MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3958 Tongtian leader breakthrough

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Chapter 3958 Breakthrough of Tongtian Sect Leader

The shadow of Tianzun dissipated.

The illusion of purgatory also disappeared.

Fang Yue stood in front of Nalan Wangchuan, with a faint murderous intent floating in his eyes.

"Nalan Wangchuan! The accounts between us need to be settled properly!"

Looking at Fang Yunshan's weak appearance, Fang Yue couldn't help feeling a needle-like pain in his heart. Fang Yunshan was his closest person, even Fang Yue himself was reluctant to let Fang Yunshan suffer a little bit, this Nalan Wangchuan dared to use Fang Yunshan as a bargaining chip against him.

"I'm sorry, sister, it's my brother's fault this time. My brother didn't protect you well and made you suffer! Don't worry, you will slowly make up for all the hardships you have suffered! As for this Nalan Wangchuan, I will let her know what it means not to live and not to die!"

Fang Yue gritted his teeth and said.

Fang Yue is a well-known executioner in the underworld universe, the type who kills without blinking an eye.

But Fang Yue's actions before were mostly due to different positions.

This is the first time he has shot because he hates someone so much!

In Fang Yue's eyes, a cold murderous intent pierced out like a knife, and landed on Nalan Wangchuan.

Nalan Wangchuan retreated slightly.

"No, Fang Yue, you can't kill me. I am a member of Gu Tianting. Even if I make mistakes, only Gu Tianting can punish me! If you kill me, the Heavenly Demon Sect will be at odds with you, and Gu Tianting will also hold you accountable." responsibility, because I have a fairy post on me!"

Nalan Wangchuan roared Fangyue crazily.

She was really scared in her heart!

She wants to seize every possibility and find a way out for herself.

"When you murdered Yun Shan, why didn't you know how to beg for mercy? When you were arrogant and domineering to me before, why didn't you know how to admit defeat? Now you are kneeling down and begging for mercy, hoping that I will let you go, but if The one who lost this time is not you, but if it was me, would you let me go, would you let Fang Yunshan go?"

Fang Yue asked in an extremely sharp tone.


Nalan Wangchuan muttered to herself, a look of confusion appeared in her eyes.

Will not!

Although Nalan Wangchuan didn't dare to say it, she already had an answer in her heart.

With her vicious character, she can only take advantage of the victory to pursue, how can she spare others and spare others?

"Gu Tianting will not protect her! She committed a crime below, and she wanted to attack me just now, which is already a violation of heaven's rules. Fang Yue, you can beat her to death, and leave the rest to me!"

The projection of the Master Tongtian said.

This time, he was ashamed.

He is a majestic master of the heavenly religion, but he is not taken seriously by an old woman of the highest level.

She tried to persuade her in every possible way, but she refused to listen, and even wanted to do something to herself.

Could it be that he, the Master of Tongtian, has been silent for so many years, and has lost even this prestige?

Master Tongtian said to himself in his heart.

Afterwards, Master Tongtian squinted at the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

Monkey King, this time it can be said that it was a blessing in disguise. Although he was nailed to Mount Tai, he also got three copies of the original power of the supreme level!

After refining these original powers, he has recovered the cultivation level of the Supreme Realm. Although it is only the first level of the Supreme Realm, with his combat experience and various magical powers, it is almost sweeping against the creatures under the Heavenly Venerate Invincible!


It's a pity that he, the majestic leader of Tongtian, is still in name only!

Although he was suppressed by Zhu Xian's four swords, his cultivation base was weak, and he couldn't even activate one-hundredth of the power of these four swords.

Master Tongtian also wanted to ask Fang Yue for a share of the original power of the supreme powerhouse, but he couldn't open his mouth!

After all, he is also a super boss in the ancient heaven, how can he discuss with Fang Yue for this supreme source of power?

Fang Yue seemed to have seen the thoughts and difficulties of Master Tongtian.

He couldn't help but said with a slight smile.

"Master Tongtian, senior, this Nalan Wangchuan is heinous. I will take out all her origins and degrade her into a mortal. You can laugh at these origins! This chaotic world has arrived, and it has affected the universe of all worlds. I am afraid that the peaceful life will be gone soon! Your strength is stronger, and you can better guard the Xuanhuang world!"

Fang Yue's voice fell.

Master Tongtian was very happy. But he still pretended to be reserved.

"Since you said it, then I will accept it! After all, you were once a disciple of the Tongtian Sect, and you have a fate with me! If you need any help in the future, you can call me, in this universe of ten thousand realms , I'm still a bit skinny!"

Tongtian Cult Master Fang Yue said.


Fang Yue said bluntly.

Fang Yue naturally knew the position of the Master Tongtian in the Ancient Heavenly Court. Even though the Master Tongtian is not very good at fighting now, once the Ancient Heavenly Court is fully recovered and his deity returns, he will immediately be the super murderer who suppresses billions of universes!

Fang Yue preliminarily estimated that the true deity of Monkey King should be the existence of Emperor Senior Realm or the most powerful peak of Tianzun in Emperor Senior Realm.

And Tongtian Cult Master is definitely a super master at the level of the emperor, the kind of existence that suppresses the universe with one hand!

This is tantamount to investing in advance, and it consumes Nalan Wangchuan's original power anyway.

Fang Yue pressed his palm on the top of Nalan Wangchuan's head.

Feeling threatened, Nalan Wangchuan shouted, "Fang Yue, how dare you!"

"What am I afraid of?"

Fang Yue said with a sneer.

"You are now the turtle in the urn, let me slaughter you!"

The original power of the supreme level was absorbed by Fang Yue.

Monkey King is a little jealous, this Nalan Wangchuan is a peerless existence in the Supreme Realm, almost comparable to a half-step Heavenly Venerate.

The original power of the three groups of Supreme Realm level he just absorbed is not as good as this group of Nalan Wangchuan's original power.

It's cheap, the master of heaven!

"Please use it, Master Tongtian!"

Fang Yue said respectfully.

If at this time, the powerhouses in the dimensional world in Yunyi City would definitely roar wildly if they saw this scene.

They fight to the death, compete for the original altar, and even pay a huge price to let the will of the dimensional world descend, for what?

The purpose is not to plot the altar of origin, plotting the altar of origin can temper the origin of all beings, return to the original, and wash away the ability of all attributes!

However, Fang Yue can absorb the original refining of the strong at will and let others absorb it.

This ability is almost the same as the tempering of the original altar, and it is even more convenient.

In fact, this is Fang Yue's use of the Chaos God Art to evolve the original power into chaos, and then recondense the original power from the power of creation to evolve into the original power.

This process sounds complicated, but for Fang Yue, it is quite simple and just a matter of effort.

But the power of creation and the magic of chaos are not something ordinary people can practice!

Therefore, Fang Yue's method is the only one in the underworld!

No, it is almost impossible for dimensional creatures to master it!

The avatar of Master Tongtian arrived and immediately absorbed Nalan Wangchuan's original power, and his cultivation quickly recovered.

Because it was a re-cultivation, there was almost no bottleneck at all, and he reached the second level of the Supreme Realm in one step.

Read The Duke's Passion