MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 129 Desperate (ask for a full order, ask for a monthly pass)

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  Chapter 129 Desperation

  Punishment prison.

  In the depths of the cell on the first floor, it is dark, damp, and stinking, much worse than the cell outside.

   Cell No. 266.

  The three of Jin Yaoguang were imprisoned together, with disheveled hair, wearing white prison uniforms, and iron chains on their hands and feet. Some parts of the clothes were broken, as if caused by a leather whip, and the dark red blood had dried up.

  The three of them lay weakly on the ground, panting heavily.

Some cockroaches and bedbugs were crawling around on their bodies. They were obviously disgusting and wanted to drive them away, but they had just been tortured. They were hung up and beaten by the jailer. Under the whipping service, half of their lives were lost. , In addition, from the time he was imprisoned, until now, he has not eaten and is weak. The combination of the two makes it even more unbearable. Not to mention driving away cockroaches and bedbugs, he doesn't even have the strength to move his little finger.

  Jin Yaoguang said: "You all heard what the jailer said just now. After three days, I will take him to the vegetable market to ask for execution."

  The other two are the directors of the Guozijian, named Zhou Yi and Cui Daoqing.

  Cui Daoqing just opened his mouth, affected the injury on his body, grinned his teeth in pain, endured the pain, and asked back: "Do you regret it?"

Zhou Yi shook his head: "Since I have done it, I will not regret it! Instead of living like a dog, begging in the capital, being looked down upon, or even beaten, it is better to give it a try! Even if he is using us, before he dies, pull Cao Shanchang and the others are not at a loss!"

   "How about you, Mr. Jin?"

Jin Yaoguang looked at the ceiling, it was dark, like paste, thick and solid, with dust everywhere, and some Yin Qi formed dirty water droplets, dripping down from above, making the cell even more humid , Said calmly: "This is our only chance. We have discussed it before doing it. The current result, including the reactions of him, Cui Gelao and others, is also expected. Didn't Zhou Yi say that? This is our only chance. In the court, the only one who dares to fight head-to-head with Mr. Cui Ge is Pei Caihua. He is Pei Caihua's person and His Highness's person. With the True Dragon Order, if we don’t even take action against him, it means that we are really useless and have no value to be used, even if we die!”

   Cui Daoqing nodded with deep sympathy. Before taking action, he took into account all kinds of results, including the present and the imminent beheading at the vegetable market, all of which were expected.

  The atmosphere is silent.

   Can live, who wants to die? Can be an official, who wants to be a commoner?

   Didn't hesitate to offend Cui Ge to death and hand in the name certificate, isn't it just to regain his official status?


   Zhou Yi let out a groan in his stomach, feeling so hungry that it overwhelmed the pain in his body: "I want to eat chicken!"

  The two turned their heads and glanced at him.

  Cui Daoqing echoed: "I want to too!"

  Jin Yaoguang thought more: "One more jug of wine, one plate of fresh rice, two girls."


   Outside the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

  This is not the first time I have come here, counting this time, not a dozen times, but seven or eight times.

A group of soldiers and horses stood guard outside, and the leader was a Sima. Seeing two people coming, they were wearing official uniforms. Judging from the official uniforms, one was from the fourth rank and the other was from the fifth rank. He Ding Yi stopped him: "The sky is firmly locked, it is strictly forbidden to step in! Two adults, please leave."

  Zhang Ronghua has no expression on his face, he is not angry and prestige, his powerful temperament is mixed with official authority to form a unique temperament, every move, with a huge oppressive force: "Get out of the way!"

  Sima did not give a single step, and then said: "If you want to enter the prison, you must have the approval of the Ministry of Punishment!"

Zhang Ronghua knew it in his heart. This person was probably ordered by Elder Cui Ge to stop talking and take out the real dragon token. Looking at the real dragon token in his hand, Sima was startled, and hastily cupped his fists to salute: "I have seen you, my lord." !"

"Step aside!"

  Sima didn't dare to stop them, and without hesitation, he hurriedly retreated to the side, ordered to let them go, and made way for them to go in. After they entered, he called a confidant to pass back the news of their arrival.


Seeing them coming, the prison chief jumped in his heart, and his thoughts turned quickly. The higher-ups have issued a death order, and it is strictly forbidden for idlers to step in. Those who can come in at this time have different identities. They should be related to Jin Yaoguang and the other three. He is just a small cell boss who can't be provoked, and no one on both sides dares to offend, so he put on a smiling face, bent down, and greeted him flatteringly: "The villain has seen two adults!"


  Zhang Ronghua said indifferently: "Where are Jin Yaoguang and the others?"

  The cell boss hesitated: "This, this..."


  Ding Yi kicked him to the ground and shouted sullenly, "Take us there!"

  The head of the prison got up from the ground, and didn't care to wipe off the footprints on his chest. He looked embarrassed and said tremblingly: "The higher-ups have issued a death order, and no one is allowed to visit."

  Ding Yi still has to say, Zhang Ronghua took out the real dragon token, looked at the real dragon token in his hand, the cell boss was startled, and changed his face: "Adults, please! This villain will take you there."

  Lead the way ahead and walk to the depths.

   for a while.

Stopping outside Jin Yaoguang's cell, hearing footsteps outside, the three of them resisted the severe pain in their bodies, raised their heads with difficulty, saw the savior coming, their faces were excited, and there seemed to be endless strength in their bodies, struggling Get up from the ground: "My lord..."

  Zhang Ronghua ordered: "Open the door!"

  The cell leader immediately took out the key, opened the cell door, and retreated to the side tactfully.

   Into the cell.

Looking at the injuries on their bodies, Zhang Ronghua walked over, transformed Xuanhuang's true essence into Xuanhuang's internal energy, and with a little finger, three golden lights penetrated into their bodies, and the healing effect exploded. Next, recover quickly.

   for a while.

  The scars on the body surface healed and fell off without leaving any scars. They recovered completely. Apart from being hungry, the three of them were full of energy.

   Bowing and saluting: "I have seen you!"

  The posture is very low, and Zhang Ronghua is regarded as the master.

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

  Turning around, looking at the cell boss, the words he spoke were so cold that he fell into an ice cave.

   "Who did it?"

  The cell chief panicked, broke out in a cold sweat, his legs were shaking, and he faltered and said, "Yes, it's Deputy Cell Chief Zhao!"

   "Bring him!"

  Out of the cell, walked towards the hall.

  Ding Yi and Jin Yaoguang followed behind.

  The head of the cell summoned two guards and ordered one to lock the cell door and the other to inform Deputy Head Zhao.


  Zhang Ronghua sat on the chair with a cold face, eyes like knives, and a strong aura.

Footsteps sounded, a middle-aged man, wearing a jailer's uniform, with a torture knife hanging around his waist, strode out from inside. He was the deputy prison chief Zhao, and he was about to ask the prison chief why he called him here. After a sweep, I saw two adults sitting on the chairs, and Jin Yaoguang and the other three stood behind them. My heart collapsed and I panicked. grown ups!"

  No one responded to him. In his induction, two cold lights fell on his body like needles. The huge oppressive force, invisible and intangible, suppressed from all directions.

   Facing the fear of the unknown, his heart collapsed, his knees softened, and he knelt on the ground uncontrollably.


  The ground shook, dust splashed up, and he didn't dare to move, keeping it as it was.

   Without even looking at him, Zhang Ronghua said: "However he tortured you, just return it!"

  Jin Yaoguang was stunned for a moment, hesitated and said, "My lord, will this cause you any trouble?"

  Zhang Ronghua turned his head and glanced at them. The three of Jin Yaoguang saw disappointment from these eyes, and they didn't dare to delay any longer, fearing that the opportunity they finally caught would be lost like this!

  If it is, the voting certificate submitted before will be wasted.

   Walked to the torture rack, took off the whip from above, and stopped in front of Deputy Chief Zhao.

  Deputy cell chief Zhao was frightened, and he opened his mouth to defend: "My lord, this has nothing to do with the villains! The orders from above are for the villains to torture them to death."


Jin Yaoguang took the lead, holding the whip with all his strength, and slapped him roughly. Even though he was a scholar and old, he became ruthless, and the force was not small at all. The whip fell on Deputy Zhao's head. directly pulled off the prison uniform on his body, leaving a shocking scar on his back.

  Cui Daoqing and Zhou Yi were also quick to act, almost as soon as his whip fell, the two of them fell on it, their eyes were fierce, they gritted their teeth, rolled up their sleeves, and greeted them fiercely.

   One after another, the whip mixed with the screams of Deputy Cell Chief Zhao, echoed in the cell.

   This scene frightened the prison chief and the others. Fortunately, the confrontation in the secret passage was far beyond what these small fish could get involved in. Deputy prison chief Zhao is the best example.

   Half a sound.

  The three of Jin Yaoguang stopped, and then looked at Deputy Prisoner Zhao, lying half dead on the ground, his prison uniform was torn, **** and bloody, and he became a **** man, lying on the ground weakly and gasping for breath.

  Zhang Ronghua ordered: "This person abused lynching, take him down! Let the Ministry of Punishment send someone to investigate."

  Deputy prison chief Zhao was desperate. He knew that once the charge was confirmed, even if he escaped, he would be exiled to the frontier, struggling to his death: "What crime did the villain commit? You want to deal with it so hard?"

   "They have been recruited by the official to assist in the compilation of the new biography of the emperor. You are good! A small deputy prison chief, relying on some power in his hands, dares to move even them, wanting to destroy the progress of the preparation of the biography of the new emperor?"


  Big cold sweat broke out desperately.

  The head of the deputy prisoner Zhao was completely scared, struggling to get up from the ground, knelt on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "The villain knows his mistake! I beg you to hold your hands high and let the villain survive."

  Zhang Ronghua waved his palm: "Take it!"

  The head of the cell has long been unhappy with him, and because he has some relationship, he doesn't take himself seriously. Now that the opportunity arises, how can he be lenient and order two guards to take him down and put him in the cell.


   stood up from the chair, walked in front, and walked outside.

  The three of Jin Yaoguang were excited. From what Zhang Ronghua said just now, they heard what they wanted. Even though they were wearing prison uniforms, they still held their heads high and their chests high.

  Leaving the prison of the Ministry of Justice, stop on the street.

  Looking at the sky, it was already dark after delaying.

  Zhang Ronghua ordered: "Take them to the Jiaofang Division, wash them well, change into clean clothes, and welcome them! Take them to the Scholars Hall tomorrow."

   "Yes." Ding Yi responded.

  He knew that his brother said so, he must be busy with something, otherwise he wouldn't let himself do it.

  Looking at the three of them.

  Zhang Ronghua said again: "Enjoy it, save some energy, the fun has just begun."


  Jin Yaoguang and the others directly knelt on the ground, showing gratitude: "My lord can't repay your life-saving grace. If there is any order in the future, we will definitely charge forward, even if we risk our lives!"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded in satisfaction.

  Turn around and leave.

  Ding Yi took them into the Changping car and drove towards Jiaofangsi.

   Cui Mansion.

   Study room.

  He Wenxuan received the news from the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, and ordered someone to prepare a car to drive him away. He hurried over and explained the matter again.

   Finish listening.

Mr. Cui Ge didn't open his mouth. He played too many plots and tricks. In his opinion, a simple matter often has a deep meaning hidden. He went through the whole thing from beginning to end and locked Pei Caihua. Did he do it secretly? For the layout, let Zhang Ronghua come forward and use Jin Yaoguang's hand to make moves. If it is only Zhang Ronghua, an official from the fourth rank, he is not qualified enough!

  Furthermore, he is now in charge of writing the new biography of Renhuang. When it comes to the critical moment, even if he wants to make a move, he doesn't have enough energy.

After clearing everything up and having a plan in mind, he said in a deep voice, "Go ahead, let people test the extent of the new emperor's biography tomorrow. If there is no progress at all, take the opportunity to tell them Put eye drops on!"

  He Wenxuan asked: "Where are Jin Yaoguang and the others?"

   "If there is no progress in the biography of the newcomers, take the opportunity to send them on the road! If there is, there is still a lot of progress. Zhang Ronghua seconded them to come over to help and speed up the writing process. This matter can only be done!"

   "The lower official understands!"

  Old Cui Ge waved his hand: "Go down!"


  When he left, Cui Ge's eyes flickered coldly, his palms were tightly held together, a small pawn, now, even he wants to clean up, it is extremely difficult!

  Looking in the direction of the East Palace, the prince played a good move.


  Pei Mansion.

  After separating from Ding Yi, Zhang Ronghua came here. Since he made a move, he had to be prepared to prevent Cui Gelao and the others from retaliation.

   Seeing him coming, Pei Xingzhou greeted him respectfully: "You are here!"

  Zhang Ronghua responded and asked, "Is Uncle Pei at home?"

   "Yes! The villain will take you in."

  Followed behind him, entered Pei's mansion, stopped outside the study room, the lights were on inside, it seemed that Pei Caihua was dealing with official business and hadn't rested yet, so he made a gesture of invitation: "Please!"

   retreat wisely.

  Zhang Ronghua walked over, stopped outside the room, and knocked on the door: "Uncle Pei!"

   Study room.

  Pei Caihua paused the pen in his hand, looked outside, with doubts on his face, why did he come here so late? Is something wrong?

  Thinking of the meeting with the prince during the day, the two briefly formed an alliance, completed the exchange of interests, and each took a doctorate position. Could it be for this matter?

  Put the pen on the inkstone, stood up from the chair, walked over, opened the door: "Come in and say."

   Pulled out the chair and sat down, poured two cups of tea with the teapot, and put one cup on the opposite side.

  Close the door.

  Zhang Ronghua sat across from him, took a sip from his teacup, put down the teacup, with a serious face: "Have you heard about Jin Yaoguang and the others?"

   "Yes." Pei Caihua nodded.

   Ask back: "You don't know?"

   "???" Zhang Ronghua frowned, looking puzzled.

  Seeing his appearance, Pei Caihua was puzzled, didn't the crown prince tell him? If so, then what is his purpose at this moment?

   Said the matter briefly.

   "Have you teamed up with His Highness?"

   "The opportunity is rare. There are many people staring at the six vacant positions in Cui Ge's old line. If you want to grab two pieces of meat from their mouths, you can only join forces."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Jin Yaoguang and the others have sued Cao Shanchang and the others, which is related to me."

   "???" This time it was Pei Caihua's turn to be confused, with a suspicious face and scrutiny, as if he wanted to see through him.

  He briefly talked about meeting them on the street the night before, and finding people in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice just now.

  Zhang Ronghua said again: "I never thought that Jin Yaoguang still holds such a sharp weapon in his hand!"

Pei Caihua stretched out his finger, and tapped the table with two fingers, and there was a sound of "dong dong". His thoughts turned quickly, and after a long time, it turned out that this scene was all because of him. It was quite unexpected, but it also made sense Among them, He Wenxuan took so many shots, the relationship between them has long been irreconcilable, one of them must fall, Zhang Ronghua can seize the opportunity and take the opportunity to give them eye drops, which makes sense.

After thinking about it, he said: "I'm afraid they got the news and guessed that you are behind the scenes. If so, tomorrow's court will be very exciting. It will be very difficult for us to win the positions of the two doctors! "

Zhang Ronghua understands that Cui Ge's family has suffered such a big loss this time, and the six people overturned, they will definitely not let it go, even if the six vacant official positions cannot be kept, they will not let themselves get them, maybe they will give them to others, or It will not increase their power.

   His eyes were shining brightly, and his fighting spirit was high.

   "Until the last moment, who knows?"

  Pei Caihua smiled: "I like your unyielding character. This matter has passed through our hands. If you can't even win the positions of two doctors, you will overturn the table. No one can take advantage of it."

   Say again.

   "Do you really want to use the three of Jin Yaoguang?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

"When the new biography of Renhuang is compiled, I should be transferred from the Bachelor's Hall and push Lu Junxiu to the position. With this level of credit, coupled with his qualifications, it is enough to go further, but if he wants to master the Bachelor's Hall, he alone is very difficult. Difficult! With the help of Jin Yaoguang, even if He Wenxuan makes a move, he will be able to deal with one or two, so that he will not be beaten up and have no counterattack power. In this way, the Palace of Bachelors will become our basic board."

   "Have you ever thought that they will transfer someone over to be in charge at the same time as Lu Junxiu, in charge of the Bachelor's Palace?"

   "Think about it! Arranging Jin Yaoguang is also for the next confrontation."

  Pei Caihua stroked his beard and showed admiration on his face. Zhang Ronghua saw things far away, and was not fascinated by the appearance. He considered all possibilities, and said, "Do it boldly! Uncle Pei fully supports you."

   "Thank you, Uncle Pei!"

  Pei Caihua reminded: "His Highness has to be notified about this matter, and nothing will bother the two masters. You go over now and let His Highness prepare."

   "Nephew understands."

   After discussing, Zhang Ronghua left.

  Out of Pei's mansion, there are many things to do. Later, I have to go to the Fate Academy to ask Yang Hongling for help. Ji Xueyan is still waiting for her at home, and moves towards the East Palace.

  Eastern Palace.

  Outside the bedroom, Qing'er and Shuang'er were guarding the door, and they were quite surprised to see him coming.

  Qing'er took a step forward, turned her beautiful eyes around, and asked suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

   "Is Your Highness asleep?"

   "Just fell asleep! Want me to report?"

  Zhang Ronghua nodded.

  Qing'er controlled the movement, pushed the hall door open, and after entering, closed the hall door again, and after a while the hall door opened again, Qing'er said: "Your Highness let you in."

  Entered the main hall, lit the lamps, and dispelled the darkness. The prince was wearing a purple coat woven with phoenix wings, and sat on the main seat, with wise eyes shining.

  Taking a step forward, Zhang Ronghua bowed and saluted: "I have seen Your Highness!"

  Pointing to the chair on the left, the prince said: "Sit down and talk."

  Sitting on the chair, Zhang Ronghua explained his intentions.

   Finish listening.

The crown prince was quite surprised. He was wondering who would take action against Cui Ge, borrowing Jin Yaoguang's hand to get rid of Cao Shanchang and the other six. He has already teamed up with Pei Caihua to win the positions of two doctors, but he did not expect it to happen. For a long time, the black hand behind the scenes is his own people, which is a bit of a reversal.

   After going through the matter in his mind, he guessed Zhang Ronghua's purpose and took control of the Bachelor's Palace. This is a good thing for him!

  Zhang Ronghua is his man, with greater power, his own help in the court will be greater, and the right to speak will be greater. No matter what he does, it will become easier.

  Looked at him earnestly for a while, the former military general, in just a short period of time, has grown to his present height, and he is admirable for his strategy and courage.

   opened his mouth and said: "Do it with confidence, everything is lonely!"

   "Thank you, Your Highness!"

   "How is the writing of the new emperor's biography? How far has it progressed?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "In the minister's plan, it is effectively different from the old version of Renhuang Zhuan, and the new Renhuang Zhuan has been changed to "Tiandi Biography."

  The crown prince frowned, and his two sword eyebrows were locked together, slightly astonished: "Biography of the Emperor of Heaven?"

   Tasting the meaning of these three characters, the word Tian is easy to understand, it represents the sky, and the same is true for the character Emperor, which represents imperial power, and together it represents the limit of full strength. The whole world is under the control of the father?

   Shaking his head, denying this guess!

  Although the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty is vast and boundless, the Great Shang Dynasty has not yet conquered it. In addition to them, there are also a hundred clans of true spirits, fierce beasts, demons and ghosts, plus some places outside the region, such as the East China Sea, etc., it should not be!

   "Go on!"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "The Emperor of Heaven, the Supreme Being of the Three Realms, controls the gods and demons, humanity, demons and ghosts. He follows the law as he says, and he dares not to obey!"


The prince was shocked, and there was a huge wave in his heart, no less than a magnitude 12 earthquake. It turned out that his own structure was small, and Zhang Ronghua thought farther than himself. According to what he said, the sky and the earth, no matter the dead or the living, no matter where they are , all belong to the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty, and it is under the jurisdiction of the father. Once it is submitted, if you think about it with your toes, you can guess that the father is very satisfied.

  As for the repercussions of this matter, has Father ever been afraid in his life?

  No matter who the enemy is, he has never compromised. Even if the reputation of the Emperor of Heaven spreads and the Great Shang Dynasty invites troops to attack, he will not frown.

  He could already imagine that when the Legend of the Emperor of Heaven was compiled, it would be the time when Zhang Ronghua made a further step, leaving a heavy mark in his father's heart.

"In the minister's plan, the biography of the Emperor of Heaven is divided into three parts. The first part tells about His Majesty's diligent study and hard work; the second part tells about His Majesty's governance of the country. Eat meat every now and then; the third part is also the most important part, telling about His Majesty's suppression of all the true spirits, beasts, demons and ghosts, and then taking down the Banzhou of the Great Shang Dynasty."

  After talking so much, Zhang Ronghua was a little thirsty, took a sip from the teacup, put down the teacup, and continued.

"In the future, when His Majesty pacifies the mainland, wipes out the Great Shang Dynasty, the True Spirit Hundred Clans, etc., and inserts the Black Dragon Battle Banner of the Great Xia Dynasty in every corner of the mainland, I will write the next chapter of the Legend of the Emperor of Heaven, so that His Majesty's unswerving His meritorious service will last forever."

The crown prince took a sip of the teacup and was shocked. Zhang Ronghua's flattery was a bit big, which won the joy of his father. He thought he had good talent, strong ability, and scheming. Looking at it now, The kung fu of flattering, Nuo Da's court, including himself, can't compare with it!

   This sycophant simply... touched the depths of the father's soul.

   Putting down the teacup, smiling all over his face, he praised: "Good! Sure enough, Gu did not misunderstand the person."

  After discussing the business, after chatting for a while, Zhang Ronghua left, and the crown prince ordered Shuang'er to send him out of the East Palace until the gate of the palace was closed.

  Qing'er said what was in her mind: "Is he omnipotent? Why can he do everything?"

  The prince sighed: "The more you get in touch, the more mysterious it becomes. It's like a treasure. As long as you entrust the matter to him, no matter how difficult it is, you can complete it."

  Waved his hand to let Qing'er go down.

   There is no outsider present.

  The prince’s eyes flickered, he didn’t know what he was thinking, his complexion changed quickly, and after a while, he muttered to himself: “How can I make him obedient? Will everything I see and see be rotten in my heart?”


  The gate of the East Palace.

  Shuang'er stopped: "Be careful!"

   "En." Zhang Ronghua responded, leaving her behind, and left gracefully.

  This time it's the Fate Academy, time is really not enough, I wish I could break it in half, from the time I was on duty, until now I haven't been idle, except for drinking two cups of tea, I didn't even eat dinner.

  A dilapidated residential house.

   Under the ground, more than three hundred feet away, Time Treasure Mouse is like a stray dog. Its nerves are tense, its hair stands on its head, and it rushes towards the sky. A pair of mouse eyes look at the ground with deep fear.

The night before yesterday, I ate at Fang Zaitian's family. After taking advantage of the scuffle to get rid of Taoist Shangqing and the others, he was seriously injured. Unprepared, I took some elixir and recuperated my body. Just after recovering a little bit, Taoist Shangqing chased after him like sticky candy. Later, the King of Tianhu also brought people to the place. Fortunately, the people of Zhenlong Temple, Coming here at this time, taking advantage of the chaos, narrowly escaped the catastrophe.

  After nightfall, it just stopped under this courtyard, ready to heal its wounds, and completely recover from the rest of its injuries. The damned Taoist Shangqing, relying on the Wanbao compass in his hand, chased after him again.

Before it could escape, as if it had been negotiated, Yin Li led the people from the True Dragon Hall to confront the Shangqing Taoist. After two days of fleeing, all the members of the Shangqing Taoist, except the Shangqing Taoist, were still alive. Those who died, those who were caught, looked at the enemy in front of him, Taoist Shangqing wished to eat his flesh and blood, and then cut him into pieces, but he couldn't kill him, and now he was surrounded again, let alone take him. Whether or not the Treasure Mouse can leave alive is a question.

  Up to now, Yin Li has figured out their purpose this time from the mouths of the captured elders of Daozong of the Qing Dynasty. Time Treasure Hunter has a top-notch spirit treasure in his hand, which is suspected to be the fortune spirit treasure. This time he is completely crazy! As soon as Fang Zaitian knew the news, he ordered the news to be blocked and strictly prohibited from spreading. In the name of revenge for his family, he wanted to catch the Time Treasure Hunting Mouse, and at the same time get revenge, and get the Fortune Spirit Treasure in its hands.

  In spite of this, the news was also leaked out immediately. There were people from other forces among his people, and it reached the ears of those who cared. However, there are still very few people who know about the Lingbao.

Whether it is Fang Zaitian or the people who know about it, they are trying their best to block the news, not wanting more people to get involved, otherwise the more people will get involved, and they want to **** the Lingbao of Fortune from their hands. It is even more difficult, even if you can get it, you can't afford the price! If the higher-ups, or even Emperor Xia, were to know, the Lingbao of Good Fortune would not be kept.

at this time.

  Fang Zaitian regretted that it was too late. He wanted to find out the person who leaked. When Yin Li was interrogating, there were many people present.

  I can only put this matter aside first, focus on the Lingbao of Good Fortune, send all my people out, give the order to die, and grab the Lingbao of Good Fortune at all costs.

Just as Yin Li was about to give the order to act, someone appeared again, and people from Jingshen came. Some time ago, real Wuyou was destroyed, and Jingshen's sub-helm in the capital was taken away in one go. These people came from other places and wanted to reunite Open up a stronghold. After all, the capital is the administrative center of the Great Xia Dynasty. The benefits here are too great, far from being comparable to other places. I don’t want to give up this piece of fat, and I don’t want to cheap other forces. The lord gave an order to them to lead the team, and no matter how much they paid, they must **** the Time Treasure Hunting Mouse from their hands.

  From one party to three parties.

  Looking at Jingshen's people, Taoist Shangqing felt at ease. Even if there was a fight later, Yin Li and the others would have nothing to do with them if they joined forces with Jingshen.

Handsome in less than three seconds, the fourth party arrived. This time, the people who came were from the Chitian Palace. The Chitian Palace, like the True Dragon Palace, is one of the four super departments of the Great Xia Dynasty. The Dragon Palace is weak, vaguely ahead of them. The division of official positions is the same as that of the True Dragon Palace, with six ranks, but they are called differently, namely Hall Master, Angel, Purple Angel, Blue Angel, White Angel and Golden Angel.

The leader is Xu Xing. He is a fat man, about 1.7 meters tall, and weighs more than two hundred catties. He is a blue angel. He has the same official position as Yin Li. In addition, he has another identity, the county of the Great Xia Dynasty. King - King of Baiyun County.

  Although his surname is Xu, he has a special status. He follows his mother's surname. His mother is a strange woman.

   Among Fang Zaitian's people, there are his people. When they learned that the Lingbao was born, they secretly ordered people to pay attention to their movements. Once there was news, they reported it immediately, and this scene happened.

He is wearing a Chitian gown with Tsing Yi as the base, with a gold inlaid neckline, a green unicorn embroidered on the chest, and a Chitian sword hanging on his waist, which is also blue, but a miniature unicorn is depicted on the hilt of the sword. The standard equipment of Tiandian, which distinguishes official positions from clothes, is similar to that of Zhenlongdian.

Squinting, a pair of bright eyes, because of too much flesh, only a little exposed, covered by the eyelids, glanced, and saw the scene in front of his eyes, in his senses, the Time Treasure Hunter was hidden about three hundred feet underground , not daring to move, jokingly said: "It's quite lively!"

Yin Li's complexion was ugly, and the evil spirit erupted between his brows. It was obvious that they were the first to find out about this matter from the Dragon Palace. For this reason, the whole family was killed by the Time Treasure Mouse. Man, very annoyed inside! As for Jingshen, it's just a group of mobs, they haven't paid attention to it yet, and said coldly: "You and we join forces, take them down, and then each use his own ability to **** the Time Treasure Mouse, how about it?"

Taoist Shangqing and Jingshen panicked, they were officials in the same court, no matter how dirty the four major departments were, but they had the same position on the external front, the two sides subconsciously looked at each other and approached each other, in case they Together, we will really fight, and we will get more help later.

  Xu Xing's answer was unexpected. He raised his right hand, waved it casually twice, and said disdainfully: "Your True Dragon Palace has a bad reputation, and cooperating with you will only shame this king!"

  Yin Li was short of breath, and pointed at him angrily with two fingers: "Don't go too far!"

  Xu Xing's face immediately turned cold, and the coercion of the county king broke out, and he shouted: "What are you? Are you worthy of dictating in front of this king?"

  Yin Li finally realized that besides being a blue angel, Xu Xing was also the King of Baiyun County. Even if the latter had no real power and was just a false name, it was not something he could offend.


Gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the night sky, condensing a huge green dragon with long teeth and claws. In the dark night, it was very obvious, representing his identity. Anyone nearby, after seeing the signal flare, no matter what they were doing , rushed over unconditionally.

   There is no rush to start, with Xu Xing here, this manpower alone is not enough to see, first surround the Shangqing Taoist and the Time Treasure Hunter, and wait for the reinforcements to arrive before starting.

  The corner of Xu Xing's mouth curled up, and he said sarcastically: "Can't you guys be a little bit promising? If you can't play with others, you will call people out. No wonder the reputation of the True Dragon Palace is so bad!"

  Take out a signal flare from the Sumeru bag, call someone? Who wouldn't.

   When it really works, the overall strength of Chitian Temple is three points stronger than that of True Dragon Hall. Among the four major divisions, True Dragon Hall is recognized as the bottom, a proper little brother!


  The signal flare was released in the night sky, and the blue fireworks condensed into a green unicorn, burning with blue flames, roaring between the sky and the earth.

  Yin Li was out of breath: "You are shameless!"

  Xu Xing shrugged: "I learned from you."

Taoist Shangqing and Jingshen's leader, the two looked at each other, there was not much time left for them, if there was any further delay, as their people arrived, they would all have to explain here, nodded tacitly, and at the same time When he started, his cultivation exploded, he used his fist (palm) and slammed it on the ground, trying to shake the Time Treasure Hunting Mouse out with great force.


Time Treasure Hunting Mouse wanted to scold its mother, but the mouse hid so deep, it didn't let it go, it sensed the terrifying power coming from their martial arts, it rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed, and didn't dare to delay even a little bit, Hastily cast the first talent, supernatural power, time, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and narrowly dodged it.

  Seeing Taoist Shangqing and Jingshen attacking, Xu Xing and Yin Li did not sit still, and led the troops to kill them, and then **** the Time Treasure Hunting Mouse.

  The scuffle started...

  The other side.

Zhang Ronghua was on his way to the Destiny Academy when he suddenly saw the signal flares of the True Dragon Hall and the Red Heaven Hall, which were still high-level signal flares. He stopped, squinted his eyes, and secretly guessed why the Red Heaven Hall and the True Dragon Hall got mixed up. together? Could it be because of Time Treasure Hunter?

  Only with this possibility, can it be explained. I changed the direction, moved my agility to the limit, and rushed over there.

   9500 words burst!

   There are too many things at the end of the year, and I am trying to code.

   Ask for further reading, ask for a monthly pass, ask for support! Poor, pitiful, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)