MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 462 : The cheating ones despise the cheating ones

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"He... just got on like this?"

Even the six-star players who were by Lin Chen's side before became dull, and it took a long time to react.

The tomb old man said with a twinkle in his eyes: "He wants to fight the real king Zhenyuan alone."

Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan were originally vigorous and resolute people, and they both had unusual friendships with Lin Chen. At the same time, they were also very angry at the Zhenyuan King who slaughtered the ancient city and killed Xuanmu to turn such a fairy into a ghost. .

Zhou Geng immediately said: "King vs. King, then leave the remaining ten barbarian generals to us, at least they can block for a while."

Gu Yehan didn't say a word, but the sword energy on his body was criss-crossing, exuding a fierce aura. These people are the arrogance of heaven, maybe some of them haven't reached the peak of six stars.

But with all the means out, it's no problem to stop a barbarian general each. Even the old man like Lonely Han Tomb, in a life-and-death struggle, it's not impossible to win.

"Okay, let's go together then."

"Chen has helped us so much, we can't really be salted fish."

"We can paddle in water, but it's never real water."

They are not weak, just like when the mission ghost appeared for the first time, with the strength of the middle of the hall, and was pulled into a different space in a life-and-death battle under no circumstances, they all came back alive with only minor injuries.

Now, although we are facing the peak of the ten halls, the halls whose ghost power is condensed to the extreme, the situation is different from before. The strength is strong, but the situation is clear. Not to mention other things, even if it falls into a disadvantage, it can completely hold the ten. ghost general. Everyone's eyes flickered, and after some weighing, they all nodded, and flew down the city wall, landing behind Lin Chen.

"There's someone else on the stage."

"It's a friend of Mr. Chen."

"Aren't they travelers? Why did they take the lead and help the ancient city so much?"

"There are no eggs under a nest. If the ancient city is destroyed, no matter the ancient city residents or outsiders will die, what kind of travelers are there now? There are only our own people in the city!"

"I can understand this, but it's okay to be young and strong. The old man walks tremblingly. He is about the same age as my grandfather. It feels like a barbarian with an inhuman figure can blow him to death..."

This person is naturally talking about the tomb old man.

But as soon as this remark came out, someone quickly retorted with a sneer: "What do you know, the so-called old age is strong, **** is still hot when old, I work as a servant in a flower house, the old man is generous, kind, generous, and He is good at **** people, singing and singing with his sisters every night, he can still walk like flying, and makes them linger, his story can be regarded as a kind of good story in Hualou."

"So fierce?" Everyone was shocked, and looked at the old man frequently, astonished.

The falling old man from the tomb shivered. Although he didn't listen to the whispers of the people behind him, he always felt that some people were looking at him with strange eyes, which made him very uncomfortable.

"What are you doing down here?"

Lin Chen asked.

"Naturally to help you."

"They're all Blue Star players. I don't have the habit of watching my companions fight the enemy alone while I stay behind."

"Leave the ten barbarian generals to us." Everyone responded.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Can you do it?"

"Don't underestimate us. We are also top-notch among our peers. Although the price is exaggerated, we are also monster-level. At least we have no problem stopping them." Someone laughed.

But Gu Ye Han Jiangchen and the others did not say a word, and looked at the ten barbarian ghosts with full fighting spirit. The ghost power of these two people was also at the peak level, so they didn't want to stop them, but wanted to kill the barbarian ghosts.

Both dungeon and battle have come to a critical moment, and even the very cunning Old Man Tomb is serious.

Lin Chen said: "It's not that I don't believe you, but that they have one more ghost, so let me solve one first, and leave the rest to you, and let me see the strength of you who stand at the top of Blue Star . "

Lin Chen himself is definitely going to deal with King Zhenyuan.

Then the remaining nine play

As for the ten wild ghosts, there is a difference in the number of them.

Lin Chen glanced at the ten savage ghosts with fierce eyes, selected the strongest among them, and pointed at them casually. A light spot gathered by spiritual power appeared on Lin Chen's finger, shining abnormally.

Although the spiritual power is not as weird as the ghost power, it is more mysterious. As soon as this light spot appeared, it made the gazer feel his head swell and a big headache.

The next moment, a bright light shot out from Lin Chen's finger, like a slender lightsaber, piercing straight into the forehead of the barbarian.


The barbarian roared in pain, the mental shock was sometimes more terrifying than the physical injury, his ghost body trembled, as if the ghost body was about to collapse.

It is hard to imagine what kind of torture he is enduring.

Lin Chen flicked his other hand, and the pink sack flew out. Driven by his spiritual power, he put it directly on the wild ghost's hood.

The pink sack squirmed, continuously sucking in the wild ghost, as if devouring an evil ghost, and took the wild ghost into the bag in just a moment.

The power of the rules, breath, and all traces of the barbarian were cut off and disappeared.

This scene made people feel a rash in their hearts, and felt very strange.

Even the pupils of King Zhenyuan shrank slightly.

"He killed a barbarian general!"

"how is this possible!"

"Isn't he a son-in-law? Could it be that he is also a genius with both civil and military skills?"

The people in the city reacted with surprise and shock.

But Lin Chen took back the pink sack with just one finger, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, I'll leave the rest to you, call me anytime you can't take it anymore."

All the players looked at each other in blank dismay, while being shocked, they also had a look like a child practicing in front of adults.

Lin Chen took a step forward and walked forward slowly.

In front of Wan Jun, he strolled in the yard, as if entering a land of no one, but stared straight at King Zhenyuan. No one knew that after knowing that Xuanmu was also a love ghost like her, King Zhenyuan Linchen said that he had already On the basis of interests, there is another special meaning.

The remaining nine ghost generals were extremely afraid of Lin Chen in their hearts. Lin Chen shot too quickly. The death of their companions made them all fear Lin Chen. Seeing Lin Chen approaching, they couldn't help subconsciously getting goosebumps , no longer the previous evil and arrogance.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

It's just that the horses they stopped didn't move. When Lin Chen approached, they had already blocked Lin Chen's way.


Lin Chen spat out a word.

It seemed to be disdainful, but also an order that could not be refused. It seemed that as long as these people had any hesitation, Lin Chen's thunderous methods would come to them immediately.

"Let him come here." King Zhenyuan said, he had noticed Lin Chen early on.

Even when he looked at Lin Chen in the mist, he felt that Lin Chen was extraordinary. Lin Chen's fiery gaze when he looked into the mist once gave him the feeling of meeting a natural enemy.

So he has always been afraid of Lin Chen.

It's just that he couldn't understand how a six-star dungeon could enter such a terrifying human being.

The hooves of the horses waved lightly, and the nine Ying clan ghost generals dispersed, making way for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen walked past these ghost generals without even looking at them, and stopped when he was about ten meters away from King Zhenyuan.

A love ghost is in love, but it is human, and the love ghost dies because of him.

The other was also loved by a lover, but he was an evil ghost, and personally killed the predecessor of the lover who loved him deeply.

From many perspectives, there are actually many similarities between Lin Chen and Ah Wen. Under the watchful eyes of Wangui, the two finally stood together face to face.

At this time, above the city wall, a figure quietly appeared, looking at everything below with great interest.

His temperament is extraordinary, he is dressed in white, and his appearance is perfect, but his appearance, and even his voice, no one can see or hear him.

And he is the incarnation of Yuan, Mr. Li!

"Sure enough, there is an aura of reincarnation on the sack. Wu Tongshen was able to use the fragments of the reincarnation platform to this stage. It seems that among these mortals, there are also people of great wisdom."

He believed that the pink sack was transformed by the Great Elder, which was why it had such a powerful effect.

After confirming this point, Mr. Li smiled confidently, looking at Lin Chen and King Zhenyuan from a distance, with anticipation flashing in his eyes.


Lin Chen and King Zhenyuan just stared at each other, and seemed a little silent for a while, as if they were evaluating each other's reality.

After a while, Lin Chen opened his mouth and said, "I thought that the dungeon was born because of the war, but now it seems that it is not, the seed that can form the dungeon fell on you a long time ago, Am I right?"

Lin Chen did not test the strength of King Zhenyuan, but asked the truth about the past.

"Hmph." King Zhenyuan snorted coldly, but did not deny it.

Here, as long as you know enough about dungeons and think about it, you can basically figure it out.

"Well... That is to say, when Xuanmu was taken away and you were beaten and insulted, the prototype of the dungeon had already begun to come. The core of the dungeon was not Xuanmu, but you." Lin Chen continued. road.

King Zhenyuan's face turned cold. What Lin Chen said was the truth, but it was also the scar he least wanted to recall. These words undoubtedly aroused his inner anger.

"What do you want to say?" he asked in a deep voice.

Lin Chen chuckled, as if he had encountered something very interesting, and said:

"So, you can abandon your studies and join the army, and achieve some dominance, because the weak scholar is gone, replaced by a human ghost!"

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"In Hualou, you were influenced by the will of the horror game, and the power of ghosts was generated in your body. Relying on this power, you successfully made a great reputation in the army, made great achievements, and returned to the imperial capital to be named king of a different surname. .”

King Zhenyuan snorted coldly and said, "So what?"

"I want to say that what you rely on are all foreign things. If Ah Wen did what you did, I might still admire it, but if it was invaded by foreign demons, after you turned into a ghost, you did the so-called In my opinion, it's just a joke, and it can't change the fact that you are trash."

Although everyone is cheating, Lin Chen has the right to despise King Zhenyuan.

Lin Chen's system will not influence Lin Chen's will. Whether it is the ghost body of the world, or his current extreme strength, it has never changed Lin Chen's thoughts and judgments.

But Zhenyuan King is different. After the thriller game is selected, hatred and desire will instantly turn from a small spark into a monstrous sea.

This is not the same in principle.

And in terms of behavior, after Lin Chen achieved extraordinary achievements, he never thought of doing anything against the law or against his heart. Otherwise, after he caught the first ghost, he could consider using his superhuman physique. Let's do some quick-money business with Guili.

But King Zhenyuan is different. He was affected by the horror game, which means that this person has completely failed. Later, he used this power to do whatever he wanted, to do heinous evil things, and even to kill the woman he loved so much.

This is not to get or perish.

It was the hysteria after realizing that he couldn't protect her and was unwilling to face the truth.

Mr. Li from far away chuckled, and said: "This human being can still see clearly. Although King Zhenyuan has brought me a lot of fun, but he lacks xinxing. If this human being can be turned into a dungeon, I think it will be even more difficult." interesting."

"However, King Zhenyuan is a toy I created with all my heart. His strength is beyond the reach of ordinary seven-star players. How are you going to deal with this demon?"


On the battlefield, the ghost power was turbulent, and the Yin Qi surged, as if a battle in **** had started.

Nine players and nine barbarian ghosts have already flown into the air, fighting into a group.

At this moment, none of the nine players were exposed, and they fought desperately, even though they were injured, they still did not hesitate.

King Zhenyuan's Ghost Power Explodes

The anger in my heart has reached its peak.

Lin Chen's words were completely rubbing salt in his wounds. What he said was something he subconsciously hid in his heart, even if it was something he didn't want to recall when he was alone.

This is no different from ordinary people.

When people encounter difficulties and setbacks, the first thing they think of is other people's problems, and very few people can find the cause in themselves. This is the case with King Zhenyuan.

On that day, what he hated was Xuanmu's indiscretion and concealed something from him, never told the truth, and he blamed the injustice of God for not allowing him to be with someone who loves Xuanmu like Xuanmu.

He is even more jealous of those wealthy sons, princes and nobles who can easily trample on everything about him.

But he never thought that if he had worked hard in the earlier period and got the fame, maybe the real situation would not be as it is now.

"You're looking for death!" King Zhenyuan roared, UUReading was so maddened by the gust of wind, the white robe fluttered with the wind, making a vibrating sound, and the silver armor appeared black, as if he had fallen into a god.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

The horse under him roared and rushed towards Lin Chen.

King Zhenyuan swept across with a silver gun in his hand, as if he was on the battlefield back then, he wanted to kill a human being like Lin Chen who spoke satirically of him with one shot.

Although the speed is extremely fast, King Zhenyuan's power is astonishing, even the players who are fighting behind can't help but look sideways.

King versus king.

In this dungeon, whether they can survive smoothly, the most critical point lies in Zhenyuan Wang and Lin Chen.

Lin Chen didn't move his body, even though the fierce wind was blowing on his face, he still didn't even blink his eyelids.

It wasn't until the silver gun reached him that Lin Chen stretched out a hand to block the front.


A deafening sound came from between Lin Chen and King Zhenyuan, resounding throughout the battlefield.

Lin Chen still held the silver spear of King Zhenyuan firmly in his hand.

That incomparably terrifying sharp blow was resolved so easily.

"Impossible!" King Zhenyuan shrank his pupils, shocked inside.

Although he didn't use all his strength in this blow, the power contained in it was already terrifying, because after he became a ghost, he was a ghost with an extremely powerful body!

"Get off!"

Lin Chen shouted loudly, raised the tip of his gun, and with a sudden force, he lifted King Zhenyuan off his horse and smashed it hard, causing King Zhenyuan to fall off his horse on the spot and fall to the ground!

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