MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 453 : Ghost coins are too hard to wipe your ass!

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Everyone was stunned and looked at Lin Chen in surprise.

In the face of such difficulties, what do you mean by this "surprise"? As for being so excited?

Also... what ghost catch?

"Why are you all standing there?" Seeing everyone stunned, Lin Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes and urged.

"Of course it's true, otherwise the injuries on our bodies couldn't be fake." The tomb old man responded.

Lin Chen smiled, and seeing the inexplicable looks on everyone's faces, he said, "Don't worry, you're just a ghost. When the time comes, whoever is about to complete the rapport task will bring me, and I'll accept it for you." ?”

Everyone was surprised, and then immediately overjoyed.

"That's right! With Boy Chen's strength, what is one or two native ghosts worth?"

"Haha, if that's the case, the difficulty of the mission will be lowered immediately. As long as we control the increase in sensitivity and stay with Boy Chen when it is about to reach 80%, then we can deal with the problems that arise due to the mission together." Ghost."

"In this case, isn't this huge problem easily solved?"

Everyone discussed, with joy on their faces.

However, among the crowd, the faces of the Old Man Tomb and Jiang Chen were always gloomy. The Old Man Tomb said, "You guys are thinking too simply. When the friendship degree is completed, Xiao Jiang and I happen to be together. When the task ghost appears, only I was the only one who could see it, and was pulled into a different space by itself, and Xiao Jiang didn't know what happened the whole time."

"What? Is there such a thing?"

Everyone was startled, and their hearts immediately turned cold.

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "That's right. At that time, I thought that something unexpected happened to the tomb, but when my task ghost appeared, I understood all of this. This kind of task ghost is like a life-threatening attack aimed at us personally. Ghosts, it is very difficult for other people to interfere, because they cannot be perceived by others except ourselves. That is to say, even if Li Shen wants to help, he will not be able to enter the different space together, and even if he does, he will not be able to find the ghost. .”

Everyone's heart sank.

Zhou Geng also took a deep breath and said: "I think it has something to do with the rules. This kind of task is our personal task as a player. Finding a helper is a violation of the rules. Naturally, it will not be easy to complete. Otherwise, there will be no boy Chen, and the nine of us will unite , and can also work together to kill mission ghosts one by one."

Jiang Chen nodded: "Zhou Zu's words are correct, and Mr. Tomb and I also think so."

Just when everyone looked bitter and felt that the matter was too difficult, Lin Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's not difficult for me."


"You have a way?"

When everyone heard the words, they immediately cheered up.

"That's right, as long as you can control the increase in your sensitivity, you can call me before it reaches 80%. Leave the rest to me," Lin Chen said confidently.

Zhou Geng said with some concern: "Boy Chen, I know that your strength has exceeded our imagination, but this is the game rule of the dungeon. Are you really okay?"

It's not that Zhou Geng doesn't trust Lin Chen. In fact, if other people say this, Zhou Geng and others will definitely ask it to the end.

After all, this is an "illegal operation" of driving in order.

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it."

Lin Chen waved his hand, and at the same time his eyes became brighter, he said: "This is a large number of ghosts. Every prostitute and servant is equal to an NPC. There are more than 80 people here, so exclude some of the mission requirements and those with different requirements." Those who have completed the task before, there are at least 40 or 50 ghosts, and even according to the current ratio, there may even be 60 more ghosts!"

The tomb old man nodded and said: "It's almost this number. There are more than 80 missions in total, including seven oiran missions. Ten of us are distributed among ten people. At least two or more people have completed the oiran missions before we can all leave the dungeon." , and this is one of our difficulties."

"Oiran's mission is nothing more than a mission."

After Lin Chen knew that there was a ghost, his interest immediately increased, and he said with a smile: "In the flower house, there are carnal desires. What is the desire of a prostitute? Most of them are money. We only need to spend money. These favorability points They can all be smashed out."

"You're right. In the end, I gave Xiaohong 30 million ghost coins to completely increase my favorability to 80%." The old man in the tomb nodded, and then said:

"But we don't have many ghost coins on us. If we have a lot of ghost coins on us, it's only one billion ghost coins. If there are too many people, there may be about two billion. This is also the recent blue star ghost disaster that we have collected from the ghosts. , or there will be less.”

Everyone nodded, their situation was not different from what the tomb old man said.

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "Ghost coin is nothing, I think it's too hard to wipe my ass, I have it!"

"How many do you have?" asked the grave old man.

"As much as you want! The ghosts I killed all have ghost coins left on them. You can figure it out yourself." Lin Chenhao said inhumanely.

Everyone gasped when they heard the words.

Although ghost coins have limitations, they are very practical, such as Hualou, which needs to be consumed, so they have not accumulated many ghost coins over the years.

Hearing Lin Chen's words at this time, they actually felt like a poor man meeting a billionaire.

"I heard that you stirred up wind and rain in the horror world and killed hundreds of ghosts, and all of them were high-level ghosts at the level of ghost kings. Hiss... I didn't think about it before, but now, how much is it worth?"

There was amazement on everyone's face.

At this time, someone said in a daze:

"What hundreds, isn't it thousands?"

The other person was also slightly taken aback and said, "Why do I hear that there are thousands of them..."

"I heard it's close to 10,000."

Seeing that the people were talking more and more outrageous, Lin Chen quickly stopped and said, "Where did you all hear this, the news probably came from a few sources."

To stop everyone from gossiping, Lin Chen led everyone to his room, and with a wave of his hand, he threw out a lot of ghost coins.

The ghost coins were like falling leaves in the wind. Under the shocked eyes of everyone, a hill was piled up abruptly, which amounted to five billion ghost coins.


"so much!"

Everyone's eyes almost popped out. Even though they knew that Lin Chen was rich, they were still shocked by this inhumane scene when they saw it.

"It really is a gold belt for murder and arson!"

Someone said with emotion.

Zhou Geng also swallowed his saliva and said, "Are we sharing these equally?"

Everyone's eyes lit up and they smiled. After dividing these, each person is 500 million ghost coins.

The use of 500 million ghost coins is controlled, and with their own ghost coins, they can do a lot of things in this Hualou dungeon.

Lin Chen shook his head.

Just when everyone was a little surprised, Lin Chen said again: "This is for one person."

"One! One serving?"

Someone exclaimed, almost choked to death by Lin Chen's words, their eyes almost popped out.

Not only him, almost everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Nonsense, otherwise it's only 500 million ghost coins per person, what's that enough? The efficiency is too low."

Lin Chendan said firmly.


Some people looked at the hundreds of millions of ghost coins in their storage space. As the top existence of Blue Star, they now finally know what the real hero among players is.

Lin Chen glanced at the crowd, couldn't help but shook his head and said, "That's a fart. You can catch some ghosts in the horror world and save them. You don't have any knowledge at all."


Everyone was at a loss for words and wanted to refute, but they didn't know how to speak.

Compared with them, they are indeed a little poor.

However, what Lin Chen didn't notice was that the ghosts he caught were almost all high-quality ghosts with extraordinary identities and powerful abilities, especially the one in Huahai.

It can be said that Lin Chen has wrapped up all the top ghosts and rich second generations in the entire horror world.

"Stop talking nonsense, who will come first?" Lin Chen said.

"Let me do it." Zhou Geng said, and then directly used the storage space to put away the ghost coins.

As soon as he cleaned it up, Lin Chen waved again, and immediately, almost as many ghost coins as before were released by him.

Everyone gasped. Even at this point, they still couldn't help but be shocked by the amount of ghost coins Lin Chen had.

In the end, after everyone was allocated 5 billion ghost coins, Lin Chen said: "Smash it hard, and the boy will also smash it, and then make a full breakthrough. After the ghost coins are exhausted, ask me again. What I want is efficiency." .”

After making the decision, Lin Chen thought of a lot.

In fact, these ghost coins will not be wasted in the end. After all, he will not let go of these servants and prostitutes, and they will all be recycled in the end.

In other words, this is a costless business, and there are a few extra workers for no reason.

As for the players, they are equally excited. For them, these ghost coins can allow them to complete tasks efficiently without any loss.

In the end, everyone negotiated again, and felt that the current situation had changed from a difficult task to one with more wolves and less meat, so the way to complete the task had to be changed.

Among them, Lin Chen, Zhou Geng, and Gu Yehan are responsible for completing the task of the oiran.

Others who have already completed a mission, come to do ordinary prostitute or servant missions.

Regarding this, the three of Lin Chen had no opinion.

After everything was settled, everyone left the room together.

The original players were vigilant and sluggish, and each of them looked downcast and downcast, as if they had been bullied.

Now all the players walked up the road, with their chests raised and their heads raised, all confident and arrogant, and completed the role of "uncle" in Hualou.

"Where is the bustard? Where is the bustard?"

The tomb old man howled in a hoarse voice.

Luo Jin walked over with her peach hip twisted, and said with a smile like a flower: "So it's the tomb guard, what's the matter?"

"Sister, bah! Call us all the girls." The tomb old man threw a ghost coin in front of Luo Jin and said.

Luo Jin's eyes lit up, and then she subconsciously looked at Lin Chen. Seeing Lin Chen nodding with a smile, she immediately put it away and said with a smile, "Wait a minute, I'll call Xiaohong and the others right away."

The tomb old man shook his head and said, "Not Xiaohong, but a new one."

"That's right, we like novelty." Jiang Chen chuckled.

Luo Jin pursed her lips and smiled, "Understood."

Having worked as a bustard for many years, she is already used to this.

In her words, it's normal for guests to pick themselves up and like to shop around.

Not long after, ten beautifully dressed prostitutes were brought up by her.

"Sit down, girls."

The players hurriedly greeted them. They used to resist these prostitutes, but now, when they saw these women, everyone's eyes lit up.

This is not because of their beauty, but these prostitutes represent the key to their ability to complete the task and leave the instance, and get the score reward!

Because there were ten girls, three girls approached Lin Chen, Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan as soon as they came up, but they were immediately pushed away by the three of them.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Your task is to serve these masters well. They are all rich and generous."

The three girls didn't feel disappointed when they heard the words, but moved to the side of the other seven people with bright eyes, regardless of the blank eyes of the female companions around the seven people, they kept persuading them to drink.

"It seems that they are more realistic than the girls in Blue Star's club." Zhou Geng couldn't help sighing softly.

"I haven't been there." Gu Yehan shook his head.

"I haven't been there either, but Team Leader Zhou has a wider vision." Lin Chen also shook his head, and looked at Zhou Geng with astonishment.

Zhou Geng was a little embarrassed, and explained: "What do you mean, I am the highest commander in blue, can I ask flowers and ask Liu? That old guy Chen De knew that I entered the flower building, so he quickly popularized science and told me."

"Don't worry, they are all men, we understand."

Lin Chen said.

Zhou Geng's face became darker and darker.

But Lin Chen said with a smile: "The reality is a good thing. After all, we are just passers-by, and the only money we can give is this little money."

Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan nodded.

They also understand this truth.

Lin Chen stayed for a while, then prepared to leave.

During this period, he checked the situation of Zhou Geng and the two of them.

They have a great fascination with Xuanmu, and Lin Chen is determined to eliminate this influence.

But he found that it was not just the influence of the power of rules, even if he guided the power of rules out of their bodies, they still couldn't get rid of their obsession with Xuanmu.

Not only was this tricky, it also surprised Lin Chen.

He thought it was due to the power of the rules, but now it seems that this situation is most likely related to Xuanmu's own ability.

Back in the room, Lin Chen lay on the bed and waited quietly.

With so many ghost coins thrown out, as long as these players are not too good at it, it is estimated that results will be produced soon.

Sure enough, almost only that night, a player named Mo Jingyun approached Lin Chen. He was both excited and nervous and said:

"My new acquaintance Xiaoluo and I have already increased my favorability to about 78%. UU Reading will reach the standard at any time, and Xiaoluo's task is to let me teach a person who bullied her once." Butcher bully."

Lin Chen's eyes lit up and he said, "Butchers are all vicious people, so the strength of this ghost should not be low."

"Probably yes." Mo Jingyun echoed, and then said a little unconfidently: "The task ghost at Xiaoluo will appear at any time, can you really see it and kill it?"

Lin Chen didn't hold back, and said bluntly, "It's definitely fine, just rest assured."

Mo Jingyun frowned and nodded. At this point, there was no way out. No matter what, he could only trust Lin Chen now.

At this moment, Mo Jingyun's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Lin Chen in a panic and said, "The favorability has reached eighty!"

Favorability doesn't have to be together all the time, when separated, the other party's memories or something will also increase the favorability.

And Lin Chenzao had already focused his gaze on a place where no one was around and said:

"I know because it's already there."

Read The Duke's Passion