MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 799 VIPs get special treatment

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  Chapter 799 Special treatment for VIPs

   During the busy meal preparation, Fu Yu made two plates of fried dumplings from the dumplings reserved in the morning.

  The back kitchen is busy preparing dishes, and the front hall is also not idle.

  The waiters at the front desk, Xiaohui and Jiang Mo, are on the morning shift. At this time, one is busy handling customer order calls, and the other is sorting out today's takeaway orders.

   Fu Yu went over with a plate, Jiang Mo saw this, and quickly mouthed to hint: Xiaoqing went to the ordering area.

  Fu Yu nodded, put down the plate, and went to the ordering area to find Liu Yuqing.

   Liu Yuqing stayed up too late yesterday and didn't eat in the morning. Hearing that Fu Yu made fried buns, she hurriedly followed him back to the front desk.

  Today is the New Year's Eve, and people are feeling anxious. After all, the family can officially have a holiday in the evening to reunite. I just hope that everything can be prepared quickly, and the New Year's Eve dinner can be eaten smoothly at night.

   Moreover, I have to take time during the day to visit various houses for New Year greetings. Time is very precious and should not be wasted.

   It is precisely because of this that once something is encountered that cannot be resolved in time, some quarrels and disputes will easily arise.

  Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing just came over from the ordering area when they saw the chaos at the front desk!

  A middle-aged couple is pointing at the waiter at the front desk and yelling!

  Seeing this, Liu Yuqing's expression changed, and she trotted forward.

   Fu Yu reacted faster, grabbed her, stood in front of her, and reached the front desk first.

  The waiter was standing at the front desk with a distressed expression on his face, while the middle-aged couple were pointing at her and berating her in a low voice!

   "The opening of the restaurant is to welcome customers and do business. If we want to come to eat, you should welcome them!"

   "And the table of dishes we are going to order is enough for you to receive three or four tables at ordinary times!"

   "Why can't it be arranged? We are regular customers of your store, and we often come to eat and eat. If you don't believe me, check it out. Last year? Or the year before? I also applied for your store's VIP discount card!"

   "VIP should have special treatment, or how to distinguish the difference between us and ordinary customers?"

  The waiter's face turned red. Although she had worked at the front desk for so long, being reprimanded by customers pointing at her nose like this still made her very stressed.

   And as the customers shouted loudly, people have already started to watch.

  Today is New Year's Eve, everyone hopes for a good omen, but this early in the morning, they will be scolded, and no one will be happy if they change.

The waiter's face was darkened by the two people's scolding, and he tried to maintain a decent tone, persuading: "The reservations for the New Year's Eve dinner are really full, and our restaurant takes orders in the order of customers' orders. Now the restaurant All the seats have already been ordered by customers, I can understand your desire to make a reservation, but there are really no seats, and I can't help you with this matter."

   "Now we can only wait and see if any customers will temporarily cancel the order. If there is a place, I will contact you in time."

  The middle-aged couple obviously did not expect that the waiter at the front desk would not be accommodating at all. While they were anxious, the anger on their faces deepened.

The two looked at each other, and the middle-aged woman looked gloomy, and pointed at the waiter through the air: "You asked me to wait? Then if there are still no other customers refunding the order at night, I won't eat the New Year's Eve dinner here. chant?"

The middle-aged woman became angrier and angrier, and said angrily: "You told me a lot of nonsense, and the key problem was not solved for me at all! I will ask you now, can you arrange the New Year's Eve dinner for me?" table!"

   "Yes, or can't you? Just answer directly! Do you think everyone is as free as you?"

  The waiter's expression changed!

  Why am I idle? Since arriving at work early in the morning, the call has not been interrupted!

  You want to order a New Year’s Eve dinner, but you don’t know how to contact us in advance, and now there is no place, who are you angry with?

  Speak as you speak, why make personal attacks?

  If you have the ability, you can find a relationship by yourself!

  There is no place in the store, even if you scold me, there is no way to solve it!

  The waiter was very angry at the couple's attitude!

  Especially thinking that yesterday Gao Wenjing deliberately called everyone in the front hall together for a meeting, repeating orders and repeating orders, must stand on the last shift before the year, and if any accident occurs, he will be severely punished.

  Thinking of this, the waiter suddenly felt more wronged.

  She really wants to work hard and serve well, but the problem is that the customers are unreasonable!

  Jiang Mo, who also worked at the front desk, quietly pulled the waiter's hand under the table, signaling her to stop arguing.

  The waiter also knows that if he really quarrels with the customer, no matter whether it is reasonable or not, he will suffer in the end.

  So he nodded, even though the customer scolded him, he stopped talking back.

   It is meaningless to argue with such an unreasonable customer theory!

  But unexpectedly, her silent attitude completely angered the middle-aged couple.

   At this time, Fu Yu had already arrived, and hurriedly asked: "What's going on?"

When Jiang Mo saw Fu Yu, his eyes lit up immediately, and he complained without thinking: "Chef Fu, they didn't book the New Year's Eve dinner in advance, and now they want to make room for the restaurant, but all the tables have been booked out Yes. Xiaohui explained to them, but they refused to listen!"

When the middle-aged woman heard Jiang Mo say this, her eyes widened immediately: "What do you mean we have already explained it, but we won't listen? Isn't your restaurant open to welcome guests? I want to eat in the restaurant now, why don't you Reception? I can't believe that such a big store doesn't even have a single seat!"

   "Aren't you opening a restaurant to make money? As I said just now, I can order a table of the most expensive noodles in your restaurant. I am willing to spend money, so why can't I reserve a table?"

  Jiang Mo sneered, and said disapprovingly: "As of now, we don't talk about private rooms, even the dining places in the lobby have all been booked out."

   "And the reservation position of our store is not sorted by the price of the table, but by the time when the customer places the order."

  This is not intentional bragging, but a fact.

   Maxima is a century-old restaurant after all, and it is also a restaurant with a very good reputation in Bei'an. The business is usually very prosperous, but now it is the end of the year, and it is even more difficult to find a table.

  As early as half a month ago, the restaurant’s New Year’s Eve dinner reservations had already exploded.

  As the waiter said before, maybe we can wait and see if there will be any customers who have already placed an order to cancel the order temporarily.

   But these words are just to ease the mood of the customer and try to comfort the other party.

  In fact, the possibility of canceling the order is extremely low.

  Because the reservation form for the New Year’s Eve dinner is to pay a certain percentage of deposit first, and the dishes are ordered. After all, the back kitchen needs to purchase goods in advance and prepare the ingredients.

  So under normal circumstances, even if the customer’s temporary itinerary changes, at most they don’t need a deposit. For example, if they make a special call to communicate with the refund, they will often be notified two or three days in advance.

The middle-aged woman became even more annoyed when she heard Jiang Mo say this: "If you don't have a seat, you can find a way to arrange it? Add a table temporarily, or communicate with other customers. If time comes, see if you can change the arrangement. Make a table of noodles!"

   "Even if you go to the store for the New Year's Eve dinner, it's impossible to occupy the table and eat until the end of the New Year's Eve?"

   "How do you hire people in your store? Their brains are so rigid, and they don't know how to change them! If you lose my order, how much less commission do you earn, won't it be counted?"

   "Besides, I am a regular customer of your store, and I often come here to spend. Losing a high-spending customer like me is a loss for your store. Will you be able to take this responsibility?"

  The more the middle-aged woman said, the more outrageous she became.

  Fu Yu wasn't angry at first, but when he heard the middle-aged woman reprimanding Jiang Mo so unreasonably, he was also a little annoyed.

  You are so rich and powerful, why are you embarrassing an ordinary front desk staff here?

  If you have the ability, you spend your own money to find a relationship!

   He also said that he is a regular customer. Since he often dines in the store, why didn't he know that there are reserved boxes in the store?

   If you are really capable, you should contact the management of the hotel and directly arrange to have the New Year’s Eve dinner in a reserved box?

   Fu Yu couldn't help but said: "Xiao Jiang, you send a copy of the newly added takeaway order to the back kitchen. Today, after two o'clock in the afternoon, all takeaways will be stopped for sale."

  Jiang Mo nodded: "I see."

  Fu Yu said again: "Xiaohui, the back kitchen will be clearing the warehouse tonight. Except for the pre-ordered dishes, there will be no restocking, so no private orders will be accepted except for the customers who made the pre-orders."

  Xiaohui immediately felt relieved, and hurriedly responded: "Okay, pay the chef."

When the middle-aged couple saw this, they immediately felt that they had been swept away. The middle-aged man who hadn't spoken could not help but glared at Fu Yu: "No, what do you mean? What do you mean you won't take orders from now on? Are you Targeting us?"

   "Okay, you can do it!"

   "I've lived at such an advanced age, this is the first time I've seen someone open a store and drive customers away!"

   "What kind of service attitude do you have? I want to complain to you! Where is the leader in your store? I want to see your manager!"

   What these two people said made Fu Yu a little surprised!


   These are two idiots, right?

   What's wrong with not being able to understand human speech?

   There are no more seats in the store. Is this hard to understand?

  I even complained to the manager. If you have the ability, you can ask the manager to speak up and arrange you into the reserved box, which is also considered your ability!

Fu Yu glanced at the middle-aged couple indifferently: "Please don't yell in the store, losing your temper won't solve the problem. Our store does have a reservation for the New Year's Eve dinner, but now all the tables have been booked out So the only solution right now is to wait and see if other customers charge back, which is unlikely."

   "So, I suggest you go to other places to find a way."

   "This matter does not involve deliberate embarrassment, but the fact that it is the case. Without a position, we cannot solve it."

  The middle-aged man looked at Fu Yu and gave him a fierce stare!

   "It's unlikely, you still let us wait? Why are you so worried?"

Fu Yu almost laughed out of anger, he didn't want to talk to these two anymore, and said in a deep voice: "The current situation is that all the tables have been booked out, if you are willing to wait, you can pay a deposit, if you don't want to wait , You can also take advantage of the early time to see if there are any seats in other restaurants."

   "There is no other solution than this."

  When the middle-aged couple heard the words, Qiqi's expression changed.

  Although I was still very angry and unwilling, I also knew that this was the truth.

  They had intended to come over and make reservations for the New Year's Eve dinner a long time ago, but they had too many things to do before the year, and it was delayed by procrastination.

   I managed to find time to come here this morning, but I didn't expect that all the seats at Maxima had already been booked.

   It seems that dinner is going to be in the evening, but the place has not been settled yet, and whoever changes this matter will have to worry about it.

  Knowing that there is probably no room to book a table at Maxima today, the couple's faces became more and more ugly, and they stopped making noise. They frowned and thought about countermeasures.

   At this moment, the waiters who heard the sound and saw that the matter was settled, stopped coming forward and watched the movement from a distance.

   There is really something for everyone!

   Is it amazing to be rich?

  Even if it’s a restaurant, you can’t eat with money, you have to pay attention to first come, first served!

   Seeing that the couple had stopped yelling, Fu Yu gave Liu Yuqing a wink and led someone to the back kitchen.

  Liu Yuqing was holding the boiled bun, and couldn't help but sneer and said, "Working in the store is really knowledgeable, and you can meet all kinds of people!"

  Fu Yu nodded, indeed.

   There are not a few people who are bullying and unreasonable. When they meet someone who is more alert, they will do things quietly, and these people who show their teeth and claws like to bluff.

  It is a matter of eight thousand to order a table of the most expensive noodles at Maxima.

   It doesn't matter whether you are particularly rich or not.

  However, with this quality alone, it shouldn't be particularly embarrassing.

   After all, the truly rich are those who are richer and more low-key.

  Only rich people who have been poor for a long time, or who have no background, will show off like this everywhere.

  However, no matter what kind it is, this kind of bluff, regardless of whether it is real rich or fake rich, is really worthless anyway.

   Before Fu Yu took Liu Yuqing far, he heard the voice of a middle-aged woman reprimanding him from behind.

   All of a sudden, Fu Yu became popular too!

   "Pay the deposit? Why should we pay the deposit? Do you have a place!"

"Don't try to fool people with words, who doesn't understand? At this time, when we rush to the next one, it will be almost noon. If I just want to have dinner at your house, why don't I rush here all the way? ?”

   "Anyway, you have to find a way for us today, otherwise, we really won't leave!"

  Obviously, the middle-aged couple has completely become angry from embarrassment.

Without even thinking about it, Fu Yu turned around and went back to the front desk. Seeing that Xiaohui's eyes were red with aggrieved eyes, he immediately interrupted the middle-aged couple's scolding: "I have already told you clearly that there is no place in the store. You are just trying to make things difficult for others." .If you really don't want to leave, that's fine, then please go to the waiting area and wait. Of course, you can also choose to complain, do you want me to tell you the phone number of the manager?"

  The middle-aged woman saw Fu Yu and said sarcastically, "Hmph, who doesn't know that you are all in the same group?"

  Fu Yu was taken aback for a moment, huh!

  This matter is really interesting, it has become a strong buy and sell!

   Thanks: book friend 140510152930780 for the 500 starting coins! Thank you!



  (end of this chapter)

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