MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3956 The Betrayal of Nalan Wangchuan

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Chapter 3956: The Betrayal of Nalan Wangchuan

Not only did he not cheat half a drop of life power from Fang Yue's hands, but he took part of the vitality in his body into it!

"Hahaha, Fang Yue is really powerful. You can even see the changing methods of my Variety Demon Lord! But it's a pity that you can see the shot, but the people around you can't see it. You still fell into my trick! You And see who this person is?"

The voice of the Variety Demon Lord fell.

A figure appeared.

This person is Fang Yunshan, Fang Yue's younger sister. He was supposed to be on the earth, but he didn't expect to stand in front of Fang Yue like a puppet in a daze.

What Fang Yue was most worried about happened, these people finally attacked his relatives on earth!

"What did you do to Yunshan?"

Fang Yue shouted sharply.

When Fang Yue was talking to the Variety Demon Lord who didn't know where he was.

His divine sense is quietly connecting with the deity in the universe of ten thousand realms.

Fang Yunshan was lost, but there was no news from the earth. This matter must be investigated clearly.

Could it be that something happened in the earth?

"It's nothing! It's just that she was hit by my puppet technique, and her soul was pulled out by me and imprisoned in a mysterious place! What you saw was her body, which was temporarily refined into a puppet! Fang Yue, if you want yourself If my sister survives, please be obedient and become my slave, otherwise, I will make her die and become your eternal regret!"

The Variety Demon Lord said.

"Just say what you want! Don't hurt my sister!"

Fang Yue tried his best to appease the Variety Demon Lord.

And on Earth.

Fang Yue's true self suddenly appeared.

His divine sense swept across, and Fang Yunshan really disappeared!

"Damn it! What method did the Variety Demon Lord use to sneak into the earth and control Fang Yunshan! By the way, don't I still have a clone on the earth? At this moment, why can't I sense it?"

Fang Yue's deity was anxious.

The earth has changed.

He didn't even know it.

"Fang Yue, save me!"

At this time, in the void, a faint voice came.

Fang Yue's spiritual thoughts followed the sound.

Fang Yue actually saw that Monkey King was crucified on the top of Mount Tai.

There was also a black spear stuck in his chest.

"Fang Yue, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

A beautiful woman in a black robe stood on the top of the mountain and said to Fang Yue with a sneer.

"Why are you waiting for me here?"

Fang Yue confronts Mei Fu.

This beautiful woman's cultivation base is extremely high and has reached the supreme level.

She is not an ordinary supreme being, but the kind of existence that can be as strong as the Nirvana King!

"You humiliated my Heavenly Demon Race, of course I came to kill you!"

"You little boy, you dare to attack our Heavenly Demon Sect. If you don't kill you, you really think that no one in this world can cure you!"

Mei Fu said sharply.

"Who are you?"

Fang Yue glared at the beautiful woman, and he had already vaguely guessed the identity of the other party.

"Fang Yue, she is Nalan Wangchuan, the number one witch of the Heavenly Demon Clan, you are no match for her, hurry up!"

Monkey King said to Fang Yue.

Fang Yue rolled his eyes.

"You called me here, and then let me go? I'm afraid this is not appropriate!"

"I asked you to move the rescuers. Go to Xuanhuang World and invite Master Tongtian or Ruyizi. Who told you to come and die!"

Monkey King said.

"Forget it, I'm here to save you!"

Fang Yue raised his hand, grasped the black spear and pulled it out with all his might!

In the black spear, a monstrous devilish energy suddenly launched.

It turned into a jet-black long dragon, as if it wanted to shake Fang Yue away.

Fang Yue was slightly taken aback.

Then he used his supernatural powers and mana to subdue the oolong and turn it into an earthworm wrapped around his fingertips.

"Stupid thing, dare to resist my will?"

Fang Yue said quite domineeringly.

Seeing this, Monkey King couldn't help being slightly surprised.

"What kind of method are you doing? How can you raise your hand to tame an oolong at the highest level? Aren't you at the level of the imaginary fairyland? You are not even a real fairy... With such supernatural powers, the average half-step **** may not be as good as you, right? !"

Fang Yue said with a smile: "Of course, I am taking the road of cultivating all kinds of dharmas!"

"The ordinary Tianzun is no match for me!"

Fang Yue said proudly.

"Let me ask you, my sister Fang Yunshan was kidnapped by you, and then sent to the hands of the Variety Demon Lord?"

Fang Yue asked.

After seeing this Nalan Wangchuan, it seems that many things have explanations.

The strong outsiders, as long as they are beyond the level of Daluojin Fairyland, naturally cannot easily enter the universe of ten thousand realms.

But if this is the recovery of his own strong man in the Ten Thousand Realms universe, then it is an exception!

"That's right, Fang Yunshan was indeed the one who hijacked you, and even your avatar was sealed by me! Mere ants dare to challenge the majesty of my Heavenly Demon Clan. I not only want you to die, but also your relatives will not end well! "

Nalan Wangchuan roared to Fangyue crazily.

"Then you were freed from the seal when the Myriad Realms universe was restored to the fourth-class universe?"

Fang Yue looked at Nalan Wangchuan and asked. Before, there was no existence of this level comparable to the Heavenly Exalted Realm in the Universe of Ten Thousand Realms.

"That's right, I've just recovered! I didn't expect that such a bold and arrogant person like you would dare to suppress my son and turn him into a puppet in this era. If I don't kill you, I won't be at ease! You will die! Come!"

Nalan Wangchuan made a bold move.

Covering the sky with one hand, he wanted to shoot Fang Yue to death.

At this time, the projection of the Lord Tongtian appeared.

"Nalan Wangchuan, stop! Do you know that Fang Yue suppressed part of the ominous force this time, so that the Ten Thousand Realms universe recovered early and released you? You don't know how to be grateful, but you actually shot Fang Yue , you apologize quickly, I will mediate from it, maybe Fang Yue can forgive you for my sake!"

Master Tongtian shouted and said.

The Lord Tongtian came with a projection.

His avatar will also suppress the ominous forces below in the Xuanhuang world.

This projection didn't have any strength, but he felt that with his face he could frighten Nalan Wangchuan.

However, Master Tongtian found himself thinking too much.

Nalan Wangchuan immediately sneered and said after seeing that the leader of Tongtian was just a projection.

"Master Tongtian, your true self is still under the seal. Now that a projection is powerless and dares to restrain me? Believe it or not, I will go back to the Xuanhuang World to destroy your clone, making it difficult for your true self to recover?"

Nalan Wangchuan was so fierce and mad that even the leader of Tongtian Cult didn't pay attention to him.

"Crazy, crazy!"

Master Tongtian said.

Fang Yue sneered: "Master Tongtian, the world is still respected by strength after all. You haven't recovered your former glory. Let me deal with this old witch!"

Fang Yue stretched out his hand to hit Nalan Wangchuan's palm.

An unimaginable force came from Fang Yue's hand, shaking Nalan Wangchuan's palm back.

Fang Yue's physical body has been strengthened many times, and it has reached the point where it is comparable to the magic weapon of Tianzun.

In terms of physical body, how could Nalan Wangchuan be Fang Yue's opponent.

"Great Sage, subdue this group of original strength and restore some of your strength! You are too weak now, any cat or dog dares to bully you!"

Today's Great Sage Equaling Heaven is only at the level of entering the Immortal Sovereign Realm, and he is far behind the peak combat power of the past.

Back then, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven was capable of beating Tianzun, but unfortunately, this was just a ray of projection of his true self, and his combat experience was still there, but his cultivation was too low, so he had to start all over again!

Fang Yue ejected the origin of a supremely powerful man and let the Great Sage Equaling Heaven refine it.

At the same time, he punched Nalan Wangchuan in the lower abdomen.

"Let you be ungrateful!"

"Let you bully my sister!"

"Let you seal my clone!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Fang Yue's boxing shadows filled the sky, and Nalan Wangchuan backed up again and again.

The Great Sage Equaling Heaven took over the original power of the supreme powerhouse, and instantly swallowed it.

His cultivation has repeatedly broken through, directly reaching the eighth level of the Immortal Monarch Realm!

His foundation is deep, and the origin of the general Supreme Realm powerhouse is not enough for him to be promoted to the Supreme Realm.

But this is enough, he broke through several small realms, not only recovered from his injuries, but also increased his combat power by dozens of times.

"You are also an old witch! When I was in my prime, you said good things and flattered me every day. Now, when I am down and out, you actually want to nail me to death with a black dragon gun! Watch me beat you to death with a stick!"

Monkey King pulled out an iron rod from his ear.

The iron rod was enlarged and smashed towards Nalan Wangchuan with a bang.

Although the Monkey King is just a projection, his cultivation is not enough and his supernatural powers are still there.

The power of his seventy-two magical powers superimposing the law, blessed on this iron rod, is enough to shatter mountains and rivers.

"Shadow Attack!"

Nalan Wangchuan felt bad when he saw the iron rod hitting him.

She knows the strength of Monkey King, if this stick hits hard, she will probably be gone!

Nalan Wangchuan reached out with one hand and grabbed Monkey King's iron rod.

Then, her slender hand slapped out and landed on the top of Monkey King's head.

Monkey King was actually photographed flying out.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared behind Nalan Wangchuan.

The blow just now was the result of the joint efforts of Nalan Wangchuan and the shadow behind him.

"The shadow of Tianzun, this is the power of Tianzun!"

The Great Sage Equaling Heaven flew back and said with a horrified expression.

"Nalan Wangchuan, even though he stands on top of the sky, he definitely doesn't have the power of a celestial being! Where did the phantom of this celestial being come from?"

Monkey King asked.

"I feel the power of the dimension in the shadow of Tianzun. If my expectation is not bad, you should be connected with Tianzun in the dimension world!"

Fang Yue said quietly.

Nalan Wangchuan sneered.

"I didn't expect you to be quite knowledgeable, you even know the dimensional world! That's right, I have already joined the dimensional world through the Variety Demon Lord, and he bestowed on me the shadow of the Celestial Sovereign so that I can have the power of the Celestial Sovereign." Power! Even if the ancient heavenly court recovers, so what? After all, I still can’t fight against the dimensional world, and I can’t fight against the ominous force! I don’t want to be sealed for another three thousand civilization epochs, I want to bring the entire Tianmo sect to seek refuge in the dimensional world!”

Nalan Wangchuan said.

"No wonder you are so arrogant, you dare to fight even me, so you have already given birth to the idea of ​​rebellion!"

Monkey King said quietly.

"Does Fang Yue still have the original power of the Supreme Realm level just now? Give me two more, let me break through to the Supreme Realm, and I will kill this traitor! It seems that she is the top in the Universe of Ten Thousand Realms For the sake of combat power, I want to give her a chance to make her meritorious deeds, but now it seems that there is no need for it!"

"Nalan Wangchuan, do you really think that you will leave after taking refuge in the dimensional world? Let me tell you, no one who betrays the realm of chaos can escape, and no one will end well!"

Monkey King said.

Fang Yue handed over the original power of the two regiments of the Supreme Realm to the Monkey King.

"Take it easy, I don't have many of these things. Only by slaughtering one supreme can I refine one. This time I will give you three copies. Remember to kill the eight sub-academicians and the supreme to me later. !"

Fang Yue said.

When the Master Tongtian heard this, there was a black line on his forehead.

What is it about Fang Yue being the supreme powerhouse? If you open your mouth, you will kill eight of them!

Even in the dimensional world, the existence of the Supreme Realm level is very popular, okay?

Monkey King devoured the supreme source and quickly broke through.

He has no bottleneck, and he can break through as soon as the resources are sufficient.

"Nalan Wangchuan, you must die! Even the people in the dimensional world can't save you this time!"

Monkey King waved an iron rod and said murderously.