MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 473 : Blue Star Crisis, ghosts and gods are coming!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Your daughter should take care of herself.

Lin Chen sneered.

But he knew that things were serious.

Chen De's words were a kind of pleading, confessing his fault and funeral. At this time, Chen De already had the belief of death.

"Fortunately, he left an envelope for me, and according to Zhou Geng, Chen De hasn't been away for a long time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find him."

Lin Chen read a sentence, and then a purple light flashed in his eyes, and he activated the tracking technique.

Using the letter as a guide, he quickly saw a thin line between the letter and a certain direction.

It's just that this thin line is extremely weak and will disappear soon.

The duration of the tracking technique does not exceed six hours. From the looks of it, it should have been close to six hours since Chen De left the capital headquarters.

At the player's speed, six hours is enough to cross too many places.

Whether it is in the territory of Huaguo is two things.

"time is limited."

Lin Chen muttered to himself, the energy in his body merged into holy power, and he increased his speed and flew towards the direction guided by the lines.

At this time, he was in a wasteland on the border of Huaguo.

Chong Lan, who was originally guarding the space vortex blocking the door, now looked at the hundreds of men in black standing beside him with a grim expression.

And the leader of these hundreds of men in black is Chen De.

At this moment, Chen De also looked at Chong Lan in a daze.

The weird atmosphere made the surroundings seem very quiet, only the sound of the wind blowing.

After a long time, Chong Lan said with a shocked face: "You are Chen De in blue? Why are you here? Chen asked you to supervise me? No, what do you mean by wearing black clothes? Killing spirit."

Chen De was also a little confused, he had made an appointment with a powerful existence here, and wanted to do another big event before leaving, but he didn't expect that when he arrived, he didn't see the better existence, but instead saw Chong Lan Sitting here with a face full of red wine.

What made him even more confused was that there were a bunch of comatose ghosts lying all over Chonglan's body.

Is he... helping Blue Star to guard the goal?

Chong Lan also realized that something was wrong, because he saw a few "familiar faces" behind Chen De.

This surprised him.

Good guy.

What kind of blue shirt is this?

It's from the black team at all!

After being surprised, Chong Lan couldn't help showing a smile of interest, looked at Chen De and said, "I didn't expect that you guys in Lanyi would call out for thieves, and the biggest black hand in Blue Star is the senior management in Lanyi."

Although there was something wrong with Chen De in Chong Lan's eyes at this time, but he had great confidence in his current strength, even if it was Chen Lai, he dared to challenge him face to face.

Because he has returned to the real king realm!

It is definitely not comparable to that small palace in the morning.

Although he knew that he could return to the true king, it is very likely that someone from Blue Star broke through the seven stars and broke the limit of Blue Star.

But to him, as long as this person is not Lin Chen, then it can be ignored at all.

Because there are highs and lows in the same realm, he is not afraid of anyone except Lin Chen.

And the possibility of Lin Chen's breakthrough, in his opinion, is too low, and the time does not make sense at all, there is no such fast...

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

At this time, continuing to catch ghosts here is just because he is more trustworthy.

As for why Chonglan's news is so behind, because all the ghosts who dare to contact him have been captured by him now, and the other ghosts dare not contact him at all when they get wind of it.

He himself is outside the country, so he is simply a ghost from outside the country.

A smile appeared on Chen De's resolute face, and said: "I am a human being, but I have released the gate of the evil spirits, and you are an evil spirit, but you are here to protect human beings, how ironic."

When Chong Lan heard this, he couldn't help snorting coldly: "This is the agreement between Chen and I. When the hundred halls are all together, I will go out immediately and don't care about anything."

Chen De bowed and walked

Li, said: "Being able to fulfill the promise and not harm Lanxing afterwards is already worthy of gratitude."

Chong Lan snorted softly and said, "What are you doing here?"

"Wait for a ghost."


Chong Lan was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously looked at the ghosts "lying corpses" on the ground.

Seeing this, Chen De smiled and said, "It's not these ordinary ghosts."

Chong Lan raised his brows, and then stopped thinking about it. Although Chen De was weird, he didn't think he would be so strong, but a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he looked at Chen De as if he was looking at prey:

"I don't know if that fellow Chen knows that you are a traitor. If I capture you guys from the black team and give them to him, will it be considered as reducing some of the agreed shares?"

As soon as this statement came out, hundreds of members of the black team immediately became panicked.

The lowest strength of these people is two stars, and the highest is four stars. Although they are all vicious people, they are far worse than ghosts like Chong Lan.

After being swept away by Chonglan's eyes, everyone's hearts were beating wildly, sweating and terrified.

Especially when Chonglan spoke, he slowly released ghost power, which made people feel palpitating.

"Boy Chen already knows everything, but he probably doesn't need you to do these things for him." Chen De said calmly, a ghost power also appeared on his body, and he successfully resisted the power released by Chong Lan at will.

Chong Lan was slightly startled, and said: "Place-level ghost power, tsk tsk, you hide so deeply."

Chen De said with a smile: "It's just that the promotion is too fast, no one knows."

Chong Lan withdrew his lips, the hall is just a hall, he is a real king, and he can be called an invincible existence among the real kings, he was surprised only because he misjudged Chen De's strength, not because of how much Chen De was. powerful. "You humans have too many conspiracies and tricks, I have no interest in them, I'll find a chance to return to the world of horror after one hundred palaces are caught, although this guy Chen is very wrong, but Blue Star's ending is doomed, I'm sure Be on the side of the horror world.”

After saying this, Chong Lan continued to lie down, as if he had no interest in Chen De and the others.

Seeing Chong Lan restraining himself, many members of the black-clothed team behind him breathed a sigh of relief, but they looked at Chen De with shock. They didn't know why Chen De had such power.

"Captain, is he coming soon?"

Beside Chen De, an old woman in black asked.

This is the deputy leader of the black team, the first person under Chen De. When Chen De is away, she is in charge of all orders.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

And the many black-clothed members in the rear also showed excitement. As long as this supreme ghost is accepted into Blue Star, their black-clothed team will aspire to Blue Star!

Chen De smiled and said, "It should have arrived, but his appearance still needs an opportunity."

The old woman in black was taken aback, and asked, "What opportunity?"

The other members of the black team also looked at Chen De curiously and expectantly, waiting for Chen De's reply.

However, at this moment, the smile on Chen De's face suddenly disappeared, and he said, "All of you lives."

The voice was calm and indifferent, without any emotion, but seemed to be full of murderous intent.

As soon as this remark came out, even Chong Lan showed a trace of surprise, and looked over again.


"The group leader must be joking."

The members of the black team were all slow. They were able to gather quickly because Chen De told them that the members who came here to welcome the "true God" would become servants of God and possess supreme glory.

But I didn't expect Chen De to say such a sentence at this time.

Some of the members with clear minds felt chills in their hearts, sensed that something was wrong, and began to back away slowly.

Chen De shook his head slowly, and said: "It's useless, you can't escape!"

His spiritual power enveloped all the members, and no small movements could escape his perception.

Slowly picking up his hands, Chen De was like a death sentence, and the ghost power was released like a dark curtain, covering everyone's eyes.


"Master Chen, why are you doing this!"

"Leave us alone, we are all your subordinates."

"Master Chen, spare me!" All the members in black begged for mercy in panic.

They are the strongest with only four stars, facing Chen De's ghost power, they don't have any ability to fight back. At this moment, they only hope that Chen De will take back the ghost power and leave them a way out.

Even the old woman in black didn't think of this scene, but she didn't resist, her cloudy eyes widened, she looked at Chen De with sparkling eyes, and asked, "Aren't you going to build a new world? Why? Are you lying to us?"

Chen De shook his head and said, "No, I just want to build a new world for you."

After finishing speaking, Chen De stretched out a hand and pressed down lightly, the majestic ghost power fell to the ground in an instant, like a huge wave suddenly, all the members were swept in it.

And when the tide disappeared, hundreds of lives, there was no longer any living.

"So ruthless." Chong Lan clapped his hands, praised him, and said:

"You killed so many of your own clan in just a few seconds, Chen De, what do you want to do? I'm suddenly interested in your affairs again."

Chen De looked at the corpses of the black-clothed team members, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and said: "Their way is wrong, they have done too many wrong things, and their hearts are not on the right track, so they can't stay, and they just use this to kill them." Let's use up the remaining heat."

Chong Lan didn't care about Chen De's emotions, but after thinking for a while, he said: "I understand, you are a kind of sacrifice, using the flesh and blood of these people as a sacrifice, summoning the ghosts of the horror world to descend .”

"Well...Looking at this battle, at least there is a real king. It's interesting. The gate of Blue Star has been widened, and the real king can indeed enter. I want to see which real king it is. I don't know where Chen is. One How many palaces can a true king support?"

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

He is still very confident, like a high-ranking person watching a story among ants. The deaths of so many people, and the possible arrival of the real king, just aroused his interest.

Chen De ignored the "spectator" Chonglan, but took out a palm-sized stone.

The stone looked simple and unpretentious, but it exuded a very mysterious atmosphere.

As soon as he appeared, Chong Lan, who was still calm at first, suddenly changed his face, stood up abruptly, and said in disbelief: "How is it possible? How could you have this!"

His body was full of ghostly power, his eyes were all shining, and for the first time he showed a look of greed, and he flew towards Chen De, looking like he wanted to grab him by force.

Chen De frowned, he didn't expect Chong Lan to recognize the treasure in his hand.

But now that it has been taken out, there is no other choice.

Thick ghost power emerged from Chen De's body, and it all gathered on the stone in his hand. The stone trembled rapidly under the blessing of ghost power.

And sent out a ripple, hitting Chonglan's body with irresistible force.

Under such power, such a tyrannical true king Chong Lan had no room to resist, and flew backwards, spitting ghost blood.

"Impossible, how could the fragments of the reincarnation platform have the ability to attack!" Chong Lan got up and looked at Chen De in disbelief.

Chong Lan was full of fear in his heart, and he didn't dare to approach him again for a while.

"Maybe this one is special."

Chen De said calmly, and drove the reincarnation platform fragments again.

What can be seen is that with the use of the fragments of the reincarnation platform, Chen De's black hair gradually turned gray, the wrinkles on his face increased, and a kind of old look appeared on his body.

The fragments of the reincarnation platform are actually consuming Chen De's lifespan!

At the same time, the corpses of the members of the black-clothed team on the ground began to annihilate, turning into countless fly ash, gathering towards the fragments of the reincarnation platform in Chen De's hand.

After all the fly ash had fallen into the fragments of the Samsara Platform, the seemingly ordinary stone was slightly shaken, and a dazzling light burst out, leading to the huge vortex not far in front of Chen De!

The immersion of the strong light made the huge vortex that was originally calm

The vortex actually began to vibrate, as if such an extremely powerful force was forcibly entering from behind, and it seemed that it could not bear it.

"This is not the power of a real king, it is close to good luck!"

"Damn, what are you going to do? Are you really a traitor, can you destroy your own world?"

Chong Lan's face changed drastically, from being condescending at the beginning, he gradually became a little flustered, UU reading www. uukanshu. com, he found that things were already out of his control!

And the progress of the matter did not allow him to think too much at all. The gate that penetrated the blue star and the horror world suddenly became larger, and then, an extremely powerful figure, like a **** among ghosts, stepped out of the vortex, and he He also held a stone in his hand that was exactly the same as Chen De's, which was connecting to the light emitted by the fragments of the reincarnation platform in Chen De's hand.

It turns out that the light emitted by Chen De's samsara platform fragments is not the gate of the augmented space, but is connected with the opposite existence who also holds the samsara platform fragments, and uses the power of samsara to achieve the purpose of leading the descending.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Seeing this figure, Chong Lan was beyond shocked, took a breath, and said:

"Master Ghost God!"

The person who came was a middle-aged male. After stepping out of the vortex, his figure just stood there, and the surrounding light continued to disappear and turned into darkness.

And he is the underworld ghost who once surpassed the Great Elder and many other ghosts who have reached the sky, and successfully opened the gate of the blue star and the shocking world!

The supreme ghost of the Yinyue royal family!

He took a deep breath, and the anger that Lan Xing saw everywhere made his face show a trace of enjoyment. After a long time, he calmed down, his indifferent eyes fell on Chonglan, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Chonglan of Jidao Sea, why are you here?"

His eyes were cold, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, which gave people a strange sense of a superficial smile, even Chong Lan couldn't help but feel chills in his heart.

At this time, there were only four words in Chong Lan's mind.

Blue Star is over!

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