MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 131 Emperor Xia is very satisfied (ask for a full order, ask for a monthly ticket!)

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  Chapter 131 Emperor Xia is very satisfied

   A few minutes later.

  Thirty-six fragments melted into a liquid state, the impurities were expelled, and the most primitive essence of the Lingbao was retained, and the spiritual light shone, illuminating the space in the tripod.

  Put the cloud and mist divine stone in, and control the burning of the phoenix divine fire. The cloud and mist divine stone melts faster. After dozens of breaths, it has melted and been purified in front of the domineering phoenix divine fire.

  Looking at the purple cat.

  Zhang Ronghua squinted his eyes. Although the little guy has the supernatural power of phoenix dancing nine days and bursting out at several times the speed, he is still not fast enough. As the old saying goes, the only thing in martial arts in the world is speed. As long as you are fast enough, you will not be able to catch up with me.

  If you add four more shoes to it, the combination of the two will increase the explosive speed to a higher level. The premise is that these shoes cannot be ordinary shoes.

With a decision, start refining, combine the essence of the cloud and fog **** stone and Lingbao, and then take out the Ruyi gem, refine it together, add the Ruyi gem, you can freely change the size of the shoes, otherwise once the purple cat transforms into a real body, Shoes will be broken.

  The fusion of the three, under the refinement of the phoenix fire, gradually condensed into four cloud-white cat shoes, as thin as cicada's wings, flowing with crystal luster, exuding the breath of Lingbao, appearing in the cauldron.

  With a move of the right hand, put away the Phoenix Divine Fire, and then put away the Vientiane Baoding. Looking at the four cat shoes in the palm, they hold no weight in the hand, like a strand of tulle, very transparent.

  Zhang Ronghua nodded in satisfaction: "Although it is the weakest of the auxiliary spirit treasures, it is not bad."

Looking at the purple cat, it seems to be aware of the formation of the spirit treasure, refining the last bit of power of Fengpeng and other demon pills, breaking through the realm in one fell swoop, breaking through to the master realm, the purple-red true spirit light is restrained, and it enters the body, and the cat also unfolds eyes.

   "Meow!" the purple cat cried.

   is saying, thank you!

   Limbs and limbs moved, leaving an afterimage, jumped from the ground, stopped in his arms, and arched vigorously, acting cute and coquettish.

  Zhang Ronghua stroked his hair and said with a smile: "I didn't let me down, while catching the mouse, I was steady."

  Zi Mao nodded heavily, and performed the basalt spirit technique, showing his Taoism in the sixth level of the Grandmaster Realm.

  Pointing to the four white cat shoes on the table, Zhang Ronghua said: "Try it!"

Leaving from his arms, landed on the table, and put on the four cat shoes, as if wrapped in a layer of cloth, with wishful stones added, the size is suitable, very tight, and there is no weight. Wearing the same, but after wearing cat shoes, it becomes more beautiful and sets it off with more taste.

   "Meow!" the purple cat cried.

   is asking, what is the name of cat shoes?

  Think about it.

  Refined with cloud and mist **** stone and Ruyi gem, it is called Yunwu Ruyi shoe.

   "Cloud and Mist Ruyi Shoes."

The purple cat was very satisfied, tried it, and mobilized a little internal force to enter it. The light of the Lingbao lit up, rushed out from the table, and circled around the room at a very fast speed. I saw purple lights flashing one after another. Just can't see its shadow.

   After playing for a while, he landed on the table again.

  Being more serious than ever before, and taking advantage of it, it’s time for the cat to work hard, calling: “Meow!”

   is saying, leave the rest to the cat, and wait for the good news from the cat.

  Zhang Ronghua stretched out his palm, patted its head, and said: "Be careful! Don't be brave, and call someone when you are in danger."

  Purple Cat remembered, turned into a purple light, and rushed out quickly.

After it left, I finished drinking the tea in the cup, walked to the door, looked at the sky, and there was still an hour and a half before I went to court. Even if I slept, I couldn't sleep for a long time, so hurry up and write the biography of the Emperor of Heaven to free up time. Do something else.

   Exited the room and closed the door.

  Entered the study room, stopped at the desk, sat on the chair, took the ink and began to study it. When the ink was finished, he took the pen from the pen holder, dipped it in a little ink, and wrote the second part of the Legend of the Emperor of Heaven.

   An hour later.

The door to the side room opened, Shi Bo came out from inside, closed the door, and saw that the light in the study room was still on, with a heartache on his face, he had achieved such a great achievement at such a young age, without any pride and self-satisfaction, and worked so hard. It is difficult for most people to succeed.

  Controlling her footsteps, trying not to make any noise, she left the backyard, walked outside, and went to South Street to buy breakfast.

  With Zhang Ronghua's cultivation level, he couldn't hide the slightest movement around him. Although Shi Bo was very careful, he still heard him. Looking at the sky outside through the window, there was still half an hour left before going to court.

  Hanging the pen on the pen holder, looking at the written article, counting it, ten articles have been written in the second part, and there are still eight articles left.

Put it away, open the door to go out, walk to the edge of the artificial lake and stop, put on a posture, and start to practice the Great Five Elements Breaking the Sky Sword Formation, the Three-character Secret Art of Stepping on the Sky, and the First Transformation Candle of the True Spirit Art The dragon changed three times in a row before it stopped.

  Shi Bo just returned, saw him coming out, and asked, "Are you still eating breakfast on the Guangyin cart?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

  Shi Bo carried his breakfast and walked towards the front yard.

  After washing up, he changed into his official uniform, went to the front yard, got into the car, took off his shoes, sat on the blanket woven by the phoenix's wings, ate breakfast, and then lay down on it to take a nap and take some time to catch up on sleep.

   Arrived at Suzaku Gate.

  Shi Bo reminded softly: "Qinglin is here."

  Zhang Ronghua opened his eyes with doubts on his face: "So fast?"

  Open the curtain of the car, get out of the car, and order: "Don't pick me up at night."

   "You come back early."

Zhang Ronghua responded, entered the Suzaku Gate, and walked towards the Ziji Hall. I am afraid that the court today is not peaceful. Don't you see the ministers around, all of whom have cold faces, serious expressions, and a dignified atmosphere. It seems that the three of Jin Yaoguang made it There are a lot of factions staring at the six places.

   Arriving at Tianwei Gate, Zheng Fugui seemed to be waiting for him specially. Seeing him coming, he hurried up to meet him, and pointed to the side. Zhang Ronghua guessed that it should be the prince's order.

  The two walked to the side and stopped.

  Zheng Fugui lowered his voice, and said in words that only two people could hear: "Cousin, Your Highness asked me to tell you that I will go there after I am on duty at night."

   Without waiting for Zhang Ronghua to open his mouth, he told the news he knew.

  As Zhang Ronghua guessed, the news of the Fortune Lingbao spread completely, and it can only be said that Fang Zaitian is a waste! He couldn't even control his own people, and let people leak the news, so that by now, almost the whole capital knew about it.

To prevent the Time Treasure Rat from escaping, the forces of all parties cooperated tacitly, catching the turtle in the urn, and dispatching strong men to guard near the four major city gates. He is still a soul master. He does not hesitate to consume soul power and monitor the ground. As long as it dares to show its head, it will be discovered. It will be a thunderbolt to wait for the time treasure hunter.


   There are probably more forces and powerful people who have been secretly stirred in, trying to catch it and **** it from the hands of Time Treasure Hunter.

  Zhang Ronghua nodded, patted him on the shoulder twice, and asked with a smile: "After getting engaged, how are you doing in the East Palace?"

   In front of his cousin, Zheng Fugui didn't hide anything from what he said.

With a bitter smile, his brows were frowned into a "Chuan" character: "Very tired! When you were here, I felt nothing. From being on duty in the morning to off duty at night and leading people on patrol, a day passed. As you transferred to The Hall of Bachelors, this period of time is fine, His Highness is trying to delegate the affairs of the soldiers and guards to increase the burden on his shoulders, and he can still bear it! But after getting engaged, he will come back to work, His Highness will completely let go, big and small Small things are suppressed, and I was in a hurry at the beginning. I thought about your previous experience in dealing with things, followed your method, and learned what I didn’t understand. I gritted my teeth and persisted. Although it was very tiring! But I know, engagement From now on, a man is no longer a man, but a man, and he must shoulder the responsibility on his shoulders, and it is useless to hide."

   "Your qualifications are enough. After a while, I will mention to His Highness that you will be given the position of General of the Rongwei Zhonglang of the Eastern Palace!"

Zheng Fugui was in a hurry. Although Zhang Ronghua was not on duty in the East Palace, he had this title and he had a feeling in his heart that his cousin was always by his side, accompanying him and encouraging him. No matter what happened, when he thought of him, Courage and self-confidence come, not to admit defeat, to overcome all difficulties.

Just when Zhang Ronghua was about to speak, Zhang Ronghua interrupted with a wave of his hand, his voice was very soft: "When you were young, you could always follow me. Now you are engaged, and you will get married on the eighth day of next month. You will have your own way in the future. You can't be like a follower and follow me all the time. Behind you? You have to learn to grow up and stand alone, you know?"

  Zheng Fugui knew that his cousin was doing it for his own good, and wanted to temper himself so that his future path would be smoother, so his eyes turned red: "I want to be your follower for the rest of my life!"


  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand and tapped a chestnut on his head: "What are you thinking about?"

  Looking at the sky, it’s almost time for the court meeting, so don’t delay, just leave a sentence: “Don’t let me down!”

  Turn around and leave, quicken your pace, and walk towards Ziji Hall.

  Looking at his disappearing back, Zheng Fugui clenched his palms and thought seriously, I must work hard! Never let my cousin down!

   Enter the Tianwei Gate, follow the Ziji Avenue to the outside of the Ziji Hall, enter through the left side door, and stand at the end of the ritual queue.

   for a while.

  Eunuch Xiao came in with two eunuchs. He was in charge of closing the Ziji Gate, and the two eunuchs closed the left and right side doors.

  The hall is so quiet that you can hear a needle falling on the ground.

   Calmly, looking towards the apse.

Under the watchful eyes of civil and military officials, heavy footsteps sounded, approaching from a distance, Xia Huang walked in front, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, wearing a dragon crown, with a sullen face, exuding a huge aura, going up He got out of the imperial platform and sat down on the dragon chair. The crown prince stood on his left, Eunuch Wei stood on the right, and there were two eunuchs behind him.

  Taking a step forward, he said in a deep voice: "If there is something to do, start playing, and if there is nothing to do, retreat!"

An official stood up. His name was Yan Lixue. Judging from his official uniform, he was a senior official of the third rank. After bowing and saluting, he said, "Your Majesty, it has been six days since the appointment of the new emperor. I would like to ask , how is the editorial progress of Chief Zhang of the Bachelor's Palace?"

If it wasn't impossible to look back, the civil and military officials must have looked back, wanting to see Zhang Ronghua's reaction, the people standing beside him subconsciously looked over, and saw that he was there, expressionless, with his head down, not knowing where he was. Thinking about something, as if I didn't hear it, I couldn't figure it out in my heart, let alone guess it.

Look at the prince again, especially the row of princes, headed by the eldest prince, the second prince and the others gradually stand in a row according to their age, glanced at him hastily, saw the prince waiting beside his father, without even raising his eyelids, guessed in his heart At one point, he was afraid that he had received the news in advance that the new emperor's biography should have made great progress, so that it would be as stable as Mount Tai. Otherwise, the people involved in him would still be his face, and the prince would not be indifferent.

Emperor Xia majesticly glanced down, no one dared to meet his pair of eyes that contained supreme power, they lowered their heads one after another, and finally landed on Elder Cui Ge, who also lowered his head, looking at his nose, nose and nose. mouth, I don’t know what I was thinking, I looked away, and I was also curious in my heart, how far Zhang Ronghua edited, and said in a deep voice: "Zhang Ronghua comes out!"

  Everything is as expected.

Even if Mr. Cui Ge didn't make trouble in today's court, he would make trouble tomorrow and the next day. For this, Zhang Ronghua made preparations, stood out from the queue, and walked calmly in front of all the civil and military officials, five feet away from the imperial platform. Stepping around, bowing and saluting: "Reporting to Your Majesty, everything in the new biography of Renhuang has been compiled smoothly, and without any accidents, it will definitely be completed within the stipulated time."

  Yan Lixue turned around and looked at him: "Mr. Zhang, why don't you explain the progress in detail. If you don't have enough manpower, you can bring it up and solve it!"

  Zhang Ronghua laughed inwardly, and secretly cursed the idiot! It would be fine if he only said the first half of the sentence, but he brought the second half of it. Isn't this an obvious way to bring an opportunity to him? Without a direct answer, I asked instead: "What is the name of this adult?"

   "Honglu Temple strictly establishes the school!"

   Simply recall.

  Zhang Ronghua understood. He had seen the list of heads of various departments before. Yan Lixue was Shaoqing, who was in charge of Honglu Temple. Judging from the current initiative, he was from the old line of Cui Ge.

   "So it's Yan Shaoqing!"

Turning around, looking at Emperor Xia, he said again: "Your Majesty! Can you send someone to the Hall of Scholars to get the biography of the new emperor from the hands of Lu Junxiu and the others? I am afraid that what you say is useless. Your lords don't believe it. Question me Ability."

   Emperor Xia said: "Quite!"

  Wei Shang ordered to go down and ask a **** behind him to inform Eunuch Xiao and let him take someone to do it himself. This way, people can feel more at ease.

  The court was quiet again, and all civil and military officials were curious, did Zhang Ronghua really compile it? And a lot of progress? If not, how can there be no fear? Please His Majesty send someone to fetch it.

  It's nothing to do with yourself, keep it high, quietly eat melons and watch the show, if an opportunity arises, you don't mind stepping on it again, and take this opportunity to add insult to injury and attack the prince's prestige.

It's early morning and now, the sky outside has brightened. Just when darkness and dawn are changing, the rising sun breaks through a corner. At this time, Lu Junxiu and others have arrived. Eunuch Xiao just brought people into the scholar's hall, and he met them face to face Hit, Dao Ming came, Lu Junxiu and others did not dare to delay, handed over the first part of the biography of the Emperor of Heaven and the nine chapters of the second part to him, and when Eunuch Xiao left, they entered Zhang Ronghua's office hall .

  Ding Yi sat on his seat, the main seat was vacant, even if Zhang Ronghua was not there, no one would dare to sit, Lu Junxiu and Zhao Bai took their seats one by one, and Jin Yaoguang waited in the hall next to it.

  Cao Xing closed the gate of the palace and guarded it outside.

Lu Junxiu expressed his conjecture: "The palace is now sending someone to fetch the biography of the Emperor of Heaven. It seems that Cui Ge has made a move again! This time his calculation will be in vain, and he would never have imagined that your lord not only compiled it, The progress is still so fast, and the biography of the emperor of heaven is much stronger than the old version of the biography of the emperor, and the effect is also several times stronger. Once the book is completed, when it is promoted, the whole world will be bathed in His Majesty's holy prestige, and will feel the emperor forever. Yep!"

   Zhao Bai and the others nodded, they thought the same as him.

  Ding Yi smiled slightly, took a sip from his teacup, and couldn't wait to know what happened in the court.


  Following Eunuch Xiao’s return, he brought up the Biography of the Emperor of Heaven, and Wei Shang handed it to Emperor Xia. He took over the finished documents, which had been registered by Zhao Bai and the others. On the cover were written three big characters “Biography of the Emperor of Heaven”.

Xia Huang narrowed his eyes and guessed the meaning of these three words. After thinking about it for a long time, he thought about all kinds of possibilities, but felt that it was wrong. The first page records the general outline: the emperor of heaven, who rules the three realms, gods and demons, human beings, demons and ghosts, follows the law as he says, and dares not to follow, and controls the life and death of all living beings!

Long's eyes lit up, his heart was shocked, he was shocked by this outline, he subconsciously glanced at Zhang Ronghua, then looked away, very, very satisfied in his heart, and then looked down, although only the first part and the second part were written. There are nine articles in the second part, and there is not even a shadow in the third part, but each part has a brief introduction, which will be removed when it is officially promoted.

  The first part tells the story of his diligence and hard work, the second part tells the story of governing the country and the people have enough food and clothing, and the third part talks about foreign wars, the suppression of real spirits, demons and ghosts, and the Great Shang Dynasty.

  The content is succinct, the key points are highlighted, and it is refreshing. It is difficult to forget after listening to it once, and it goes deep into the soul.

   Seeing His Majesty watching with gusto, all civil and military officials subconsciously glanced at Zhang Ronghua, then at the prince, and finally Yan Lixue and Cui Ge, thinking jokingly, are you shooting yourself in the foot?

   At the same time, I was very curious, what was written on it, so that His Majesty has been seeing it until now? It's like a cat scratching, it's very uncomfortable, I can't wait to see what's going on.

   Half an hour later.

   After reading the book, Emperor Xia put down the biography of the Emperor of Heaven, stroking his beard, showing satisfaction on his face. He never showed any signs of happiness or anger. A rare smile appeared on his face, and he said affirmatively, "Ai Qing has put her heart into it!"

  The simple word "Ai Qing" has already said everything.

  Zhang Ronghua said seriously: "As a subject, this is what a subject should do."

   Paused for a moment, then said, this time it is against the customer.

   "Yan Shaoqing understands the minister very well, and knows that the minister's manpower is not enough. Taking the initiative to raise this matter saves the minister from opening his mouth."

   Only 5000 words! Tomorrow the outbreak will resume!

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  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion