MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 163 Climb to the Peak (ask for a full order, ask for a monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 163 Reaching the Peak

  Su Qiutang was not annoyed, but his playful smile was even worse: "I'm not welcome?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua admitted directly.

   "Because of what?"

  Zhang Ronghua asked back: "If you think you understand, you will be confused."

  Su Qiutang stroked his bangs, tidied up his messy hair, and looked around: "Are you sure you want to say it outside?"

  Zhang Ronghua frowned even deeper. Would she be so kind as to tell the secret?

  Four eyes face each other.

  Looking at this pair of deep, bright almond-shaped eyes, the eyes are very big, with eye cream applied, twinkling, twinkling, very beautiful, making people fall into it, there is no joke, only seriousness.

   After thinking about it, I decided to give it a try. Even if it doesn’t work, there is no loss.

"come in!"

   "Can't try!"

  Seeing the stalemate in the court, the Feng Lingfu came out. I am now a rookie in the officialdom, and my every move attracts the attention of many people. The quarreling small hall immediately quieted down.

   Taking a sip of tea, he said solemnly, "You are interested in cultivation."


  Zhang Ronghua is holding a teacup, implying serving tea to see off guests!


Take out the true spirit Zhang Ronghua and Wannian ginseng, and look at two things. The latter surpasses the heavenly level, known as the heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, and its value is huge. If you want to refine it, alchemy can reach seven realms to return to nature, and you have to have no materials. Victory The rate is very small! The former has 10,000 years, derived from the supernatural power of earth escape. If you take it, there is no one-tenth chance of comprehending it. It depends on the person. The weaker the talent, the lower the success rate. Even if you take it, you can't comprehend it for ten thousand years. The earth escape technique contained in ginseng.

  The door of the hall is closed, and the court meeting is over.

  The small hall is enveloped by the fragrance of the medicine alone, taking a breath, it seems to have received a small fortune, the whole body is transparent, and once you feel refreshed to the end, even your cultivation base will retreat a little.

  Even you guys can do it, unless you beat them under the officialdom! But it's too difficult. Looking at Feng Lingfu along the way, I have always struggled with the inferiors. The people I confronted were dismissed from office or were taken to the vegetable market to be beheaded. The power is getting smaller and smaller.

   All eight pieces of Shibo have been weakened, and looking at the physical body, they are not yet as weak as the tenth level of ascending to heaven, and they are perfect in one step before martial arts and soul masters!

finish breakfast.

  Put the real spirit Zhang Ronghua on it, enter the elixir, and turn it into a small force, like a torrent of medicine power, rushing towards the back, the terrifying force seems to explode my body in an instant.

  Looking at the handsome face behind the eyes, I thought of my sister's proposal. If you want me to work in the conventional way, it is absolutely impossible, and you can only play dirty.

   "He and Yang Hong are out together."

open one's eyes.

  After thinking about it, Feng Lingfu felt that it was appropriate, and then said: "I definitely refuse, bring it to Fuguifang, and let my mother train it for a while."

  Purple Angel's transfer to Xiajing Prefecture as a promotion officer, is it more than just a low promotion? It's just a few blocks up!

   I also knew that after a while, the huge power contained in the ten-thousand-year ginseng was also absorbed. The Xuanhuang Zhenyuan was like a barking small sea, violently breaking through the bottleneck, breaking through to the fourth level of the ascension to heaven in one fell swoop, and comprehending a small supernatural power-earth escape.

   "???" Ling Dantang was taken aback, believing that he had heard it wrong.

  Ling Chi, lighting sky lanterns and other tortures are completely enough to watch, even 1% of them.

   Jumped up from under the bed, made seals with both hands, cast the earth escape technique, turned into a golden light and escaped into the ground, appearing at Baizhang.

  Feng Lingfu also wants to know the reason for your visit that time. The initiative is out of my hands. No matter how you ask, you only need to answer yes, tear your face? The faces of both parties have been torn apart long ago, so what if they offended? Nodded: "Bad!"

  The idea of ​​sealing the spirit talisman turned very slowly. Combined with the information we have, could it be that your majesty's body was made by you? It must be that when His Majesty died, he supported the prince to step down, and then made the prince a puppet, and the emperor took power in front of the screen? His complexion changed, he put the Wannian ginseng back out of the Seven Dragon Yuling belt, and said seriously: "I know!"

  Thousands of golden lights rushed out from the body, illuminating the room, and a terrifying aura came out, confined to the room, did it radiate out?

  Like a smelly and hard stone, it has a hand.

  Feng Lingfu shook his head, as if he had seen it, and said fiercely: "Enjoy it!"

  Su Qiutang didn't seem to understand, her red lips parted lightly: "Whether you believe it or not, this is the truth."

   Retired to the outer room and sat up under the bed.

  Huang Zhongshi was promoted to the head of the research and development hall. From a seventh-rank official position, he was not yet qualified to go to court. According to his seniority, he stood at the forefront. Counting Zhao Yi and Tang Bo, his power in the court grew stronger again.

   for a while.

   "Tomorrow, go to the first store of Qingyun Inn and tell Ningniang that you still need two servants by your side. It seems that you both refused to let Ma Ning and Ma Jing come over."

  Ling Dantang looked serious, with sharp eyes: "As long as he nods, they don't belong to him."

   Waiting for Feng Lingfu to answer, looking at the sky inside, it is not yet early morning.

   After changing to.

  The first thing to discuss was the death of Ren Shangxuan. Jiu Xuanji came out to tell the murderer Zhao Chengjie who was taken by the Chitian Palace to divert the pressure.


  As long as it is out of the capital.

  The old Wei Xuecheng of the Tianji Pavilion stood up and proposed to transfer Xu Xing, the purple angel of the Chitian Palace, to be the promotion officer of the Xiajing Mansion. Everyone was stunned and almost turned around.

   "Sleeping, their voice is too low, the old slave was woken up again."

  Although I know how Xu Xing made the two elders come forward, I am my friend, so I should help!

Did Ling Dantang answer the conversation? She clapped her jade hand under the purse at her waist, and took out a gold-plated jade bottle, which was engraved with exquisite patterns, and stuck to Liao Qisong. The fragrance of the elixir came out, formed its essence, and turned into a phantom of a real dragon. After a few breaths, it changed into a phoenix... In just a few minutes, it changed into dozens of real spirits.


   "Oh!" Liao Qisong sighed.

  The Fengling Talisman showed astonishment, and pretended to explain: "Is it a mistake? The palace has never asked the minister to take anything."

  The prototype has not yet been created, and it has not been created yet after it has been completed and perfected according to the model that was built.

   Ling Dantang was silent, as if that was the case, and then said: "Give him a place in Tianji Pavilion!"

  The special person can bear it at all, and faints instantly from that inhuman pain.

Just endured, did the Fengling Talisman snort, the veins on his forehead bulged, and the meridians in his arms protruded, it can be seen that the pain he endured was not weak. After quenching a portion of Shi Bo juice, he stopped for a moment, and the swallowing battle sky blue bell continued to weaken Body.

  Jiang Tian, ​​the Lord of the Scarlet Heaven Palace, gave me a hard look, and immediately stepped out, saying that the matter is serious, and he will report in detail when the court meeting begins.

  "The world is full of pies. What you get is worth as much as you pay."

  Su Qiu nodded and remembered.

I was really transferred to the lower capital, and with Chen Weicai, the capital will be under our control. I bowed and saluted, and said in a deep voice: "Xu Xing is a minister who has been in contact with him before. His ability is weak and his cultivation is ordinary. I must be the pusher." Officer, I think the law and order in the capital will be even worse."

quite a while.

  Before washing up, he put on his official uniform, went to the backyard, stepped on the big horse and stepped back into the car, sat on the soft bed, and ate breakfast.

   Make sure to pay attention.

Then I took out another thing from the purse, that time it was a khaki jade box, which was attached to Pei Haoran, and when I peeled it off, I opened the jade box, revealing a plant of ginseng, which has not been practiced for ten thousand years, and the golden light manifests, full of spirituality , like a baby, if there is no suppression of the jade box, it will escape from the outside.

  Leave from the side door, stop at the edge of Jingxin Lake, take off your clothes, revealing your young, white and tender skin, like a baby, whiter than a man, glittering and translucent, flawless.

   for a while.

  Are you idle? Continue with yesterday’s deduction, creating sword skills suitable for killing enemies on the battlefield, small opening and small closing, high consumption, and weak power. That time the speed was very slow.

  The seventh thing is that the vacancies in the Xiajing government have been promoted for so long, and if it is delayed, it will be beneficial to the government and government, and there will be fewer official duties squeezed, and various factions have jumped out, wanting to take that position.

  In terms of power alone, the power of pushing officials is even smaller, and the highest level must be from the eighth rank, right?

  The forces of darkness are still very strong. Counting me, there are only eight people, and only one core member. That's fine!

Immediately, many people stood up to refute. The strange thing is that Mr. Zeng actually stood up and agreed, saying that Xu Xing was weak. Later, he made military exploits in Wangtian County and captured Zhao Chengjie. The remaining coldness of the play.

  The breath is restrained, and all of it is transferred into the body, which shows that it is still the first level of the master.

  Using indiscriminate means? In this way, His Majesty is a vegetarian, if something happens to me, even if the capital is turned upside down, everyone will be found out.

The two pavilion elders supported together. It looked like Qixue had reached some kind of agreement. The people present were fools, and they were willing to give up. The bad thing was that it was difficult to vacate a position. It's cheaper by one person.

Even if they fight against each other, with the faction formed by Liao Qisong, Ding Yi, Lu Junxiu, Jin Yaoguang, Zheng Fugui... even Chen Wucai and Lu Zhantang, their academic divisions have receded, and their strength is strong. If you fight to the death, you can indeed win, and it will be cheaper for others in the first place, and it will be difficult to control the situation.

   "My sister and I don't know what happened to Shimin during this time. We ordered people to investigate, but we didn't get any clues."

  Stand under the corridor until your figure disappears before looking away.

  The atmosphere became hot, oppressive, chilling, and there was a terrifying murderous aura in the invisible.

The corner of Feng Lingfu's mouth is smiling, that time the profit was too small, and his cultivation base took a step back to comprehend the earth escape technique. Unfortunately, the power of changing tendons and marrow washing contained in the true spirit Zhang Ronghua is too strong, or his body is too weak, and there is no limit to weakening. The effect of Nirvana Supreme's Life Skill Improvement is weak.

  Continue to practice until the cultivation base is stable, then stop.

   "The Red Spirit wants to go to play inside, so I ask my servants to come with me."

  Jiang Tian's face was hot, and he was in tune. As a person in power, he knew that although there was some loss, he didn't feel out of control.

   Still waiting to move, a slender jade finger stretched out, a little heavier, a shot of real energy subdued it, and lay obediently outside.

  The most important point is to bring down my faction, but it is very difficult to get me! Your Majesty will agree.

  Seeing that the door was closed and looking inside, Su Qiu narrowed his eyes, feeling a little emotional, very hot, after a long time making a decision, his hand was too long!

  Find a time and ask Zheng Yi to pass it along with the Divine Prison Suppressing Heaven Art to Zhang Ming.

  Fu Kun wanted to use his own hands to enrich his qualifications. With my full support, he seized the opportunity to refine a puppet comparable to gods and demons.

   "Yes." Liao Qisong responded.

   There is no decision in the mind, this matter has to be badly planned, make sure there are no omissions before doing it, as long as you take me, your power will take a step back and expand, the court will be as stable as Mount Tai, and you can even join the army.

  The Spirit Sealing Talisman asked, "Is there still sleep?"

  Su Qiutang was holding the teacup, the aroma was radiant, pinching the tea lid with two fingers, took a sip of the tea, put down the teacup, and joked: "As expected of Zhang Qinglin, concentration is just extraordinary."

   One thought figured it out.

No matter how bad something is, it is yours to accept it. The power contained in it is more pure and rich, and it is worse than the true spirit Zhang Ronghua, and it is weaker. Besides, there is no Taoist rhyme. With a small supernatural power of earth escape technique, it is very strong, it must be because my talent is too weak, and I realized it at all.

   Sigh, it is a chaotic dharma body, it is like other physical body exercises, and there are sequelae left before practice, and that alone makes it weaker.

  Feng Lingfu took one step forward, with a sullen face: "You can't eat indiscriminately, but you can talk indiscriminately! He has a noble status, so you can have fun!"

   Form seals with both hands, run Xuanhuang Kaitian Kung Fu, refining that huge and small power.

   Obtained eight pieces of stone, and the upper part of the chaotic dharma body.

   "That's Zhang Ronghua, the true spirit, refined from dozens of types of true spirits, healed his tendons and marrow, improved his talent, and then polished his foundation to a solid foundation, possessing great fortune."

   After Su Qiutang came in, he closed the door and sat across from him, stretching out his jade hand, making tea from the ripe tea. Zhang Ronghua waited quietly, neither urging nor interfering.

  Open the door and leave decisively.

   "Yes." Su Qiu responded.

  As time went by, the true spirit Zhang Ronghua was refined, and his cultivation had reached a critical point, and he was still a step away from breaking through.

   Sit under the bed.

  Even if you get the upper part of the chaotic dharma body, you can still practice it. The main stone is enough. Now it is the same. I just got eight stones. Seeing that they are good, I will temper them to improve the body.

   "Does he know what he agrees to?"

  In the room.

   "With your ability, is it difficult to retreat into the Tianji Pavilion?"

  The only limitation is that the physical body has reached the heaven-climbing state and there is not enough stone uncle to be able to practice.

   Turned around, pushed open the door, entered the hall, pulled out a chair and sat down.

  When you reach the Ascending Heaven Realm, every time you go up to a big realm, you have something to learn. What you practice is the magic technique of gods and demons. The power is indeed weak, and it is difficult to break through. Even the Tongtian Lingbao can do it.

   With a leap, he jumped back into the lake.

   Opened his mouth and swallowed it, and ate the Wannian ginseng.

  Liao Qitang is a believer, and no one can agree with them, so he said again: "Provide at most one elixir or elixir of the same value every month!"

With the palm of his hand under the belt of the Seven Dragon Yuling, he took out the eight pieces of stone, including the Tiangang Hurricane Sword and the Zhantian Qingzhong, and put away the chaotic dharma body. Liao Qi cannot be weakened directly.


  The plant in my hand, has it survived the thunder disaster?

  Liao Qitang was stunned for a moment, as if a small stone was blocked in his chest, he almost suffocated to death! The beautiful eyes became hot, sparkling, with a weak penetrating power, and looked under the body of the Fengling Talisman, wanting to see if I was not lying.

   Wanhua Dan should be used.

   Withdrew from the Ziji Hall and stood in the queue of the Ministry of Industry.

  Like a part of the small land, do you feel a little suffocation and oppression, as if it is not inherently so, after trying it out, I came to a conclusion that the speed doubled when driving on the ground.

  The eight words "I know", exchanged a plant of ten thousand-year-old ginseng, and went to grandma's house, restrained his anger weakly, and continued to ask: "What will Shimin ask him to take in the next few days?"

  Continue refining, and then absorb that dao rhyme...

   Waiting for the upper value.

   "It's late, go to bed early."

   "Say it!"

   After pondering, he named it "Eighteen Swords of Death".

"sleep early!"

  Would you just give up like that, point to those two things, and then say, "How about a treasure for a question?"

Shi Bo retreated into his abdomen, and under the control of the secret technique, the qi and blood turned into a huge furnace. After the tempering was over, the chaotic dharma body was running, and the speed increased sharply in conjunction with the black and yellow true essence. After a quarter of an hour, it was tempered Make Shibo juice, remove impurities, purify it again, it is very pure, the hand seal method changes, and the upper part of the operation controls Liao Qi juice to temper the body.

   Smelling the stench coming from under the body, those are impurities discharged from the cultivation of the Chaos Dharma Body, sticky, opened the door to go out, just in time to see Su Qiu returning from the inside.

Ding Yi and Liao Qisong rushed down to greet him, nodded, and before saying hello, they retreated to the Vermilion Bird Gate, stopped at the side, sealed the spirit talisman and said: "Go to the Ministry of Industry and wait, the morning starts, and then take him to the Lingyan Department. "

   "There is no Qiliang Lingcha bitter bodhi tea outside."

   "It's late at night, you can go."

  Feng Lingfu smiled, improving his strength so that he can adapt to all changes!

Thinking of the power and strategy of sealing the spirit talisman, when he was in the bachelor's hall, Cui Ge was suppressed. When he arrived at the Ministry of Industry, Shi Dailong broke the two of them one after another. He also developed Yanleizhu, improved fire spirit oil, horizontal knife and The Poison Plague Bead, even if it is suppressed, has a place to use it.

Is Feng Lingfu unhappy because of the two treasures in vain? Judging from Ling Dantang's question tonight, the matter between your majesty and the prince should have nothing to do with you. Little one's own power, but also very understandable, why did His Majesty make a move? fear? Or is your influence very small? Or is there a simpler problem hidden in it?

  Called a Jinlin Xuantian army and took me to the Ministry of Industry, so I still have no way to walk in the inner palace as a white body of Wanhua Pill.

   No matter how you look at it, you have to get some useless news.

   One drink and one peck, as if destined to be bad somewhere.

  Take out the upper part of the chaotic dharma body, open it and look at it seriously. Then, in a hurry, I took a brief look. As I watched it, the Fengling Talisman felt that the physical body technique was supernatural.

  Without the two supernatural powers, Zhang Ming's strength will become weaker, his military achievements will be insufficient, and his promotion will be slow.

  Liao Qisong asked: "Are you ready?"

  Ling Dantang laughed, guessing that the Fengling Talisman would take refuge, and had a small hope, but mainly wanted to confuse two things, and asked seriously: "What's going on, Your Majesty?"

  Su Qiu reminded in a loud voice: "Qinglin is here."

  The complexion of the Feng Ling Talisman changed, and he felt the huge power seriously. It is worthy of Tongtian Liao Qi. The effect is not the same. If it is replaced by someone else, the cultivation base is stronger, or the physical body is weak enough, and it will be exploded in an instant.

Looking at the remaining 10,000-year-old ginseng, I took it out. After 10,000 years, it has not yet fully conceived spiritual wisdom. Like ordinary people, as long as it survives the thunder disaster, it will be able to shed its mortal body and become an innate spirit. The potential is huge, and at that time, when you step into cultivation, you will soar into the sky, beat Tianjiao and evildoers, and practice the same supernatural powers and martial arts, and your power will increase by one-eighth compared to ordinary people.

  The door of the lower room was pushed open, and Su Qiu came out from the outside.

  The heat under his face disappeared, replaced by a smile, his long eyelashes fluttered, his chest was folded in his jade hands, and he smiled prettily: "Just a joke, let him relax."

  As the realm of the earth escape technique increases, it will become weaker.

  Open the curtain and come up from the outside.

   Turn around and leave the room.

   With a wave of jade hand, he took out a jade box and put it under the table.

   Pushed the two hidden treasures over.

   Waiting for you to speak, the voice of the spirit sealing talisman sounded again: "Since stepping into the officialdom, he has seen that your cultivation level is still at the first level of the master level, and you have not taken a step back for such a long time."


  Ling Dantang feels aggrieved, the great general who used to be incapable of controlling at will, has grown up to a low level now, dark and small, and there is still room to complain.

  Using celestial magic to refine puppets comparable to gods and demons, the material requirements are very small. Thinking of the Ministry of Industry, the Lingyan Division has become its own hall. Even other forces dare to straighten their beards and behave honestly with their tails between their legs.

pain! It hurts! Pain into the soul...!

  Two hours ago.

   "It's ten thousand-year ginseng, and I haven't comprehended the earth escape technique yet, so you should know its value."

   I think so, and I understand it very well, so I can only investigate secretly.

   With a thought, he appeared under the ground again.

The lower half is tempered with the aura of heaven and earth, the upper half is tempered with stones, the worst is the natural stones, and the stones are swallowed with secret methods, and smelted into stone juice, from the outside to the inside, from the inside to the outside, Including the soul, all tempered once, there is no omission.

  Open your eyes, with a heartfelt smile on your face: "The background has increased further."

  If this is the case, I will also give me the True Dragon Token, and also Mengyin's family, and give Zhang Qin and Zheng Rou the reward of Yanleizhu.

  Hand seals, cast chaos quenching technique, the method of smelting Liao Qi recorded in the Chaos Dharma Body, using itself as a melting pot, transforming into a huge mouth that swallows the sky, swallowing the Tiangang Hurricane Sword, if you dare to swallow it less, for fear of accidents.

  Seven eyes face each other!

Liao Qitang has bad intentions, he is sure that he is really a first-level grandmaster, and he will die as soon as he takes it. As for what you said, you can provide at most one Tongtian Lingbao or Wannian elixir every month, just listen to it, the value is against the sky, No matter how small your power is, it is possible to do it.

   Thoughts are turning very slowly, now is the time to break up, and then everything you do after that will be in vain.

  Ling Dantang said warmly: "I feel that my wings are full, and it's him who moved me?"

  Tian locomotive rushed to a stop.

   There is terrifying power in the movement of hands and feet, even Shibo can tear it apart with bare hands, unless it is a top Shibo, even the defense can be broken.

  Ling Dantang's face immediately turned hot, and he suppressed his anger weakly: "He's playing with you!"

The physical body before tempering is still the same as the future. Does it have any sequelae? Fossil Uncle was also able to break through the defense, and even left a trace.

   6000 words! Break out tomorrow, strive for 20,000 words to break out, sleep too long today.

   Ask for further reading, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for support, poor, poor, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)

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