MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 108

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Han Changsheng opened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him.

Ok? Is he not dead? He is so handsome, so touching, all the debts are resolved by him, and it is enough for everyone to hate him. He has to be touched by his own tears.

It is the hall of Tianningism, the person standing in the hall...who isn’t Anyuan?

Han Changsheng was surprised to touch his chest. Did Anyuan save him? No, how is the wound gone? Wait a minute, when he was stabbed, all his attention was on whether he was handsome enough handsome and handsome, as if... did not feel pain? The wound is not painful, that is to say...

Everything that happened just now is that he is dreaming!

It’s too tired recently. He thinks about it all day and night. He can’t sleep well at night. He just sat down on the main hall and fell asleep! Also made such a dream!

"Ah!" Han Changsheng gave a headache to help.

Anyuan looked at the face of the man sitting on the hall silently and changed his mind, not to put himself in his eyes.

It’s a dream, only when it’s been drilled in advance. Han Changsheng got up and grabbed the long knife on the side of the seat and walked down the high seat step by step.

"You are the leader of Tianning?"


"What is your name?"

"Ah?" Han Changsheng gave a glimpse. At this time, shouldn't you ask people if he killed him?

"I am the teacher of the Tianning religion, Han Changsheng!" Han Changsheng was very eager to answer the question.

An Yuan asked again: "Why are you wearing a mask?"

Han Changsheng: "..." He is a little crazy, why doesn't Anyuan follow the good script? !

"You are good at me, I don't want to avenge, do you say so much nonsense?!" Han Changsheng's knife in his hand was horizontal. "If you dare to come, don't think you can retreat." Let's take it! Let me see how many real people can be able to turn my fascinating singer down!"

Anyuan is silent. He lowered his eyes and looked at the sword in his hand, whispering in a low voice: "Han Changsheng...Longevity..." There seems to be something in my mind that is ready to come out, but it is shrouded in yin, can't be seen, can't hear, can't touch.

Han Changsheng saw that he was slow to start, some anxious, a little under his feet, and slashed his knife to Anyuan!

Anyuan took his knife and stared at his eyes, trying to see something from it. Han Changsheng was guilty of his guilty conscience, and the offensive became more fierce. An An’s shot was quite scrupulous, but Han Changsheng, who was not familiar with the knife, took the upper hand.

When this is the time, God, don’t play me anymore!

Han Changsheng’s heart was full of sorrows, and An Yuan was shocked. Naturally, he began to deal with it seriously. Not a moment, Anyuan’s sword stabbed Han Changsheng, and the knife in Han Changsheng’s hand suddenly loosened, and accepted the sword sent by Anyuan. Anyuan smashed a hole and hurriedly wanted to collect the move, but it was too late -


A dart was shot in the oblique direction, and the sword in the hand of An Yuan was missed. The sword rubbed Han Changsheng and did not stab him.

Han Changsheng turned back incredulously - all of this time, the people of Tianning taught almost all gone, who is there?

Anyuan was also shocked and hurriedly took the sword and dared not call again: "What the **** are you..."

Han Changsheng ignored him: "Who? Who is there? Come out!"

Not a moment, Gu Mingxiao smiled and walked in from behind the temple: "Teacher."

Han Changsheng was shocked: "Ming Xiao? You didn't leave?"

The voice just fell, and five people came in from the temple in turn, not others, it was the two guardians of Tianning and several church owners.

Han Changsheng was shocked and blinked: "You! Are you gone?"

Anyuan saw that Gu Mingxiao was also directly pumping air and retreating. He has repeatedly checked the head of the man, without any traces of disguise, but now people are standing here, is this a haunting day? ! Look at the other few... by! what's going on! All of them are old acquaintances, and there are two faces who kissed themselves and did something like this to themselves...

Hua Xiaoshuang’s gaze turned around in Anyuan’s face and returned to Han Changsheng’s body: “I guess it’s really good.”

In the afternoon, everyone saw Han Changsheng’s letter.

Hua Xiaoshuang said: "It seems that this temptation of the martial arts lords is really not small. The teacher is to make Tianning education a sacrifice."

Gu Ming Xiaodao: "He wants to be a martial arts lord?"

Hua Xiaoshuang said: "No, I guess, he wants Anyuan to be the martial arts lord. This letter, I am afraid it is not for Lu Honghua, but for us, but he did not expect me to be so early. I will find out that Bacheng is waiting for us to return to Mount Lushan and see."

Gu Mingxiao frowned. "Where is the Emperor Fengxuan Xichen, who is it? The teacher likes him? If you like it, if you bring people back to Tianning, it is, and what are you going to do?"

Hua Xiaoshuang said: "I have been with them for some time. The teacher likes Anyuan undoubtedly, who can teach the Lord, he likes it again, there is always a measure. I suspect that he was threatened and had to do this. ”

Du Yuefei was shocked: "Who can threaten the leader?"

Luo Xin’s face was heavy: “Why does he say differently to us?”

Hua Xiaoxiao smiled: "Maybe... He thinks that even if we say it, we can't do anything about it."

Luo Xin stood like a wooden stake. What is it that can make Han Changsheng helpless?

Du Yuefei buried his face in his hand and muttered: "The teacher has changed. When he was pinned, he had to slap and let us know that now we are not willing to let us know."

Losin turned and walked away: "I will ask him!"

"Wait!" Han Xiaobi said. "He still doesn't know that we read the letter..."

Luo Xin angered: "I have long wanted to ask him, it is you have been stopped! You said to see what he is doing, this is good, understand, you are happy?"

Gu Mingxiao sighed: "Enough. If the teacher is willing to say, I have already said, you are going to ask now, will he tell you? He is playing this idea, it is not a matter of one or two days, it was pierced early. Does he not play this idea?"

Du Yuefei stood in the same place: "Would I still go to Wanai Valley?"

The flower double eyes blinked, and the corner of the mouth evoked a meaningful smile: "Go! He still doesn't know him? He has all the people, except to weaken the garrison of Mount Lu, so that some people can It’s easy to go up the mountain, I’m afraid he’s also a 'good intention’, to give us a way to live, so as not to let us blend in.”

Gu Mingxiao smiled a bit bitterly: "Yes, since he means this, it is better to follow him and not let down his ‘good intentions.'

Du Yuefei’s sly seems to have not understood too much.

Hua Xiaoshuang knocked on his head: "Stupid, do you want me to understand more? At least let him think that we have gone, he will let go of his hands and feet."

Du Yuefei’s head was abrupt, and he said, “Well, I’m going down the mountain immediately, let’s meet again later!”

In the past month, Hua Xiaoshuang and others have never left the Lushan Mountain. They have been crouching in the mountains. Even Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi, who were sent out before, Hua Xiaoshuang also pretended that they should not go far. I will be back in a few days. The devotees were tied down in the vicinity of Mount Lushan, and they were not far away. Only Han Changsheng thought that he had been evacuated from Lushan. Today, Anyuan alone went up the mountain, and Hua Xiaoshuang and other talents finally appeared.

Han Chang shivered: ""

Hua Xiaoshuang said: "The letter you wrote to Lu Honghua, we have seen it."

Han Changsheng groaned and smiled bitterly: "I watched... I was worried that I would sell it out of Mount Laoshan, so I was hiding in the vicinity and staring at it?"

Gu Mingxiao smiled softly: "When you write such a letter, we will believe you?"

Han Changsheng has a sore nose. They say no to believe in their mouths, but in reality they trust him.

Hua Xiaoshuang said: "After you sneak into the Yuehua faction as Li Jiu, you have changed. You still don't want to say it now, what happened?"

Lu Qingqian akimbo, one finger of Anyuan anger said: "He said, is he the fox that you are not obsessed with?"

Lu Baiqi’s bun face was also rare to make a fierce expression: “Teacher, Xiaoshuang said that someone might threaten you, who is it, I will kill him!”

Anyuan fixedly looked at Han Changsheng and suddenly reached out and grabbed the golden mask on Han Changsheng's face.

Han Changsheng grabbed An Yuan’s wrist and dragged him to the outside of the hall. An Yuanyi, Han Changsheng said: "Go, I have something to tell you!"

Anyuan hesitated, followed him out.

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi and others quickly chased, but Han Changsheng had the mystery of the old man who gave him the power. He was far above them. He ran half a hill and turned all the people chasing him behind. It is.

On the top of the mountain, Han Changsheng released Anyuan’s hand.

"Are you still taking the mask off?"

Han Changsheng slowly turned around and faced Anyuan.

An Yuandao: "Over the past year, the people who are with me are you."

Han Changsheng showed a smile that was more ugly than crying. When things got to this point, he didn’t make any sense.

An Yuan said one word: "Han Changsheng, is it fun? I play around with various identities, watching me be played by you, then what do you want to do?"

Han Changsheng has never seen An Yuan reveal this expression. Anyuan has always been gentle, that is, to Yue Peng, at the last moment, he still can't bear it, but now his emotions are as rich as a fire, and he is about to burn Han Changsheng into ashes.

Han Changsheng laughed and laughed: "What? I am only this magician who has been doing for a long time, idle and bored, and wants to find some fun for myself!"

An Yuan lived, showing an incredible expression.

Han Changsheng said: "I have been cheating you all the time! You are the ones killed by our magical teachings. Yue Peng collaborates with our magical teachings. His martial arts are also taught by our demon teachings! Otherwise, what happened to me in the past? I will know it clearly? I pushed him out at the Wulin Conference, but I used him as a layman for me to play!"

Anyuan’s throat rolled and he stared at Han Changsheng’s eyes, trying to see the true and false from inside.

Han Changsheng continued to swear: "Elder Lan Fang and Xuanji are all killed by me. Or how can Lan Fang give me the dragon sword that represents the identity of Yuehua?! You thought that I was enchanted that night. I am deliberate! I am playing you! I just want to see if I am running and you will run, will you be a fool for the second time!"

Anyuan’s breathing was shaking, and he tried to control his emotions: “Why are you saying this?”

Han Changsheng said: "I am telling the truth! You don't think you are. Do you think that I will like you?! My men are also idiots, I thought I was threatened, I am a demon teacher, this Which mortal man threatened me under the sun?! Ha, ridiculous! Everyone is playing with me in my applause!"

Anyuan trembled more and more, his eyes were red, his face was white: "Han...long...born..."

Han Changsheng pulled out his sword and pointed to Anyuan: "I have already tired of you. Since the words have already been said, I will not let you go down the mountain. Come on, let me see, I have learned the good things. How good is it!" This is his last chance. If Anyuan kills him as a demon priest, and with this merit, plus his own skills, he may have the opportunity to sit on the martial arts leader in the future.

Anyuan slowly pulled out the sword in his hand.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth changed, Han Changsheng shook his eyes, his body was light, his body weight and strength were gone, and he fluttered down to the ground. Han Changsheng was shocked - this feeling is no stranger, and it was once more than a year ago! It is the spirit of the earth! The last time, he was the one who took Anyuan down the cliff and then fell on his soul. What is it for now?

Sure enough, but for a moment, the scenery of the local government appeared in front of Han Changsheng. The black-faced person sitting in the temple was a judge. The judge was standing next to him who was not black and white.

Not waiting for the three openings, Han Changsheng immediately said: "I know that I am wrong! No, not all my faults, many things are misunderstandings. I don't know why this is happening. In short, I have tried my best to make up for it! Let Anyuan kill me, have such merits, and add his own skills. After two years, he will definitely be a martial arts lord! Although the order is not the same, but the result is finished, right? Right? Give another chance. Fairies!"

Black and white impermanence is a glance.

"Cough." The judge cleared his throat and said, "You, can't die."

"Ah?" Han Changsheng stunned. Did you say that a good life is not to let Anyuan hand him? He is not a demon teacher, how can he carry on the great cause of the martial arts?

The judge smashed his hand, and he smiled and said: "Long-lived brother, don't worry, listen to me slowly. The fate of Xianjun originally thought that Anyuan Xianjun was the murderer because he was in the demon war. Lost a bone, repaired to be damaged... but recently we found out... found this..."

Han Changsheng listened to his support, and his heart was alarmed: "What? Quickly!"

The judge gave a black and white impermanence to the eye, and the white impermanence said: "In fact, this thing can not blame the fate, nor can we blame us... cough, in fact, Anyuan Xianjun himself is concealed. What is the process? You will know from the day that we will not swear today. In short, in all words, An Yuan Xian Jun, he is not a life robbing, but a love robbing."

"Love robbery?" Han Changsheng brows can be knotted. "What do you mean?"

Black impermanence: "The meaning is that it doesn't matter if the life is changed. Xianjun is in the mortal world. He must understand the love, hate, grievances, and distractions. You have already let him know, and the last part. Is to let Xianjun feel old and sick."

White impermanence: "And you have to keep this life with the people you love, this is a perfection."

Han Changsheng began to tremble a little: "You mean..."

The judge licked his lips and laughed twice. "It means that we will send you back later. You can help Xianjun to spend the life of this life, and he will be able to return to his place and you will be successful."

Han Changsheng took a deep breath and warned himself to calm down: "I, help him, get through the love? I, stay with him for a lifetime, accompany him to die and die?"

"Yes!" The judge filmed the case. "I like to talk to smart people. You know it. I will send you back now!"

Han Changsheng felt that his own fluttering up, he was about to leave the land, and he was anxious to seize what stopped his body. Unfortunately, he was only a soul, and he could not grasp anything. At the last moment, there was no time to talk nonsense. He shouted: "What about Ning Jiao?"

"As long as you don't do evil, be your leader."

"What about my people?"

"They were originally fortune. If they can help you to rob, it is also a merit, and it will be consumed by the self."


It’s too late, the scene of the government has disappeared in front of it, and it’s a quick turn. Han Changsheng’s body is heavy and the soul is in place.

An Yuanzheng looked at him with red eyes. Just now Han Changsheng suddenly lost his soul and stood still. He was also shocked, but soon Han Changsheng was like a soul, a spirit, and people returned to normal. It is.

Han Changsheng looked down at his hand - his sword was pointing at Anyuan. He quickly took back the sword: "Hey..."


His two guards and the four church owners have already caught up and are desperately running over to him.

"Han Changsheng!" Anyuan Mou Huo Huo, "When are you going to make me up!"

"Teacher!" everyone shouted, "Put the sword down and have something to say!"

Han Changsheng was black. Mom, what is it, or is it Anyuan or him? ! Why is it always bad for him? ! The stinky gods overthrew everything in a few words, leaving him with such a mess. How should he clean up? ! God opened a big joke with him! !

However, in a flash, Hua Xiaoshou and others have already rushed to the front. Anyuan is still grinding his teeth.

"Oh, huh, huh." Han Changsheng smiled and retreated. "I am joking with everyone. Don't be angry. If you have anything to sit down and say well... angry and prone to wrinkles..."

"Oh, oh, don't yell at me, what I just said is a dream, really, really! I go to sleep and everything is fine! I swear to God, I love you the most, not angry, muah……"

"Don't hit me!! Murder the pro-father, murder the leader!! Help!!"

Han Changsheng decided that the next time he went to the local government, he must smash the land! !


Time flies, spring comes to autumn, life and death are only a lifetime, saying that short is not short, but long is not long, but it is just perfect.

That night, the star homaged, Han Changsheng smiled and closed his eyes, and then opened his eyes when he went to the local government to revisit.

He followed the wandering souls on the bridge, but he was reluctant to drink a bowl of Mengpo soup. While he was stalemate, he heard someone hurriedly shouting: "The wrong is wrong, you don't go this way."

Han Changsheng looked back and smiled. "The dog judges, I don't have your land, you still have a face to call me."

The judge wiped the sweat and bowed respectfully: "Xianjun, you should also be in place."

Han Changsheng stunned: "I?"

The scene in front of him changed, and his soul floated on the sky. For a moment, the memories of the millennium came.

Yes, he is not a mortal, but a catnip grass demon who has been practicing for thousands of years. When Anyuan Xianjun was down, the fairy tales of Anyuan Xianjun, which was stained with it, were brought back to heaven, and since then, the heavens and the earth were aura. Turn out the demon body. Because he had the most contact with cats in the mortal world, after learning to shape, the first thing that was turned out was not the human body, but the cat body, so he was accepted as a fairy pet by Anyuan Xianjun, and Anyuan was in Xianting. I have been with each other for hundreds of years.

A hundred years ago, the demon war, Anyuan played, annihilated the demon, but was invaded by the magic, almost fallen. Anyuan turned into a treasure with his own sacred bones, and forced the magic into the treasure. He practiced day and day and wanted to melt the magic. Han Changsheng couldn't bear to see the pain of his daily reversal, thinking that as long as the sacred bones were destroyed, Anyuan could be detached, so Yan Anyuan did not swallow the bones. After getting the bones, his skill increased greatly, but because of the lack of cultivation, he could not suppress the magic, and almost became a demon. All the immortals regard it as a magic path, and want to remove it, Anyuan is also in the demon.

Finally he died in the hands of An Yuan. However, An Yuan took his own self-cultivation to protect him and sent him into the reincarnation, so he became Han Changsheng, so he could not find his past life in the reincarnation book. The number of robberies in this world is not only An Yuan’s, but also his. The number of robberies in the world has been tempered by his magic. He has acquired the magic power of the fairy bones and is now in the Xianban class.

Han Changsheng went to heaven and received a gift from the Jade Emperor. From then on, he was a longevity fairy, at the end of the fairy.

Jade Emperor said: "When you first go to heaven, you don't know everything. If you don't have enough, you will be sent to Anyuan Xianju to be his first servant."

Anyuan is a fairy, and has its own fairy island. Out of the hall, Xiaoxian Tong led Han Changsheng to Fengxuanxian Island where Anyuan lived. Han Changsheng was not in a hurry, and cautiously asked Fairchild: "Little brother, how long did he return to Anyuan Xianjun?" ”

Xiaoxian Tongdao: "Xianjun and you are the time of the front foot."

Han Changsheng slammed his hand and said with a smile: "This, after he came back, what did you say?"

Xiaoxian Tongdao: "I didn't hear it. I only know that he came to the land after he came back. He came back in a blink of an eye."

"That..." Han Changsheng asked. "When he returned to his place, do you still remember when he was in the robbery?"

Xiaoxian Tong shook his head and said: "I don't know about this. After a while, when you arrive, you ask Xianjun not?"

Han Changsheng can only pout.

When I arrived at Xiandao, Anyuan was sitting in the middle of the island to drink tea. Xiaoxiantong took the person and left.

Han Changsheng did not dare to stand a few meters away, and said: "The fairy has seen Xianjun."

Anyuan Feng lightly pointed to the position around him: "Come and sit."

Han Changsheng laughed, but did not go forward.

An Yuan is the immortal, but also the **** of war. He can make Han Changsheng rank in Xianban with a fairy bone, and wave his hand, I am afraid that this fairy island will be turned into ashes.

Anyuan sees that Han Changsheng refuses to go forward and does not force it. A slight smile is the light of the moon: "When did you become so constrained? I remember when I was in the mortal world..."

Han Changsheng heard the words of the mortal world, and he turned black and turned and ran.

However, he only ran out a few steps, and the vines on the side of the road entangled his hands and feet and hoisted him into the air.

Anyuan put down the tea cup slowly and step by step, and walked toward Han Changsheng step by step: "Longevity, I vaguely remembered that there were two times in the mortal world. When the day is bright, you will..."

Han Changsheng was anxious and wise, and he quickly decided to turn into the original catnip, but failed to become a big cat with a tiger's head.

An Yuan stunned, glimpsed a little, gently mentioning, grabbed his tail: "So, good. Some are time, let us slowly calculate the account."

"Oh, help!!"

The cry for help on Xiandao hovered for a long time.

The author has something to say: Finish it! Sprinkle flowers!

In fact, I originally set Han Changsheng to be a tiger demon, and then the reader who called "back to the source" said that the last life is a catnip, in order to be able to respond to such a god, I resolutely changed the setting!

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