MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 116 Lost the child's research madness (2)

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When Lin Shiheng went back, he immediately notified the meeting.

Although the original owner did not do well in the family, it is undeniable that he does have talents. The people under his hand are also very convinced. When he heard that the meeting immediately put down his hands and went to the conference room.

Originally, everyone thought that Lin Shiheng had made new discoveries about the current research project. When the meeting was sent a piece of paper, they looked at the above content and stayed.

"National Gene Query"

When the name was heard, it could not be played with their current research gossip.


Lin Shiheng stood on the main seat, and his face was calm. "This is the data I have prepared for ten years. I am willing to make it with me. I will sign a confidentiality agreement."

"The funds have been approved, and everyone will consider it after reading."

At first, some people were hesitant to see these headlines. After all, they are not the main ones. They should let them put down their own research to do this, or they are not familiar with the field. It is not difficult.

But Lin Shiheng is the boss, and everyone is respected. They still keep this respect and look carefully.

The more the result, the more excited the people present.

"Professor Lin, have you done any detailed calculations?"

"If it is really like what you wrote, then for China, it is equivalent to entering a new era."

Lin Shiheng still looks the same, as if he had already expected what they would react to. "I have already made a detailed report and have already submitted it to the above. Since the funds have been approved at the maximum speed, everyone who wants to participate can also quickly make it. Decide."


Must participate

They are not all research madmen like Lin Shiheng. Even if they do this job, they have the effect of serving the country. But they all have a mouthful of food. Who does not want to earn more money.

If this thing is made, according to the generosity of the country, they will certainly get a lot of money afterwards.

Money is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that it will definitely go down in history. At that time, there may be participants' names in the history books.

This is a big temptation for anyone.

By the end of the meeting, everyone signed a confidentiality agreement, temporarily letting go of the previous study, and working overtime under the guidance of Lin Shiheng.

It’s hard to do it, at least it’s hard compared to the technology they always have, but fortunately, there is Lin Shiheng, a group of people who don’t even return home, keep their work every day, eat lunch when they eat, and sleep in the lounge. Hit the floor.

They are all big men. After a few days, they are all unshaven.

Because Lin Shiheng played the basics, plus he is equivalent to directly giving a semi-finished product, and they only need to improve on this semi-finished product, the amount of engineering is very large, at first, everyone can calculate it for almost half a year, after the result is handed over It didn't take long for experts who could almost be regarded as their teachers to come.

For them, this is equivalent to an expert who has been known since childhood, and no one thinks that he is coming to grab the merits, but because the experts have settled in, they have worked harder and harder.

Lin Shiheng was in a hurry, almost sacrificed all the rest time to work, and no one felt that something was wrong. After all, the people on the scene couldn’t wait to see the results earlier.

After a month, when they had to work hard, a little semi-finished product came out. After the expert tested it, they went out and made a phone call. After the next day, they yawned and went to the lounge to play the ground. People found a row of soldiers standing outside.

With a gun, armed, and awe-inspiring, it looks really scary.

"Nothing, go to rest."

When a group of people frightened, Lin Shiheng came out from behind, and he was too tired. After a short sentence, he took the lead in the front.

Seeing that the soldiers still kept their original appearance, and did not seem to be doing what they were doing. Everyone kept awake and scared, and went to the lounge with care.

At the entrance of the lounge, the soldier with the gun was standing without accident. Under the leadership of Lin Shiheng, everyone pretended to go calmly.

As soon as the door was closed, a group of people immediately discussed it enthusiastically.

They are not fools. Who can send soldiers? It must be the country.

Although I know that what I am doing can make a great contribution to the country, I can see that these are not standing in front of the ranks of ordinary soldiers, or they are exciting and scared.

The state attached great importance to this matter. After realizing this, a group of people had a feeling of excitement.

From this day on, their progress began to accelerate.

After another one and a half months, with the blessing of experts and the various safe operations of Lin Shiheng, they finally did it.

National Gene Query.

This name sounds quite singular. In fact, it is not just a name-like gene query. To be precise, a gene query is just one of the small branches.

More importantly, it can protect the entire network in China. There are eyes in all parts of China, but each time you can only check and monitor after the accident, and the national genetic inquiry has a certain intelligence, it can afford The security of the entire country of China automatically distinguishes whether there is violence after connecting the eye.

Once you notice it, you can transfer it directly to the local public security bureau without manual operation. After the police check and monitor, you can quickly attack. If it is a murder case, you can not only find the murderer, but also save some victims who have not encountered the poisonous hand. .

Not only that, it can also automatically identify various information, such as a murderer who is wanted to escape after being wanted, as long as he is still in the territory of China, enter his name photo, it will automatically search the country, Huaguo Tianyan basically everywhere Yes, unless the other party hides in the ravine ditch and does not appear for a lifetime, or the plastic surgery bones change, otherwise the national genetic query will find out and automatically transmitted to the local public security bureau.

In addition, it has a lot of functions because time problems can only be slowly explored, but these are just enough to make changes in the whole of China.

Compared with the history of the main world that Lin Shiheng is familiar with, the history of this small world is more backward, and the encounters are similar, but the development is somewhat different from the history of the main world.

As everyone knows, China has experienced a dark history, even if the brave heroes finally took the risk and let the country stand up again, but the years of catastrophe still left their own technology behind other countries.

Even after years of hard work, the country is thriving and has passed through a difficult period of time. The Chinese people are no longer eating and not wearing warm clothes, but in some people’s eyes, it is still the weak country of the year, and some Chinese people even produce The idea of ​​the moon outside is better than Hua Guoyuan.

There is no way for this. Everyone wants to go to the heights. Some young people have not experienced the years of being oppressed. It is impossible to understand how difficult it is for China to develop into a few decades.

The more we engage in scientific research, the more we see the weakness of China, because in fact most of the people in China are compared with their own people, and the comparative objects of scientific research are foreign scientific and technological achievements.

This period is a relatively embarrassing period. China has proved that it is not a weak country by its own ability. Compared with some countries, it is indeed no one is strong. The original experience made the country very insecure, only Desperate research.

To say that research is actually trying to create something that people have. This situation does not last long. After more than a decade, the new generation of Chinese is gradually growing up, and there is no need to fight for other countries, but peace of mind. The beginning of my own research has also begun to shine in the international arena.

Now, Lin Shiheng has advanced this timeline.

For the current Huaguo, "the things that other countries do not have and can't do" are a kind of glory. They are too urgent to get international recognition, and they are eager to make their own strong so that others can no longer bully.

The national genetic inquiry can make China control at least 80% of crimes.

At that time, everyone in the world will blow, and people will blow us well. Well, there is nothing in China that can be blown.

The most important thing is that in the next six months, it will be a Games. Huaguo insists on bidding for the Olympics for so long. It’s hard to succeed. It’s the same as the country’s prosperity. Even if it’s not to lose face, you must also attend those games and watch. Foreign friends take good care of them.

At the same time, it is necessary for foreigners who come to China to break the inherent concept and realize that the present China is no longer the country of China.

The national genetic inquiry comes at a time when other countries do not, and can quickly control the crime rate, and also blame the country for paying attention to it.

The test results are reported, and we have to wait for the connection to the national sky-eye system and then enter the public security system. Before the results are released, these researchers will continue to be protected and can also be monitored.

After all, things are big and everyone understands.

The main researcher who has always been quite cooperative, and Professor Lin Shihenglin, who proposed the national genetic inquiry, proposed to go back to visit his family.

And, he also wants to use the national genetic query in advance to find children who have lost for ten years.

Professor Lin wants to go home to visit his family and want to use the national genetic inquiry system in advance to pass the message. Since he is the main researcher and a living talent, the above is still a green light, and Lin Shiheng is approved to return home. .

Of course, under the protection of the military.

After all, there are still enemies in China. Before the event ended, the country did not want to have an accident.

Lin Shiheng and his early family in a very ordinary residential building, he called in advance before he went home, so as not to face the embarrassing situation of going home and no one at home.

After all, he did not return home for more than two months. During this time, in order to cooperate with the state's secrecy, everyone could not contact the outside world. Only after everyone sent a safe text message to the family, they worked hard.

There were five soldiers who escorted him home. They were all awesome. The temperament of the body was seen at first sight.

Although the momentum is quite awkward, the military is still very respectful to the professor who has made great contributions to the country. The one who is headed is also worried that they are wearing a military uniform and scare Lin Shiheng’s family. They are thoughtful and ask, "Professor Lin, we need to change Do you want clothes?"

"No, let's go back early."

Where can I change, Lin Shiheng wants them to go back with their own uniforms.

He casually pulled a coat and put it on. Now in February, this is still cold and scary. When I go out, it is a chill. Fortunately, the military has not let him walk back. A car is parked at the door. A soldier in a military uniform pulled the door open.

"Professor Lin, here."

Lin Shiheng sat in obedient and watched the car drive all the way to his own.

His family is on the third floor. Now it is not a day off during the day. There are no people downstairs. The five soldiers left two in the bottom of the car, and the other three went upstairs with Lin Shiheng.

When the door bell rang, the old lady in the house was licking the soup in the kitchen. She was also not worried about her granddaughter. Since the child’s accident, the original life was still a pleasant early at the beginning of the week, and it has become a thing to do. The time to find a child.

When the child had not lost before, she would seriously think about what kind of soup to eat and drink this day, to be balanced and convenient for children to digest, and to cook well, and to put it in a good mood, and then Take a photo of nostalgia.

After the child was lost, at the beginning of the week, on the one hand, there was no mood to cook. On the other hand, it was to catch up with the time. In addition, Lin Shiheng became even more intensive after losing the child. Basically, he did not go home to eat. She did not have the motivation to cook. .

Usually, I buy instant noodles and cook them. Sometimes I look for children outside. When the vehicle doesn't stop for a long time, she eats the dry food in the bag. For a long time, the body is not empty.

The place where the old lady lived was close to here, and she was not worried about her granddaughter. Every time her two granddaughters went to school, they ran over to see, especially after the high fever of the last week, I didn’t know how long it took to be found, she came. Diligent.

At the beginning of the week, she had a good relationship with her. After receiving a text message from Lin Shiheng, she did not stop the old lady. She said it directly. The old lady who originally planned to put the soup material into the pot and opened the fire, heard that Lin Shiheng was coming back. , immediately changed the attention.

Since the last time in the hospital Lin Shiheng told her that someone was monitoring them, her old man was thinking about it and was ready to hear a big secret.

The result was good, and the kid didn’t show up directly in front of them since that day.

The old lady was very skeptical that she was deceived, because Lin Shiheng later sent a text message back to say that it would be shut down for a while and not contacted. Other old people went upstairs and downstairs every day and secretly observed so many times, and nothing was found.

In the first month, she was still thinking, maybe it took time to do research, and so on.

In the second month, she had some suspiciousness and fire, but she thought that Lin Shiheng promised to find a grandson, and she was patient and patient.

After a few more days, she waited until she knew that Lin Shiheng had sent a text message to the beginning of the week, and after reading the text message, the old lady took the fire.

She never thought about the dangers of Lin Shiheng. After all, she didn't see anyone who had worked **** the phone and turned it off. It was just that this time was a little longer than before.

What kind of thing, and said that it will take a long time to surprise.

Isn't this vain?

So today, after knowing that Lin Shiheng is coming back, the old lady is rooted in the Lin family. One mind is planning to keep this suspected and ignorant of her granddaughter, and also to ask this person on behalf of the granddaughter.

Since her granddaughter has lost her entire family, it’s not stupid. It’s the kind of emotional fluctuations that happen to the outside world. Otherwise, Lin Shiheng can make people fire four times a day, once for six. The temper of hours has long since divorced in ten years.

When the old lady was young, her life was better than the rest of the village. Because she had a cook, when she was a child, even if many people had a bad time, the big family had food. She used it as a cook, and it was not lacking. of.

Because she is such a solitary woman, he does not hide and squat, every time he goes home to take time to teach her cooking, which is why the old lady who can live with her children can support it. Well, the days are a little better. Anyone in the village who wants to have a happy event should ask her to go to the kitchen.

This soup added her own ingredients, and the big bones were the fresh bones she bought after the two food markets. Together with the casserole, the small fire slowly simmered, Lin Shiheng when they entered the corridor, they met Come is the smell of a big bone soup.

At the beginning of the week, I heard that the doorbell was about to open the door. The old lady in the kitchen had already put down the lid, and the hand rubbed on the apron. "You are sitting, I am going to open the door."

Said, she stinked a face and opened the door.

Then I was stunned.

The people outside the door, the unshaven, the hair grows a lot, the face is clean, but because the two big dark circles under the eyes are very decadent, the clothes do not know what the stuff, the winter wears so Thin is still so ugly, even if the old lady's aesthetic can not stand.


Lin Shiheng seems to have not noticed the shock of the old lady's face, revealing a smile, looking into the inside and looking forward to "you are here, at the beginning"

"In the beginning of the first time, I was in the house."

The old lady hesitated for a few seconds to answer, and the stinky face on her face disappeared unconsciously.

Without him, Lin Shiheng looks so bad.

It’s not that I work in the house every day. It doesn’t look like it’s in the house. It’s like going to the desert.

Look at the mouth, all dry, and they have no water in their work units.

"It’s time to be constant."

At the beginning of the week, I heard the movement outside. I stood up and greeted me. When I saw Lin Shiheng’s appearance as a miserable appearance, her face also showed a strange look.

"How to make it like this"

"Nothing, I’m a little busy these days."

Lin Shiheng said that he had a cough, because the pale face that had not had a good rest for a long time was even a little distressed by the old lady who had never had a good face.

In the end, this is a child who looks at himself, and how can he not be soft when he squanders his body.

Only her heart was soft, but her mouth was half-hearted and refused to fall. She turned and poured a glass of water and handed it to Lin Shiheng. While she taunted, "I don’t know what I’m doing every day, and my family doesn’t care, you just follow your machines. I have passed."

The sultry man took the water and smiled at her weakly, "Thank you, Grandma."

The old lady worked hard to stink a face "I still don't hurry in, let the neighbors look at the jokes."

As she spoke, she reached out and pulled the door a little. The voice had not yet fallen, and she first saw the three people who had been blocked by the door.

In a military uniform, the temperament is chilly, so it stands so straight and there is no sound. The sound is not heard, and I almost didn't scare the old lady.

"This, this is"

Even at the beginning of the week, there was a questioning and vigilant look. The murderous temperament of the three soldiers was something that the individual could see. Lin Shiheng had a relationship with them.

"Oh, this is a comrade of the People's Army. I am kind enough to send me home."

Lin Shiheng gave an explanation that was not a truth.

At the beginning of the week, the old lady was scared, looking at the three soldiers, and brains one after another.

When I barely smiled and greeted the people, when Lin Shiheng went out to the toilet, he pulled out the person. "I said, are you doing anything illegal? Otherwise, how can a soldier come to you?"

Lin Shiheng can't laugh and laugh. "Grandma, what do you say? I am doing research, what can be done illegally, even if it is really illegal, it should be sent by the police."

"This is also true."

The old lady hesitated and nodded, but looked up and down the granddaughter. In addition to the big prison, she really couldn’t think of other reasons why the granddaughter who had always returned to this whole family had become a wolf.

Lin Shiheng sat back on the sofa, and the three military bodies posted the balcony to the living room, and they could not bother their relatives.

"In the beginning, I can wait for this time to come back. I will tell you, don’t go to other places to find Xuan Xuan in the past few months, and raise your own state at home. After some time, I will take you to see you. he."

The plain body on the face of the beginning of the week, which was sitting quietly at the beginning of the week, faded away and turned into excitement. She almost did not think about it and got up and grabbed Lin Shiheng’s hand.

"You found Xuan Xuan where he is. He is good now and he is not healthy."

Even the old lady who tried to stink her face was overjoyed and looked at the past. She shook her voice and asked, "How is the child looking for now?"

"Not found yet."

Lin Shiheng’s words are like creating hope and re-destroying the two. At the beginning of the week, the bright eyes of the two eyes suddenly fell, and even the temperature on their hands gradually turned into cold.

"could not find it"

She murmured, her hand slowly detached from her husband's hand. The next moment, Lin Shiheng grabbed her hand, and the powerful and gentle force made her suddenly lift her eyes and oppose his sight.

This man who once loved and turned into disappointment and eventually turned to plainness was seriously looking at her.

"In the beginning, you believe me, at the latest, the child will be able to find it. During this time, you are at home, make up your body, and you don't want to wait to find a child. He sees a sly mother."

At the beginning of the week, I looked at him with a sly look. It was clear that I hadn’t shed tears for a long time. At this moment, the tears could not help but slipped down. She first silently cried, then turned into a small sob, and then, she could not control the volume of the choked. .

She covered her mouth, her tears streaming, as if she had caught the last hope, and her eyes were hopeful and desperate.

“Can you really find it? Can you really find Xuan Xuan?”

Lin Shiheng’s answer is powerful. “Really.”

He also held her one hand, and even if there was no movement, it still had a full sense of appeasement.

"You believe me, okay"

At the beginning of the week, the tears were blurred, but she nodded.

She is almost confused and talking. "I believe in you, you bring him back, you find him back, you must find it back."

"Xuanxuan is coming back"

I haven’t cried so long since the beginning of the week. In the few years that the child just lost, she was almost always awakened from a nightmare, and then a picture of a child holding her child was sobbing and crying.

Later, her tears seemed to drain, she was numbly searching, experienced disappointment again and again, and struck again and again.

Lin Shiheng stood up and helped her to let her lean in her arms. At the beginning of the week, she leaned against his shoulders and couldn’t cry. Everyone said she was strong, but they never thought about it. She would not be strong.

The old lady also blushes, looking at the granddaughter who is crying on the shoulders of her granddaughter’s shoulders, rubbing her tears with her back, as if she saw that when Lin Shiheng had not yet worked to be a family member, the two young sweet and loving ones were Home is tired.

At that time, how happy she was at the beginning.

She cried for a long time at the beginning of the week. She was too tired. This crying completely vented her strong support. At the end, she was sleepy. Lin Shiheng helped her into the house and was covered with a quilt. At the beginning of the week, the eyes suddenly caught the husband’s hand, and a pair of crying red eyes opened.

"You can get him back, right?"

Lin Shiheng nodded and patted her hand with the other hand, surely, "I can find Xuan Xuan back."

"Have a good rest, and it will arrive soon."

I was assured that I was relieved at the beginning of the week, relaxed my mind, and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When she woke up, the family had a meal together and Lin Shiheng had to go back.

Before he left, he glanced at his sleep and the whole spirit changed from a suffocating to a wife full of hope.

When she was young, she was very beautiful, her skin was fair, her facial features were beautiful, her smile was full of innocence and she was grown up. After experiencing the loss of her child and the pain she could not find anyway, she had more eyes. Fine lines, full of sorrow, exhausted eyes, but even so, she is very beautiful, but this beauty can only be revealed when it is carefully cared for.

"Grandma, I was bothered to take care of you at the beginning. When the results of Xuan Xuan came out, let's go find him."

Lin Shiheng said that he left again. He is the main person in charge. He has too much work to do. He can go home for a day. It is already considered to be a big part of his merits.

Since Lin Shiheng left, the beginning of the week was no longer like a previous day, when I heard the news of a little trafficker and children, I left by car. She stayed at home quietly, obeyed the soup, eat normal meals, and bought skin care products. Serious skin care every day.

She wants to make herself look younger when she recognizes her son. Although she can't change her appearance when she is five years old, maybe her child still remembers her mother.

When I think of my child, I might recognize her and tell her that you are like this in my memory. I have been thinking about you all the time. I can sweetly smack my mouth at the beginning of the week.

A month later, at the end of the month, I have been trying hard to start to worry about my body and appearance at the beginning of the week. She is dreaming every day, sometimes it is a good dream that the child is adopted by a good family. Sometimes It is a nightmare that the child has encountered danger.

Finally, Lin Shiheng returned home this day, and they waited for a long time, a man in military uniform came to visit.

He gave detailed information about the child.

At the age of fifteen, dumb, one person puts on a skewer to live. It is obviously the age of school, but it is going to run around for life.

At the beginning of the week, she shook her hand and picked up the information. She stroked the black and thin child in the photo. At first glance, he and his parents did not look at it. Whether it was Lin Shiheng or early Zhou, the skin was very white. They are also the beauty of the southerners.

But at the beginning of the week, I knew that this was not the case. Her children looked like them when they were five years old. Yu Xue was cute, dressed in her own clothes, and she was taken care of like a little prince.

Now, even if the photo doesn't look like it, at the beginning of the week, I realized that this is my own child.

There was a cockroach above his left eyebrow. His eyes were slightly rounded. When he was a child, he looked very cute when he looked up with round eyes. When he grew up, his eyes showed a little bit of reluctance. Not good to provoke.

At the beginning of the week, I didn’t think that this child was too fierce. A 15-year-old child lives alone. If he is not fierce, how can he protect himself?

Look closely, his facial features are actually not much different from childhood, just because the skin is thin, and the clothes and overall temperament have changed, it looks different.

It doesn't matter, this is her child, even if he is what it is, it is her child.

At the beginning of the week, I shed tears and went to see other photos.

There are several photos, some of which are obviously sneak shots, one of them, a fifteen-year-old child, tall and thin, one pushing a skewer, wearing a hat on the head, the cap is not clear It was an uphill. He was young and pushed a little hard. His hind legs were slightly weak, his head was barely low, like a calf who refused to admit defeat.

There is another one, obviously transferred from the monitoring, the sky is a bit dark, he stood at the school gate, waiting for the students to go out to buy things in their booth, as if some hot, is holding a free small fan distributed by the hospital, It is like fanning.

At the beginning of the week, the tears fell more and more, Xuan Xuan was afraid of heat from a young age, greedy, he couldn’t sleep in the summer, she just gave him a fan.

The more she saw the tears, the more she saw it. Lin Shiheng stood silently and watched the cherished and careful reading of all the photos at the beginning of the week. A pair of red eyes were full of hopes. He said, "Where are you, let me go to him." ”

"He has suffered so much bitterness. It is our fault. We take him home. After that, he will never have to suffer any more."

The soldier who sent the information to the door looked awkward. "There are still some problems. The child is not willing to recognize it."

The expression on my face froze at the beginning of the week. "No, don't you?"

She is suspicious that she has read the wrong one. She is looking for information in a panic. Seeing above is indeed saying that Wang Xuan lives alone and is somewhat confused.

"Why is he not willing?"

"After we found the child, we sent people to contact in the first place. Because we were afraid of inconvenience, we also specifically sought the public security. As a result, the child may be used to living alone, or it may be the day before the partner with him recognized his parents. Not too good, in short, he is more reluctant to recognize it."

"This child is very resistant, and we are not too daring to take coercive measures. I am afraid that it will stimulate him. He will leave here again. I will first ask your family members for their opinions. See if you pick him up or relax your emotions first. ""

He said, I feel a little embarrassed.

Professor Ren Lin made such a big contribution to the country. Only one requirement was to find his own child. As a result, the original was smooth and smooth.

At the beginning of the week, I couldn’t believe it. After the reaction, I was even distressed.

Lin Shiheng was surprised, but he quickly guessed why. The last time Wang Xuan was willing to come back is at the age of twenty. It is already an adult with adult thinking, and he learned that his mother died to find himself. I have expectations for my family.

This time, the normal 15-year-old child was in a rebellious period. Wang Xuan had a special situation. He grew up with a group of children and then disbanded. Those children will definitely recognize their parents.

Sometimes the world is so cruel. For example, the parents who never gave up looking for children in the past ten years in the early part of the week are a minority. More parents are born after a few years of sadness, in order to make up for the pain, and wait until the birth of a smaller child. Their energy will naturally be placed on this small body.

Most of human beings are selfish. In order not to let themselves be sad, they will force themselves to take back the emotions originally injected into the lost children. If they don't love, they will not feel bad.

When the younger child grows up, the big child is found with a broken body. The age is not too low, and there is no intimacy that has been raised since childhood. Even worse, only one child’s family can be taken. Adding things together will make some of the abducted children who originally thought they are home to be disappointed.

Wang Xuan may have chosen to ignore their parents and, in a sense, this is also a manifestation of fear.

Seeing the picture holding the look at the beginning of the week, he sighed and took his wife into his arms.

"Let's go find him, cook the frog warmly, and take it slowly. Even if he doesn't recognize us, we can take care of him."

"In the beginning, this time, I will be a good father."

Weeping and nodding at the beginning of the week.

"Well, let's go find him and find it."

That night, the family discussed how to soften the child who had been away from home for a night. The next day, they packed up and drove off.

This time, Lin Shiheng put down the celebration feast and put down all kinds of things that could lay his position. He left for a long vacation.

He is also considered to be excusable. The above batch of fake approvals is very happy. He only took the children to come back to work when they got back.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the family who had not slept overnight began to move things into the car. The old lady was too old to take care of the twin granddaughters and could only stay at home.

At the beginning of the week, the last one stepped out of the house.

Before leaving, she turned on the camera and started recording.

This is the tradition of the second year after the child is lost. She will take pictures whenever she goes to find a child.

If one day, if he hasn't found a child, he will go first. When he comes back, he can see that his mother has not given up on him. Mom has been looking for him.

So even if he suffers from eating outside, he can have more comfort.

At the beginning of the week, she was nervous. She was facing the camera, soft and gentle.

"Xuanxuan, your father said, he found you, we are going to find you now, I heard that you are not willing to go home, my mother understands, mother can understand, you must have suffered a lot, so you do not believe us."

Speaking of this, thinking of that information, she can no longer control her emotions, crying out with a mouth, thinking that she is still recording, and quickly wiped her tears, squeezed a smile.

"In fact, before yesterday, I still hate your father, I blame him for not looking for you, I thought he didn't love you, don't care about you, I sometimes think when I am looking for you, if you find you back, you Seeing that I only know how sad my father is when I work."

"In fact, my mother is wrong. He loves you very much. He has been studying for you for ten years. How have you brought back you? You are also looking for him. So, we all love you, even if it is I haven't seen each other for ten years. We are also your father and mother. You are born from you. You are our baby Xuan Xuan. I hope this is the last time I watched a video. The next time we have a family video together,"

After the beginning of the week, the video was closed.

She stroked the camera and tears dripped on it.


she thinks.

Xuan Xuan can go home and see his father and mother who love him.

Read The Duke's Passion