MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 798 hand speed potion

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  Chapter 798 Hand Speed ​​Enhance Potion

  Although Liu Yuqing's words moved Fu Yu deeply, from a practical point of view, Fu Yu still felt that it would be good for Liu Yuqing to go abroad to study for a master's degree and come back to do research after graduation.

  And in terms of career, he would rather work harder by himself than Liu Yuqing to endure hardship together.

   After all, no man would want his wife to suffer with him, and what he looks forward to most is being able to let the person he loves live a relaxed and comfortable life.

Fu Yu smiled and comforted: "So you are so knowledgeable? Why don't you go if you can study further? You should listen to your sister and study abroad for a master's degree. In the future, the genetic optimization of our old Fu family will depend on is you!"

  When Liu Yuqing heard the first two sentences, she was still a little worried, whether Fu Yu was angry because she didn't explain in time that she wanted to study abroad, but when she heard the last sentence, she was relieved and at the same time shyly happy!

  Although she knew that Fu Yu was just casually joking, Liu Yuqing's heart still beat faster.

   She was happy in her heart, and said coquettishly, "Who is going to optimize your genes for you!"

  He said this, but he thought in his heart, Fu Yu is so handsome, and he is very beautiful, how cute, smart, and lovable the baby he will give birth to in the future!

  Thinking about it this way, the thinking can't help but start to spread, and after coming and going, the original bad mood improved unknowingly.

  The two chatted for a long time with their mobile phones in their hands. Fu Yu coaxed Liu Yuqing to sleep before hanging up the phone.

   Putting down the phone, Fu Yu adjusted his posture to make himself more comfortable.

  At this time, there was no sound in the dormitory area.

   Lying in the familiar room, looking at the familiar furnishings, Fu Yu's mentality is completely different from before.

  Also still alone in a room by myself, but I have more concerns in my heart, and I am full of pretense.

  Thinking that after tomorrow, he would be able to go home, Fu Yu was so excited for a while, and couldn't sleep anyway, so he simply looked through tonight's harvest again.

【Ding! NPC Chef Zhao Meng's task: to help complete a table of difficult table cooking, to obtain customer satisfaction, the task has been completed, get a reward: lucky wheel once]

  【Draw the Lucky Wheel, congratulations on getting rewards: 5 potions for hand speed blessing, a key for the teaching practice class, level +1】

  When he received the reward, Fu Yu was very pleasantly surprised.

   This is the first time that the Lucky Wheel has burst!

   And the rewards are very generous.

  But I was busy working at the time, so I didn't have time to take a closer look.

  Among all the rewards, Fu Yu is most curious and interested in the hand speed boosting potion.

  【Hand speed boosting potion: After choosing to use it, you can gain the potential burst of hand speed +10 in a short time. Side effects: Within an hour after using it, your hands will be severely debilitated】

  After carefully reading the instructions for use, Fu Yu was taken aback for a moment.

   There are actually side effects?

   It seems that this thing can be used or not, so keep it well.

  I have nothing to do, what do I need to do so fast?

   After all, it is very fast now, at least for cooking, it is definitely enough.

  If it was changed to before, maybe in order to experience what kind of sour and refreshing taste it is to "fuck off the sparks", he would still be somewhat interested.

  But now that he has a girlfriend, how can he always entrust his happiness to his two-handed brother?

  Thinking of this, Fu Yu couldn't help shaking his legs, thinking happily:

  From now on, whether it is his people or his food, there will finally be a place to turn it in.

  Although he only rested in the early hours of last night, Fu Yu came to the back kitchen early to prepare breakfast for everyone as usual.

  Today is New Year's Eve. Although it is the Spring Festival, all the staff in the store are ready to work overtime until late at night.

  All the boxes have been booked out early, and almost all the orders for the New Year's Eve dinner are large-scale noodle orders.

  Different from usual customers entering the store, ordering is placed on the spot, and the pre-ordered order has been handed over to the back kitchen early.

  According to the time when customers enter the store, the back kitchen has already prepared all the ingredients in advance the night before.

   Fu Yu thought about the New Year's Eve, not only would everyone not be able to have a family reunion, but they would also have to stay in the store and work until late at night, so he thought about making a reunion dinner in advance when he had enough time in the morning.

As soon as Sun Qingning and Zhang Jinyu heard the call from Fu Yu, they didn't sleep too late. They all got up an hour early, and went straight to the back kitchen. Waiting for Fu Yu's order, they immediately went to their duties. Wash the vegetables, chop the stuffing that should be chopped.

  When Zhao Meng got up early and came to the back kitchen, he saw Fu Yu wearing a clean and tidy chef uniform in the bright and spacious back kitchen, with sweat dripping on his forehead, busy in an orderly manner while directing other people to work.

  Kneading noodles, rolling skins, cutting vegetables, chopping stuffing, the three of them cooperated tacitly and worked very quickly.

  Other people also came over one after another. Xiaogong consciously started to prepare dishes, his hands were busy, and his eyes and thoughts had already flown to the chopping board.

All of them stretched their heads eagerly, just like groundhogs, drooling as they watched Chef Fu conjure out round and white dumplings from his hands, thinking that they would be able to eat hot dumplings in a while It's very satisfying to satisfy my cravings, and I feel very attached in my heart.

  Smelling the mutton soup boiling in the casserole on the stove, the rich and delicious fragrance filled the room, and I felt a big appetite early in the morning, and I was really a little hungry.

  The people from Gu Yunwu's side also came.

  Zhao Meng didn't reach out to work, moved a stool to lean against the kitchen counter, leaned there, with one leg on the stool, sitting chicly, staring at the others, and couldn't hide the strong pride and showing off in his eyes.

   Did you see it?

   This is Lao Tzu's apprentice.

   She is so sensible, so heart-warming, and so likable.

  The old Chinese New Year, without waiting for orders, took the initiative to make small dumplings for me obediently.

   Everyone said they were eccentric. Would it not be strange to have such a caring and hardworking subordinate?

  In fact, the higher the official position, the more people care about this. What they want is the care of their subordinates, and what they want is the leadership style.

   Fu Yu raised his head and asked Zhao Meng: "Chef Zhao, your favorite celery and shrimp stuffing and leek and egg three fresh stuffing, can you make these two?"

  Zhao Meng nodded, satisfied, Fu Yu remembered what he likes to eat the most.

  Gu Yunwu squinted at Zhao Meng, muttering in his heart, huh! What's so delicious about celery? It's full of fiber. When I burp after eating leeks, I feel sick to my stomach when I smell it!

  Unfortunately, no one cares about what he likes to eat and what he doesn't like to eat.

   Who let it be Zhao Meng's turn to make breakfast today!

  Gu Yunwu rolled his eyes, and applied cheekily: "Xiaofu, I've been craving that stuffed zucchini, egg and shrimp recently, can I have some?"

   Fu Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that he was too busy thinking about Zhao Meng's taste, so he nodded in a good-tempered manner, and just about to speak, he heard Zhao Meng cough lightly.

  Fu Yu subconsciously turned his head to look over, Zhao Meng didn't blink his eyes, and shook his head with Fu Yu: "Chef Gu wants to eat, so make him a portion too!"

  Zhao Meng gave Gu Yunwu a look that pretended to be comforting. There is no way, this kid has always been so biased, alas, there is really nothing to do with him! But it’s okay, just tell me what you want to eat, if he dares not to make it for you, I will tell you for you.

   Fu Yu: "."

  Gu Yunwu: "."

  Gu Yunwu ground each other with his canine teeth, staring at the two men suspiciously, and even celery and leeks, isn’t it just bullying someone who is useless on my side, caring for me, and being kind to me?


  Little cabbage, yellow in the ground, no one hurts, no one loves, I have been so aggrieved that I haven't found it yet!

  Don't care how you show off your power and coquettishly, at this time, you can see how warm and cold people are, and what their status is in the hearts of everyone in the back kitchen.

  Steaming big white dumplings are served on the table one by one, with thin skin and big stuffing. One dumpling is better than steamed buns, revealing the grandeur, grandeur, and generosity on the dining table of northern men.

  The boiling mutton soup was placed in the middle of the table, and everyone in the back kitchen stretched out their chopsticks to scoop up large pieces of meat. The stubble around their lips was stained with gravy, and the back of their necks were steaming with sweat.

  Fu Yuzhang Luo's reunion breakfast, the table was full of hot and spicy atmosphere, and everyone's eyebrows and eyes were tender.

  They all have the same blend of noodles and seasoned fillings, but the dumplings made by Fu Yu himself are all thin-skinned and have large fillings, delicate in appearance, cooked in a pot of hot soup, and taste better than others!

   At the beginning, it was not obvious, but in the middle of the meal, almost everyone was rummaging through the plate to find Fu Yubao's exclusive big dumplings!

  Whoever finds it will smile immediately, and the food will drip down the corners of his mouth.

  Gu Yunwu was in a very complicated mood while eating the zucchini stuffed dumplings that Fu Yu specially prepared for himself.

  If I didn't play tricks when I first selected newcomers. . .

  If he had chosen Fu Yu back then. . .

  Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in the world!


  Fu Yu watched with his own eyes that Zhao Meng ate a large piece of lamb leg meat, sucked the lamb scorpion with relish, and snorted and snorted to kill two large plates of dumplings at a speed that others had no time to blink.

  Being a chef may be a bit of an occupational disease. It is more enjoyable to watch other people eat delicious food than to eat it yourself.

   Fu Yu asked proudly: "Chef Zhao, is it delicious?"

  Zhao Meng wiped his mouth, nodded and hummed: "Shu Tan, you boy, your skills have indeed improved."

  Fu Yu put a smile on his face immediately, picked up the mutton soup bowl, served two bowls with soup and wine, and had two bowls with Zhao Meng. There was an unusual warmth in the eyes of the two men.

   Zhao Meng finished a bowl of mutton soup. Before he could put down the bowl, Fu Yu quickly took it and filled another bowl with several pieces of fat and lean mutton.

  These mutton were brought back by the buyer one day in advance. After the Chinese New Year, various suppliers also began to give New Year gifts to these pass-by Gods of Wealth.

  Sun Wei is an old man, and he is very smooth in this regard.

   Whenever a supplier sends something, he will always pick and choose to leave some for the back kitchen.

  Both parties benefit from each other, the relationship is harmonious, and there is less trouble in their daily work.

  Gu Yunwu was holding an empty bowl to add soup, when he saw that Fu Yu scooped up several pieces of mutton for Zhao Meng, his heart became more and more blocked.

  If it weren't for the delicious mutton soup and the delicious dumplings, he would be full of gas.

   But even so, he still finished a large plate of dumplings and even drank two bowls of mutton soup.

   After the delicious breakfast, everyone in the back kitchen is about to start a busy day of work.

According to the usual practice, the meal time in the afternoon is basically used to prepare the evening table ingredients, so every day in the store, the bread and snacks that Boss Pang's dessert shop sent for free in the New Year are distributed to all the staff , everyone dealt with it and took a bite.

  In this way, the meal in the morning is considered as a Chinese New Year holiday, and it is a practical meal for everyone.

   After the people at Gu Yunwu finished their breakfast, they were yelled at by the disaffected leader to go to work.

   After Zhao Meng finished his meal, he didn't drive people away, but gathered them together.

  Early tomorrow morning, everyone will go their separate ways and go home for the New Year, so taking advantage of the lively atmosphere this morning, a few small workers gave Zhao Meng an early New Year greeting one by one.

   Contrary to everyone's expectations, Zhao Meng took out a stack of red envelopes that he had prepared earlier from his pocket on the spot, one for each.

  Zhao Meng told Sun Qingning: "Go home and spend time with your parents, don't just think about your girlfriend."

  Sun Qingning held the red envelope and laughed.

  Zhao Meng looked at Zhang Jinyu again: "And you, Xiao Zhang, your cooking skills have improved rapidly in the past six months. When you come back after the new year, continue to learn and practice hard, and strive to be able to cook independently next year."

  Zhang Jinyu touched his head, overjoyed: "Okay, Chef Zhao, I will definitely do a good job!"

Zhao Meng posted a circle one by one, and finally called the two new interns: "And you, you have been tired these days, and you will be able to relax in the next year. When the work is not so busy, I will arrange for you to come too. Stove practice hands."

  Sun Mingze and his classmates got a red envelope each, and they were so pleasantly surprised that they almost burst out laughing.

   I didn’t expect to have my own share, and Chef Zhao also promised to arrange for them to practice on the stove after the next year!

  Everyone asked around, and then Zhao Meng looked at Fu Yu: "Go home and have a good rest, and call if you have something to do."

   Fu Yu nodded, smiled and said: "Chef Zhao, I wish you a happy New Year in advance! Good health and family harmony"

  With Fu Yu taking the lead, the others immediately followed suit and chatted up auspicious words.

  Zhao Meng laughed out loud, looked at the few people in front of him, his eyes were deep, and his face was moved: "Okay, okay, I entrust you with auspicious words, and say hello to your family for me when you get home, and wish you a new year"

   Waiting for the others to leave, Fu Yu followed Zhao Meng while Zhao Meng went to the storage room to check the pickled side dishes.

  He forced the red envelope prepared in advance to Zhao Meng: "This is my New Year's red envelope for Baoer. You can't refuse it for Baoer. I gave it to the child, not to you."

Zhao Meng subconsciously squeezed the thickness of the red envelope, and his eyes were about to stare again. Seeing this, Fu Yu hurriedly said: "Hey, hey! Not all of them are a hundred, and I even exchanged some change so that Bao'er can take it by herself." Go shopping."

   Hearing that there are odds and ends, Zhao Meng didn't refuse anymore, and said with a smile: "That's fine, I will thank you for Bao'er."

  Fu Yu laughed and said: "It should be, who made me an older brother!"

  When Zhao Meng heard this, he laughed even happier, carefully put away the red envelopes, and then continued to check the pickling of the side dishes.

  Fu Yu didn't stay any longer, and turned around to go out.

  (end of this chapter)

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