MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 115 Lost the child's research madness (1)

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The two girls next to me saw the old lady crying to the fainting past, and quickly helped.

"Too, don't be excited, don't know what the situation is."

"What can be the situation, everyone is in the hospital?"

The old lady was angry and full of resentment and stared at Lin Shiheng. It looked like she couldn’t wait to pounce on him. She was a tough man and grew up doing farm work. The strength of this age is quite big, the two girls are almost Didn't hold it.

Or Lin Shiheng stretched out his hand and waved "Nothing, you let go first."

He is an elder, and the words he tells are naturally to be heard. The two girls look at each other and hesitate to let go of their hands.

As soon as she let go, the old lady immediately rushed to start patting Lin Shiheng’s shoulder, and screamed in her mouth, “I shouldn’t take you home when I was, I shouldn’t have to go to school. You’re so heartless, so to my granddaughter, Where can my granddaughter not live without conscience, you have no conscience?"

She used a lot of strength in her hand, and later found that Lin Shiheng did not evade and did not avoid it. After standing in the same place and letting herself fight, the strength of her hand gradually became smaller, and a wrinkled face was old. Tears are sloppy, and the words spoken are full of anger.

"I shouldn't have promised you to be together at the beginning, swearing at home, swearing at home."


Lin Shiheng then stood in the same place and let her vent. When the old man vented, he finally opened his mouth. "You really misunderstood. I didn't tell me about this illness at first, I just knew it."


The old lady sneered, her face still with tears. "She said to you useful? You are in the broken laboratory every day, doing a messy experiment. You have been married for so many years, you have cared for her several times. After the child was lost by you, when I was looking for a child to faint at the beginning of the first time, I called you to come over to the hospital and look at it. You are not willing. It’s not your child. It’s not your own. You put him and you put it. He lost it for a small time. For so many years, he still doesn't know what he has suffered and what sin he has suffered."

As he spoke, the old lady had more tears flowing, and the wrinkled hands were pressed at the heart. This time, the two little girls were shocked and quickly called her grandmother to rush.

"You don't care about anything. Everything makes me come to you at the beginning. Is it like those people? I think that if the child has been lost for so long, there is no hope, I don't want to find it."

The old lady said this, and she felt a disheartened feeling.

Not only because of her granddaughter and her grandson, but also because of the culprit that made her hate, she is also the child she raised.

How can it be so cool? How can it react to the loss of the only blood relative?

The old lady looks at the man standing in front of him. He is 35 years old. He is the best age for a man. Because of his excellent appearance, he looks younger than his actual age. He wears elegant clothes and wears it. With a precious watch, I know that life has been very good.

At this moment, the eyebrows are wrinkling tightly, and I look at myself with worry. I can worry about what is the use. No matter what she says, he doesn’t say a word, and spends all day in the broken laboratory, regardless of his own child. Life and death.

It is reasonable to say that the child has been lost for ten years. Those sorrows and sorrows should be calmed down. The old lady’s reaction is a bit too radical, not only after ten years, but ten years ago, when she was just lost, Lin Shiheng, who was her biological father, Just followed them for less than two hours of monitoring, and rushed back to the lab.

At that time, the granddaughter was irritated and fainted. After waking up, the mental state has not been very good. Only the old lady accompanied her because the police said that the child might have been taken away from the city. They were carrying flyers with photos of their children in the winter months. I asked the travellers who passed by, have you seen this child.

At that time, where was Lin Shiheng?

After that, he also snorted in the lab. When he first went out to find a child's wallet and was stolen, his foot slammed and called to let him pick it up. He even said on the phone that the experiment was the most. It’s important.

Is there such a husband, is there such a guilty?

The more she thought about it, the more chilling, the sharp tingling came from the heart, accompanied by this sting, and the suffocation of breathing.


"What are you doing?"

Two young girls, who were still young, panicked and quickly went to support her slowly falling down, but they were still too young, even if they combined, they could not support the weight of such an adult.

Just when the old lady was about to fall, her hands suddenly held her hand, which was a bit colder than her.

The old lady barely opened her eyes and saw Lin Shiheng in front of him.

He was anxious in his eyes, and he had helplessness and fear. He helped the person in one hand. It seemed to be helping the old lady to slap the dust on her body, but the moment she stood up, the whisper quickly said in her ear.

"Grandma, there are people watching here. It’s not clear in a few words. You believe me, I can definitely get Xuan Xuan back."

The old lady was shocked and looked at the person in front of her. She saw his forehead full of cold sweat, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and made a look at her. Although the face remained familiar and helpless, it was vaguely reminded. .

It seems that there is a hidden and awkward appearance.

Although she did not know what was going on, she became a widow at the age of 19, and when she grew up with her son, it would not be a fool.

In particular, she has experienced the most turbulent times in the country and is particularly sensitive to this kind of thing. The old lady does not think that Lin Shiheng will have nothing to do with the compilation of her words, and she has a lot of possibilities in her mind. She has stood firm. .

The person in front seemed to think that she was wearing thin clothes. She took off her coat and put it on her. When she was finishing the coat, she quickly said softly, "You still treat me as before, don't let people see it."

The old lady reacted in an instant, and immediately magnified the doorstep, "The animal husband and wife don't want your clothes."

She grabbed the coat on her shoulder and slammed it on the ground, facing the two unwitting granddaughters. "Thinking, going, going with me to see you."

"Hey, you are slower."

"Too, I am here."

Supported by two great granddaughters, the old lady turned and looked at Lin Shiheng, standing in the middle of the corridor.

He stood there, did not go to the coat on the ground, only silently and quietly watching them leave, the expression did not reveal anything difficult to come, the whole person seems to reveal a loneliness.

What is going on, why is there anyone monitoring? Isn’t he just a researcher?

Is it really hard?

Looking at the old lady, Lin Shiheng picked up his jacket and went downstairs to the hospital to buy a laptop next door.

With the new computer, he returned to the hospital, sitting on the bench and hands on the keyboard.

The original Lord did not have any difficulties, but Lin Shiheng could have it.

Quickly deducing his own plan, Lin Shiheng put on a laptop.

Someone is monitoring what.

Of course, he compiled it.

The old lady is old, cautious, and has experienced the most chaotic years in China. Even if she was young at the time, it was enough to make her remember, so young people don’t believe in this kind of thing, she will definitely believe. .

And as long as she believes in the beginning, the next thing will be much easier.

The memory of the original Lord is rather boring and not too long.

He and the old lady are in a village, and they are the same age as the granddaughter of the old lady.

When the original owner was about five years old, his parents died in an accident. His custody came to the village. It was just a broken village. It was hard enough to raise his own children. It would be very uncomfortable to raise a few children.

In particular, his parents were poor and white, and there was no legacy left. They all fell to the hillside and died. They died and did not pay compensation. There is no advantage. Who is willing to help the children with white?

But such a big child can't be thrown anymore. Aunt can only stink a face and raise him. He is hungry and full of meal. Every time he gives his child a good meal, he will pay for the original owner.

He is not stupid, nor does he have the meaning of resentment. At that time, it was not easy to be a child. Especially a small village that was broken. It would be good enough for aunt to be able to raise him. I can’t expect more.

When he was hungry, he went to the river to catch fish. The river was very deep. He was too dangerous for a child to go down the river. Once he fell in and drowned, he was saved by the old lady.

The old lady became a widow very early, and she lived with her son. Later, her son grew up and went to work in the city. After the marriage, both husband and wife must work. No one can bring children. They have two daughters together. The bigger one. You can board at school, but the smaller one is for someone to bring.

Therefore, the old lady has always been carrying a little granddaughter. She is not a patriarchal woman. Her granddaughter has a pain in her heart. She loves the house and the black, and the child who is so small and sinful to the original owner is also a bit intolerable. She always helps him.

The original aunt saw it as if she did not know it. Anyway, it would be more than happy to have someone help them share them.

Soon after the school year, the original owner wanted to go to school, and my aunt didn't want to give it. Even if he wanted to owe a debt, he wouldn't do it. Then he would like to know how to grow up and pay back the money.

The original Lord asked the old lady to go, the old lady was soft, and listened to the endorsement of the original master who had never gone to school to rely on the primary school window. She wrote a letter and asked her son’s opinion. The original master book.

In fact, I didn’t spend much money on my studies. The original master’s score was excellent. I didn’t go to the top three since I was a primary school. After I started junior high school, I started to get scholarships. Since then, the old lady has never had much money.

He and the old lady's granddaughter played very well in the early days of the early Zhou Dynasty. When they were in junior high school, they were picked up by their parents at the beginning of the week. The high school and the two met again in the same high school. The friendship and reunion of the childhood were mixed together. The two happened in the freshman year. relationship.

After the early pregnancy in early weeks, they simply told the parents that although they were angry at the age of the school, they were angry, but they looked at the two grown up together, and then looked at the original master’s performance from small to large. Zhou family still agreed to the marriage.

At that time, when I got married, I went to college. They simply went to school and went to school. After the beginning of the week, when I was a little older, I stopped school for half a year. After I gave birth, I returned to school.

Originally, the two people are not good people, but they are not bad people. They are all good universities. They should be very good.

But the original owner is obsessed with scientific research.

His fascination has left all kinds of things in front of him. He is not interested in his wife. He is not interested in his son who has his own blood. He only wants a study of his mind.

In a strict sense, he is not bad. He just gave up his wife and son for scientific research.

At first, no one found it wrong. I only thought that the original owner liked work very much. He liked to go to sleepless nights. Because he knew that he had been working in the laboratory and had no affair, he paid all the wages. The rest day was a laboratory. The phone immediately rushed over.

He stayed at home for a short time, basically going out early and returning late, but because he was sure that he was working, he didn't take it seriously at the beginning of the week.

She studied painting. After graduating, she began to design some original jewellery and costumes to hang on the Internet. Because it is very beautiful, the workmanship is very fine, even if the price is high, it is very good.

Every day at home to do jewelry painting, time is still sufficient, so even if the original owner is basically not very home, their children are not lacking companionship.

The original master only took him to play once after the birth of this child. His research was fruitful. He was very happy to take a day off. It happened that there was something in the beginning of the week, and he gave the child to take care of himself and rushed out.

The original master did not get along with his son. The five-year-old child has already spoken very clearly. He is full of desire to go to the playground.

In this way, the two went to the playground.

Playing and playing, there was an inspiration in the original mind. He quickly took out the book he was carrying with him and began to write down the series of codes, and then various calculations.

When he looked up and remembered that he was coming out with his son, the child had long since disappeared.

This is a blue sky for the beginning of the week when the son hurts at the apex of the heart. She is crazy and looks for her own child. No matter what method is used, she can only see a premeditated person wearing a black dress. Take away his child.

If it is lost, she can still be eager to meet a good-hearted person. The good-hearted person can call the police, but since the trafficker is deliberately selling, the hope of finding it is very embarrassing.

And just as she collapsed, the original Lord went into the lab and continued his inspirational research.

After ten years, I never gave up looking for my own children at the beginning of the week. She traveled all over the place, hoping to find the child. The perennial rush made her healthy body not very good.

She also made troubles against the original owner, let him put down the experiment to find his own child, the original owner was troubled, and he abandoned the time he had to experiment. He casually said that he is working hard. If he does not try hard to do research, where is it? Money supports the family to find children.

After all, it takes energy and inspiration to do things at the beginning of the week. In order to find a child, she can sleep for an hour without sleeping for an hour. There is no source of income.

At the beginning of the week, I was convinced. During that time, the original owner happened to be the most important time for research. He only slept for three hours a day. Every day, he opened his eyes and did not wash his meals. He rushed to the laboratory. The whole person was embarrassed. She was This appearance deceived the past, thinking that he worked hard for the children.

From then on, the original main peace of mind continued to do experiments, and every month, the money was still given to the beginning of the week. He did not need money, he only needed to experiment.

At the beginning of the week, I continued to walk around the country to find traces of my children.

She looked for ten years. In the tenth year, she was in a car accident when she was driving to a mountain village road where she was said to have bought a lot of boys. Unfortunately, she died.

On the dying, holding a picture of the child as a child, the grandmother who loves her because of this sudden loss of brain overflow and death.

The original owner did not see his wife and was much sad. He continued to immerse himself in the experiment. Until five years later, the police informed him that his son had already recovered.

The original owner was not very interested, but he was also his own son, or he brought the person back. According to the police, the child was a cute kid. The person who had sold him originally intended to sell the money directly, but he cried and asked for his mother. The policeman who was afraid of his crying, they had been feeding him medicine during the transportation.

Perhaps the dose is still too big for this five-year-old child. When he arrives at the destination, he can't make a sound.

In layman's terms, it is dumb.

A dumb is naturally bought by no one, and the trafficker simply turns around and sells him at a low price to an organization that specifically controls the children to beg.

The children in that are basically not complete, this is to make them look pitiful enough to allow passers-by to save money because of pity.

The child’s luck is good. When he was sent, the doctor in the organization just broke his hand and could not perform surgery. Otherwise, he would have to do a surgical amputation for his small child. On the one hand, he could not run. It also makes him look even more pitiful. Nowadays, the doctors who are used often can't perform surgery, so the small child can't stand it, and if he accidentally he will die, plus seeing that he is already dumb, he just escaped, not like Like other people, amputated arms or legs.

After that, he began a five-year controlled begging life. He basically held a small bowl in the downtown area. When a pedestrian passed by, he looked at the other side with two big eyes. I am dumb, but I still need to get sympathy.

Generally, when these children are begging, there will be adults watching them to prevent them from asking for help from passers-by or fearing that they will hide the money they are begging for. The year is not strict, until he is ten years old. The state has vigorously cracked down on the behavior of traffickers and such beggars.

These children can no longer be begging, the newly-turned children are sold in a hurry, and they have been raised for a few years like him, and they are mixed with the "Boss".

Fighting, stealing, and robbing, small children are forced to do this.

After another three years, when he was thirteen years old, the "Boss" was fighting with people. The former younger brothers went their separate ways, as if their big children were left unattended, and some remembered when they were young. The kidnapped child went to the police station to find his parents, and some others, such as him, because when he was abducted, he was too young to remember anything, and he made a living.

He had been controlled and had no documents before. After he had been free, he did not go to the activities of stealing chickens and dogs. Instead, he took the money he had spent before, and he held his hands and feet. He also knew how to have a good relationship with the people around him. I went to the school gate and squatted at the booth. After a long time, I waited for a sum of money, and I took the money to find someone to do the documents.

Because the name is embroidered with a Xuan word, he named himself Wang Xuan.

Wang is a big surname, and it is also the only surname of the person who was good to these children in that organization. Unfortunately, he fought and died with the "Boss" that day.

After that, Wang Xuan had been spending money on the stalls until the age of twenty. A child who went out of the organization found a parent. The parents took him to the police station to register. The police found a way to find the children who were trafficked. The list, one by one, plus the records and child characteristics that were left in the early part of the week before, will be found out by Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan is already twenty years old. He is a dumb and an adult. Now he can still live a small life. He couldn’t go back, but he still couldn’t hold back and returned to his father’s home.

He was lucky and unfortunate. Fortunately, he knew that his mother had been looking for him after being trafficked. She also saw the video that her mother left him, knowing that she was always in love with him.

Unfortunately, all those who love him have passed away, leaving only one father who is indifferent to him.

The original Lord was very dissatisfied with this son. His imaginary child should be like himself, interested in scientific research, and should also bring together the advantages of himself and his wife.

But what is in front of him is a young man with dark skin, dumb and no rules because of the wind and sun all the year round.

In the record given by the police, he even stole things.

Difficult to be elegant.

He is very disgusted, but because this is his own son, he did not say that people are leaving, but although the original master did not say it, Wang Xuan, who grew up from a young age, could not see the devotion of his biological father. Disdain.

Of course he is angry. He already knows why he had lost his life. Anyone can look down on himself. Only this man can't.

Then, as if to fight for a sigh of relief, it seems to be to let his biological father face up to himself. He worked hard to learn the etiquette that he had never studied, and forced himself to read books on scientific research. He wanted to make himself excellent. Excellent to the father's eyes to face him.

From small to large, he has had enough eyes to look at the garbage. The love left by his mother tells him that he could have grown up like a little prince. His childhood toys are still there, and after he was trafficked. The price of those toys he didn't even think about, all because the father lost him.

No matter how hard Wang Xuan tried, his father would not look at him in his eyes. He would only study and study in a thoughtful way. When the relationship between the father and the son fell to freezing point, Wang Xuan’s girl who was fond of 15 years old appeared in the In front of him.

It was the girl he met when he was at the entrance to the junior high school. He liked her at that time, and she promised him.

This girl is a shame for him, because after she promised his confession and took all his savings, she returned to the campus and avoided him. He asked what happened to her. At that time, but with a disgusting veto, she promised to pursue.

At that time, all the onlookers saw the scene. No one believed that the female students with excellent appearances would like to have a dumb selling stalls at the school gate.

They thought that this dumb was in trouble, and he looked at his sight full of contempt.

After that, the school guard was also attracted by the noise. He shoved Wang Xuan, drove him out of the school, and warned him not to harass the students in the school.

But at the beginning, it was obvious that she came to show it first.

Since then, Wang Xuan has never gone to the school to spread the stalls. He would rather walk more and don't want to see the woman again.

Who can think of reunion? The way to reunite is that this woman has become a student of his biological father.

And she is familiar with his father's sight. It is love, and he wants to be Mrs. Lin's eyes.

And his father valued this woman very much because she was very talented and promised when she asked to get married.

Wang Xuan cut the woman's face with a knife and reconnected with the previous gangster friend and drove her out of the city.

After that, he began to spend days and nights singing.

He didn't know that the woman was pregnant, and she didn't expect the woman to give birth to her younger brother, a younger brother in his twenties.

Twenty years later, when Wang Xuan thought that he could get all the property of the original owner, the woman returned with her son in her twenties.

Wang Xuan, who has been drunk for more than 20 years, has long been a young boy who was only blinded by her in school. Although he is dumb, he still has some means.

The biological father prefers the younger son who has the same scientific talent as himself. It doesn't matter, then kill him before he knows that he wants to change his heritage.

Forging a legacy and driving the woman and brother out of the house.

The woman did not give up what to do and then forged a car accident, she will die without slag.

After that, he frequently began to target the younger brother who became an orphan.

He arranged for people to steal the younger brother's scientific research results, deliberately seduce his younger brother's girlfriend, in order to better suppress the other side, he began to use the mixed black aspect, hanging sheep and selling dog meat to do illegal business to make money.

The other party has been suppressed by him for five years. Until five years later, his brother made a scientific research that is very beneficial to the society and became a national glory.

The black things that his older brother had done were turned over. The company was seized and the property was confiscated. The same thing that killed two lives was turned over.

No one believes that he is not for money.

It’s like a biological father who doesn’t believe that he is coming back for money.

He was guilty of sin and was sentenced to death.

Before he died, he asked to see the images that the mother recorded when he had not found him.

On the eve of the death penalty, the prisoner has asked the prison guard to be humanitarianly answered, and the videotape was brought to him.

Wang Xuan watched the night, the next day was dawn, and with a gunshot, he ended his life.

And he did not know that the original Lord had been watching him in the form of a soul.

The original Lord loves scientific research. He loves it more than love, and even includes himself.

Maybe it is impossible to do research after death, so that his brain full of scientific research has more spare time to see his son.

In fact, he has a lot of words to say, such as the younger son is not his blood, he wants to change the inheritance only because the younger son has scientific research talent, he wants to leave some resources for him, so that he can concentrate on scientific research.

Perhaps the last fatherly love, watching the son who was sentenced to death, the original owner paid the soul, only to be able to let him find home when he has not yet become the appearance of the later.

Give him a family he wants and give him the love he desires the most.

At the beginning of the World Mission Guardian Week, guardian Wang Xuan, the current completion degree is 0.

Lin Shiheng looked at the timeline as he waited for the results.

Wang Xuan was fifteen years old. At the beginning of the week, because he had not had a good rest and had a high fever, he fell into the house. Lin Shiheng went home and found that he was called 120. Because he needed someone to take care of him at the beginning of the week, he remembered to study in his own laboratory. Call the old lady to ask her to help take care of her wife.

This directly caused the old lady who was very dissatisfied with him to blow up the pot. The son lost his life and the wife was sick and did not take care of her. She could not believe that such a person was self-cultivated.

The old lady had only one son. In the car accident last year, she died in a car accident with her wife. Only two daughters were left. The granddaughter was a teacher. She was divorced and lived with her twin daughters. The little granddaughter, the only child lost. The husband is still so trouble-free, even if her body is still tough, this time she knows that her granddaughter has a high fever and coma, but she should accompany her granddaughter, but she has to go back for the broken laboratory.

She had a heart to question each other, and the result was scared by the two sentences that Lin Shiheng said.

Although the old lady has read the book and is literate, she has no education, and she has not been studying for so many years. It is not clear what Lin Shiheng is doing at the time. He only knows what research he is doing, and he stays in a laboratory every day.

The money is quite a lot, but the money is more useful, the child can't find it.

She had made up her mind to persuade her granddaughter to divorce this guy. Marriage is to find someone to live with. This is how the man has lived with the laboratory. The woman has lived for so many years.

These thoughts seem to have hidden feelings in Lin Shiheng, and promised to get back half of Xuan Xuan’s words, and the remaining half, seeing the daughter who leaned against the bed, pale face and holding the photo of his son At the time, it was completely eliminated.

"In the beginning, you haven't eaten yet, Grandma brought you food."

Lin grandma sighed and let the granddaughter put the incubator that she had been holding on the table, and reached out to open the box and take out the food inside.

"Come, I have also made a soup for you. Let's drink some soup and warm the stomach, then eat again. This scorpion mix should be balanced to see your face is poor."

At the beginning of the week, I had put down the photo in my hand and showed a pale smile to my grandmother. "How come you, I am just a little fever, nothing."

"It’s just a little fever, it’s a little thing to faint.”

Lin grandmother said with a harsh tone. "You are also, this is ten years. Are you still in a little time? Even if you are anxious to find a child, people should pay attention to rest. This time is more dangerous, if you There are three long and two short, who is looking for a child?"

She would have liked to criticize and sigh "I hope that Lin Shiheng is better than dreaming," but I suddenly remembered what my granddaughter had said to myself, and hesitated to swallow it.

At the beginning of the week, the smile on her face bitterly broke. She shook her head and knew that she was worried about the old man, and she did not mean to argue. "I will not do this again next time."

"How come with thoughts and thoughts, my sister is not a holiday today?"

"Hey, it's not a tutor in her school. You know, students have to take the exam. They have to work overtime to get some tutoring. She doesn't worry about it, just send them to me."

After explaining Grandma Lin, I saw a pair of eyes at the beginning of the week looking at the door, and my heart was sour.

This silly girl, even if a person has been holding this for a long time, how is it so trusting Lin Shiheng.

But she can't say anything angry. After all, the child was raised too much by himself. What people said and believed, and most believed her words. When she was at home, she was a good boy every day. Can you hear it in your ear?

What's more, when Lin Shiheng did not get into the magic of scientific research, he was indeed very good at the beginning.

"Well, you don't want to watch it. He estimates that he will go back to work right away. I really don't know what he is doing every day."

At the beginning of the week, I looked at my eyes for a moment, but I didn’t want to hurt my grandmother’s sadness. I could only support it. “He is also trying to make money. I haven’t thought about making money in these years. If he is not holding it, the family will be paralyzed.”

Even if it is embarrassing, it is because he lost his child.

Lin’s grandmother remembered this and she was angry, but she didn’t want her granddaughter to be sad.

"Come, come, drink soup."

On this side, Lin Shiheng looked at the results of the deduction, quickly got up, took the notebook and turned away.

While walking, I called "Hey, Laoqiu, I have a new idea here. I will send you the things, and you will apply immediately."

Said, he hung up the phone and edited a text message and sent it over.

At the beginning of the week, I was drinking soup. Suddenly I heard a message screaming. She put down the soup and went to the side to take the phone.

It seems that it is Lin Shiheng's message.

My research results from this decade are coming out immediately. You have a good rest. When you are discharged from the hospital, I will give you a surprise.


At the beginning of the week, I clenched my mobile phone, and my heart was jumping somehow.

What could it be

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