MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 472 : The leader of the black team, Chen De.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

God group?

Lin Chen subconsciously remembered his arrangement to stay in the horror world.

After the obedient water is adjusted in a certain proportion, it has a great influence on ghosts.

Based on this basis, the God Group was established. At first, a little ghost named Xu Sheng was in charge. Later, after Yan Wang was signed a ghost slave contract by him, he brought a lot of obedient water to the horror world.

Enough for the group of gods to grow.

On the contrary, I have experienced another dungeon, and this is the first time I have heard the news again.

And the group of gods was created by myself in Nigui City, that is, under the eyes of the Great Elder. It is reasonable for the other party to know that the culprit is me.

"How about the God Team?"

Withdrawing his thoughts, Lin Chen asked back.

"It's too much trouble!"

The elder's voice was loud, and he seemed obviously agitated. In just one month, the group of gods could shock the Tongtian ghost so much, which Lin Chen had never thought of before.

"Yan City, Yumo City, Qinghu City... In short, there are more than a dozen cities, and there are many members of the God Group! And it is still developing rapidly."

"An organization that can make ghosts stronger quickly has too much influence. The Yinyue royal family has already intervened in this matter and decided to eradicate the God Group. This is a little calmer." The Great Elder said.

Lin Chen chuckled and said, "Isn't that great? It can make ghosts stronger. I'm making a contribution to Yinhuangzhou." Sighed, although he didn't have a good impression of the horror world, when he heard the news, he had to sigh that Lin Chen's methods were too ruthless.

"The holy medicine of the God Group claims to make ghosts stronger, but this kind of medicine will make ghosts desire. Ghosts who have eaten the holy medicine once will long for the next holy medicine. A terrible mutation occurred. Just the day before yesterday, a certain member of the God Group was suddenly covered with black hair because he hadn't taken the holy medicine for a long time. There was a huge disturbance."

"The holy medicine is poison at all, a poison that ghosts desire and fear, and the members who originally joined the God's Group were completely charged with death because of it, and even had to trick their familiar ghosts into joining the God's Group in order to obtain the holy medicine , What's more, directly kidnap relatives and send them to the secret place of the God Group, you boy is really too vicious."

The voice of the Great Elder was full of exclamations. The group of gods had set off an uproar and chaos in the horror world, but no one could have imagined that the instigator was the most hated human being in the horror world.

Be gentle with beautiful things, and be crueler than them to the cruel Lexi, but you understand it quite clearly. It seems that the chess piece of the God Group has fermented well, and it's time to reap it . "Lin Chen laughed.

What do the members of the God Group do?

Naturally, they are all candidate miners in the mining area!

He can take it away at will, and after being exposed to all the effects of the obedient water, send it to the mining area.

Of course, he will not do it all at once, and he must leave room for the God Group to continue to develop and obtain a steady stream of miners. "This is not bad, because of this group of gods, most of the ghosts in the horror world have become panic-stricken, and they dare not say hello to familiar ghosts when they go out, for fear of being brainwashed and fooled away. I'm so busy that I'm dizzy." The Great Elder first sighed with emotion, and then reminded:

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Right now, even the Yinyue royal family has been alarmed. They have sent the underworld ghost to investigate the group of gods."

"Underworld?" Lin Chen frowned.

"Yes, a fortune-level Yinyue royal family is very powerful, and seems to have some grievances with you." The elders are all extremely powerful and have a strong news network, so they naturally know about Lin Chen and Hades. .

Lin Chen smiled, as if he didn't care, and didn't respond. Instead, he chatted with the First Elder about the God Group, and then hung up the phone.

"The **** of the underworld... has long wanted to settle accounts with you."

The faint voice echoed, and Lin Chen's figure had long since disappeared.


At that time, all the ghosts who were playing games in the villa also disappeared.

Lin Chen went from the sea of ​​clouds to the Blue Clothes Headquarters in Kyoto.

His cooldown time at the restaurant in Horror World is almost up, Lin Chen decided to finish a few things in Blue Star before going.

One is to arrange Qiu Ziwen and other ghosts in Lanyi.

The other went to Chonglan to learn more about the mining area from him.

After Lin Chen absorbed all the resources, he actually went to the mining area twice. One time, he used the dream function to look at the situation of Master Gu and the others. It would cause too much impact, but after thinking about it, Lin Chen still didn't want to take the risk of appearing in Guye Mine.

The other is to start ecstasy, and personally find Di Yu to arrange for Xuanmu and Awen.

As for Di Yu's side, Lin Chen also inquired about it, but their understanding of the mining area was only superficial, and they only had fear of the inspectors.

Lin Chen thought that Chong Lan, a ghost who could escape in the mining area, might know something more.

Lin Chen's figure appeared directly in front of Zhou Geng's office at Lan Yi's Kyoto headquarters.

Both Zhou Geng and Duan Jibo were among them, but Chen De's figure was not.

Seeing Lin Chen appearing, Zhou Geng and Zhou Geng looked over at the same time. Duan Jibo, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, showed a simple and honest smile, while Zhou Geng's face darkened, and he snorted angrily.

"Old Zhou, what's the matter? How did Lao Duan get beaten like this?" Lin Chen asked knowingly.

Zhou Geng suppressed his anger and said, "I beat you!"

Lin Chen looked "surprised": "Why is this so, Lao Zhou."

"He saw something he shouldn't have seen." Zhou Geng looked straight at Lin Chendao, as if if he hadn't been defeated by Lin Chen, he would have thrown himself into trouble a long time ago.

Seeing Zhou Geng's appearance, Lin Chen couldn't hold back his laughter and said, "It's just a video, even ghost players can watch it. As brothers, Lao Duan and Lao Chen took a look at it, and it's nothing. Are you angry?"

I'm so angry that you secretly took pictures!

"Delete that video immediately!"

Thinking of a certain scene, Zhou Geng's whole body went numb. No matter how deep the city is, it is inevitable that there will be a feeling of death. Let others see it?"

"I'm mad at the sky, absolutely not." Lin Chen raised four fingers and said.

Only then did Zhou Geng's complexion improve a bit.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Don't talk about the past, I'm here today to give you some help."

"Help?" Zhou Geng and Duan Jibo were taken aback.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen nodded, and said, "I have a few ghost students who have nothing to do all day and are almost useless. I plan to give you some experience, and they can attend some tasks." "Qiu Ziwen and the others?"

Obviously, Zhou Geng and the two of them knew everything about Lin Chen very well, and because of the matter of Banjieshan, the three ghosts of Qiu Ziwen were not considered unknown ghosts in Blue Star, but they were quite popular.

In the eyes of the Blue Stars, relatives' ghosts are very popular.

Chen De even complained that if a certain evil spirit yelled "I love Blue Star" using a certain video software in Lanxing, he would become a top-ranking net red ghost in minutes.

"That's right."

Lin Chen nodded, and then talked about Yannv and Abyss Ghost, together with Ah Yin, five ghosts and one beast formed a special group.

Yannv has Lin Chen's disguise charm, so she is not afraid of revealing anything.

As for the abyss ghost, although the situation is special, she has calmed down a lot. As long as she is not stupid, at least she will not do anything to endanger Lanxing.

After Zhou Geng heard Lin Chen's proposal, he readily accepted it, and the two sides cooperated happily.

However, just as Lin Chen was about to leave, Zhou Geng suddenly called Lin Chen to stop. He stopped talking for a long time, finally sighed, and said with great determination, "Chen De also has that thing of yours. piece."

Lin Chen was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "What is it?"

Zhou Geng glanced at Duan Jibo, and finally motioned him to leave. Only Lin Chen and Zhou Geng were left in the room before he gave Duan Jibo his hand.

Adding a layer of mental barrier, he said: "What Mr. Li wants."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Chen's eyes widened immediately, his face full of shock.


Zhou Geng nodded and said, "Shards of the Samsara Platform, that's the name."

When Lin Chen heard this, he immediately believed it. In his impression, he and Mr. Li had not mentioned the fragments of the reincarnation platform in the conversation in front of Zhou Geng and others.

In fact, he thought it was impossible for Zhou Geng to lie to him about this kind of thing, but he couldn't be shocked in his heart.

But the fragments of the reincarnation platform are too precious. Lin Chen believes that there may not be a few pieces in the entire Thriller World and Blue Star combined. Now when I first heard that Chen De had it, I was a little bit surprised and uncertain.

"How did he get it? Also, how do you know that this thing is a fragment of the Samsara Platform?" Lin Chen asked.

Zhou Geng sighed and said, "Because what happened between you and Mr. Li happened to Chen De."


Lin Chen was shocked again.

Zhou Geng slowly narrated:

"Actually, Chen De didn't tell me about it at the beginning. I also recently, the black team has become more active. I didn't know all this until I found out that the real leader of the black team is him."

Lin Chen was even more surprised: "The black team was actually made by Chen De?"

Zhou Geng nodded and said, "Yes, Chen De once had a son who was extremely outstanding in all aspects of aptitude and ability, but later died in a two-star dungeon of a thriller game. From that day on, Chen De began to change."

"I thought he was disheartened or dissatisfied with the world. I cared about him very much and had to monitor him."

"Unexpectedly, he was able to organize such a huge dark organization under my nose."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen looked into Zhou Geng's eyes and said, "Your consciousness is that Chen De has turned black?"

"The Black Clothes Cult opened the door to the Blue Star and the Horror World. For this alone, it is no exaggeration for Chen De to die ten times. But what Chen Dezhi did was also for a more far-reaching plan. When Blue Star is in danger, it can absorb a special kind of energy, quickly increase its strength, and want to turn into a ghost, enter the horror game, make a deal with the original will incarnation, and become Blue Star's guide. "The expression on Zhou Geng's face It's indescribable.

Powerless, sad, pity, unwilling.

He thought that he was carrying the abyss on his shoulders and was forging ahead in front of Blue Star, but when he looked back, he found that his old friend had more burdens and was even more terrifying.

Lin Chen's eyes flashed.

Zhou Geng's words, he immediately understood, because he also has the fragments of the reincarnation platform, and Mr. Li also looked for him.

Mr. Li is not the only incarnation of will in the thriller game, so Lin Chen will not think that if Mr. Li disappears, Chen De's affairs are over.

The person the other party met was not necessarily Mr. Li.

The special energy should refer to resentment.

"Your character, you shouldn't be able to tolerate him doing these things." Lin Chen said.

"I have no choice." Zhou Geng took a deep breath and said.

Is Chen De blackened?

Lin Chen couldn't tell, but he just thought about it carefully. Chen De never knew when it really gave him a strange feeling, but he didn't pay attention or think about it at that time.

Opening the gate of Blue Star, ghosts and disasters fell, indeed killing many people, but if Chen De becomes the manager of the dungeon in this way, then Blue Star will indeed embark on a road of rapid improvement.

Whether it's sin or something else, it's all on Chen De's body. It's impossible to tell whether the light on his body is black or dazzling. In such a big matter, it's hard to tell whether it's right or wrong.

"Where is he? I'll go find him."

Lin Chen asked.

Whether it is Chen De or the fragments of the reincarnation platform, Lin Chen will not ignore them.

"He has already left the capital, but I guess he will not return to Linjiang again, because before he left, he wrote a letter and asked me to give it to you."

Zhou Geng said something, and then took the

He took out an envelope and handed it to Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen walked out, Duan Jibo was waiting at the door. His fat face no longer had the usual smile, but he said seriously to Lin Chen, "Boy Chen, help Old Chen."

Although he was not in the room, he had guessed the conversation between Lin Chen and Zhou Geng.

"rest assured."

Lin Chen nodded, and left the Blue Clothes Headquarters in Kyoto. As for the ghosts and Ah Yin, they were left to Zhou Geng by Lin Chen.

"Boy Chen, I'm sorry about Lan Xing. As a man in blue, I opened the gate of Lan Xing with my own hands and let the evil spirits in. It's an unacceptable crime. I'm willing to give everything I have, even my soul. , to make up for it, but this crime is only on me, Zhou Geng and the others didn’t know it in advance, the only thing they can do is to continue to make up for this fault and loss for me, so don’t think too much about it.”

"We are all people who are walking on thin ice, but in my eyes, the front is always dark, depressing and hopeless, until your birth, UU Reading I see a glimmer of light."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"But the road ahead is still too difficult. What we are facing is a powerful enemy that we can't imagine. The strongest of Blue Star is Six Star, but what is Six Star in the horror world? "

"It's ants! In front of those peerless ghosts and gods, they might not even be considered ants!"

"So I can only embark on this road. You are the one who gathers under the light, but where there is light, there will be shadows. Where the light does not shine, the road in the dark needs to be opened by one person. That person is me."

"Because I have already been chosen by it."

There are many contents in the letter, and Chen De also explained that he is about to transform into a ghost and enter the horror game, and there is another thing that Lin Chen didn't expect.

That is the promotion of the Black Clothes Sect, which has a relationship with a dark spirit.

That dark spirit also had a great interest in reincarnation fragments, which made Chen De caught between the horror game and the dark spirit.

And the phrase "it was chosen by it" made Lin Chen frown. After thinking for a while, Lin Chen looked at the signature again.

"The gate of ghost disaster is only temporary. When I become the dungeon manager, I will ask Yuan Yuan to temporarily close the gate of the two worlds. This is the condition that has been negotiated. At this time, I have already left Kyoto and I am going to end this Everything, to complete my own mission, right... My daughter, if you are in the truth, go get along and try to get along. Of course, you have to treat her well and help me take care of her, otherwise, next time you enter the dungeon, I will definitely To trip you up, don't read."

Read The Duke's Passion