MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 109 Wonderland (1)

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In the afternoon of the fairyland, Anyuan Xianjun sat in front of the dust mirror. There was a furry little tiger on his leg and he was sleeping. The dust in the mirror is what he used to do when he was in the mortal world. Although many things are personal experiences, you can look back and have an unusual feeling.

An Yuan touched the head of the little tiger's longevity, and his finger was drawn on the king's head on his head. The longevity of the dream was disturbed, and he opened his mouth unsatisfactorily and bit the Anyuan's finger with a small milk tooth. He bites people and doesn't hurt. He is itched by the place where his teeth are worn away. An Yuan has his fingers and does not resist.

It was the situation when Han Changsheng was the martial arts ally of the day.

At that time, the **** that the old man named for the Anyuan had been destroyed by Han Changsheng was left. Even the prince who was supposed to be the martial arts lord was turned back from the mountain to be the wife of the lord. Fortunately, the change of life genre will not affect the number of annihilation of Anyuan, so Han Changsheng will no longer worry. I am very happy to go to the martial arts lord.

Han Changsheng is who, who has been doing the magical teachings for so many years, how many people in the devil, how many weapons and silver in Curry have not figured out, the Wulin League is mixed, how can he manage well? ! Of course, Han Changsheng did not think about managing. He was originally going to mess up - but these things were not very clear at the time. He and Han Changsheng are not always together. He is a chivalrous man in the mortal world. He used to be a singer and a singer. Later he became a famous hero on the rivers and lakes. Han Changsheng has to be a martial arts lord, and he has to be a cult leader. He promised that Anyuan would not do evil things that hurt the world. As for how he handled it, Anyuan did not care much.

There are many things to do as a martial arts ally. It is big enough to organize a martial arts event. It is so small that someone has quarreled and fought for the door to ask him to preside over justice. This is his scope of responsibility.

What is being put in the dust mirror is that someone came to Han Changsheng to judge.

The Danyang elders of Longyang School and Zhang Xia, the head of Qipimen, twisted into Kunlun Mountain and were separated from Han Changsheng.

Zhang Xia took the lead: "Allies, please give me justice! They are very deceiving people. They said that they are martial arts. When they clicked, they deliberately wounded my big disciples. They yell at me. The disciples have outstanding martial arts and deliberately take this hand and must not spare them!"

Dan Xu Elders red face equator: "Lord, don't listen to him nonsense, obviously his disciples first out of the sinister tricks, I only want to protect themselves, and they accidentally hurt them. They are all stealing chickens without eclipsing the rice! ”

"You are nonsense!"

"You are nonsense!"

The two men looked at each other and twisted together. Han Changsheng looked at them and said: "It is an ordinary thing to be injured in a contest. If you are injured, you will blame yourself for being inferior. There is nothing to say."

Elder Dan Xu said: "Thank you for the fairness of the lord."

Zhang Xia angered: "How can you say this to the lord, I..."

Han Changsheng did not listen to them to defend more, and waved a big hand: "The ally is very busy, this kind of chicken and garlic don't come to me, send customers!"

An Yuan waved his hand in front of the dust mirror, and the picture turned to the scene of the Longyang School and the seven-door disciple. Sure enough, as the elders of Dan Xu said, it is the disciples of Qi Pimen who will be injured before they are guilty. He waved his hand again and the picture returned to the daily routine of Han Changsheng's affairs.

The heads of the happy and the heads of the four forests smashed into the Kunlun Mountains and came to Han Changsheng. They did not speak. Han Changsheng took his finger to the head of the Silin School: "You, apologize to him!"

The head of the Silin School was stunned: "But I still have nothing to say."

Han Changsheng said: "Nothing to say, the road apologizes!"

The head of the happy party said: "The lord really thinks like a god. It seems that the alliance between us has already been known."

An Yuan looked at the cause of the conflict between the two people, but it was really wrong for the Si Lin faction.

Anyuan gently stirred the tiger's tongue with his fingers: "How did you know?"

Changsheng yawned and released Anyuan’s fingers, and he still licked his lips: "Know what?"

An Yuandao: "You have a good way to preside over justice."

Han Changsheng looked at the things in the dust mirror and said: "I don't know anything. I don't bother to control them. Whoever looks good, I will help anyone."

Anyuan: "..."

Anyuan gently bounced on Han Changsheng's head. The little tiger turned over and took his belly to Anyuan. He said, "You look best in my heart."

Anyuan laughed, reaching out to his soft stomach and continuing to relish the past.

Two people looked for Han Changsheng's evaluation. Han Changsheng looked at this and looked at it. The two were almost ugly, and Han Changsheng showed a distressed look.

"Lord, you judge, the lack of food in North China, the caravans have to go from our place, we have a lot of people there, we Lingbei sent to protect the caravans, **** them to pass, collect some hardships, subsidize the martial arts expenses. They Huaibei The faction deliberately led the caravans to their heads, letting the caravans circle a big circle, just to grab our hard work..."

"How can you say that everyone is relying on the ability to eat, the caravan likes to go from our way, how can we blame us!"

Many sects on the rivers and lakes, heroes also have to eat, some of the sects rely on the government to raise, some rely on the income of the disciples, and some rely on people to do things. North China is poorer and close to Fanbang. There are many hooligans, and the sects there almost all rely on the **** caravan to make money.

Han Changsheng thought thoughtfully about his chin: "It is a good way to make money."

The two heads glanced: "What does the lord say?"

Han Changsheng waved his hand: "Nothing, everyone who makes money depends on the ability. I don't care, don't bother me with this kind of thing!"

Turning to Han Changsheng back to the mountain, set up his hand to go to North China Tongshang Road. Two years later, North China Commercial Road was monopolized by Tianning, and the earned pot was full.

There are still many such cases, and several sects have discovered the Jingjing iron ore in a certain mountain range. The weapons created with such iron ore are sharp and unmatched. However, the location of the iron ore was between the three sects. Only two of them were discovered at the same time. Later, they were discovered by the third family. In order to grab the iron, they were beaten. This incident went to Han Changsheng, and Han Changsheng ordered that no one would accept it. He would report the matter to the government and seal the mine. A few months later, someone sneaked in and saw that the mine had been dug up. These three sects are suspicion of each other, and they can’t make a fuss. No one knows. In the second year, Tianning taught a group of black iron weapons. Some people found a fierce beast in Lushan, and wanted to find the beast. The teacher came to tame, and it was not long before the sect of the martial arts was gone.

After playing Han Changsheng as a martial arts ally, he did not do anything that hurts the world. But unconsciously, many resources of the Wulin League are missing, and Tianning is growing stronger.

Anyuan looked at the past and couldn’t help but poke on the belly of the tiger’s longevity: "You guy."

Han Changsheng hugged his hand and pushed it up, indicating that he would touch his head. An Yuan’s hand just stretched over, and Han Changsheng smashed his head in his hand. An Yuan’s little guy with his head in his arms couldn’t say anything.

At the beginning, Lu Honghua had set the rules, in addition to getting a few martial arts predecessors, but also had to seduce the magic in three years. After Han Changsheng became the ally with the identity of Li Jiulong, although he was arrogant and outstanding in his achievements, he was a young man after all, and it was the smudged door of Yuehua School. How many old guys stared at the martial arts lord? I haven’t touched the side for most of my life, but let Han Changsheng take advantage of it. How can they be willing? So I always wanted to take advantage of the shortcomings of Han Changsheng and pull him down from the big position. Then some people move out of Tianning from time to time to talk about things.

In the first two years of Han Changsheng's urging, he just ignored it. He didn't mean anything about Tianning's teaching. He saw that three years was coming, and people were gloating to see Han Changsheng step down. Han Changsheng suddenly convened. A martial arts conference. At the Wulin Conference, Han Changsheng made the first attempt in the past three years to attack the Tianshan Tianning.

"In the past three years, some of my predecessors have been urging me to attack the demon religion, but I feel that it is still short of the shortcomings of the fire. It has only been delayed. Now that the fire is almost here, I feel the unity of the Wulin League, so I decided to organize everyone to attack this year. Magic teaching."

"The devil has been harming the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years. The reason why they have been unable to help them is because they are indeed very strong. If the martial arts alliance is not screwed into a rope, no one has the strength to attack them. My duty as the martial arts lord is to condense everyone. Together, I will arrange a plan for the discussion. Before that, I would like to thank a few seniors. The Voids of the Void, the head of the Tonghua School, and the head of the Hushan School of Hushan... These seniors are I have been urging me many times in three years, urging me to annihilate the demon to benefit the rivers and lakes. Their sincerity can be seen in the sun and the moon. I am really moved." He said that he still smeared his eyes.

Several people who were named suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention, and they were very proud.

But in the next second, they will not be able to show it.

"In view of their sincere desire to contribute to the Wulin League, I am not able to marry them. I need a lot of manpower and material resources to conquer the demon. So I decided to think again, please ask the Nether, the Tonghua School, Lushan sent donated silver five hundred and two for everyone to buy food and add tolls. Once they succeeded in destroying the demon, I built a stone tablet in Kunlun Mountain and engraved their names to record their achievements. Do you say good?"

Suddenly a wave of applause! Only a few sects that have just been named have a look of horror on their faces.

For more than a century, the reason why the martial arts people have been unable to annihilate the demon religion, in addition to the magical self, is also because of the ignorance of the martial arts. A hundred years ago, once a demon war, dozens of martial arts sects took part in the action, and they came out of Lushan. However, they were brought to the martial arts team by the then high-ranking sergeant, because every martial art wanted to preserve its strength. Did not send the best disciples, a group of rabble naturally can not beat the magic, but also seriously hurt the righteousness.

The reason why the elders of the elders urged Han Changsheng was not just for justice. Many of them were originally the successors of the martial arts lords, but they were robbed by Han Changsheng, so they wanted to watch the excitement. People in the rivers and lakes are the poorest. If you want to sell iron for five hundred and two, it will inevitably cause the entire sect to be badly hurt. Now Han Changsheng is so touted, they are embarrassed not to use the money to contribute. Although other sects know this truth, they don’t pay for themselves. Of course, they are gloating.

However, Han Changsheng’s last words made all the people who had lost their sorrows laugh.

"This conquest, the heads of all the sects, the top three elders and the top ten disciples must participate."

Suddenly, a cold air was heard. These people, no matter which martial art is the elite of the martial art, but also have to go out of the nest, once these people have had any accidents in the conquest, it is likely that a originally famous martial art will fall. Some martial art have internal disturbances or hidden dangers. Without elites, they are not annihilated, and they may be destroyed first.

Someone raised an objection, Han Changsheng put his hands together and a helpless look: "If you don't support it, how can this go to the demon religion? If you don't cooperate, you can only do it." Silent.

On the day of the expedition, there were not many people absent, some were uncomfortable, and some of the martial art were infected with dysentery or cold. In short, there was one missing here, and the sects of Han Changsheng’s request were A few.

"When did you become the head!"

"The position was passed to me last month!"

"Temporary transfer, this is to escape the expedition!"

"How many of your squeaky stinkers may be the first 10 disciples of the Yueming faction? I recognize your two disciples, the two disciples, who have not come!"

"You are breaking the rules!"

"You collude with the magic!"

As a result, the matter of the expedition was naturally unsuccessful. The five sects of the martial arts did not come together. In the end, it became a torn battle between the martial arts and the right path. Han Changsheng, who provoked the incident, happily lost the mess and went out to Lushan.

In the years when Han Changsheng was a martial arts ally, it was not a matter of doing nothing. He had to hold a contest in almost a few months, and he could be personally pointed out by anyone who was seen by him at the contest. Han Changsheng was young and martial arts was unfathomable. Almost none of the people who played against him had beaten him. Therefore, he could be turned into a capital, and he had already surpassed Lu Wenlin. However, at the contest, Han Changsheng really chose, but it was not martial arts, but rather - face.

Young and handsome, even if the sword is not stable, Han Changsheng will also teach him one or two. The face is fierce and ugly, that is, the weapon is played out, Han Changsheng is too lazy to look at it.

At this time, people who have the heart will find the clues. Although the attitude of the martial arts lords is not good-looking, people who are not good-looking are attacked. Some people who are mixed in the rivers and lakes do not want to be the first-class masters like Han Changsheng and the martial arts lords. Becoming a capital to brag in the future, luck can still make a name for yourself!

So soon, the martial arts set off a beauty atmosphere. People from the former rivers and lakes are often the least concerned about grooming a group of people. They practiced martial arts and got a stinky sweat. Sometimes they did not take a bath and went to sleep. Sometimes there was no water in the wild. In short, the ugly and dirty knife and swordsman abound. Yes. After Han Changsheng became the martial arts ally, the people who are sorry for the rivers and lakes in order to win the favor of the martial arts lords, it is not enough to clean them. Sometimes they have to be able to get a look at Han Changsheng.

For a long time, I went to the Wulin Conference and saw it as a group of white-faced strong men with greased powder. Some people have a conflict. Before looking for Han Changsheng, they will be more handsome than those who are better. If there is too much difference, there is no need to go to Kunlun Mountain. As for martial arts, it is naturally delayed. The only advantage is that the big men don’t have to worry about their wives. In the past few years, the rivers and lakes bachelors have created the highest record in a hundred years.

A few years later, Han Changsheng resigned as the leader of the martial arts ally because he did not want to abdicate him. He went back and continued to be his own cult leader. However, at that time, the Wulin League had already been stirred up by him, it was not a climate, no one dared to mention the annihilation of the demon.

Some things did not know about Anyuan's past life. Han Changsheng was careful to let him know that he only wanted to stop it. He only knew that the Wulin League gradually became a loose sand. Now that I know the truth, Anyuan is really angry and funny.

"You really have the ability to break the martial arts conference into a beauty contest?"

Han Changsheng’s tone of listening to An Yuan seems to be a bit sour, and he smiles happily: “In my heart, you are the most beautiful, and no one can compare with you.”

Anyuan faintly said: "When is it true?" He waved his hand and the picture in the dust mirror became a scene on the mountain.

After Han Changsheng and Anyuan were together, there was no opinion on the “Mother of the Lord” who had been turned back from the Lushan Mountain. As long as Han Changsheng liked it, they also loved the house and the Ukrainian. Then, even though Anyuan’s people are upright and out of the mountains, they are not all the way to style, but they are honest, Han Changsheng is with him, how to see what is wrong...he. Therefore, everyone is also very relieved. The only two people who are dissatisfied with Anyuan are Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiyu.

The author has something to say: Fanwai is not finished, the text is finished, I changed the identity of the leader to the tiger demon.

Thanks to ao, his repair, the book into banana, ao, Qingliangliang x2 rocket launcher, Xiaoxiao grenade

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