MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 454 : Be worthy of the word Li Shen!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Wherever Lin Chen looked, although he couldn't see the figure, in his eyes, a group of extremely intense resentment was suddenly emerging.

"As expected of a butcher, it's really fierce." Lin Chen commented calmly.

And Mo Jingyun turned around immediately.

In his eyes, a big bearded man with a shirtless body and hair covering his chest was standing in front of him.

This big man was holding a butcher's knife, his face was stained with unknown blood, he looked very scary, he was staring at Mo Jingyun with a very cold and evil smile.

"What a strong ghost power! It's stronger than the ghost in the first mission!" Mo Jingyun's face turned pale, a little uneasy.

At the same time, a regular power with space attributes emanated from the big man and Mo Jingyun.

"He's going to pull me into a different dimension!"

Mo Jingyun said anxiously.

"Don't worry."

Lin Chen's voice was still unhurried.

However, for some reason, this kind of attitude actually made Mo Jingyun feel a bit of peace of mind at this time, as if with this man around, no ferocious ghosts would be scary anymore.

"Relax, I've got you."

Lin Chen laughed.

Mo Jingyun was stunned for a moment, and raised his heart that had just been let go, and quickly said: "He is here to kill me, only targeting me. If it is this way, the power of rules in me will be destroyed before the transmission. Will bounce you off."

Seeing this, the butcher on the opposite side couldn't help but sneered sarcastically.

Against the rules with human strength?

How ridiculous!

Facing Mo Jingyun's chaos, Lin Chen didn't respond, but quickly operated the red-grade ability of rule reversal, absorbed the rules surrounding Mo Jingyun, and transferred them to his side.

The next moment, the power of rules bloomed, and Lin Chen and the mission ghost butcher disappeared into the room at the same time.

In the room, Mo Jingyun was the only one left.

The remaining power of rules also dissipated in the air.

Make the room go silent.

Mo Jingyun was stunned for a few seconds, then he yelled out loud.

"Fuck! Where's the person?"

Cao Jingyun was in a mess on the spot.

Wu Henyun and Ma Gong Lingshan.

Lin Chen said that he had his own way. Mo Jingyun half-believed and had a lot of guesses, but what he never expected was that Lin Chen could evade the rules and skip him as the client, and face his own problems alone. task ghost.

"And he was indeed the butcher I saw before me. So, this kind of mission really has no risk at all?"

Mo Jingyun's face was shocked, and he couldn't help muttering to himself,

He looked at the empty environment around him, thinking of Lin Chen and the butcher who had already entered the different space, the corners of his mouth twitched.

The other party was looking for him, a relatively weak player, but in the end they pulled a big crocodile in.

in a different space.

Butcher Gui's cold smile froze on his face, and he stared blankly at Lin Chen, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Lin Chen laughed.

Although he couldn't see the butcher's face, but the resentment on the other party stagnated at this moment, he knew that the evil spirit's heart was very restless at this moment.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Humans, how did you see me? Why did you enter here with me? This is against the rules!"

Amidst the surging resentment, a hoarse and somewhat fierce voice sounded. It was the butcher's intention for Lin Chen to hear his voice.

Lin Chen chuckled, and then said, "A mere human? It seems that you were human before you died, right?"

The butcher sneered: "I used to be a human, but now I have sublimated into a ghost race, which is a higher race than humans."

"Ghosts are transformed from human death. To me, they are nothing more than domestic slaves and dogs. You are so proud of it?" Lin Chen said with a frown.

"Looking for death! Today I will let you know how powerful ghosts are!" The butcher said coldly. After being provoked by Lin Chen, the butcher, who was already a little frightened, immediately suppressed his vigilance and rushed towards Lin Chen with ghost power.

On the other hand, Lin Chen showed a strange smile, and a huge river of time emerged behind him.

Immediately afterwards, the time around the butcher's body froze, and the galloping butcher seemed to be pressed into super slow motion, turning from extreme speed to extremely slow, as if he was frozen in the void.

It's just his huge ghost power that allows him to try to break through, allowing him to move extremely slowly.

If his ghost power is higher than that of Lin Chen, he may have a chance to break through in the war of attrition.

But Lin Chen's ghost power is so powerful that it is no longer comparable to the level of the hall.

Moreover, Lin Chen would not engage in any tug-of-war with him.

While the time-stopping power held the butcher in place, the power of space surged on Lin Chen's body, and disappeared in place the next moment.

Time is respect, space is king.

When these two powers appear in an individual, then the individual itself represents absolute strength.


A deafening sound sounded from the back of the butcher's head, and oscillated in a different space.

The butcher's terrified expression froze on the spot, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

With a flash of pink light, Lin Chen put the butcher in the sack for later disposal, and also put away the iron pan, the crime tool in his hand.

After that, the space around him twisted for a while, and finally shattered out of thin air.

This temporary space appeared because of the task. The butcher was sealed in the pink sack, which has the ability to isolate the rules. Naturally, the task has been completed at this time, and there is no need for this space to exist.

In the room on the third floor of Hualou.

Lin Chen's figure returned here along with the teleportation light.

"I've already received the notification that the task is completed, it really is so fast! As expected of Li Shen."

The joy on Mo Jingyun's face, who had easily completed the task, had not dissipated. Seeing Lin Chen coming out, he immediately praised him.

"Small, come to me if you have any more tasks. The next time you will be more efficient."

Lin Chen laughed.

Mo Jingyun nodded repeatedly. Although this dungeon was his first contact with Lin Chen, the impression Lin Chen left on him was excellent.

He has a warm heart and is willing to help other players.

The heart is blue star, and it is still late to enter the dungeon.

The strength is powerful, and the mission is to suppress it with one hand.

The means on the body are endless.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Be worthy of the word Li Shen!

Just this battle seems to have brought the relationship between the two closer. This is the unique charm of the strong, and it will make the weak unconsciously develop a good impression and trust in thinking about it.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "This mission is over, Brother Mo can start the next goal."

Mo Jingyun nodded and said, "Understood, Blue Star is waiting for us to return, so we naturally have to speed up."

The mission prompt will check the progress of the mission after thirty days.

But if all the tasks are completed, there is a high probability that the dungeon will be settled in advance, and similar things have happened to all players in previous dungeons.

After Mo Jingyun left, Lin Chen's eyes flickered slightly.

"For the first time, I was a little inexperienced. I was worried that I would not be able to stop it in time. I would have fooled that guy Mo Jingyun. Next time, I should directly knock on an iron pot at the first time the quest ghost appeared, so I wouldn't have to bother so much."

Lin Chen thought about it this way, he is a person who knows how to think about and improve himself, especially in terms of catching ghosts.

Catching the most ghosts with the highest efficiency is the self-cultivation of a ghost dealer.


Not long after, another player hurried over to find Lin Chen, and told Lin Chen that the favorability of his new target was close to 80%.

The player's name is Xu Ge, he is about to start the mission, except

Aside from being a little nervous, it's not too disturbing.

Obviously, the fact that Lin Chen helped Mo Jingyun solve the mission ghost has been known by everyone.

"My task is to find the lost daughter of the prostitute. Although it is to retrieve the task, this lost daughter is also not a good person, because after the task ghost appeared, they all maintained great malice towards us. There is only one thing in between. Dividing life and death is the end." Xu Ge said.

Some players were tasked with finding people before, but the task ghosts that appeared attacked them as soon as they came up, so Xu Ge was very sure of this.

"It's okay, big and little ghosts can't run away." Lin Chen shook his head.

Unlike Mo Jingyun, Xu Ge did not increase to 80% suddenly, so after meeting Lin Chen and Xu Ge, they left the room together.

In a fairly quiet corridor, Xu Ge found a prostitute with whom he developed a good impression.

After some chatting and opening the way with ghost coins, it didn't take long for his favorability to increase to 80%. At the same time, a completely different resentment from the prostitute appeared from behind the prostitute, attracting Lin Chen's attention.

This group of resentment does not seem to be large in scope, but it is extremely strong.

"Here we come." Lin Chen said, looking at the mass of resentment.

Xu Ge's face turned pale, and he quickly stepped back to Lin Chen's side, saying, "It's a ghost baby!"

In his sight, on the shoulders of the beautiful prostitute, there was a baby covered in blood.

Its immature little hands are not yet fully grown, and there are no black pupils in its eyes, but white eyes, but its expression is fierce, and it looks very rash.

"Ghost baby? This is a little troublesome." Lin Chen frowned.

At the same time, I also understood why this group of grievances seemed so small.

"Because of the fate of the ghost, the baby has always been extremely fierce. Is it okay for you not to look at it?" Xu Ge asked.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"It won't."

Lin Chen shook his head. The trouble he was talking about was not that the ghost baby was powerful, but that the ghost baby's body was not fully grown and could not be sold at a high price.


The ghost baby let out a roar, and even before pulling Xu Ge into the different space, it showed great ferocity.

Even Lin Chen could hear this voice clearly.

"The resentment is too great, and I have never possessed sanity. After transforming into a ghost, it has become a murderous thing. Although it is a bit pitiful, it is hopeless. It is fundamentally different from the unique existence of the spirit of the ghost realm."

Lin Chen sighed secretly, then his figure flashed, and suddenly appeared behind the prostitute.

A black light bloomed in his hand, and a large black iron pot appeared out of thin air, and he smashed directly at the group of grievances.

A sharp scream came out, and then it stopped abruptly. The mass of resentment fell directly from the prostitute's body as if she had lost all strength.

"Is this the end?" Xu Ge's eyes widened, feeling unreal in his heart.

"What... what is this? Why did you suddenly appear behind me?"

At this time, the prostitute suddenly froze, as if she was frightened, she muttered to herself, and at the same time, a ghost power began to emerge from her body.

And her image also began to change, her originally gorgeous face became pale, her lips turned black, and her disheveled hair kept trembling.

"Not good! After seeing your ability, she will recover!"

Xu Ge was also shocked by Lin Chen's method of knocking out the ghost baby with one blow, but after seeing the situation of the female prostitute, he dared not be careless, and also activated the ghost power, and hurriedly said.

The first type of native ghosts are affected by the dungeons and do not know they are dead. It is a very strange thing for an evil ghost to continue to circulate in the dungeons with the habits of life.

When this kind of original ghost sees a phenomenon that does not match her previous habits, it will revive and become a real ghost, with extremely terrifying strength, especially as she loses control, it may cause other original ghosts to revive.

So Xu Ge was a little extra nervous.

However, at this moment, Lin Chen stood beside the prostitute.

Behind her, her ghost power was only half recovered, so Lin Chen knocked on the iron pot, and the ghost power on the prostitute collapsed on the spot, and she fell to the ground.


Lin Chen put down the iron pot, clapped his hands and said.

When Xu Ge saw this unusual scene, his eyes widened.

It's a bit absurd that two extremely terrifying hall-level native ghosts were knocked out like ordinary people.

After unfolding the pink sack and putting the two evil spirits into the bag, Lin Chendai asked Xu Ge:

"Your mission is complete."

Xu Ge reacted, and when he saw the player system's task prompt, he nodded in surprise.

"Then you can continue to find new task ghosts." Lin Chen said.

Xu Ge nodded, thanked him again, and left with obvious excitement on his face.

With Lin Chen as a super killer, the difficulty of this dungeon will be greatly reduced.

Lin Chen returned to the room, after thinking for a while, he asked the system, "Is there somewhere to deal with this ghost baby?"

[The ghost body laboratory can greatly reduce the ghost's resentment, restore his sanity, and allow him to grow. 】

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen This can be regarded as the best destination for this ghost baby.

The ghost baby is different from the butcher. This dungeon is a new dungeon. The other party just has a miserable fate and has not harmed anyone. Moreover, he turned into a ghost without even growing his sanity. This is a kind of sadness.

As for the butcher, although he didn't do harm to anyone, but seeing that he was not a good thing in his lifetime and was too arrogant, Lin Chen naturally wouldn't be polite to him.

Will send him where he needs to go.

As for the ownership of the prostitutes, Lin Chen had considered the All Heavens Club before, but at present, these prostitutes are not very harmful, so they still need to think about it later.

But in any case, he will not show so much kindness that he will leave the golden mountain and not take it.

Not long after Lin Chen had rested, the old man Mu came to the door.

With the experience of the previous two times, the so-called task efficiency became more and more obvious. When he completed 80% favorability, Lin Chen immediately solved the task ghost that appeared due to reaching the standard.

After the other players got a lot of ghost coins, their favorability increased very quickly, and they all completed a mission in one afternoon.

If this is calculated according to the whole day, each person can complete more than two tasks a day.

In Lin Chen's sack, there were also many ghosts.

And apart from a few innocent ghosts, Lin Chen had already cut up the task ghosts, so neither the waist nor the ghost domain was left behind.

As for the prostitute who was captured by him, since it was only one, the target was too small, and it was defeated by Lin Chen in the recovery stage, it did not cause any trouble.

At this time, it was also night time, and it was time for the third oiran to appear on the stage.