MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 797 Another little brother

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  Chapter 797 Accepted another younger brother

  There are a lot of miscellaneous thoughts in his mind, and Gu Yunwu will inevitably be a little absent-minded for the next cooking.

   Fortunately, the most critical step in the operation has been completed, just embed the crab roe on each meatball, cover with green vegetable leaves, cover the pot and start firing.

  However, after all, cooking is a matter that requires concentration. After Gu Yunwu prepared the fire according to his habits, he casually ordered Fu Yu to help keep an eye on it. He himself excused that he still had a list to deal with, so he avoided it and calmed down for a while.

  Wait for the "lion's head" to be put into the boiling soup in the casserole and cook for a while. After the soup boiled again, Gu Yunwu reluctantly came back "calmly" and switched to stewing on low heat.

  This dish needs to be stewed on the stove for a long time, and Fu Yu didn't need to wait here dryly, so after greeting Gu Yunwu, he went back to his own kitchen to continue cooking.

  From the beginning to the end, he was so absorbed in learning cooking that he didn't even notice that Gu Yunwu was silently singing a few big plays in his heart.

   Fu Yu was very excited to learn Gu Yunwu's special skills, and went back to greet Zhao Meng, and continued to work cheerfully.

  Gu Yunwu glanced at Fu Yu with compassion, and he was relieved from the bottom of his heart, and he was sent away!

In fact, when I think about it carefully, I am quite lucky. Although Zhang Xincheng is the only person who needs to be used now, but in comparison, I found that Xiao Zhang is still good. Hardworking and most importantly, very obedient.

  But after thinking about it, Gu Yunwu couldn't help being a little envious of Zhao Meng!

  Hey, where do you think this "coffin board" has such a good fortune?

   First followed Yao Shi, someone covered him, and then took Fu Yu, and later relied on him.

  This luck, really!

  What is lying to win?

   This is the way to comfortably put down the mouse and wait for victory, right?

  Zhang Jiaxin looked at Fu Yu excitedly, he really admired Fu Yu more and more!

  Every time, Fu Yu can bring Zhang Jiaxin a shock.

so amazing.

   Moreover, he is not only powerful, but also low-key and humble, very kind.

  Obviously the culinary skills are so good, but still working hard to learn and improve, I was able to come to Gu Chef to learn cooking.

   How much effort did it take to persuade Zhao Chef to help build this bridge?

  Being courageous and resourceful, with a unique vision, Fu Yu should have realized that simply learning from Chef Zhao is not perfect in terms of cooking skills. Only by combining various cooking skills in many ways can he make greater progress.

   Facts have proved that Fu Yu's ideas are really insightful, and today's learning cooking with Chef Gu is a good proof.

  After all, almost everyone in the back kitchen knows that Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu have their own specialties in cooking.

  Thinking of this, Zhang Jiaxin decided to watch more cooking videos of frying and frying when he is free recently.

  After all, stewing, boiling, stir-frying and stir-frying are all necessary skills for cooking operations since ancient times.

  Seeing that Fu Yu was about to leave after learning cooking with Gu Yunwu, Zhang Jiaxin hurriedly stepped forward, and while no one was paying attention, he gave Fu Yu a small plate of salted frog.

   Zhang Jiaxin looked at Fu Yu with a friendly face, and said in a low voice, "This is made by Chef Gu this morning. It tastes delicious. Try it!"

   Fu Yu was a little embarrassed by the sudden little favor, and hurriedly smiled and thanked: "Thank you, I will give you some delicious food when I come back!"

After Fu Yu finished speaking, he was about to walk away when he heard Zhang Jiaxin say: "Okay, actually, I've seen that you guys like to get some food when you're free, but I'm here, so I don't have a chance to ask for it. "

   Fu Yu understood immediately.

   This is also something that can’t be helped. Although he has a good impression of Zhang Jiaxin and the two have a good personal relationship, they are from two camps after all. They are in front of the leader during working hours, so they should avoid suspicion.

   Fu Yu smiled awkwardly: "It's okay, if you want to eat, I'll save some for you in the future! But don't think about it this time a year ago, we are also very busy here."

Zhang Jiaxin nodded: "Yes, the back kitchen is really a place to train people, especially Yao Xiaochu will be leaving after the next year, and now the burden is on me. The month before last may be my cooking skills. It's the fastest time, and one person can't wait to split it in half."

  When Zhang Jiaxin said this, his voice suddenly changed, and he said to Fu Yu with some embarrassment: "Fu Chu, I actually have a merciless favor."

  Although the relationship between Fu Yu and Zhang Jiaxin is not as close as that of Sun Qingning and the others, but because Zhang Jiaxin is humble and kind, and neither arrogant nor impatient, it is easy to make people feel good about him.

  Originally in the back kitchen, Gu Yunwu's people, he only had a good impression of Zhang Jiaxin, and everyone will have to work in the same place in the future, so it's not a bad thing to make friends.

  Fu Yu smiled: "Jiaxin, if you have anything to say, just say it."

  Zhang Jiaxin said seriously: "Chu Fu, I hope that when you are promoted to be a chef one day, you can transfer me to be the chef under your command!"

  Fu Yu was stunned when he heard Zhang Jiaxin's words.

  Because he never thought that he would be a chef in Maxima and form his own small team!

  Fu Yu looked at Zhang Jiaxin, who didn't seem to be joking, and couldn't help being silent for a while.

  How to answer this question?

   Not to mention, even if he can be a chef at Maxima in the future, it will be inconvenient for him to pry someone from Gu Yunwu.

  Just, he followed Zhao Meng to the music restaurant, can he also bring Zhang Jiaxin there?

  This matter is not appropriate!

Without waiting for Fu Yu to speak, Zhang Jiaxin smiled and continued: "No matter how strong a person is, after all, it is difficult to do it alone. The people under him must be the best and reliable. Although I am not good at cooking, I think I can bear hardships and stand hard work. Obey the assignment. I know, Fu Chu, with your ability, you will definitely not stop at your current position, so I hope that one day, I can be by your side, even if I am not capable enough to fight side by side with you, but at least I can Be your subordinate, share your worries!"

   Zhang Jiaxin's words were very sincere, which made Fu Yu a little silent.

  He didn't expect Zhang Jiaxin to have such an idea. When he suddenly heard this request, he subconsciously wanted to shirk it, but seeing Zhang Jiaxin's sincere eyes, he swallowed the words again.

   After hesitating for a while, Fu Yu still nodded and said ambiguously: "Okay, if there is a chance!"

   Zhang Jiaxin was overjoyed when he heard what Fu Yu said, and smiled: "Thank you, Chef Fu!"

  Actually, in Fu Yu's view, this is a joke-like agreement.

  He didn't think that the news that Zhao Meng was going to quit to go to the music restaurant would spread, and he didn't think that Zhang Jiaxin would know that he was going to leave together.

  So he guessed that Zhang Jiaxin was seizing the opportunity to show his favor in advance.

   After all, judging from the current situation of the kitchen, I am the most promising candidate to be promoted as a chef.

   At that time, the back kitchen will definitely assign people to follow him. Zhang Jiaxin is under Gu Yunwu's hands, and it is estimated that Zhang Jiaxin really can't stand it anymore, so he wants to set a position for himself in advance and take a little advantage.

  When the two were talking, they deliberately avoided the people on Gu Yunwu's side.

  However, Sun Mingze, who just came over to go to the bathroom, happened to see this scene.

  Hearing Zhang Jiaxin's surrender to Fu Yu, he suddenly felt a surge of emotion and enthusiasm.

   Even had an idea.

   If there is a chance in the future, after graduation, I must try to apply for a job in Maxima, and then I will find a way to work under Fu Yu's subordinates.

  I'd rather be a phoenix tail than a chicken head!

   After all, only by following capable people can there be a chance of progress!

  Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, according to the past practice, everyone in the back kitchen will stay to work overtime to prepare dishes tonight.

  After all the preparations were completed, Fu Yu couldn't help yawning as he walked to the dormitory when he came out of the back kitchen.

   It's already half past one in the morning.

  Back to the dormitory, laying down on the bed after a simple wash, Fu Yu only belatedly realized that the Chinese New Year is coming!

  At this time, Fu Yu suddenly missed Liu Yuqing very much.

  However, it's already so late, she must have gone to bed long ago, right?

  Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Fu Yu's mouth.

   To have the feeling of being so missed by someone, not to mention, I am really happy.

  Just turning over and getting ready to sleep, the phone rang suddenly.

   Picking it up and looking at it, it turned out to be a message from Liu Yuqing: [Are you off work? We will meet again tomorrow afternoon, why do I miss you a little now? Do you think it's strange? 】

  After reading the message, Fu Yu felt warm in his heart, it was a feeling of satisfaction and happiness.

  While thinking about others, the other person is also thinking about their own feelings, which is great!

   But this guy, it's almost two o'clock, and he still doesn't sleep.

   Fu Yu hurriedly replied with a message: [I have gone back to the house to rest, you should go to bed early too. 】

  As soon as the message was sent, Liu Yuqing called directly.

  Fu Yu answered the phone, Liu Yuqing's voice was particularly gentle: "Are you still asleep?"

  Fu Yu responded: "No, just lay down, why didn't you sleep?"

  In fact, Liu Yuqing didn't want to mention this matter at first, but she didn't know what was going on. After hearing Fu Yu's voice, she suddenly had the desire to talk about it.

  Can't help complaining: "My sister came back very late tonight, I kindly waited for her, but she gave me a scolding."

  Fu Yu was taken aback when he heard that, hey, are the two sisters having a fight?

Before he could ask about it, Liu Yuqing couldn't wait to complain: "I originally planned to resign from Maxima after the new year, and go to the branch to help manage it. It just so happened that my sister planned to go to Zhang Luoxin when the weather warmed up. There must be no time to take care of the branch here, I thought it would be exercise, so I can help my sister share the burden in the future."

   "In the end, my sister disagreed and insisted on letting me go to study abroad! I didn't want to go, she was so angry, she just scolded me, and now I'm going back to the house, let me reflect on myself."

  Fu Yu couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

   Want to help manage the family business, this is a good thing!

  But his master wants to send Liu Yuqing to study abroad?

   Isn’t this too sudden?

   "Your sister is going to send you to study abroad? Where are you going? What are you going to study?"

  Liu Yuqing was so angry just now that she didn't think about what she said. Now that she was questioned by Fu Yu, she realized that she hadn't reported this matter to Fu Yu yet.

So, he hurriedly explained: "My major is gastronomy, which has high requirements for academic qualifications, so when I was studying, I planned to study abroad directly after graduation, and then study for a master's degree, but now I change Got an idea."

"Actually, the purpose of my further study is to help my sister share the family business. Now that I have a certain understanding of the operation of the restaurant, I will be able to learn the specific management systematically when I go to the branch store. Alone."

After finishing speaking, Liu Yuqing's tone was obviously a little excited: "When the time comes, you should also resign from Maxima, and come and run the branch with me. I will let you be the chef, I will manage the front office, and the two of us will run the restaurant together, okay? Okay? Then I can stay with you forever!"

  Fu Yu didn't know until this time that Liu Yuqing's major was gastronomy, and he followed the route of academic research, not business management, let alone restaurant management.

  If you are engaged in research, then the higher your education, the more advantage you will have.

  Furthermore, Liu Yuqing has both the conditions and the capital for further studies. The most important thing is that she is still so young, so it is a good time to work hard to advance.

  This is a good career planning route.

  However, in this way, Liu Yuqing will go abroad, and the two will be in different places. It will be difficult to meet each other in the future.

  Liu Yuqing also had this concern, so she didn't want to go abroad, and planned to stay and run the family business with her sister.

  However, if it is true what she said, the two of them will become a husband and wife shop.

   But is this kind of life really suitable for them?

  How can there be any warmth and romance in a restaurant?

  The two of them worked hard in the store every day from dawn to dusk, but now it's okay to say that everything can be overcome.

  But what should we do after we actually get married?

  Thinking of how lonely and lonely he was when he worked overtime tonight and missed Liu Yuqing by himself, Fu Yu felt sad for a while.

  The husband-and-wife shop sounds pretty good, but the actual hard work is unknown to others. He has worked in the back kitchen for so long, so how can he not know.

  He is just an ordinary person, what he longs for the most is to build a stable and warm family like his parents.

  Both of them are working in the restaurant, can we call home home?

  Now they are all young, so everything is fine. When their parents get old and have children in the future, what should they do in life?

  There are many such examples in restaurants. For example, Bao’er from Dai Li’s family has been kept on a small dining table before, and the child is still young. How can this work?

   Fu Yu does have the ambition to start a business, but the couple can't both focus on their careers.

   To some extent, I have to consider the future Xiaojia.

  Thinking of this, Fu Yu couldn't help shaking his head.

  Although it is a bit too early to consider these things now, this is also a fact, and it is an unavoidable problem in the future.

  (end of this chapter)

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