongwei, and asked them about the "Vientiane Sword Formation" from their mouths. Don't look at this The Gate Sword Formation is only a top-grade Xuan-level formation, but it is simple to cultivate and powerful. When the power of two pairs is superimposed, it can be played up to twelve times.

  The housekeeping skills that Zhang Ronghua taught Jiaolongwei lived up to expectations, and he did not let him down. He protected this sword formation very well, and he could only practice this sword formation after he passed the test with his confidant or someone who was completely trustworthy.

  During this period, many forces, including the queen and others, wanted to use this sword formation, but all ended in failure. I have heard of this.

  Once the Wanxiang Sword Formation is equipped in the army, or the Jinlin Xuantian Army, Human Emperor Guard, etc., as well as supernatural forces such as the True Dragon Palace, the strength will increase linearly and explosively.

  With the improvement of his status, the forces of all parties are jealous, afraid of turning against each other, which will attract his revenge. After all, this sword formation was created by him, so he was forced to stop it. Unexpectedly, someone would take it up again.

   No wonder the prince couldn't find out, the whole thing is so hidden, one ring after another, even if you break your head, you can't think of it, it's hidden in the Ning family's case.

   Finish listening.

   It was not in vain tonight, and the harvest was huge.

   The top priority is to catch Shang Zheng, pry his mouth open, and see who is behind it!

  Ning Qianqian knelt on the ground and begged: "I beg senior to give me a chance to kill him and avenge my eldest sister and second sister."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Give her a dagger."

Xuan Ming took out a dagger and threw it over, picked up the dagger, Ning Qianqian held it firmly in her hand, stepped forward, met Shen Quan's frightened eyes, pierced it fiercely, and spattered a **** arrow , held it with both hands, stirred it frantically, then pulled it out, and stuck it down again, one after another, as if it would never stop, venting the anger in my heart.


  Shen Quan was tortured to death, his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that he died so uselessly.

  Revenge is avenged!

  Ning Qianqian was like an eggplant beaten by frost, her energy was emptied, she hugged her knees and cried loudly. When she raised her head, she seemed to know her fate: "Thank you!"

  Gripping the dagger, he wiped it on the neck, **** arrows spurted out, and the corpse fell to the ground.

  Xuan Ming stepped forward, waved his hand, and disposed of the surrounding traces together with the corpse, leaving nothing behind, then asked: "What should the master do?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Go to Honghe Forest!"


   Xuan Ming transformed into his real body again, suspended in the air.

  Zhang Ronghua stepped on his feet, jumped up from the ground, landed on it, and a wave of soul power fell, covering it and preventing the breath from dispersing: "Let's go!"

   Spreading its wings, it soared upwards, rushing into the Nine Heavens and rushing back in an instant.

  Honghe Forest is on the west side of the capital, about 50 miles away from the capital. The trees are red and the scenery is beautiful. Especially in this season, at first glance, it looks like you are in a fairyland.


A small river runs through the entire forest. A mysterious man named Shang Zheng is wearing a black robe embellished with gold stars, reflecting the majesty and nobility. He is wearing a purple-gold mask and stands by the river with his hands behind his back. Integrate into one, regardless of each other.

Next to it lay a dog with three heads, blood-red in color, exuding a ferocious aura, restrained, but between breathing, there was a terrifying aura, especially the six eyes, looking inadvertently, whether it was Anyone, once caught by it, will be frightened out of their wits. It is called a three-headed dog, a fierce beast!

   With the passage of time, Shen Quan has not come over after such a long time.

  The three-headed dog with lions opened its mouth: "Could it be that you won't come?"

  Shang Zhengwu's sad and joyless voice sounded: "The lion who has been attacked by you is very vicious. Unless he wants to die, he dare not come!"

   "Can you get the Wanxiang Sword Formation?"

   "Having captured so many Jiaolong Guards and interrogated them for so long, such trivial matters can't be handled well, and it's a waste of food to live."

  The lion and the three-headed dog were puzzled: "Why don't you do it yourself?"

Shang Zheng shook his head: "The people of the Demon God in the Beginning kept a close eye on us. They already knew that we had infiltrated the capital. If we show up at this time and try to attack Jiaolongwei, we will die a miserable death! With the hands of the Ning family, even if we are exposed , They are also the ones who died, as long as Shen Quan is eliminated, the clues will be interrupted, and we will not be found."

   "Is the Demon God so terrifying in the beginning?"

  Shang Zheng paused for a while, the deep and majestic Yan Zhong, with deep fear: "The most powerful force formed by Emperor Xia! No one knows how many members and what cultivation level they are except him!"

   "Worse than Yuanshi Demon God?"

  Yuanshi Demon God is similar to it, in the hands of Emperor Shang, and Li Chengfeng is in charge of the Xia Dynasty capital.

   "A little short!"

  The lion and the three-headed dog were shocked. The Yuanshi Demon God knew a little about the strength. Not to mention Li Chengfeng, just based on the people inside, everyone has a bad reputation. If you want to kill yourself, you don’t even know how to die.

  Even so, he was actually weaker than the Demon God of Absolute Beginning.

   Came back to his senses, praised: "You are still thoughtful."

  Ask again.

   "A black-rank top-grade sword array, is it really that strong?"

Shang Zheng shook his head: "Under normal circumstances, the higher the rank of the sword array, the stronger it is, but it is different! The entry level is low, and the cultivation is fast. As long as it is a warrior, it can be cultivated. It doubles every time, and the maximum increase is twelve times. If the army , or Holy Dragon Hall and other forces to practice, if it spreads, it won’t be long before they can be mastered, and no one can stop the power that erupts!”


  The lion and the three-headed dog gasped. This time it was really scary. No wonder it took so much effort. If such a "sharp weapon" is obtained, the benefits will be great.

   "The formula of Yan Leizhu was leaked, how did the investigation go?"

  The face hidden under the Zijin mask twisted into a "Chuan" character, Shang Zheng said solemnly: "Troublesome!"

   "The Demon God of Absolute Beginning?"

   "Yes." Shang Zheng nodded.

   "It's okay to talk about other places, but this is the capital city. Under his nose, Yuanshi Demon God dare not make any moves. Once caught, it will be more serious. At least one stronghold, or even multiple strongholds will be taken away."

   His eyes flickered.

   "The shadow left by Zhao Chengjie has been activated, I believe there will be news soon."

  The lion and the three-headed dog didn't ask any more questions, and continued to wait.

   At this time.

  A breath came from nine days above, locking this area, followed closely, falling on his body, and a black spot rushed towards this side quickly.

  Shang Zheng's complexion changed, his eyes were cold, and he was burning with anger: "We were sold!"

  The lion and the three-headed dog also guessed it. Someone found this place, and there is only one explanation. Shen Quan betrayed them, and he is probably dead now. Judging from the scene in front of him, the person who came here is very strong!

Standing up from the ground as if facing a formidable enemy, the fierce light flickered and changed into a size of more than ten feet, with blood-red flames burning on the surface of its body. Once it is contaminated with a little bit, it will be burned to ashes in an instant. Although it is not comparable to the Phoenix Divine Fire, it is still the top flame supernatural power.

   Less than three breaths.

   Xuanming descended from the sky and stopped ten steps away.

  Shang Zheng scrutinized, like a falcon's eyes, fell on Zhang Ronghua, as for Xuan Ming, just a big monster, he didn't take it seriously, the more he looked, the more frightened he was, he couldn't see through it!

  Either the opponent has a Qi-restraining spiritual treasure in his hand, or his cultivation is advanced and even exaggerated than him. If it's the former, it's fine, if it's the latter...

Zhang Ronghua took a glance, one person and one beast, the former is a soul master at the early stage of the King Realm, the latter is a Daoist of the Heavenly Human Realm, the same cultivation base as Xuanming, the other party has a noble temperament, innate, as if he has mastered the supreme since birth Power, such a person is willing to be used by others. It can only be said that there is a lot of power hidden behind the scenes.

   Half a sound.

  Shang Zheng said: "Is Shen Quan dead?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Dead!"

   "A person from the Demon God of Absolute Beginning?"

   During this period of contact, plus the information he has, Zhang Ronghua knows one thing, the Demon God of Absolute Beginning is a powerful intelligence force, and the specific divisions are not clear: "It can be considered this way."

  No problem, both are officials.

  The atmosphere changed drastically, from the confrontation just now to the murderous intent.

  Shang Zheng ordered: "Kill it!"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Keep alive."

  Teaching Xuanming so many profound supernatural powers and secret arts, if you can't solve even the beasts in the realm, you should go to special training later.

   "Yes!" Xuan Ming took the order.

   Jumped and landed on the ground.

  Xuan Ming transformed into a real body, a full dozen feet in size, with demonic lights flickering all over his body, and a powerful aura came out, and he confronted the lion and the three-headed dog.

   Innate above.

  Monsters are a bit worse than ferocious beasts. The latter are terrifying existences comparable to true spirits, and it depends on the day after tomorrow.

Take Xuan Ming as an example, before he surrendered to Zhang Ronghua, although he was strong, he could not be as strong as he is now. He has practiced many supernatural powers and secret techniques, and his strength has been reborn several times. The reason why 100 million taels of silver was withdrawn from the territory.

  Both sides knew that the home court was on their respective owners' side, so they took the initiative to back away, walked to the side, and made a short-term test with momentum before making a move.

  No reservations.

Xuanming uses sharp claws as swords to perform the Nine Tribulations Overcoming Sea Swordsmanship. The first form is performed with nine overlapping swords, evolving the supreme sword energy, which is increased by nine times. With the tyrannical body, he cuts out with one sword, and the sword energy is against the sky. Wherever it passes, it seems to open up the world and repeat the chaos, which contains the power to destroy everything.

The lion's three-headed dog dare not be careless. This demon is very strong, and even it is shocked by its bursting strength. The gifted supernatural power of the lion's demon fire is displayed, and it condenses into a huge fire ball. The flame dances and burns. Transformed, a terrible air wave came out, and under the blessing of Dao Xing, it swept over suddenly.

   Both collide.


  The surrounding woods were devastated, and together with the ground and the river, they all evaporated, as if they had never appeared before.

  When the air wave swept over.

   Before he got close to Zhang Ronghua and Monk Zheng, it seemed that a powerful aura rose up and wiped him out.

   Neither of them made a move.

  Looking at Zhang Ronghua, Shang Zheng observed secretly when the storm swept over, trying to find out the opponent's strength, but was disappointed in the end, and still couldn't see through it!

   After one blow.

Xuan Ming has the upper hand, Zhang Ronghua has read hundreds of schools and created the supreme supernatural power with his life-long knowledge. Although there are only three forms, only the first two are taught to him. These two forms alone are already comparable to three heads and six arms. The power is against the sky. How could the strongest trump card be bad?

  I saw the lion's three-headed dog retreating. On the huge body, there was a shocking scar. Blood flowed out, which could not heal under the influence of sword energy.

Gaining power is not forgiving, Xuan Ming took advantage of the victory to pursue, and performed the second form of Alluring Love, the sword energy surged, and on the existing basis, it increased nine times again, and the formed sword light and power were even more terrifying, dispelling the darkness and illuminating the world. The night sky, the rays of light between heaven and earth, were all shrouded by this sword, and they were cut down again.

   "Roar!" The lion's three-headed dog yelled fiercely, and the three heads roared at the same time.

  The ferociousness erupted, this sword made it feel death, and it used its innate supernatural power - the lion's magic sound, which was three points more terrifying than the lion's magic fire.

The three **** mouths opened at the same time, and under the blessing of the fierce element, it evolved into a tsunami, which stretched endlessly, and the sound waves condensed into a magic blade, with thousands of holes, each of which was ten feet wide, tearing everything apart, and swept past like a tornado .

  It is strong, Xuan Ming is stronger!

The first sword of the Nine Tribulations Overcoming the Sea Sword Art has a nine-fold increase in strength, and the second sword has an eighteen-fold increase. If all nine swords are used together, the increase will be eighty-one times. Let alone the same level, no matter how high the level is, it will not be able to stop the peak. sword.

  Even if it is the second sword, the lion and three-headed dog can't stop it!

  The sword energy is criss-crossing, destroying the ancients, no matter what is blocking the front, it will be destroyed in an instant, no matter how terrifying these magic blades are, they will disappear without even holding on for three breaths.

  The sword light fell, and chopped on the body of the three-headed dog, severely wounding it, and fell to the ground hard, unable to move. If Zhang Ronghua hadn't ordered the capture, the body would have been completely cold.

  The huge body became smaller, transformed into a human body again, rushed over, bent a little, struck down with a demon element, shaped it into its original shape, carried it back, stopped three steps away, and didn't dare to get too close.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "It's your turn!"

  Shang Zheng said: "Too confident!"

  The two shot almost at the same time.

  Shang Zheng tried his best to mobilize all the soul power to display supernatural powers—Nine Heavens Quicksand, which corrodes the body, true energy, and soul.

  Endless soul power condenses into tens of thousands of quicksands, appearing in black, appearing between heaven and earth, waving and clapping: "Go!"

  All the quicksand rushed over at a speed exceeding lightning, trying to corrode Zhang Ronghua without leaving even blood.

   Xuanming sneered, with this level of cultivation, how dare you attack your master?

Tens of thousands of golden lights bloomed and rushed out of Zhang Ronghua's body without using any martial skills or supernatural powers. With a single step, he rushed up in a straight line. Seeing the quicksand rushing towards him, he raised his palm and grabbed it domineeringly. It was a giant hand that wiped out the nine-day quicksand and crushed it directly.

   Soul damaged, battered.

  Shang Zheng was horrified. He was a King Realm soul master. The other party didn't use anything from the beginning to the end. He crushed everything with his physical strength alone. Could it be that his physical body is so terrifying?

   Wanted to escape, but it was too late!

  A strong palm grabbed his neck and lifted him from the ground.

  Zhang Ronghua's indifferent voice sounded: "That's it?"


   With a rough twitch, all the teeth in Shang Zheng's mouth were smashed, and with a point of index finger, it landed between the eyebrows, disabling his soul master cultivation, and he threw it on the ground casually, rolled a few times, and stopped right next to it.

   "!!" The lion's three-headed dog's eyes widened.

   Hasn't recovered from the battle in front of him, is stronger than him, and can't even block a move?

  Looking at Zhang Ronghua again, he thought in fear, how strong is this person?

  Recalling what Shang Zheng said before, the Demon God of Absolute Beginning is stronger than the Demon God of Yuanshi, but looking at it now, it is far more than superior? It's just a lot of throwing away!

  Zhang Ronghua walked over, kicked violently, and kicked off the purple gold mask on his face, revealing a Chinese character face, a middle-aged face, with hands behind his back, condescending: "Can you say it?"

  Shang Zheng said nothing, closed his eyes and waited for death!

   Such a person is more terrifying than a dead man. Ordinary torture cannot make him speak, even torture is the same.

  Zhang Ronghua took out the soul-destroying gourd, mobilized a little black and yellow true essence in, the soul-destroying aura rushed out, enveloped them, and the terrifying suction came out. Shang Zheng opened his eyes with a swipe, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

   "I'll find out soon!"

  With the increase of soul-destroying aura, the suction power became stronger, and within a few breaths, their souls were swallowed in, and they entered the world of the gourd.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Guardian!"

   Xuan Ming hurriedly responded: "Yes!"

   Divide a little soul power into the gourd heaven and earth, and condense it into its own form.

Looking at Shang Zheng and the three-headed dog Shijiu, they have been blocked by the iron chain transformed by the power of the soul, and they cannot move. Looking at the space in front of them, it is black, and the power of the soul is everywhere, but it is a pity that they cannot be used. Except for them, Two people were also imprisoned, an old man and a mature woman were imprisoned in a cage formed by the power of the soul.

  The latter didn’t know each other, but the former was one of his own. Shang Zheng’s heart was shaken violently, and he didn’t dare to show it on his face. Before that, he thought he was dead, but unexpectedly he was arrested.

  The same is true for the old man. Has he been arrested not long after he came in, before he recovered from his identity as the Golden God? He didn't dare to show anything on his face, and he didn't dare to say hello. The world in the gourd, every move, was under the surveillance of Zhang Ronghua.

  Zhang Ronghua took a shot, waved it at will, formed two cages again, and imprisoned them in it. The black lotus was used to destroy the world, and the soul was burned with the black lotus holy fire, tormenting day and night.

  Looking at the old man, he asked indifferently, "Have you figured it out yet?"

  The old man said nothing, and closed his eyes. If you don't arrest the adults, the old man may still speak, but now he dare not borrow a few guts.

   "I don't know flattery!"

  Finger a little, increase the power of the Black Lotus Sacred Flame, burn his soul, and the pain reverberated, and the screams echoed.

   Look at Mohegan again.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "What about you?"

   Jinshen didn't dare to raise his head, and silently endured the burning of the black lotus holy fire.

   "I want to see how long you can last!"

   Put away the soul power, and retreated from the inside.

   Seeing him open his eyes, Xuan Ming hurriedly asked: "Master, how is it?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "The mouth is very hard, will you speak for a while?"

   "Whose people are they?"

   Think for a while.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Judging from Shang Zheng's temperament, he looks like a member of the royal family."

  Looking at their corpses, he grabbed the sumeru bag at his waist and checked it. There was nothing to prove his identity, but there was a top soul skill—Nine Heavens Quicksand, which was powerful, so he put it away.

  Take out Shen Quan's sumeru bag, put away the Xuanlong Nirvana Knife, throw the centipede's body on the ground, throw the two sumeru bags over, and order: "Bring it to Zheng Yi, and develop the light with all your strength!"


   "I reward you."

  Xuanming was excited, after refining them, he would be able to go one step further, and hurriedly thanked: "Thank you, master, for the reward!"

  Put the corpse into his sumeru bag, not in a hurry to eat, and make a breakthrough after returning.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "You performed well tonight, and I will teach you the third form of the Nine Tribulations Overcoming the Sea Swordsmanship and the three-character secret technique of "Stepping on the Sky"."

   Xuan Ming was about to be knocked out by the sudden reward.

  The index finger was raised, and the fingertips were shining with golden light. They touched the center of his brows and passed them on.

   After he finished digesting, he opened his eyes.

  Zhang Ronghua instructed: "Guangming can do what he can tonight, he will be rewarded for his meritorious deeds, and punished for his demerits. Don't be stingy with rewards! Let Zheng Yi do his best to investigate the formula of Yanleizhu."

   After a pause, I added something.

   "And Shi Dailong!"

   "Subordinates understand!"

  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand: "Go!"

   "Resignation, subordinate!" Xuan Ming saluted and rushed towards the capital.

   Turned around, looking in the direction of the palace.

   Guess secretly, Shang Zheng is the Queen's man? Or someone from other princes?

   Shaking his head.

  The water is too deep, the clues are limited, and there is no clue to continue to infer.

   A gust of night wind blew, and he was no longer there.

  Go back to Zhuquefang's mansion.

   Zheng Qingyu greeted him, and after saluting, he followed into the room, closed the door, and asked, "Master, is it resolved?"

Zhang Ronghua nodded: "The remnants of the Ning family have been eliminated, and nothing has been missed! The disappearance of the Jiaolongwei personnel has also been investigated, and the murderer has also been caught. Go back tomorrow and tell Dad to reassure him, and please ask the Fate Academy Sending people to protect the industry under its banner."


   "Your potential is great, improve your cultivation as soon as possible! The acquired state is not enough."

   "Slaves understand!"

   "Go down and practice!"

  Zheng Qingyu resigned and left, left the room, and closed the door.

  Get up from the chair, enter the room, take off your shoes, and sit on the bed. There is no rush to practice Nine Heavens Quicksand. The soul master's cultivation has reached a critical point, and he can try to break through.

  Put out the cultivation posture with five hearts facing the sky, form mudras with both hands, perform the Eternal Immortality Kung Fu, and temper the power of the soul. After a big cycle, the energy and spirit reached the peak, and rushed forward suddenly.


  The bottleneck blocked in front is broken, a breakthrough is a matter of course, reaching the consummation of the king state, the power of the soul is increased by more than six times, and the power of time contained in it is increased.

   It ran for three more big weeks before it stopped.

  Smiling, the physical body and the soul master, both have already been perfected, only the martial arts, when the three are perfected, the background will be even more terrifying, even now, it is too strong.

  Take out the Nine Heavens Quicksand, look through it carefully.

This is an ancient supernatural power. It is recorded in ancient texts. People who don’t know it will be blinded even if they get it. According to the introduction, quicksand is condensed with the power of the soul. The entry requirements are very high. First, the soul power is strong, and the second is pure. , the third savvy, especially the third point is very important, if the savvy is not enough, no matter how much time is spent, it is impossible to get a glimpse of the true meaning, let alone master it.

   After reading it once, put it away.

  According to the training method of the nine-day quicksand, mobilize the power of the soul, and start to condense the first quicksand, as long as the first condensed, it can be copied, and the huge soul power is transformed into quicksand, instantly forming combat power.

  Corrosive properties are the key to this ancient supernatural power!

According to the practice steps, the power of the soul transforms very quickly, taking into account the characteristics of corrosion, and it has the attribute of time, which is perfectly fused together to form a quicksand, which is also quicksand, but with the attribute of time, which is stronger than the quicksand of Shang Zheng many.

  Getting started is complete.

  The majestic power of the soul, with the change of the hand seal, instantly condenses into all the quicksand, densely packed, suspended on the body surface, so far, it has been cultivated to the first glimpse of the door.

  Looking at him, he nodded in satisfaction.

  Release the supernatural powers, continue to practice eternal immortality, and temper the power of the soul.

   Half an hour later.

   Zhang Ronghua finished his practice, opened his eyes, looked at the night outside the window, and would go to court in a while, and sighed: "Time flies so fast."

   Get off the bed, open the door and go out.

  Shi Bo has gone to the south of the city to buy breakfast, but has not come back yet.

   "Meow!" The purple cat sticks out its small head from the window.

   jumped on the ground and ran over.

  Two short legs supported the ground, standing humanely, with a smug expression on his face: "I have practiced Daozhengqi song to the second level with a little success, now I can practice the supernatural power of awe-inspiring righteousness?"

  Zhang Ronghua knelt down and patted its head: "You are in a hurry."

   "Don't cheat the cat!"


  Zhang Ronghua raised his index finger, with golden light shining on his fingertips, and touched it between his eyebrows, teaching the Five Elements Illusory Spiritual Technique, retracted his finger, and watched quietly.

  After seven or eight breaths, the purple cat opened its eyes and digested it: "The cat is going to practice."

   Turned around, wagging his little tail, and entered the room again.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled, got up from the ground, and after washing, he practiced the Great Five Elements Breaking Heaven Sword Formation and True Spirit Treasure Technique... three times in a row by the artificial lake. When he stopped, Shi Bo just returned.

  Put on the official uniform, ride the celestial chariot, and drive towards the palace.

   Arrived at Suzaku Gate.

  Getting off the car, Ding Yi hurriedly greeted him, entered the outer palace, glanced left and right, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you have any news about the rest of the Ning family?"

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head: "I probably escaped."

   Some things are not told to him, knowing more is not a good thing.

  Ding Yidao: "We can only pass down the order and order the states to conduct strict searches."

  While speaking, he entered the Tianwei Gate, followed the Ziji Avenue, and reached the outside of the Ziji Hall. He did not rush in, and stayed for two seconds. After a while, he could enter and exit the hall through the Ziji Gate.

   Enter from the side door on the left and stand in the queue of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. With his current official position, he is already standing in the front row.


   An hour later.

  The early court was over, and the matters discussed had nothing to do with him. Zhang Ronghua only had his eyes but no mouth, and he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

   Back to the Fourth Division.

  Four people stood at the door, Jin Yaoguang, Zhou Yi, Cui Daoqing, and Han Zhenggang. Whether Yang Yi came or not, from this point of view, no matter what the reason was, they were not suitable to be officials.

  Zhang Ronghua greeted: "Go in and talk."

  Opened the hall door and walked in, and sat down according to the location.

  Han Zhenggang had sharp eyesight. Except for himself, all the people present were the confidantes of the adults. He had a special status. After reporting his work, he found an excuse to leave and closed the palace door.

  The three of Jin Yaoguang hurriedly stood up, and bowed to thank: "Thank you for your cultivation!"

Although I thought about it this day, I knew that if I followed Zhang Ronghua, I would be able to return to my previous height sooner or later. I didn't expect it to come so soon. The fourth grade will be able to step into the court again at that time.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled and pointed to the chair: "Sit down and talk!"


  The three of them sat down again, with their heads held high, only half of their buttocks, and they seemed to stand up at any time.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Have the work arrangements for the Bachelor's Hall?"

  Jin Yaoguang said: "The handover was completed yesterday. With the solid foundation you laid and Mr. Lu taking control of the situation, although Li Yiming was having a good time, he couldn't succeed."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded in satisfaction, as he thought.

   Put away the smile and look serious.

   "Have you heard what happened yesterday?"

  Jin Yaoguang showed regret: "It's too late. If I had come here earlier, I could have followed you to charge and help share the pressure. This time, if there is such a thing again, let us take the lead."

   "I have no doubts about your strength."

  The three of them are all scholars. They have worked in Taixue and Guozijian all their lives. They can't do anything else, but they are very good at speaking.

Zhang Ronghua continued: "The situation of the Fourth Division has been opened. Some people have been replaced, and some are people from other forces. As long as the official is here for a day, they have to do things well. Stare down and report anything immediately."

   "Please rest assured, my subordinates will not let you down!" The three expressed their loyalty.

   Finish the business.

  Jin Yaoguang laughed along with him: "Are you free tonight?"

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head: "There are arrangements for tonight, let's do it later! It's not too late."


   After chatting for a few words, the three left.

   Just as he left, Yang Yilai brought his friend Qian Ping over, knocked on the door of the palace, and asked, "Are you there, my lord?"

  Zhang Ronghua put down his teacup and said in a deep voice, "Come in."

  The door of the temple was pushed open.

   After entering, Yang Yi came to close the door.

   Stepped forward quickly, bowed and saluted: "I've seen you, my lord!"

   Pointing to the middle-aged man on the side to introduce.

   "This is Qian Ping, my friend."

  Zhang Ronghua took a look at it, it was so-so, without any surprises, he insisted on having a goatee, and asked: "Has it been implemented?"

  Qian Ping arched his body, showing a very reserved expression: "Thank you for your cultivation, sir! It was arranged yesterday."

   "Stay with him for the time being, watch more and talk less, and study hard."


  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand, and the two left.

  Ding Yi was puzzled: "Brother, I still can't figure it out. Yang Yi came back to his post as an officer, why would he give up this opportunity to help an outsider?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Two points. First, Yang Yilai has been demoted for so long. If he wants to be reinstated, who will move him? Second, Qian Ping is a great help to him."

   "They are not suitable to be officials!"

  Ding Yi took out a sumeru bag from his arms and handed it over: "There are a total of 120 thousand-year-old elixir, all of which are about 1,200 years old."

"So fast?"

  Ding Yi touched the back of his head, and smiled embarrassedly: "I'm afraid it will delay your business, so I'll do it first."

   "How much did you add?"

  After the Ning family was wiped out, the courtyard of Qinglongfang was not counted. After the division, there were still about 15 million taels left.

The price of the elixir has reached a thousand years, and the price will increase for every one hundred years. Now this batch of elixir is only more expensive when it reaches 1,200 years, and there are 20 more plants. Not only did Ding Yi not want That one million taels was a lot of silver.

   "You are my brother, and you still have to count so carefully with me?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Don't do this again next time."

  Keep it in mind silently, and put away the sumeru bag.

  Ding Yidao: "When I came here in the morning, I asked Ding Bo to find someone to redecorate. What needs to be dismantled and repaired from scratch, it may take a few days before moving in."

   "Only you can do it!"


  Zhang Ronghua said: "Cultivate!"

Get up from the chair, go into the room, sit on the blanket, take out the Sumeru bag and open it. As Ding Yi said, there are a total of 120 elixir plants, all of which are about 1,200 years old, and there are still 8 The strain has reached two thousand years, and I really put my heart into it.

   The physical body has ascended to heaven and is complete!

  Soul Master King Realm Consummated!

  With these batches of elixir, martial arts can reach perfection today!

  With a look of anticipation, the three practitioners also reached Consummation at the same time, wanting to see how strong they are.

Pour out these elixir, without wasting time, open your mouth and swallow it, Xuanhuang Zhenyuan turned into a giant mouth that swallows the sky, swallowing them all, just after entering the abdomen, it turned into a huge force, and returned Suppressed without shock.

  Run Xuanhuang Kaitian Kungfu to refine, restrain breath, not emit a little.

The work of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is really simple. The people below collect evidence, sort it out, and then hand it over to the adults above to spray people on the court the next day. The bigger the official, the easier it is to drink a cup of tea for one day, three days, or even ten days and a half. .

As time went by, Zhang Ronghua's aura became stronger and stronger, and finally reached the critical point, like a giant dragon of ten thousand paths, smashing down domineeringly, with a clear and crisp sound of breaking, the bottleneck in front disappeared, breaking through to the At the tenth level of Ascension to Heaven Realm, the Xuanhuang Zhenyuan increased by about six times, or even a little more.

   During the operation, the power is stronger, and the recovery, explosion, etc. also become more powerful.

   I practiced for another quarter of an hour.

  After finishing training, he stood up from the ground with a smile on his face. An ordinary soul master who had ascended to the tenth level of the heaven state or reached the consummation of the king state, even a **** and demon of the same state, would not be able to block a punch.

   Going out from the inside, I saw Ding Yi standing up from the ground. After this period of practice, with the assistance of sufficient elixir, Ding Yi's cultivation base has improved rapidly, and he has reached the fifth level of the innate state.

   "Brother, have you finished refining so soon?"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled and did not answer, but asked instead: "Haven't you practiced agility yet?"

   "Yes." Ding Yi nodded heavily.

"I have a body method here called "Twelve Steps to the Sky". Hurry up, the general body skills and supernatural powers are not comparable, and the movement and flashing are also very strong, and you can practice while performing them, and slightly improve your cultivation."

  Ding Yi was dumbfounded, with his mouth wide open: "So strong?"

   "Bullshit! Don't even look at who created it."

   "Brother produced, must be the best!"

  Zhang Ronghua reminded: "Cultivate by yourself, don't spread it to outsiders! If it falls into the hands of evil people, the consequences will be unpredictable."

"I see."

  Teach the twelve steps of stepping on the sky.

  Wait for him to digest.

  Zhang Ronghua greeted: "Let's go! Go to Wanshudian."

  Ding Yi's eyes lit up, his face was excited, and he even stuttered when he spoke: "Are you going to start?"

   "Taking advantage of the free time during this period, create the follow-up exercises of Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Gong."

To put it bluntly, Zhang Ronghua is also envious of the collection of books in the Palace of Ten Thousand Books. Nuoda’s palace is full of books. There are too many of them. There are also collections of ancient, middle and ancient books. After reading them all, his own accumulation has reached a terrifying The extent to which the benefits are enormous.


  Open the door of the hall and leave, and explain that if something happens, let Han Zhenggang send someone to Wanshu Hall to inform.

   On the way to the inner palace.

  With the real dragon token in hand, you don't have to worry about being blocked, as long as you don't go to the forbidden area.

  Ding Yi was puzzled: "Isn't Han Zhenggang from He Wenxuan?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Before taking office yesterday, he got advice from Elder Cui Ge. He is good at judging the situation and has good abilities. He took the initiative to come over. He can use it, but not all of it."

  Ding is easy to understand, but he is still not as good as brother in trying to figure out people's hearts.

   While speaking, I arrived at Wanshudian.

  Leaded by Human Emperor Wei Sima, he clasped his fists and saluted: "I have seen the two adults!"


  The two took out the real dragon token, and after checking it, Sima let it go, and retreated to the side respectfully.

   Pushing open the door of the palace, walked in, Sima ordered someone to close the door.

  In the main hall.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "You can't read the book even if you can't stand it, and practice the twelve steps of stepping on the sky here."

   "Brother, you will do it if you don't say it."

   walked over.

Starting from the outermost edge, he took a book collection and opened it carefully, looking at it very quickly, with ten lines at a glance, memorizing it at a glance, and comprehending it all, becoming his own thing. After reading it in one breath, I will continue to read with the next book to increase my own background...

   Royal Study Room.

  Eunuch Xiao controlled his voice, pushed open the door of the hall, walked in cautiously, closed the door again, and stopped near the imperial platform. Old Wei Shang frowned slightly, thinking to himself, what happened again?

  Walking down from above, stopped at the side, Eunuch Xiao took a step forward, whispered something in his ear, and then stood still.

  Two flashes of light flashed deep in the corners of Wei Shang's eyes, and he ordered in a low voice: "In your name, bring some spiritual fruits and pastries."

   "Yes!" Eunuch Xiao turned and left.

  Wait until the temple door is closed.

   Wei Shang returned and stopped beside Emperor Xia. Seeing that His Majesty was reviewing the memorial, he poured a cup of tea and brought it over.

  Emperor Xia didn't seem to see it, and continued to review until the memorial was processed. He put the imperial pen on the inkstone, took the teacup, pinched the tea lid to press it, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

  Wei Shang smiled: "Qing Lin took Chang Qing to Wanshu Hall."

   Emperor Xia paused, with a tense face, rarely showing a smile.

   "The old slave asked Xiao Zhong to send some spiritual fruits and pastries in his name."

   "I expected it well. I was dragged down by many miscellaneous tasks in the Ministry of Industry before. When I arrived at the Metropolitan Procuratorate, after opening up the situation, I started to prepare. Thank you for your hard work."

   took a sip of tea.

  The smile on Emperor Xia’s face disappeared, and the long eyes were cold, hiding a terrifying murderous intent: "Have you found out the remnants of the Ning family?"

   "It was traced to Shangping County, and the clues were interrupted there. The old slave speculated that it should be silenced."

Emperor Xia also had a headache. Zhang Ronghua is too outstanding and capable. Apart from the political enemies above the court, there are many people who secretly want to kill him, especially in the Jianghu. But now that the clues are interrupted, no matter how capable the people below are, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

  Wei Shang said again: "Hongling sent some people to Zhuque Avenue and other industries to sit in town, and Qinglin provided food and accommodation, and provided cultivation resources."

   "I remember that Cao Xing belongs to him, right?"


   "Order to go down, let Cao Xing send a golden scale Xuantian army over there."

  Wei Shang understood that this was in his name, if asked by outsiders, Cao Xing would be blamed, but he would not be punished.

   "The old slave will arrange it now."

   Emperor Xia handed over the teacup, Wei Shang hurriedly caught it, and placed it on the imperial table. His indifferent voice contained a strong killing intent: "Did you succeed there?"

   "Including the three clans, all the heads have been sent in secret!"

Although Zhao Chengjie was arrested and handed over to the Demon God of Absolute Beginning, and interrogated until now, his mouth is very hard, and he still has not opened his mouth. He has been an official in Daxia for so many years, and he has done countless bad things. never mind?

  Emperor Xia ordered that the Demon God of Taichu who was in the imperial city of the Shang Dynasty, find out what happened to Zhao Chengjie before attacking, destroy his three clans, behead all the heads, and bring them all back to the capital.

  Zhao Chengjie has made a lot of contributions. His family is protected by Yuanshi Demon God. Facing the long-planned assassination carefully planned by Absolute Beginning Demon God, he couldn't stop it at all. The people below brought the head back last night.

   Kill chickens and monkeys!

  Tell other people, so what if it was in the Shang Dynasty? As long as you dare to betray, this is the end.

   Emperor Xia said: "Send these heads to him to have a look, and then hang them at the north gate."


   Looking in the direction of Wanshudian.

  Xiahuang looked forward with anticipation: "Waiting for your good news!"




  Zhang Ronghua asked with a smile: "Grandpa Xiao, why are you here?"

  Eunuch Xiao did not play charades: "Eunuch Wei ordered me to pay attention to the movement of Wanshudian. If you go to report it immediately, just tell him, let me bring some spiritual fruits and pastries to visit in my own name."

   Zhang Ronghua guessed the reason, cupped his hands in the direction of the imperial study, and said again: "Please tell Grandpa Xiao to tell Eunuch Wei that Qinglin must study hard and strive to enrich himself."


   After chatting for a few words, Eunuch Xiao left.

  Ding Yi took an osmanthus cake and ate it in big mouthfuls: "It's so sweet."

  Zhang Ronghua took a piece and tasted it. It was really sweet and the craftsmanship was good. He took a piece and walked to the bookshelf, eating while reading.

  The news about them also reached the ears of caring people in the first time.

Seriously doing one thing, the time passed quickly, unknowingly reached the next time, put down the book in his hand, looked at the sea of ​​books in front of him, Zhang Ronghua was not only not tired, nor afraid, but full of energy: "At my speed, It will take a while to finish watching.”

   Say hello.

"go back!"

  Ding Yi stopped, practiced for a day, and the twelve steps to the sky were not far from the entrance. Stretching his waist, the two left and walked outside the palace.

   Arrived at Suzaku Gate.

  Ding Bo waited for a long time in his car, when he saw them coming out, he put the ponytail on the ground, and greeted them respectfully: "Master, Qinglin."

  The two nodded, stepped on the pony and got into the car, where they changed their clothes.

  Ding Yi asked: "Brother, do you still have memories of Candle Moon?"

   "What's wrong?"

   "Just take a drop of my heart's blood?"

  Zhang Ronghua thought of Zhuhuang and Zhujiutian. Both of them were dark people. He had guessed before that the Zhulong clan might join the whole family. After deduction, could Zhuyue also be a dark person?

   May be, may not be!

  Thinking of this, I have made a decision, and I will try it out at the Jiaofang Division later.

"If you compare everything in the world to a commodity, men are also one of them. If you want to attract the same or higher-ranked commodities of the opposite **** and improve your own value, it can also be understood as self-cultivation. Momentary pleasure, no emotional basis, really happiness?"

Ding Yi was silent, and he had the most say in this aspect. Every time after he practiced the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Kungfu to reconcile Yin and Yang, his heart was empty, not happy at all, but disgusting and boring. That was nothing more than that, but every time it was Can't control it!

   "You are not too young, you meet a suitable girl and go after it boldly."

   "Yes." Ding Yi remembered.

   "But, but my reputation is bad, what if people don't agree?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "As far as sincerity goes, gold and stone are opened."

   15200 words burst! Octopus did his best.

   Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, brothers and sisters, go ahead.

   Ask for further reading and support, poor, poor, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion