MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 110 Wonderland of the World (2)

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At the beginning, Han Changsheng left Anyuan in Tianning, and Lu Qingqian and Lu Baizhen thought that Tianning had one more member, but the identity of Anyuan was not clear. Just after playing Anyuan, Han Changsheng was always tired of working with Anyuan. He rarely ran two brands of protection, and the two guarded the law, and went to Gu Mingxiao one afternoon to ask.

Lu Qingqian said: "Gu Da Ge, why is the teacher always with Anyuan every day?"

Gu Ming Xiaodao: "Because he likes Anyuan."

Lu Baijun drums his face to explode: "Does he not like us?"

Gu Mingxiao laughed and said: "It's not the same kind of love." Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiyu are still three or four years younger than Han Changsheng. This year is only sixteen. They don't understand love.

At the time, Huan Xiaoshuang played chess with him in the court of Gu Mingxiao. After listening to their conversation, he did not salty and inserted a sentence: "The kind of love that the teacher likes about Anyuan is that the heart can’t hold it. Two people like it."

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi burst up: "Can't let the second person?! The teacher can still like us both at the same time, now one is not?"

Hua Xiaoshuang dropped a piece of chess and spread his hand: "The teacher is such a thin and affectionate person. If I am you, I can't stand it."

Gu Mingxiao: "..."

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi immediately jumped their feet and ran with a sword.

Gu Mingxiao looked at Hua Xiaoshuang with a deep sense of interest. He said: "The teacher is miserable."

Hua Xiaoxiao blinked and smiled: "Is your cat all good?"

Gu Mingxiao touched his chin: "I have to go and talk to Luo Xin and Du Yuefei. I won't hear anything about it."

Over there, Han Changsheng and An Yuan were discussing the swordsmanship in the yard. Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi slammed into the air. Lu Qingqian said nothing, and cut the stone table down a corner.

Lu Baijun screamed: "Take him up, the bottom of his feet is covered with honey, take a goat to see what he said!"

Han Changsheng was shocked: "How can you smash the table with Xiaoqing! Who offended you?"

"You!" Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi pointed out Han Changsheng in unison.

"Me, what happened to me?"

"And you!" Lu Qingqian pointed at the awkward Anyuan, "grab the man's fox!"

An Yuan was shocked and immediately shot his doubts to Han Changsheng. He had long suspected that the relationship between Han Changsheng and Tianning was unusual, but Han Changsheng did not recognize it, and he had no evidence. It’s good now, grab the man’s door and come to the door, and call him a fox!

Han Changsheng suddenly had one big two big ones: "What are you talking about!"

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi stepped forward and one of them hooked Han Changsheng’s arm and said with tears: "Do you like Anyuan, or do you like us?"

Han Changsheng said: "Of course I like it!" Then look at An Yuan's black face, and he added, "But this is not the same!"

Xiaoqing Xiaobai’s face was deeply attacked: “Xiaoshuang said that your love for foxes is not like the second person’s like, is it true?!”

Han Changsheng: "o(╯□╰)o" Can this mother deny it? If you deny it, don’t you want to worry about Anyuan? ! If you don't deny it, how can Xiaoqing Xiaobai calm down? ! The **** flower doubles, the ability to provoke separation is getting better and better!

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiyu saw that Han Changsheng was not snoring, and he was anxious. He accused the accusation of a negative heart and Han Han: "You said that if you have us, you don't have to marry your wife!"

"You still say that you have to be with us all your life!"

"You said that no one in this world can compare with us!"

"You said you said, if we fall into the water with the fox, who are you saving?"

Han Changsheng almost collapsed: "I, I jumped into the river and committed suicide!"

Anyuan sneered: "Oh."

For Anyuan’s suspicion, Han Changsheng is really sincere. He and Lu Qing Qian Lubai grew up together from a young age. In those days, the **** of the egg on the hillside was more vivid than anyone who could urinate farther. The importance of Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi to him cannot be described in words. Han Changsheng is familiar with them just as he is familiar with himself. There is really no possibility of any love relationship between them.

"You are my best friend and brother. How can he compare with you? He is just my lover." Han Changsheng secretly pulled Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi aside and whispered to them.

Then he went to An Anyuan again: "They are still children, they don't know things, they don't know what they like, they are conscience. I really only have to be alone with you."

Han Changsheng’s Tongcan Lotus successfully harvested three white eyes.

On the one hand, Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi, who are arrogant, on the one hand, Anyuan, who is suspected of suspicion, Han Changsheng, who is a big one and two big ones, he just swindled an hour with a slap in the face and finally gave Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi away. It is.

In the evening, Han Changsheng and Anyuan were going to sleep, and Anyuan was still a little angry. After all, it was a fox who would not be happy for no reason. Han Changsheng said: "In a few years, the two of them will understand. Some things are what we can do, but we can't do it with them. For example, sleep together..."

The voice just fell, the door was kicked open, Han Changsheng and An Yuan were shocked.

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiyu walked in with colorful robes and pillows and quilts.

Lu Qingqian said: "We asked Xiaoshuang, why the teacher likes Anyuan and the difference to us. Xiaoshuang said that Anyuan can sleep with the leader, we can't."

Lu Baiqi walked to the bed very grievously, pushed Han Changsheng and Anyuan into the quilt and began to pounce on his quilt: "Why not? When the child taught me to sleep with us obviously."

An Yuan’s eye knife flew to Han Changsheng. Have you slept? !

Han Changsheng was very impulsive and ran out and took the collar of the flower double and shook his head and shouted at his ear. I really offended you. Why are you doing this to me!

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi started to make their own beds, and Anyuan turned to want to go. Han Changsheng quickly pulled him and said: "Small double said sleep, not the kind of sleep that you thought, that is actually a Kind... Practice! It’s practice!”

Xiaoqing Xiaobai immediately came to the spirit: "What work, we have to practice!"

Han Changsheng’s heart is long-lasting: "This kind of work can only be practiced by the same person. I have already practiced with Anyuan. I can’t practice with you any more. If you go into flames, you will feel bad. Are you willing? Isn’t that I prefer him or not? I like your reason more, but my physique and his physique are more suitable for practicing together!"

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi looked ignorant: "So can we both practice ourselves?" Han Changsheng is overjoyed: "You can, no matter how good! You are still going to ask for a small pair of books. It is better to read more books. I have more research on this kind of work." Or let him show it directly to you. You know, I teach people the least."

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiyu will nod their heads in doubt. Han Changsheng has no sense of responsibility. He is a master. It is really not as good as Luo Xin and Hua Xiao.

Han Changsheng said: "If Xiao Bi is not willing to teach you, it is to lie to you, he hides private, he is afraid that you will become better than him."

Lu Qingqian took a look at his mouth and his chest was tall: "We were better than him!"

Han Changsheng clap his hands: "Yes, so you must ask him to teach you, the guy who spends the small double will deceive most. If he takes you back, you will still look down on you. He just looks down on you! Don't be fooled. !"

The two were persuaded and nodded frequently.

Han Changsheng said: "Go ahead, if you are successful, you will be able to practice tonight."

The two simple children left the quilt pillow.

As soon as they left, Han Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat on the bed.

An Yuan was still unhappy, Han Changsheng said helplessly: "I don't want them to leave?"

An Yuan glared at him and took a long time to say: "You are a fox!"

Han Changsheng groaned and snorted and laughed. When he stretched out his arm, he pulled Anyuan into his arms. He bit his ear and smirked: "I am a fox, a fox that has been practicing for thousands of years. It’s good to be hooked up.”

Anyuan was originally struggling, but Han Changsheng’s technique was in place and his technique was superb. He didn’t make him red-faced and hot in a moment, and he no longer refused.

The next thing is that Han Changsheng and An Yuan, who have already risen to the immortal, are also eager to see it again. Anyuan is waiting for the scene in the dust mirror, but Han Changsheng in the mirror suddenly smiles and holds Ann. Yuan stopped the action on his hand.

Anyuan said: "What happened?"

Han Changsheng kissed his lips and said softly: "I don't seem to have said it to you - I didn't count it before - this is my heart. Huangfu Fengxuan Xichen, I like you."


Anyuan Xianjun was fascinated. Suddenly, his face was hot. He was quite surprised. Looking back, Xiaojinhu didn’t know when he had risen, and he used his tongue to lick his face.

The longevity of the abandonment shook the beard: "What the name of the old man gave you a broken name, and then the good love words, with the name of your mortal, the good atmosphere is ruined."

An Yuan’s hand waved, and the scene that was not suitable for children in the dust mirror disappeared.

Han Changsheng looked at Anyuan with a round, round, black eyeball. Slowly, he put out his tongue and snorted at the corner of his mouth.

An Yuandao: "What are you doing?"

Han Changsheng said: "It’s inevitable that I will see something like that, I can’t hold it."

Anyuan looked up and down the little milk tiger in his arms. Not long after Han Changsheng was promoted to the immortal, he was not able to control Xianli, and the appearance of a small milk tiger was the most labor-saving. He looks like this, An Yuan can hold both palms. Anyuan shook his little finger inadvertently, seeming to be the same size as something: "You look like this, it doesn't seem right?"

Han Changsheng was so angry that he screamed and raised his front paws to knock down Anyuan. Anyuan smiled in his eyes, and suddenly a soft sea of ​​flowers was formed under his body, and then poured into the sea of ​​flowers. Han Changsheng supported him, shaking his tail across his skin and continually sticking his tongue to his face.

The hairy and touching Anyuan was itchy and comfortable. Han Changsheng suddenly stopped. Anyuan opened his eyes blankly. He saw the little guy who was kneeling on himself and huddled himself into a group. Blasted.

"what are you doing?"


The little milk tiger suddenly turned out the human form, and Han Changsheng was just a sturdy figure. Unfortunately, he was still a little worse, and his ears and tail were still left after the human form was formed.

Anyuan raised his eyes in danger: "You know that in the past, why do I always suspect that you have a dark relationship with those who teach Tianning?"

Han Changsheng shook his ear: "Why?"

An Yuandao: "Because, your technique is very skillful, it seems that you have practiced many times."

Han Changsheng’s ears stand tall: “The conscience of heaven and earth, if you don’t believe it, you can see it from the dust mirror. I’m a gold right hand, you know how many nights before the encounter, how many nights, I am lonely. Only he will accompany me?!"

Anyuan: "..."

Han Changsheng is waiting to continue, but he listens to An Yuandao: "I am a **** of war. I was not very sensible at the time, but it was. In heaven, it is still like this. Some can't say it?"

Han Changsheng opened his eyes and smiled: "You are a **** of war. You will come to the devil's way. You praised my technique and made you feel comfortable. I will come."

Anyuan still has to say something, and the rest of the words were swallowed up by Han Changsheng.

In the dust mirror, the past generations are still in the air.

That Japanese and Korean longevity suddenly rose up and brought together their guardians. He asked: "In this life, we have been the devils. If you are in the next life, you have to break into the beasts, how can you be good?" ”

Lu Qingqian was very excited and replied: "Can it be a raptor? I want to be a big big eagle." He opened his arms wide.

Lu Baiyi said: "The eagle is not big at all!"

Lu Qing money is not convinced: "What about you?"

Lu Baiyu thought for a moment and said, "I want to be an eagle bigger than you!"

Gu Mingxiao screamed and laughed, stroking his own flute: "It’s not bad to be an Elvis."

The topic suddenly became the animal that I want to be the most in my life. Losin wants to be the most powerful dog. Du Yuefei wants to be the monster in the mountains and seas. Only Hua Xiaoshuang did not answer.

Han Changsheng asked curiously: "What about you?"

Hua Xiaoshuang bent his eyes and said, "I have never thought about the things that come to life. I have a hard time, I am happy, and I will talk about it tomorrow. I will only live one day." Day. Like today, it is no better."

The author has something to say: Thanks lwxs520-->

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