MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3957 Li Tiezhu's whereabouts

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Chapter 3957 The whereabouts of Li Tiezhu

"Who said that no one can save Nalan Wangchuan! You Poor Monkey, do you really think that in the old reincarnation era, you are still the fighting Buddha in the ancient heaven?"

A gloomy voice appeared.

Monkey King's spirit suddenly revived.

Its golden eyes are full of light, shining in all directions.


Monkey King felt something in his heart, he thought it should be an acquaintance.

"It's been so many years, I didn't expect you can't even hear my voice!"

A figure slowly walked out of nothingness.

His figure is as real as it is illusory.

This person is not the deity, but a projection descends.

But just one projection has a combat power comparable to that of Tianzun or even stronger.

"Yegu City, it's you! After so many years, you still haven't died?"

Monkey King couldn't help being startled when he saw that figure.

This is an old man from three thousand epochs of civilization.

His true self was sealed in the ancient heavenly court for three thousand civilization epochs, and this Ye Gucheng practiced for three thousand civilization epochs!

Back then, Ye Gucheng had comparable combat power to Monkey King. The two fought under the Bodhi tree for three days and three nights, but in the end there was no winner. Unexpectedly, Ye Gucheng was still alive.

In the time of three thousand civilization epochs, to what level should the cultivation base of Ye Gucheng be so deep.

The Myriad Realms universe can prevent ordinary people from entering.

But it couldn't stop the footsteps of Yegu City.

"My lord killed Fang Yue, and the Variety Demon Lord suspected that Fang Yue was the son of luck in the chaotic realm of this era!"

At this moment, Nalan Wangchuan yelled crazily as if seeing a savior.

There was hope in her eyes.

Yegucheng cast a cold glance at Nalan Wangchuan.

"You can command me too? What kind of thing is the Variety Demon Lord! The Tianzun who barely proved the Tao in this era of civilization! I can kill him with a single hair! He knows a fart! The son of luck has not yet been officially born! Fang Yue inherits the luck of the Fang family and the luck of the Wanfa. At the same time, he still has part of the luck of the northern Xuanwu emperor in the ancient heaven, so he can practice To this level! He has nothing to do with the son of luck in the realm of chaos!"

Ye Gucheng said.

"Yegucheng, are you here in person this time to kill me?"

Monkey King asked.

"Kill you? If your real deity is here, maybe it's worth my doing! You have practiced Zen and enlightened for three thousand civilization epochs, maybe your cultivation base has advanced by leaps and bounds, and you are already close to the emperor! But your projection is just a projection, what's the point of killing you?" What do you mean? I just came here this time to see Fang Yue!"

"Look at me?!"

Fang Yue didn't expect Yegucheng to mobilize so many people to come to see him.

He doesn't think there's anything good about him.

Although his strength is not bad, he is a scumbag in front of such a big man who has the combat power of the Tianzun level before the three thousand civilization epochs!

Ye Gucheng looked at Fang Yue with a half-smile.

"Fang Yue, do you still remember that you have a cousin Li Tiezhu?"

Fang Yue nodded.

"My cousin! Of course I remember, he seems to be forgotten by me in a corner of the world!"

Fang Yue rubbed his head and said.

It should not be said to be forgotten, but he was practicing there.

Li Tiezhu's path is very different, and he has the ability to realize it.

"He is a newly recruited disciple, but his cultivation base is still very weak. His talent is in the same line as mine. If you see him, take care of him! Of course you can't tell him about me, that kid is a little bit drifting! If he wants to truly comprehend the essence of realization, he still needs to break through the world of mortals!"

Ye Gucheng said.

Fang Yue couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

That **** cousin of mine actually fell in love with Ye Gucheng? And also accepted as a disciple?

"Why are you telling me this!"

Fang Yue asked suspiciously.

"Li Tiezhu has stepped into the level of the fairyland and opened the third layer of gene lock. His ability of the third layer of gene lock is to span the space. It is estimated that he will return to the earth soon! Although he now has a level comparable to ordinary Luo Jinxian's combat power is still very weak in this turbulent era!"

"When I'm not around him, I need you to take care of him. He is your relative, and he may be calculated by some caring people!"

Ye Gucheng said.

Ye Gucheng's eyes fell on Nalan Wangchuan.

Nalan Wangchuan felt an inexplicable pressure.

Beads of sweat dripped from her forehead.

"I can not!"

"Don't dare!"

"But I guess there is no chance! The traitor of the Chaos Territory is really a disgrace!"

After Ye Gucheng finished speaking, he dispersed his projection from the void.

He has spent so much energy on feelings, just to come and tell Fang Yue branch to take good care of Li Tiezhu!

Fang Yue estimated in his heart that Ye Gucheng valued Li Tiezhu very much this night, so he came here all the way.

"Nalan Wangchuan, hand over my avatar and Fang Yunshan's soul! I calculated the cause and effect just now, you took out Fang Yunshan's soul, but gave her flesh shell to the Variety Demon Lord!"

Fang Yue's tone was flat and calm.

But Monkey King has already felt an extremely strong murderous intent from Fang Yue's calm tone.

Relatives are Fang Yue's Ni Lin.

Especially Fang Yunshan, Fang Yue's most beloved sister!

"Fang Yue, if you dare to do something, I will crush Fang Yunshan's soul and make her immortal forever!"

Nalan Wangchuan was scared.

Because she felt the surging blood and murderous intent in Fang Yue's body.

With no one to back her up, she couldn't even beat Monkey King, let alone Fang Yue by her side!

"Try moving her!"

Fang Yue said.

Fang Yue took another step.

Turn back time.

Actually went back to a day ago!

Fang Yue saw Fang Yunshan practicing in his bedroom.

The next moment, Nalan Wangchuan descended and looked at Fang Yunshan with a ferocious face.

"This is Fang Yue's younger sister, Fang Yunshan! Hahaha, I caught her, and I don't think Fang Yue will give in, begging me like a dog?"

Then, a figure in black descended.

He stood behind Nalan Wangchuan.

"Nalan Wangchuan, according to the agreement, you captured Fang Yunshan and handed over her body to me, and I will hand it over to Variety Demon Lord, and then you will put away Fang Yunshan's soul."

"The phantom of the Exalted Realm that day..."

Nalan Wangchuan's eyeballs rolled, apparently asking for money and delivery.

"for you!"

The man in black handed a black bead to Nalan Wangchuan.

The next moment, Nalan Wangchuan took the bead and happily pulled Fang Yunshan's soul out of her body, and then handed the flesh shell to the figure in black.

The figure in black disappeared.

Fang Yue extracted a ray of causal power from Fang Yunshan's soul!

Fang Yue ended the time reversal, and then used the ray of karma drawn from Fang Yunshan's soul to calculate.

"Hmph, you lied to me, Fang Yunshan's soul is not in your hands at all!"

"Her soul is sealed in this Mount Tai!"

Fang Yue raised his palm.

Fang Yunshan's soul flew out and fell into Fang Yue's hands.

She opened her eyes weakly and looked at Fang Yue.

"Brother, I knew you would come to save me! These bad guys can't do anything to you!"

Fang Yunshan said to Fang Yue confidently.

Fang Yue said distressedly.

"I'm sorry, sister, it's my brother who was careless and didn't keep an eye on them, making you suffer!"

Fang Yue's eyes were full of love.

Then he looked at Nalan Yunchuan again.

"How do you want to die?"

Time and space freeze.

Nalan Yunchuan was shocked to find that he was as immobile as amber.

Absolute strength. Absolute crush!

"Shadow of Heavenly Venerable, save me!"

Nalan Yunchuan shouted.

The shadow behind her moved.

The mana at the level of Tianzun realm burst out suddenly, turning into a world of purgatory to envelop Fang Yue.

Fang Yue saw it.

In the purple scorching sun, blood flowed like a river, and the ground was covered with bones.

Serious murderous intentions spread all over the world.

"Fang Yue, die!"

The shadow of Tianzun appeared, which contained the power of Tianzun's blow.

"watch out!"

Fang Yue raised his hand to meet his palm.

The strong air flow spread out.

Tianzunying stepped back dozens of steps, and he showed a look of horror.

"You actually have more physical strength than me!"

"If your deity comes here, you may still be qualified to fight me. If you have a shadow of Tianzun, you are not worthy to be my opponent!"

Fang Yue sneered.

From his finger, a strand of red silk floated out and wrapped around Tianzun Ying.

"what is this?"

Tianzunying instinctively wanted to dodge, but this strand of red silk thread was like a maggot attached to the bone, entangled upwards, making him inescapable, inescapable!

In an instant, the red silk thread wrapped around her body.

Tianzunying screamed immediately.

"This is an ominous force, Fang Yue, how could you manipulate such a thing!"

Tianzunying's eyes were full of horror.

This thing can fall on his real body following the cause and effect of his shadow and real body, and it cannot be picked out.

"Do you know that you touched my Nilin this time, how could I let you get away so easily? I will destroy your Tianzun shadow, and your real body will also be doomed! These ominous forces, It’s enough to suppress 30% or even 50% of your true self’s strength! Even if you have a way to purify, you will have to pay a huge price!”

Fang Yue's eyes were cold and murderous.

The reason why he was tricked and fell into the enchantment created by Tianzunying was intentional.

Tian Zunying cursed.

"Fang Yue, you are so cruel! You actually came up with such a vicious strategy to deal with me! Even if I become a ghost, I will not let you go!"

Tianzunying's voice became weaker and weaker, his energy was exhausted, and the ominous force also permeated towards his real body along the force of cause and effect.

"His real body is actually in the underworld, not the dimensional world! It seems that a large number of celestial beings from the dimensional world have sneaked in from the underworld this time! The celestial beings in Yunyi City are all on the bright side!"

A faint smile appeared on Fang Yue's face.

"These ominous powers are possessed, no matter where you are hiding in the underworld, I can find you out. I didn't expect that I just wanted to take revenge, but there was an unexpected harvest in the end!"

Read The Duke's Passion