MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 164 Cai Lin, the mastermind behind the scenes (please ask for full order, ask for monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 164 Cai Lin, the mastermind behind the scenes

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and all civil and military officials couldn't believe it. Their thoughts turned quickly. The first thought was that they joined forces, but they didn't understand that a purple angel, although powerful, could not enter their trap. In the eyes, even Jiang Tian, ​​the master of the Scarlet Heaven Palace, is the same!

  No matter how high the cultivation base is, the upper court is still under pressure.

  Just like Jiu Xuanji before, he couldn't get any benefits, and he was blamed for bad things again and again, and he was sprayed all over his body, and he had to endure it, not even daring to say a harsh word.

   Now it's different.

  Wei Xuecheng, Zeng Runyu, and Zhang Ronghua, three different factions, working for the same person, are worthy of scrutiny! If you don't understand this matter, you can't eat well, you can't sleep well, and you secretly decide that the court meeting is over, and you have to investigate it anyway.

  You can guess what happened next without even thinking about it.

Chen Youcai, Wu Jinxiu, Ding Yi, Lu Junxiu, Huang Zhongshi, Zhao Yi, Tang Bo and others immediately stood up and echoed. The former is the Governor of Shangjing, and the latter is the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment. The real boss, if he hides his feet, the capital will tremble for three minutes. Although I don’t know why Zhang Ronghua speaks for him, but at this time, it’s over, there is no need to say too much, and there will be a squeak afterwards. They are small shrimps, but there are enough of them to raise their voices and make their voice stronger.

  Everyone's eyes fell on Pei Caihua. With a sullen face, he stood up from the queue and saluted: "My minister!"

  The people under his command saw him come out, and they all came out to agree.

  Four factions, two elders, and one minister of the Ministry of Rites, the combined strength is too weak.

  Opening the door of the temple, he asked with a smile, "How's the result?"

One is Suzhiguo, who appeared in the mansion, with an old face, with his hands behind his back, did he exude a little breath, wearing a bright yellow Manglong robe, without seven claws, my name is Zhu Sitian, the Taixia Elder of the Zhulong clan , When I came here that time, I received a message from the following that Zhuhuang disappeared mysteriously and was suspected to be killed by the Fate Academy. Once I was asked to investigate the matter, I would solve one person. Totally by the way.

   A quarter of an hour ago.

With one step, I turned into a spiritual creature, weakly passed through the formation, and appeared in the courtyard. The guards around me reacted very slowly. They are the dead soldiers trained by tolerance. They rushed down almost as soon as I appeared , took out the white magic beads and smashed them fiercely, there were dozens of them densely packed, trying to kill the enemy.

A magistrate, a pusher, and the judge are caught in the middle. Even if the position is stable, they are like rats during the festival. Life is very difficult. The same is true for the seven county offices above. They behave with their tails between their legs. era.



  Looking at us, Xuanhuangzhen said again: "First use special materials, weapons, etc. to increase their power. Before you are unfamiliar, study Baoding."

   Xuan Huangzhen asked: "Know?"

  Qing Guang nodded: "OK."

  Hong Xingrong felt that he was doing it again, his decadence was swept away, and his fighting spirit was high: "Shangguan wants to try again."

  Placing the token, with a look of sweetness, he sighed helplessly: "Shangguan has made a fool of himself."

  After Hong Xingrong put his hands on his back, he stopped by the furnace. Qin Shouyi hurriedly took another batch of materials, including eight pieces of soil stone, and said, "It looks bad."

  Refining Palace.

   Jin Linxuan dared to make a move, Fu Kun was the first to let me go!


   A few minutes ago.

  Chen Youcai seemed to have seen a ghost, how did he know?

  Holding his breath, he stared with narrowed eyes.

  Looking at the two middle-aged men, Zhu Sitian squinted his eyes, stuck out his tongue and licked his upper lip: "Qingluan? The taste is wrong, I didn't have a good time that time."

With a flip of the palm, the phoenix divine fire rushed out. Before it reached the eighth turn, the gold-plated flames ignited, sending out scorching air waves, deforming the void, and hitting Vientiane Ningxue. The power is raised to the minimum.

Xuan Huangzhen put his hands behind his back, and he was very satisfied. Judging from my unfamiliar movements, looking at the seven realms, returning to nature is also a relatively weak group. If you can match it at will and increase its power, you will be able to break through to the eight-level skill and approach the Tao.

  Qing Guang asked again, eight strange figures came over while talking and laughing.

   Taking a sip of tea, he handed the cup to True Spirit.

   An hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Bad credit is reflected, Yan Leizhu, Huo Lingyou, Hengdao, Poison Plague Pearl and armor, seven things, plus Xuanhuang's really weak ability and reputation, even Fu Kun didn't believe it, did he miss me? With the help of the Ministry of Industry's power, he will fill his own pockets and secretly refine puppets comparable to gods and demons with heavenly magic chapters, and strengthen the forces of darkness.

  Tang Bo asked again, how to persuade the two elders to come forward.

   Said that laughter came from inside, hearing the sound, Xuan Huangzhen started to practice, opened his eyes, stood up from the ground, and walked inside.

   With a wave of our sleeves, a small piece of spirit swept over and landed under us.

  Your hair is **** and fixed with two phoenix hairpins, which represent a "human woman". You have not yet married, or you have performed the ceremony of the Duke of Zhou, and the only difference is your status.


  Zhao Yi and Ding Yi responded and hurried forward.

   Xu Midai smiled apologetically, and raised his posture: "I'm really fine tonight, Brother Xu, please help me!"

Xuanhuang really smiled kindly. Although those things meet the requirements of the Tianshu Chapter, and there is a way to refine weak puppets comparable to gods and demons, they meet the requirements of the eighth chapter of Puppet Art. According to the introduction, the puppet art divides heaven and earth. and puppet.

  Taking Xuanhuang as a real clue, after introducing his cousin, there is no arrangement for tonight, so it is possible to guess, whether he expressly agrees, or calls him by name, specifically by Biaozi, the matter is 40% stable.

   Next step.

   With a wave of his palm, Tieshi, Tulinshi and Pei Haoran were all thrown away.

  Close the door of the hall, walk towards the inside, and the two of them followed.

   "Old Huang is sorting out, and will send it if it breaks."

   asked curiously: "What is he doing there?"

Eternity is Mie Gong's first glimpse at the first level. Although it is as difficult to improve as it is, it is not very successful to upgrade to the seventh level. With my own talent, it is not difficult. Once I reach the seventh level, I have less time to master. Whether it is the use of the mantra to fix the spirit, or the research, or the use of other aspects, it will add a lot of background.

   "What material was added?"

   Finish listening.

Zhu Sitian applauded, and under his wrinkled face, he showed a rare smile: "The news came from below, saying that he has a legacy plan, masters the small situation, decides the world with one word, and controls the lives and deaths of countless people. Now it seems that it is true Extraordinary."

When the power is formed, the court and the army will occupy a pivotal position, and if you add your cultivation base, whether it is against the grand tutor, you, the emperor, or the changes in the court, they can all occupy the dominant position, let Xiaoxia follow her own will work.

   "I will talk seriously later, they study hard, ask what they understand, and hide it, and they are afraid of embarrassment."

  Xuanhuang really understood, referring to the matter of the previous extension of life skills: "Grandpa Xiao told Eunuch Wei before he went back, and Qinglin always kept in mind that after finishing the matter at hand, he will study hard and strive to read widely."

  Qin Shouyi said: "The highest ones are those who have not achieved great success at the seventh level, and the lowest ones have reached the seventh level and returned to basics. No one has yet reached the seventh level to return to nature."

   A minute ago.

   "Kill you and put the blame on Emperor Xia?"

   Being in that position, being promoted is one thing, and on the other hand, like what I said in the chat with Wei Shang later, I have to do something for the people in the sky, and for the soldiers on the border.

Dikui's conditions are relatively complicated, and even a small number of materials can't be used. It is refined by the secret technique - "Disha Seven Turns Technique", which has special potential and can be cultivated. People can see through.

Transferring from Chitian Palace to Xiajing Mansion, the procedure is simple, and the department to be crossed is too small. If it is supported by the two elders, the eight ministers in Riga, and the military guy, it is basically possible. long time.

Especially the little prince, with an expression on his face and feeling aggrieved, could burn the sky and boil the sea, and then asked Qian Wenli to suppress Hong Xingrong. After the task was completed, he would set himself up, and even the layout of the Bachelor's Hall was wiped out , I thought that when I arrived at the Ministry of Industry, as Jin Linxuan, I wanted to press it and push it to the end, but I lost the two of them. Now, judging from the news from the Ministry of Industry, I have not pressed it yet. Xu Xingsicheng In the front garden, you can herd cattle and raise fish. Yesterday, you showed your skills and increased the power of Huo Lingyou, Heng Dao and Du Wenzhu by half. Even Fu Kun gave up his full support and took the initiative to complete the seven posts in the Miscellaneous Hall. The quota of the eight jobs in the R&D Hall will also be doubled.

   Stupid people need to say too little, they understand what they understand, and they understand what they understand.

   Even Zheng Yi, who is comparable to gods and demons, has been refined. How can a mere sky puppet stop Xuan Huangzhen?

  Che Tuo is called Zhenbei Che Tuo.

  With the change of status and status, it is natural to change clothes to look mature and stable.

  It took a long time that time, nearly two hours, and less mind was consumed. The bad thing is that the refining was successful. All seven sky puppets survived the purification of the Tianyuan Yizhuan technique and appeared in the cauldron.

  Phoenix divine fire was used to ignite the carbon of the earth soul, and the token was used to control the flame, and the flame was burned to the minimum, covering the entire furnace, and the terrifying low temperature came out, scaring everyone to take a step forward.

  A wave of flood came out from the body, sweeping under the white magic bead.

  Qing Guang was grateful, and left before saluting.

   According to the idea in the mind, Shi Cailin finished adding, stirred evenly, and put it out of the mold first.

  Zhu Sitian flicked randomly, and the spiritual things fell, evolving into a blue enchantment, covering the mansion, protecting the outside to let the news of the fighting spread, and preventing the people in the mansion from escaping.

   But Xu Xingsi is the same, with or without his own permission, no one will retreat, and even dare to act weakly, there are no two points. First, even if the people retreat, it is unknown whether they can withstand my eighth fire. Don't be like Zhen Linggu and He Jianzhi. Seventh, it delays Hong Xingsi's retreat. To make trouble, throw the pot over and explode it under the court hall, and the people in front of the curtain will also suffer.

  Hong Xing felt that the villain was right. The two ministers and the military guy should have said bad things because of Hong Xingrong's face. Counting last night's idea, the favor owed that time was too small.

The collection of books in Gongbu Shudian, including precious manuscripts, has been read. The recorded knowledge is very extensive, all of which are about refining weapons, talismans, organs, puppets, etc., and none of them are ancient remnants. It can't be used, but its value is very small. Before it was absorbed by Xuanhuangzhen, it became its own thing.

   A few breaths passed before.

   commanded: "Give them to Fu Shangshu."

   "Xuan Ping."

   bent over and went in and out.

  Xuanhuang really guessed our intentions, Zhen Linggu resigned today, Xumi bag found himself, now, it should be the Huo family who let me take the initiative to give up my position, and let Long Yuling take over.

  Whether it is the father or Xuan Huangzhen, they can solve that problem.

The eight skeletons have not yet been purified, they are pure and natural, and there is no breath left, the materials are also refined into liquid, suspended in the cauldron, the imprints in the hands are changed, and the Tianyuan Yizhuan technique is performed, one after another, the magic formula is knocked down one after another , controlling the fusion of eight bones and condensing them into the appearance of a special person. That time, it was an elderly and multi-wife. Darkness can only have women, but it must also have no men. At certain times, even if the man has no cultivation, The role played is also weaker than that of women, it is so natural, so it is!

Look carefully, there are other meanings, to see if there are no defects, see your bald head, whether you have beautiful hair, bend your fingers a little, a golden light penetrates and recedes, eight thousand strands of hair grow out in an instant, and the long hair reaches your waist. , the first point of the defect is also resolved.

  The eyes of everyone immediately looked over.

  It is with orders, actively stand in seven rows, be quiet, you can hear a needle drop on the ground.

"should be!"

After Fu Kun tested that armor, its power was doubled, and it was much weaker than the special armor. He threw the sword to the Hong Xingrong Tianjun, waved his hand, and motioned for me to come in. He sat under the chair and asked in a deep voice: "What do I want Lingyan's bones for?"

   Xuan Huangzhen asked again: "What did you realize?"

  Wei Shanggang was about to open the door, but when he saw the palace door open, he was astonished: "Brother, so slow?"

   Wait until the door of the temple is closed.

   Refining at the same time? Have you ever thought that the attributes of the eight materials are one, so the success rate of the head is very small, think about it for a while, make up your mind, and refine it together.

  The true spirit came up from under the imperial platform, took it from my hand, stopped beside His Majesty, and put the armor under the imperial case.

A young man, named Hong Xingrong, was wearing an expensive purple dress and a moon-white veil embellished with golden lines, covering his face, revealing only clear white eyes full of wisdom, sitting under a stone bench, under the stone table There is a piece of Guqin, made of top-quality sandalwood, the strings are ordinary, and they are actually the tendons of the phoenix. That piece of Qin alone is invaluable and inestimable. Sliding under the strings, playing the lute.

   Whether you agree or not is not a disguised promise.

   A satisfying scene appeared.

  The Ministry of Industry stopped it, so they confronted in the court. That time I had to fight my arrogance, but the momentum would only get smaller and smaller, and I thought very little about it.

   Everyone followed.

   "Congratulations to him for guessing correctly!"

After thinking for a while, Fu Kun stood up from the chair and ordered: "Go back and tell Dr. Zhang that Lingyan's skeleton is very precious, even the Ministry of Industry does not have it, but since I need it, and it involves Baoding's research, my official Then retreat to the palace and face the saint, and wait patiently!"

  The two of them looked at each other, and they both saw teasing in their eyes.

   "Old slave understands!"

  Everyone also thought that even Hong Xingrong could do it, even if he went down, he would still be victorious, and they all shook their heads.

Xiao Hong Xing merged the skeletons of spirit research, fierce beasts and monsters together, and there were only 80 pieces in total, including the supporting materials, and the low-level demon pills. Using the sky puppet method, only ten puppets could be refined. , but if you can do that, you have to do a good job of pulling wool. With such a small amount of precious materials, even if all the results are used up, it is not a thing of the past. You have to set aside half of it to study Baoding. Even if you research a Baoding, the remaining All the materials are used up, and there is no explanation for asking for them again.

Elder Cui Ge, He Wenxuan and the princes were shocked, and they were shocked for the first time. Xuan Huangzhen had only retired from the officialdom for a short time, and he developed to that level with a sound, and let me develop again. One word? Riga's two pawns for infiltrating the army are heavy on the outside. Out of consideration for their own interests, they can sit still and wait for their death before anything that may happen in the future.

   Throwing a word, walked towards Hong Xingsi's smallest Artifact Refining Hall.

   Put away the horizontal knife and return with the armor in hand.

Pulled away the chair on the table, took out some spiritual liquid, put it outside the teapot, rolled the Phoenix Divine Fire, controlled the temperature, boiled the water with a dozen breaths, took out some spiritual tea bitter bodhi tea, brewed a pot, poured a cup, After taking a few sips, he calmed down, and the terrifying talent came into play again, building a model in his brain, based on the seven points of [Lethality], [Small Area], [Slow Burst] and [Duration], starting from the small Establish and extract useless information completion in the knowledge ocean.

   "The seven realms return to the basics."

   Arrived at Xu Xingsi, retreated to the small office hall, followed by Wei Shang and others.

  Compared with the guards inside, our strength is a little bit weaker. We cooperate with each other tacitly and fight against the enemy with formations. However, it is still enough to watch.

   Sure enough, women know women best!

  Qin Shouyi said: "The villain wants to study the weak Baoding, special materials are fine."

   "Is there any benefit in learning less knowledge?"

   In front of you, there are two middle-aged men, wearing long skirts, like guards, who are close to protecting the danger. Apart from you, there are even fewer guards in the courtyard.

   Xumi bag joked: "Officer Xu Tui used to send fewer people to patrol the streets far away in the world to maintain law and order."

  Hong Xingrong said: "As long as he is willing, every time he comes, he will be greeted like that by you."

  Standing down on a big horse, the cart is small enough, and everyone is sitting outside, which is crowded at all. There is a spiritual fruit under the desk, and the aroma is lit. It is fresh and elegant, and it smells very comfortable.

   I still don’t understand at all.

   "Tu Linshi, Pei Haoran and Xuankong powder."

   Xuanhuang Kaitian Kungfu broke through to the eighth level of perfection, which is enough for the time being, but it needs to be cultivated, and it can be done in a short period of time to upgrade to the seventh level, unless there is no way to absorb the Taoist rhyme, and it may not be possible to take shortcuts.

  Based on my small accumulation, if I want to complete that project, I can do it overnight.

   Xumi Bag made a gesture of invitation: "Qinglin please!"

  Shi Cailin shook her head: "Shangguan knows."

Snapped! Snapped!

In addition, my prince's reaction is also slow. This matter is caused by Qing Guang's complicated transfer. To a lesser extent, it involves Hong Xing. She was born in the royal family and is still a daughter. idea? Even if you want to give up, when Emperor Xia sits firmly in the dragon chair, will he be able to eat without our bad fruit? The worst thing to do is to be banned. If it is a little bit, it will be removed secretly. Anyone who gets involved will not be counted as one, even if it is a dog, they will be silenced!

   Refining for eight hours in a row, eating lunch, not a little tired, stretching your arms and moving your body, sitting cross-legged on the ground, and running the mental method of creation to restore the exhausted spirit.

  In the induction, eight footsteps gradually approached from far away, approaching that side, began to practice, stood up from the ground, the corners of the mouth twitched, and a smile appeared on his face: "Are you here?"

The people living in that area are all ordinary people, living in the upper floors of the capital, the yards are dilapidated, the streets are also, some places are potholed, and there are some green bricks in the middle, as if they were stolen, and there are discarded garbage piled up in the corners, rarely , is also very low, exudes a strong foul smell.

   Yes, let’s talk less, the true spirit is still waiting.

   "Yes." Wei Shang got up from under the chair.

   Xuanhuang was really pleased, and smiled: "It's wrong."


   Xuanhuang explained the matter in a complicated manner.

   walked over and opened the door of the temple.

  Wei Shang leaned his head and stopped in Chen Youcai's ear: "Does he want to learn from my brother? I can't ask the oiran to make one for him too."

The sound of the zither sounded. From the perspective of qin art, it has not yet reached the eighth level of skill and is close to the Tao. It stands at the peak. Based on that alone, it surpasses 44% of the people. It is obviously beautiful, but the artistic conception played out is not Falling silent, dejected, and helpless, it seems that there is something on his mind, obviously he has no power, but he can solve it if he wants to.

  Shui Roushi paused, raised her beautiful eyes, and looked towards the direction of the backyard. Hearing the movement from here, did she feel a little panic, but she was still calm and flustered, as if everything behind her eyes was related to herself.

   Only if you don’t nod yourself can you step down and follow the front to drink soup.

  Xuan Huangzhen reacted violently. As expected, resignation is at least a little bit bad. If you continue to ask for leave, if you delay for a while, the censor will attack. At that time, he will be dismissed from office, and the embarrassment will be even smaller: "It's the head."

   Xuan Huangzhen greeted: "Go back."

  Looking is also seeing the white magic bead that is lasing over, walking towards the front yard in a detour, the person to be killed is outside.

  After Qin Shouyi told me, let me go in and learn from us. Take this opportunity to improve your weapon refining technique, sit outside on the ground, and practice eternal extinction.

The liquid in the mold is cooled to form a armor, which is the same as the special armor. The color of the armor is very bright. It is a test, and everyone knows that the victory is definitely successful. The color will change, it is still light white, but it is Dark white, slowly becoming white fungus!

   Wasting no time, retreated to the outside room and sat under the blanket.


   A group of people retreated to the world, and stopped directly at the smallest and crudest box on the eighth floor. There was a middle-aged man sitting outside, about 80 or so, not much like a Sumeru bag. He should be my cousin.

Looking at it now, it is worthy of being a family of top generals with a long history. It is true to see people, solve the matter, and lay a bad relationship foundation. , In the past, I was afraid that it would be good to eat and bad to sleep.

   "Are you counting on those miscellaneous fish?"

  Wei Shang was envious, and said sourly: "I will take over all the bad things."

When we left, Xuan Huangzhen pointed to the weakened armor and ordered: "Give it to Fu Shangshu and tell me that I want Hong Xing's bones, the weaker the worse, I must ask what to do, study the weak Hong Xing OK, try to innovate."

   I thought about it in my mind.

Lighting the fire again was the consumption of Gu Wuyang Muyuan, who stimulated the power of the phoenix divine fire to the minimum, and threw away all the bones and materials. The flames swept across and burned crazily. If it didn't spread out a little, there must be no one coming over, and there is no way to hide my induction.

  The matter under the court hall is not a secret. As the court meeting started, it was spread immediately, and few people congratulated me. It was waiting for specific inquiries. Tang Bo returned from the palace and called me.

   While speaking, the eight materials were not yet fused together, and they were poured out of the mold.

  The crown prince raised his head, summoned up his courage, and boldly said: "My family will wear it for you."

   "Your Highness understands!"

  Qin Shouyi became an errand runner. After stepping down quickly, he took eight pieces of materials from the iron shelf next to him and put them under the table.

  Jiang Tian ordered: "Pry open our mouths, no one is the same!"

  Hong Xing stood up from under the chair: "Go and open the door."

Although it's cool, Hong Xing discussed with himself beforehand, but I'm like Jiu Xuanji, big-bellied, fierce and affectionate, occasionally wrong to my superiors, and there will be no bad future, I'm really happy for us, deeply To get the support of the superiors, the reputation is also wrong. The two court elders, Li Jiahong Xingrong supported, including the Minister of the Ministry of War Xu Shidao, Fu Kun and the military guy came out and told what happened in the court, together with their own guesses.

  Hong Xing was depressed, the palms on the dragon robe were tightly clenched, and his face was majestic: "What's the matter?"

  The two of them understood, and opened the palace door to leave.

  Qin Shouyi arched his body and said, "It hasn't been arranged, but it will delay the work at hand."

  Qing Guang told the story again, the relationship left by his mother, Wei Ge Lao owed a favor last year! Leaving the world and the world last night, after thinking about it, I visited him in the middle of the night and had a detailed discussion. Did Mr. Wei Ge promise anything? Let me go back and wait for news.

Two young people were leaning under the car, chatting casually, one was wearing a green dress, with a white tiger embroidered on his chest, with teeth and claws, fierce and fierce, his eyes were like blood-red gems, deep and cold, making people frightened. , holding a folding fan in his hand, matched with his cynical temperament, it looks very funny, it is the sumeru bag.

   Did you go there, afraid that the other party would divert the tiger away from the mountain.

It is to delay, refine and retreat other materials, continue to improve, it is still the first round, wait until the materials are successfully fused, and then perform the seventh round of purification, one time in a row, it will be considered a success if you hold it, if you have the potential of Tianjiao, the lower limit It is very low, reaching the lowest level of Taoism after eight spiritual graduates, and it is difficult to carry it, but the lack of materials makes the head fall short.

  The same is true for Wei Shang and Chen Youcai. By now, the two of them have figured out that as long as they are increased and retreated, the armor can maintain its weight and improve its defense and toughness.

At the city gate of Suzakumen, there is a chariot parked, eight top sacred dragon-drawn horse-drawn carriages. Home.


  Qin Shouyi, Zhao Yi, and Ding Yi were standing in the courtyard with dozens of people. It seemed that they had been waiting for a while, their eyes lit up, and they rushed to greet them, bowing and saluting: "I have seen the villain!"

  Leaving the Ministry of Industry and walking towards the palace, the official uniforms were changed.

   Except for that explanation, everything else makes sense.

   Xuan Huangzhen sat under the main seat, pointing to the chair: "Sit!"

   The specific reason is that there is no certainty about what is known. Once Xuanhuangzhen improves the treasure tripod, armor and other things less and less, Fu Kun's shortcomings in qualifications will be complemented and surpassed by a small number of people.

  Take out the bones of the seven-clawed golden dragon, phoenix and Kunpeng, a total of eight, without any other precious materials, whether the demon pill has been taken out, and throw away the eight bones, together with those materials.

   With a serious face, he asked.

  Hong Xingrong said: "Don't forget that I am the King of Baiyun County."

The mansion is very small, close to the city wall, with seven retreats and seven exits. Even if the house price outside is cheap and the land area is so small, it is still cheap to buy a set. It is a place where people live, and outside is a fairyland on earth. A restraining formation is arranged to cover the scenery in the mansion. People inside can see it. The ground is covered with priceless purple bricks. Purple wood, rockery, artificial lake, planted with rare and expensive flowers and plants, the seven seasons are like spring, no matter how the seasons change, the courtyard is full of spring, bathed in the fragrance of hundreds of flowers.

Zhu Sitian walked back from the inside with his hands behind his back. The guards in the courtyard drew their swords and rushed down fiercely. The consumption, want to solve the intruder.

  The situation was at a stalemate again, because of a major incident, countless factions were involved, all thinking the same thing, but they all exerted their power in one place.

  Take advantage of that time to study a new Baoding and try to see if it can be created.

   Glanced at the list, handed it over, and tried the eight items one by one. It was indeed as it was said, whether it was fake or not.

  Wei Shang held back, and smiled exaggeratedly: "It really makes you guess right."

  In our gaze, the fused liquid solidified, forming a light white armor, which appeared behind everyone.

Worse than armor, it must only increase its defense and toughness. When fighting on the battlefield, it will suffer less damage. There are many ways to solve it. The most complicated one is to add soil stones, and its power will be doubled. In this way, the weight is increased, and special soldiers can bear it.

   See me as if I was joking.

   Immediately came out, whether there was any indentation, although they said the same thing, but the result was the same. Letting Hong Xing stay in the Chitian Temple was to refuse to be transferred to the Xiajing government.

  Especially a man with good looks, a bad figure, and no temperament, the value is even smaller, whether it is to obtain intelligence, or assassination, etc., the success rate is very low.

   For the first time, Xiahuang's family and the princes' family collided head-on under the court!

   walked over and opened the door of the temple.

   "What is it?"

  Shi Cailin nodded heavily: "Understood, and then retreated to a dead end, ignoring the fusion of attributes, fusing materials together, and finding the correct order, can enhance their power."

  Take the armor, leave the small hall of refining equipment, and rush to the depths.

  Everyone shook their heads blankly.

  In the small office hall.

  Plus Zheng Fugui works in the Seventh Division of City Defense, so there is no way to hide it from us even if there is any trouble.

  Jiang Tian had a sullen face, his eyes were icy hot, and contained a terrible evil spirit. He opened it and looked at it seriously...

  Hong Xing hurried down to meet him, and handed over the white celestial silk brocade cloak in his hand, blushing, and said loudly, "That's specially prepared for you by the slave family."

   "How did Qing Guang persuade Mr. Hu and Mr. Zeng?"

   At the moment.

  An explosion sounded, and it was instantly extinguished, leaving only Shang Shuiroushi and two middle-aged men.

Take them out of the cauldron, look at the seven puppets, do the same thing, inject a Hongxing Rongyuan into their bodies, stimulate the growth of hair, nod in satisfaction, pick out a little defect, and lessen the development of the head I look forward to it, without them, I will grow and grow at the slowest speed to meet my own requirements, and together with Wanxiang Ningxue, I will retreat Qihong Xingrong's belt.

  Long Yuling got up from under the chair, with a smile on his face, easy-going temperament, approachable, and took the initiative to say hello: "Qinglin!"

   In other respects, there is nothing that should be done.

   Just a glance.

  Stupid people know everything.

  Li Yifeng extinguished the flame, walked over with Hong Xingrong and the two badly refined materials, and put them under the table.

   Royal Study Room.

Elder Cui Ge and the princes have the same purpose, we want to suppress the power of Emperor Xia, and we only want to suppress Hong Xingrong, which will definitely boost his reputation, so he stood up from the queue and clearly prevented Qing Guang from being transferred to the next capital office Push the officer.

   A while ago.

  Like a dead question, there is a solution!

Wei Shang was unhappy, and raised eight fingers: "I have improved eight pieces, and the power has been increased by one-eighth. It is not difficult at the end, but when you get unfamiliar, the speed will be slower. When you encounter many problems, brainstorming, Xiaojia studies together, he says, you say, overcome one by one! After all the special weapons, armor and materials are improved, the head will be doubled when the research reaches Baoding. At this time, I am afraid I want my brother to show up."

   "Come with me!"

  The true spirit is sour, and I am envious in my heart. Your Majesty's benevolence paper is too heavy, and I took out so little at once. I respectfully replied: "Old servant, let Xiao Zhong send it over."

   It is because we want to fight, but we have to fight!

  Master Cailin was the solution, and asked humbly: "Little man, what's going on?"

   "Your Highness understands!"

  As time passed, half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

  Under the royal platform.

  Hong Xing rolled his eyes: "With the power of his Huo family, who dares to act wild here?"

Hong Xing was silent for a while, and for the sake of serving as a young man for the Chitian Temple, I would like to make a point. If Hong Xingrong is corrupted, this person's ability is too weak, and his downward trend can be suppressed or suppressed. He will break the relationship with me. , From the eighth rank is not the end, maybe it has just ended, in the future it is inevitable that you can be mixed with the eight ministers, or a lower position.

  Take out the remaining skeleton of Hongxing, there are still seven skeletons of fierce beasts, and add the supporting precious materials. It was a small time to play with, and the time is not limited, it can only be like this!

   A quarter of an hour ago.

  Enter a little bit of Wuyang Muyuan to recede, check it again, look at the spiritual research bones, beast bones and demon bones piled up outside, and add other precious refining materials.

  The phoenix divine fire enveloped everything in Ningxue, burning violently, and in an instant, the cauldron was cold.

   gave me a heavy hammer on the chest, and joked: "Should I really go to the latrine?"

Xuanhuangzhen took the list. Bows and arrows, long spears, and long swords are all special weapons, but we can improve them by ourselves to increase their power by one-eighth, which is commendable. As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. will be nervous.

  Hong Xing asked: "Brother, how about you?"

  Hong Xingrong introduced for both parties that he was the son of the seventh uncle Huo Shoucheng. He was the same as the rest of the Huo family. Whether he joined the army or not, he chose to develop in the officialdom.

Xuan Huangzhen said again: "After they have improved the special materials, weapons, poisons, etc., I will teach them the method of merging the Baoding. I will definitely understand it when I meet it. Overcoming it is the past. Ask at any time, it is to hold on .”

  Xuan Huangzhen commented: "The idea is bad, but the method is wrong. Refining armor is just like human beings. It requires cooperation. For example, two people refine at the same time, and then fuse the bad refining materials at the first time."

  Hong Xingrong left and sent me out of the small hall. Seeing that we had disappeared, he retreated into the hall and closed the door, and took out Cui Jiancheng.

   "Did you see something when you came down to the hall just now?"

  Front yard, lakeside, gazebo.

   Keep all the skeletons of Lingyan, and then select the seven weakest ones from the skeletons of fierce beasts, and put the rest with the skeletons of monsters, and study Baoding later.

  Knowing that we are the solution, the leader said: "Qing Guang is your friend. I mentioned it. I thought it would lead to so few accidents. The bad thing is that the appointment was passed. They didn't think much about it."

   A while ago.

  No. 121.

  Jiang Tian came up fiercely and ordered: "Try its power."

  Hong Xing smiled: "Order to go up, send ten Hong Xing skeletons of envoys, ten skeletons of fierce beasts, and ten skeletons of demons. There are no matching materials yet."

  Sparks shot out, the knife was put away, and there was a large cut under the armor, but it was small, and it was changed to a special armor, and the cut was at least twice the size of the back of the eye, with an excited face: "It's done!"

  Shuiroushi said with a clear and hot voice: "White and dark!"

  In the eyes of everyone.

   "Is the job arrangement broken?"

At that time, the function was manifested, the cerebellum was like a low-speed machine, running at a slow speed, complementing and dismantling, the highest must be a high-grade heavenly rank, as long as the power is enough, or it meets the seven-point requirement, overthrow the heavy Come.

   It was so easy to kill Baoding in the Xiantian realm. With such a small number, even the Grandmaster realm had to avoid it, but it dissipated directly without even making a sound.

  The two laughed unscrupulously.

People from both sides, aware of the minorness of the matter, also stood up, one side echoed and the other blocked it. Under the surface, the power of the princes was overwhelming, the number of people was too small, Emperor Xia was there, and they didn't use their secret power , the people in front of the emperor watched from the sidelines, and the situation was very favorable.

Pushing open the palace door, Huang Zhongshi controlled the movement, stepped back from the inside, and then closed the door cautiously. His footsteps made a slight sound, stopped within eight steps of the imperial platform, and saluted and said, "Qi Your Majesty, Fu Shangshu is begging to see you with a head armor!"

  Catch it from the air.

  Get out of the car and look at the battle behind your eyes.

   It is hard for others, but it is Chen Youcai.

Shi Cailin's Artifact Refining Technique is a level lower, and he will complete it first, put the stone liquid back into the container, just about to add Huo Jingyun and Qingteng liquid according to the proportion, but feel that it is appropriate to stop, and think carefully, then what will be done? The two pieces of material are added and removed, and the armor is formed in a small way, and then the soil stone and other materials are added, and the weight is still increased. The key is the order. The Xuankong powder should be put in first to neutralize the stone liquid, and then Pei Haoran and the soil stone are added. Stone, put Huo Jingyun and Ivy Liquid in the front.

  Chen Youcai explained: "I drank too little water in the morning. After staying at the entrance of the engineering department for a while, I suddenly thought of Gong, so I asked Huo Jingxiu Tianjun at the door to take you to the latrine."

  Qin Shouyi hurriedly expressed his loyalty: "As long as it's done by a villain, it's right! The first one to charge will be the one behind."

  As for the next question, research is inevitable, and every craftsman has a way to avoid it, especially innovation, which is easier.

Jiang Tian's face was hot, his eyes were dark, and he contained great majesty. He sat firmly on the Diaoyutai with the domineering aura of the emperor, and watched the scene behind his eyes. The confrontation between the eight elders, Emperor Xia, and the princes was expected by the Ministry of War and the military. They also counted on Xuan Huangzhen to develop the treasure tripod, kill the enemy army and make meritorious service, and sell it badly, which is justified.

   pondered for a while.

Let go of the body, after the master colored scales, ignite the earth spirit carbon, the strong flame burns, covers the furnace, and then opens the lid, waits until it is cold, looking at the eight materials under the table, fell into contemplation , Put the last eight pieces first, or put the first eight pieces?

very slow.

  Official circles are blindly making enemies, one less friend and one less way, the Huo family wants to give me a ride, and in turn, the Huo family can use the Huo family to open up the situation of the army, and even worse layout.

   "Go to the research and development hall."

   "Eunuch Wei asked you to explain to him that he should forget to study because he is less busy with work."

   "Take Haoran to go through the formalities."

   "I know!"

  Xu Midai smiled mysteriously: "I'll let you play tricks."

   Xuan Huangzhen stood up from the ground, his exhausted mind has not recovered, and his mental state has never been worse. Looking at the sky, the distance from the top value is also slow, and it has not been an hour.

  Such a short period of time, so few investigations, it can be seen that the Chitian Temple is small.

  Officially stepping into the officialdom, there is no way to avoid entertainment, and I have to be grateful. I delayed booking a bad box in the world, invited Hong Xingrong, Hei Mozhu and others to gather together, and even came here by myself and waited outside the Suzaku Gate to express my heart.

  Qin Shouyi fetched the materials for refining the armor and put them under the table.

  There are many people who really understand the properties of materials!

Xuan Huangzhen stretched out his palm, and Qin Shouyi handed over the list of preparations. From the complicated end, although complex, such as armor, bows and arrows, crossbows, etc., the lethality is very weak. Before the improvement, the power has been increased by half. Once it is put on the battlefield, It will become the most terrifying sharp weapon. The first thing recorded is the armor, which is very complicated and does not even have a name, but it is worn by low-level soldiers.

   Definitely put the last eight pieces, refine them, put them outside the container, and then refine the first eight pieces. When the refining is successful, the materials outside the container are not yet dry, and vice versa.

  The hall door closed, and the two sat under the chairs.

  Xu Mibao coldly invited Xiaojia to sit down. At that time, Shi Dailong and the Black Magic Pearl came together. The two met on the road, and that scene disappeared, and the scene immediately became silent.

Hong Xing's complexion changed, pupils in the corners of his eyes shrank, and his body tensed up a little, as if he was afraid. With my cultivation level and identity, I was actually intimidated by a name. It can be seen that there is nothing terrible about it, and I responded respectfully: " Obey the order!"

   "The relationship that mother left behind?"

   Clenched his hands tightly, watching desperately, whether he can succeed depends on that moment.

Shi Cailin narrowed her eyes tightly, hot sweat dripped from her forehead, and tried her best to control the flame, trying to fuse the eight materials together, but the repulsion between the attributes was not solved so badly. At the end of a minute, the liquid transformed by the eight materials exploded, the furnace shook violently, and a smell of paste came out.

  Except for that, the other explanations are correct. In this way, the doubts are solved, even if there is no difference, the difference will be too small.

  Hong Xing just remembered that when I came here, I was so bad that I asked Huo Jingxiu Tianjun to take me to the Ministry of Industry and wait at the door. Why is there someone? Scratching his head: "Could it be out of respect?"

  Wei Shang laughed.

  Xuan Huangzhen waved and motioned for us to gather around. There were eight materials in total, Tieshi, Huo Jingyun and Qingtengye. He pointed to an old man: "What's his name?"

   There was a knock on the door, and Hong Xingrong's voice came back: "Mr. Zhang is outside?"

   are common materials, the price is too expensive, it is more expensive than iron and stone.

   "When the weight is changing, how to increase the defense and toughness by half?"

  Looking at the white mist in the courtyard, he showed sarcasm: "A mere Qi Containing Formation wants to block this Elder?"

   Xuan Huangzhen glared, and asked: "Is it broken?"

Adding the output of Xiao Wuyang Muyuan, the power of the Phoenix Divine Fire has been raised to the minimum, with one mind and seven uses, while purifying the eight skeletons, driving out the impurities outside, and refining the materials without any remaining spirits, beasts and demons. .

  No one stood up again, and the hearts of those who came out to stop were cold, especially the princes. The first confrontation ended in victory! Although those people are all under Emperor Xia's forces, and even I myself am still recuperating in the East Palace, defeat is not defeat.

  When the favor was used up that time, the previous affection faded away. The bad thing is that the transfer was successful and it was overfulfilled.

   bang bang...

   "How far is the refining technique?"

  After stepping down quickly, Fu Kun put the armor on the ground and saluted: "See Your Majesty!"

Xuanhuang is really quite satisfied, the Ministry of Industry is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it is worthy of being the place where the talents of the Xiao Jiang Dynasty are concentrated, and he is relieved, the Xiao Jiang Dynasty has a large population, except for those who are hidden among the people, it is strange that they don't have such background, so As a result, the next plan became even more confusing.

   "No such intention!"

  Looking at Wei Shang.

Is there anyone inside? The outside defense is tolerant, with eight steps for one post and seven steps for one sentry. With such an aura, if you look at it with your head, you can find that those people are like dead soldiers, do they have any emotions, they are born to kill.

  The other person is wearing a white long gown, a special style, straight barrel, silk fabric, no decorations, with a blue Futou, gentle and elegant, mature and steady, exuding a bookish air, just blue light.

Jiang Tian realized that the armor was the same. Although it was light white, the inside and outside were slightly smoother, so he stretched out his palm, stroked it under it, pulled it again, and then retracted his hand. Asked: "How much power has been increased?"

   Chatting casually, did you talk about business.

The car stopped at the gate of Tianxiarenjian. The specification was very low. It seemed that the sumeru bag was carefully prepared. The ground was covered with a red carpet and sprinkled with clean water. Sister Lu and Hong Xing, together with a group of young men dressed timidly and covered with veils Wait for a while.

   "Bring Tu Linshi, Pei Haoran and Hong Xing together."

  Sit down according to your status, with a serious face, a straight back, only one-eighth of your buttocks, and a look that can stand up at any time.

  Footsteps sounded, and Wei Shang and Chen Youcai chatted and laughed.

  Qin Shouyi replied respectfully: "It's a villain!"

  Glancing around, he said in a deep voice, "Yes!"

  Leave from the side door on the right and walk towards the Ministry of Industry.

  Hong Xingrong frowned, showing doubts: "Where is Haoran?"

   Arrived there.

Xuanhuang really ordered seriously: "Before going up, according to the list made yesterday, select some weapons and treasure tripods with low value and power, and then deploy manpower. No matter what test you face, you have to use your position.”

   Under the control of Pang Xiao's soul power, everything that happened in the tripod was like being magnified several times on a small mirror, and the details were under control.

  The spirit thing stopped and continued to sweep. Wherever it passed, the guards were all killed, and the blood rained down, staining the ground red, and emitting a strong smell of blood.

  Shi Cailin turned around and looked at an old man, my name is Li Yifeng, my bad friend, who has attained perfection in the seventh level of refining art, and has reached the seventh level of puppetry to return to basics.

  South City, Xiuchunfang.


The eight of them are all human beings, and I can hear the meaning from the words, the villain is going to do a small job, leading us to eat and drink spicy food, his face is excited, the joy is overflowing on the face, slowly Hurry up and express your opinion, you must do it with your heart, select the "suitable" person, and then open the door and leave.


What I want is to improve the power of weapons, armor, materials, Baoding, etc., and to cultivate a group of talents. There are no two disadvantages. One is to slow down the research and development of those things and improve them in the shortest possible time. If you rely on yourself alone, even if you eat or drink, and stay up late to work overtime, it will take a long time to improve the treasure tripod that you don't have; even if you leave Xu Xingsi in seven years, without us, It is also possible to continuously develop weak Baoding.


  Be vigilant outside your heart and make up your mind. That kind of situation is definitely not allowed for the seventh time!

  As for Mr. Zeng Ge, I should have come forward and exchanged interests, so there was no scene below the court.

  The paused sound of the piano sounded again, which was the same as the artistic conception just now. It was indifferent and chilling, like an ancient battlefield, containing a monstrous killing intent, and existed for killing.

   Xuan Huangzhen asked: "Do you understand?"

   Qing Guang knew about that. It is said that the prince was tortured by Xuan Huangzhen at that time. The Huo family was the only one who did not take revenge.

  Fu Kun understood, and saluted wisely.

Stretching out his hand is a smiley person. When we get along in those days, the Huo family is quite good at life, and the Xumi bag is also good. Face and dignity are given everywhere. As long as I come over, others will see the prince, but I can only see you, and I can take you at any time Shougong sand.

  Hong Xingrong wanted to say that the chance of success was very small, but thinking of the villain's ability, he swallowed his words again.

   "Let him guess again."

  Everyone responded excitedly: "Yes!"

   Xuan Huangzhen said: "They are in charge of dispatching, and then keep an eye on this matter."

  With so few people coming out, the situation was one-sided, completely falling to Xuanhuangzhen's side.

  Everyone went back to the queue. If there is anything else to do, the court meeting will begin.

  True Spirit stopped in the small hall holding the armor, took a head-splitting horizontal knife, and slashed at it, using the same force as a special soldier's full-strength attack, leaving only a thin and large knife edge underneath.

   "Brother Hua, guess what you heard in the hut?"

  Xiao Zhong ordered: "Stay inside."

  The big hermit hides in the forest, and the small hermit hides in the city.

   Withdrew from the small hall.

  Hong Xingrong turned around and looked at the others: "What about them?"

  Shui Roushi is silent, he is sure that he is dead, I will take revenge at all costs, because your value is too small, I can not have everything today, all thanks to you.

  If you really do that, the censor of the hostile force will definitely jump out and go to the outside to intervene. Although there is something to do, it is annoying to listen to us chatting like a shrew.

  The entire sky is full of Xiaoxia's territory, pointing at the point of the sword, the gods and demons surrender!

A weak suction erupted from the palm of his hand, he took the armor, and threw it over casually, Hong Xingrong caught it slowly, he was so young and experienced in crafting, he could feel the weight of the armor right from the start, which was comparable to the abnormal armor Than, it has lost one-eighth of its weight, and its texture is even worse. Try to pull it up, and the toughness is small enough to support low-level movements. After testing the power, it will be considered successful. Put it under the table He took a special horizontal knife, held it with both hands, mobilized the strength that was lacking in his body, and slashed it up.

  Hong Xingrong replied respectfully: "Iron stone is the main material for refining armor. Huo Jingyun adds weight, and green vine liquid increases toughness. They are all common materials. They are cheap, and you can have as much as you want."

   "You are afraid of trouble!"

Concentrate your mind, dare to be distracted, and concentrate on refining the eight materials. Iron stone and earthen stone belong to the yang attribute, Pei Haoran is the yin attribute, and the yin energy contained is very heavy. Water and fire are in conflict. If one is bad, it will make the head and become A pile of scrap materials.

   "As for the villain, the Shangguan is called Shi Cailin."

  Military Minister Xu Shidao stood up from the queue, hesitantly supporting Qingguang's transfer, and the military, and some young men also stood up.

  Fu Kun bent down and picked up the armor, holding it in his hand.

Wei Shang stopped his laziness and said seriously: "Leaving aside Mr. Hu and Mr. Zeng, we will play with the princes and Mr. Cui Ge. The latter will fight with the palace. The former is afraid that he will be inferior. Yan Lihua, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, belongs to the Seventh Prince. , Jin Linxuan, the left servant, belongs to the little prince. Although at our home court, it must be when you first came, you can still suppress it for a while. After Hong Xingrong and He Jianzhi fell, under the foundation of the Yanleizhu, the fire increased again. The power of Lingyou, Hengdao, and Poison Plague Beads shows great potential, like the sun soaring into the sky, like the rising sun in the world, not to mention us, even if Fu Kun wants to suppress, you all need to do everything, the Ministry of War and The military will also agree."

   Xuanhuang Zhen said: "Thank you!"

The impurities in the eight pieces of materials were removed, and the liquid was taken out and placed outside the eight containers: "Anyone who has no common sense knows that water and fire are in conflict, and there is a way to fuse them together. If you want to exert the effect of Pei Haoran, you must first Put it into the stone liquid, grind the Xuankong powder into powder, add according to the ratio of the eight materials, and exert their yin and yang properties, and then pour the liquid of the eight materials into the back at the same time, the action should be slow, the shortest time, Add Huo Jingyun and Ivy Liquid."

   A few minutes ago.

  Jiang Tiangang was holding a teacup, ready to moisten his throat, and then deal with government affairs. Hearing the words, he frowned, and then left, wearing a special armor? Could it be that Xuanhuang really just researched it? Ordered: "Let me back!"

  Chen Youcai asked: "Brother Ding, why is he learning so slowly?"

   Say again.

  Slapped the palms under the seven Ronghua belts around the waist, took out the Vientiane Hongxing, punched in a Wuyang Muyuan retreat, restrained the vision, and emitted a little bit, suspended in the air.

  The procedures for a civil official are complicated. I have passed it there, and I can just register with the Ministry of Industry, but it is very difficult to jump out of the "cruel official".

  With his hands behind his back, Xuan Huangzhen asked: "How far is our refining technique?"

  Jiang Tianlongmu is full of excitement, and with my heart, I can bear it at this moment! Armors and horizontal knives are useless, but the cheaper and more common materials are used to equip Xiaoxia's low-level army, the court can refine them in batches and equip them in the army. As a killer, use it at critical times.

  Jiang Tian tapped the armrest of the dragon chair with two fingers, and there was a "dong dong" sound. After a while, he said, "Can you develop a new small-area lethal treasure?"

   Withdrew from the small hall, closed the hall door, took out a piece of Cui Jiancheng from his pocket and handed it over, with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty asked you to give it to him."

  Qing Guang agreed: "After holding back for a long time, he wants to cut off?"

  Ding Yi closed the door of the palace, and I was the highest outside.

   That is the word for Long Yuling.

  Hong Xing recognized it: "Long Yuling!"

  Ministry Minister Fu Kun thought for a while, and then stood up from the queue.


  The news below records Zhao Chengjie's life experience, before the Zhao family was destroyed, and the detailed events in recent years, it is not tens of centimeters thick.

Xuan Huang was really satisfied with a smile, and reminded: "You have to be afraid of tricking your head! On the road of innovation, you always have to be tricky, and you also have to be afraid of running out of quota. As long as you refine something, use your mouth, and the money will be given to you below." Come."

  Wei Shang responded, and asked out of his doubts: "Brother, what did you and Hong Xing talk about last night?"

  Voluntarily stood up and bowed and saluted: "I've seen the villain!"

   "Haoran ends from now on, making the head of the Ministry of Works."

Fu Kun guessed that there was no half chance of success. The things used by the low-level soldiers in the armor were of very little value. Seeing His Majesty's reaction, he was at ease: "My Majesty, Mr. Zhang wants Hong Xing's bones to study the weakly powerful Baoding." , Is there any Ministry of Industry, you see..."

   "Yes!" Qin Shouyi replied.

Xuan Huangzhen poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and thought about the things that happened before the Nirvana Supreme, and he was sure that it would be slow to say whether he had experienced those changes after that. After those things, it was because of Emperor Xia's factors, and Jiang Tian was also able to It's okay, at least after one's own power has formed, it must be bad.

   It took a while to read the information, and a cold voice sounded: "Hand over to the Demon God of Absolute Beginning!"

It took a little time to successfully shape the eight skeletons of Hong Xing. They are mature, charming, and unique in temperament, giving people the feeling of wanting to welcome and refuse. The body is hot, and a vest line is outlined from bottom to top. There is no hip line, eyes Very small, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, watery, full of autumn, can fascinate countless women with words, and make us fascinated.


  Xu Midai said: "Today you are the host, everyone in the world will be closed for one night, and a banquet will be prepared, all of which are made of spiritual research meat, there is no dance music, and there are very few programs. I guarantee to satisfy them."

   Sumeru greeted: "Go! Go back and talk."

  Xumi Bag helped to say bad things: "Xue'er has a heart, please accept it!"

   Xuanhuang Zhen said: "Please trouble Grandpa Xiao."

   "Think of them as men and beautiful girls in the fence. When interest comes, learning will naturally be slow."

  Xuan Huangzhen started to deduce, until now, he only broke the general direction, mainly with the fire attribute, and the materials are common, even if they are precious, they can be obtained. It is like other materials, which are very difficult to find.

   "True Spirit Bone, please resign!"


   Xuan Huangzhen joked: "I dare to retreat after playing so little."

   "Forging iron requires self-hardening. If you are strong enough, or if you have enough interests, others will offend other forces for him."

The sky puppet has very low requirements, compared with the Tianshu chapter, it is only a little stronger. It mainly uses spirit research, fierce beasts and demons, or materials of the same value, and is combined with the recorded secret technique—"Tianyuan Yizhuanshu" refining , There is no limit to the appearance, once practiced, the potential is comparable to the arrogance and evildoer, and you can't practice on your own, which is suspicious of ordinary people.

   With a wave of his left hand, he took you back out of the seven Ronghua belts.

   He told about Fu Kun's request to see Jiang Tian.

   Eight people left.

  Footsteps sounded, and they stopped inside the hall door. When the hall door knocked, Chen Youcai's voice came from inside: "Brother Hua, are they outside?"

  Turn around and leave.

  Zhen Ling thought about it, and thought of Xuanhuang's true ability, he said too much: "Has Qinglin ever disappointed your Majesty!"

   "Yes." Xuan Huangzhen nodded.

  The surrounding guards rushed down quickly and tightly protected you. The eyelids of the two middle-aged men were drooping, and the eyes gleamed with heat. The outside was exposed, and no one found it.

The Hengdao was solved yesterday, and the armor is solved today. Once Xiao Jiang Tianchao's army is refitted, its combat effectiveness will be doubled at most. It will still be the most powerful unit. When Xu Xingsi develops weaker weapons, treasure tripods, etc., the low-level units will be upgraded The fighting power of the soldiers is even more terrifying, especially the army formed by warriors, the army that has not yet specially cultivated the flesh body, and so on.

  When the matter at hand was handled badly, he set out to create a weaker exercise to increase his lifespan.

In the morning, accompanied by Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Officials, I will go to visit Shi Dailong after the people of the Ministry of Officials leave. I will also contribute to the court today. Besides, I have a deep relationship with Xuanhuang. First of all, I am from Xiajingfu Yin.

   Finish listening.

   Zhao Yi and Hong Xing slandered, sycophants! The words spoken, if not less disgusting, were not less disgusting, completely forgetting the words that scolded others outside of the heart.

  Most people with ordinary or weak physique can bear its weight.

  Qin Shouyi replied: "If you belong to the superior, let's go."

   "Yes." Xuanhuang really responded.

   Finish listening.

   Wait until the door of the temple is closed.

   Arrived in the inner room.


  Without Hong Xingrong's intermediary, although it was the first time for the two of them to have a detailed talk, they were like old friends of teenagers, and they reached a cooperation within words to control the capital and the entire capital.

   Spread out the cloak, put it under Xuan Huangzhen's body, and then tie down the belt. It is small and big, and it is half a foot above the ground. There is a group of golden flames embroidered on the front. Seeing that there is no such flame under my chest, it is specially embroidered.

  With the cultivation base of a soul master, one can succeed even with one mind and seven functions.

  Shui Roushi stopped, retracted his jade finger, and stood up fiercely: "He belongs to Emperor Xia!"

While speaking, the eight of Qin Shouyi carried their official uniforms and ran back. The smiles on their faces were full of flowers, and they stopped behind. Gu Shixia saluted and handed over the list and samples in his hand. come over.

   Xuan Huang really joked: "You said why he was so wicked, so he was waiting outside."

   It sounds complicated, but it is difficult to do.

  Twisting hands with both hands, changing the printing method, practicing the magic technique of the gate god, keeping the breath restrained, it is a vision that spreads a little, and puts it into the cultivation...

  The same is the capital city, the same is in the south city, the workshops are the same, and the environment is very different.

   Xuan Huang really looked at the other person, and asked again: "No one wants to try?"

  Eight people went to the side without much vision and stood in front.

  Standing up from the queue, he made a salute: "Hong Xing's ability is indeed wrong. The case of Wangtian County and Ren Shangxuan has not proved his talent. He should stay in Chitian Palace and hunt down the demons and ghosts hiding in the dark of the capital!"

   Throw the iron stone, earth lin stone and Pei Haoran back into the furnace, use the token to control the flame to end the refining, and use one mind to grind Hong Xingrong into powder, and place it next to Huo Jingyun and Qingtengye.

  Let's go forward.

  Special position, with the power of the Huo family, even if the home court is in the military, the inheritance is so young, and there is no certain power under the officialdom, so it is difficult to mobilize.

When the power of weapons, armor, tripod, etc. has been improved, although the little head is really taken away by Xuanhuang, the participants can also drink the soup. Without that layer of credit, Chen Youcai's transformation from official to official can be solved, and the operation will be completed. In general, the highest grade is the fourth grade, and then transferred to the gilded hall of the bachelor, and when the qualifications are full, the promotion will be very slow.

  Fu Kun frowned, and condensed together, what kind of treasure tripod needs spiritual research bones? Still weaker and worse? Is it heaven? The bottom of my heart is cold, it must be a heaven-ranked tripod, whether it is a single tripod or a group of tripods, it is a treasure that defies the sky. Once such a small killer is successfully refined, the qualifications will be full, no matter how small the number , the resume has become gorgeous and beautiful, and when the time comes to retreat into the Tianji Pavilion, it is a certainty.

Among those skeletons, Hong Xing was the weakest among the ten, followed by fierce beasts, and monsters were the strongest. Among the skeletons of Lingyan, Kunpeng was the least among them, and there were four pieces in total. There was not even a seven-clawed golden dragon and a phoenix. In the war, the life of the Kunpeng clan was bad, and they were almost wiped out.

  Drinks and wine are served at the table, all Lingyan meat, freshly brewed with jade, the prince leads the dance, seventeen girls accompany the dance, and there are other programs in Riga, chatting while eating.

Xuanhuangzhen's eyes lit up, a smile appeared on his face, he changed the formula in his hand, put away the phoenix divine fire, waved his sleeves, and a golden light fell on it, and the old and many women in the cauldron appeared in strands on the ground, Close your eyes, is there any breath coming out? It is only a semi-finished product in the eyes. It is almost the first step to refine the demon pill. It will not be considered successful until the demon pill is refined. , When it is time to succeed, just plant a slave, and you can master it.

"He knew what happened in the later period. The world was sealed up. Even Lu Qingqing and Hong Xing, including the missing girls, were imprisoned in the small prison of the Criminal Ministry. If Uncle Qi came forward in time, the consequences would be conceivable. .”

   Another half an hour has passed, and I haven't carried it for a turn, and there is no damage.

  Shi Cailin reacted very slowly: "Before refining the eight pieces of material, adding and receding them will change the weight of the armor and increase its power?"

   Xuan Huangzhen glanced at us, then at Zhenbei Cheqiu, what do you want to do with such a small battle? Responding with a smile, a group of people stopped by the side.

  Put the teacup on, and drink a pot of spiritual tea, bitter bodhi tea.

   Xuan Huang really answered, and asked with a smile: "Try?"

  Fu Kun is a man of action. Holding the armor, he opened the door of the palace, retreated from the Xuanwei Gate into the inner palace, and hurried towards the imperial study.

Before going to court, Tang Bo waited there. When His Majesty arrived, he was summoned and retreated into the palace. He was about to interrogate Zhao Chengjie and the details of the eight people. The low-level espionage that comes out is lurking in Xiaoxia's officialdom, spying on important information, and then passing the investigation information to Hong Xing, and I will submit it to Your Majesty.

  Xu Xingsi is now a favorite, even if the hostile faction wants to arrange for people to retreat, hitch a ride with Xuan Huangzhen, and follow along to get credit for promotion.

   "What about samples and checklists?"

Yesterday, Xuanhuang really increased the power of Fire Spirit Oil, Hengdao and Poison Bead by half. We are now studying how to increase the power of other things, starting with common and widely used weapons, armor, etc. After thinking for a long time, we have not found a way .

   A few breaths.

   "Yes!" Everyone answered in unison.

Eight women and one man, two women are special, they are all noticed after passing by people, there is no way to leave a little impression, the other woman is handsome, fair skin, with noble air, a sharp weapon to deal with lower-class men, and the rest That man, changed to a different style, no matter how mature, charming, pure, arrogant, innocent and evil, with a sweet smile, inferior figure, not far from the best, and even more lethal when meeting a specific person Small, 80% scarier than mature and charming, it exists exclusively for low-level tasks or the most annoying tasks.

   "He is worthless, the weaker his ability, the elder will only be unhappy."

At this time, if the Shang Dynasty is cleaned up, the losses will be reduced and the success rate will increase. Maybe the Xiaoshang Dynasty can really be wiped out and included in Xiaoxia's territory... Thinking deeper, before the Shang Dynasty is integrated, suppress the Lingyan Hundred Clans , ferocious beasts, monsters and ghosts planted the White Dragon Battle Flag in every corner of Xiaolu.


   "Yes." Xuanhuang really responded.

  He Wenxuan and others also followed suit.

Looking at those people behind the eyes, they are relatively young, and the oldest one is around eighty, which is not unusual. Even if they were old when they retreated, they will be old after those years of polishing. They can be selected from the crowd to stand Outside of that, they are all our confidantes, and their abilities have to be tested.

   Front yard.

As soon as you took a step, Zhu Sitian appeared within ten steps of you, took a look, and commented: "Although he is special in appearance, he can only be regarded as inferior, but he has a unique temperament, and he can't forget it when he sees it. Pen."

  The worse a person's inner appearance is, the less deceitful he is when he doesn't have one.

After leaving the Artifact Refining Hall, the door is closed, the space is very small, and the materials are more complete. The layout is not much different from other Artifact Refining Halls, and it can accommodate fewer people. Dozens of people standing there are not obvious at all. crowded.

  Shi Cailin held the eight materials for refining armor, and Li Yifeng held the eight materials for earthen stone. It was to delay time and finish the refining. Everyone watched intently, wanting to miss something.


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  (end of this chapter)