MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 474 : Ghosts and gods lost their waist...

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"It just happened to pass by."

Chonglan adjusted his mood, smiled, and gave Ming Guishen a junior salute, and finally summoned a bit of courage, and asked: "I didn't expect Mr. Ming Guishen to have such a skill, and he could forcefully enter the Blue Star. If we knew this, we Junior, you don’t need to make this trip.”

In his eyes, it is impossible for a strong person like ghosts and gods to enter Blue Star, not to mention ghosts and gods, even if there are a few more true kings, it will be difficult to enter.

Ghost-level powerhouses... Even the power of reincarnation cannot be attracted.

Therefore, he tentatively tried a sentence.

Ming Guishen did not respond to Chong Test's temptation, but said with a light smile: "You are still useful, without you doing evil in Blue Star, Chen De, the holder of the reincarnation platform fragments, would not be able to improve in a short time. I can't come down to the point of fragments."

Chonglan's heart moved, and at the same time, he showed a trace of just right daze. He who had been talking about grabbing the fragments of the reincarnation platform in front of him seemed to know nothing at this time, and his face was ignorant.

Seeing this, ghosts and gods couldn't help showing a sneer, shook their heads lightly and said: "The real king of Jidaohai, Jigui, how could he not know about the fragments of the reincarnation platform? Moreover, what happened just now, I was in the space gate. The other side has seen clearly, not only slaughtering the ghosts I sent into the human world, but the resentment on your body has not changed from the beginning to the end, Chonglan, you seem to have betrayed the horror world..."

As soon as these words came out, cold sweat broke out on Chong Lan's forehead, and the hairs all over his body stood on end!

And Ming Guishen chuckled lightly, looked away, looked at Chen De, and said with admiration:

"In just a few days, the resentment on your body has reached this point. If you are a ghost, I don't know what kind of strong you can become. I have to say, you... did a good job! Except for that morning, you can be regarded as the first in the blue star. Two existences that I really see in my eyes."

Chen De looked respectful and bowed deeply: "For the harmony of heaven and earth."

Ming Guishen nodded, and said: "Blue Star is weak, human beings are not orthodox, and only when all the creatures in the world turn into ghosts can the evil be ended."

Chen De remained silent, Ming Guishen walked forward slowly, then glanced at Chong Lan again, and said with a smile: "Aren't you going to make a move?"

Chong Lan's body froze, and he forced a smile and said: "The junior dare not fight with Lord Ghosts and Gods."

"But you know I won't let you live." Ming Guishen shook his head, as if talking about a very common thing.

Chonglan's heart was cold, and he felt that the aura of ghosts and gods had locked himself completely from the very beginning. He gritted his teeth and said:

"The Sea of ​​Jidao is also a ghost, and it is a ghost!"

Ming Guishen frowned, then nodded Chonglan with his hand and said, "Are you threatening me?"

"I don't dare, I just hope that the adults can let the younger generation go, and the younger generation will never forget what happened today." Chong Lan said hastily.

Ming Guishen began to think in front of Chonglan, and then smiled and said: "The super ghost species has dominated the list for many years, but in fact, only in the horror world, there are several species that are not on the list, but they are not weaker than the super ghosts. Ghost species, do you know this?"

I have seen even more perverted ghosts in the mining area, a ghost that can generate its own rule power just by being a real king.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Even at such a time, Chongzhou couldn't help having such a thought, and then he clasped his fists and said, "Yes, it includes the Yinyue ghost."

Even in the entire Yinhuang Continent, the Yinyue royal family belonged to the top ghost kingdom forces. To support such a huge dynasty, there must be a top powerful ghost as support.

This kind of ghost, no matter in terms of realm, strength, or talent, is an existence on the top of the mountain, and it is definitely not weak.

There are extreme ghosts in Jidao Sea.

The Yinyue royal family also has Yinyue ghosts.

Yinyue ghosts are full of mystery and powerful tricks, especially in the middle of the night, they can use some kind of moonlight power to strengthen them out of thin air.

"During the day, the Moon Moon Ghost is no match for me, at night... it's 50-50."

This is what an elder of the Chonglan family said to Chonglan, and Chonglan still remembers the guilty look on that elder's face,

This shows the mystery and terror of the Yinyue ghost.

Ming Guishen smiled and said, "So your threat, um... Let's just call it a reminder, it's not worth changing my decision."

"Master Ghost..." Chong Lan said hastily, wanting to continue fighting for something for himself.

But at this time, Ming Guishen waved his hand, intending to say: "You are a junior, I can let you do three tricks, after the three tricks, I will go to the human country ahead."

Chen De stood aside, his face tensed slightly, knowing what the ghosts and gods said to go to Renguo ahead.

In fact, he brought ghosts and gods here to kill this ghost, and he must not be allowed to bring any harm to Blue Star.

Of course, he knew that with his own strength, he was definitely no match for ghosts and gods.

But he has a more terrifying partner than ghosts and gods.

That is the will incarnation of horror games!

It's just that this partner, for some reason, hasn't shown up until now, which makes him feel a little bored and has a bad feeling.

Fortunately, there was Chong Lan present at the scene, who could help him procrastinate for a while longer.

Chong Lan took a deep breath, knowing that the ghosts and gods of the underworld had already moved to kill him, and they would never let him go. His pupils became scarlet, and there was a hostility in his eyes.

After being suppressed by the mining area for nearly a hundred years, after he ran out, he was still so arrogant, and he was not a timid person at all.

What's more, we have to fight at this time!

Moreover, after a gap in the conversation, Chong Lan has calmed down and analyzed a lot.

Ghosts and gods can enter the blue star, no matter what, they must not be able to display their true ghosts and gods.

It may be a clone, or it may be to suppress the strength to a certain level.

It's just this level, which is still uncertain.

Ghosts and gods and Tongtian can basically be ruled out, and the possibility of the real king is not high. After all, there is no need to spend such a lot of effort to just lead the real king.

If it was just a pure real king, ghosts and gods would not talk with such an attitude of confirming him.

But to say that it is an eight-star fortune, Chong Lan thinks it can only be a 50-50 split. With the guidance of the treasures such as the reincarnation platform fragments, anything is possible.

But let Chonglan give an answer himself. He believes that the underworld ghost at this time is most likely to be an evil ghost who can exert part of the power of good fortune, but the real realm is still at the real king level!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Although it won't be too exaggerated, this can completely dominate him and the Blue Star people behind him.

"Since the seniors are pressing each other hard, the juniors can only go beyond." Chong Lan was extremely vigilant, his body was full of ghost power, and he planned to use all his strength as soon as he made a move.

"True king level, yes, the quality of this kind of ghost power is also excellent, it is worthy of being a super ghost, and it is uniquely blessed."

Ming Guishen smiled and praised.

Chonglan snorted coldly, punched out, and the ghost power roared. Countless skulls rushed towards the ghosts and gods with a dark wind. Against him, but still makes it difficult for him to adapt.

"My lord, do you need the fragment of the reincarnation platform in my hand to unlock your power for the next step?" Chen De said anxiously with a flash of his eyes.

"Don't worry, to deal with him, my state where I can exert part of the power of the good fortune is enough."

Ming Guishen shattered Chong Lan's attack with a wave of his hand, and smiled calmly.

And his words did confirm Chong Lan's guess about his strength, but he seemed to be able to continue to advance to another stage, which was to get the fragment of the reincarnation platform from Chen De's hand.

Seeing this, Chen De had no choice but to nod his head, and used his physical skills to back up, as if he didn't want to be affected by the battle between the two.

The attack was dissipated, and Chong Lan's face was not surprised, but he rushed towards the ghosts and gods with sufficient strength.

The reason why an extreme ghost is an extreme ghost is precisely because his physique, spirit, and ghost power are all unimaginable to ordinary ghosts, and every level is top-notch and invincible.

The ghost body is also his unparalleled killing tool!

Chonglan's speed is so fast that even Chen De can only

Fragments can be seen. The underworld ghosts and gods remained motionless, no matter how fast Ren Chonglan was, no matter how strong his strength was, he could easily catch it.

His movements are elegant and his demeanor is calm.

The appearance of this ghost **** does not feel like a ghost at all, but looks like a person with a successful career and high knowledge.

But upon closer inspection, his white palms had turned into extremely sharp ghost claws, which made one feel chills.


Chong Lan exerted his strength suddenly, and finally succeeded in shaking off ghosts and gods.

But even so, Ming Guishen only took two steps back, then stabilized his body, left an afterimage on his whip leg, turned over and kicked Chong Lan away.

The ground was thrown upside down, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

"The body of the Yinyue ghost is not bad."

Chong Lan got up from the ruins, patted his body, and said.

"Being able to fight back and forth with me, and have not suffered any serious injuries until now, is indeed the Ji Lan who once had a ghost power of 9999 and was known as the number one ghost. It's just that I have always been interested in the fact that you disappeared for a hundred years. , your strength should be more than that." Ming Guishen said with a smile.

He has not been serious, otherwise it would not be difficult for him to decide the outcome with Chonglan.

It's just that he seems to have his own ideas, so he hasn't laid down any killer yet.

"You can't know the century-old secret, or I'm afraid you will be scared to death."

Chong Lan glanced at the setting sun behind the ghosts and gods, and couldn't help but a trace of cold sweat flowed out on his face, and then burst into flames again, releasing extremely strong ghost power, and fought with the ghosts and gods.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Really? Can't even ghosts covet it?"

Although Ming Guishen was asking back, there was a hint of disdain in his voice.

The two fought together, ghost power, body skills, ghost skills, and various dimensions of fighting, so that the two sides fought back and forth, but Chonglan's face was ferocious, his face gradually turned pale, and the load was obviously high.

But ghosts and ghosts are still not slow, and they have a clear upper hand.

"You didn't even use your life skills, tsk tsk, I don't know why you ghosts are so proud!"

Ming Guishen whispered, as if recalling something, a trace of unhappiness flashed in his eyes, the ghost force blessed his body, and punched Chonglan.

But Chonglan's eyes flashed, and after avoiding the punch, he did not retreat, but leaned forward, hugged Ming Guishen's arm, and yelled: "Haven't you finished the f*ck yet? It’s sunset before you even make a move!”

Are there other helpers?

Ming Guishen's face changed slightly, but he didn't see any figure when he looked around.

Instead, Chong Lan showed a strange smile, and punched the ghost god's chest, causing his shoulder to crack and blue ghost blood to flow out.

"court death!"

Ming Guishen knew that he was being played by Chong Xun, and finally a strong feeling rose in his heart, he picked up his hand and smashed it, his hand was like a knife, Chong Lan's arms were chopped up on the spot, and a lot of ghost blood flowed out.

And Chong Lan also began to retreat suddenly, ghost power emerged from the broken arm, and the injury has recovered.

"Junior, how dare you play such a small trick. Your ancestors didn't dare to play with me like this in front of me." Ming Guishen's face was cold, and he no longer had the feeling of spring breeze as before. The gas is enough to freeze the surrounding space!

"I have two ancestors, and the second ancestor is very jealous of you, but the second ancestor also told me that the first ancestor can beat you to call you father." Chong Lan sneered directly.

Ming Guishen's face darkened. He had indeed lost to a certain ghost in Ji Daohai in his early years, and that was also his life's unwillingness and regret, so he didn't have any good feelings for Chong Lan.

At this time, when Chong Lan mentioned it to his face again, the anger in his heart boiled completely.

"I wanted to wait until after the sunset, under the bright moon, to come to the Kingdom of Ren, but now it seems that there is no need to spend any more time with you." Ming Guishen whispered.

A ghostly power with a silver glow emerged from his body, sweeping towards the world like a moonlight, and as soon as this power appeared, the pupils of Chong Lan and Chen De suddenly shrank.

The quality of this kind of ghost power is too strong, and its essence is also extraordinary. Ghost power can be compared with

Even if it is an abyss ghost with special ghost power, it cannot compare with the mysterious ghost power of the Yinyue ghost.

Chongman took a deep breath and shouted again: "His ghost power is so terrifying, what are you waiting for? Only by joining hands can we have a chance to defeat him, don't hide! After sunset, he is only more terrifying!"

Ming Guishen glanced around subconsciously, but this time, he still saw nothing, so he couldn't help but sneer:

"A naughty boy's trick."

The moonlight ghost power is like a tidal wave, covering a vast area. The evil ghosts lying on the ground cannot dodge. After being submerged, not a single bone remains.

Chonglan flew into the sky, the area covered by Yuehua's ghost power was too large, and there was nowhere to stand on the ground. While dodging, he said distressedly: "Damn, my ten days of work can't be in vain, it's you If you don’t come out, it will be destroyed.”

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Still talking nonsense!"

The underworld ghost stretched out a hand, and the moonlight ghost power on the ground suddenly rose up, turning into a huge tiger, and bit Chonglan.


Chonglan yelled loudly, the muscles on his body collided suddenly, and at the same time released ghost power, an extreme darkness appeared, as if wrapping his whole body, and then turned into a flying dragon to meet the tiger.


When the two sides collided, the flying dragon immediately shattered and turned into ghostly energy, which was attracted by the moonlight below, and the tiger, which had become a little broken after hitting the flying dragon, roared and grew bigger again, swallowing Chong Lan in one gulp.

"What are you waiting for? If you don't come out again, I'm dead, and everything is over!"

Before Chonglan went in, he even roared loudly, which made ghosts and gods frown.

But soon, his brows eased again, and he barely set foot on the strength at the good fortune level, which made him believe that there was nothing wrong with his perception.

Whether it was pupil observation or mental power coverage, he didn't feel any superfluous existence.

"The first ghost species in the past can only know such tricks. It makes me feel ashamed for your ancestors." Ming Guishen said with a cold smile on his face, shaking his head slowly.

Then he looked at Chen De again, and said with a light smile: "The third party he mentioned, it can't be you."

"Subordinates don't dare." Chen De clasped his fists quickly and said, his heart was beating wildly, very anxious.

Chong Lan has already lost, but the will to frighten the game has not yet emerged, which makes his heart feel like he has fallen into an abyss, desperate and cold.

"No, I'll fight him. There are fragments of the reincarnation platform. If you fight with your life, you should be able to seriously injure him..."

Just when Chen De thought so and raised his head, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Behind the ghosts and gods, Lin Chen's figure appeared like a ghost, without sound.

Behind an invincible strong ghost, a person suddenly appeared secretly, and he hadn't been noticed immediately. This kind of contrast made Chen De believe that he might never forget this scene forever.

At the same time, ghosts and gods only felt a chill in the back of their hearts, and their hairs stood on end. An extremely dangerous feeling came to his heart. He finally realized that something was wrong and sensed Lin Chen's presence. Backhand punched out.

However, Lin Chen, who had been prepared for a long time, bowed his head to avoid the punch for the first time. With a sneer, he held a small blade in his hand, which glistened in the afterglow of the setting sun.

With a quick swipe, Lin Chen draws a perfect lead line. He has mastered the exclusive technique of the Happy Blade blade. The speed is so fast that people can only see a ray of cold light flashing out in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Ming Guishen only felt that his waist was cold, and his body was empty. Under the eruption of blue ghost blood, a **** waist was brought out.

And that **** sneak attacker had already retreated quickly, grabbing his waist and retreating to the rear. "Chen De, you called your friend and didn't tell me, are you not giving me face?"

Lin Chen stabilized his body, put his waist into the pink sack, smiled, narrowed his eyes, and spoke slowly.

"Morning boy!"


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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Chen De had an unbelievable expression on his face.

Thinking that Lin Chen could chase here so quickly, let alone that he would...steal the waist of ghosts and gods as soon as he made a move?

And ghosts and gods also recognized Lin Chen, and after feeling their own situation, they became even more furious.

With his current strength, the pain is too far away for him. Chong Lan's punch broke his shoulder, but it was only a "skin trauma". Under the pervasive ghost power, he can recover in an instant.

But Lin Chen's slash was too weird. The mower's waist was gone as soon as it was said to be gone.

The pain of being forcibly cut off his waist made his face turn blue, and the corners of his eyes twitched constantly, which was too unbearable.

And he could clearly feel that his ghost power had dropped a lot after his waist was cut, and his strength, which could stand firmly in good luck, had already begun to decline a little.

The pain, the decline in strength, and especially the humiliation of losing his waist as a ghost, made his face gradually swell into a liver color! My whole body was shaking.

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