MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 130 Destroy it! (Happy New Year)

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  Chapter 130 Destroy it! (Happy New Year)


  Time Treasure Hunter grinned fiercely, screaming "Zi Zi" angrily.

   is saying: You dogs eat dogs, why do you keep rats?

   It’s fine if you stay where you are, but if you dare to move, or use your first talent to escape, there will be one or even four powerful forces coming from above to stop it.

   In this respect.

  Whether it's Xu Xing, Yin Li, Taoist Shangqing, or Ye Jinglei, a high-ranking high-ranking Yue Jinglei of Jingshen, they cooperate very tacitly.

The Time Treasure Hunting Mouse was in a hurry to get angry. It knew that when the battle above was decided, it would be when it was dead. It learned the lesson just now and didn't dare to run around anymore. It just stayed where it was, and the mouse's eyes rolled Soon, he secretly operated the exercises to recover his injuries, and then adjusted his mental state to the peak, looking for an opportunity, and once the opportunity appeared, he would escape here at all costs.

   Sitting and waiting to die is not the character of a rat!

on the ground.

Xu Xing, Yin Li, Taoist Shangqing, and Ye Jinglei fought together, and the battle was one-sided. Even if Taoist Shangqing and Ye Jinglei fought desperately, they were no match for Xu Xing. At the beginning, they could hold on for a while. With the use of means, the battle became fierce, no matter in terms of cultivation base or martial arts, they had to be overwhelmed. Every minute, every second, was like a year for Shangqing Daoist and Ye Jinglei, trying their best to resist, Still unstoppable, the injuries on his body gradually increased, his clothes were stained red with blood, and he looked scary.

The other people in the Scarlet Heaven Hall and the True Dragon Hall saw their adults besiege and kill Shangqing Daoist and the others. While surrounding this place, they also set their targets on the Jingshen's other people, scrambling to kill them. Neither department is an opponent, and it is even more difficult to face the combination of the two departments.

   With only a dozen moves, with their joint efforts, except Ye Jinglei was still alive, all the others brought were killed. There were corpses everywhere on the ground, broken weapons, and a strong smell of blood, which condensed and did not disperse.

  See it.

  Shangqing Daoren and Ye Jinglei are in despair. At this time, it is no longer a matter of robbing time and treasure hunting mice, but whether they can leave alive.

   Another counter-boom!

  Under the powerful swordsmanship of Xu Xing and Yin Li, the two spit out a **** arrow each, and uncontrollably backed up until their backs were touching their backs.


  But the power of Xu Xing and Yin Li's sword was too great, far beyond what they could bear. Even though their bodies were not pierced, they were still seriously injured, and they spit out another **** arrow.

   It's ironic that two irrelevant people, under the pressure of life and death, actually choose to hand over their backs to each other.

Looking at the people in Chitian Temple and True Dragon Hall, the two groups of people were clearly separated. Standing behind Xu Xing and Yin Li, they formed a circle and surrounded them, including the Treasure Hunter of Time. Light, pointing at them, the powerful, fierce, and bloodthirsty aura suppressed from these executioners.

  Taoist Shangqing took a healing elixir, briefly suppressed the wound on his body, and asked with the last hope: "Where is your superior?"

Ye Jinglei was also very uncomfortable. His cultivation base was one level weaker than that of the Taoist Shangqing. Under Yin Li's repeated fatal attacks, he lost more than half of his life. He took out the healing pills on his body and swallowed them Going down, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said angrily: "It's not like you don't know our rules! One-line communication, only the superiors contact the subordinates, and it is impossible for the subordinates to find their superiors!"

The more I talked, the more angry I was, I had just entered the capital, and the mission was passed down from above. I thought it would be easy to find a stinky mouse. Who would have thought that as soon as he showed up, it would attract Chitian Palace and True Dragon Palace, and neither of them could deal with it. It would be even worse if the two major departments joined forces.

   His eyes were fierce, like a lone wolf who was driven to a desperate situation and licked blood: "Kill one to earn money, kill two to earn one!"

  Shangqing Daoist's fluke mentality is completely broken. If there are high-level Jingshen Sun ranks here, they can escape and ascend to heaven, but there are not so many ifs in the world!

   asked unwillingly: "What about Time Treasure Mouse?"

   "Why did you arrest him?"

   Taoist Shangqing was stunned. If he couldn’t turn his head back, he must have seen the expression on his face and asked, “You don’t know?”

Ye Jinglei was aggrieved, holding the handle of the knife firmly in his hand, almost unable to suppress his anger, and the veins on his forehead burst out of anger: "If I know, why don't you ask me out? I'm about to die, so I can't be a fool Bar!"

   "Lingbao of Fortune!"


  Ye Jinglei was startled, and his face showed disbelief. Looking at the people in Chitian Temple and True Dragon Hall, everything made sense. No wonder they came just after he brought people here.

   With a crazy look on his face, the words he said were even crazier: "Are you willing?"

The Shangqing Taoist was also unwilling. It was originally in his pocket, but was snatched away by this **** stinky mouse. He chased him from Shangqing Mountain to the capital for thousands of miles. , wishing to eat the Time Treasure Hunting Mouse raw, gritted his teeth: "I'm not reconciled!"

   "Destroy! What we can't get, they can't get."

  The Daoist of Shangqing hesitated. He had the Wanbao compass. As long as he escaped and ascended to heaven, no matter where the time treasure hunter hid, he could find it. As long as it didn't fall into the hands of the court, sooner or later it would be his own.

  As if guessing what was going on in his heart, Ye Jinglei asked, "Is there anything else you're hiding from me?"

   Before Taoist Shangqing could speak, Yin Li took the words and said sarcastically: "You can die if you want to! Hand over the Wanbao compass, or I will let you try a torture that is more terrible than death."

  Ye Jinglei asked: "What is it?"

Up to now, this matter can no longer be concealed, and Taoist Shangqing said coldly: "Auxiliary Lingbao, as long as it has blood essence, can track the other party! With this treasure, the suzerain can chase all the way from Shangqing Mountain to the capital. , you can still find this stinky mouse in the capital."

   "Are you still lucky? Think you can escape and use this treasure to catch the Treasure Hunter of Time?"

   Taoist Shangqing was silent, thinking like this in his heart.

Ye Jinglei sarcastically smashed his luck: "Don't dream! We are surrounded by them. A large number of people from the Scarlet Heaven Hall and the True Dragon Hall are on their way. When the reinforcements arrive, you think you can single out the two! Big Super Division?"

   Without giving Taoist Shangqing any time to react, he continued.

   "I have a secret technique here, sacrificing life, temporarily increasing combat power, enough to hold them back! Taking advantage of this time, you destroy the Wanbao Compass, and then help the Time Treasure Hunter escape."

   Taoist Shangqing held his palm tightly, with great force, and there was a "click" sound, his eyes were blood red, the treasure was snatched by this beast, and he didn't expect to help it escape, feeling aggrieved!

  Ye Jinglei didn't give him time to think about it: "Will you do it, give me a good word!"

   Taoist Shangqing cannot refuse, if he does not agree, Time Treasure Mouse and Wanbao Compass will both fall into the hands of the two major departments, and even he will die! If he agrees, although he is still dead, at least he can destroy the Wanbao Compass, and then help the Time Treasure Mouse to escape, so that the calculations of the two major departments will fail, and they will be busy and empty-handed.

  Yin Li is in a hurry, if Taoist Shangqing really destroys the Wanbao Compass, and then lets the Time Treasure Hunter escape, Fang Zaitian will definitely not let him go! His face was ferocious, and his murderous aura was soaring: "Kill!"

  The people from the True Dragon Palace rushed up in an instant and killed them.

  Xu Xing's reaction was also quick. When the True Dragon Hall first started, he led his subordinates to rush up.

  Ye Jinglei scolded: "What are you still hesitating about? Why don't you discard the treasure and keep it for them?"

   Taoist Shangqing finally made up his mind, and his anger exploded: "If the suzerain can't get it, no one can get it!"

Ye Jinglei laughed, licked his tongue, looked even more ferocious, threw the knife away, stepped in front of Taoist Shangqing, made seals with both hands, and performed the secret technique - blood transformation technique, sacrificing life, in exchange for His strength doubled, and thousands of black magic lights bloomed from his body, reflecting him like ghosts and gods, billowing evil spirits, like a barren sea, endless, with a disgusting aura, under his control, domineering Suppressed towards the people of the two major departments, a strand of hair fluttered in the wind under the strong aura, and even the eyes turned red and black, even more brutal than before.

   "Hurry up!"

   With a low growl, Ye Jinglei made a move, using box press boxing, relying on the improvement in strength obtained by sacrificing his life, regardless of the consumption of internal energy, he rushed towards Xu Xing and Yin Li.

  Xu Xing laughed jokingly: "Interesting! The mouse crossing the street actually cooperated with Niubi."

  Command the subordinates to kill Shangqing Daoist, **** the Wanbao compass in his hand, and then capture the Time Treasure Hunting Mouse.

  Yin Li is the same, being dragged by Ye Jinglei and unable to escape, he can only order his subordinates to do it, while he and Xu Xing attack Ye Jinglei.

  Facing Ye Jinglei's attack, the two of them didn't have any toughness. If they chose to fight, they would die. According to his consumption, they would fall down in a few minutes. Why trade injuries for injuries?

Looking at the Wanbao compass in his hand, Taoist Shangqing was not reconciled, his eyes were bloodshot, his face was distorted, like a devil, looking at the people from the two major departments who rushed up, no matter how unwilling they were, they had to destroy it. Running to the extreme, the internal force was condensed on the face of the fist, and a powerful blow broke out, smashing down fiercely.

  Yin Li has been paying attention to this side all the time, but now he is dragged by Ye Jinglei, unable to move away, seeing Taoist Shangqing's fist fall, he roared out: "No!"

   Wanted to rush over to stop him, but before he could even take a step, Ye Jinglei's fierce punches had already bombarded him. In desperation, he had no choice but to return to defense.

At the very moment, another fifth force appeared, or in other words, the monster who made a sudden attack has been hiding in the dark, good at hiding, and deceived everyone present. He wanted to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, but he was caught by Taoist Shangqing like this , Seeing that the Wanbao Compass was about to be destroyed and could no longer sit on it, he acted.


Like a teleportation, with one step, the speed is really too fast. Everyone only felt that a black shadow flashed in front of them, and they had already appeared beside Taoist Shangqing. They raised their palms, and countless black lights flickered, rushing towards the space between heaven and earth. It came out, transformed into sharp claws, and suddenly grabbed Shangqing Daoren's body from behind. With a rough stir, the powerful force was about to tear his body in half.

   Taoist Shangqing is also a ruthless person! Sudden heavy injury, the Wanbao compass in his hand has already been thrown out of his hand, seeing that his body is about to be torn apart, his face is grim, with madness written all over it, and he growls: "Explosion!"


  The broken body blew up, and the terrifying energy rushed out. The first to bear the brunt was the monster that sneaked up on him, and killed him.

The demon is called Fengpeng, a descendant of the real Kunpeng, who is good at speed, with a pair of triangular eyes, he is about to go crazy, it’s fine if he didn’t get the Wanbao compass, and he put himself in a dangerous situation. , directly disappear from the original place.

But the destructive air wave from Taoist Shangqing's self-explosion did not stop, and swept towards the surroundings. The two major groups of people who rushed up, under this blow, were killed or injured. Also lost half of it.

   Only those who rush slowly, do things in ink, and those who are at the end are lucky to escape the fatal blow.

Ye Jinglei didn't expect Shangqing Daoist to be so crazy, but it is understandable, his body was captured by Fengpeng, if he slowed down, he might be torn into two halves, he was going to die anyway, he might as well explode himself, even if he couldn't kill it , It can also pull people from the two major departments to the back.

  The yard was in ruins, except for the broken corpses, there was only the smell of blood.

  The Wanbao compass drew a beautiful curve in the air, and the falling direction was Ye Jinglei's side.

At this moment, he has performed the secret technique and sacrificed his life. He has come to the end, and he can die at any time. Looking at this spiritual treasure, his eyes are shining, his face is proud, and he laughs unscrupulously: "You can't get what we can't get!" Don't even think about it!"

   Flying over like lightning, using the boxing to the limit, mobilizing all the internal force to condense on the face of the boxing: "Break it for me!"

   "No!" Yin Li and Feng Peng roared at the same time.

The former wanted to stop it, but the distance was too far and it was too late. In order to avoid the aftermath of the self-destruction of Taoist Shangqing, the latter used his talent, God of wind and escape, to escape a little far. Although he escaped, he was still scratched and hurt He suffered serious trauma, and bright red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. It was too late to rush up now, and he looked at this scene helplessly.


Time Treasure Mouse has been waiting for an opportunity, and the mouse never thought that the battle above would be so crazy. From the beginning, the Shangqing Daoist side has evolved to the present, and it has become a five-party force. It is a complete chaos. Seeing them All of his attention was attracted by Ye Jinglei, and after recovering to the present, more than half of its injuries have healed, and it immediately used its first talent, supernatural power, to escape into the distance.

   I have to say that Time Treasure Mouse seized this opportunity so well that no one noticed it, or ignored it, and they were all attracted by Ye Jinglei.

  Leaving the range of the courtyard, the second talent, supernatural power, light breath was used, and the breath was suppressed. Regardless of consumption, the talent, supernatural power time was desperately used, and frantically fled, and within a few flashes, there was no trace.

at this time.

  Ye Jinglei's fist had landed on Wanbao Compass, and under everyone's watchful eyes, Wanbao Compass was blasted by him abruptly.


Turned into fragments, shot out, before it fell, a golden light flashed, Zhang Ronghua finally arrived at the last moment, not because his speed was too slow, but mainly because the battle here changed too fast, from Shangqing Daoren lost , then to Fengpeng's sneak attack, and finally Ye Jinglei smashed the Wanbao Compass, which was completed in a very short period of time.

At this time, he was wearing night clothes, with his face covered, only two eyes were exposed, and he was cautious. There was a barrier formed by soul power on his body, covering his whole body. From the outside, he was a blur, let alone look at it. With a clear face, even the figure can't be seen clearly, even if he uses the pupil-like secret technique, it's the same, and it can't break his soul master's means.

   Grabbing from the air, the powerful soul power swept across, catching all the falling pieces of the Wanbao compass, and then put them away.

Without even looking at them, he mobilized his soul power to check. In his induction, the ground was empty, the time treasure hunter had escaped, and his face was ugly. Looking at the people in front of him, he changed his voice to make it look old, thus It made people feel that he was a hidden old monster, cursing: "A bunch of trash! There are so many people, and a stinky mouse escaped!"

  Xu Xing and Yin Li looked at the mysterious person who suddenly appeared in front of them, and they were shocked. There was actually a sixth party hiding in the dark!

  Looking around subconsciously, I thought to myself, are there any other people in the dark?

Looking at Zhang Ronghua again, the person who came was a soul master, and they couldn't see through them with their cultivation base. There is only one explanation, the other party's cultivation base is more terrifying than they imagined, at least it is an old monster of the heaven rank, and his heart sank. A heart fell to the bottom of the valley, and they approached together in a tacit understanding. The survivors of the two major groups stood behind them, and those who were seriously injured lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead. Providence.

Fengpeng is even more panicked than them. This is the capital city, the home of the two major departments. They have already released the signal flares, and the reinforcements are on their way, and he is alone. He had to die in the hands of the two major divisions, his body broke out, and he used his talent to the limit, the black light behind him manifested, condensing a huge phantom of Feng Peng, and the domineering one of the two wings turned into a hurricane towards Jiutian He rushed over, wanting to escape from here.

  Zhang Ronghua showed disdain: "Did I let you go?"

  Finger flick!

The soul power evolved into a gigantic sword, more than a dozen feet in size. It slashed domineeringly between the heaven and the earth. Facing Fengpeng's despairing gaze, he killed it. Under his control, he kept its corpse. .

   With a sweep of soul power, Feng Peng's corpse was sealed into a demon bead in one breath, only the size of an egg, and he put it away casually.

  Looking at this scene!

  The monsters in the same realm as them, who also possessed the blood of Kunpeng, were beheaded by this old monster with a single gesture. The other party must be a heavenly soul master.

  Indifferent eyes fell on them.

  Zhang Ronghua said hoarsely: "This deity has a grudge against the True Dragon Palace! Do you stay and fight side by side with him, or take your people and leave?"

  Xu Xinggong cupped his hands, very simply: "Let's go!"

  Leaving quickly with the people from Chitian Temple.

  Yin Li panicked and struggled to his death: "This is the capital, so you are not afraid of revenge from our True Dragon Hall?"

  The same is true for the rest of the True Dragon Palace, holding their weapons tightly, their palms trembling, their eyes full of fear, and they have no desire to fight at all.

   "They deserve it too?"

Zhang Ronghua made a move, and the black lotus was used to destroy the world. The majestic soul power condensed into a black lotus, which was more than ten feet in size. Waiting for people to resist desperately, unable to hold back even a breath, as the black lotus swept over, they were directly burned into ashes, and the dead could not die again.

   Get rid of them.

  Zhang Ronghua put away his soul power, without further delay, he stepped forward and left in a different direction.

   Not long after he left.

The men and horses from the Dragon Palace appeared, and the leader was Fang Zaitian. Looking at the broken corpses and broken weapons on the ground, a strong smell of blood came to his face. His confidant Yin Li died in battle, his face was distorted, and his palms were dead. They held each other together, suppressed their anger, and ordered through gritted teeth: "Pass down my order! Even if the capital is turned upside down, we must find this stalker and the Time Treasure Hunter!"

   The men they brought hurriedly left to search for Zhang Ronghua and Time Treasure Mouse.

   As for Xu Xing.

After leaving with the men and horses, he met up with the people who rushed over, and did not return again, nor did he get involved in the mess of the True Dragon Palace. Once the time treasure hunting mouse is found, it will be snatched at all costs.


   Fate Academy.

  Zhang Ronghua had already changed into a black brocade suit, a golden cloak, and a very eye-catching five-dragon Yuling belt around his waist. He appeared at the door with a Hundred Birds Chaofeng Fan in his hand.

Duan Jiu's eyes lit up, he has been guarding the gate for two or three days, looking forward to the stars and the moon every day, looking forward to Zhang Ronghua's arrival, if he is rewarded by his senior brother like Mei Changshu, then he will make a lot of money, seeing him appear, his face is excited , came up after a dozen steps, and shouted enthusiastically: "Senior brother, you are here!"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded with a smile.

  Take out two ginseng fruits and pass them over.

   "Thank you, brother!"

   "Want to report?"

   "No need!" Duan Jiu shook his head.

   "Before the master passed the word, you will go directly after you come."

Another person was changed, out of politeness, Zhang Ronghua asked a question, nodded, and entered the Fate Academy, the patrolling disciples were already familiar with it, they were obviously not from the Fate Academy, they came here more diligently than them, and greeted with a smile, Continue patrolling.

   Arrived at the yard of the old master.

  Xiao Si lay down on the edge of Linghu Lake to take a rest, heard the sound of footsteps, opened his eyes, the animal eyes were puzzled, and asked, "Why are you here now?"

   Squat down.

  Zhang Ronghua patted its head: "It's a matter of finding the Red Spirit."

  Xiao Si glanced at the sky, it was still a while before dawn, in the middle of the night, lonely men and widows, dry firewood, what is something?

  The beast thinks crookedly!

   "She's in the boudoir."

   "Call me."

  Xiao Si shook his head: "It's not that you can't find it, and it's not that you haven't been there before, just go by yourself."


   "As long as she finds it convenient, it's convenient!"

   "...!" Zhang Ronghua was speechless.

   knocked on its head, and walked towards the backyard.

   Seeing him leave, Xiao Si immediately stood up from the ground, changed direction, and appeared outside the old master's room after a while, raised his hoof, and knocked on the door twice: "Are you asleep?"

   "What is it?"

   "Qing Lin is here, and went to the backyard to find Hong Ling."

  The room was dumb and fell into silence. Xiaosi was about to leave when the door opened and the old master came out: "What is he doing here now?"

   "I have something to do with the Red Spirit!"

   "What is the old man asking you?"

"have no idea!"

  The old master glared at it, looked in the direction of his granddaughter's boudoir, raised two white eyebrows, his wise eyes turned quickly, and then shook his head: "It should be something really happened!"

   "???" Xiao Si was stunned, you have spent a long time thinking about your feelings, and you just choked out this sentence?

   I dare not say this, but think about it in my heart.

  The door of the room was closed, and the old master continued to tidy up the three heads and six arms. Although it has been created, it is better to keep improving. It is really impossible, and there is no loss.

  Outside the door.

  Little Four Beast rolled his eyes around, curious, decided to go over to have a look, and ran over quickly.

  Outside the boudoir.

  Just as Zhang Ronghua was about to knock on the door, he stretched out his hand. Hearing the sound of water flowing inside, he guessed that Yang Hongling might be taking a bath, so he deliberately made a little noise, and said, "Are you ready?"

  In the room.

Yang Hongling was lying in a large bathtub, bathed in the milk of Tianxiangniu, sprinkled with some red rose petals, with a pot of mincemeat on the side, and occasionally took a sip from the wine glass, pouring the finely carved jade Her cheeks were very red, as attractive as a sunset glow.

A pair of straight and slender jade legs stretched out lazily in a straight line, occasionally lifted up, placed on the tub, under the light, white and red, red with yellow, some milk dripped down the smooth jade legs. Falling into the bathtub below, it slides to the bottom, with infinite style.

The two halves of red lips are as thin as cicada's wings, exquisite and seductive. Thinking of the scene where Xiao Si said that her feet smelly, Zhang Ronghua grabbed five toes, and his upper lip was slightly raised, showing his white teeth. An impulse appeared, wanting to smell it Although she knew that her jade feet were fragrant, she still couldn't help it.

  The right leg is bent, holding the little foot, forming an arc with the left leg. As her upper body straightens up, the milk separates, revealing a beautiful and illusory scene. It is a pity that no one can appreciate this beautiful scene.

  Looking at the toenails, they are painted with beige-red nail polish, which is seductive and **** at the same time, with a three-point wildness and fire.

   Qiongbi sniffed hard, it smells really good!

  Tianxiangniu, flower petals, and his own body fragrance passed into his nose, his face was proud, his red lips parted slightly, and he said affirmatively: "It smells good!"

At this time, Zhang Ronghua's voice came in from outside, which startled her greatly. She hurriedly put down her little feet, stood up from the bathtub with a sudden jerk, looked down, and saw that they were all gone. She folded her hands on her chest and squatted down again. :"How did you come?"

   "I have something to do with you!"

   "Don't come in! Don't come in."

  Come out of the bathtub like lightning, with a shock of internal strength, shake off the water droplets on your body, grab the clothes and quickly put them on, check it again, make sure there is nothing missing, and then relax.

  But her heart was beating very fast, like a deer hitting, beating non-stop, her chest was violently heaving, and she took a deep breath to calm herself down, the more she was like this, the more she couldn't calm down, and instead she beat faster.

   Waited for a while.

  Seeing that there was no movement inside, Zhang Ronghua asked again: "Are you ready?"

   "Wait... wait!"

Yang Hongling hurriedly exercised her kung fu, trying to calm down her nervous heart, but it didn't help at all. Looking at the direction outside, she gritted her silver teeth and pressed her lips tightly together. Knowing that she couldn't delay, she bit her bullet walked over.


  The door of the room opens.

Looking at each other, Zhang Ronghua saw that her face was flushed red, like a big apple, red and tender, with infinite temptation, red from the ears to the chest, even the exposed jade arms, Zhang Ronghua was surprised: "What's wrong? "

Although she was very nervous in her heart, Yang Hongling acted very naturally on the surface, not a little flustered, which was related to her personality. Only when she disassembled her appearance could she know how shy she was. It’s hot, maybe it’s been soaking for a long time?”

  Don't give him a chance to ask back questions, ask him proactively.

   "Come to see me so late, what's the matter?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded, smiled slightly, and pointed to himself.

  Yang Hongling instantly understood that there was no one talking outside, and thought to himself that he was too nervous, so he got out of the way, and closed the door after he came in.

  Xiao Si exposed half of his head from among the flowers, his animal eyes turned twice, and muttered, it looks quite normal!

  The beast shook its head and walked away.

  In the room.

The rosiness on Yang Hongling's face hasn't faded yet, she is still very red and very attractive, but her demeanor is graceful, she doesn't know what's going on, she really thinks it's caused by taking a bath, she pours two cups of tea with the teapot, Passed the cup over, took a sip, and concealed the shyness in his heart.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "I want to ask you for a favor."

   Putting down the teacup, a pair of big jewel-like eyes fell on him, Yang Hongling said, "Say it!"

   "Have you heard what happened in the capital recently?"

   "Fang was destroyed in Tianmanmen?"

   "More than that!"

   "Is there something hidden in it?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

   "This matter is more complicated."

  The family of Fang Zaitian was wiped out, and the process was explained in detail.

   Finish listening.

  Yang Hongling was shocked, and subconsciously opened her fiery mouth, her sweet tongue sticking out a little, looking very cute: "Cuohua Lingbao? Are you sure?"

   Having known him for such a long time, based on what I know about him, it is impossible to lie about such a big matter.

   With a serious face, he said seriously: "No wonder Fang Zaitian made such a fuss, so there are other purposes!"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "This matter has become unstoppable. There are many people who know about it. It is estimated that it will spread throughout the capital tonight, or tomorrow at the latest. Everyone will know the news of the birth of the Lingbao."

  Yang Hongling knew the value of the Fortune Spirit Treasure, it was too great! Once they know that no matter what price they pay, they will fight desperately, and even attract foreign forces to join in.

   "I see! Tomorrow, I will take Xiao Si to look for Time Treasure Hunting Mouse."

  Zhang Ronghua nodded, took a sip of tea, and expressed regret: "It's a pity that the Wanbao Compass is broken, otherwise with its help, no matter where the Time Treasure Mouse is hidden, it can be found."

Yang Hongling agrees that the Time Treasure Mouse has two innate supernatural powers, one time supernatural power and one breath-holding supernatural power. After this incident, the mouse may be frightened. It is too late to hide at this time, so how dare it show up and try to kill it again? Find out, the difficulty is not ordinary!

   No matter how difficult it is, digging three feet into the ground and rummaging through the entire capital, you must find it out, so as to obtain the treasure of fortune.

   asked: "How long will it take for the new biography of Renhuang to be written?"

   "Working overtime and staying up late, I can finish writing in two days."

   "Fifteen days are still early, don't be overtired."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

  Yang Hongling stood up from the chair, and said, "The Five Elements Phantom Spiritual Technique has been introduced, let's go! Let's compete."

  Zhang Ronghua glanced at the sky, and it would be half an hour before dawn, Ji Xueyan should wait for her at home, and it would be unreasonable to release her pigeons tonight.

   But she has already spoken, and there is no way to refuse, so she can only satisfy her as soon as possible!

  Out of the room.

  The two stood in the backyard, ten steps apart, looking at each other.

  The blush on Yang Hongling's face has disappeared, and her gem-like eyes are more serious than ever. She knows that Zhang Ronghua is very strong, but everyone belongs to the younger generation, so there is no reason why she is so much better than herself!

  Proud and unyielding personality explodes, and must win the round.

"let's start!"

   "Good!" Zhang Ronghua responded.

Suppressing her cultivation at the first level of the Heavenly Human Realm, just like her, the five-element phantom spirit method is cast, and the five auras shoot out from the body, and in a flash of the wind, they transform into five holy beasts, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu and Qilin , Every holy beast has a size of ten feet, which is still deliberately suppressed, otherwise it will be bigger, the coercion of the true spirit spreads from them, and the powerful momentum is suppressed towards her.

   "Well done!"

Yang Hongling was not afraid, her jewel-like eyes were full of fighting spirit, she twisted her hands, and cast the five-element phantom spirit method, five auras rushed out, and evolved into five holy beasts, but in terms of size and momentum, it was bigger than Zhang Ronghua's five holy beasts Smaller, not comparable.


   Actively controlling them, he rushed towards his five holy beasts.

  Zhang Ronghua stretched out his palm, with five fingers pointing forward and grabbed it suddenly, the five holy beasts rushed up, simply and rudely, with no extra movements, they jumped and bit Yang Hongling's five holy beasts.

  The battle has just started, and it is over.

  I saw her five holy beasts were crushed without even blocking a move.

   Right hand move.

  Zhang Ronghua put away the five holy beasts, and commented: "Your five holy beasts are not refined enough, if they are more condensed, the power will increase by three points."

  Yang Hongling twitched the corner of his mouth, and cast him a pair of white eyes angrily: "It's more than that?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

   "You don't have a deep understanding of the Tao. The combination of the two will make them ineffective."

   "Monster!" Yang Hongling slandered.

  Zhang Ronghua said goodbye: "It's very late, I'll go back first, you should go to bed early."

"be safe!"

  Leaving the yard, hurried outside quickly, exited the Fate Academy, used body skills to the limit, and rushed towards Zhuquefang's home.



Not long after night fell, Ji Xueyan found an opportunity to come over. Seeing that Zhang Ronghua hadn't come back yet, she made a pot of tea and sat on a chair to drink tea and wait. After so long, she drank more than half of the pot of tea and still didn't see him come back. The willow eyebrows are locked together, twisted into a "Chuan" character, and then let your own pigeons go?

  Knowing that he is very busy and has a lot of things at hand, it's been a while, so I can't even go home, can I?

  Looking at the sky outside, it will be dawn soon, her red lips parted slightly, and a helpless sigh came out, she stretched out her jade hand, stroked the purple cat's head, and said softly, "I'm going back."

   "Meow!" the purple cat cried.

The cat's eyes turned quickly, this is the second time, no matter what method you use, you must keep her, holding her hand tightly with two small paws, looking at her pitifully, acting cute and coquettish, as if Saying don't go! He will be back soon.

  The cat was very anxious, wondering what was going on? We agreed to come back early tonight, it's already this time, where's the person?

  Ji Xueyan picked it up, held it with her left hand, and stroked its fur with her right hand, shaking her head gently: "It's already late, if you stay any longer, even if he comes back, it's time to go to court."

  Put it down, stand up from the chair, and leave.

  Purple Cat jumped on her in a hurry, holding her thigh tightly with her two little paws, like a pendant, sticking to her smooth, white leg, but not letting go, doing her duty!

   "Giggle...!" Ji Xueyan was amused.

Covering her mouth with jade hands, the silver bell-like laughter echoed in the room, with tenderness in her beautiful eyes, she bent down, grabbed the back of its head, lifted the purple cat up, looked at these cute eyes, and felt in her heart Yinuan stretched out a slender jade finger, and poked it on the forehead angrily: "For your sake, wait a little longer! Let me tell you first, he hasn't come back before midnight, so don't stop me again." .”

   "Meow!" The purple cat replied heavily.

   I am proud, the role of cats is still great.

   At this time.

  Zhang Ronghua finally came back and appeared outside the room. He sensed that Zhongji Xueyan was still there, and then he relaxed, feeling bitter. Is this a master of time management?

  Pushed open the door and walked in, then closed the door, with an apologetic face: "Some things have been delayed until now, and you have been waiting for a long time."

  Ji Xueyan shook her head: "It's okay! I just arrived too."

  There is a moon-white veil covering her face, blocking her expression.

   "Meow!" the purple cat cried.

   is saying, she has been here for a long time.

Zhang Ronghua felt ashamed, sat on the opposite chair, held a ginseng fruit and a fruit knife, pressed his thumb on the surface of the knife and started peeling, very fast, within a few breaths, he peeled the ginseng fruit and handed it over: " Give!"

   "Thank you!" Ji Xueyan took the ginseng fruit.

  Qiong wrinkled her nose, and smelled a woman's unique fragrance from him. This smell is very special, fresh and temperature-resistant, like an empty lark. Her thoughts turned quickly, thinking about whose smell it was.

   My brain was shocked, and I thought, this is the smell of Yang Hongling!

   I guessed in my heart, he came back so late, could it be that he was with her?

   My mind is darkened, and inexplicable emotions appear, bitter, complicated, and very unpleasant.

   Seeing her not moving, Zhang Ronghua was puzzled: "Why don't you eat?"

  Ji Xueyan restrained her thoughts, took off her veil, revealing a blown-off, beautiful face, and began to eat ginseng fruit with small bites.

   "Meow!" the purple cat cried.

   I was talking about, what about the cat’s ginseng fruit?

  Zhang Ronghua touched its head, which was very soft and slippery. Thinking of the achievements made this time, he took a ginseng fruit and peeled it, and handed it over.

  The purple cat stretched out its small paws to catch it, and began to eat happily.

  Put down the knife, grabbed a handful of black grapes, picked them off, threw one into his mouth, ate the meat, and spat out the skin.

Looking at her from the corner of his eyes, he uncontrollably compared her with Yang Hongling, who also came from top powerful forces, one was the jewel in the palm of the Fate Academy, the precious granddaughter of the old master, and the other was the daughter of the Tai Tuo, in this one, they were evenly divided. .

In terms of beauty, the two women are the pride of heaven, each with their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of body shape, Yang Hongling's figure is a little hotter, Ji Xueyan tends to be more balanced, but her buttocks are very big, and they are also very upturned. .

In terms of temperament, Yang Hongling is bold, unrestrained, one is one, daring to love and hate, and like a fierce horse in the noble, but she is very conservative in her heart, and she attaches great importance to etiquette. She should be **** and sexy, and be quiet. Even more gentle and quiet than the ladies; Ji Xueyan is calm, quiet, knowledgeable and sensible, like a Wang Qiushui, no matter what happens, she can calmly deal with it, she tends to be cold, invisible, and makes people panic.

   Shaking his head, he couldn't tell who was better.

  Ji Xueyan finished eating the ginseng fruit, took out her handkerchief, wiped off the water from the corner of her mouth, and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "It's nothing, it's a matter above the court."

   "I came back early recently, and I got news from my side that Fang Zaitian's family was wiped out, and some people sneaked into the capital."


  Tian was chatted to death, and the atmosphere was awkward. They were clearly separated by a table, but they had nothing to say.

   for a while.

   It was Zhang Ronghua who broke the calm and asked proactively, "Did you bring the fundamental exercises of Haoran Zhengqi?"

   "There are a lot of them, so I can only bring them in batches. After you finish reading this batch, I will send the next batch over."

Stretching out her jade hand, she patted the purse at her waist, took out a batch of exercises, put them on the ground, and piled them up into a hill. Ji Xueyan opened her lips lightly: "There are more than two hundred basic exercises here, about How long will it take to finish watching?"

  Zhang Ronghua pondered, there were many things at hand, the Legend of the Emperor of Heaven had to be compiled, and he also had to deal with Cui Ge's counterattack, as well as the good fortune Lingbao, shaking his head: "After reading it, let the purple cat notify you."

   "Okay." Ji Xueyan responded.

  Thinking of the lark scent on his body, he knew he shouldn't ask, but he still couldn't help it. After holding back for a while, his jade lips opened again: "Are you familiar with Yang Hongling?"

  Zhang Ronghua was stunned, thinking about what she meant, why did she ask such a question? Put these exercises on the ground into the Wulong Yuling belt, and said: "Friend."

  Ji Xueyan really wanted to ask, what about us?

  But reason still prevented her from asking, and stood up from the chair: "It's getting late, go to bed early!"

  Jade hand stretched out and tied the moon-white veil.

"I see you off!"

  Opened the door and sent her to the courtyard door. The two stopped, punched each other, looked at each other, and Ji Xueyan said, "I'm going back."

  A little jade foot, leaving behind a gust of fragrant wind, within a few flashes, it has disappeared.

  Looking at the night, Zhang Ronghua shook his head and sighed helplessly: "Oh!"

   "Meow!" The purple cat jumped up from the ground and landed in his arms.

   I was asking, why didn’t I come back until now?

  Zhang Ronghua stroked its fur: "Thank you."

  Hearing the praise, the purple cat held its head high, that's natural, if there is no cat, she would have left long ago, and you have to release her pigeons again.

   "Delayed by a stinky rat."

   "Meow!" The purple cat's eyes lit up.

   asked hotly: a mouse? strong? Spirit or demon?

Zhang Ronghua was stunned for a moment, looking at the purple cat, his thoughts turned, and a wonderful idea appeared, the Time Treasure Mouse is a true spirit, with a tenth level of master level, the purple cat is also a true spirit, has two top bloodlines, and has been cultivated by himself for so long At that time, the nose was still very good. If it were to catch mice, with the nature of a cat, it would be possible to do it, right?

   Entered the room, closed the door, put it on the table, took a ginseng fruit, peeled it, and handed it over.

  The purple cat was suspicious, took the ginseng fruit, turned the cat's eyes twice, and called out suspiciously: "Meow!"

   is asking, is there something wrong?

Zhang Ronghua said: "It's called Time Treasure Hunting Mouse, it's a true spirit! Its morality is comparable to yours, and it has two kinds of innate supernatural powers, the first one is called time, and the second is called light. It is very important to have a Lingbao of Good Fortune in your hand! If you can catch it and get the Lingbao of Good Fortune in its hand, I will catch you a real spirit later.”

The purple cat's eyes were shining, and it stretched out its two little paws excitedly, rubbing them together. The cat couldn't wait any longer, and wanted to catch the stinky mouse impatiently, but it held back, let out a cry, and asked After catching the Time Treasure Hunting Mouse, the treasure of good fortune belongs to you, and its body belongs to the cat?


  Purple cat raised a small paw, opened the paw, and made a gesture of clapping.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled, stretched out his palm and patted it: "It's a deal."

   "Meow!" The purple cat flipped excitedly and landed on the table again.

   thought of a problem.

   It’s okay to clean up stinky mice with the same skills, but what if you meet a monster with advanced cultivation? As a cat, you have to be a little more cautious and speak out this question.

   Finish listening.

Zhang Ronghua thinks what it said is reasonable. The Fortune Lingbao was born, and even the Scarlet Heaven Palace appeared, which is three points stronger than the True Dragon Palace. Fengpeng and others who rushed over, the current capital, because of a fortune-telling treasure, looks calm on the surface, but in fact it is very dangerous in the dark, and if you are a little careless, you don't even know how you died.

   Don't catch the cat without catching the stinky mouse.

   After pondering for a while, the majestic soul power was running, condensing into a small black sword, only the size of **** of an adult, containing the ultimate soul breath, and the coercion emitted was also very astonishing, reaching the early stage of the king state.

Passed the small soul sword over, and introduced: "This is a supernatural power formed by compressing my soul power. It can be used once. Once I use it, I will get news from my side, and I can also determine your location. I will be there in the first place." Time has passed, and besides that, it contains a full-strength blow from a king-level soul master. Even if you are a strong person in the ascension to the sky, you can only die against it! Remember, you don't use it, and you must kill it once you use it! No matter who it is, he cannot be allowed to leave alive."

   "Meow!" The purple cat responded excitedly.

   Hastily put away the little soul sword, and yelled again, saying, how can such a treasure be enough? At least two pieces.


   Zhang Ronghua was amused, reached out and knocked a chestnut on its head, and said angrily: "Greedy!"

  The purple cat raised its paw and scratched the back of its head, smiling shyly.

   "Although the Taoism at the tenth level of the Grandmaster Realm is good, killing rats is enough! Make sure you are safe, and then raise your Taoism to one level, so that you can break through to the Grand Master!"

  Purple Cat is happier, the happiness came too suddenly, just catching a stinky mouse, the benefits come one after another, such a beautiful job, it wants to say, don't stop! keep going.

Standing up from the chair, Zhang Ronghua stretched out his palm, slapped on the belt of Wulong Yuling, and took out Fengpeng's corpse bead, with a little flexion of his finger, a piece of black and yellow true essence fell down, unsealed, and the corpse appeared On the ground, use Xuanhuang True Yuan to purify it, drive away the demonic energy in its body, and keep its essence. When it stops, only one-tenth of Fengpeng's power, including the demon core, is left.

It is not enough to improve the Taoism of the purple cat. Fortunately, I still have a few demon pills in my hand, which are all accumulated before. I took them out together, took a little time, purified them, put them on Fengpeng's body, pointed Means: "Eat!"

   "Meow!" the purple cat called excitedly.

  I couldn't hold it any longer, and jumped down from the table. The purple-red light of the true spirit flowed, changed to a size of ten feet, and appeared in the room. The Phoenix Divine Fire was burning all over my body. I opened my mouth and ate them all.


  Terrible power erupted, rampaging through its body, trying to burst its body, and hurriedly used exercises to suppress and refine this huge power.

   But it is very powerful, even if it has two top bloodlines, it is not easy to suppress it, and it screamed out in pain.

Zhang Ronghua had anticipated this scene, so he injected a piece of Xuanhuang Zhenyuan into its body, suppressed this force, let it refine, retracted his palm, seeing that it would not end for a while, took out the fragments of the Wanbao Compass, and was shattered by Ye Jinglei , became thirty-six.

  Although it has lost its value, the material itself is very expensive and can be reused. It happens that I have some cloud and mist **** stones in my hand. If I refine them together, if I'm lucky, I can get a spirit treasure.

  Think here.

  Take out the Vientiane Baoding and put it on the side, stay away from the purple cat, so as not to disturb its breakthrough, then take out the cloud **** stone and earth spirit carbon.

  The cloud **** stone is as big as a basketball and is very precious. It is the cloud and mist falling from the sky and falling on the hard stone. It has been formed after thousands of years, and it contains the effect of lightness and speed.

  Put the earth spirit carbon under the tripod, ignite the flame, add ten pieces in a row, and the strong flame will cover the Vientiane Baoding tripod, burning sizzlingly, and emitting a terrible temperature.

   With a wave of his right hand, he threw all the thirty-six fragments of the Wanbao Compass into it, formed seals with both hands, and knocked them down with a seal, and began to refine these fragments.

   A quarter of an hour passed.

  The fragments have not changed, they are still the same, and have not been melted.

  Zhang Ronghua frowned: "The temperature of the flame is not enough?"

   After thinking about it, I realized that it is a spirit treasure after all, even if it is an auxiliary spirit treasure, it cannot be refined by ordinary flames. When I turned my right hand, a golden flame appeared, which was the Phoenix Divine Fire.


   After a turn, it landed on the bottom of the Vientiane Baoding. It had already reached five turns, and its power was astonishing. As soon as it appeared, the domineering flame melted the thirty-six burning fragments.

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

   In the Year of the Rabbit, you will have great ambitions, academic success, and a double harvest in love and work.

   13,000 words burst!

   Ask for further reading, ask for a monthly pass, ask for support! Poor, pitiful, humble and helpless little author.

   Ji Xueyan's episode has been updated, group: 460239278



  (end of this chapter)

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