MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 114 Food (end)

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Things are like what Lin Shiheng expected. The two cowardly couples turned into hatred. When the police arrived, they had not escaped because they had been scrambling each other.

The original police came to arrest Wang Renyi, but how can he be willing to watch his own being caught and the woman who betrayed himself is a good end.

He took out the recording. It doesn't matter who sent it to him at the moment. Anyway, as long as the recording proves to be true, even if neither of them has time to do anything, it is the certificate of Wang Renyi and their intention. What is done is enough to sentence.

Looking at Lin's unbelievable sight, Wang Renyi showed a sly smile.

This recording will be the most favorable evidence for the attempt of the two to abduct, especially the kidnapping is still a seven-year-old girl, and Linmu is also related to the child, enough for the judge to increase the sentence in the judgment. .

Of course, Wang Renyi, who is also a accomplice as a whistleblower, can't run, but now he still cares about it.

Anyway, he was detained in the Star Wars. It is doomed to be detained for a lifetime. What is the difference between a little more crime?

With such an idea, even if Lin Mu tried to stop the threat, in the court, this obese middle-aged man quickly confessed his crimes, and he was very wise to "why the output quality is not enough." The **** pot of liquid is on the mother.

It doesn't matter if she does not admit it. Anyway, the evidence of the person is in the possession. Even if it is only disposed of in accordance with the kidnapping crime, the end is also locked in the prison for a lifetime.

The only hope of Lin Mu is her son.

Before the sentence was over, she was temporarily detained in the transfer office. The federal government distributed the prisoners according to the crime. Linmu was also detained among a group of kidnappers.

Blue Star is a lot of good people, but it doesn't mean there are no bad people.

Lin Mu is a bad person, but her bad is only against the child who can't resist. She even dares to be bad for her own child, because knowing that even if she is discovered, she can rely on her mother's natural identity to be herself. Get an exemption.

Unfortunately, this time, her child was obviously hurt by her heart. Since she was arrested, Lin Shiheng, who has always envied her, did not visit her once.

What makes Lin mother painful is that the bad guys in the transfer are not just one of her, but they are treated equally than the mothers who are only bad to the weak.

Although there are prison guards staring, the prison guards can't supervise a group of prisoners 24 hours a day. She has received violence that she never thought of before, and because everyone is going to be sent to the prison for a lifetime, obviously these The prisoner did not intend to show mercy.

Even if Lin Mu went to the prison guard for help, the next time, they will be heavier.

Gradually, she learned to shut up and silently endured the bullying of these people.

Sometimes when she is being rudely pushed, she will flash a little figure in her mind.

Lin Yu was bullied by his family. Lin Mu always knew that she had seen it many times. Some of the servants in the family followed Wang Renyi’s temper and bowed to the powerful people, treating the weak people and affairs. More horizontal.

Lin Mu is the wife of the family. As long as she swears, these little people who will look at the most people will not dare to bully Lin Yu, but she does not.

She just looked at the little daughter who was deliberately pushed to the ground, so she wore her gorgeous expensive clothes and raised her head proudly.

At that time, she only thought that this little girl was not like herself. She was bullied and not snoring. She only bored her voice.

It is the weakness that makes her most hateful and despise.

But when violence comes to me, she realizes how terrible it is to live without saving anyone.

Lin Mu did not regret treating Lin Yu like that. She only regretted why she did not have the valuable Lin Shiheng early.

On this day, she accidentally stepped on a person's shoes while standing up to wash. The man was a temper, and grabbed her hair and hit her head on the iron railing.


The head and the iron railing triggered a loud sound, and Lin’s head suffered a sharp pain. She could feel the wetness of her forehead flowing down.

is blood.

Familiar blood.

She didn't cry, because shouting would only make the next pain more serious.

The sound of the chain rang outside, and the woman who grabbed her hair immediately let go of her hand. Lin’s mother grabbed the railing weakly, and her eyes burst into black because of the bloodshed.

The prison guard walked in and saw that this scene frowned. "How many times have you said that you are not allowed to beat people?"

"Where is the police officer."

The woman who had just ruthlessly grabbed her head and ran into the railing and smiled slyly. "This weak chicken has stood up and fell."

They were just transfer stations and there were no punitive measures, so the prison guards only watched them with a warning and sat in their position.

It is very boring to guard the prisoner. Fortunately, the TV is installed here. The prison guard sits in his position and turns on the TV. The first thing that reveals is a familiar face of Lin.

"Although my share is the most, but because of the ignorance of doing business, the 311 Group has always been my two friends to take care of."

"At present, we have not graduated yet. I think I will put more energy into the research in the future. My sister has almost been kidnapped before this. For this reason, I have tailor-made a protective gear for her. The chip is somewhat fragile, and this set of protective equipment can easily kill a giant tooth shark."

Saying, the man in the camera opened his arm with a sly smile and showed you how amazing the damage of this protective gear.

"Of course, these will of course also be sold in the 311 Group, just to prevent some lawless elements from using it to do something bad, equipped with built-in detection, only when it detects that the host is threatened and there is indeed an enemy in front. , will open the attack, I have more ideas for protective equipment."

The man on the TV is still gentle and smiles, but the words are full of lethality, and then with the small button pressed, the scene of the most savage giant shark beast is believed to fall. Anyone who has seen this interview is not crazy or stupid, and will not put bad ideas on him or his family.

After the display of the weapons that he intends to make now and in the future, Lin Shiheng's projections were collected and replaced with the host's face. The audience listened to the host using a regrettable tone of science.

"The chief shareholder of the 311 Group, Lin Zong, originally wanted to take a major in gardening. He just created a 311 with his two good brothers in the same bedroom to share his joy with his family. The amazing thing happened, Lin Zong The biological mother even joined his stepfather to kidnap Lin’s younger sister, and from the beginning he planned to get the money and tear it up.”

"According to the investigation, the ultimate purpose of this horrible and chilling behavior is to make money, but just before they set the plan to start kidnapping, Lin always just made a part of his share to the mother. Decide"

The prison guard may feel that there is nothing to look at, changed a channel, completely unnoticed behind him, there is a woman with blood on her head and staring at the TV direction.

The prisoners also noticed the news, saying two words boring casually after the prison guard changed channels.

"The woman who kidnapped her biological daughter was too stupid. But her pro-son, both intend to transfer the shares to her, must be particularly filial, she did this, isn’t it toss?"

"I might have been fascinated by a man. I didn't see it inside and I was a buddy with my stepfather. But I want to say that she is too stupid, and the richness of the hand can be introduced."

"If my son is so filial, I will not fall here. The shares of 311, even if it is one percent, are enough for a lifetime of luxury."

Their words are like a sword with a handle and pierced the heart of Lin Mu.

These swords reminded her when she was so painful that she could not breathe.

Because of her stupidity lost something.

It turned out that it was a day?

As long as she did not intend to kidnap Lin Yu, those shares are her, 311 shares, that is 311 shares.

Even if she did not propose to tear up the ticket, she knows that her oldest son, so soft, so weak, as long as she cries and cries for help, he will forgive her.

But now it’s not alright. After she said that she would tear up the ticket, Lin Shiheng would never forgive her again.

Her star currency, her share, nothing

Lin Mu softly squatted on the ground, as if to see a dark-haired child with an eye in his eyes running anxiously, like a Guardian's puppy, running around and circling around her.

"Mom, why are you not feeling well?"

"Don't be sad, Mom, Dad is gone, there is me. I am already eleven years old and can take care of you."

Even knowing that this is his own illusion, Lin Mu still could not help but tremble and rushed to the child to reach out.

But before she touched him, the next second, he disappeared into many spots.

“Classmates, it’s the Star Jail now.”

The teacher with the big horn stood on the ship's board and introduced in a gentle voice. "Everyone knows that the sinner who violates the law of the Blue Star and who is guilty of sin will be kept in the prison. He is imprisoned in the prison compared to the ordinary prison. They are all prisoners with big sins. From the moment they are imprisoned, they are no longer Blue Stars. They must be kept in custody until they are allowed to be cremated, and then the ashes will be handed over to their families for burial."

The visit to the Star Wars was only prospered in the previous two years. It was jointly approved by the Federal and Military Departments, and then applied by the school. After being approved, the students will be sent to the deserted planet by the official small spaceship to visit these abandoned stars. What kind of life is committed by prisoners in prison every day.

Although Blue Star has no death sin, the politician is not the kind of fool who gives his good heart to the perpetrators.

Their kindness and benevolence are reserved for innocent civilians.

Approving the students to visit is just to let the children who have not fully characterized the three views take a good look at what the crime will get.

They will not disembark, they will only stand on the top, and look at the bottom of the prisoners who are doing what they are doing, and the teacher will introduce them with a horn.

"The prisoners of Star Prison will be forced to get up when the sky is just bright. After washing, everyone will send a bottle of the cheapest nutrient solution. Everyone knows that the cheap nutrient solution is very difficult to drink, and such a The bottle of nutrient solution is only enough for one meal."

"Then they need to start their own work. The job in the prison is to carry the ore. The reason why this planet was chosen as the place of the jail is because there are a wide variety of ore that can be mined, and the instrument will be for every prisoner. Detect, view their physical fitness, and finally, according to physical fitness, the task of the morning is released to the prisoner."

"Because it has been tested, it is easy to be seen if you are lazy. Only the prisoners who have completed the task can get the nutrient solution at noon. In the afternoon, they usually only start to rest after dark at night, and this is the same. The kind of rest is still under the supervision of the prison guards. It can be said that once you enter the prison, you will live this life for the rest of your life."


Some students made an exclamation, and some students curiously asked, "What if they don't want to do this?"

"I don't want to do it, there is no nutrient solution to drink." The teacher's answer is very natural. She looks at the students who obviously feel that this is cruel, and gently explains "Tony, you have to know that these prisoners will be tried before the court before being placed in the prison. They will only be sent here if the evidence is complete. Maybe you look at the hard work and they think they are very poor, but they are sent here because they made a mistake."

"Maybe it is killing, maybe it is murder. Only those who have serious crimes will judge the exiles of the stars, so the children will not be able to do these wrong things in the future. Day after day, there is no end to repeating the bitterness of mining ore. Those are nothing."

A young boy saw the teacher and then began to introduce some ore in the Star Wars, quietly left his friends and slipped to the girls.

He walked over to a girl in sportswear. She had a pretty face and a high ponytail. Her face was white and rosy. At first glance, she grew up in a honey pot. She was curiously squatting on the edge of the ship and through the guardrail. Look down.


The young guy walked over with a mischievous smile on his face and screamed as he walked over to the girl.

"George, I don't think it's fun."

Lin Yutou did not return to know who was so boring, lazy back after a sentence, even the head did not return.

"Xiaoyu, why do you always guess that it is me."

Unsuccessful to scare her, George sighed with some regrets, and also squatted on the side of the spaceship, through the spacecraft's far-sighted function to view the underlying active prisoners.

Lin Yushun said, "Maybe only because you are so naive."

"Which is me, but it’s just right for you."

George is a very handsome young man. From this point, even if the whole face is about to be attached to the guardrail glass, the facial features are still handsome and can be seen. He complains slyly. "I really don't know why Hengge always I was biased against me. Last time I went to your house to find you, he actually lied to me that you were not there. As a result, I only squatted at the door for five minutes, and you appeared in the yard."

"My brother said that I am not in the room."

Lin Yu finally turned to look at him, seriously explained that "I was dancing in the dance room, it is really not in the room, so he did not lie to you, you are too stupid, I heard that I am not in the room gone."

"It is clear that he deliberately fooled me, otherwise why not tell me directly that you are in the dance room, I said Xiaoyu, you are seventeen years old, why your brother still sees you so tightly."

“Because the legal adult age is 18 years old.”

Lin Yu turned and looked down. "My brother has been telling me that I can only accept your pursuit when I am 18 years old, but he also said that if I really promise you, he will do the whole pig that day. feast."

George is happy first, but also confused. "It doesn't matter why the whole pig feast is to be done, as long as he is no longer in the middle of us like a giant shark beast, even if he wants to make a table, I can eat it without changing the color." ""

"I don't know what it means, but my brother seems to have linked your name to the pig after hearing your name. He also asked me if you have a sister named Page."

The girl who had been pursued by George’s brain after the age of 18 would have promised that he was fainting. After listening to it, he didn’t care. He asked easily, “Why haven’t I heard you ask me? I will answer it very seriously. ""

Lin Yu "Because I know you only have one brother."

"Well, at the age of seventeen, we first let go of the problem of early love. The teacher said, this visit is to write your thoughts. I hope that the impression of your time is not why George's sister is called Peggy."

"Okay, my little princess, you know, as long as you ask, I will do whatever I ask."

"Don't call me a little princess, this is what my brother can call."

Below, one prisoner is using the most primitive way to mine ore.

In fact, if the official wants, you can use high-tech tools to mine the planet, but they built the Star Prison in their original purpose to punish these sinful prisoners.

If the ore is completely mined, how can it be punished? What's more, letting the prisoners keep working during the waking hours can indeed reduce the probability of criminals making trouble.

Just lowering is not the same as not. After waiting for lunch time, the chef above the spacecraft who is said to have studied in the 311 group has already directed his little apprentices to make a delicious meal.

Although it was a big pot of rice, the taste was not affected at all.

Looking at a group of young students eating a satisfying face, the master sat in the window and wiped the hand he had just washed.

Just below them, those prisoners may not have such good treatment, no matter how the prison guards change their diet according to changes in the outside world, what they eat is always the cheapest and the worst nutrient solution.

The most painful thing is that when I eat the nutrient solution that is difficult to drink, the smell of food is heard in the air.

Wang Renyi, who is holding the nutrient solution and pouring it into his mouth, sniffed his nose. Even if he was already full, he still couldn’t resist touching his stomach.

smell good.

This fragrance, even if he did not turn into the Star Wars, did not smell.

Is it that the prison guard brought the food on the Blue Star?

It was not only him who smelled the scent, but the surrounding prisoners also gradually moved. They tried to smell the fragrance in the air, even if they knew they could not eat it, they also wanted to smell it.

Looking up, there is no delicious food for the prison guards until someone discovers the source of the fragrance, "is passed from above"

A group of people have looked up and looked up. The spacecraft, which is not too far from the ground, is constantly spreading the scent of food. Even if it is blown away because of the high altitude and the wind, the blue star’s good sense of smell can still make them The smell is clear.

"It’s another student to visit."

"His grandmother, these little scorpions are eating well. Every day, as long as An An is divided into school, there is such a delicious food to eat."

"What is the use of these words? Didn't you just be arrested because of kidnapping a small donkey? If you didn't kidnap people, you can't be savoury outside now."

"You and his mother said that you didn't cut someone else's leg before you came in."

The dispute caused by the aroma did not last long. The long-term exercise did not make them have much energy to make trouble, so after a few arguments, they reluctantly regained their position.

Wang Renyi still kept his head up and stared at the spacecraft above.

He thought of his son.

Although he is jealous of others, he is very good at his own son. After all, it is his own blood. Even if he can't control his temper, he doesn't rush to his son, but he wants to buy anything. what.

His son was as grumpy as he was at a young age, but he was very clever, never sulking at his parents, but against Lin Yu and Wang Renyi. The children were very normal, even if Lin Yuzhen What is good, he can also directly say to the protection of minors that children are playing.

He fantasized about the scene of being filial by his son, and when he was sentenced by the court, he saw his son because he was stinky and dirty with his wife.

Wang Renyi, who is not close relatives, is now in jail with his wife. The son must be sent to the orphanage. He has heard that the orphanage is not in a good environment. Some people worry that their spoiled son will not be in the orphanage. it is good.

So it was not too common for the judge to bring his son to the Star War, but it is also in line with the law. There are schools in the Star Wars, but the students here can only stay in the same education as the outside. The school is until adulthood.

But the good news is that parents who come to Star Wars with their children have a visit every month. Although the time is short, they are under the surveillance of the prison guards, but this once-monthly visit is enough for innocent children to get from their parents. Love it.

Then, his five-year-old son shouted directly in court.

Don't suffer with your father.

Even in an orphanage, it is better than a terrible place to go to the Star Wars.

Once again betrayed.

Wang Renyi almost couldn't help but rush to hit people, but he was stopped.

After he calmed down, he waited for the verdict without saying a word.

During the visit time of relatives, he told his son that, long ago, in order to prevent it, he transferred a billion-dollar coin to a barren planet. The box for storing coins has an automatic destruction function, only holding the account name and The password can be retrieved.

The ridiculous planet was discovered when Wang Renyi’s grandfather explored the universe. He left the coordinates and Wang Renyi gave the coordinates to his son.

He told the betrayed his son that the money was the only one he could give to his son as a father. After he reached adulthood, he could take it.

Wang Renyi’s son is very clever. Although he is only five years old, he will be able to see from the small age of his friends who use the interests of Lin Yu to bully her. He is much smarter than the average child.

It also inherits the greed and selfishness of parents.

Wang Renyi looked at his bright eyes and knew that he would definitely take the money.

And because the money is large, he will go alone.

And he won't tell him that there is no billion-dollar coin at all, and some are just a ridiculous planet with dangerous indigenous behemoths.

On that planet, the energy of the spacecraft will be absorbed at an extremely fast rate. The reason why the planet has never been transmitted is because the explorers who have explored their lives for life have died on the planet after landing. .

Wang Renyi’s grandfather was more cautious. He came to the planet with another group of expeditions, but he didn’t have a long-term view. When he saw that the expedition team was annihilated by the indigenous behemoths, their spacecraft was absorbed again. He hastened to escape.

He did not report the news of this planet. This is a planet that can harm people invisible. It may be useful to stay.

It was only at that time that he did not even think that this planet, which was passed down from generation to generation as a secret weapon, would be used by his grandson to deal with his grandson.

At this moment, Wang Renyi looked at the beautiful spaceship above, thinking that he would abandon his son and then board the spaceship to the ridiculous planet in a few years, and could not help but reveal a crazy smile.

It should be like this, like the woman who betrayed him. One month ago, the woman was sick and lying weakly on the ground. He covered her nose and mouth with the cover of the stone.

Watching her struggle, watching her pleading, and watching her shed tears.

In the end, she closed her eyes and stared at him with sorrow.

"Ha ha ha ha ha"

He laughed happily, causing the prisoners around him to look at him with disgusting eyes.

"The man has something wrong."

"He seems to be crazy. He saw his broken finger. He climbed up in the middle of the night and took a stone and broke it. They all became **** and laughed."

"It’s crazy to be in the past ten years, and the tolerance is really low."

"Do you know why he was taken in?"

"I don't know, anyway, can be locked in here, can be a good person."

Lin Yu, who had finished eating at the top, did not know that the stepfather underneath was laughing and self-harming. She was seriously thinking about her feelings.

Because of her brother's influence, Lin Yu also likes to study things. When she talks about her feelings, she can't help but start thinking about which industry in which the ore that she just saw through the distance mirror can be used.

Excessive mining will lead to depletion of energy. This is a fact that everyone knows. So many people in Bluestar need to maintain their lives. The universe is very big. There are also many planets without creatures, but they can't always be mined.

If you can develop a way to regenerate ore

According to the official standard, "I saw how bad the prisoners were, and I decided in my heart that George Barbara would never do anything illegal." He raised his head and quietly went to see what Lin Yu was writing.

I saw that Lin Yu’s pen was quickly written with a clear handwriting. “The current observation of the jail mine ore has ko ore saa ore and xn ore. They are mainly used in xx, and the formation of an ore needs xxxx years. The reason that can cause them to form is Barabara."

George ""

He looked down at himself and thanked him for the template. He shivered and closed the book.

I like how to do a school, online, etc., a little anxious.

For George, it is not the worst thing to like a schoolmaster. The most miserable thing is that there is a brother who is more savvy.

Lin Yuheng, the brother of Lin Yu, although he is serious, but the talent in research and development of new technology is indeed unmatched. In the strict sense, Lin Yu’s reason is that he is a student, most of which is attributed to his teaching. .

His first appearance was due to the 311 Group, which was originally a large group that appeared in front of the world because of ancient earth cuisine.

The 311 Group is considered to be the most respected group, not only because they always make the best food and all kinds of fresh things, but also because when the 311 Group first appeared, no one knew the real earth at that When the taste of food is what it is, the 311 Group, which has mastered the resources of ancient earth food, could have pinched these recipes and monopolized the entire food market.

But they did not, not only did not rely on these monopolies, but also generously presented the recipes to the public free of charge, and even donated the authorization of the potato burdock, so that many spiritual people who spend money to buy 终于 no longer have to endure that than the spirit Fury is also a painful torture.

The 311 Group is no longer a group, but a devotee of food for many people.

Therefore, after the 311 largest shareholder Lin Shiheng launched his own protective equipment, many Blue Star people trusted to buy orders, they believe that such a well-known group will never be crowded.

The facts also prove that they are indeed the right choice, the protective equipment is very good, and it is amazing.

Under such a premise, Lin Shiheng's series of new technology supplies will also be sold very quickly, and after buying home and finding that it is very useful, the sales of these things will burst out.

The 311 Group is no longer a group that relies solely on gourmet recipes, but has become a big group in the true sense. In terms of technology research and development, they have Lin Shiheng. In terms of stability, they have Levi, and they are expanding interpersonal relationships. In business, there is Du Mowen.

The three people are like the pinnacle of the sea, so that the 311 group has changed from nothing to a blue star.

Lin Shiheng basically does not participate in business activities. He seems to fall in love with research and shrinks into his own research room every day. From the beginning, he started from scratch until he became familiar with it.

He not only likes to study novelty, but also studies the technology of the past, as if he wants to see the development of the Blue Star as a whole.

But he is not the research madman. Lin Shiheng will take his time. He is nine to five, never working overtime, and has two days off. He likes to cook for himself and invites friends to play at home.

On the rest day, he may fly a spaceship to the universe for a while, maybe go to visit his sister who is attending a boarding school, maybe go to a friend and go to another planet that is good at singing and dancing.

The three powers of the 311 Group have different personalities, but they are strangely complementary.

Levi, who is not very good at communication, is lively but does not like to stay in a place where Du Mowen, and Lin Shiheng, who always develops various new products but does not like to talk about business.

The three built a 311 jokingly at a young age, and then let its glory continue.

When Lin Shiheng’s life was up, Lin Yu, who had been married and had a child, sat in front of his bed.

"Brother is leaving."

Lin Shiheng greeted her with a smile and smiled as always. "Xiaoyu, I am sorry I will pick you up when you are seven years old."

Lin Yu shook his head with tears.

She seemed to live in **** before she was seven years old, but she did not hate that past because she had always believed that the seven years of suffering was just waiting for her brother to arrive.

"Brother, I always wanted to say, thank you for picking me up."

"Thank you for making me your little princess."

Hearing this sentence, the smile on the corner of the man's mouth was a little bigger. He slowly closed his eyes and passed away in a cry.

叮The mission is completed, please select 1, continue the mission, 2, vacation

Lin Shiheng erased the emotions of the world and "continued the mission."

In the smell of disinfectant, Lin Shiheng sat on a bench and opened his eyes.

The man in the white coat hurried past, and the patient who was held by the relatives to hold the water sat opposite. It was obviously a hospital.

He quickly accepted the memory and tapped the bench under his hand.

There were a few rushes of footsteps coming to this side, and several sights stared at him, and they came to him.

Fortunately, before these people came, he quickly received the memory.

The next second, a white-haired old lady crashed and cried in front of him. The wrinkled handcuffs hit his body. "You have no conscience. I shouldn’t be soft and give you food. Give you tuition for you to go to college, you are like this to my granddaughter."

"You lost your child and didn't look for it. You looked at my granddaughter and had a high fever. Regardless of her, you are ruined. You are not a person. You are a beast. We don't go with you, we are looking for a child."

"I tell you Lin Shiheng, we didn't go with you at the beginning of your family. You will go to your lab to live."

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