MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 460 : 10 rounds of missions, the evil spirits will finally come!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Yesterday, all the players completed the fifth round of missions. Early this morning, Lin Chen heard the news that the barbarian army had captured another city.

Moreover, there was news that the imperial court was about to send King Awen of Zhenyuan to fight in Hualou.

It's just that those people who originally had high expectations for King Zhenyuan are now completely unmotivated.

The several battles at the border had caused heavy losses to the army of the dynasty. According to them, no matter how powerful King Zhenyuan was, it would probably be useless.

Make bricks without straw.

And barbarians are not weak at all.

Lin Chen shook his head secretly when he heard the news.

These scholar guests guessed well. If King Zhenyuan really suppressed the barbarians, I am afraid there would be no such copy.

Everything is doomed, and now it is just a journey of history.

As for King Zhenyuan, if he really wanted to appear, he would have already turned into a ghost.

In the following time, everything went smoothly, like the calm before the storm.

The tasks of the players were completed in four rounds in more than two days.

That is a full nine rounds.

During this period, Lin Chen completed two oiran tasks by himself, one of Bai Shao's, and the other was an accident, that is, Ning Xiang's task.

This mission did not improve Lin Chen's favorability, but the young master who had hurt Ningxiang suddenly appeared in the Hualou dungeon.

In this regard, Lin Chen naturally accepted it without any hesitation.

Therefore, although Ning Xiang's favorability was not high, it was somewhat of a pleasant surprise.

While completing the oiran mission, I also got a not-so-weak ghost.

It is worth mentioning that as long as it is a ghost of the oiran mission, its strength has reached the limit of the palace level, and the ghost power is condensed to the point where it is about to merge with the ghost body into the ghost domain, and the price is not cheap.

After Ningxiang's mission was over, she didn't appear anymore, so the oiran on the night of the seventh day was Yelan who appeared on the second day and was taken over by ordinary guests and had no interaction with Lin Chen and others. . At this time, it was the morning of the eighth day of entering the dungeon.

In the past two days, because Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan were unwilling to do the oiran mission again, Lin Chen's energy was also on Bai Shao.

So for the two oiran missions in the middle, Lin Chen handed them over to Old Man Mu and Jiang Chen, two top players among the six stars.

Whether it is a ghost coin or a task ghost, Lin Chen solves it himself. Therefore, in this dungeon, who Lin Chen chooses depends entirely on his preferences and opinions.

Moreover, Old Man Mu and Jiang Chen belonged to the old six-star brand, and they did have a certain prestige among the players.

No one else would say anything.

In today's routine morning meeting, the old man Mu and Jiang Chen also gave Lin Chen a satisfactory answer, and their goodwill with the oiran has been completed quite well.

Lin Chen also admired this very much.

As expected of an old prostitute who has been around for a long time.

The old man in the tomb sighed: "Actually, nothing happened between me and that Yelan girl. This girl has a lot of fate. She was originally a lady from a rich family, but her family has fallen. She married her childhood sweetheart, but she is not a good person. Sell ​​her to the flower house. However, she is different from those prostitutes who are self-paralyzed and sinking. She is very sober, but she can really smile at me. I really can't bear to do anything to her. It's blasphemy, it's hurting..."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen gave a thumbs up when he heard this.

Yep, this Lao Deng actually went out of his realm.

The other strange man, Jiang Chen, who spent the night with the oiran, only gave two words.

"Very moist!"


At present, 80% of the overall task has been completed.

Four oiran missions have been completed, and two more are in progress.

As for the small tasks, a total of sixty-four tasks have been completed. Considering all the prostitute ghosts and servant ghosts, there are still 18 tasks left.

In other words, if six people complete it, it will take at least three rounds to finish.

In the past two days, the atmosphere of the dungeon has undergone a great change.

The dungeon is recreating the scene of the year, and the phantom people in the ancient city have increased now.

In the flower building, from the beginning of peace and tranquility, singing and singing every night, it has become turmoil.

The barbarians have already broken through twelve cities, and as long as they break through one more city, they will reach the ancient city at the next stop.

Many noble children had already left the ancient city overnight, but ordinary people were locked in the city and were not allowed to leave.

Today's barbarians have threatened the kingdom's sacred artifact, and the policy issued by the imperial court has been very iron-blooded. The people in the ancient city cannot evacuate, but must turn into soldiers to resist the barbarians, which means that the people will live and die with the city.

And King Zhenyuan, who has always had a great presence in the dungeon, finally has definite news.

The imperial court finally seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure. It is said that at this time they had arrived at the front city and were fighting with the barbarians.

This is also the only hope for the people of the ancient city.

Otherwise, under despair, the order of the ancient city may have collapsed seriously.

But Lin Chen knew that this kind of desperation was inevitable. King Zhenyuan must be defeated, and after retreating to the ancient city, the ancient city fell again. This is an established fact.

"The army of wild ghosts is not far away, boy Chen, you said you can solve it, but why do I feel that I have no idea." The old man tomb leaned in front of Lin Chen, his face wrinkled together.

"To be honest, although every time I see Li Shen make a move, I feel astonished, but I also think it is very difficult to fight against the ghost army of the same level. After all, no matter how strong you are, Li Shen, the high-frequency When the ghost power and physical strength are still exhausted in battle." Jiang Chen also said the same.

Although Lin Chen vowed that there would be no problem, this matter would be a catastrophe at every turn, and no one could rest assured about it.

Zhou Geng also frowned, looking a little dignified as well.

Seeing this, Lin Chen had no choice but to give everyone a reassurance, saying:

"In a sense, I'm already a seven-star."


"How is this possible?"

Everyone was shocked, their eyes widened, and their expressions were incredible.

It's not that they hadn't thought about it before, but the possibility of Lin Chen's breakthrough seemed to them to be very small. After all, it wasn't long after Lin Chen made a big fuss in the world of horror and broke through to six stars.

To them, this speed of improvement was unrealistically fast.

Lin Chen said: "So the six-star dungeon is nothing to me. The so-called barbarian army can't be a group of real king-level evil spirits."

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't look like joking, everyone believed it a little bit, but they still couldn't calm down in their hearts.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Although Lin Chen's words can reassure them, the content is still too exaggerated and shocking.

In the end, Lin Chen dispersed everyone and continued to complete the task progress.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, continued to drink wine downstairs, waiting for the arrival of the barbarian army.

"Everyone, please rest assured, with King Zhenyuan taking action, the enemy can be defeated in an instant."

"That's right, King Zhenyuan is a strong man who takes the head of an admiral out of thousands of armies. No matter how fierce the barbarians are, they are no match for King Zhenyuan."

"King Zhenyuan has today's status, which is entirely due to the accumulation of military exploits. He joined the army as an ordinary soldier. In just one battle, he can take the head of a thousand people and win the title of beheaded by a thousand people."

"Why a thousand people? Isn't it ten thousand people?"

"Huh? Why did I hear about 100,000 people?"

"One general succeeds, ten thousand bones dry up."

The guests around were discussing, and Lin Chen almost laughed out loud when he heard the back.

Sure enough, the rumors in any period in any world are constantly adding fuel and vinegar.

You originally said that you just want to go to the toilet, but when it reaches a hundred people, it may become, you want to build a toilet on the moon...

However, he knew that King Zhenyuan's strength before his death should not be bad, which made him a little doubtful.


He doesn't know what Lou Gucheng's world was like in the past, and even Xuanmu, the master of the dungeon, probably can't remember it.

Their cognition is only limited to things related to this copy.

But now that Lin Chen understands, this doesn't look like an extraordinary world. It's really unreasonable for an ordinary person like King Zhenyuan to be able to kill the enemy.

"You said, King Zhenyuan was originally just a scholar, and his body was weak. Although he was talented, he was powerless after all. How could he make such achievements."

Someone was asking, which happened to express Lin Chen's doubts.

However, other people don't know much about it. They are either confused, or meditating, or just talking about it. Those words are not very reliable.

Not long after, Lin Chen felt that he could not hear any more useful news, so he got up and left Hualou.

This is the first time he has left the central point of Hualou since he came to the dungeon.

On the street outside, the number of pedestrians increased significantly, and Lin Chen also saw the figures of some officers and soldiers patrolling around with gloomy faces. "Is this all traces of their past?"

Lin Chen said to himself.

The difference from the previous few days is that these figures are no longer so virtual, but a lot more suspicious. However, this is still just a trace, not a real ghost.

Speaking of it, it is somewhat similar to the wandering soul in the magic sea.

This made Lin Chen feel very sorry.

"If that's the case with the so-called barbarian army, then it would be meaningless." Lin Chen couldn't help thinking.

I'm afraid that the person who comes is not an evil spirit.

When Lin Chen walked to the city gate, there were already many officers and soldiers stationed here. Lin Chen jumped up and onto the tower, which was more than ten meters high.

Here are all phantoms, and Lin Chen doesn't need to worry about the risk of their recovery.

Moreover, with Lin Chen's current strength, if he wanted to make some moves, no one would be able to find out.

With the Breath Containment Technique at its peak, even if Lin Chen walked in front of these phantoms, he would not be noticed and turned a blind eye.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Outside the city is a wasteland, which is completely opposite to the prosperity inside the ancient city.

At a glance, it can be seen several miles away, and beyond that, there is a gray mist, the boundary of the dungeon there.

Lin Chen has seen the border of the dungeon more than once, but this dungeon is obviously very different from what he has seen before.

This mist is not calm, but very turbulent, as if a strong wind is blowing inside.

It is very rich, as if it contains endless evil spirits, which will roar out of the mist at any time.

Has an incomparably terrifying pressure.

"The scope of this dungeon is really not small."

Lin Chen said to himself, not paying attention to the abnormality of the black mist, but just said with emotion.

The previous dungeons, Menggui Restaurant, Demon School, etc., as long as they leave the core area, they are nothingness.

And this flower building, not to mention a city, has opened up a lot of land outside the city.

This is for the battlefield.

Suddenly, it seemed that the mist sensed Lin Chen's gaze and began to vibrate rapidly.

Thunder exploded one after another, and in the mist, it seemed that a giant beast was waking up, and slowly opened its **** eyes.

Those eyes are clearly visible, as if comparing them by size, each one is the size of a house, it is hard to imagine how terrifying its body is.

After seeing Lin Chen, those giant eyes, which had no emotional fluctuations at first, suddenly showed a hint of teasing, as if they were sneering.

It is conceivable that the face wrapped in the mist is looking at Lin Chen with such cold eyes at this moment.

Perhaps if it is an ordinary player, at this time he has already given birth to his heart and guts, even if he is a real evil spirit, he will feel chills all over his body.

But Lin Chen was the complete opposite. Under the gaze of these giant eyes, he became very interested, because he knew that the bodies of these eyes must be real ghosts!

The next moment, the golden light in Lin Chen's eyes was shining brightly, and he used physical skills to look at him without any scruples.

Lin Chen's gaze is

How terrifying, even a ghost like the city lord once had goosebumps all over Lin Chen's eyes.

If it is said that people are naturally afraid of ghosts, then ghosts will also have the same effect on Lin Chen.

Because ghosts eat people, Lin Chen catches ghosts.

Sure enough, a trace of surprise flashed in those giant eyes, obviously a little uncomfortable.

It seems that in its view, the human race should submit to fear in front of it. This is the first time that Lin Chen has seen a human being that puts pressure on him.

It is a little puzzled. Could it be that I am a ghost for the first time, inexperienced, and have misjudged human players?

In the end, the eyes slowly closed. I don't know if it was because of fear, or the time for their appearance was over.

Lin Chen chuckled and turned around.

Invincible is so lonely...

The soldiers on the city wall didn't know what happened just now. In their eyes, the mist and eyes were no different from ordinary flowers and plants.

And Lin Chen also returned to the flower building.

And at noon, the favorability task of two six-star players was solved.

The two six-star players breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the mission ghost had been solved in the end, and they couldn't help but feel a little joy in their hearts. After all, it is definitely an extremely lucky thing to be able to complete this difficult dungeon so smoothly.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

But soon, their hearts were raised again, obviously very afraid of the coming barbarian army.

Lin Chen glanced outside, and there was also a trace of doubt in his heart.

He originally thought that the barbarian army should appear when all the player favorability tasks were completely completed, but in this way, King Zhenyuan, who was defeated in the front city, would inevitably return to the ancient city first.

You know, apart from these two six-star players, the missions of the others are almost There is not much difference between them, generally no more than an hour before and after, that is to say, the army full of ghosts will be in an hour Later, under the ancient city, King Zhenyuan still did not appear, which is really strange.

Not long after, as players came to the door, Lin Chen completed their tasks, and finally there was movement in the ancient city. Pedestrians walked quickly outside, all walking towards the city gate. .

When they got here, they seemed to have news that the barbarian army was coming.

Lin Chen did not follow, but continued to help the players solve the favorability task.

Finally, at the end of the favorability mission of the last player, there was a violent commotion outside the city.

The sound was so loud that it seemed to contain thousands of troops and horses. People shouted and horses neighed, and drums and horns blared. Even though Hualou was in the center of the ancient city, the sound of soldiers and horses could still be heard outside the city.

Just when Lin Chen met with the players and was about to go out of the city to check together, an unexpected figure appeared.

She has a graceful figure and unparalleled beauty. As soon as she appeared, she attracted the attention of all players.

"Miss Zhimu!"

"Miss Xuanmu!"

Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan spoke in unison.

It was Xuanmu who came. She didn't wear a veil like other oirans, but she showed her alluring face. She was dressed in white and snowy, as holy as snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain. She was holding a guqin in her hand. It looked like he was about to leave Hualou.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Lin Chen's mind, he squinted his eyes at her, and asked, "Why did you come out?"

Missing and love flashed in Xuanmu's eyes, as if she was thinking about something, facing the questioning, she said softly:

"He's here, I'm going to see him."

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