MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 452 :promote.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

At present, there are only 40 million **** coins left. If you want to make up 100 million and accumulate some consumption of the ecstasy function, you need to prepare at least 70 million more **** coins.

"Absorb these **** crystals first."

Lin Chen muttered to himself, and then directly used the space ability, intending to open up an unknown space, and then improve in it.

However, he soon discovered to his surprise that the crack in space that he could easily open had become extremely difficult in the dungeon.

"The dungeon is a mysterious world created by the original. It will definitely be more difficult to find and enter a different space here."

Lin Chen was stunned, and then increased some of his strength to break through the space and successfully enter.

It is not easy to enter the different space in the dungeon, but after entering, it is no different from the different spaces entered in other places.

After subconsciously looking around, Lin Chen took out the magic crystal and absorbed it.

Time passed little by little.

Today's Lin Chen has absorbed Shenjing extremely fast.

Half a day later, all these divine crystals were absorbed.

[Host: Lin Chen]

[Physique: 600,000] (1 vs 230)

[Spirit: 600,000] (1 vs 230)

[Ghost power: 8.99 million] (1 to 300)

[Dao Yuan True Explanation Ten Levels of Perfect Amplification Level 7 (Peak of the Palace)]

[Yi Jin Jing's 10th layer of perfect growth and seven stages (the peak of the palace)]

[Ten slaps and ten layers of consummation of Jiang Gui's five stages of growth]

[Five thunders and the three layers of the law of perfection increase the fifth stage]

[Broken Soul Finger: The third layer, a total of three layers (increased by one step)]

[Po Dao Fist: The sixth floor, a total of six floors (one increase)]

[Ba Jue Palm: The fifth floor, a total of five floors (one increase)]

[Ancient Holy Physique: The third floor. 】

[Balance of Divine Guild Coin: 40 million. 】

[Reincarnation Platform Fragments: 3%]

22 Fang Shenjing.

Lin Chen is still growing in an all-round way this time.

Only after refining 10 formulas, the physique and spirit reached the peak of this stage, and entered the bottleneck period again.

As before, if you want to break through, you need a lot of energy.

And ghost power was originally the peak of the palace, so when Lin Chen improved, the value did not increase, but increased in terms of the quality of ghost power.

The 20 divine crystals were balanced, only increasing the quality of ghost power by one-third.

The effect is worse than before.

Lin Chen thought about it for a while, and thought it was because his foundation was too large. The stronger he was, the more energy resources he needed, and the ratio would naturally decrease.

Moreover, the improvement of the refining of the **** crystal is far more than just the numerical value, the main increase is the divine power in the body.

When fighting with the increased power of the **** crystal, he can increase his own strength by more than several times.

In addition, his ghost domain has been refined at any time, and it has also been greatly improved.

"Next, I should consider which direction to advance first."

Physique, spirit, ghost power, these three basic attributes have almost reached the limit of the temple.

If he advanced together, the amount of divine crystals needed would be a huge amount.

Lin Chen is currently in a dungeon with a real king-level boss. If he wants to protect himself, he must upgrade himself to a seven-star level as soon as possible.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

In addition to the basic attributes, Lin Chen actually has the choice of internal force and dao yuan force.

After all, these two aspects have also reached the level of the six-star peak.

It's just that, now, if he wants to improve, he needs too much waist, and the waist accumulated in his hand can't even increase it once.

In comparison, it is not as simple as the previous basic attributes.

"Next, let's improve my physique first. The last time I advanced my physique, although I didn't awaken physical skills, my Fa, Tianxiang, and Earth were greatly improved. Wait for my physique to improve."

Upgrading to seven stars, I can rely on my physical body to fight against real king-level evil spirits. "

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Chen made up his mind.

Most of the mental power is auxiliary, and when it is improved, the combat power is not obvious.

As for ghost power, Lin Chen has great ambitions. After all, he is probably the only one who can increase the ghost power to accommodate the ghost domain at this stage, and also desperately increase the ghost domain.

Although Lin Chen's current strength is in front of his peers in the Horror World and Blue Star, he can already be called an invincible monstrous existence.

But Lin Chen, who has seen the mining area and the ghosts of the heavens, has already surpassed these two worlds.

Before his appearance, the extreme ghost was the number one ghost species in the horror world, invincible and powerful, at most there are only a few special ghost species that can compare with it.

But what about in the mines?

Chong Lan, the best of the extreme ghosts, was crushed and beaten by the chained youths at the same level, which already represented the vastness of the outside world.

As for divinity, Lin Chen also knew that it was not exclusive to him.

Like the high-level people in the mining area, there must be no shortage of divine crystals to cultivate, and he is just picking up the wool in the mining area now.

The only difference is that there should be no fewer high-level executives in the mining area, and the allocated **** crystals are limited, and he has exclusive resources.

As long as he develops a large number of mines that can be traded, and frantically catches ghosts to trade, the **** crystal he can get alone is equally astonishing!

Lin Chen restrained his mind for a while, the power on his body burst, and after restraining his breath, he returned to the flower building. It was already morning time.

After Lin Chen went out, he met other players not long after.

These players breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Lin Chen appear.

Zhou Geng frowned and said with concern: "Boy Chen, you haven't seen anyone this morning, did something happen?"

"It's nothing." Lin Chen shook his head.

The tomb old man and others were smiling, obviously they had heard about Lin Chen killing ten ghost players.

Lin Chen looked at the crowd, didn't care about their smiles, but said with a look of surprise: "Didn't you be obedient to you yesterday? Why do you look weaker than yesterday?"

Except for Gu Yehan and Zhou Geng, the other seven players all had thick dark circles under their eyes, as if they hadn't slept for several days.

"Hey, we felt that being directly stunned would not increase our favorability, so we worked hard. The obedient water was used in the second half of the night, but after the first half of the night, we were already like this..." the old man tomb sighed, with a look of It's so embarrassing, even when he is old and strong, he can't bear it when he meets a female ghost.

Others nodded again and again.

Jiang Chen said: "The good thing is that the goodwill has increased again. After yesterday's accumulation, the goodwill between Xiaohua and I has increased to 70%. After raising the goodwill to more than eighty during the day today, as long as we complete her His last wish, even if it is a small task to complete."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

A task was completed in two days, which sounded smooth, but only those who actually operated it knew how difficult it was.

There is always the risk of exhaustion!

And there are still nine tasks waiting for them.

"If things go on like this, even if we keep going, it will take more than 20 days to return collectively. Although the news of our entry into the dungeon has not been spread on the Blue Star side, we will leave because the rear is unstable after all. We must find a way to end the dungeon as soon as possible. .” Zhou Geng said.

As the supreme commander in blue, he has been worrying about Blue Star after entering the dungeon.

The others also frowned. The current situation is really different from the past, ghost disasters have come, and their ten six-star masters are not there, after all, they seem a little empty.

"I don't think the problem is too big. I have almost cleaned up the halls of the Huaguo dungeon. If there are more halls to enter, I have a big follower who can solve them." Lin Chen laughed.

"What backhand?" Everyone was taken aback.

"A powerful temple ghost, nothing unexpected will happen." Lin Chen laughed.

Chonglan himself is an extreme ghost, with divinity in his body, and he is still in the realm of the real king

Come, the strength is far beyond the comparison of ordinary palace ghosts, as long as Chonglan does not turn against the water, nothing will happen.

And Chonglan's fear of the mining area also means that he will not oppose Lin Chen no matter what.

"A powerful palace ghost?"

Everyone was a little surprised, and then their eyes flashed, thinking of the news that Lin Chen appeared in TZ City and fought a tyrannical palace.

Although the general public does not know the specific identity of that hall, but their six-star players have such a powerful news network, so naturally they will not be ignorant.

Lin Chen nodded.

"Good guy, no wonder you didn't kill him."

"If he can really protect Blue Star, with someone like him, he will be able to top several six-star players."

Obviously, everyone knew about Chonglan's strength.

"However, he is a ghost after all. Our task cannot be delayed. We must complete it as soon as possible. Only by guarding ourselves can we feel at ease." The old man said.

Everyone expressed their understanding.

In the end, everyone dispersed, preparing to complete the first task today.

Lin Chen thought for a while, then continued to sit back in the lobby.

There are performances by prostitutes in the lobby every day. This kind of ancient beauty dances very gracefully, and it is a scene that is rarely seen in Blue Star. Lin Chen will naturally appreciate it more.

As for Luo Jin, the current satisfaction rate is only over 30%, which is still far from 80%. Lin Chen will not be too anxious.

This dungeon is not a dungeon of exploration, and there is no need to find the truth.

In other words, if all the ghosts here are cleared, the dungeon operation can be ended, and then you can leave naturally.

So Lin Chen doesn't have to be like other people, the task is not mandatory.

Of course, Lin Chen didn't share this idea with others. After all, for him, there was no need to drag other people into the water for this job.

"I heard that the barbarians have invaded the border and have already fought with the border guards."

At this time, a bookish guest next to Lin Chen said to his deskmate.

Lin Chen was stunned for a moment, knowing that the story line of the dungeon had started to come out, so he listened with great interest.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Is war going to happen again? Hasn't King Zhenyuan subdued those barbarians?" The person at the same table was surprised.

"The barbarian's territory is very vast, and there are many tribes. After half a year of recuperation, they have recovered a lot. The barbarians are warlike, and immediately launched an attack on the frontier." The scholar said with anger on his face.

"Hmph, you are a mere barbarian, yet you dare to attack repeatedly." The person at the same table drank a glass of wine, and was also filled with righteous indignation.

"The most hateful thing is that they have broken through three levels in a row and slaughtered many of our compatriots!"

The two chatted for a while and then left. It seemed that their family and country were in danger, and they lost even the interest in drinking flower wine.

Lin Chen looked away. During their conversation, Lin Chen got the news that the war was about to start.


Lin Chen thought about it, knowing what will happen in the next dungeon, most likely it is related to King Zhenyuan and Xuanmu, but it is just a specific situation, but it cannot be analyzed.

The current news points are too few.

"There are about 50 female prostitutes in the brothel, and about 30 servants. There are about 50 customers who have resentment." Lin Chen calculated.

"Currently attacking prostitutes or young servants is likely to attract Xuanmu, the real king, and Zhou Geng and the others also need to complete the task from these native ghosts. It seems that we can only catch the customers first."

"The only trouble is that after these guests leave the flower building, they will turn into illusory shadows and break away from the original ghosts and gods. In the flower building, if I openly make a move, it will also cause a lot of trouble."

Lin Chen seemed to be drinking, but he was actually squinting and constantly observing the surrounding guests, secretly remembering these guests.

"If you want to catch guest ghosts, you must find faults during the day, attract the attacks of these guest ghosts, and then fight back. This way, it will not cause any trouble, and it is within the rules, or just

I can wait till night..."

In the dead of night, it is usually when ghosts come out to move around, and it is also when Lin Chen appears.

The afternoon was passing slowly, but Lin Chen never found a suitable opportunity.

And he has always felt that there are a little less ghosts in this dungeon, not as good as Huangcun's dungeon where hundreds of ghosts gather together.

"Hey, if only there were more ghosts..."

The other players gathered again in the afternoon and brought new news. This time, many of them failed, and all of them were frowning, which surprised Lin Chen.

This is the first time someone has been injured in this dungeon, and almost all of them have been injured!

"What happened to you guys? Did you get scratched by a prostitute?" Lin Chen asked in surprise.

"When the satisfaction rate reaches 80%, the mission objective will appear automatically." The old man drank a cup of strong tea, and said with lingering fear.

"What do you mean?" Lin Chen was taken aback.

"For example, Xiaohong's task is to help her teach her brother who sold her into a brothel. I was still worried that I couldn't find the task target, but when the satisfaction rate reached 80%, Xiaohong's Brother automatically appeared, and then dragged me into a different space to fight." The old man took a deep breath and said, as if he hadn't recovered from the fierce battle.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Is there such a thing?" Lin Chen's eyes widened.

"Yes, and Xiaohong's elder brother is very strong, not to mention the hall-level strength, and the increase in this dungeon is extremely fierce. I also spent a huge price to kill him." The old man sighed.

At this level, there is already a way to kill the native ghosts, that is, to use up the opponent's regulatory power. These people can survive the battle of the native ghosts and become the victor, which is not weak.

After all, to be able to become the top group among so many players, these people all have unique conditions and talents.

The so-called geniuses among the younger generation of players are nothing more than what they have experienced in their eyes.

A genius may not be able to sing all the way to become a strong man, but a strong man must have been a genius who was outstanding in a certain aspect or even in every The old man’s voice fell, and the others followed suit: Among them, there are six people whose task is to help the prostitutes teach their former enemies, and they have all experienced the same thing as Mu Lao."

"These ghosts are scary, and we learned that the more tasks you complete, the scarier the ghosts you encounter..." "This dungeon is too difficult, it's just one mission, and I've exhausted all the means in my hand , and encounter the evil spirits that appeared in the mission, I am afraid it will be more or less ominous."

Lin Chen was stunned on the spot.

Seeing that even Lin Chen, the most powerful person, showed horror, everyone suddenly frowned.

But they didn't say much, after all, this matter was indeed too troublesome, and it was bad news for anyone.

Because if things go on like this, they can only find those original ghosts with simple tasks to increase their favorability, but this kind of deliberate choice will not be easy to do, so they have to try it first, with luck, they may meet a task requirement Simple, without fighting, if you are unlucky, if you meet ten original ghosts, the task will be extremely difficult.

Moreover, if you want to see the mission requirements, at least you need to increase your favorability with the original ghost to 10% before you can see it. This requires a lot of trial and error!

In the end, even if you find a native ghost with simple tasks, it will not be too easy to increase your favorability. After this day, everyone raised the difficulty of this dungeon again in their hearts.

Originally it was only A-level, but now it seems that it is infinitely close to S-level.

Suddenly, when everyone was silent, Lin Chen jumped up from the stool with a "噗!", his eyes were red, he looked at the people panting heavily, and said:

"Are you serious? Are there really other ghosts to catch?"

Read The Duke's Passion