MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 455 : What kind of gangster behavior is this?

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Amidst the joyful sound, a woman in a floral skirt wearing a veil came out from the backstage.

This is the oiran who appeared on the third day, named Bai Su, with a graceful figure and graceful lotus steps. As soon as she appeared, she attracted everyone's attention.

The other players have already gone to rest with new mission objectives.

Apart from the native ghosts, there were only Lin Chen, Zhou Geng, and Gu Yehan left.

Lin Chen said, "This woman, who will come, Lao Zhou or Lao Gu?"

After thinking about it, Gu Yehan said, "I'd better do Miss Xuanmu's task, I think she needs me, and she should have a good impression of me."

Zhou Geng frowned, and said, "Why do I feel that Miss Xuanmu has no feelings for you, but instead, she is interested in me?"

Gu Yehan was not happy on the spot, and said: "Miss Xuanmu can take a fancy to you? Why? You somersault like a wild monkey!"


Lin Chen almost spat out in one breath, but he didn't expect that someone like Gu Yehan's words would be so sharp, directly hitting Zhou Geng's pain point.

The two were influenced by Xuanmu, and in order to cater to Xuanmu, they each performed inhumane programs, but after realizing it afterwards, they both knew how embarrassing their behavior was.

Lao Gu's words are undoubtedly exposing the shortcoming.

Zhou Geng's face turned red with anger, and then he laughed lightly and said, "After you became a player, you have practiced swords all your life. Killing ghosts, you can still stab yourself.”


Gu Yehan was choked up enough, the two of them revealed each other's faults, they both thought that Xuanmu Huakui valued him more.

However, Lin Chen said abruptly, "So, what is the favorability between you and Xuanmu now? Whoever can reach 80% first will be regarded as having completed an oiran mission."

Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan froze at the same time and remained silent.

Seeing this, Lin Chen couldn't help but asked, "Why is there no movement, you two can't be zero percent."

Zhou Geng and the two looked at each other and remained silent.

Lin Chen raised his forehead and said, "Okay, I understand."

Is it one of the three major illusions in life, does she like me?

"Stop arguing, there are seven oirans in total, and Xuanmu's side is to be determined. For the other six oirans, you all finish one for me. I will pay and work hard. If you two dare to show bad because of Xuanmu, don't blame me for not doing it. polite."

Lin Chen said angrily.

The two of them were not given a chance to shirk, otherwise this matter would probably be endless.

Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan were not dissatisfied because of this, their rationality told them that Lin Chen's words were not wrong, after all, Lan Xing was still waiting for the return of their masters.

It's just that they have Lan Xing on one side and Xuanmu on the other, which really makes it difficult for them to choose.

"The world is safe with the Dharma of both perfections, and it is worthy of the Tathagata and worthy of your honor."

"Well, it seems that I can only apologize to Xuanmu a little bit, I hope she can understand my behavior."

The two whispered melancholy, as if they were forced into prostitution by Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was speechless for a while, and even thought about whether to change two people to do the task.

These two guys keep a copy and forget it!

At this time, the performance of the oiran Bai Su had ended, and there were bursts of applause. Afterwards, the old bustard Luo Jin came onto the stage, said a few opening remarks, and then continued to bid for the qualification to be Bai Su's guest of honor.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"I'll pay 30 million." A guest official said.

The bidding mode started instantly, and the scene became extremely hot.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, said to Zhou Geng and the two of them: "Today, old Zhou will go first, I don't care if he sleeps or not, you must find ways to increase your favorability, otherwise, after the dungeon is over, you will get a D or even an F grade at most. After all, you are alone. Small tasks have not been completed."

Zhou Geng gritted his teeth, and nodded heavily as if he had made up his mind. Then, he realized something, looked at Lin Chen and said, "The dungeon is over, our mission is not completed, shouldn't we just kill it? Why are there ratings?"

Gu Yehan was also taken aback, surprised

Looking at Lin Chen from a different place.

"When did I say to let the dungeon end normally? After all your tasks are completed, I will find a way to get this dungeon." Lin Chen said.

His words were extremely calm, but when they fell into the ears of Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan, it was like a thunderbolt, making them stand up with a bang.

"What did you say?" Zhou Geng's eyes widened.

Lin Chen quickly pulled the two of them back to their seats, and said, "It literally means, I will kidnap all these ghosts here, so that the dungeon can be ended early.


What kind of gangster behavior is this!

Seeing Lin Chen's serious attitude, Zhou Geng persuaded, "There are hundreds of ghosts here, Miss Xuanmu may even be the real king, are you sure you can beat them? It's too dangerous."

Gu Yehan also nodded and said: "Yes, and the link between the original ghost and the dungeon, immortality, and the increase in the dungeon, each of which is unmatched by ordinary ghosts."

"You don't have to worry about anything else, just watch the show."

Lin Chen didn't want to talk to them, but said: "I tell you this news to remind you to complete the task as soon as possible, so that you can get high scores and high dungeon rewards, otherwise, I won't wait for you for too long, and wait for others After the task is completed, I will start."


The two couldn't help but gasped, Lin Chen's attitude was very firm, and he didn't mean to make any jokes.

This made them all feel jittery.

Boy Chen is going to make a big deal!

"Eighty million, I'll give eighty million."

The price has climbed to 80 million, a middle-aged man shouted loudly.

This price is not too high. The oiran from the previous day had to be competed for by someone who spent 200 million ghost coins.

"Ninety million!"

"Ninety-five million."

People keep bidding.

Lin Chen suddenly waved his hand and said loudly:

"One billion!"


"One billion!"

"Which family is this son, what a big hand!"

As soon as Lin Chen opened his mouth, there was an uproar in the audience.

Whether it was the prostitute, the servant, or the other guests, all of them were shocked, and Qi Qi set his eyes on Lin Chen.

After seeing Lin Chen, even Luo Jin, who was acquainted with him, covered half of his face with a cattail fan, looking surprised.

The final price of yesterday's oiran was only 200 million yuan, but today Lin Chen called out a sky-high price of 1 billion yuan as soon as he came up.

This is too shocking.

"Young Master Chen bid one billion yuan, is there anyone else bidding?" Luo Ning smiled, her eyes were full of light.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

At the same time, Lin Chen saw that in his system, Luo Ning's favorability towards him increased again.

"If no one bids, Miss Bai Su will belong to Young Master Chen today." Luo Ning said.

Everyone shook their heads, the price was already too high, not everyone could afford it.

And some people may have the financial resources, but no matter how expensive the oiran is, it has its value after all. If it exceeds too much, it is still not worth it.

In the end, Luo Ning announced that after Lin Chen won the spot as the guest of honor, she stepped off the stage and came to Lin Chen's side.

"Master Chen, Miss Bai Su is already waiting in the greenhouse behind."

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "I'm bidding for my friend, you can take him there."

Luo Ning was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and smiled and said, "Mr. Chen is lavish, and he values ​​love and righteousness, which makes the little girl admire him very much."

Lin Chen smiled slightly.

Luo Ning said to Zhou Geng: "Then Yuanwai Zhou can go with me."

Zhou Geng was a little hesitant, but seeing Lin Chen and Gu Yehan looking at him together, Zhou Geng could only nod in agreement.

Luo Ning smiled gracefully, as if she felt that Zhou Geng was a little shy, but she didn't say much, and just took Zhou Geng away.

Lin Chen and Gu Yehan also returned to the room one after another.

lone leaf

Hanxin belongs to Xuanmu, and doesn't need to do small tasks, so naturally he won't bring women into the room again. As for Lin Chen, he doesn't need to do tasks. Although the game rewards are good, he is not in a hurry, and there are still several oirans behind. Woolen cloth.

After returning to the room, Lin Chen immediately went to the mining area again.

Except for Gui Ying and the prostitute, Lin Chen exchanged all the remaining ghosts.

A total of 18 halls were exchanged for 19.8 Fang Shenjing.

After coming out, Lin Chen was ready to improve his own strength again. However, as soon as Lin Chen returned, he heard the sound of a piano.

The sound of the zither is also up and down, tactful yet passionate, like a stream flowing from a quiet mountain stream, with a mysterious color and very attractive.

The sound of the piano is not only the tone itself, but also has a sense of calling, which makes Lin Chen have an urge to follow the sound of the piano and find out.


Absorbing the power of rules attached to the sound of the piano, Lin Chen resisted the influence with his mental power, and said slowly to himself.

During the first night, Gu Yehan and the ten ghost players who stayed alone disappeared mysteriously. Now it seems that they were confused and attracted by the sound of the piano and left the room.

As for the second night, Lin Chen was blocked by the rules because Lin Chen was accompanied by Luo Jin and did not receive the call from the sound of the piano, so he was blocked.

"The dungeon boss who is in a sober state, you can get in touch with it again."

Lin Chen thought of the news about the war that he had heard from the two scholars during the day, and finally decided to contact Xuanmu.

Following the sound of the piano, Lin Chen walked out of the room and walked all the way to the greenhouse on the pool.

This time, he was not blocked by any rules, and he was within the rules himself.

Also coming with him was Gu Yehan, a strange man who loves to swallow swords.

But today compared to yesterday, it can be said to be much deserted. After all, those ten ghost players have been sent to the mining area by Lin Chen.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Master Chen, Mr. Lonely." Xuanmu nodded, and she was still accompanied by Ningxiang.

"Miss Xuanmu."

After Gu Yehan entered, his eyes never left Xuanmu, but he was not good at socializing, so he only said hello after holding back for a long time.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "The night is long and I don't want to sleep. I thought I was the only one who couldn't sleep. It turns out Miss Xuanmu couldn't sleep either."

Xuanmu pursed her lips and smiled, "Yes, I don't know why Mr. Chen can't sleep?"

"It's because of you, Miss Xuanmu." Lin Chen said as it should.

"Me?" Xuanmu seemed a little surprised.

"That's right! Ever since I saw Miss Xuanmu, I can't help myself. I want to compete with Miss Xuanmu." Lin Chen said seriously.


Xuan Mu reacted, and glanced at Lin Chen with a half-smile. As an oiran, she had seen too many things in the world, so she naturally understood it instantly.

As for Gu Yehan, he was very calm, he didn't think in other directions, and he knew that Lin Chen had the idea of ​​attacking all the ghosts in Hualou, so this sentence sounded very reasonable to his ears.

The same is true for Lin Chen, he really wants to be promoted to the true king as soon as possible, and then wipe out everything here.

"I didn't expect Mr. Chen to be so funny." Xuanmu laughed.

"It's not funny, it's just an instinct." Lin Chen said, he has always been serious about catching ghosts.

"What an instinct, it really is true temperament." Xuan Mu said.

This person and the ghost talked about their own things, but surprisingly they were able to reach a dialogue.

Xuanmu lightly plucked the strings, and suddenly two tables of melons, fruits, wine and vegetables appeared out of thin air.

After drinking each other's glasses of wine, Lin Chen opened his mouth to test: "I heard during the day that some barbarians have already attacked."

"That's right." Xuan Bao nodded, then thought for a while and said, "Now I guess we have crossed the five border cities, but the news hasn't come yet."

Lin Chen's heart moved, and he asked, "What does this matter have to do with you?"


It is related to the entire artifact community. "

Xuan Mudao. This sentence is very important, and it can be regarded as a warm reminder.

Lin Chen thought for a while, and then said, "That is to say, they will fight here?"

Xuanmu drank a glass of wine by herself and did not answer.

But Lin Chen had completely figured it out.

He thought it was Xuanmu's beloved King Zhenyuan who died in the frontier, which caused Xuanmu and Hualou to become duplicates.

But now it seems that it will never be so simple.

First of all, this dungeon is called Hualou, but in fact, it affects the entire ancient city, and Hualou is only the core of the dungeon.

The vendors he met were already phantoms, which meant that these people were already dead!

Thinking about what Xuanmu said that the barbarians affected the entire country, it means that the battle will not end at the border. The barbarians invaded successfully and even threatened the imperial dynasty. , the root cause of Hualou turning into a copy.

As for the so-called Ningxiang, it was just a special native ghost who kept awake, and the scholar was just a game task.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen suddenly trembled with excitement, and said, "That means there will be a large army coming here next? At least the barbarians who died in the ancient city will reappear, right? "

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Xuanmu still didn't respond. She is the dungeon boss, and according to the rules, she will not tell everything. It will take time to answer Lin Chen's inquiries and guesses.

"Dajun, what a ghost!" Lin Chen's eyes were red.

But soon, he thought of something again, and his fiery heart suddenly cooled down, as if he had been splashed with cold water.

The key point is phantom and ghost body!

In the ancient city, most of the villagers are just phantoms, not real ghosts.

Then this kind of pet-like army may naturally be composed of phantoms.

Lin Chen drank a glass of wine, calmed down, and recalled the experiences of the past few days.

"The biggest difference between phantoms and real native ghosts is the degree of participation in the dungeon. The core is in the flower building, so the prostitutes, servants, and some customers who like to consume in the flower building are all real ghosts, and passers-by outside participate. It's not very high, so it's just a drop shadow to flesh out the dungeon."

"As for the so-called barbarian army, I think some of the ghosts are real ghosts, but the proportion should not be very large."

Lin Chen thought about it secretly, finally put down his wine glass, and had a definite guess.

Of course, whether this guess is accurate depends on whether the barbarian army will come to the ancient city.

As for why in the huge ancient city, only Hualou was turned into a copy, Lin Chen couldn't figure it out.