MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 461 : Duplicate of Double Kings, True King Zhenyuan King

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Xuanmu left lightly.

The atmosphere of the crowd became silent for a while, and then someone whispered.

"Is it King Zhenyuan?"

"Why do I feel wrong..."

"Looks like we guessed wrong."

There was a hint of surprise on the faces of everyone, and the light in their eyes was uncertain, and they didn't know what they thought of.

And Lin Chen froze in place even after Xuanmu left.

No one knew, just now, when Xuanmu's expression and tone fell into Lin Chen's eyes, it was as if he had been struck by lightning!

Xuanmu's expression, he had seen on a woman before.

And that woman has left an indelible memory in his heart.

Lin Chen took a deep breath and said to everyone, "Let's go."

Everyone nodded. The barbarian army had arrived at the city, so they naturally didn't have the heart to continue completing the favorability task.

After leaving Hualou, Lin Chen and others quickly came to the tower.

A lot of people gathered here, so the officers and soldiers did not intercept them.

Outside the city, dark clouds cover the top, and smoke is everywhere.

The barbarian army gathered under the city on tall horses, and at a glance, it was dark and dense, showing the large number.

"This... this is tens of thousands!"

"How is it possible? How do we fight this amount?

"The faces of all the people collapsed, the blood on their faces faded instantly, and they said in trembling voices.

Although the tomb old man is old, his eyesight and heart are top-notch. After squinting his eyes for a while, he said with a stern expression: "It won't be so exaggerated. Most of them are phantoms. I don't think they can perform well. What kind of power is produced, I think even if it is blessed by the dungeon, it is only a ghost-level combat power."

Zhou Geng nodded and said, "I've also noticed that dungeons always have a thread or even more vitality, and the opportunity to break the game may lie in these phantoms."

Lin Chen glanced at the ghosts.

Under the shadow of his spirit, it can be clearly calculated that there are tens of thousands of barbarians among them.

But it is true that as the tomb old man said, ninety-nine percent of them are illusory shadows.

There are only a hundred real ghosts.

In this regard, Lin Chen was a little disappointed at first, but then he thought that these could be regarded as unexpected gains, so he was relieved.

After all, if it is really a ghost, then it is indeed a bit scary. The ghost power erupting from the hall of ten thousand people can strangle the real king, which is too scary.

This scale defies the rules and laws of duplication.

"If it's just a hundred ghosts, you can still try, after all, we have Boy Chen." The tomb old man said.

Everyone looked at Lin Chen, Lin Chen just smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will make a move."

Lin Chen still didn't change his face. Even in front of Wan Jun, he was still calm. In fact, even though this was the real Wan Temple ghost, he was not afraid at all.

Tens of thousands of halls can besiege and kill the true king, that is also an ordinary true king, and he is not ordinary, so he is not included in this list.

With his ability, all methods are used, and they can all be taken away.

Lin Chen's expression was calm, and this kind of self-confidence also infected the players. They knew that Lin Chen was not a hard-working person, and could create miracles.

This also made them feel relieved.

"By the way, the bodies of these barbarians are really burly. Each of them is about two meters in height. They are strong and strong. I don't know how the people of this dynasty forced the barbarians back."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Someone began to look at the barbarian army and sighed.

Those barbarians were riding on high-headed horses, with disheveled hair, half-naked upper body full of muscles, and inhuman body shape. It seemed that every fighting force was not weak.

On the other hand, the guards in the city here look too thin in comparison.

"Huh? Why is there a man in a white robe standing in front of him on a white horse? His body looks like an ordinary person. He is not a barbarian?" Someone noticed something and asked in surprise.

Lin Chen also looked at the front of the barbarian army.

The young general in white robe, he has a handsome demeanor, and the white robe and white horse is holding a silver gun, which is very conspicuous and not difficult to spot.

He was sitting on a horseback, with a straight back, and a trace of weakness on his face, which gave him the impression of a literati, but this feeling was immediately washed away when he saw the scar on his right face.

The scar was not exaggerated, but it added a lot of masculinity to him, and gave him a bit of chill.

And this kind of temperament made Lin Chen guess the identity of the other party the first time he saw him.

Zhenyuan King!

The young man in fresh clothes and angry horse, the Arwen who repelled the barbarian army after joining the army.

It's just that when Lin Chen saw his scarlet eyes, he recognized at a glance that they were the giant eyes that were hiding in the mist and staring at him before!

King Zhenyuan also saw Lin Chen, first he narrowed his eyes slightly, and then looked away.

"It's King Zhenyuan! King Zhenyuan is here!"

Some people shouted, even the guards subconsciously cheered up when they saw Queen Zhenyuan.

But soon, they realized something was wrong.

King Zhenyuan's position was too subtle, he didn't look like he was here to reinforce the ancient city, but he seemed to be leading troops into the ancient city.

"Could it be that King Zhenyuan..."

"Those barbarians are headed by him. He didn't come to rescue us, but to slaughter the ancient city!" "No wonder the city ahead was destroyed so quickly. It turns out that King Zhenyuan has become a traitor!" "King Zhenyuan, why is this so! "

All of a sudden, many residents of the ancient city came to their senses.

Anger, shock, grief, fear.

This feeling of being betrayed made them almost lose their minds. Some questioned, some scolded, and some lost their way, almost causing panic.


At this moment, a zither sound that resounded through the world came from the tower.

This voice seemed to come from the sky, with a mysterious color, like the sound of nature, with a hint of soothing effect, which made the people in the city calm down a lot.

Even the wild ghosts outside the city showed a trace of confusion and became quieter.

Lin Chen and others followed the prestige, and saw a woman in white sitting on the top of the city tower, Cong Zhi was leaving the piano, staring at King Zhenyuan below.

King Zhenyuan also raised his head, and when he saw the woman in white, his blood-red eyes trembled slightly, and his mood fluctuated obviously, but soon, this trace of emotion was suppressed by him, and the red light in his eyes became more intense, He looked at the woman in white and said:

"You want to stop me?"

The woman in white is Xuanmu, she shook her head lightly and said, "I just want to talk to you more, actually, for me, I am not willing to stop you from doing what you want to do, and I am even willing to help you achieve it, but these Is it really necessary to kill innocent citizens? You have already slaughtered them once, Sister Luo Jin, Ning Xiang, even me..."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

A flash of anger flashed in King Zhenyuan's eyes, and a monstrous hostility emanated from his body.

"From that day on, I swore a poisonous oath to Riyin, that sooner or later, I will make everyone in this dynasty pay the price!"

There was a tear on Xuanmu's face, and she smiled and cried: "Ah Wen, turn around, can we be together forever in this copy? Don't be blinded by hatred anymore."

King Zhenyuan planted the seeds of hatred and anger because of what happened that day, but Xuanmu knew that there was also her factor in it, and it was precisely because King Zhenyuan loved her deeply that he did such a thing of extermination.

And this has made her very satisfied.

Lin Chen took a deep breath and said, "What a love...ghost."

"Love ghost? Who is love ghost?" The people around were startled, but they quickly realized and said in surprise:

"You say Xuanmu is a lover?"

"How is this possible? How could a prostitute be a lover?"

They already knew about Lin Chen and Mu Yun, Mu Yun's Hong Lie, the love ghost's obsession, and the secret of reincarnation from the dead.

Seeing the second love ghost at this time, they were all shocked, especially when they thought that the love of a love ghost could break life and death

This made their hearts a little hotter.

If ghosts want to be revived to regain their vitality and obtain a Yang body, people will not turn a blind eye to that kind of treasure. Although they may not be able to use it for the time being, they will be prepared in the end, and it is a huge hole card.

Of course, with Lin Chen here, it is impossible for them to mention the secret of "angry".

There were even people who secretly glanced at Lin Chen, fearing that the appearance of the second love ghost would bring back bad memories for Lin Chen and that something would happen.

Lin Chen glanced at everyone and said, "I know more about love ghosts than you guys. I'm not wrong, she is love ghosts."

Everyone nodded slowly.

At this time, King Zhenyuan spoke again, saying: "I failed in the battle, my obsession was not satisfied, so I turned into a ghost, and here I turned into a copy, it was the gods who guided me to calm down my obsession, these people deserve to die Countless times, tortured in purgatory."

Xuan Mu didn't speak anymore, but his eyes never left King Zhenyuan. After the love ghost fell in love with the other party, he would not resist at all. No matter what the other party wanted to do, even if the love ghost killed himself with a knife, the love ghost would not There is no resistance.

This kind of love is as mighty as huge waves, but it is also as humble as floating in life and death.

The sound of the piano is soft, but it spreads throughout the world. Xuan Mucong's fingers move, ethereal and detached, but also contains a trace of friendship and sadness.

After all, she is entangled, but she will not refuse, she just expresses her emotions with the sound of the piano.

In the sound of the piano, a trace of confusion flashed in the eyes of King Zhenyuan, he looked straight at Xuanmu for a long time, finally he took a deep breath, and said: "Let's start, slaughter the ancient city, and kill the people who enter this instance ghost player."

From behind, ten majestic and burly ghosts came forward on horseback.

These are ten generals.

These ten ghosts, even among the tens of thousands of barbaric ghosts with inhuman shapes, are very attractive.

Each has a great sense of oppression.

Especially the ghost power that is slowly being released from the bodies of these ten ghosts is even more chilling.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Because this means that these ten ghosts are not ignorant original ghosts, but have recovered, knowing their past and present lives.

In Lin Chen's eyes, the resentment on these ten ghosts was already extremely strong, and he didn't know how many ordinary people had been massacred during his lifetime.

And their strength has also reached the peak of the palace, and their ghost power has been tempered to the point where they are about to merge with the ghost domain.

[The dungeon has entered a special period, and the possibility of the recovery of the native ghosts in the ancient city has been avoided at the moment. The ghost power can be released at will. Players can enter the arena to resist the army of wild ghosts. If the resistance is successful, the settlement score will increase significantly. 】

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

The other players were also slightly taken aback, obviously they all received the prompts from the player system. "Sure enough, the troops in the ancient city are simply not enough to resist, and we still need to play in the end."

"The residents of the ancient city will no longer recover, which means that we can release our skills as much as we want without worrying about backstabs." Everyone whispered.

At the same time, those ten terrifying barbarian generals had already galloped towards the city.

Their speed is not fast, but they are extremely oppressive. Every time the horseshoe falls, it seems to land on the hearts of the people in the city.

"King Zhenyuan, you are the pride of our ancient city, how can you turn against each other?"

"Yes, my family still enshrines your shrine."

"King Zhenyuan, let the people of the ancient city be spared, we are all innocent, you were born here, grew up here, and here are your elders and close friends."

"Miss Xuanmu is still here, do you really have the heart to hurt her?"

People in the ancient city were trembling with fear, and they all shouted to awaken the conscience of King Zhenyuan.

"Family? Friends? Where were you when I was bullied in Hualou?"

"Where were you when I witnessed the woman I love being taken away?"

"Now that I'm successful and famous, you all show up."

"But you don't know that all my efforts are for this day."

"As for

Xuanmu...the girl in my heart has long since disappeared. "

King Zhenyuan didn't respond, but whispered, as if explaining to himself.

At the same time, his ghost power was slowly released, and even the barbarian ghost generals were in a state of recovery, so he was naturally not a muddled native ghost.

As soon as this kind of ghost power appeared, it changed the color of the situation. Originally, it was just a sky phenomenon covered by dark clouds, but now a violent gust of wind blew up!

Thunder and lightning are deafening.

It was as if the world was welcoming the real king.

"True... king!"

Among the players, someone swallowed, and a drop of cold sweat could not help but flow from his forehead.

The old man's face also turned ugly, and said: "We were wrong... This is a dungeon of double bosses. This king of Zhenyuan is obviously above Xuanmu, the master of the dungeon with more authority!"

"Since Xuanmu is a love ghost, she won't stand on our side at all. What we are facing are two real kings and these barbarian army!"

Zhou Geng looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Chen, what do you think?"

When the others heard the words, they also turned their attention immediately. At this critical moment, the only one they could rely on was Lin Chen.

Lin Chen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly smiled and said, "I'm typing while watching."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

After all, Lin Chen's figure flashed in place, and when he reappeared, he came directly to the land outside the city, standing tall and straight.

"It's him!"

"That rich why did he leave the city? Is he going to fight King Zhenyuan and these barbarians?"

"Don't be stupid, thirteen cities have been destroyed, how can this situation be reversed by one person?"

The people in the ancient city were a little surprised when they saw Lin Chen, and then shook their heads in despair.

Most of them are phantoms, traces left behind, without even the ability to recover, and it is impossible to understand what terrible things Lin Chen can do.

This is a strange state, like the paradox of vision and cognition, the red in your eyes is not the red in my eyes, and the reality they see is not the same as the meaning they understand .

No matter how extraordinary Lin Chen's performance is, under the shield of the rules, they will understand it as something they know.

This is the suppression of high latitudes on low latitudes. Horror games treat these native ghosts like this, and Lin Chen's ghost hunting system treats the original incarnation, Mr. Li, in the same way.

The ten ghosts exploded with ghost power. They knew that Lin Chen was a player in the dungeon, so they couldn't help but sneer.

They were not good people at all, their hands were stained with countless blood in life, and they were even more vicious after being transformed into ghosts. In their eyes, a six-star player like Lin Chen can already be regarded as the most delicious blood food.

And Lin Chen's behavior is even more courting death.

No matter how strong the six-star players are, can they still be the opponents of their ten peak ghosts?

What's more, behind them there is an army of barbarians, as well as King Zhenyuan.

However, Lin Chen didn't look at them at all, and didn't know what kind of psychological activities they had.

Lin Chen's eyes have passed the ten ghosts, and he said to Zhenyuan Wang:

"These ten **** can't threaten me, so go ahead."

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