MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 165 Tear Candle Dragon (Part 1)

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  Chapter 165 Torn Candle Dragon (Part 1)

Two middle-aged women, the one on the left is called Qingyi, and the one on the right is called Qinger, they proactively stepped forward and stood in front of Shi Cailin. Put on the momentum, look dignified, concentrate on it, and be on guard against Zhu Jiutian, in case the killer suddenly falls.

  Qing Yi said with death intent: "You leave first, we hold him back!"

Shi Cailin shook her head, looking at the blue light enchantment around her. During the operation, she exuded huge power. Not to mention that she was just an ordinary person, she was born with a dead vein and couldn't cultivate, even if she was in the realm of heaven and man, she couldn't break through it. , although there are some hole cards, but in front of such an old monster, it is just a dying struggle, futile, and calmly said: "It's useless."

   Sit down again.

   There is no panic at all, the state of mind is really strong, in the face of death, accept it calmly, unlike other people who are scared out of their wits, or kneel down and beg for mercy.

  The slender, white and tender jade fingers stretched out and landed on the strings, and a clear, sad and joyless voice sounded: "Do your best and obey the destiny."

  The two women understood.

The momentum surged, and it doubled in an instant, enveloping the surrounding world, with supreme oppressive force, violently and simply suppressing the past, dancing hair, looking up to the sky and growling, transforming into the body, two nearly ten feet big Qingluan appeared in the courtyard, the light of the true spirit manifested, surrounding the body, shining vividly.

  Sharp claws, wings like knives, as hard as a spirit treasure, with a hurricane.

   With resolute eyes, they looked at each other, and quickly made a decision—explode!

With a sudden roll, rushing to the past at the speed of crossing the space, and then using the innate supernatural power - Tiangang storm, two groups of terrifying tornado vortexes, in blue color, appear between the sky and the earth, the wind blades are condensed, there are thousands of them, each one They are all half a foot in size, charging forward with extreme strength.

  The sound of the piano changed, and the tune became "Desperate Counterattack". The passionate and fearless tone sounded. No matter how loud the momentum in front of you was, it couldn't be blocked.

  Zhu Jiutian still had his hands behind his back, showing contempt: "That's it?"

  The right hand was raised, and countless blue lights shot out, transforming into dragon claws, and grabbed them violently. In an instant, the dragon claws became more than ten feet in size, nearly twenty feet in size, covering their hurricane vortex.


  A low-pitched gas explosion sounded, without even taking a breath, the two hurricane vortexes were crushed abruptly. The two women seemed to have known it for a long time, their faces remained unchanged, and their momentum soared to the peak, burning their blood and self-destructing.

  Boom! boom!

   A huge explosion sounded, destroying everything, destroying all the surrounding ground, small lakes, etc., and suppressing it all at once.

  At the same time, the air wave branched out a little, trying to break through the barrier and fight for a chance of life for Shi Cailin.

Zhu Jiutian's complexion was instantly gloomy, and he was so angry that he let two miscellaneous birds play. Looking at the wave of destructive air that swept over, he left an afterimage on the spot, and rushed up like lightning. At the place, blue light bloomed, suppressing them, and destroying the air waves rushing towards the barrier.

   When he stopped again, he was already in front of Shi Cailin.

  The sound of the piano stopped, as if he knew his own fate, but there was still a question that he hadn't clarified, his vermilion lips parted slightly, and an indifferent voice sounded: "How many masters does the darkness have? Or there is no master!"

   as an enemy.

  Zhu Jiutian also admired her talent and her calmness in the face of death: "I don't know!"

  Shi Cailin closed her beautiful eyes.

Zhu Jiutian raised his palm, concentrated his sword energy, and slashed down fiercely, destroying the flower with his hot hand, cutting her in half. Looking at the Guqin in front of him, he waved his sleeve, put it away, and took out a piece Throw the prepared "cloth" on the ground, check it to make sure there is nothing missing, put away the blue light barrier, look in a certain direction, squint your eyes: "It's your turn."

   A gust of night wind blows, and it has disappeared from the place.


  Heaven and earth.

  Tonight's program is rich and serious, but even so, it is eye-opening. There are many girls, and Ding Yi's smile never stops.

   After thirty days of wine and five tastes of food, seeing that the time is almost up, everyone left.

  After they left, there were only three people left.

  Knowing that Zhang Ronghua likes to drink Donghai Wanling tea, the Huo family spent a lot of money to buy some specially, brew it with spiritual water, the tea fragrance is stronger, poured three cups, and Huo Jingyun passed one cup over.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled without saying a word, holding the teacup with the lid on it casually, the two brothers looked at each other, and Huo Jingxiu spoke up in person and explained the matter.

  As guessed, Cui Jiancheng's resignation was indeed done by the Huo family, and the follow-up has been arranged, just wait for him to nod.

   "Qing Lin, what do you think?"

   "You are Jing Yun's cousin, so I have to give you face."

  Huo Jingxiu held a teacup: "Tea instead of wine, I propose a toast to you!"

  Zhang Ronghua gestured with the teacup, took a sip, and then put down the teacup.

  Huo Jingxiu went on to speak: "The left wing of the left wing of the Jinlin Xuantian Army is still short of a chief officer. Cao is doing well. It just so happens that I have some connections with the Huo family. If you pull this face off, others can sell face."

   "Cao Xing is indeed good. His qualifications and cultivation are sufficient. He is serious in his work and has strong abilities. It is naturally a good thing to go further, but the roots of the Huo family are at the border. It is not good to rashly intervene in the Jinlin Xuantian Army."

Huo Jingxiu understood what he meant. The Golden Scale Xuantian Army guarding the outer palace has great responsibilities and powers. The Huo family's power is already at the top. If they intervene rashly and arouse Emperor Xia's suspicion, they will be in great trouble: "We know about this matter. "

   Click until the end.

  Everything that should be reminded has been reminded, but Zhang Ronghua didn't say anything more.

   Finish a pot of tea.

   Standing up to say goodbye, the two brothers sent him out in person, and arranged for the Zhenbei car to drive him away, but they were rejected.

   Wait for his figure to disappear.

  Huo Jingyun put away his smile and asked seriously, "Brother, how are you?"

  Huo Jingxiu pondered for a moment, with a serious expression on his face: "No leaks! He is very capable and will not fall in the middle of the journey. It won't be long before the Zhang family will become a top wealthy family. After passing on for a few generations, the heritage will increase and it will be able to transform into an aristocratic family."

   Patted him on the shoulder and praised.

   "Good job!"

   refers to Huo Jingyun taking the initiative to make friends. Before Zhang Ronghua's industries stepped on the threshold for opening, and other things, he immediately prepared generous gifts, gave him enough face, and strengthened his momentum.

   "What does Second Uncle think, joining the Jinlin Xuantian Army, His Majesty is really relieved?"

  Huo Jingxiu did not answer directly, but asked instead: "You can see such a simple question, don't we know?"

  Huo Jingyun frowned, eyes lit up, looked in the direction of the palace, and asked tentatively, "Have you been in the palace?"

   "Qinglin is really in the emperor's heart, and the holy family is grand. Your majesty is very relieved of him."

  Huo Jingyun understood that as long as His Majesty nodded, with their power, it would be very easy to promote a miscellaneous general.

  Huo Jingxiu showed bitterness: "Your Majesty asked us to capture some powerful true spirits."

   No wonder!


   On the way back.

  The doubts of the court and the matter of Cui Jiancheng have been clarified.

When drinking just now, Xu Xing briefly explained the matter, his guesses were a bit different, but the difference was not too big, the relationship left by his mother followed the old way of Wei Ge, the favor has been exhausted, and there will be no debt in the future .

  Did not go back to Zhuquefang's mansion, changed direction, entered the alley, took out a set of night clothes and put it on, covered his face with only two eyes exposed, and rushed towards the stronghold of light.

  Here we go.

  In addition to Zheng Yi, Xuan Ming is also there, two days earlier than expected, it seems that he has escaped the pursuit of the two university palaces, and sneaked into the capital again to wait for dispatch.

  In the room.

   "I've seen the master!" The two respectfully clasped their fists together and saluted.

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

   Pulled out the chair and sat down, and asked, "When are you leaving to get that batch of silver?"

  Zheng Yidao: "It has been discussed, and we will leave tonight. Xuanming will go to the Shang Dynasty to take out the batch of silver. Only with money can Guangming develop faster."

  Patting the top of the Wulong Yuling belt, Zhang Ronghua took out the God Prison Suppressing Heaven Art and the Thirteen Death Knives, threw them over, and ordered: "Go to Wangtian County first, and bring these two supernatural powers to Zhang Ming."

   "Yes!" Xuan Ming replied respectfully.

   "Get that batch of silver, and then buy some cultivation pills to send, and tell him to cultivate with heart, develop with peace of mind, grasp greater power as soon as possible, and cultivate more confidantes."

   "Subordinates understand!" Xuan Ming showed excitement.

  I thought there were only three bright cats and cats in total, but I didn’t expect that there was still power in the army. Are there other powers hidden in the dark? Thinking of the master's identity, the power in the hall is very terrifying just by showing it in the open. Over time, it will become more and more powerful.

   After taking out this batch of silver, Guangming will develop rapidly, its power will become stronger, and its own power will also become greater.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Protect the law for me!"

  The two bowed respectfully and retreated, closed the door and stood guard at the door.

   Tap on the belt of Wulong Yuling again, take out the five puppets, they are all semi-finished products, integrate the demon pill into it, and plant the slave mark to succeed, just like ordinary people.

  Take out five True Spirit Inner Pills, cast a spell to drive them in, fuse them together, regardless of each other, and then cast the slave mark, five in a row, and drive them into the brain.

   With a little finger, the Xuanhuang Zhenyuan divided into five parts, fell on them, turned into a coat, blocked the exposed body, and shouted in a deep voice: "Wake up!"

  Like a magic voice, the five of them quietly opened their eyes.

  Refined by the inheritance of the gods, with spiritual wisdom and independent actions, there is no difference from ordinary people. If you insist on saying yes, the two women cannot have children!

  If not, the inheritance of the gods would not be so terrible, and they would be passed on in the form of spiritual treasures. Even the Kunpeng clan would regard them as treasures, more important than good fortune and spiritual treasures.

   Stepped forward, knelt on the ground, and respectfully saluted: "I have seen the master!"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

  His hands behind his back, thinking about his name.

Refining in the way of Tianpuppet, it is better to be surnamed Tian, ​​after making a decision, start naming, the mature and charming young woman is called Tian Qingqing, the pure and lovely young woman is called Tian Shi, the handsome young man is called Tian Chen, and the remaining two It is called Tianzhan and Tianhuang.

   "Thank you master for giving me the name!"

  The core member is Zheng Yi's deputy, and the position is tentatively designated as the deputy king, implying the right arm of the holy king.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Get up!"

  Five people stood up from the ground, and taught them the Xuantian Baojian, the three-character secret technique of stepping on the sky, and the first two moves of the Nine Tribulations Overcoming the Sea Swordsmanship.

   Withdrawing his fingers, he said, "Come in!"

  The door of the room was pushed open, and the two came in.

Looking at the five people in the room, without asking any further questions, Zhang Ronghua handed them over to Zheng Yi, and told him to develop Guangming as soon as possible, but also to keep it secret. The information about the forces must not be leaked. "Emperor" and "Darkness" and try to pick them out.

   After explaining, he turned and left.

   He won't ask how it develops, he only looks at the results.

leave here.

  Change out the night clothes, wear a white brocade suit transformed from a black-and-yellow chaotic armor, wear a cloak made by Ningxue, and hold a bird fan, walking on the street, rushing towards the mansion of Zhuquefang.

   Marriage Bridge.

  Zhu Jiutian stood on the bridge, with his hands behind his back, calmly looking at the water surface, after killing Shi Cailin, he waited here for a while.

   This road is the ultimate way for Zhang Ronghua to go back. He didn't go to the mansion to wait for fear of being noticed by the Taifu. The two mansions are not far apart, and they are both on the edge of Jingxin Lake.

  In case of being discovered, no matter how strong I am, I am not his opponent. There is also Uncle Zhong, who has extraordinary cultivation.

  As time goes by, it's already past midnight, why haven't you come back yet? Frowning, the coldness on his face is getting colder and colder, thinking to himself if he won't come back?

   Shaking his head, he felt wrong again!

  According to the news from above, Zhang Ronghua had social activities every day, and he was too busy to return home until late, so we will wait and see.

   Reflected by the moonlight, a figure elongated and walked towards this side.

  The footsteps landed on the ground, and there was a vigorous and powerful voice, which was very regular and pleasant, as if it could catch emotions. A white dress, a black cloak, and a folding fan in hand, surrounded by a purple aura, who is it not Zhang Ronghua?

   Zhu Jiutian's old eyes lit up, and he showed a fierce expression. After waiting for so long, he finally came, and he could get a Lingbao for nothing! Um? He stared, almost flew out, and noticed that the clothes, belt, sky-high crown and boots on his body were, unexpectedly, a set of top-notch spiritual treasures, with perfect fusion of attributes and breath.


   Throat rolled uncontrollably, swallowed hard, and thought fieryly, this time it happened!

  Ten steps away.

  Zhang Ronghua stopped, and when he got here, he found this person. Seeing him coming, he didn't hide the hotness in his eyes at all, so he guessed the other person's purpose.

  Looked at it, and said jokingly: "Candle Dragon?"

  The folding fan unfolded and fanned slightly.

  Zhu Jiutian frowned, and glanced again, that's right! Still at the seventh level of the Grandmaster Realm, how can he see through his own body? Did he practice some kind of powerful pupil technique? Or is there an auxiliary spirit treasure that can see through falsehood and point directly to the source?

  A suit of spirit treasures, plus a folding fan, presumably the latter, and auxiliary spirit treasures, which is more comfortable than ever.

   At the same time, I was sour again. How could a junior get so many treasures? Not even himself, said indifferently: "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

   4000 words!

   Don't make excuses, Bazhuo's fault, 20,000 words will explode tomorrow!

   Ask for further reading, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for support, poor, poor, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion